General election in israel can voters break months of political deadlock this time. Coronavirus continues to disrupt global sport as its now for the opening few races of the major g. P. Season has been called off in canada and thailand. Welcome to the news our turkeys president says attacks against Syrian Government forces will continue if they dont reverse their advance and province turkeys military operations ratcheted up after dozens of turkish troops were killed in an attack in the region last week but reza thurber door also says hes hoping to secure a cease fire when he meets with russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in moscow on thursday. Or to go back as you know by going to moscow on thursday we will evaluate the latest developments with mr putin there i hope to whether the cease fire is achieved or not the other necessary steps will be taken and we will come to a rapid conclusion on this matter. Our correspondent is in hatay on the turkish syria border how how should the turkish president really continuing to push for the case for putting more pressure on moscow to find a more longer lasting solution to the impasse that they both face at the moment indeed sale of this explains why hes been defiant today saying that Operation Spring shield will continue warning the Syrian Government against tough retaliate if they continue their offensive and asking of them to pull out from behind the Demilitarized Zone so the Turkish Military is continuing its operation but peculiarly in the it live promise but however i think this is going to be a chance also for turkish president to see whether the russians are willing for some sort of a compromise and this explains why president atlanta was saying today that if the cease fire was to be implemented in the syrian troops put it behind the Demilitarized Zone that could be conducive to a new deescalation and you political settlement that that will put an end to the escalation that weve been seeing over the last few days in the area so on one hand he had to show how aggressive he is when it comes to Operation Spring shilled and that this is going to continue of the upcoming days but earth same time he was reaching out to president vladimir putting saying that this could be our last chance when we meet on the 5th of march to try to diffuse the tension and of course the tension does continue in the form of fighting which continues very close to where you are. Exactly a particularly our own sock of the Syrian Military has launched an offensive earlier today and he has managed to get into the city but the rebels say that the have nots pulled out and the fight still continues and theres been attacks by the syrian by the Turkish Military targets in some of the positions of the syrian army to prevent it from full control of the city of. The battle for set up that has become somehow now a symbol for who has the upper hand in syria the Syrian Government would like to have it and its control because if he controls he will control access to the highways in forth and in 5 the masters to the northeastern part of the country including aleppo the rebels for them this is why its crucial but is also crucial for the Turkish Military because it could stand as a buffer zone there with proof then the Syrian Military in the near future from from launching its food is fire in an offensive to take over the city who it live wishes that rebels last stronghold in the country for the update thank you hush my brother in hot say. Lets give some more context to whats actually going on at the moment in the region where the Turkish Military has been using weaponized drones with devastating effect since Syrian Government forces or against those Syrian Government forces the. T v 2 tactical and manned aircraft system is built by a turkish joint venture and has become a symbol of National Pride now its been exported abroad and has flown missions in libya the drones have a 12 meter wing span and can fly to a maximum altitude of around 7000 meters it also carries enough fuel to fly for around 24 hours now as well as flying reconnaissance and Intelligence Missions it can also be armed with missiles including antitank weapons arsenal are sure of is a former engineer officer with the Royal Air Force in the u. K. He says many states rely on drones. Certainly drones are being used now in every conflict by almost every sunday. For example has been using for many years terrorist groups use them states use them and they are in many ways as you say a game changer in that they defy conventional or doctrines of air power to talk in terms of their supremacy superiority and so on these things work in their domain which is in the air but below the threshold of conventional and how many states have the ability to reduce themselves but its quicker and easier in some cases to work in collaboration with those are states that already have that technology it saves a lot of time and effort to buy from fellow states and then combine it with your. Local skills to assemble a drone that fulfills the needs of a particular task that they need to the States Military have a child has died after a boat load of refugees capsized off the greek island of last falls 47. 00 people rescued Greek Security forces are trying to prevent thousands of refugees from crossing after turkey said it would no longer enforce its border with European Union countries including greece and bulgaria lets talk or a sponsor officer joins me now from the island of les pauls john what have you been seeing. Well it was standing on the north shore of the island just behind a lovely shingle beach and as you can see there is a food Service Going on behind me here the all sorts hes a handing out food to about 70 or 80 people who are stranded on the speech here because they have no way to take them in to the islands refugee camp morea camp for the usual fingerprinting and identification process which is the necessary 1st step upon their entry into europe to doing other things like applying for asylum and thats because moria right now is being blockaded by local islanders who are angry at the increased arrivals that weve been seeing in the last 24 hours so some of these people who spent the night here. Probably going to spend another night here its part of the increasingly palpable clash of needs and emotions that weve been seeing on the island in the last 24 hours and thats what we filed in our latest report. This boatload of Asylum Seekers came ashore on the island of lesbos on sunday Police Stopped us from interviewing them on camera but this congolese man told me turkish people smugglers promised him and his wife a free ride while they were in church for sunday service this man from sierra leone says he was walking on the beach as the boat was being prepared he was told to jump in for free as well its unclear if someone is paying the smugglers to do that on the islands north shore a boatload of afghans paid 500. 00 each to get out of turkey their deals with smugglers had been struck weeks before turkeys president the chapter you put on ordered the opening of borders with neighboring belgariad and greece both members of the European Union what did the agents say to you. They say. This was the 1st significant arrivals since turkey opened its borders towards europe they want enough to create a logistical problem for the greek with origins but they were enough to make many of the people of lesbos anxious that they may once again face the sort of uncontrolled refugee flows experienced in 2015 and this time refugees would have nowhere else to go the arrival of a dinghy filled with refugees at the small fishing harbor of fair to me led to a blockade as local residents prevented them from disembarking the coast guard brought the dinghy here after its engine failed t. V. Cameras were unwelcome and some of the scene had to be filmed at a Distance Police were unable to register other arrivals at morea camp the largest in greece it too was blockaded by angry islanders whove seen its population growth 4 fold to over 20000 since the new democracy government was elected last year to the given people believe the government the next quickly over 7 months there wasnt any increase in air quality of life trust has been lost in the island is turning into a giant hotspot. But other viewpoints will also on display this group protested at coast guard headquarters calling for refugees to be showed more humanity and greater support a stark reminder that migration is a defining political issue not just here but throughout europe. Weve seen roughly a 1000 arrivals in the last 24 hours on all the greek islands in the east of g. And but today that trend doesnt seem to be continuing weve seen far fewer arrivals by sea and were not sure yet why that is the case the weather is perfectly fine apparently there are plenty of people on the other side who want to cross over were wondering whether its because of new measures taken by the head and it coast guard the migration minister here in greece a couple of days ago said that the coast guard is performing. Prevention measures at sea were not sure what that means and we do know that greece has now enacted a set of emergency measures asking the European Union for emergency aid it is invoking a special clause of the european treat the treaty on the functioning of the European Union but it is also now saying that it is turning away people without registering them that is a 1st in the 5 year refugee crisis and it is also suspending asylum applications for at least one month so we have a suspension essentially of the International Asylum law here in greece just as we have a suspension of the e. U. Turkey agreement on the other side. Represents a joining us from lets boss. Well still ahead on the news. The dramatic end to a Shopping Mall siege in the philippines where 30 people were taken hostage. On the close eye of government minders aljazeera is allowed into me a mass Rakhine State where the armys accused of genocide against the rocking. And David Beckhams new Football Team makes its debut joe will have the details in his school. The European Union has raised the official risk level for corona virus to high more than 2100. 00 infections have been confirmed across the block and that includes italy which has become the global hot spots but many countries are now taking action to prevent or protect themselves lets get the very latest from the tasha butler whos in the french capital latasha youre at the loop behind you and i call it building that close for the 2nd day why. Yes salut museum is the worlds most visited museum you can probably see behind me there are people around it having a look taking a photo of the building but they cant go in it and that is because for a 2nd day staff of the museum have such a management that theyre going to exercise their right to say our home because they are worried about coming to work and the possible risk of being exposed to the corona virus from the thousands of visitors that come to this museum to see some of the artifacts including the mona lisa or of course the famous painting each day they say its too much of a risk for them theyre going to be in a confined area with all these people and they simply dont want to come to work now we dont have any sense from the museum yet whether or not it will continue to be closed over the next few days and it also raises the question was going to happen to the other Cultural Centers not the world famous museums in paris which is such a visited city will they follow suit will starve in those museums also decide that they feel its unsafe for them to come to work and want to stay at home as a precaution is something were really hearing discussed a lot in france a lot of talk about should we be getting public transport should people keep getting metros and buses all these sorts of discussions as the crow no fire is cases mount here in france because the president of the European Commission is nazri raised its assessment of the coronavirus risks within the e. U. Bloc sort of from moderate to high so what measures has friends as a country implemented. Well the french president emmanuel might draw announced today that all of his nonessential travel has been canceled this week he wont be going outside of paris and that is so that he can stay in the french capital and release of face a what is happening with the coronavirus because of course the concern really is getting greater each day if you like that French Health authorities give a Daily Press Briefing in which they talk about the number of cases there are and theyve been pretty much going up each day nearly doubling the number as i said now over 120. 00 cases have been detected in france for Charles Ortiz have also put in place a series of measures for example any public gatherings or meetings inside in a contained area in a building for example of more than 5000 people have been banned this is a precaution we saw on sunday the hoff marathon here in paris as band of the last minute because again sources felt the time so many people crowded in one area at the start of the race was perhaps unsafe and in all these socalled cluster zones around the country the areas where you have a high number of contaminated people stools being closed in those areas so the government really very vigilant being very flexible each day is a different day they say and they have to adjust the measures according to the risk for that update Natasha Butler thank you. Lets keep on message because. To irans Supreme Leader has died from corona virus as infection numbers surged again on monday now the government confirmed another 12 deaths and 523 new cases as it struggles to contain the outbreak dozens of top government officials have now been tested positive same bus ravi reports that there are few reasons why irans political elite have been so affected. The latest this gentleman who passed away mohamed mir mohamed he was in his seventies so at risk of certainly succumbing to the virus at risk of of passing away and unfortunately that is whats happened he was a member of the Expediency Council and a group of advisors to the Supreme Leader made up of technocrats military officers government officials and since the beginning weve seen that the government has been largely affected at least 20 members of government at least 20 Senior Leaders biased and its here in iran have come in contact with this disease have come under it have contracted the coronavirus since this began and this includes Vice President a female member of president one his cabinet as you said m. P. s deputies spokespeople and one of the reasons we might be seeing this is because the corona Virus Outbreak happened in tandem with the timing of the parliamentary election here in the country a few weeks ago so weve seen many Senior Leaders Many Political players serious political players would have been going to clone ground 0 for the disease here in this country for this virus in iran and the reason they were going to hold regularly during the time of the election is because poland is a city of religious seminaries and because of the religious form of government here in iran it is a Major Political heartland so you would have seen people going there to take part in an electioneering to take part in trying to get support and funding for their candidates and for their parts and that is one of the reasons weve seen that this corona Virus Outbreak here in iran has had exponentially more impact on leaders here in the country. The church at the center of the current Virus Outbreak in south korea has publicly apologized for the 1st time south korea has the largest number of infections outside of china at full files of 385 rob a private reports now from the capital seoul. It was the 1st long awaited Public Statement by the founder and leader of the shin changi church the man he frustrated himself before journalists to say sorry never going to. Grow cause i dont know how to apologize to the Korean People i extend my deepest regret it wasnt intentional we had many new infections that we couldnt stop. The outbreak in south korea has cast new scrutiny on the church at the center of it seen by many christians as a secretive sect and turn the spotlight on its messiah like a leader who calls himself the promised prophet. It may appear christian but its actually different with a different doctrine and system they revere leaman he like jesus leader who is a counselor who helps former followers of changi such as and sue young who described the crowded conditions inside a typical Church Gathering im in here honey and could be diploma but it will be 5 centimeters away from the next person and you would have to say amen after every sentence the pastor speaks its the best environment for the virus to spread all of the sin changi churches have been closed and some have been attacked an online petition demanding the groups disbandment has well over a 1000000 signatures some local leaders have called fortune john g. s elders to be investigated for possible homicide and for hiding the identities of some of its estimated quarter of a 1000000 members in changi says its being unfairly persecuted and Health Officials have warned against driving the organization further underground that would make the tackling of this outbreak harder. Him none the government has done a lot to contain this and well do everything we can to support that effort. But the shin chung ji church still insists it has suffered the most with its members making up more than half of all the confirmed cases in south korea macbride aljazeera sole or the World Economic body the o. E. C. D. Says quote a virus could make the Global Economy shrink this quarter for the 1st time since the 2008 financial crisis already chinas Manufacturing Sector says factory activity hit record lows in february but the effects are being felt by countries across the globe including indonesias capital where jessica washington reports. On the outskirts of jakarta this 6000000000. 00 project is one of chinas socalled belton road investments construction is on hold for now pending a Safety Assessment but the project is facing more serious concerns the team is depleted workers who went back to china for the Lunar New Year cant return because of a ban on chinese travelers the minister for investment also says the supply of Raw Materials from china is disrupted the fast Train Service is supposed to start from early next year but the corona Virus Outbreak could put the brakes on the project and slow down construction this is just one example of how the outbreak is darrelle an investment and disrupting supply chains and countries all over the world dealing with the fallout. Happened 1003. 00 the chinese economy is only one percent of the Global Economy and 19 percent. Of chinas capital is very much rick. Needed and used globally countries are feeling the strain in different ways in Australia International education is the countrys 3rd biggest export but a travel ban has left thousands of Chinese Students unable to return to university it could cost of the sector millions if they cancel in romans thailand has lowered its Growth Outlook for the year as its economy suffers from the absence of chinese tour groups italys already sluggish economy will take a further hit with a number of towns and manufacturing hubs in lockdown and trillions of dollars has been wiped from u. S. Equities pushing stock markets around the world into the red what were also seeing is a disruption supplied science as companies have slowed down manufacturing in china that has impacted other asian and pacific countries have a lot on those imports into their Manufacturing Processes no longer are we stand alone countries we operating Global Supply chains and thats what the current of viruses really exposed governments are looking for ways to ease the economic burden hong kong announcing a stimulus package a cash handout of around 1200. 00 to every adult indonesias government meanwhile will provide massive discounts on hotels and flights for foreign and domestic travelers economists say measures like these are expensive but necessary this is the challenge that governments have consumers. Aspies governments only have a few labors to pull in this crisis one is providing confidence in the Health System and then the 2nd is giving some stimulation to spending by other discounting elements or lowering the cost of that these are short term Bandaid Solutions ultimately theres only one way to improve the health of the worlds economies finding a cure to the virus jessica washington d. C. Or jakarta. The taliban says it wont hold talks with the Afghan Government unless theres a prisoner swap a condition or preliminary Peace Agreement with the u. S. It was exchanged was the exchange of thousands of prisoners but the Afghan Government says it wont make the release of captors a precondition of the talks with the taliban what upolu meters following events forced from the Afghan Capital hotter i mean we were waiting for the taliban to respond to a show of connie is common so it does make you wonder where this leaves the intra afghan talks in the days ahead and whether the taliban will sit down at the table with the other stakeholders. Well the taliban spokesperson here has been very clear about it he said they wont be any intra afghan talks unless these 5000 prisoners are released before march 10th thats the date supposedly where it is still so it is negotiation says should start somewhere else then afghanistan probably in norway said and then we heard again just in response to that. This book spoke spurs in of the Afghan Government saying im sorry this is a sovereign is a matter of sovereignty before we accept the release of any of it inese the taliban need to clarify a few points among them what is their relations was other states and some nonstate players and also they need to publicly deserve our help. And of course listening to all of this and watching all of this our the afghan people. Obviously youre in kabul the capital what sort of opinions do they have about what theyre hearing about the statement. Well i think theyre not surprised at this stage because actually in the days prior to the agreement being signed in doha i went around kabul and also a bit further away from the capital and basically across the board you get the same answer we do want peace but we dont trust anyone in this equation many were pointing out to the differences between the main players in the Afghan Government and they also are pointing out to the fact that they couldnt see how the taliban and the Afghan Government would sit together because sitting there have such a long history of fighting that goes well before the u. S. Invasion and need to arriving here in the countries are certainly a very complicated situation they wont be surprised but whats unfolding and i think in the coming days that posturing that will become even allowed or we just heard also from the taliban saying that do choose is over they were not at that any Foreign Forces but they will resume at tacks on the afghan army and then in another province it wired that well the taliban leader there saying that he has taken now 55 civilians hostage and those will be kept on till the Afghan Government decides to release those 5000. 00 dead taliban detainees held in afghan jails so were going to hear a lot of that and there will be a lot of posturing over the next few days and the u. S. Will have to interfere and try to cover the situation down for the update hold up let me to in kabul thank you. Time for the weather has fitted with some news of exceptional weather in australia you have are looking at straight here early on so hail now were looking at a very different issue affecting a straight over to him a Tropical Cyclone ester now esther started life in the gulf of carpentaria gave a massive rain 252400 millimeters across parts of Northern Territory and them faded away or so we thought burchill fire is become reinvigorated and this massive cloud across the Northern Territory well were seeing this system now continuing to develop as it moves further towards the south usually these storms tend to lose their energy their loses source of moisture but this is pulling a lot of moisture from the timor sea and also from the gulf of carpentaria seen see that bright yellow block there in the katyn the center of the heaviest rain so the system interests and he has gone across the Northern Territory through into Western Australia for a time and now its moving south so its going to go from the Northern Territory is going to clip parts of South Australia so thats the situation through wednesday also getting into parts of queensland and if i move the system on another 24 hours it then begins to work its way across the border into New South Wales it could well continue to go across victoria and then on could be a record the 1st time such a storm system has ever done that will keep your posts will not look so were going to see some fairly extensive rain moving across the street and of course many parts of the country need that rain so while thanks very much richard. Well still ahead here on the news of barry go turn early frontrunner and his bid to go up against donald trump for the u. S. Presidency ahead of super tuesday and in sports 2 of the biggest names in basketball go head to head in the n. B. A. To stay with us here on out to say. The u. S. President s proposed plan for the middle east this is less territory to be honest i than any. The peace plan since 1948 the problems of corporate wars i was there have failed because of this one video was by us all the United States thought it was right now how much time and the palestinian Prime Minister told his town jazeera. Pulled the number told stories from asia and the pacific on aljazeera frank assessments the one good thing about these bush fires usage really wipe them out the politics of Climate Change informed opinions economy i think is actually whats keeping donald trump afloat right now critical debate sequel on those 2 School Children know what the law is on d about this argument is astonishingly patronize a indepth analysis of the days headlines this is the beginning of the new iraq of the new conscious and aware youth about struggle against an ethnic sectarian cult or inside story on aljazeera. Talk about to watch the aljazeera news hour with me as a whole rather the reminder of our top stories turkeys president says attacks against Syrian Government forces will continue if they dont reverse their advance in italy province turkey ramped up military operations after dozens of turkish troops were killed in an attack in the region last week also a child has died after a boat loaded with refugees comes size off the greek island of les pauls Greek Security forces have prevented thousands of refugees from landing after turkey said it wouldnt enforce its border with the European Union including greece and the ball carrier. And the European Union has raised the official risk level for corona virus to high for the 2100. 00 infections have been confirmed across the block and that includes france which is close the loop you see him and canceled several events. Israelis are voting in the 3rd general election in 11 months its hoped itll bring an end to months of political turmoil israelis have had a caretaker government since the 1st inconclusive election last april Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has twice failed to form a Coalition Government and in september the blue and White Party Leader benny gantz was asked to form a government and also failed go vote its a proud day this is a democracy you have a great right that you should exercise with confidence the corona thing is completely under control today weve taken all the precautions that are necessary people can go and vote with complete confidence. This is this immigration difficulties really society i hope that everyone will go in full disclosure i support myself i respect any decision will be any voter its about time between be much more united much more because one another the list still wants to give it a small piece. I suspect no one will use any kind of violence literature by walter reed to play feed it with us all respect democracy yet to be sitting. Well joining me now is aljazeera senior political analyst bashar i caught up with scott about what i mean how fractional polarized is israeli politics for the israeli public to be so divided on trying to choose the type of government that they want actually perhaps the question is how far similar they are and hence the public doesnt really mind what they had to say this or the other in so many ways what we have today is a center right and a radical right and sometimes difficult its difficult to know the difference what used to be historically in israel left versus right was mostly left on Economic Issues but now what you have is to what you would call pragmatic right associated with the Business Community more secular and it be a logical right that is more religious a fanatic and more populist and that is led by Prime Minister netanyahu and when both leaders of both major parties the the white the blue party and then they could part the both of them agree to the socalled date of the century for the thumb plan hence they both have the same vision radical fanatic racist as it may be towards the palestinians for it is raining is whether it is the general or the populist leader you know its more or less the same i think the only perhaps serious difference for certain israelis is the fact that one of them is solidly secular. And the other could lean for coalition with religious party so lets talk about Benjamin Netanyahu because there is a pending trial in the next few weeks and corruption is played a huge issue in the lead up to this general election has it been an issue for the votes from the people youve been speaking to in that they might have wanted to vote for that and yahoo but the issue of corruption really makes them stop and think about how to vote well because of what i just said earlier about both of them agreeing on so many things especially on the thrum plan. What this election like the us election is boarding down to is a random on Benjamin Netanyahu that really is the essence what a lot of israelis would vote for or against based on the record of Prime Minister netanyahu but to paraphrase donald trump i think for netanyahu there is some 2025 percent of the population more or less will would support him even if you go down this ingold avenue in tel aviv and shoots an israeli lady you know right in the whatever basically there are some israelis that were support netanyahu no matter what they know all too well that he is corrupt theyre not all to where the judiciary system in israel is very strict and he would have been indicted on 3 charges if you wasnt really corrupt there wouldnt have been so much small if there wasnt some spark or fire and yet they would vote of her him why because 2 reasons one is already diligent them ised much of the judiciary in israel and much of the media hence whatever his supporters hear from the judges or from the journalists they discounted as untie. Netanyahu propaganda if you will and the other reason is that he saw himself as the season fission that hes been there hes served already 3 for. 10 years if you will and that he is far more experienced and tried than the alternative the general many gifts so if were heading towards an impasse in terms of this general election is that only going to be solved or complicated by the smaller parties because normally they are the king makers they all the ones that will decide who will become the next Prime Minister if everybodys on the same page absolutely but theres one particular party that will. Basically way this way or the other way and make a difference especially if it weighs towards netanyahu and that is there now led by a liberman thats basically a russian centric party that is very much to the right and hence very close to Benjamin Netanyahu but also very very secular hence close to benny gantz camp this party which might get anywhere between 5 or 10 seats will be the party capable of helping Benjamin Ateneo form a government if as in the last elections they decide they will not go into a coalition with an attorney and his religious zionist allies then guess what we are going for an orderly 4th election and action we shall see what happens in the coming hours. Thanks very much for your insight while bashar the senior political analyst. Now a siege at a philippine shopping battle has ended after hours of negotiations. Please tackle the gunman shortly after he released 30 hostages and walked out of the mouth lets get the very latest with our correspondent barnaby lo outside the Shopping Center in manila a mazing ending to that hostage siege scenario what seems to have actually happened in terms of the way we got to that point. Amazing is one word that would describe the events that unfolded to day here in manila but i would also say that its dramatic surreal it was a 10 hour long hostage taking situation inside the mall right behind me that started with a lone gunmen entering the mall shooting at a man and then taking hostage 3030. 00 individuals and then you know police were this is why i say its real police were extraordinarily accommodating off the demands of the hostage taker who is a disgruntled former employee a former Security Guard off the mall for most of his demands was to talk to members of the press and so all this time all the 10 hours of this ordeal he was on video chat with both the police and members of the press he was asking questions from journalists he was showing that the hostages were safe and were alive he was also showing that he was carrying a hand grenade so there was a real possibility or real danger of things turning bad but i think the turning point was when his bosses held a News Conference also one of his demands and they apologized to him and then they said that they were willing to resign from their posts and i think that was a turning point because a couple of hours after that and after the mayor of this city said one city which is a suburb of manila talked to the gunmen he walked out of the mall together with the hostages and he surrendered but you know the ending of even the ending is so surreal because the gunmen he held a press conference airing his real and sis but the good thing here the fortunate thing here is that the whole thing ended without bloodshed there was one person again who was injured but there were no fatalities so hell. For a moment Benjamin Lowe thanks very much for that update to quite a safe and miraculous ending to the terse shopping balancing which aljazeera has cameras have been allowed on a tightly controlled government organized visit to northern me a mall where the army denies a Genocidal Campaign against the rohingya 3 quarters of a 1000000 of the mainly Muslim Minority were forced to escape into neighboring bangladesh 2 and a half years ago Florence Laurie reports from a township in the Northern State of recovery and. We are heading into restricted territory foreign journalists require permission to visit the northern part of Rakhine State this is where myanmar Security Forces launched a brutal crackdown against the mainly Muslim Minority in august 2017 soldiers and but a small but were accused of raping killing and setting fire to homes the buddhist majority myanmar government said it was responding to attacks and killings by an armed group called the salvation army. At the Uns Highest Court myanmar has denied charges of genocide and has been ordered by the International Court of justice to prevent further violence while the case is being heard on this tightly controlled highly choreographed trip the myanmar government tries to show that all is well here in village after village brought to meet journalists in classrooms under the watchful eye of government mind is. On camera that seemed script or we have 3 communities here living like a family i dont think we will be affected by completely off camera they were only slightly less reticent telling us they feared violence could flare again it was impossible to speak to anyone without being overheard by police in another village we were made to see government cash being handed out to. Local administrators say its to help the villages rebuilt the damage holds this mosque still hasnt been repaired more than 2 years after the latest campaign of violence against the daughter and you can see all around us clear evidence of destruction by fire this place of worship would have the people of this community who at one point numbers around 5000 people now there are only 200 living here around to 3 quarters of a 1000000 to bangladesh and remained there. When we do not think repatch aeration is a fallujah because as you know we have 2 Reception Centers and we have a transition camp we are always ready to receive them we even plan to open kindergartens 8 many Rights Groups say conditions in myanmar dont guarantee a safe return for the remainder of the last attempt to repack 3000 refugees from bangladesh in august failed because through him they refused to return saying they feared further attacks if they did the myanmar government wants them to accept alternative identification documents which rights activists say deprives them of their rights. That. Ulterior motive of myanmar government. What they are doing they are forcibly degrading their citizenship status. So. Too willing to be degraded. The rohingya have little to return to they face government restrictions on travel employment even Family Planning many doubt the situation will change any time soon headed down like this the job of leadership is trying to control it instead with the civil in the military leaders are fanning its you know this kind of populist wave to get electoral support is a very disgraceful thing until then the rohingya will remain one of the worlds most persecuted minorities florence slowly aljazeera mom taught how to chip Rakhine State myanmar. Iraqs Prime Minister designate has withdrawn his candidacy a month after his appointment deepening a political crisis set off by months of months protests where the law says politicians were obstructing his efforts to form a government. To approve his cabinet for the 2nd time in a week so most of all to explain the details of the iraqi political system from baghdad. What allow we had set out to do was to form an independent and tech crook technocratic government cabinet that would be able to address some of the protesters demands and to try to pass some of the reforms that are seen as necessary to put an end to this crisis but such a cabinet would really go against the way iraqs political system has functioned for the past 17 years and that system is one that is largely beholden to the Political Parties its a system that is referred to here as more hostile sign arabic or apportionment and the way it works is that the ministerial positions are divided up between the Major Political parties between the shia the sunni is and the kurds and there are some unwritten rules about how that should happen to for example the kurds tend to get the finance ministry the sunnis get together tend to get the Defense Ministry and the shia for example get to have control over the ministry of interior and that control over these ministries is seen as a way for these Political Parties to reals their power and also to get access to resources and what allow you try to do is appoint candidates who arent from these Political Parties who arent beholden to their interest and thats something that was not accepted across the entire political spectrum we had the kurds and the sunnis who are very early on rejected that idea because these are already minorities and for them having those cabinet positions is seen as a way to try to hang on to whatever political power they have here in baghdad but allow also failed to get the support from the shia Political Parties we saw in the past to parliamentary sessions that there was no quorum that was reached and that was what eventually forced him to withdraw his candidacy. Youre going to sworn in its new president luis and he has a full center right coalition and the 15 year reign of the leftist fraud from the party voters hope the new conservative government will do see economy cut crime and realign Foreign Policy towards the u. S. Its the eve of the biggest day of the democratic president ial campaign in the u. S. Voters in 14 states will decide on super tuesday who they want to run against donald trump an event for pete. To be on the ballot hes pulled out telling supporters he no longer saw a chance of winning alan fischer reports from austin texas. We are going to win the democratic primary attacked by well you have died the 1st School Nominee contests are over the attract big fields heavy t. V. Advertising and Media Attention but they provide just 5 percent of the delegates super tuesday is super important a 3rd of the delegates and offer a real test of Public Opinion from north to south coast to coast and beyond california has moved its primary up to join the super tuesday when you take that and the other states and added to the already rich delegate count available here in texas there are 1357 delegates up for grabs thats almost a 3rd of the entire total so a good super tuesday gives the candidate the 3 ms media money and momentum. In short this will bring clarity to the democratic race for president we have very rich delegate states like california and texas that are going to be hugely important and we kind of need to know whats going to happen in those states as well as the alabamas and other smaller states to kind of get a sense ability about whether what were seeing in those early states is reflective of a general sense ability of this super tuesday also through is up Something Different its the 1st time Michael Bloomberg will appear on the ballot middle class kid who built a Global Company from scratch the former new york mayor has bombarded the airwaves with ads spent millions of dollars on his campaign this will be the 1st test of his electability the strategy that mayor bloomberg is putting into place is a very unorthodox one and super tuesday is really going to tell us whether he is going to have the support nationwide even given spending half a 1000000000. 00 so far to win the nomination a candidate has to win 1991 delegates no one can seal the deal on super tuesday but a good performance certainly move someone farther along the road on the number of. Candidates will put a common sense of accountability a good harvest the nominating process goes on till june to raise wages but democrats will be hoping they can in the past and will take on donald trump in november long before that and hurt our democracy well alan fischer austin texas well still ahead here all the news on crime the virus continues to disrupt Global Sports as moto g. P. Soaping race the council will have details in school districts. Business leaders is by no brass pot. Business leaders just to buy no brass pot. But about time for sport now his chair say how thanking current virus continues to disrupt global sport its been announced that the 1st 2 races of the motive g. P. Season have been cooled off quite as had been testing in cattle in recent weeks but sundays opening race has been cancelled because of travel restrictions on people arriving in joe hockey its really simple right isnt teams are tying in a new rules mean that they would have to go into quarantine for 2 weeks the 2nd race in thailand has also been postponed indefinitely we spoke to my g. P. Journalist Simon Patterson is in town. So within the paddock about a 3rd of the 2 and a half dozen people the travel the world or italian 2 of our manufacturers i think it of our teams 7 of our motor g. P. Writers at leigh is really one of the homes of the sport along with japan and spain so we simply cant have a rest of them and to get to this point to have everything ready to go on the verge of having the 1st race and then for it not to happen is yeah its a pretty big blow for the paddock and for the sport as a whole really because everything is ready here freight wise its not even like the 7000000 fly and stuff you know it takes 4747 cargo planes to carry us around the world and someone still going to have to come from europe pack up all the stuff thats sitting in carriages left over from the task ready to go wrists and put it in flight kisses and then we dont even know where were sending it to we dont know if its going on days or to merica for the 3rd round of back to europe or most of the teams are best some people are going to be quite happy about the news or 6 time champion marquez is recovering from shoulder surgery over the winter and hes been struggling a little bit with his physical fitness so that gives him. A little bit more time to stop with thailand being counseled by as well it sounds like its probably going to give him an extra month which is a double blow for the rivals that want to see what level there are doing if hes going to be fitter and faster when we do get reason that we had assumed or hope to guess that the 1st line would be what should have been the 3rd round in texas weve heard some stories this morning that america have started district and flights from italy as well so its going to be a waiting game it could be that the 1st round of the championship is the 1st european round in harassed and spin early may. Asian football bosses are revising their Champions League fixture list because of coronavirus after an emergency meeting in kuala lumpur theyve extended the group face from its usual finish in may to june but if domestic games across japan south korea and china continue to be postponed it could be as late as july its still unclear whats going to happen to the asian world cup qualifying matches to be played later this month italys top Football League will hold their own emergency meeting on wednesday as they struggle to deal with the effect of coronavirus on their fixtures 530 our games were postponed at the weekend and the Italian Government has extended a ban on all sporting events in regions hit by the outbreak for another week at least some games did go ahead at the weekend including atalantas match with lets say around 30 as a lot of fans made the trip from better comeau which is in nonbody one of the worlds one of the worst affected regions there but they were being checked for symptoms before being allowed into the stadium David Beckhams new m. L. S. Team into miami have made their league debut the former Manchester United around madrid legend was on the Training Pitch to give the players a final post ahead of their match in los angeles against l a f c and the team was swarmed by fans as they got on to the bus dancing and singing with them in spanish before that came. It was all smiles inside the stadium as well but it wasnt to be a winning start the underdogs held their own against one of the leagues best sides but it was l. A. Who came out on top thanks to this great ship by carlos bella it finished one no where me will play a way to d. C. United next week were going to be hoping to get their 1st victory. To the n. B. A. s biggest stars went head to head on sunday number one draft pick Zion Williamson for the new Orleans Pelicans against Le Bron James and the l. A. Lakers williamson provided several i catch him moments for the highlight reel on his way to 35 points the most he scored in the n. B. A. So far but it was a man nearly twice his age who won the battle le bron coming up with a triple double 34 points 13 assists and 12 rebounds the lakers won the game by 6 points and series at the top of the western conference and still plenty of respect on show between the 2 stars after this game to boxing now Anthony Joshuas next fight has been announced for june the 20th the british heavyweight will face both gary is cool brett pulley at tottenhams football stadium in london joshua lost 14 december when he reclaimed his world titles of andy rooneys junior in saudi arabia has been holding out for a fight with tyson fieri but fury has just agreed to another rematch and say on tape world. Indian cricket captain virat kohli had a bad tempered exchange with a reporter after another test defeat to new zealand the black caps to the match by 7 wickets in Christ Church to wrap up the series to know carney was asked about claims he scored his opposite number Kane Williamson and the crowd. This indicates you need to be able is our child out of the field what do you think. The pulse of the reason im asking the answer. Of course a good engine into just to listen to you need to find out exactly what happened in then come with a better question youre going to come here with questions and details. Well at the womens t 20 world cup defending champions a Straight Arrow through to the semifinals i think that rooney schooled 60 as they beat new zealand by 4 runs in their final children much they join england india and south africa in the last. Not so useful for now well have more for you later. Thanks very much and of course the most knowledge there at news are with me and jake cultural stuff ill have more news on the other side of the break were going to learn from me handle of the news our team thanks for your time and your company. Whether online like the recovery being one of the worst drought to make your review about. Or if you join us on st clairs a different diversity and inclusion and they were sometimes isnt always sincere based is a dialogue sanctions on the ways in which they were applied to iran are an act of war fair everyone has a voice we as a society that is so quick to get to blame need to just sit down and listen and join the global conversation on aljazeera. Our coverage of africa is what im most proud of every time i travel bad weather and see still west africa people stop me and tell me how much they appreciate our coverage and our focus is not just on their suffering but also on the more after lifting and Inspiring Stories people trust are just here to tell them whats happening in their communities in a clear and unbiased way and as an african i couldnt be more proud to be part of the. Discover the world of aljazeera. The best films from across on network of channels under 106 boys need to go to none of them have citizens fresh perspectives and new insights to challenge and change the way we look at the world. Aljazeera. On aljazeera. Aljazeera. And. Turkeys president says attacks against Syrian Government forces will continue if they dont reverse their advances in it in a province. So robin youre watching all just their lives my headquarters here in doha also coming up a childs body is found off the greek island of last falls after a time with refugees capsizes the world famous loose museum in france remains closed as eve raises the risk level over the corona Virus Outbreak to high. Yet another general election in israel can voters break months of political deadlock this time

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