Primary votes on super tuesday. South koreas president says hes declaring war on the coronavirus as the number of confirmed cases there approaches 5001 jane has ordered all Government Agencies to get into emergency mode soldiers have been to points to disinfect areas of the city at the epicenter of south koreas i break which is the biggest outside of china almost 30 people have died there will be the country has entered war against the Infectious Disease as the crisis in daegu in north york book province has reached the highest point as a police operate all organizations of the government 24 hours by switching to the Emergency Operations system in till we are out of the crisis. Rob mcbride joins us now via skype from saw rob in practical terms what exactly does a declaration of war on the virus really mean. This is the fighting talk from moon j. And its reminiscent i think of the stance taken by china. China also declaring war that this is such a crisis it takes a war like 14 to deal with it if the war analogy is correct then that the front is still daegu this city in the southeast of the country and its surrounding villages and towns where we are seeing the most clusters of new cases again another 600 in the past day or so and its so the measures being taken will put various agencies of the government on a 24 hour standby alert basis to be to use their resources whenever they are required also at this meeting of the cabinet where he made these statements mungy and also announced various measures to try to stimulate the economy this is having a crippling effect on the south korean economy you do get the sense that parts of the Economy Parts of the country are in this kind of a slow motion coming to a holds with the Airlines Canceling Flights some factories closing high tech high tech production facilities not producing any goods people being told to work from home offices closing and so hes announced a whole raft of measures also to try to stimulate the economy almost putting the economy on the award like 14 and with measures that were announced last week measures that have just been announced this all has to be put into effect with a special supplementary budget which is going to be presented tomorrow wednesday before the National Assembly will total around 25000000000. 00 all the ways of trying to stimulate the economy get people working again because you walk around places like seoul and there is a real sense of shops being empty people not being out on the streets almost a sense of fear and this is a way of trying to stimulate the economy trying to get to the other side of this ok rob mcbride pres live in seoul thank you. Well the virus is spreading globally saudi arabia and senegal have all my reports of cases but new infections in china are falling as Victoria Gate and reports. In the chinese city where the corona Virus Outbreak started Health Officials say theres been a drop in new cases for the 1st time in 6 weeks its closing one of which can 60 new hospitals that were built in january to cope with the increase in patients because of it 19 continues to spread elsewhere the World Health Organization says 9 times as many cases were reported outside china within 24 hours it says the best defense is still containment we are in unchartered territory we have never seen before. Respiratory partridge and thats comparable of Community Transmission but at the same time which can also be contained with the right measures the 3 countries worst affected outside china are south korea iran and italy rome is preparing a Stimulus Program to help the countrys economy in venice the canals which are usually packed with tourists are deserted it is tourism board reports more than 90 percent of travel bookings have been cancelled in the capital. Scientists in the United States are racing towards finding a vaccine president dont trump told pharmaceutical bosses he wants results within months today were meeting with the pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Companies the biggest in the world most prestigious the ones that get down to the bottom line very quickly to discuss how the federal government can accelerate the development of vaccines and therapeutic treatments for the coronavirus u. S. Scientists say the rollout of a Coronavirus Vaccine is at best a year and a half away Victoria Gates and b. Aljazeera. Binyamin netanyahu is claiming victory in israels general election bounce it appears hes again fallen short of a parliamentary majority meaning more coalition the go see asians and possible deadlock are a force that reports live from tel aviv. Benjamin netanyahu is spent much of the last year experiencing failure and defeat failure to hold together his right wing block after the 1st election defeat in the 2nd and indictment for corruption in 3 separate cases now at last a sense of victory he done it then you know its a victory against all odds a rival said that the netanyahu error is over but we join forces and turn the tables and we 10 lemons into lemonade one. After campaign that plumb the depths of negativity and dirty tricks netanyahu is closing message was that he was just short of victory and needed his supporters to finish the job personally ringing voters from a roll of supporters who hadnt yet gone to the polls for now though he appears to be just short of Majority Coalition within his party hes not going to have any people that are detracting from him or challenging him and now yes to try and see to Work Together and it could be and ive said the 1st election also that a National Unity government between likud and blue and white would be a very real possibility except this time im not so sure who is going to be heading lower white at blue and white headquarters theyre being dogged whispers throughout the day that things were looking bleak after a campaign which had seen benny gantz shift slightly to the right but failed to match the energy of his opponent. I will tell you honestly i understand and share the feeling of disappointment in time because it is not the result we wanted and if this will be the result it is not the result that will put israel back on the right track gansa distanced himself from the mainly palestinian israeli joint List Alliance who might have enabled against minority government but even their record showing with up to 15 seats wasnt enough to win them real influence what you guys really. Believe the result could well be more consequential the palestinians in the occupied west bank promised that victory would allow him to stop the annexation set out under the terms of the trump peace plan. Israelis might not have wanted this 3rd election but they did turn out in their highest numbers for more than 20 years more than 4000 people voted its special stations set up for those quarantined for the coronavirus keen to cure israel of its repeat election syndrome now for the consequences including a possible Supreme Court battle over whether an indicted politician can legally try to form a government in 2 weeks the man on the stage goes on trial for bribery fraud and breach of trust benny gantz is spend a year trying to convince and ultimately failing to convince israelis that they cannot be led by a Prime Minister under indictment throughout Benjamin Netanyahu has been delaying maneuvering and dodging and now he has again prevailed harry vores at aljazeera television. The chief palestinian negotiator sidebar accounts give his assessments of the results fi a social media tweeting it is obvious that settlements occupation and apartheid have won the israeli elections thats a new Whose Campaign was about the continuation over the yorkie patient and conflict which will force the people of the region to live by the sword a continuation of violence extremism and chaos however in the alliance solve palestinian israeli policies is expected to win 15 seats its best result to date the coalition has called the joint list and its head says theyll use their numbers to block netanyahu from forming a government that there is a problem with the results of the joint list the historical since the 1st knesset until now the most number of seats we want has been 13 this time we suppose that so we broke the record and this is all thanks to the heroes the men and women of our people we give them all our appreciation well to say as a man can is in west jerusalem foras and m. Brown is strong finish there for netanyahu but hes not home and dry yet easy. No well this is very definitely a victory of sorts netanyahu is saying that he has won but he still needs to form a government and theres a lot of political deal making to happen before he gets to sit in the promises chair once again but before we get into all of that i want to bring in the Jerusalem Post chief Political Correspondent gil hoffman you had a very busy night youve been youve written to all schools this morning lets get into one of the things that you say one of the reasons that netanyahu had such a success in this particular election is stability voters what exactly all stability is stability voters are people who realize theres not a huge difference in the policies of likud and the blue and white party they want to see a government formed they are sick and tired of the political stalemate in israel weve got a caretaker government since december 2018 and so a lot of those people shifted at the last minute from blue and white and its allies to not to the aus likud and its satellite parties so what were seeing now is this idea that its all israel has always been about Coalition Building and trying to get enough seats to be able to form a government but right now you think that that may well slightly change and it may well be that the fact that defectors from other parties may will come and join netanyahu giving them the ability to form a government defect is there in can indeed be defectors and its much cheaper than bringing in a full party. Right now all the parties in the opposition say they wont join us now as government anyway because hes going on trial in 2 weeks so already overnight could was speaking to possible defectors they said theyre ready to talk to 4 of them who they think will come and thats giving hope that a government could be formed fascinates and you know would like to have a government in place before that trial begins on the 17th of march there is the bloom policy there has been again hes come out in the past and said an indicted Prime Minister is unfit for office does he have any legal ways of blocking this and you know whos. Its an appointment there are a couple that remain i dont know how successful theyll be the Supreme Court a few months ago refused to rule on a petition about whether an indicted Prime Minister can serve because it was a theoretical question which was kind of frustrating for those of us who actually wanted to see the Supreme Court make a decision when the people of israel are not deciding themselves so they can in fact interfere though after a such a resoundingly victory from its in the out there would be the equivalent of a coup by the the legal establishment i dont see that happening the other is getting a majority of the knesset to say that you cant have a Prime Minister on trial has a bill that would say that very quickly i dont see there being enough political opponents and its being elected in order to be able to do that thank you very much gil health in chief Political Correspondent of the Jerusalem Post and some brilliant because hes written this morning giving his analysis on all of that how im handing back here ok imran khan life as a master islam frank you very much. Had to stay with us here on aljazeera looks more still to come and clipping up tribal loyalties in libya put to the test as the conflict shows no signs of slowing. That of the focus on european weather has now come south so we were talking about jorge here its spread its influence rather trustor eastern and Southern Europe in the Development Area is in the south so was it was italy from monday for tuesday is going to be the south of france with some snow i think for the pyrenees and quite windy weather on slack coast the rain from italy has gone down towards out by a near and is heading towards greeces snow of course inland with a bit more heights to it and then further north we got obvious rain has gone through denmark developing somewhere south of sweden but i think the concentration will be down in the south of france because thats a repeat performance it will happen again on wednesday and the radar runs through this central western med these to get that straight this drift to the east was through greece and is heading towards romania still with snow for the Balkan Mountains temperature wise to come down a bit berlins at 7 london is it not theres more rain to come for the southern ground in south wales so in europe its all about rain now in north africa of course its not as tom here the wind is to bringing a lot of sand and dust search happening beyond look at the temp is there the something of a heat wave going on here i suspect the next day or so its been rising in the last week or so and its still with us as only early march. But. Once Hosni Mubarak became president so began a story of conflict and isolation on one side a wife and son their sights set on succession on the other president the crease in the distance from the egyptian people when his beloved grandson died mubarak need to step down but then the flames ignited in tunisia exploded in egypt and everything changed episode 2 of the family. The end. This is al jazeera a reminder of the top stories this hour south koreas president has ordered all Government Agencies into emergency mode after declaring war on the coronavirus at least 28 people have died there a nearly 5000 people have been infected israels Prime Minister has claimed victory in the thirds of action and leslie year bunts it appears being even a senior whose party wants gas enough seats to secure all of entry majority getting more Coalition Talks but frankly. A greece has denied turkeys allegations that its Border Forces fired its own refugees and migrants calling it a deliberate misinformation greece has increased its Border Security after turkey declared it would no longer try to stop people from reaching the e. U. Johnson Office Reports live from the islands of less false. Asylum seekers stranded on the north shores of lesbos some have spent the night out in the open police cant process them at the only refugee camp on the island in moria its been blockaded by angry islanders who wanted shutdown but moreas occupants arent happy to be here either. This was the latest of many riots this year asylum processing is slow and many have been living in tents under the olive trees for a year really very dark said it didnt sound very good back then and certainly this is very difficult for everyone here said it really not that im going for it what are the need the dark and this is very important. Hundreds of morias Asylum Seekers recently much down to the port after receiving misleading or mistaken messages that the government was evacuating them to Athens Police had to turn them back this tense situation is likely to become worse as turkey has opened its border and is advice in refugees on its soil to go to europe thats the reason why this 15 year old from afghanistan is here he says. I have been in turkey for 2 months the smuggler called me in the night and said the party is ready get ready to cross over he said the border is open i could not cross for 2 months because the border was closed this video released by the turkish government suggests that the greek coast guard is no longer conducting just search and rescue missions but actively repelling boatloads of migrants greek coast guard vessels can be seen driving perilously close to small dinghies at another point it appears shots are fired into the water greece has released video that appears to show Turkish Coast guard vessels accompanying migrant boats to greek waters rather than holding them back until now greece and turkey were both working to keep undocumented migrants out of europe turkeys suspension of that arrangement has led to the suspension of other international norms. Greece has declared emergency measures it says it will stop receiving asylum applications for one month and in many cases it will turn around undocumented migrants and send them home without the usual reception and identification procedures so it will be as though these people were never here gree says these new arrivals arent individual applicants but part of an organized policy so International Asylum law doesnt apply to them as intended with so many islands so close to the turkish mainland greece has a difficult task defending its maritime border but the biggest losers in all this seem to be the Asylum Seekers jumps on open los aljazeera lesbos. European leaders are accusing turkeys president of using refugees to pressure them into supporting his military operation in syria. To one sense turkey will continue to target Syrian Army Positions in italy a province where 34 of its soldiers were killed thursday turkey and russia which backs the Syrian Government of computer than ever to direct confrontation well ive noted see the turkey syria boards are sin and cos you is their job because of crossing cinema u. S. Delegation will be heads into the boards or later tell us more about those who are they likely to be missing. While yes you are still a geisha a ride in turkey yesterday Late Afternoon led by the u. S. Envoy to syria James Jeffrey and u. S. Ambassador to the u. N. Kelly craft and a few other u. S. Officials say they also there is a delegation by the u. N. That every. Yesterday the american delegation are holding talks with the u. N. Delegation and other n. G. O. S and today in a couple of hours almost 3 hours the delegation will be exactly right here at 1st they will be meeting james separate will be meeting with officials in how to the border city by syria and here he will be meeting with White Helmets are presented as the main rescue organization inside. The visit of the american delegation is expected to continue for 2 days and all march on march 5 the day that the turkish president. And the russian president Vladimir Putin will have a face to face meeting in moscow an International Conference is going to be held in a cell and James Jeffries also will be attending in that conference so it didnt actually. He has been working hard and they have been coming back and forth to turkey for a while for a couple of months and this meeting is also its expected to bring a solution. On the un level as well of course before going to moscow as dawn has some conditions that he will present to put an end mosco has other conditions which are basically turkey insists that the sochi agreement as signed a few years ago shall continue as the way it is which means that the Syrian Government forces shall with roll back to its prior positions by the borders of the the escalation zone which is down below the vital and 4 and 5 highways and of course the russians are insisting that the sochi agreement is signed between turkey iran russia and syria shall be revised because they see protests change and the conditions on the ground have changed as well so we are waiting for James Jeffrey and the delegation with him including kalak craft to arrive here in the couple of hours ok synonym. For so on the turkey syria border thank you. Knights of the u. S. Send the race to become the democratic partys president ial candidates with separate cheese staple would sing starts in just a few hours time 2 candidates drops out of the race have no interest joe biden senator amy called wish are and former mayor people to judge joins a rally for the former Vice President their endorsement is expected to give biden a boost as 14 u. S. States head to the polls to choose the democratic challenger to trump. Folks you know just a few days ago the press in the pundits declared this campaign dead. Thanks i understand. Texas remember saying the ocean but james you say he was to say i was im looking for friends only brought out what is best in each of us and im encouraging everybody who is part of like you to join me because we have found that leader in Vice President soon to be President Joe Biden was so what is super tuesday and whats at stake here is priyanka gupta. Its a long race to the white house and in a packed calendar of an Election Year the one day that stands out is super tuesday this year 14 states across the country plus the u. S. Search of american someone are voting for their preferred choice of Democratic Candidates and 13 states are voting for their republican nominee democrats abroad are also voting on the democratic side its a crowded field of 5 hopefuls including former Vice President joe biden senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and 4 when york mayor Mike Bloomberg on the republican side its donald trump who wants a 2nd term in office was his main challenger former governor william weld and its all up. The delegates whoever gets the most ends up becoming the Party Nominee for the democrats that magic number its 1991 and for the republicans its 1276 and more theres a lot at stake the super tuesday at least for the democrats 2 of americas most populous states california and texas with lot chunks of pledged delegates are voting their 1357. 00 total democratic delegates up for grabs so what happens on super tuesday can make or break the race for some democratic hopefuls in the for the weeks and months there be more primaries and caucuses all leading to the Democratic National convention in milwaukee in july at the Republican Convention in Charlotte North Carolina late august thats when delegates will gather to formally nominate their official candidates for novembers president ial election. Now the United Nations special envoy for libya and salami has resigned he says his efforts to bring peace were damaging his health and he can no longer cope with the stress of the war salamis spent 2 and a half years trying to reunite libyans but in april warlord holly for have launched an operation to take the capital from the internationally recognized government peace talks broke down last week a tribal identity and loyalty play a fundamental role in Libyan Society during years of chaos and fighting some reconciliation between groups has been possible but as the conflict continues there are fears cracks may be forming again stratford reports now from tripoli. The bullet holes in destruction a testament to the ferocity of a tribal battle the city of zawiya in western libya saw heavy fighting following the revolution overthrew libyas long time ruler warm a good afi 9 years ago the fighting was between pro and to get every tribes. Since then into tribal dialogue was broad agreement and relative calm when they sat down to make concessions on issues that may have fueled that conflict thats the main reason why we survived. With tribal loyalties are being tested again as the civil war shows no sign of ending some areas close to zawiya heavily populated by tribes loyal to khalifa haftar. The warlord launched a military campaign to seize power from the un backed government in tripoli in april his forces control around 70 percent of the country is often heavy fighting in the sub neighborhoods of the capital. Of the us forces shell the only Operational International airport in tripoli virtually every day. To the west in a port town inhabited by mainly baba tribes on the choosey a border leaders say have to is trying to galvanize support among arab tribes and his fighters have been seen trying to surround the area. In the last couple of days we have no to suspicious activity its a military the 1st moment on the outskirts after surveillance in the city there has been a general mobilization of Security Forces and resources have been allocated to counter the 7. In january pro have to tribes force the closure of libyas main all infrastructure in Eastern Libya depriving the u. N. Backed government the billions of dollars in revenue tribal loyalties are now being tested to the west of tripoli softness forces opened a new front in the chaos that this country has suffered since the revolution that overthrew mama gadhafi in 2011 reconciliation between certain tribes was only possible because of the great effort of tribal leaders and Civil Society groups the repeated failure of u. N. Sponsored ceasefire talks means faith is a growing among many libyans that tribal divisions are being exploited again. Aljazeera tripoli. Russian president Vladimir Putin has proposed a series of amendments to the constitution they include an explicit mention over russians faith in government stand define marriage as a union between a man and a woman the parliament is expected to approve the changes ahead of a nationwide votes in april critics though say the changes are part of putins efforts to stay in charge after his president ial term ends in 2024 and the vatican has opened its archives on one of the most controversial popes in recent history pies the 12th he lies the Catholic Church in the 1940 s. And fiftys and hes long been accused of showing indifference to the holocaust and failing to speak out against adult hitler his defenders say he worked quietly behind the scenes to protect jews shelter and many in monasteries and convents. This is al jazeera and these are the headlines south koreas president has ordered all Government Agencies into emergency mode after declaring war on the coronavirus at least 28 people have died there and nearly 5000 people have been infected mcbride is in seoul with more details on the measures put in place by south korea at this meeting of the cabinet where he made these statements and also announced various measures to try to stimulate the economy this is having a crippling effect on the south korean economy you do get a sense that parts of the Economy Parts of the country are in this kind of a slow motion coming to a whole to be canceling flights some factories closing high tech high tech production facilities not producing any goods people being told to work from home. Israels Prime Minister has claimed victory in the 3rd general election in less than a year but as it appears but here in netanya his party wont get enough seats to secure a parliamentary majority when more Coalition Talks look likely european leaders are accusing turkeys president of using refugees to pressure them into supporting his military operation syria richard sipe heard of and says turkey will continue to target Syrian Army Positions in a province with 34 of its soldiers were killed on thursday. 2 candidates who dropped out of the race for the democratic president ial nominee have endorsed joe biden indorsement from senator amy called bashar and former mayor people what a judge is expected to give boys in a boat stands 14 states head to the polls on tuesday the former Vice President s campaign gained momentum following a big win during the South Carolina primary over the weekend and the United Nations special envoy for libya has some salami has resigned he says his efforts to bring peace for damaging his health salamis spent 2 and a half years trying to reunite libyans but an april without her leave her have to launch the operation to take the capital from the internationally recognized government well those are the headlight stay with us on aljazeera incites story is up next. Trade tensions could cut Global Economic growth by more point 8 percent we bring you the stories in developments the rapidly changing the world we live in one example china be a drag on the Global Economy in 2020 counting the cost on aljazeera. Should public transport be Free Luxembourg becomes the 1st country to abolish fares for everyone is that the solution to traffic jams and pollution but will the cost of a ticket be paid in other ways this is inside story. And i welcome to the program im nick clegg in many cities public transport is often the easiest and cheapest way to get around its more environmentally friendly because petrol and diesel cars are on the right its also free if you visit luxembourg its the 1st country in the world to make public transport 0 cost for everybody but not everyone is on board thats alexi abroad

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