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News the u. S. Charges venezuelas president Nicolas Maduro would not terrorism. Hello the u. N. Secretary general has told leaders of the worlds 20 major industrialized countries that humanity is at war with the virus and were not winning and when you go terrorists called for a Global Response at an emergency virtual g. 20 summits support a way out of a crisis where a leader has vowed to do whatever it takes to combat it and he said the numbers of confirmed cases which have now passed half a 1000000 are only the tip of the iceberg the real number is believed to be many times higher well the number of new deaths has surged in spain and it remains high in italy where its feared deaths are now rising in the poorest south and as economists predict a deep global recession the u. S. Saw 3300000 people make new jobless claims last week its biggest ever jump the barker begins our coverage with this report on the situation across europe. This is how spains hoping to win the war on the Coronavirus Police are among the 1st to be tested but its hazardous work for these medical staff a large number of those testing positive on Health Workers. In madrid where an ice rinks been turned into a makeshift morgue or hearses arrived on thursday the death toll has risen to more than 4000 overtaking china. And italy still europes worst affected country to date have been temporarily stored in churches before being sent for combination army truck in a deserted European Parliament chamber the Commission President urged europeans to show solidarity several you countries including germany and france have banned exports of protective gear to avoid shortfalls at home ursula von deland warns the practice undermined europes joint response to the crisis we all share this responsibility none of us can do it alone and certainly no member state can handle this crisis on their own and because in this crisis and in our union more generally it is only by helping each other that we can help ourselves in paris Health Workers are conducting drive through testing in the streets frances death toll rose by 28 percent on thursday tracing the spread of the virus is vital for controlling it president micron is one of several World Leaders joining g 20 talks remotely hoping for a global approach to the pandemic on the same Conference Call the russian president vladimir putin. He believes russia can defeat the virus in less than 3 months with tough measures the country will suspend International Flights from friday a moscow will close all shops except pharmacies and Grocery Stores a day later. In the british Capital Works continuing to convert a massive exhibition hall into an Emergency Hospital the number of people in the u. K. Who have died from the pie was just jumped by more than 100 in a day for the 1st time. The british vacuum cleaner make a dyson has now joined a growing number of Technology Companies developing ventilators to help the countrys Health Care System for a new 2 great. British woman stark account of having the virus has been shared online cara mannering is 26 weeks pregnant. And then. More. For now the British Governments promise to ramp up testing by the end of the week with hospitals in london told to expect a continuous tsunami of patients scientists are warning many countries in europe that the worst is yet to come. Out as they are well french hospitals are struggling to cope with its rising number of corona virus infections there are more than 25000 cases there and more than 1600 people have died and now trains are being specially equipped to transfer patients across the country to hospitals with more capacity lets ask about the reports from western france. High speed trains converted into mobile hospitals Health Workers in eastern france load coronavirus patients into t. G. V. Carriages stopped by doctors and nurses and equipped with respirators the regions critically ill patients are being evacuated to hospitals in western france to ease pressure on the alsatian regions overwhelmed Health Services on wednesday the french president arrived at a new military Field Hospital in the eastern city of moore lose a facility usually seen in conflict zones but for a man who might crawl not out of place in peacetime he says the fight against the coronavirus is a war. When you engage in war you engage fully you mobilize together i see divisions and fractures in our country doubts people who want to divide the country when we should have only one obsession to unite to fight the virus. It took the french army 4 days to build a network of tens that can receive dozens of patients in intensive care. If its a store because its the 1st time weve built the sort of structure thats been created specifically for covert 19. Is close to the german border its plight is motivated its neighbors to help several hospitals in germany switzerland and luxembourg have offered to take in french coronavirus patients at a time when so many countries in the e. U. Have shut borders it is a display of European Solidarity on wednesday german Emergency Services collected critically ill french patients and flew them to hospital in freiburg. Were proud to be able to help our french colleagues our neighbors our friends and irrespective of our location this is about our duty as humans and our desire to help as europeans. At night for bells across france rang out to thank the nations Health Workers for macro its imperative that people unite behind him and support his actions in this moment of crisis hes convince them to stay for 2 weeks but hes now expected to ask them to stay indoors even longer Natasha Butler aljazeera western france well lets talk about the European Response of pabrai and hes joining us via skype from surrey and we now know paul the Prime Minister of italy and spain the 2 hardest hit countries in europe have rejected a joint in your proposal to tackle the economic crisis caused by the virus why are they concerned well its interesting that attaches reporter speaks about european unity. The reality is that there is a fundamental difference between European Union leaders about how best to hamley economic fallout of this Coronavirus Crisis theyve been meeting by Video Conference during the course of this afternoon and it was a joint draft statement which was prepared in advance of that meeting in which italy made it quite clear that it wasnt happy they are idea that its in the end and france and spain have is that they want to throw all of the tools that are available financially at this crisis to make sure that those countries hardest hit by the coronavirus can actually borrow for example at low Interest Rates and spend as much money as is required in order to prop up the economy given that so many people are having to stay at home the economies of many countries is essentially ground to a halt what they were concerned about is that there wasnt a unified approach from other companies other countries and italy is Prime Minister as you said become take it previewed it in a speech to the Italian Senate earlier today now in that European Union meeting hes basically described the overall response of the e. U. Leaders as too timid and hes essentially going to say no im not agreeing to this draft go away come back in 10 days time well all convene again and hopefully have some think stronger what he wants is a thing called carona bonds especially they are debt bonds which would allow countries in europe to borrow at sustainably low rates so that those already hard hit economic countries such as italy such as spain whose economies are struggling can borrow at low rates in order to prop up their economies as i said that problem is that countries like germany netherlands austria finland are dead set against that germany doesnt want to do it it feels that it theres a risk that it could be left holding the check if theres a default by some of those southern European Countries and so the resulting that the conflict that financial diplomatic conflict between the 2 is going to take really some bridge building right up already and thank you. Well 100 people in new york state have died from corona virus in the past 24 hours alone Governor Andrew Cuomo says officials are scouting for additional locations to expand Hospital Capacity but warns the state isnt prepared to handle the rising number of cases almost any scenario that is realistic will overwhelm the capacity of the current Health Care System we have approved the technology that allows one ventilator to serve 2 patients what they call split which is where you add a 2nd set of tubes to a ventilator to do 2 patients its not ideal but we believe its workable well even though the city is under lockdown new york is struggling with a lack of police stuff nearly 3000 staff called in sick on wednesday just under 200 officers and 39 civilian employees have confirmed coronavirus cases and the number of people off work is nearly 3 times the daily average. New orleans click set to be the next coronavirus epicenter in the United States Health Officials say in the easy as largest city has the highest growth rate of new cases in the world and a major federal disaster declaration has been made freeing up resources to tackle the pandemic but hospitals could soon be overwhelmed as Andy Gallagher reports. This is new orleans most celebrated neighborhood now the French Quarter is a shadow of its former self businesses are closed tourists are leaving and now the big easy is facing a Major Health Crisis Officials Say the city is on course to become the next coronavirus at the center the rate of new cases is the highest in the world may in the next few days overwhelm the citys hospitals what isnt a theory what is fact is whats actually happening on the ground and we know that its serious we know the case count is much much higher than we obviously want it to be many in the medical community blamed the rapid spread of the corona virus here on mardi gras the annual celebration attracts well over a 1000000 visitors from all over the world it happened at the end of last month when the virus was already present in the u. S. Indicated were on a pass like in the week and we need here for now certainly the measures that we put in your very streams and the governor and mayor ive been very clear about staying home stay home to save lives despite the warnings some are still gathering in crowds pasta tony spells holding Outdoor Services potentially putting his congregation at risk as a right to assemble. We reserve the right to worship god. We take all the necessary precautions. Disinfecting our building keeping people in distance and what have new orleans is a resilient city used to dealing with natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina the next few days could be equally as challenging and agalloch aljazeera. Well new figures show 3300000 americans applied for Unemployment Benefits last week thats 5 times more than the previous record set nearly 40 years ago its the latest sign of just what effect the coronavirus is having on the economy businesses across the u. S. Have been forced to close the citys imposed lockdowns to stem the spread of the outbreak talk us through these numbers and fisher hes joining us from washington and so theyre pretty Staggering Numbers allan and they could be just the tip of the iceberg. Its hard to know certainly congress believes that the measures that theyre putting in place the 200. 00 trillion dollars the biggest ever financial bailout in u. S. History might go some way to easing the pressure particularly on companies but also on families and theyre hoping that these steps will be anough hasnt gone through the house yet the house still on vacation this week theres talk that there could be a voice for that means that those on the floor will be able to give their support and that doesnt mean Everyone Needs to be there but certainly not see pelosi is very encouraging although she is seeing that they may have to come back perhaps in a month maybe even sooner and perhaps past even another bill which suggests as your question pointed this may not be the beginning the sadly big consensus and the situation as you say isnt getting any better no more than 1000 deaths confirmed in the United States number of cases going to new orleans being a possible center of the next brink of the pandemic dont trump has been on a call to a number of governors over the last couple of hours were told that he was asked by g. And slade from washington if the government would actually stand penn and Order Companies to start making things like ventilators and mosques donald trump it would be suggested wasnt keen on taking that step in the moment suggesting that states need to do a lot more we will get more from donald trump in the next hour so theyre expected to have the Daily Briefing what is interesting is that a number of u. S. Networks have decided not to take the president life they believe that he says things that arent true cant be fact checked in real time and perhaps might even be more damaging to the United States you can argue on the political position of that but thats what a couple of networks are doing believing that the president points has been doing more harm than good just one very quick point out. The Senate Passed the the bill to give 200 trillion to the economy he tweeted i see congratulations america that drew a lot of criticism particularly with the number of calls the case is going so this isnt the time to take effect. All right alan fischer thank you for that update from washington lets bring in dr heidi larsen whos the director of the Vaccine Confidence project joining us here from london via skype thanks for your time with us on the aljazeera news hour and you know we continue to hear day after day the number of infections just on the rise but could the number of those infected with the coronavirus actually be much higher is generally what were seeing is that the only testing thats being done is off suspected patients absolutely we really. Have a tip of the iceberg buf if were counting on any of those that have been tested or theyre largely people who have exhibited more serious symptoms by the time they get tested south korea is exceptional in a way theyve been testing. More thoroughly than others but there certainly are a lot more cases than the ones that weve been confirming and when the w. H. O. Says the testing people with symptoms of the virus lies at the heart of fighting the pandemic and then you see countries who are not going through rigorous testing except perhaps south korea like youre saying and perhaps germany as well why arent we seeing the kind of testing that we need to be see that we need to see. Well some of it is a sheer supply problem i mean when you think about it were only into the 3rd month of this a dramatically escalating pen demick and weve managed to get a test in pretty quick time but theres just not enough of it and i know that and sometimes i mean certainly in the u. K. It wasnt clear how bad it was going to be i mean and in Different Countries they didnt know how much they would need and this is all happened so quickly that by the time the reality that they need a lot of tests happens the shortages limited and theres a lot of competition for what is out there and what do you make of the u. K. Governments response because the British Government is now promising to ramp up testing by the end of this week and according to Public Health england were also going to see millions of home coronavirus tests set to be available on the high streets this is good news. This is definitely good news so i think that they certainly would like to see that happen now hopefully the supplies are accessible but its definitely good news because right now were really relying on a social or what some people call physical distancing and self isolation and these are measures that are really because we really dont know who is infected in who isnt because you can you know have very minimal symptoms or you can be seriously ill how do you see the next few weeks or perhaps the next few months playing out so how worried are you. Well i think i am im very worried the escalation has been tremendous on the other hand i see that publics in large part have been cooperating and it is when you think about it this is like the largest social experiment in the world but its it is remarkable how many populations have largely been cooperating i think now that they realize how serious this is so. Im concerned because theres a lot that we dont know yet and i think theres also in the beginning there is so you know here weve only started lockdown with really in a serious way early this week we dont know i mean so much could have spread before that and how long will people. I mean this isnt normal life at all and people are trying to make the most of it and being incredibly resourceful with everything from exercise apps to virtual coffee chats to meetings and all of our work on line but theres going to be a point where people will get frustrated and i think its just going to be how long will people cooperate but hopefully in the meanwhile we get enough test so we know have a bit of a better read on the landscape well have to leave it there heidi larsen we thank you very much for speaking to us from london. Tampon the al jazeera news hour in just a moment americans panic buy to defend themselves against the coronavirus and more traditional phone. And body counts as elected speaker of Israels Parliament in a surprise move that could lead to an alliance with Benjamin Netanyahu. While china is beginning to ease restrictions other asian nations are struggling to contain the spread of the virus measures have been ramped up in thailand malaysia and new zealands difficult pollin reports from hong kong. To watch chinas leaders are continuing their push to get people back to work and life back to normal airports and railway stations have reopened and who bay province where the most drastic locked on restrictions were enforced until this week tens of millions who are confined to their homes for weeks in the province which still accounts for the majority of chinas 81000 cases nearly all new infections in china in recent days have been imported from overseas with a dwindling number china appears to have passed the worst government ministers are reaching out to other countries to lend expertise or. Teach all solution to what we fully understand the difficulties of others and that provide assistance to the best of our ability the Chinese Government has announced that it would provide 83 countries and international and regional organizations such as the Worlds Health organisation with Emergency Assistance to. Southeast asia was on the periphery at the height of the outbreak in china but many countries there are now struggling malaysia has the highest number of cases in the region prompting the government to extend restrictions on peoples movements until april the 14th. Malaysia suffered its biggest daily increase new cases on thursday raising the infections total pos 2000 new cases are also rising in indonesia but government leaders in the worlds 3rd most populous country are stepping up this infection and sanitizing measures rather than keeping people at home this infection and hand washing stations are open in the capital after confirmation of nearly 800 cases in jakarta kind of to the fore side to me at the moment many people in public still remain active there are no restrictions or lockdown notice so we hope this will become one of the alternatives to prevent the spread of covenanting. You zealand has had its 1st day at its highest level of alert requiring people to stay Home Health Ministry reports at the largest daily increase in new infections bringing it to 73 thailands state of emergency has tarted up to criticism of the governments slow response leaders have additional powers to implement curfews censor the media disperse gatherings and deploy the military for enforcement more than a 1000 people are reported infected but as most of the world closes its doors china is reopening many tourist sites are welcoming visitors for the 1st time in 2 months. I think the epidemic is under control this shouldnt be a problem for people to go outside. A glimmer of hope from the country which still has the worlds most cases but is clearly sending a message that they wont be beaten by the virus to be gopalan argues their own home kong. Indias government has unveiled a 23000000000. 00 stimulus package to help the countrys poor during the coronavirus lockdown millions of low income families will receive Cash Payments and food the governments will also pay for frontline Health Workers medical insurance more than a 1000000000 people are under lockdown across india where more than 600 infections and 13 deaths have been reported we are looking at both Cash Transfer as one set of measures and of the set of measures will be Food Security related we do not want anyone to remain hungry so we will be giving enough to take care of their food grains requirement routine requirement in terms of pulses on the other hand they should also not remain without money in hand so several measures to be bt are being taken so that money reaches them it was so that they can have money in their hands south africa is less than an hour away from a 3 week nationwide lockdown as suffer as a dramatic increase in corona virus infections a 6 fold rise in cases has been seen in a days taking the confirmed number of infections to more than 900 thats the highest in Africa Police in the military have been deployed to enforce the lock down which includes bans on dog walking and alcohol sales from the miller is joining us from johannesburg so how people reacted in the lead up to the lockdown. Well 3 people certainly on nervous not only because of that very quick escape lation numbers in 21 days all africans have not seen a 927 confirmed cases of co that 98 so africans are wired theyre also scared and this is unprecedented a lot down the lafitte the entire country youve mentioned some of the prescriptions there but i didnt even exist on african prisons were im up also spoke to South Africans he also spoke to the south African National Defense Force and there was a head of them taking to the streets theyll be assisting police in patrolling the streets making sure people at here to these restrictions and he use that opportunity it to support the army but also reassure South Africans explaining the role of the army saying that they were not coming to a situation that was sort of hostile territory and that they expected of africans to cooperate all right thank you for that update from johannesburg well 2 cruise ships off Western Australia are being told to leave the countrys waters over fears passengers could spread the virus 7 people aboard a german ship of tested positive its currently tied up in the port of fremantle but passengers arent being allowed off the 2nd ship is still off perth after being refused permission to dock but it says there are no in fact the passengers on board were taking you live to washington and the u. S. President there he is getting his Daily Briefing on the coronavirus pandemic lets listen in Beautiful Day. Very good what you do look at all those empty seats never seen it like this. Boy or how the world has changed how the world has changed. But its going to end up being better than ever. I want to thank you very much for being here and id like to update you in the seps were taking on our ongoing fight to defeat the virus this morning at 755 i spoke to the leaders of the g. 20 at a great meeting and we have a lot of different ideas a lot of good ideas working together the leaders gathered virtually around the world to discuss the whole subject of the problem that right now 151 nations have got we had president Alberto Fernandez of argentina Prime Minister Scott Morrison of australia. President gerry balsa naro of brazil Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of canada president of china president emmanuel mccrone of france chancellor merkel of germany. Prime minister modi of india president would dawdle of indonesia Prime Minister Giuseppe Conti of italy Prime Minister shinzo abi of japan congratulations to japan are making a great decision when the olympics make it next year 2021. President address manual Lopez Obrador of mexico i want to thank the president of mexico for having done such a great job with respect to the military we have 27000 mexican soldiers on our southern border and. Very few people are getting through i can tell you that we are going to keep it that way and. We have a great relationship with mexico now president putin of russia. King solomon of saudi arabia. President reposts of south africa president moon of as you know a country that we spend a lot of time in south korea were working very hard and then Prime Minister sanchez of spain president are to go out of turkey Prime Minister Boris Johnson of the United Kingdom the president of the European Commission vender lay and. President of the European Council charles recal United Nations secretary general antonio the terrorists World Health Organization director ted rose and hundreds song World Bank President david mel pass and the International Monetary Fund Managing director crystal ina cure g. Of a so thats a big group but its a great group and they were all there every one of them and we talked about the problem. And hopefully wont be her problem for too much longer in the United States is working with our friends and partners around the world to stop the spread of the virus and coordinate our efforts we discuss how vitally important is for all of our nations to immediately share information and data and weve been doing that to a large extent but well do it even more so in to inform our i guess you could safe for me each of us on the fight that weve got going one way or the other its a little bit different but were handling it a little bit in different ways. But there is great uniformity i think we had it was a terrific meeting tremendous spirit among all of those countries you had 20 countries plus the other people that i mentioned and tremendous spirit to get this over with after the meeting with the World Leaders i spoke with the governors of our 50 states and territories. Our team as. Been in constant communication with the governors and we had a we had a terrific meeting somebody in the fake news said that one of the governor said oh we need tom brady yes it is committed in a positive way he said we need tom brady were going to do great and he meant it very positively but they took it differently they think tom brady should be leading the effort. Thats only fake news and i like tom brady spoke to him the other day hes a great guy. But i wish the news could be. Could be real we should could be honest i wish it werent corrupt but so much of it is its so sad to say its just so sad to say we had a great meeting at a what. Im sure you have tapes of the meeting im sure that you were able to get tapes very easily see it 50 governors plus and if you had tapes youd see it was really i mean there is no contention i would say virtually none. I would say maybe one person there was a little tiny bit of a raising of a voice a little wise while hes got a little bit. But hes usually a big wise guy not so much anymore. We saw to it that he wouldnt be so much anymore but he is we had it i mean i would rate mike was there a lot of the folks in the back were there and it was a it was a great meeting took place at about 12 oclock so we went from the g. 20 to the governors we also spoke about the Economic Relief with the governors and the package that were moving through congress to deliver much needed Financial Assistance to hardworking families and Small Businesses i want to thank the democrats and republicans in the senate for unanimously passed in the largest Financial Relief back agenda merican history 96 to 0 and i have to say its the largest by far and im profoundly go. Full that both parties came together to provide relief for American Workers and families in this hour of need the house of representatives was now pass this bill hopefully without delay i think its got tremendous support when youre at 96 to nothing and as you know a couple of those people are quarantined and one rand paul is. Hes actually got it but hell lel be better is a has been a great guy has been a great friend of mine actually. The massive 2. 00 trillion dollar relief package includes Job Retention loans for Small Businesses with loan forgiveness available for businesses that keep their workers on the payroll its pretty good loan forgiveness keep the workers on the payroll its pretty good direct Cash Payments will be available to american citizens earning less than 99000. 00 per year 3400 dollars for the typical family of 4 expanded Unemployment Benefits the average worker who has lost his or her job will receive 100 percent of their salary for up to 4 full months these are things that by the way we have plenty more to go in but there are things that nobodys ever had any package like this and i just want to thank them hopefully itll get approved equally. Easily in the house really i think it will go through pretty well from what i hear virtually everybody that could be one of the one of the one grandstand or maybe you might have one grandstander and for that will have to come back and take a little more time and it will pass itll just take a little longer but lets see whether or not we have a grandstander critical support for the hardest hit industries with a ban on corporate stock buybacks and tough new safeguards to prevent executive compensation of is over 100000000000. 00 for amazing doctors nurses and hospitals. 45000000000. 00 for the Disaster Relief fund more than doubling the amount available this is tremendous 27000000000. 00 for the Coronavirus Response including a 16000000000. 00 to build up the Strategic National stockpile with critical supplies including masks respirators and all sorts of pharmaceuticals 3500000000. 00 to expand assistance to child care providers and child care benefits to Health Care Workers 1st responders and others on the front lines of the crisis and these are really brave incredible people i have to say and some of them are getting sick and some of them are getting very sick and some of them dont even recover their incredible people 1000000000. 00 for defense production act procurement we are as you know using the act but we use it only when necessary we use it as leverage we generally dont have to use it to accomplish what we want to accomplish as of today fema has shipped over 9000000 and 95 masks 20000000 facemasks 3100000 face shields nearly 6000 ventilators 2600000 gallons 14600000 gloves and were sending more every day and weve got tremendous amounts of equipment coming in a lot of Great Companies are making equipment right now the ventilators obviously they take a little longer to make but we have a lot of Companies Making them and were going to be in great shape we took over an empty shelf we took over a very depleted place in a lot of ways as you know the testing is going very very well and that was obsolete and broken and we fixed it and its been going really good and i think very importantly the the stockpile were really filling it up and we feel it. Rapidly but we get it out sometimes we have it sent directly to the states instead and again the state has to be doing this kind of thing also were sort of a. We look we look from behind a little bit and we look at how are they doing and if they need help we do it but its their 1st responsibility sometimes they just cant get it but we load it up and we send it out but if we can we have it sent directly to the state and we want to go directly to the point where we want to i can now announce something that i think is incredible what theyve done in the navy because the incredible Naval Hospital ship the u. S. And s. Comfort which is incredible actually when you see it in so it will be under way to new york city on saturday so its going to be leaving on saturday rather than 3 weeks from now and they did the main in squiggly in there was going to be there for quite a while longer another 3 or 4 weeks and. It should be arriving i told the governor 20 minutes ago Governor Cuomo that the ship will be arriving in new york harbor on monday i think im going to go out in. A kiss it goodbye ill go ill go to its in virginia as you know. And i will go and. Well be waiving together because i suspect the media will be following johnny going to be following maybe you never know its a great ship its a great vessel is right so if you want to go ill see you there and if you dont thats ok after being fully loaded with medical supplies its going to be its loaded up to the top and its over at the door for the naval base. Thats where it departs it is expected then to move were saving about 3 to 4 weeks by the incredible work done by the navy. And. I actually look forward to saturday to see it go the ship will arrive and i believe its going to get a little bit of a sermon it is something very beautiful about it its incredible piece of work going to be lending appear 90 in manhattan to provide hospital Surge Capacity for the new york metropolitan area so its a Surge Capacity they may use it for this or they may have other people coming in from hospitals unrelated to the virus and then theyll use those hospitals on land theyll use those hospital for the virus but well see how they do it they could you would do it either way one way or the other whichever one is best but it could be because its set up so well for a regular hospital that they may take people out of us spittles and then use those rooms for the voters. The National Institute of health in the private sector working closely with the f. D. A. Continue to collaborate to discover and test treatments and therapies that can effectively reduce the duration and symptoms of the virus and help. Very much help people to recover and im firmly committed to bringing these treatments to market very quickly we have a we have a lot of tests going on with regard to different medicines and i hope i hope we get lucky i hope we had a lot of talented scientists and doctors are working on therapeutics or vaccines i think were doing very were well tony made speak to that a little bit later but i think were doing very well with regard to the vaccines i think were doing well with regard to a lot of the things i just mentioned but well have to see what happens within a fairly soon about a lot of them but its very advanced and the vaccines are very advanced prior to as you know a fairly reasonably long test period of in that case over a year every american should be proud of the incredible spirit our country has brought to this effort its been incredible citizens from all walks of life of come together to turn the tide in this battle were witnessing the extraordinary power of american unity like a lot of people have never seen even getting of about it talking about trillions of dollars and you get a vote of 96. 00 to nothing. We are waging war on this virus using every financial scientific medical pharmaceutical and military resource to halt its spread and protect our citizens i want to express our tremendous thanks to the American People and for continuing to practice social distancing like you people are practicing right here its i dont know theres room in never be the same. Maintaining good hygiene and follow government guidelines Vice President pence live sup that card every time and its not very complicated but hopefully you can do that and your commitment will make all the difference in the world and thats one of the big ones will be for a while stay home just relax stay home. Making a lot of progress as we continue to gather more information and accelerate the testing where were doing record numbers of tests now far more than any other country has done i told you yesterday 8 days here because you heard so much about south korea that the media kept of them south korea south korea we have a great relationship with president moon and south korea but when i hear so much about south korea so be it 8 days in 8 days we do more testing than they did in 8 weeks. And its a story highly sophisticated tests will be able to deploy even more data driven and targeted approaches to slow the ultimately you know its a very devastating thing but we will vanquish this virus and its. A lot of progress has been my thats why earlier today i set a letter to americas governors describing how we will be using the data. To update existing guidance on social distancing which will be developed in close coordination with our nations public Health Officials and scientists. Because of the sacrifices of our great doctors and nurses and Health Care Professionals the brilliance of our scientists and researchers and the goodness and generosity of our people i know that we will achieve victory and quickly return to the path of Exceptional Health safety and prosperity for all of our citizens. We have to get back to work our people want to work they want to go back they have to go back and. Were going to be talking about dates were going to be talking with a lot of great professionals but this is a country that was built on. Getting it done and our people want to go back to work im hearing im hearing it loud and clear from everybody so well see what what happens were going to have a lot more information early next week and well be reporting that back but i just want to leave it with you we have to go back to the United States of america they dont want to sit around and wait in that theyll be practicing and by the way a lot of people misinterpret what i said go back theyre going to be practicing as much as you can social distancing and washing your hands and not shaking hands and all of the things that we talk about so much but they have to go back to work our country has to go back our country is based on that and. I think its going to happen pretty quickly i think its going to happen pretty quickly a lot of progress is made but weve got to go back to work we may take sections of our country we may take large sections of our country are going to arent so seriously affected and we may do it that way but weve got to start the process pretty soon so well be talking to you a little bit more about that next week and with that if you have any questions you could ask and then im going. Have Vice President stay behind and hes going to take questions and also introduce some of the people you could ask them some questions john plans just for. One of the numbers 0300000 dollars across town over but still Staggering Number one but it was not well its nobodys fault certainly not in this country nobodys fault we got very lucky when we made a decision not to allow people in from china to very early date i say that because some people dont want to accept it but this was a great decision made by our country or theres the numbers that youre talking about were big country to be far greater far far bigger. So when i heard the number i mean i heard it could be 6000000 could be 7000000 its 3. 3 or 3. 2 but its a lot of jobs but i think well come back very strong the sooner we get back to work you know every day that we stay out it gets harder to bring it back very quickly. And our people dont want to stay and so i know those numbers john but i think youll see a very festered around once we have a victory over the. The hidden enemy as i say its a hidden enemy sometimes a hidden enemy is a lot tougher than somebody that stares you in the face right so well see what happens but i mean there are fully expected numbers at least in at least a foot vote for waves of proof along for. That why is that fair well we have very strong deployments on the southern border as you know with mexico and we had some troops up in canada but ill find out about that. I guess its equal justice to a certain extent but in canada we have we do have troops along the border you know we have a lot of things coming in from canada we have. Trade some illegal credit we dont like we have very strong. Sanctions on some we have very strong tariffs on dumping steel and we dont like steel coming through our border thats been dumped in canada so they can avoid the tariff you know george a lot of tariff for the steel and its been great for Steel Companies because now they can really go you look at whats happened with steel its been pretty incredible but weve taken in billions and billions of dollars in tariffs on steel. And much of it comes in from china but they can come through the Canadian Border too so were always watching for the numbers the way we. Should try to. Do with the high number of. Businesses i know. That. Know i think its a tribute to our testing. You know number one you dont know what the numbers are in china janet because you know because and. Im speaking to president xi tonight i believe youll have a good conversation im sure but you just dont know you know what are the numbers but i think its a tribute to the testing the testing tremendous numbers of people and every day the way the system works and i want to thank especially roche has been fantastic Great Company and theyve done a tremendous amount deborah was tell me before that they were really theyve really stepped up to the plate and greatest as have other of the companies but it seems that theyre really doing it particularly well so you know well see what happens there but its a tribute to the amount of testing that would were doing tremendous testing and im sure youre not able to tell what china is testing or not testing i think its we are working with our friends and partners around the world to stop the spread of covert 19 thats according to the u. S. President donald trump standing right there speaking live from the white house giving his Daily Briefing on coronavirus lets get more with allan fessor who is joining us in the Washington Area are listening in now alan what were the other main highlights so far well its interesting the president started off the briefing by saying its a Beautiful Day the weather here is actually very pleasant but on a day when more than a 1000 people have no be confounded gade in the United States the number of cases increasing in louisiana has been identified as a possible sport is perhaps not quite beautiful what was also interesting is that again its that the time to try for the United States to consider reopening for business hes talking about this while at the same time saying that the decision that japan beat to close down the olympics which is only a few weeks away was a very smart decision but there are many people doctors. Clinic clinicians all editions on both sides republican and democrat trying to say to the president this is not the time to start having people who back to what to do things even though the president is saying look dont be social distancing its not something that many people think is the right thing to do is point he said hell have more details later next week and he says he will be guided by what hes told by the experts but you can tell from the way hes talking his gut feeling is that he wants to get people back working he believes that that will help the economy he made the bizarre statement yesterday in the media for some reason would be quite happy for the economy to stay essentially shut down because that would impact all trunks of reelection come november it was an odd statement to make and he tried to be up slightly there also the big other question was about the 3200000 people unemployed more than 3000000 people applied for unemployment recently he said those numbers were expected he said at one point he was told the numbers could be big 5 or 6000000 i didnt see those figures written anywhere suggested anywhere but he says this was expected and he hopes they of course i mean will come roaring back quickly and then on the news that the United States now has more victims of the virus than china he did make a perfectly valid point that it could be because there is much more open testing here in the United States and they have moved forward very much the last few days with getting more tests done something that the president is quite happy to highlight ok allan thank you for wrapping that up for us from washington thank you while people across the u. K. Have joined together to show their appreciation for the countrys Health Service in a gesture of thanks to Frontline Health care. Arrows people across the country took part in a mass round of applause while landmarks were lit up in blue the color used by the Health Service tower blocks in the center of london as well as stadiums the Royal Albert Hall and cathedrals all it up and blew during the salutes aljazeera sarah curran tells us what that was like not really sure what to expect but what i do know is that the depth of feeling here in the u. K. And across the world for the Health Care Workers who are the front line in this war is immense. The solidarity the coming together the for taught to the n. H. S. In the u. K. And Health Care Workers across the world is incredible. All venezuelas president Nicolas Maduro has been charged by the u. S. Department of justice with Drug Trafficking charges along with several key aides hes accused of conspiring with colombian rebels to as prosecutors put it flood the United States with cocaine rewards of up to 55000000. 00 have also been offered for information that could lead to his arrest venezuelas foreign minister said the charges showed the desperation of the washington elite or latin america editor of the soon newman says the u. S. Wont be looking for an arrest. At least on the surface it seems to be more of a political gesture because its would be almost impossible to actually arrest president Nicolas Maduro and bring him to the United States to face these charges of Drug Trafficking and terrorism thats also hes a north pole terrorist according to the Justice Department which is very very strong charges the last time Something Like that happened was in december of 1989 against general. In panama that led to an invasion but this is not the time for an invasion the United States is far to walk your pride with the coronavirus and the economic decline of the country as we all know so its more of a political slap in the face to adding more insult to injury to the government of president hasnt called me yet but he is certainly likely to do so soon as he calls on the United Nations to press multilateral organizations to relieve or to end the economic sanctions against his country in order for venezuela develop to cope better with the corona virus pandemic. Israels Opposition Leader many gallons has called for an emergency unity government after being elected speaker of the countrys parliament the unusual move could lead to an alliance with his rifle the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to tackle the coronavirus pandemic it comes off to israels 3rd inconclusive election in less than a year very false it has more from west jerusalem. As of wednesday benny gantz and the entire opposition were criticizing the former speaker unity edelstein and his likud party the party led by Benjamin Netanyahu because at all stephen had failed to allow for a vote which would have allowed the opposition to put its own person as speaker and start legislating in a way which may well have harmed Benjamin Netanyahu is grip on power and of course benny gantz has throughout his just over a year long political career made his brand almost entirely about removing from office replacing with a stable figure himself Prime Minister that hes called corrupt poison to democracy and has said that cannot serve while indicted well all of that now looks to have evaporated because benny gantz appears ready to serve in a unity government an emergency government to tackle the coronavirus epidemic with Benjamin Netanyahu continuing as Prime Minister the reports suggest that dance may well get a very senior job in the government foreign minister defense minister that netanyahu may well make way or promise to admit to make way in 18 months time we have yet to see any of those details emerge will be concrete there are also reports that it might just be a 6 month emergency government dances saying that hes doing this out of consideration for the fact that israel is an emergency that its time for statesmanship and patriotism not for splits but many on the left many of his former colleagues because his own blue and White Alliance has now broken up over this as saying that this is a century of betrayal and that hes now serving with someone he said he would not serve with the mali an Opposition Leader as some iowa say has been kidnapped somali days before a parliamentary election and identified gunmen kidnapped say in 6 members of his team on wednesday afternoon and killed his bodyguards the election has been postponed several times due to the ongoing insurgency in the north of mali. Thanks for watching the news hour on aljazeera back in just a moment with much more of the days news. I had seen a. Good fight. When a boneless struck many died and many wrist able to end the epidemic. This is their story through the lens of local filmmakers who saw people making sacrifices and walking off a mission this is what i want to see survivors a witness documentary on al jazeera. As the world battles the coronavirus pandemic well bring you the latest developments from around the wilds. With updates about travel restrictions and how to protect yourself. Coronavirus pandemic special coverage on aljazeera. When a Prime Minister takes a lump of coal into his own parliament that call means a lot of the countrys fortunes we bring you the stories and developments that are rapidly changing the world were living again breaks it down not was a slogan that one of the Prime Minister Boris Johnson counting the cost on aljazeera. The u. S. Is always of interest to people all right well this is been going on for a number of those with tear gas being used to call. Other reports stories from an International Perspective we try to explain for mobile audience why its important how this could impact. At the height of the storm the water was so high that you did above but hey this is an important part of the world people Pay Attention to the one here now to give his very good news to the world from here the all the as the owner of. The un says the world is losing the war against the coronavirus as the number of flu deaths jumps again in spain and italy. Is up to 0 life from london and to navigate also ahead pandemic sends us unemployment surging to 3300000 the highest number ever were corded south africa goes into a 21 day nationwide lockdown as cases there past 500

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