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Rival a dinner of donors held a separate ceremony to inaugurate himself. Bottom to the program the spread and fear of coronaviruses starting to have a major Global Economic impact on top of the growing human cost u. S. Stocks have plunged in the opening minutes in new york even forcing a temporary halt in trading as you can see and a short time ago brazils stock market suspended trading after a 10 percent drop all of this after a drop of around 30 percent in oil prices well kristen slim is our correspondent monitoring events for us in new york and of course the markets across asia and Europe Europe took a huge hit in that domino effect seems to have hit the u. S. What seems to have happened the dow jones today. Yes fears of the spreading coronavirus and plummeting oil prices sent stocks down sharply just after the opening bell at one point the dow jones plummeted more than 7 percent and that triggered an automatic shutdown of the stock markets for 15 minutes weve heard from the president of the Stock Exchange trying to allay concerns and calm fears she described this as a procedural move meant to slow trading to give investors time to process information and kept keep up with the rapidly changing environment after 15 minutes trading has resumed its. Back on the floor now the trades are taking place the market is still down considerably the down down more than 6 percent if it continues to plummet through the day could trigger another shutdown if it goes down another 7 percent goes down 20 percent it could shut down for the entire day but heres whats happening the meeting over the weekend to try to address concern about Falling Oil Prices prices did not yield the results people were looking for the market is now flooded with oil at a time when were seeing businesses contract due to fear of the Coronavirus Travel being cut schools mean closed and the markets are frankly in a bit of turmoil trying to adjust to reflecting the worry that people have over what this is going to do to the Global Economy and global profits for businesses to. Sort of trickles down really to the areas that the people need to be interacting with the craft industry they need to be taking flights. Because also restricted. Its services to the Railroad Train its effect to get everyone a very base level where people have to go to work and not be able to. Absolutely we saw over the weekend the state of new york declare a state of emergency as you mentioned travel between new york city and washington 2 major hubs of industry and commerce on the east coast suspended by the Train Service that is used by many people on the east coast. Air travel taking a hit schools being closed thats affecting parents who have to go to work in the market is trying to process all this amid these Falling Oil Prices and weve seen also the federal government the Federal Reserve the central bank of the United States also attempting to calm fears and reassure investors this morning they promise to short term loan. Lending to the markets to try to put some liquidity there there says something that theyve been doing already but theyre upping the amount to 150000000000. 00 this is seen as a rescue fund something that theyre going to do for overnight trading for the rest of the week until thursday this coming after just last week the fed cut Interest Rates by a half a point all of this attempting to allay investors concern keep the stock market calm again amidst this uncertainty and the growing spread of the impact of this disease on on on business on markets and as that trickles down as you said to just to everyday life for so many people christine thanks to the update schools with more to whats going on in the new york Stock Exchange through the coming hours that school save its kimberly how its all correspondent in washington d. C. Youve heard of the what had to be with the sort of new york Stock Exchange stopping and starting its rattling the Business World kimberly and im sure the president will be taking note of exactly whats going on. Thats right the u. S. President is not only watching very carefully but he is tweeting about all of this he is expected to return to the white house later today scurrilously in palm beach florida where the air force one is standing by to bring him back to washington d. C. But in the midst of this in the midst of the rattled Financial News the u. S. President trying to project calm his administration is responding aggressively to the concerns the rising concerns about coronavirus take a look at the 1st tweet as paraphrase some of this the u. S. President tweeting great job by the Vice President and chroma virus task force thank you another one is defending his decision early on to close the borders to some travelers from china he writes best decision ever to close these borders saved many lives there was a 3rd tweet as well the president saying so much fake news essentially what the president is saying is that he believes that it is treating this much like a political story versus medical one or concern of Global Pandemic is simply pushing back as he has without their stories their criticisms about his handling of various issues blaming the media essentially for this and i can tell you that is certainly leading to increased fear not only in the public but also by some members of congress essentially again the feeling is that this president is taking some of this criticism personally instead of addressing this as a Public Health situation and we were seeing pictures of him over as the with the chief of the c. D. C. Earlier in the week when he was trying to allay fears that the American Government is doing everything it can to try and find a solution and a remedy to coronavirus mixed messages as you say you know he doesnt know whether its a Political Science or or medical science or the people of the hearts of people on the ground level in the u. S. From all structures of society wondering where to go for treatment where to go for help where to go for advice. Yeah the president has you know when hes gone to the centers for Disease Control for example wore his red make America Great again has something that is sort of a trademark when he goes out to to the public or when hes often at a rally many people feel that just in the ordinary public and certainly his political critics on capitol hill feel that the president has really sought to downplay not only the number of infections but also the severity of this sometimes contradicting Public Health officials standing next to him the president one point saying there was a vaccine soon available his Public Health officials saying thats not the case. With an update to the breast is for the moment complete thank you. Well. As we mentioned billions of dollars have been wiped off european markets just hours after opening days even being dubbed black. Investors have been reacting not only to the coronavirus but also to failed efforts to stabilize oil markets. And explains. The oil prices have fallen by as much as 30 percent the steepest drop in almost 30 years a crisis described as heaven no equal in oil markets history the market turmoil began when saudi arabia the Worlds Largest oil exporter started a price war by announcing plans to boost production that followed fridays meeting in vienna by the organization of the Petroleum Exporting countries pick russia refused to join the cartels plan to reduce production at countering the decline in demand from china usually the worlds Biggest Energy consumer but damaged by the coronavirus crisis. The saudis are angry because other countries like russia are unwilling to participate in Oil Production cuts so this saying we will show you the bosses we can produce at much lower cost. But the Oil Price Slump could have widespread consequences beyond hissing already just to remarket the International Monetary fund suggest saudi arabia needs prices to be at about 80. 00 a barrel to balance its budget the price of oil will also hurt major Oil Producing nations venezuela and iran already under pressure from u. S. Sanctions a prolonged price collapse could mean they struggle to fund things like education and health care especially during the global corona Virus Outbreak. Spread of white as is control or contain. Recovery in the Capital Markets because. It has caused huge damage to the Global Economic americas Shale Oil Industry could also be in trouble it needs prices to be relatively high to make a profit Many Companies are heavily in debt and may not be able to make repayments leading to job katz this seems to be the kind of move that russian leaders might have actually decided was in their interests that Lower Oil Prices not good for russias economy but if it causes even more paying to the u. S. Economy it might be something that theyd be interested in the consumers though it could mean less pain at the pump with the price of petrol expected to for next year brian aljazeera. The european leaders are playing to hold an emergency teleconference as the global coronavirus epicenter moves towards the continent governments are struggling to stop with that spread more than 10000. 00 infections confirmed so far italy france and germany are the hardest hit the International Monetary fund has urged governments to make substantial efforts to deal with the growing economic fallout thats following events for us from london the center jonah. Politically and economically the fallout stretches far and wide across Europe European leaders really have to try and find a find Common Ground to try and find a way to tackle coronavirus. I think International Organizations across the board and European Union institutions are really scrambling now to try and get a grip on whats going on with this ever evolving outbreak and the very particular unique circumstances in which its all taking place in you leaders are due to meet on tuesday for a summit to come up with some sort of coordinated response but they will be meeting in person in the Council Building in brussels as they ordinarily would be doing a teleconference instead theyve been a handful of cases of coronavirus detected in that building and meetings are being kept to a minimum theres also talk of possibly scrapping the e. U. Parliamentary session due to happen this week its already been moved from strasburg to Brussels Party leaders are talking about that the European Central bank has raised the alarm about the possible health of the european Banking System in the face of the stock market falls and and the sort of cumulative Economic Impact of all of this on individual countries across europe approaching the sort of levels of the 2008 financial crisis and as you mentioned there the International Monetary fund calling on countries to provide stimulus wherever needed those sorts of things theyre talking about cash transfers to businesses tax relief wage subsidies calling on Central Bank Banks to institute Interest Rate cuts such as they can and so it goes on the numbers continue to climb italy we know is the worst affected weve heard lots and lots about the extraordinary dramatic measures in place there with a quarter of the population under effective lock down france and germany in sort of joint 2nd place lots of crowd distancing measures in place there are no gatherings in france of over a 1000 People School closures affecting 300000 pupils spain is about to introduce what they call Shock Therapy measures the socialist government of Petro Sanchez there may make those announcements very soon in britain here the numbers keep continue to go up but the government taking a somewhat standoffish star. On those dramatic measures possibly fearing the Economic Impact they say theyre taking and being led by economic and side scientific rather and medical advice but theyre not taking any big new steps just yet because you touched on italy that must have looked in the north of the country of course centered around lombardi but of course were also hearing our problems in 4 italian prisons what more do you know about. Well more than 4 frankly in 2 dozen italian prisons riots have broken out across the country not just in the north d prisoners protesting against one of the elements of those new measures introduced by the Italian Government which is to limit will suspend until march the 22nd at the earliest all face to face visits for prisoners or something of course that im sure prisoners cherish and every angry about that the court system is all but ground to a halt so any prisoners waiting for the passage of justice are likely to be getting more and more frustrated so these riots have broken out in one prison in the north of italy 6 people were killed when they broke into an infirmary and overdosed on supplies of methadone in midland prisoners reach the roof of their prison is some vittoria prison waving a sheet saying. Give us freedom essentially and all of that sort of glad to pressure the government of course but it gives a hint an insight into what may happen the rather appalling prospect of corona virus getting into the confines of the prison system where Health Systems many of the other cope where you cant easily separate prisoners and keep them in isolation and i think the Italian Government well aware of that problem the prisoners evidently not happy indeed jennifer the moment thank you. Still ahead here on aljazeera seeking justice over the shooting down of a malaysian airliner a trial begins in a dutch Court Without the full medics used of murder. How the heavy rains just left the shores of china this massive cloud here and its heading for japan a place thats already had its fair share of rain throughout the winter rosin snow now more recently weve had snow on the high ground but this here looks like producing quite a rapid store in the high ground of honshu and in the lower ground of her car either blue is rain of course but look at the temperatures supposed to plus 11 now we for that high with a meter of snow on the ground a source eames likely that will chill afterwards as this backwash comes in for some parts of the card when the sun comes out during wednesday but i think be quite a mess on the ground afterwards at always or during this time the rest of china is quite quiet air quality for certain parts cause thats pm 2. 5 the very small particles is rather on the portside for beijing Everything Else is quite good and you see the sun is out for the sands in china the cloud is up again trying to build more rain but not succeeding in the near future theres been a lot of rain recently in soloway sea and that is a bit of a focus the next day or so northern borneo and sort of the easy and eastern side of java eastwards there are a few shots available on the vietnamese coast and theyll spread i think across laos into cambodia jury wednesday but not time yet. Talk to al jazeera let me talk about 2 of the biggest problems facing and they are the endemic corruption and the guard we listen so if you reprint place chinas enemy a couple more years and thats really that we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter although just 0 understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world so now to halle take it well bring you the news and Current Affairs that matter to you. Welcome back youre watching officer with me still run the reminder of our top stories u. S. Stocks have plunged in the opening minutes of trading in new york as concern over the spread of coronavirus starts to have a major Global Economic impact asian markets also saw a major sell off while billions are wiped off european markets just hours after opening. Earlier oil markets plunged amid a price war the impact of coronavirus brant crude was down by around 30 percent and European Union leaders also told emergency talks Via Video Conference to coordinate their response to the corona Virus Outbreak the number of new cases in the e. U. Continues to grow rapidly italy has the highest number of interactions with nearly 7400. An explosion has hit a convoy carrying sudans Prime Minister in what the government is calling an assassination attempt of course and hurt by the roadside blast in the capital khartoum vehicle he was in was damaged along with several others an investigation is underway to determine who was responsible him or morgan is following the story from khartoum she says the attackers raised questions of how security has been managed. At the moment what we know is what we heard from the Government Spokesperson the minister of information for someone with saleh who gave more information about the attack we know that there was an explosion from a car bomb that was next door nearby the convoy of the Prime Minister and that he was an injured along with his staff except for one of the members of the motorcade now we also heard from the government spokesman spokesperson that there was shooting at the convoy following the explosion and this is raising a lot of questions about the security that was with the Prime Minister during his movement from there which is not very far from his office just a few kilometers people are wondering why there was a car that was loaded with explosives nearby the convoy we know that usually the motorcade is theres usually a Traffic Police officer that goes ahead followed by a convoy and theres usually some distance maintained between the motorcade and the convoy of the Prime Minister and that no other car is allowed near it so people are wondering how this Security Breach happened and why was the idea of the security detail of the Prime Minister very slow to respond explosions probably suspected rocket attack even dropped at the inauguration certainly of us going stones president of. The blast did not appear to take place near the ceremony goldies political rival of. A parallel swearing in both willing to lead him to the presidency after a disputed election louises in kabul she says the feud could affect the taliban peace talks. It was certainly i think full of controversy and violence because 1st of all there was a lot of delay in this inauguration people had been told to arrive quite early in the morning all the guests and the media and then when we arrived there we were told no it was delayed by 6 hours and then it was been delayed by another additional hour during that time you had the u. S. Envoy Zalmay Khalilzad try shuttling basically between these 2 political rivals president shovel heinie and dula trying to find a compromise where he couldnt find a compromise and actually both of them went ahead with their own president ial inauguration during his speech during the inauguration of the actually. Said that by tomorrow he will issue a decree for do release of the taliban prisoners that thats one of the thats one of the articles of the agreement between the u. S. And the taliban but he said that that would take several months actually to release up to 5000. 00 prisoners he also said that they will be a that the delegation that will go to the interim afghan talks which are considered crucial here to bring any kind of peace and stability will be ready in the coming days but then you have the problem of. Do know where he during his inauguration was saying that russia had he was illegitimate that the election that happened in september was marred in fraud and he actually called for a 2nd round of president ial elections. Trial of former the accused of murder over their roles in the downing of Malaysian Airlines flight m h 176 years ago has begun in the netherlands 298 people most of them dutch died when the plane was shot down over ukraine by a missile fired from territory held by pro russian separatists 3 russians in the ukrainian are being tried in absentia but that investigation was led by dutch authorities in collaboration with several other countries but without the cooperation of russia as need barker explains. The dutch spearheaded the investigation they lost 193. 00 people on board the flight theyve partnered up with malaysia australia belgium and of course ukraine where the plane crashed and after years of gathering evidence they have concluded the 4 individuals are the main suspects 3 russians one ukrainian and theyve been named as ego to get a kid also known as struck off form a colonel in russias f. S. B. Intelligence service there are also 2 other members of russias g r u military Intelligence Service that are implicated too they are surrogate dubinsky and old leg pull lot of on the 4th person is a Ukrainian National who didnt have any military connections its believed hes been named as leonid. All 4 of these men are at large theyre believed to be in russia russia has denied any involvement whatsoever in any of the supplying pro russian separatists in the east of ukraine during the summer of 2014 when the flight was shot down russia has also said that they would be on willing because they do not recognize your thora t. If the court in the netherlands in any way to extradite any of these 4 men if this was a very ordinary case a direct straightforward case it could take a couple of years but given the resistance that the court is facing given the complications that the courts may need to kind of overcome at the start of this trial it could be much much longer. It will be another super tuesday but the next round of democratic primaries this tuesday looks dramatically different to a week ago a race that we had with nearly 30 candidates is down to just 2 serious contenders senator Bernie Sanders and former Vice President Joe Biden Biden leads sanders by about 90 delegates in the race for the nomination and 2 rival President Donald Trump and a very busy general election 6 states vote on tuesday the most closely watched will be michigan where the largest total of 125. 00 delegates will be selected gabriel is under has the latest from detroit. This is a state with 125 delegates up for grabs on tuesday there are 5 other states that are also going to be voting but they dont have nearly as many delegates as this state michigan has and this is what its all timidly come down to now a race for those nearly 1100. 00 delegates that are needed to secure the democratic nomination joe biden has several more than Bernie Sanders at this point but that is why so much attention is being put on michigan also its come down to essentially the final 2 candidates for the most part and these are the signs of the 2 candidates youre seeing all over the state of michigan joe biden and Bernie Sanders but its not only their signs you see there their selves also campaigning here in this state Bernie Sanders was here on sunday joe biden is expected here on monday at a rally as well theyre putting a lot of emphasis on michigan because if Bernie Sanders wins michigan it will show that he is back in this race and very much a contender if not the front runner where if joe biden is able to win this state and win it convincingly his lead will even increase even more and it could lead to calls for Bernie Sanders to step out of the race of course but well have to see but clearly this is the state everyone is going to be watching on tuesday. Such as in the philippines of a Supreme Court challenge against the president scrapping a long standing Defense Agreement with the United States they argue that present tense a call to unilaterally and the agreement to prove by them the philippines has been one of washingtons closest allies in asia for decades and to taste critics fear hes sending out to china. From manila. These senators are asking the Supreme Court to define how much power the president has last month president of the good at their. To announced the terminations of the 21 Year Agreement which allowed u. S. Troops and she for joint training exercises this comes after the u. S. Cancelled the visa overstay former police chief now sen orlando. That was because of his involvement into their does war on the Illegal Drugs street senators are asking for the Supreme Court to rule whether deterred to can terminate any International Treaty approved by the senate will simply asserting the power of the senate and we have already infused in that in those 3 days in agreement doug. Must pass through the senate the thirtys critics say maintaining the philippine us alliance doesnt mean the subservience of the United States what is unfolding before us is a National Tragedy we should be resistant. As a democratic and republican country we do not believe that one man alone and make this damaging toys for our people while others are calling for the renegotiation of the terms of the agreement saying that since its signing in 1909 there have been major shifts in the global balance of power in asia and the china can no longer be ignored we are allowed to defend our country against armagh but we can and then do alliances to defend our country. And against. The west when the terror was sworn into office in 2016 he promised a more independent Foreign Policy moving away from longstanding allies like the u. S. And building closer relations with countries like china and russia but critics say do terrorist actions is making the philippines dependent on china which is seen as the biggest threat as it continues to encroach on philippine maritime territories in the south china sea. The agreement to was created following the rejection of extension of us bases in the philippines in 1991 the visiting forces agreement implements commitments in the 1951 mutual defense treaty which binds the philippines and us to come to each others aid if either is attacked despite the pullout the us military continues to have joint exercises every year involving intelligence sharing as well as Disaster Response training dog an al jazeera manila. Does the coronavirus takes its twists and turns globally with the Financial Markets with focusing on of the us in iraq theyre releasing 70000. 00 prisoners to try to reduce the effects of the virus. And what you all just over with me say hill rob the reminder of our top stories u. S. Stocks have plunged in the opening minutes of trading in new york as concert over the spread of coronavirus starts to have a major Global Economic impact asian markets also saw it may just sell off while billions are wiped off european markets just hours after opening. Earlier oil markets plunged to a bit of a price for the impact of crude a virus brant crude dropped by around 30 percent and that was after saudi arabia signaled it might increase output after a meeting of the Oil Producing bloc opec kristen salumi has more new york and the meeting over the weekend to try to address the concern about Falling Oil Prices prices did not yield the results people were looking for the market is now flooded with oil at a time when were seeing businesses contract out of fear of the Coronavirus Travel being cut schools being closed and the markets are frankly in a bit of turmoil trying to adjust to reflecting the worry that people have over what this is going to do to the Global Economy and global profits for businesses. European Union Leaders all set to hold emergency talks for a Video Conference to coordinate their response to the corona Virus Outbreak the number of new cases in the e. U. Continues to grow rapidly italy has the highest the but infections with nearly 7400. And saddams Prime Minister has survived what the government is calling another sustentation attempt a dillahunt dog wasnt hurt by the roadside bomb blast but a police guard was injured in the capital khartoum and the Prime Ministers vying to vowing the attack wont hinder the political transition. Explosions from a suspected rocket attack of interrupted the inauguration ceremony of afghanistans president of gandhi now the blast did not appear to take place near the ceremony garveys political rival Abdullah Abdullah held a parallel swearing in both men are laying claim to the presidency after a disputed election the trial of 4 man accused of murder over the downing of Malaysian Airlines flight m. H. 70 theirs because of the netherlands 298. 00 people died when the plane was shot down over ukraine in 2043 russians and the ukrainian are being tried in absentia those are the headlines and back with the aljazeera news are in 30 minutes to stay with us talk to aljazeera is next. As the world battles a potential new pandemic well bring you the latest developments from around the world. With updates about travel restrictions and how to protect yourself. Coronavirus out bright special coverage on aljazeera. Movies. After nearly 2 decades of the longest running u. S. War the United States and now gone taliban have signed a historic agreement. With the potential to end the war in the gun is done along the way to the beam and includes a timeline of 14 months all u. S. And nato troops to withdraw a taliban guarantee that of gun choice will not be used to threaten u. S. Security a negotiation with the up on government by march 10th leading to a permanent and comprehensive cease fire. Behind the signing was years of shuttle diplomacy up there played a central role in the negotiations it hosted the months long discussion between representatives of the taliban and american officials in the capital doha now within the green

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