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A 2nd wave of corona virus infections does not take off. And the report from india where a lockdown made this a largely silent sunday. Hello for the 1st time in days italys daily death toll from coronavirus has fallen but still more than 650 people died there in the past 24 hours Prime Minister decepticons says the pandemic which has claimed the lives of nearly 5 and a half 1000 people in italy is the countrys toughest crisis since world war 2 now spain will extend its data from urgency for a further 15 days 10 percent of all cases there have been Health Workers and germany is banning public gatherings of more than 2 people and the chancellor Angela Merkel will be isolated herself after being in contact with an. Affected doctor while in colombia at least 23 were killed in a prison riot caused by coronavirus panic visitors have been banned from colombias prisons in an effort to stop the spread its been another busy day with developments across the globe for which alan spins our coverage it is a mark of the severity of italys situation when its latest coronavirus daily death toll can be viewed as good news 651. 00 new fatalities more than anywhere else in the world but still fewer than the nearly 800. 00 italian dead announced on saturday. Unfortunately today again we register a death toll of 651. Numbers are lower than what we reported yesterday but we must not lower our guard. Prime minister koizumi is calling it the countrys toughest crisis since world war 2 all nonessential businesses are being shut for the time being russia is dispatching call go planes of military medical aid to italy. Germany is banning gatherings in public of more than 2 people and chancellor Angela Merkel is in quarantine after contact with an infected doctor. Spain the state of emergency is being extended till april 11th after the government announced nearly 400 new coronavirus deaths and the pandemic appears to be taking a particularly high toll on Health Workers. But another figure that is what are going out on the one that is affecting the most people involved in the Crisis Response is the number of Health Care Professionals affected. These are 3475. 00 and it represents 10 percent of all cases and. Greece with more than 600 firm cases is to impose a curfew on monday in the United Kingdom as you can see its quiet but there are still people out on the streets and thats because even though the government to shut down many businesses its advice to stay inside and socially distance yourself at the moment fall short of an outright order but Boris Johnson is hinting that if people continue to ignore this tougher measures could follow and i take this is vice seriously follow it because its absolutely crucial and as ive said throughout this process we will keep the implementation of these measures under constant review and yes of course we will bring forward further measures if we think that is that is necessary the u. K. With 281 deaths could be just 2 or 3 weeks behind italy says the Prime Minister chalons al jazeera london. Lets get an update from jonah hall whos joining us via skype to discuss the situation here in europe if we look at italy jonah it is confirming a another large spike in deaths down from 24 hours ago and one wonders if its too early for optimism well im sure you can imagine everybody in italy wondering the same thing desperately hoping that its not too early for optimism. Lay can only wait and see really cant but theyve had these very stringent restrictions in place for 2 weeks now after a pretty faltering start in italy after the 1st cases were identified in groups like february the government putting out various waves of sort of mixed messaging there were a lot of senior officials to the north who had to be in denial some below getting to grips with the problem getting this lockdown in place confining it 1st of all to the north of the country before they made a series of sort of missteps with the benefit of hindsight now the italian cup of course they didnt have time to prepare they were the 1st they were very unlucky in that regard of other European Countries now trying trying to learn the lessons of what they have seen happen in italy and trying to put these blanket nationwide lockdown to the germans have just done that today Angela Merkel taking the issue out of state level and instituting federal federal rules makes right about keeping people to their homes no gatherings of all 2 people distances between people 2 meters and so on and everyone of course hoping hoping that italy is about to turn a corner but knowing that everybody else is ramping up to sort of hoping that they will have are that time whether its days or possibly a couple of weeks away that they would have done enough that they would have bought some time for their Health Systems to cope the people of that reduced the severity of the epidemic when it gets. d right and that they were that managed to say. All right john hall thank you for that update. At least 23 people were killed when a riot broke out in a colombian prison spurred on by panic over the corona virus 83 others were injured during the unrest at a jail in the capital. Its the latest in a number of prison riots right across the country with many fearing an outbreak behind bars visitors have been stopped from entering all prisons to try to stop the spread out asunder and patsy is in bogota and he says there are concerns across latin america about countries abilities to manage the outbreak. The minister of justice confirmed 23. 00 inmates and another 83. 00 were injured during these overnight riots at their modelo prison the main man prison in the capital of colombia. Also that sent in Prison Guards were injured 2 of them are in Critical Condition these prisons are overcrowded the cemetery conditions are very bad then this could explain why people there are so worried so concerned of the possibility of out break of coronavirus inside the prisons however the colombian government is insisting that there are no cases there in any of these prisons as to this point it also tells us that tensions are rising a colombe as bogota is going through is 3rd day of a lockdown before a nationwide choir and team will begin on wednesday look at almost all the countries are taking measures almost on a daily basis is the latest one on sunday was believed they announce a nationwide quarantine for 2 weeks starting this evening also the state of south following brazil will also go on shutdown for another 2 weeks but most countries are saying look the situation here is that this is not europe is not the United States Health Services are limited we cannot have the same kind of scenario that were seeing playing out for example in italy in the United States where one in 5 people are now under lockdown new yorks mayor says the city has more than 8000 confirmed cases of coronavirus officials in the hardest hit areas are warning of major shortages of critical medical supplies as the virus continues to spread through all 50 states and there are now more than 27000 confirmed cases in america and at least 340 deaths lets get an update from castor shes joining us from maryland what can you tell us about the latest number of cases that youre hearing off in the u. S. Heidi. Hey geranium with these numbers coming in quickly i actually have an update now the number of confirmed cases the United States according to John Hopkins University is more than 32000 nationwide that puts the number of corona virus cases in the u. S. Behind only 2 other countries being china and italy and in the state of new york very concerning there with its governor announcing more than 15000 cases in that state alone with a concerning spike overnight of 4800. 00 cases now its unclear how many of those are because of more infections and how many are because of the more widespread testing and overall according to johns Hopkins University 400. 00 deaths across the country and that also means more people are facing these Movement Restrictions ohio being the latest us state where the state governor has issued lockdown to its residents now notably that is the 1st state run by a republican who has made these Movement Restrictions now democratic governors of several other states including the state of illinois were critical of President Donald Trump saying that he lacked the leadership in the beginning of this crisis that he could have done more to prepare the medical supplies that are in now such short short supply across the country and the president on twitter hitting back at those governors earlier today saying that they should not be blaming the federal government for those states own shortcomings so certainly a political standoff is shaping up even as this nation continues to be in crisis and heidi in the meantime we understand that senators are working on a stimulus package to help americans and help stimulate the economy really how close are they to passing. Thats right a act on capitol hill there does seem to be more of a bipartisan spirit in play here there is a deadline coming up in the next hour or so where the senate is saying that hopefully the 2 sides will come together on an agreement to pass what will be the 3rd economic rescue package in response to the coronavirus this one possibly injecting more than one trillion dollars into the u. S. Economy to prop up Small Businesses and give Financial Assistance to individual taxpayers the details of that being worked out now between republicans and democrats but another headline coming from congress is that now the 1st u. S. Senator has announced being tested positive for covert 1000 that being senator rand paul who says in a twitter statement that he is asymptomatic and that hes feeling fine but of course this only underscores how a wide spread now this virus is becoming with senator rand paul now the 3rd member of congress to have tested positive all right so how does a cost or thank you for that update from maryland. Well just moments will tell you why state governments across the u. S. Are reacting very differently than the trumpet ministration when it comes to fighting the virus and also tell you about some of the worlds Biggest Airlines who are cutting old but a few of their roots is the pandemic continues to take a toll on the global economy. But 1st in asia the number of infections and deaths are still rising but most of the new cases are set to be imported and not locally transmitted thailand has now reported its largest daily increase with just under 200 new cases taking the total to nearly 600. 00 to go paula and has this update from hong kong. This is what it looked like during bangkoks 1st day of a partial shutdown its normally buzzing shopping areas and commercial centers fell silent in line with government orders to close malts restaurants and schools for 3 weeks thailand has so far resisted the severe lockdown measures imposed in other parts of asia but finally gave in after a spike in corona virus infections this week has been going on i want the government to implement more intensified measures theyre still not addressing the right thing just part of the more still open so people still are in about. Infections in thailand rose by 30 percent on sunday its biggest jump so far taking the number of cases to nearly 600 the Health Ministry says most of the new infections are linked to boxing match which had thousands of spectators earlier this month and the fire is spreading because mostly young people are not heeding calls to stay at home until recently thailand had managed to contain the outbreak by tightening its border controls early on from the beginning of the year the government bans anyone are arriving from high risk areas and starting from sunday anyone who visits must present a health certificate. Its a measure that other countries in the region are now just catching up 2 cases in singapore doubled this week to more than 430 mainly due to travelers from abroad the Health Ministry says 80 percent of cases in the past 3 days were imported so from tuesday the government will block short term visitors and transit passengers only residents and citizens will be allowed through and they will have to face a 14 day mandatory quarantine china is facing similar problems all the new infections over the past 3 days came from overseas but on sunday a new development. 45 new confirmed cases imported from a brought were reported. On march 21 there was one new confirmed domestic dong that may have been too close contact with an imported. Chinese officials fear cases from overseas made night the crisis again in response authorities there have tightened border restrictions from monday all International Flights to beijing will be diverted to other cities where passengers will be screened for the virus before getting back on the flight to the capital where they will spend 2 weeks in quarantine all travelers into hong kong too will be tested the city has experienced an unprecedented surge in the past week recording 44 new cases on sunday bringing its total past 300. 00 hong kongs chief executive says the situation here is at a critical moment with both locally transmitted and imported cases rising daily after relaxing social distancing measures earlier this month the government is once again telling people to work from home limiting Government Services postponing exams and warning that schools may remain shut for much longer the bigger pollen are hong kong so interviews reporters highlighting a really important issue thats beginning to worry me. Doctor is in Public Health officials around asia and thats the fear that a 2nd wave of infections could arise in countries that thought they had the pandemic under control lets speak about this with a Disease Control specialist Natalie Mcdermott shes joining us via skype thanks very much for your time with us on aljazeera so looking at these countries hong kong as well as south korea where theyre seeing now a rise in new infections or a 2nd wave of infection is this the suggest to you that they do not have the pandemic under control well i think is too angles that we need to look at so the 1st is obviously that containment measures had a good effect in these countries and case numbers of the day the number of new cases. And so some of those measures have now been relaxed and is there a degree of now transmission within the community again because those measures have been relaxed but actually looking at most of the cases that have been reported in china and hong kong in the last week the vast majority of those have been imported cases so this is something that is important for any country to bear in mind so once they have the outbreak under control in their country they then need to remain vigilant for cases coming from other affected countries into their country so are you saying that there is a danger of people in authority is becoming complacent and thats the case that were seeing over in hong kong and singapore for example. Well i dont think all thirtys are becoming complacent but i think that whenever you have people who have been in a lockdown situation for a period of time once thats released you know people people want to return to normal as such and they want to have social interaction again that is our nature is human beings and so some of that relaxation of containment measures may result in Community Spread again if there are still cases circulating in the community but whats important to be vigilant of is imported cases and screening them or isolating them if theyre coming from highly affected countries yes so what do the authorities have to do Going Forward i mean we see over in europe for example france is now deploying fells as a security personnel on the streets and and there are soaring fines for people that dont stay at home so do countries how many to follow the france model. Well i think that countries that are in in the sort of upsurge of the epidemic in their country or are reaching the peak and they need to have those formal containment measures in place and adhere to by the population then yes theres a move to say that if people are not willing to cooperate with that then measures will need to be taken to encourage them a little bit more to cooperate i think china and hong kong its a slightly different situation now because theyve essentially got on top of of the surge that they were seeing a couple of months ago and thats under control but now they need to be vigilant for imported cases of infection from other countries and thats what were you know that they essentially always have to implement similar measures to what europe was implemented for travelers from china a couple of months ago to just be vigilant of any cases that might fly in from affected areas who could be infected and be bringing the infection back to their country are we going to be looking at a scenario Going Forward where countries that have been affected by coven 1000 are going to be reporting a 2nd wave of infections no matter what. Well i think that that is definitely a possibility now the source of those infections might vary so it may be that there is importation of cases from other affected regions again even once the countries got on top of the outbreak in their region and then its a matter of how well we monitor people flying in and entering the country but we may also see a small upset again as well when when containment measures are relaxed because the peak is over and people are trying to return to normal g. T. S. So returning to work or returning to school and we still have some amount of virus circulating within the community then obviously once those containment measures the relaxing people return to more more more normality and interacting with each other again there is the possibility we might see a small surge and it will be up to a Risk Assessment as to whether any the containment measures need to be reintroduced and a lockdown needs to be reintroduced or whether actually its manageable in the form that it is and its going to be kept under control all right Natalie Mcdermott we thank you very much for speaking to us thank you thank you for the financial fallout from the virus is growing but more airlines suffering as demand plummet emirates one of the worlds biggest carriers are suspending most passenger flights from wednesday keeping on a small number of destinations jobs wont be lost but staff to face pay cuts and Turkish Airlines is also halting almost all of its International Flights kurt hoffman is an aviation journalist said air transport world an aviation week and he says the flight suspensions at emirates are part of a global trend were likely to see more of. Well that selmas us and this demonstrates again that no big airline is immune about the Current Crisis it is the biggest crisis for aviation in its history and even emirates have to follow this painful trends to cancel flights throughout the world im sure they were seated also assume a how doubtless canceling more flights in your region in the middle east so its just the latest big trends big whats to expect that actually that emirates will also it can slow the flights yes or no note the middle east especially dubai that changed the traffic flows over the world globally over the last few years so in dubai it became one of the most d important tops worldwide and every instruction of an hub like this frankfurt dubai paris whatever but dubai specially grades a big impact for the Global Travel system so this is quite a big news in this challenge in days for the Division Business you have to expect this crisis vibration takes quite long that will be done a lot of travel ban still of the flight restrictions and i dont expect in the next few weeks or even months that something will go back something its the normal to Many Airlines grounded them up by the fleets and emirates is the latest prominence victim on this the many Smaller Airlines which getting the deep troubles but you also see we also see now more airlines request and for requesting for aid from the governments Even Stronger of tons of one of the richest islands in the world is looking for state aid from their government more than a 1000000000 indians have been asked to stay indoors during a daytime nationwide curfew with a number of cases rising every Day Health Care Officials Say the country is now at a critical stage and less about piron im has more from the capital new delhi. In a city of nearly 20000000 people the streets of delhi were practically empty on sunday and it was a similar picture around the country but most people understanding the need for the lockdown. This curfew that has been imposed by the federal government in every state is good because in maharashtra in mumbai the case is increasing fast. On normal days this area is bustling in every new crowded market but everyone is understood importance and is taking care of themselves but if anyone is coming out we are telling them to follow their nutritional information and take a half way through sunday the government announced it will extend the curfew in the 75 districts with confirmed cases including in the capital new delhi. Or metroid passenger trains and interstate buses have cancelled this service is until the end of the month places of worship closed their doors those in charge of Indias Health care system say the country is at a critical stage we are apprehensive about an escalation of the epidemic but on full guard trying to prevent further injury from our sight as well as containment as quickly as possible within the country no International Commercial flights are allowed to land in india and to the 29th of march after performing the least number of tests among the affected countries which was increasing concerns that could be leaving many cases undetected the Indian Government has expanded its criteria and brought in private hospitals to double the number of Testing Centers from around 50 to 100. People around the country broke the silence on sunday evening by coming out on their balconies to show their appreciation for Health Care Workers it was a moment of unity and supporters the Government Faces the challenging task of limiting the spread to a country with the worlds 2nd biggest population and its a problem al jazeera you daddy. Up in just a moment on the aljazeera news hour the worrying rise in corona virus cases across the african continent countries begin taking drastic action. Having to improvise as hundreds of millions of students are being told to stop going to School Details coming up. Quite a lot of dry weather across parts of europe at the moment but we have got some lively showers down towards the southeast adding days some longer spells of pride some wind as well pushing into northwestern areas but you can see it picks loss of clear weather that we do have just around what a good part of the British Isles right into the next continent right central pass as well fabulous snow some wintry weather now the place in the recent heat that weve had data around hungary and playing towards the black sea 3 cells just the top temperate book rest over the next couple of days actually with some sleet and some snow or a fair bit of that pushing back into the balkans as we head towards the middle part of the way theres actually weather to get up to around 12 celsius in paris as we go through each day i do date into london recovering a little as you pick up something of a southerly breeze on always but some longer spells of rain that just around scotland around the highlands and islands and some bits and pieces of what the weather into well both sides of the mediterranean some showers there just affecting parts of eastern spy and the valley eriks as we make our way through choose day that increasing the fall northwest of africa say some clouds and rain rolling in here over the next couple of days what weather for morocco and algeria. Overthrown and exiled they appoint again saying if you are all wrong. Let me tell you an intimate film about the struggle of the elected leader of madagascar to return to his country and reinstate his presidency you know is that true is true and we do not think he is going on with nutrition against the return of the president on aljazeera. The u. S. Is always of interest to people all right but while this is been going on for a number of hours with tear gas being used to push the calls for others here to report stories from an International Perspective we try to explain for mobile audience why its important how this could impact be a life at the height of the storm the water was so high you could get a fine hey this is an important part of the world people Pay Attention to what goes on here now do is very good at bringing the news to the world from here. Forward. Top stories on the aljazeera news our Prime Minister says the coronavirus pandemic is the countrys toughest crisis since world war 2 another 651 people died there on sunday and spain will extend its data from urgency for a further 15 days and germany public gatherings of more than 2 people. At least 23 people were killed when a riot broke out in a colombian president spurred on by panic over the corona virus 83 others were injured during the unrest jail in the capital but thats. More than a 1000000000 indians have been asked to stay indoors during the daytime nationwide curfew the number of cases rising every Day Health Care Officials Say the country is now at a critical stage. For the World Health Organization has warned african countries to prepare for the worst more than a 1000 people have been diagnosed with the corona virus and 42 countries across the continent were able mohamed takes a look at how some nations are responding. Until recently most countries in africa have escaped the worst of the coronavirus pandemic now cases are rising across the continent many countries like south africa taking similar precautions as the rest of the world canceling International Flights closing schools and land borders. In nigeria africas most populous nation of nearly 200000000 people schools have shot and theres a limit to religious gatherings you can see the. Most to be looked up to the one. Of the. Talking to the people to. The stores mauritanias busy capital is quiet with authorities imposing a nighttime curfew to encourage social distancing. Nations like the democratic republic of congo have dealt with a Health Crisis before the most recent Ebola Outbreak that killed thousands of people this time its president is taking no chances calling for bars and restaurants to close but casual workers who dont and a lot may lose their jobs. But no customers come today and theres no point in sitting tables the ban on International Travel and Sports Events is affecting people in zimbabwe punters here say with both games canceled fewer people are turning up to betting houses and Street Vendors in this township say they have no choice but to work some are worried about what is to come. Cholera typhoid in the past and struggles to overcome those and im just. 3. Hours and im not. Prepared for this with more than 20 cases reported in cameroon hospital staff in douala are preparing for the worst. And demand for Hand Sanitizer is growing but despite measures put in place to limit large crowds. Some streets are still busy cameroonians are calling for tougher controls. The government must take tough action against people im a shopkeeper and i respect the standards to try to keep things clean and avoid big markets. In kenya Health Workers have been disinfecting local markets but the World Health Organization says african countries need to do more to enhance their capacity to detect the virus early isolates and track patients were he to mohammed al jazeera. Californias governor has set aside 50000000. 00 to convert motel rooms into shelters for Homeless People in case they can try coronavirus the state is on lockdown with its 40000000. 00 residents all ordered to stay at home but off. Ortiz estimate as many as 60000 Homeless People could contract the virus over the next 8 weeks the shelters will be used to help them isolate and recover Gavin Newsome says the state is prioritizing the most vulnerable. 6 days ago was 40000 unemployment came claims the next day was 70000 days after that 80000 when up 21251352 days ago and 114000 yesterday were waiting for the new numbers as it relates to the claims today gives you a sense of the magnitude of those that are struggling at this moment i hope the magnitude that we all recognize to meet this moment in terms of the federal support that has to come not only our way but to states large and small all across the United States so new sons actions highlight a growing divide in the United States the federal governments response to the pandemic has often seemed uncertain while a number of state governments are taking tough action several states have now ordered varying levels of lockdowns but until ohio joined that list a few hours ago all of the states in lockdown were governed by democrats lets talk about this with aaron call hes a political commentator and coauthor of debating the donald hes joining us now via skype from ann arbor thats in michigan thanks very much for your time with us on the aljazeera news hour so how do you assess the response from republican controlled states versus democratic controlled states when it comes to a very responsive initiatives theyve taken due to the coronavirus. Sure its you know certainly some have the democrats have been a little bit more proactive and because a lot of their states are being hit harder but i think there has to be some nuance with this you have seen some republican governors like mike de wine ohio been very proactive in terms of shutting down schools and have you shelter in place but you can personally John Bell Edwards a democrat from louisiana has been criticized because he allowed mardi gras on bourbon street to 10 they have the fastest rising number of cases recently so for the most part a lot of democratic governor as you mentioned you have used. Cuomo and others have got a lot of platitudes but you know there are some republican governors as well larry hogan in maryland theyre also getting some so it does cut across a little bit of the only logical lines and of course the democrats at least some of them have been very critical off the way that the president has handled this whole pandemic and so far the control measures that weve seen have been mainly on the individual individual straights rather than the federal government so they can states fight this alone at the federal government does not step up and in your opinion is the trumpet ministration not stepping up. No there definitely needs to be a partnership between the federal government and locals if nothing else in order to get the supplies that they need and the cost sharing this is going to be a tremendous burden on states and they have a lot of budget issues but theres no question that United States was a lot of response to this you know whats happened in trying to a lots have been done starting in january but it wasnt and i think that this in the past week or 2 efforts have ramped up in order to get things done youre going to have to pass congressional legislation in an Economic Perspective but also having the government do things like get the necessary supplies either countries can be critical or else the states are just going to be bidding against each other so theres a lot of states can do but for this really to work in there to be a solution were going to have to work in tandem in partnership both on the the Health Crisis but also the economic ramifications are coming from those that are very dire as well i mean how do you see it heading in that direction because just a few hours ago the president himself tweeted that the governor of illinois and certain other governors should be blaming the government for their own shortcomings is what hes saying that whats your response to that yes hes you know been kind of object on hide a little bit on twitter thats kind of his alternate personality he has been very critical of the governor of michigan government annoyed but then during these press conferences hes a little more sober and the people that are working him from it is that mr asian people like tony fahey and others are you know certainly doing things behind the scenes and so the president is always going to be like that thats his attitude but i do think that others in his administration especially if this gets much more serious we well you know rally around each other come together because its going to be necessary for the future of the country both to beat this virus and then also to get over the economic troubles that is persisted because this cant go on for you know for very much longer else that the countrys going to be on trouble and going for it does the president have the authority to tell governors what to do. He does not the way the United States in the system works is that its mostly those decisions are made at a state level the governors have the power other than declaring martial arts something very extreme that is the way federalism works in United States as it is up to the individual governors and he can recommend that hes you do something he gave a big Oval Office Address urging them to do something but ultimately the power lies in the different states and what most may be good for hawaii may be different than michigan and so you want to defer to that local autonomy because you want to do whats best for individual states on that level and how is this all going to affect the election of course we are an Election Year in the United States a tremendous leader he has i mean weve seen several states like ohio louisiana georgia and others have postponed their primaries into you know may june even and were kind of just stuck right now joe biden had a tremendous amount of momentum several of the primaries were canceled last tuesday and so 40 sanders is still decided to stay in the race there is talk about you know if this thing goes into the fall what its going to do you know to the november election theres a big push in congress now to get voting by mail don i dont know if were going to see that on a National Level but clearly there are going to be precautions that permits our people to mail in their ballots absentee ballots and things like that because people are talking about months for 69 months and obviously the election november is not very far away and given how quickly divided the country has got to go it would cause real and hes all right aaron a cow would thank you very much for speaking to us from michigan now the u. S. Economy relies on Consumer Spending and the pandemic has triggered mass layoffs for those working in hospitality and entertainment Many Americans are turning to each other over the internet for help and to share their layoff stories and chapelle reports. Yes im. The lead singer of the country rock sack brown chair and this message that stands in the ive had to let go of about 90 percent. Explaining why tour dates have been canceled and why he had to let go of most of his crew. Across the u. S. Performance artists and those behind the scenes are suddenly without work that includes 95 percent of performers and staff from Cirque Du Soleil the entertainment companys revenue last year was just shy of a 1000000000 dollars a number thats dropped to 0 according to its c. E. O. Sit in this extra animals unfortunately these decisions all the option as we are forced to position ourselves to read of these storm and prepared for whatever the openings a hard sell for those who just lost their only source of income got laid off from a job 2 to. A virus these kinds of posts are increasing by the day from recently dismissed employees many are sharing their stories online but also to get advice about applying for Unemployment Benefits in their state florida wife is a Hotel Manager and was told she needs to dig unpaid weeks coming up just got sacked i thought i would be safe as im in accounting but beyond the Hospitality Industry so i sort of understand i got laid off today on the drive home i got a text from my partners saying her company is filing for bankruptcy quite the day. The Largest Hotel chain in the world Marriott International is planning to temporarily dismiss tens of thousands of workers sending them home without pay over 19. 00 is having to mow more severe and sudden Financial Impact on our business the 911. 00 and the 2009 financial crisis combined the Hotel Industry in the u. S. Is seeking 150000000000. 00 in relief from the government then one by one that was in some sectors of the economy are collapsing wall Street Investment Firm Goldman Sachs issued a dire forecast on friday saying u. S. G. D. P. May shrink by 24 percent in the 2nd quarter of this year. Sports and entertainment spending may decline by 85 percent according to economic forecasts millions of americans can lose their jobs in the months ahead. And the hotels empty arenas and empty theaters 120000 workers in the Film Industry are already out of work in hollywood according to one labor union and millions of people will be forced to temporarily switch careers to make ends meet but there is good news some companies are hiring including the worlds top 2 retailers amazons adding 100000 workers in the u. S. To meet the surge in demand from those now staying at home while walmarts adding 150000. 00 temporary workers whether stocking shelves delivering food or figuring out how to make those face to face interactions online Americas Service sector is being transformed and chapelle aljazeera irans Supreme Leader says hes baffled by an offer of humanitarian assistance from the u. S. To help fight the virus the country has been struggling to bring its outbreak under control with more than 1600 deaths and 21000 infections. Cham blood of toilets i dont normally call the americans have offered help to iranian medical support and medicine but they have us to make the request for help which is strange why should they ask us to make their request the us is short of medicines the mayor of us city is confessing that they have shortcomings in preventing the disease the us should help itself and its people the palestinian Prime Minister has announced a curfew in the occupied west bank all nonessential travel between cities towns on campuses banned Prime Minister mohammad stay it says the restrictions will apply to everyone except for Health Workers bakeries and Grocery Stores. My son i can be we all share the same social responsibility if we all shoulder it together we should provide it is a critical moment in history a Global Pandemic which we must confront to minimize our loss we have passed the 1st phase together citizens business bridgeman and Civil Society we need stricter measures or the pandemic has forced the closure of schools in many countries disrupting study for hundreds of millions of students and their teacher is also posing unprecedented challenges for parents but for some students home schooling on Online Education are helping we spoke to Michelle Rankin whos a teacher in spain and her son rowell rubia theyre both using it learning tools at home which they say come with their own challenges. Were doing our best dont teach him home. Its very different obviously because that primary and secondary have to find ways of reacting to it but were also working doing online teaching with the adults the we use different platforms which i learned friendly but is taking time to get parents who are less familiar with the technology than the children we closed friday the 13th and we started with the online teaching on the monday so yeah we had to work quite a bit but we kind of saw it coming so we tried to we experimented between us out to make sure to make you aware but it is challenging the best like the struggles dobsons you get into the habit of. Get in the youre somehow up all day in the homework oh and i just turn it on the computer goes you walk home you have to do but its mostly like just the well you have to have to do this like to do the homework is just you know most of the primary most of the primary aged children who weve been working with when we spoken to the parents to give them support also ally the parent and lots of parents of up to but trying to give them every cue School Timetable but still do schoolwork via i have the internet that also include exercise and just simple stuff like knots of people in spain being flat to going standing on their balconies and taking 10 minutes essentially still to come on the aljazeera news hour. From coldplay to life playing musicians try to lift spirits around the world. This is a domicile a mans 4th trip to boozy in 2 days the fisherman is using his boat to risk you as many people as he can was stranded in the flood hit area up to psychologize struck mozambique i was up when i 1st saw women with babies on their backs crying for help saying they were dying i knew i had to do something i was later and from the dark a faint whistle in the distance alerts us to people calling for help women children and the elderly are brought on board 1st hungry and thirsty it hasnt taken much time to pull the boat about 200 people have been rescued and more want to get on but theres simply no space. Counting the cost can italy cope with a coronavirus condom without a bailout for 2000000. 00 auto workers in europe have been told to stay at home we talked to b. M. W. About the future of the industry plus Airlines Fight for their survival as governments impose travel bans counting the cost on aljazeera. The. Allover again the International Olympic Committee Says its considering postponing the 2020 tokyo games by up to a year because of the coronavirus the committee had repeatedly insisted the games would go ahead as planned in july but its been under mounting pressure from athletes and National Bodies to cancel or delay and after an emergency meeting on sunday the i. O. C. Said a decision on postponement will be made within the next 4 weeks it said it ruled out counseling the events. Well with gyms closed and social gatherings bans in many countries so working out has become a challenge for everyone not just elite athletes as paul reese reports from momo swedes are holding on to their regular routine while they still can momos football stadium will lie quiet for a long time this year the ban on large gatherings means therell be no kickoff and elsewhere in europe no title celebrations just yet. Oh top sports stars are in many places confined to their houses their skills all still on display even if only online. While some of the millions in quarantine go to any lengths to keep fit. In sweden theres a decades long tradition of Group Training that people are reluctant to give up while the government still allows it they feel that this is a social thing to be together in this quite tough times we still have some people coming here even if theyre. 17 years of age because this is where they meet people. Have some of the more intense aerobics that call for closer contact and high fives have been moved outside. If we stop training completely would feel much worse out here we have more space we dont need to touch each other and can keep feeling good in these tough times. Im a sports have continued as well even though numbers are down. As many follow government recommendations to minimize contact and its only this week that swedens Football League delayed its opening match is theres nothing strange about there being no fans here at this time of year because the swedish season doesnt start until april thats now been put back to may or june or beyond. The pact standing areas its mama f. F. And other clubs make any imminent start of the season unrealistic. But one professional competition did manage to finish on saturday the season finals in hockey being completed north of stockholm. With coronavirus case is steadily rising here but it may not be long until all team sport in sweden has to follow the worldwide trend. Paul reese aljazeera. Well lets move away from the coronavirus for a few minutes to bring you up to date on some of the other stories making news around the world and cats are in the u. S. Have facilitated the 1st direct talks between the Afghan Government on the taliban on a prisoner swap the Qatari Foreign Ministry Says all parties emphasized their commitment to reduce tension and resume talks in the next few days last month washington and the taliban signed a deal that ending the 18 years of war the agreements included the release of 5000 taliban prisoners by the Afghan Government in exchange for a 1000 Afghan Security forces personnel held by the taliban at least 10 people have died as violence continued tomorrow a controversial referendum and parliamentary election in guinea holes of closing the vote on a constitutional change that opponents think would let president alpha conde stay in Office Despite nearing the end of his 2 term limit there were several attacks on polling sites and some were unable to open on time for the vote. A strong earthquake has struck or a shock causing widespread damage and panic a 15 year old was reported to be in Critical Condition and 16 others injured 0. Has more. Several earthquakes hit the capital of croatia the city o. Zagreb but the strongest one was at 6 23 am with the epicenter 7 kilometers northwest of the capital city of zagreb after the earthquake which lasted 10 seconds the people in panic ran away on the streets the creation government also the creation president and the mayor of the capital city zagreb killed in a merger meeting and they told the people not to panic currently the creation army fired part this and police are cleaning up of the streets some of the buildings are damaged especially in the city centers and doctors are fighting to save a life of a 15 year old uproot person who is in Critical Condition also this comes in a situation where where is also the coronavirus epidemic in droids just so people are told if they are staying outside they should have at least 2 meters distance from each other not to not to make more even a problem with the spread of the corona virus there are unconfirmed reports that Syrian Government forces have withdrawn from a strategic town on syrias border with turkey this video said to show syrian troops pulling out of co bonnie local sources told aljazeera 20 tanks and several vehicles left the area Syrian Forces seized the kurdish held town last october as tensions with turkey increased. Mexican Authorities Say theyll allow some people seeking asylum in the u. S. To cross mexicos southern border illegally but the aim is to reduce the number of people queuing at mexicos northern border with the u. S. It will only apply to some people from honduras guatemala and el salvador Foreign Ministry said it would evaluate on a case by case basis who will be allowed into mexico. The netherlands is famous for its flowers but a drop in demand caused by the corona virus pandemic means millions of unsold blooms are being destroyed every day distributors say as much as 80 percent of total production is being dumped and with many countries marking mothers day this weekend the timing couldnt be worse. This is really the 1st time that we. Have to do. The dutch auction already exists for more than 100 g. S. And this is the 1st time were in such a crisis and with hundreds of millions of people around the world forced to stay indoors entertainers especially musicians are finding it tough to reach the masses so theyre going online and roslyn jordan has the story. And a telling of contagion and physical isolation the. Musicians who thrive on the energy of the crowd are feeding that energy back via social media hi my name is chris is this on chris martin of coldplay raising money for the w. H. O. Global Pandemic Fund so i thought it would be nice to be to check in with some of you out there and see how youre doing and where you was and what i could do for you. The famous pop stars such as paint. The pavement and local favorites Like Washington d. C. Is just untrue and are reaching out mainly because they want to ease peoples minds you know were going to the Grocery Store and people are people are fighting over you know the last remove toilet paper people are a little bit more worked up and they are normally in life. Perhaps the most inspirational. The ordinary women and men taking to their balcony. And to their sidewalks to enjoy a melody or 2 of course at a safe distance. Is a professor who studies and practices Music Therapy she says music helps people feel. Sick and in control jerry writes. Given the things we need to relate with each other we use eco nuts to make sense of all so seeing this neat this immediacy and this need to activate and ignite our artistic beings as a way of coming together to. John lodge and followed her place chris martin to the online stage to help raise money for covert 19 really i think some of her question is actually yes you know my twitter its a good so honest its by Stevie Wonder loves in the. Stretching hands and voices beyond the stage to soothe a worried and anxious world i hope. There will. Be a. Muslim jordan aljazeera washington good morning. And we leave you this hour with vests many people around the world as youve been hearing living under heavy restrictions at the moment including on the Spanish Island of majorca where the local police have been trying to lighten the mood while on patrol. There. Was. The big thanks for watching the news hour back in a moment with more news. When diplomacy fails and fear sweeps then our borders are wide open wide open to drugs terrorists weve proven the barriers are built to impose division and its not affective instead of being an obstacle or 2 always pts into became another almost a quarter to peace in a 4 part series aljazeera revisits the reasons for divisions in different parts of the world and the impact they have on both sides walls of shame on aljazeera. April on al jazeera. Countries are imposing drastic measures to contain the coronavirus pandemic well bring you all the latest developments from around the world. And im told stories from across asia pacific one i want east brings new insights from the wells most populated region as the democratic president ial race narrows how will the corona Virus Outbreak impact the u. S. Election campaign and get to be investigated whether burning cash a group of independent journalists and a key role in the global fight against fate means the u. S. Will count its population and a once in a decade census with coronavirus concerns will it get the full picture april on aljazeera. In response to Global Warming germany is gradually shutting down its coal industry but is it happening fast enough we dont have any time to waste any more we cant wait so were taking direct action to call for the immediate phase out of culture as Climate Change activists challenge communities reliant on the industry for jobs people in power who will win the cold war on aljazeera. 651 more deaths in italy germany bans gatherings of more than 2 people and a new plea in the u. K. To protect the vulnerable across europe on the world the coronavirus pandemic shows no sign of slowing down. Watching old 0 live from london im also ahead of these 23 people are dead after coronavirus fire sparked a riot in a colombian prison. What cities and countries across asia are doing to make sure a 2nd wave of corona virus infections does not take off. And we report from india where a lockdown made this a largely silent sometimes

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