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Says will give hope to other parts of the world class. The georgia braces for a rise in infections after bowing to religious pressure and allowing churches to open orthodox easter. The British Government has denied reports that it wasted time and botched its response to the coronavirus pandemic with Prime Minister Boris Johnson directly to blame a damning report in the sunday Times Newspaper says johnston ignored scientists warnings and skipped 5 emergency meetings in the run up to the crisis this is the u. K. Recorded 596 more deaths pushing the total past 16000 elsewhere in europe italy and spain of recorded their lowest daily death tolls in about a month with 433 and 410 deaths respectively but numbers keep rising across the atlantic with more than 40000 people now dead in the u. S. The worlds worst affected country meanwhile south korea which once had the worst outbreak outside china has recorded just 8 new infections well have more on that shortly but 1st this report from paul brennan. The accusations of complacency a misjudgment to spread across 4 pages the headline a damning assessment of government failure to prepare the quotes alleged 5 weeks of missed opportunities and political in nashua the British Governments National Crisis committee is called by the acronym cobra Prime Minister Boris Johnsons failure to attend any of the 1st 5 coronavirus cobra meetings is singled out for particular criticism government ministers reject the sunday times allegations the idea that the Prime Minister skipped meetings that were vital to our response to the growing of us i think its protests and the truth is that the other meetings across government so much richard by the Health Secretary some chaired by other ministers but the Prime Minister took all the major decisions i think anyone. Considered happened upon is just a little while ago nobody can see that its some throwing heart and soul into fighting this virus an unnamed Senior Advisor to downing street is quoted in the sunday times as saying this is no way youre at war if your pm isnt there he liked his country breaks he didnt work weekends theres a real sense that he didnt do crisis planning and a Senior Source at the department of health is also quoted saying yes a pandemic was always at the top of our National Risk register always but when it came we just slowly watched the Prime Minister from the moment that it became clear that there were challenges in terms of coronavirus developing in in china has absolutely been leading our nations effort to combat the coronavirus making sure that resources and money is not an issue or concern for any department especially Health Service in terms of dealing with this. As britain start their 5th week of partial lockdown the government is firefighting criticisms from several angles concerns are growing the frontline medical staff are running desperately low on supply. The protective masks and surgical gowns. National Health Service providers warn on friday that stocks may run out within 48 hours the government said 84. 00 tons of that equipment would arrive on sunday from turkey the shipment now wont arrive as planned. Groups are also saying that a lack of testing means the true scale of deaths and infections among the elderly are being seriously underestimated by the government with more than 4000 fatalities not officially accounted for paul brennan aljazeera westminster. American is a doctor with the u. K. s national Health Service and a senior lecturer at the leeds school of medicine he joins us via skype thank you very much indeed for being with us so whats your reaction to these reports that the government was unprepared and reacted too slowly in the early days of the Pandemic Response yeah i read that article in the times today. As a Health Care Worker and the need to work you know most days every week you know risk by self risking my family and to hear that and to read that really does get you very angry to not which is not to put too fine a point on it because were doing all we can and were being told the government is doing everything they can and it now seems that they havent always been doing everything they can and it just makes you think you know were putting our lives at risk we just expect that much from them at least just a half a 2nd i just want to play you from the Daily Briefing earlier in and deputy chief medical officer she was asked about the lack of preparedness particular on personal protective equipment thats how listen to her reaction. The u. K. Regardless of the position that we may be in or common tree has been an International Example in preparedness so the fact that there is a pandemic influenza stockpile is considered a very high quality mark of the prepared country in National Terms what we have has essentially stated said and many others have noted it is a huge demand on our supply and i think we have had if if i might say from my own professional perspective. We could perhaps have a more adult and more detailed conversation about p. P. Supplies. So amerikana it in adults fashion whats the situation in the hospital youre in if you use or surprised by that the terms of she years are. Well you know im im very happy to have a National Conversation about about things that i think i was hoping thats what we had been doing all along weve been told all along that the problem with p. V. Isnt the number of the Quantity Available its getting it to us but now were being told that there is a problem with downs and there is a problem with surgical masks so im not quite sure you know why theres a problem with it being an adult conversation where you know weve been trying to have an almost conversation all along and weve been saying as Health Care Professionals that there is a shortage of people its not just a case of it not being able to code to as if theres a shortage in this country of p. P. And thats where they adult conversation has to be had you know in a hospital or where ok but you know 2 or 3 days time we may not have enough so i said you can get down all masks and that is a worry and weve had orders canceled because they just cant surprise cant get them so it is a real worry and ive got a lot of respect for jenny who was speaking there. Was Health Care Professionals are willing to have adult conversations all along as long as that almost enough so we wont really know if there wasnt enough preparation in the run up to this so you concerned about the preparations for for the 2nd order effect of perhaps patients who now are not getting treated because they have other conditions that arent related to kevin 19 but that could be put at risk whats your personal experience of that and and how how much preparation is there for that for those kind of issues. Yes so the government has put out a call to to the public saying that we are open for business you know thats primary care thats cheap pieces reason and i do work in g. P. Surgery as well and i can say ive got 25000 patients on my books and normally before we were getting 30 to 40 patients coming in with potential cancers signs that we had to refer me to hospital so 30 to 40 a week if you compare that to now during the crew virus crisis where we get into with 3 a week so some where theres a group of patients with very serious worrying signs who arent coming in to see its about them either theyre worried that they may catch karuna virus if they leave their homes or they worry that they may overburden our services so yes theres definitely going to be a backlog of patients who have been sitting at home with worrying symptoms. And yet apart from saying where open for business there isnt anything else being done and im not sure what else can be done apart from teacher to really tell people that please come and see your physicians your primary care physicians the g. P. s if you are worried about any symptoms because west ill theyre westville working every single day. Ok just to be brief if you had to prioritize one thing in this in this crisis continues what would you prioritize p. P. That is all i would approach as you know weve got to protect ourselves if west see patients time ican thank you very much indeed take the time to join us not just here thank you and. Cautious optimism in europe to west affected countries spain and italy have recorded their lowest day death tolls from the corona virus in about a month with 473 and 410 deaths respectively. Spains Top Health Official says the latest numbers give the country hope the show is on the correct path spain has only strictest lock down measures in europe and the set to be extended until the 9th of may with this relief for families of the Prime Minister signalled that from the 27th of april children will be allowed out for fresh air for the 1st time in weeks. The number of People Killed by the corona virus in the United States is now past 40000 that makes americas death toll almost double that of italy the 2nd hardest hit country the number has increased by 10000 in just 4 days during that time President Donald Trump has continued to argue that states should reopen their economies governors in the west it states say its too soon for that they want more tests to detect new infections before they can reopen and he joins us live from miami under the the latest figures a pretty staggering on a. They are very startling theres a few institutions here and a few agencies that cover these figures i read them this morning 2 out of 3 of them now say the death toll stands at more than 40000 much of our days down to under reported cases that have now been imploded in places like new york which of course is the epicenter meanwhile the governors of all the states are under immense pressure now to try and reopen the connelly the beaches here in Jacksonville Florida opened up yesterday texas talking about the same thing but the situation for somewhere like new york is extremely different that has been the epicenter Governor Andrew Cuomo said in a press conference earlier look were not even at harvest time yet meanwhile the pressure is piling on not just from President Trump himself whos tweeting out that some states need to be liberated those states by the way led by democratic governors but hes in a very difficult situation hes doing the best he can he says hes not getting the federal help but there are also republican governors saying to the president were not ready its not time yet and thats an unusual thing republicans generally in this country dont speak out against President Trump but this whole thing is now becoming deeply deeply politicized and you see a consensus on what they need. To establish before they can. I mean weve heard this over and over again from all sorts of officials its testing testing testing testing kits are in short supply the testing stations that have been set up all over the country some of them are far away from metropolitan areas some of them just simply on there so there is this kind of feeling from all these leaders that that is what they need mostly of course personal protective equipment is also in in short supply the President Trumps tweeting out this morning we have a king a ventilators that simply isnt the case but president watches the stock market more than anything else that i think he views is ace up his sleeve to get reelected in november the stock markets been going through a turbulent time to say the least so he wants to see the country going again and of course youve got this growing protest movements across the country weve got fresh protests today in colorado and all across the nation from people saying look the cure is potentially worse than the disease we need to get back to work our businesses are in danger are very livelihoods are in danger so every decision now made by these individual governors whove been given the power to make these moves to get the economy back again are literally life and death decisions right now because there is this pressure this delicate balancing act to get the economy running again of course the worlds biggest economy but theres also a great deal of concern about the coronavirus not just coming back but in some states it hasnt even peak yet its not supposed to peak here in florida and so perhaps towards the end of this month maybe even into next month and again i thank you very much indeed. In japan the number of coronavirus cases has doubled in just 10 days as a new wave of infections threatens to overwhelm hospitals 568 new cases have been confirmed the total number to more than 11174 people have died from the disease but the state of emergency expanded nationwide on thursday but the actual number of infections is expected to be far higher as japans testing is limited. By contrast south koreas number of new daily cases has fallen to Single Digits for the 1st time in 2 months its confirmed 8 new infections with the total number of cases standing and 1060234 people have died from the disease south korea previously and asias highest number of infections outside china but has been praised for its widespread testing and has started easing restrictions as the new jane says he hopes his progress will give hope to other parts of the world to view the pollen in hong kong as more the situation in japan and how south korea has made such a dramatic comeback. Its been a remarkable turnaround for south korea which at the beginning of this year became the epicenter of the coronavirus after china with increase new infections increasing up at about a 1000 a day south koreas managed to get that in control by still avoiding the extreme lock downs weve seen in other parts of the region what theyve done instead is aggressive testing and theyve managed to track and trace high risk people or people who are in quarantine from horn of virus japan is exactly the opposite story of south korea at the height of the outbreak earlier this year they had managed to avoid any kind of major infection rates but now japans infection rates are just surging and soaring and part of the reason for this except to be the fact that they havent been extensively testings people also japans hospitals are said to be on the brink of collapse theres not enough icy units not at all fed and beds more worryingly theres just not enough ventilators now thats what you need in the later stages of coronavirus also Health Workers are complaining that they dont have enough protective gear and the japanese government has said they will start providing all of this that extended the state of emergency across the country but the problem is because of japans constitution they cannot and forth those measures so people arent social distancing enough despised government warnings particularly due to the culture where people are still going to work and are not working from home. I mean often this news hour from london the venezuelan migrants risking their lives to help colombians survive the coronavirus pandemic class each year as i. See your problem of bringing food from your soil. A poetic tribute to the key workers keeping britain going through the crisis. Israelis have been enjoying an easing of restrictions after the Prime Minister announced what he described as a responsible and gradual plan to reopen the country some Small Businesses including household and hardware shops have been allowed to reopen preg other rings of up to 9000 people are also allowed as well as social distancing measures a respected israel took a strong and early response to the outbreak and has seen a recent slowdown in infection rates. Russias president has used his Easter Sunday message to reassure the nation there corona Virus Outbreak is under full control despite a record daily rise in new cases seated in front of a roaring fire with easter eggs traditional sweet bread and a big part of teen x. To him that may put an assistant russia has everything it needs to tackle a virus. It live to work. Through we have everything a Strong Healthy economy Scientific Capabilities the necessary material and professional foundation in the Health Care System when youve lived. All levels of government working with thought at least smoothly and responsibly the situation is under complete control all our society is pulling together in front of a common threat. Meanwhile russia has reported more than 6000. 00 coronavirus cases over the past 24 hours that takes the countrys total to more than 42000. 00 its official total of 321. 00 deaths is relatively low compared to other countries but concerns about russias ability to deal with the outbreak linger with reports from local officials of a lack of hospital beds and supplies maria lipman is a senior associate at the institute for European Russian and eurasian studies at George Washington university she says britains address was out of touch with how Many Russians feel about the outbreak what people are who we concerned about at this point is the Economic Situation and imminent on the employment declining incomes the mood has seriously deteriorated the number of the earth so far from coronavirus is not very high so at this point people are more concerned about economic consequences but of course people in there will kill it is years dorothy said. Insufficient their ads insufficient doctors insufficient resources insufficient protective gear not all over russia but some regions are certainly worse than others and i think that those people. Missed it sounded sounded discordant. Health officials in georgia braced for a spike in infections after churches were allowed to stay open for the orthodox easter gatherings of more than 3 people abandon the country but that doesnt apply to Easter Services and the government has been accused of battling to religious pressure or been foreseeable can report from tbilisi. The most important date in the orthodox calendar is also a critical moment for the spread of coronavirus the at tbilisi some may be a cathedral the Orthodox Church opened its doors to the faithful leave the. Odds of the. Worshippers who have chosen to participate in the traditional midnight eastern mass how to get here early to avoid breaking a nightly curfew and its been decided between the church in your fortys that they can stay here overnight all together under one roof until the curfew is lifted in the morning. Restrictions including a ban on gatherings of more than 3 people have been in place for weeks but for the head of the church and his fellow as those rules do not apply. Here. This satirical video illustrates what critics say a double standards. With the state refusing to intervene in matters of faith this case you subservient to the church because of that sure ratings of the church and because of. This year saw the government here to directly or host a church which is encouraging each parish in years to attend their Easter Service as Prime Minister has said a balance must be found between staying safe and practicing faith. I want to assure you that both the state and the church fully understand their sponsor ability to was human is helpful according institutions and the law and the functions of church i seriously challenged. Just finally because im not all of us not to she has enjoyed a gentle infection curve until now with social distancing largely observed but eastern celebrations have the scientists worried this is the now the problem for us this 4 or 5 days if this social distancing will be less of course they chance of the spread of dean faction and increasing the rate of a new infection will be much more 00000 many georgians have chosen to stay home this easter pray with their families and prayed for the safety of their nation robin 1st you walk out 0 tbilisi. And his own situation in latin america now joins us from bogota how and if its in latin america going to contain the virus. Well lauren what were seeing is that infections are spreading quite rapidly across latin america despite the fact that many countries of pool lockdowns in place and even in countries that had relatively low numbers of infections like at least at the beginning like a child who on sunday and nouns that it has now passed 810000 cases mark 10000. 00 in the 88. 00 cases to be precise 358. 00 more cases on sunday then on a saturday and this is very worrisome in particularly because it took 36 days to reach the 1st 5000 cases and just another 11 days together another 5000 and this worry is pretty much everybody across the region at a time when governments are starting to consider how to reopen sections of the economy in particular because in many of the countries in latin america almost half of the people working formally have a very hard time making hand ends meet during the quarantine so this is very worrisome to a number of countries that across the region few of the categories that are of workers that are able to be on the streets now are delivery workers which in latin america in particular in colombia means venezuela migrants who are the majority of those who are delivering food medicine packages doing the quarantine even if it means for them putting themselves at risk. On the deserted streets of bogota theyve become familiar figures backpack wielding couriers on bicycles delivering food and medicine to lock down colombians most of them here are venezuelan migrants who say they have no alternative but risking exposure to the coronavirus. The day my go missing mother of 4 says contagion is always on our mind but since her husband lost his job saying at home was not an option it on my face. Its not easy to go out and expose yourself to the virus especially when you have kids waiting for you when i get home i need to take full precautions wash change clothes before touching anybody. Trying to be safe means context with customers have been reduced to a minimum. Yet there may be a bright side people who look down on them as own skilled migrants now say theyre essential in the fight to control the virus. Because you know i receive messages on the app saying that we are heroes like the doctors or the policeman i was a nurse back home when youre sharp to becoming a doctor so i feel what i am doing is not all that different from my passion helping others. Delivery services had already become a lifeline for venezuelan refugees across the continent but as latin america hunkered down thousands of lost their jobs with delivery orders spiking so has the number of recently unemployed migron smooth lighting this careers there are now 25000 people working as a delivery man here and the company says they have a waiting list of another 45000 people none of them receive Health Insurance for their work in exposing themselves and very few seem to have it now. Nor the companies dont offer insurance im here with gods blessing. This says that at times he receives masks in hand sanitizers but that he has to buy most elements on his. Reports that in the United States more than 40 grocery workers have died after catching the virus worry him but he says the issue is one of survival one way or other. Its a blessing to simply be able to go and make some money. On a daily basis. Even working means putting yourself at risk with little or no protection. And in brazil president also narrow has been not to mention protests as you have a number of controversial demands. Absolutely laurin all this is happening while brazil remains the epicenter of the pandemic in latin america more than 38000 cases confirmed there almost 2500 people who have died yet this doesnt stop the president here both an out of from challenging the restrictive measures put in place by a number of Regional Governors in the country on sunday he showed up in front of a demonstration that was happening right in front of the military headquarters in the capital brasilia where people were Holding Signs essentially asking for a military intervention to reopen the country now consider that its against the constitution to hold demonstrations in favor of a military intervention in brazil thats because brazil has been under a military dictatorship from 164219 in 1905 and yet the president that was there he didnt say directly that he favored a military intervention but he said that he wasnt open to any negotiations in that something needed to be done and he was there cheering people asking for a military intervention. Or better about it all as. A judge of the Supreme Court and brazil said that it was unbelievable to him that people could be demonstrating in favor of military intervention after 30 years of democracy in brazil but it shows you just how divisive the president has managed to be in dealing with this crisis youll remember he sacked the minister of health just days ago. A lot of people seem to favor just because he was asking people to respect social distancing he was in favor of the lock down that have been put in place in a number of regions so this is i think stream leigh that. By fear of a political issue in the country were going to have to see how things develop in the coming days whats clear though that people keep dying of the coronavirus in brazil and is undergoing pity thank you very much indeed what i had from what is right in migrants are now being viewed differently in colombia and theres also a new appreciation of key workers in britain a poem called you clap for me now read by he workers as not stop 8 and a half 1000000 views online and it has a message of inclusion for immigrants who do some of the toughest jobs. Around the nation on. But not me. Or me or me. You clap for me now you cheer as i. See are probably bringing food from your soil propping up your hospitals not some foreign invader. Teacher class there. For you some are breaking news now from canada and more than 10 people are being killed in a shooting in a remote part of Eastern Canada a police say a 51 year old male suspect is dead after the attack in a small coastal town of port of peak in nova scotia Mass Shootings are relatively rare in canada just tighter gun control laws than the neighboring United States bring you more on that developing story as soon as we get it. Just more still to come this hour including. The talk. Of greeces largest refugee camps is badly damaged by fire after unrest fueled by covered 19 fears. And 28. 00 missing and found his display stopped a flash floods sweep through parts of western kenya. How all the weather actually in europe of the next few days will be centered in this massive cloud over the western med stock particularly frontal the cold front is keeping Eastern Europe code in the other ones sitting out in the atlantic just churning up moisture was most used to get out at sea so this is a development here the blues and the cajun oranges are pretty severe thunderstorms actually but there will tend to meadow as a whole area spread so youve got all monday rain from the south of france through to its silly thats the alps little bit anyway and some wet snow up. Top then the line across ball guerrier might develop into something more interesting come tuesday is just not going to snow in bel gary all the rest of the hall is right and it goes back to the coast of spain on tuesday where again that could be fairly heavy in the mean time Central Europe slowly warming up now doesnt thats not true for kids its not true for vilnius in this hearing there but it is true for the central part of your unfortunate the u. K. Isnt except for the cold wind and its the wind that still the story in north africa and its quite a strong one youll notice it takes the heat east with it and you can imagine its also fairly dusty one so sandstorms through libya and then on tuesday they go through just the western side of egypt. Bigger and potentially more dangerous thats the best way to describe whats happening with a smoking alternative known as vapor i enjoy the taste of it and not get the harmful effects of what smoking does between 20132014 alone we start tripling in use among Us High School students and head to head comparison 1st is conventional cigarette which one do you think has helped my opinion i think theyre both dangerous take note on aljazeera. Desperate for a better life millions of people have sought refuge in europe but. Sometimes their dreams of century are realized but sometimes disenchantment and hostility drives them home. People and power goes to the north german city where a humane approach to integration is proving surprisingly effective assimilation. On aljazeera. I want to top stories here on jazeera the u. K. Government has rejected accusations it was complacent and botched its handling of the pandemic the sunday Times Newspapers as promised across johnson missed several early emergency meetings. A number of People Killed by the corona virus in the United States is now more than 40000 as the highest number of deaths in any country and nearly double that of the next deadliest outbreak in italy. In more positive news south korea reported just 8 new cases in the past day thats the 1st time its daily increase has been in Single Digits the more than 2 months. A fire has ripped through one of greeces largest migrant camps destroying shelters for several 100 people the blaze on chaos island began after a protester over the death of an iraqi Asylum Seeker a 47 year old woman had been taken to hospital earlier in the week with a favor it was sent back after testing negative for corona virus. Campus severely overcrowded with more than 5000 People Living in a spent space meant for around 1000 transfer of proces in athens and says coronavirus fears of increased tensions within migrant camps. It seems that a lot of the people staying in the camp were worried the woman who died had died of corona virus she had been to hospital a week earlier with a high fever she had been diagnosed negative for coronavirus evidently Something Else was the matter because she died days later in the camp but these facts were not known to the people who started this protest and it seems to cause house of hand part of the administrative facility has been burned down mainly offices belonging to the european and the Greek Asylum Services which have been suspended since late march because of corona virus so there was no activity and no one in the camp was hurt thankfully the camp is also under strain because apart from the general anxiety refugees have about catching coronavirus in overcrowded conditions there are also restrictions on movement the government weeks ago decided to allow people in and out of these open reception senses on the 5 eastern a. G. N. Islands under certain conditions for shopping or for medicine but not to come and go as they wish and that creates an extra strain there also tents for people to be tested outside the camps in time the government wants to turn those into field hospitals for positive cases because it wants to keep the refugee cases separate from any cases from the greek population which will go to the general hospitals regionally dozens of refugees and migrants rescued from the mediterranean have been transferred onto a quarantine ship near the talon city of palermo and were picked up by a charity vessel named moulton in the east a period that italian ports have been closed to rescue base because of a risk of the virus and all migrants are now being quarantined at sea now be housed on the ship for about a month as a medical team and members of the red cross on board. A belgian doctor has spoken of his own experience battling the corona virus on to one scene was placed in an induced coma for 3 weeks on his body fought off the onus is crime the elation he felt at waking up in intensive care as he thought he was going to die. And the dead relatives i was seeing my and i thought i was going to die and i would never recover my greatest joy was when they woke me up and i saw the face of my friends in front of me telling me. It was an incredible joy. The french Prime Minister is warning the Economic Impact of the pandemic will be brutal almost 20000 people have died of the virus in france which has been in a virtual lockdown for nearly 5 weeks but it often says the Health Situation is improving and pressures on hospitals are easing the number of people in intensive care dropping for several days in a row. So. This Health Crisis is not over of course we are scoring some points against the epidemic unfortunately the situation is gradually improving slowly but surely this Health Crisis will lead to an economic crisis which is only just beginning it will be brutal a german brewery that survived world wars Economic Crises and decades of declining big consumption is closing after 403 years because of the coronavirus the vanek brewery in bavaria was 1st opened in 1617 and has been owned by the same family since 861 but its not closing for good after the government ordered restaurants to shot and banned Mass Gatherings say theyve had to let go 15 employees because their business wont be able to recover. Millions of people have been told to stay home to stop the spread of corunna coronavirus and thats had a dramatic effect on global ad traffic this graphic by the Aviation Organization year of control shows how europe skies are significantly less crowded the group says the continents largest airports now have up to 90 percent fewer flights compared to april 29000. 00 people have been warned against but essential travel and Many Airlines have grounded most of their fleets but its a different picture in china the 1st epicenter of the outbreak frights fell dramatically after knock downs were imposed that the end of january but the skies are now reopening as the country recovers from the virus and tries to restart its economy. Is for you more now on our breaking news from canada the killing of at least 10 people in a shooting rampage in nova scotian joins us from toronto what can you tell us dano. We weve just been watching lauren a press conference by the police in nova scotia the world Canadian Mounted Police the 1st thing they told us was that they lost one of their own or a woman a 23 year veteran of the force some mother of 2 was killed during the rampage no details on that and also another Police Officer was injured the police are being very very reluctant to give much information about the casualties the injuries the death toll in part because they expect they may find more victims this was an incident that took place over 100 kilometers or more of highway it began late on saturday night in a particular location and then went right across the province towards the capital city halifax there appear to be casualties all along the way not much detail really on whether the person was shooting his victims there were firearms used police said but at some point or cars were found burning on the side of the road again a lot of information still to come on this the police as they made this announcement looked absolutely devastated Justin Trudeau spoke about it the Prime Minister he said the police were working hard and the thoughts and prayers of canadians were with them and the premier of nova scotia the Eastern Province of nova scotia said its probably one of the most devastating days in the provinces history a great sense of shock so far and how rare is an incident like this in canada. Well certainly were right next door to the United States where one seems to happen every couple of days and so canadians do see these on the television and follow them but are also proud of the fact that they happen very rarely here a year or 2 can go by without a shooting like this so people are not the tune to this at all and this is a particularly quiet part of the country the community where the 1st attacks took place was a retirement area vacation town on a bay off the Atlantic Ocean theres absolutely no indication what the motive may have been the shooter is among the people who are known to be dead a 51 year old man who apparently had dental clinics in the capital halifax but absolutely no indication of why this happened in fact the policeman who was announcing the details he had said it appeared to be utterly random so far we really need to hear a lot more from the ground to figure this out than that thank you very much indeed for bringing. That to the internet you can. Still head this news hour. Fewer than one in 10 millions voted in the 2nd round of the countrys election and they have 2 powerful reasons for staying at home. And silence in the city that never sleeps a day in the life of a close to new york. Last. Night easily test. And trace frank assessments why is it so hes struggling to cope with the number 4 on the fires failure to take really aggressive action behind her informed opinions its going to be much more challenging in a place like haiti where theres one ventilator very 1000000 people indepth analysis of the days global headlines india doubling up to the spread of coronavirus and the inside story on aljazeera. Rewind returns a care bring your people back to life from start with brian new updates on the best of aljazeera documentaries there has been a number of reforms put in place since the program was full rewind continues with hoss of darkness we were following orders we send young people to fight these wars put them in the most complex situations you can imagine and have them make life and death decisions rewind on aljazeera. Or. The or. Another news heavy floods in kenya have killed 4 people and left 28 missing thank you Police Officers who were on a rescue mission in the west because region schools homes and a market on the water with more rain expected or about money reports. From. Rivers that mud sweeping through villages to the west of kenya. In the past homes marketplaces a Police Station and schools. In the west pocket days of heavy rains look as possible by this time the debris left behind. Many areas are still waiting for official rescue teams to arrive at the 1st of the bridge but i do i just because we ran to the other side of the ridge and thats when we saw the floodwaters that came down in a big wave destroyed this whole Shopping Center and carried away all the animals and 2 cars i most truths have been cut off a bridge is washed away look you say theyve had to carry flood victims to nearby Health Centers on their backs novel on the eve of a dubai mean this used to be a big market but now it looks like a river there were many shops here before yesterday this was a vibrant Shopping Center but everything is gone now everything has been swept away and its very distressing the government and all relevant agencies need to come here and as we speak several people are still missing kenyas red cross warns that once the floodwaters clear of the threats loom they fear water borne diseases and a possible increase in corona virus infections. In november aljazeera filmed time coverage in west backcourt after days of torrential rain flooding and landslides entire families here were killed communities through rounded by floodwaters and isolated days later families went out in search of their relatives bodies. Many say it was the worst disaster the scene of a lifetime. Researches say would be oceans of course in unpredictable weather patterns in Eastern Africa and with more rain expected in the coming days help may be slow coming to these villages and the problems may not be for. Aljazeera. At least 47 people have been killed in multiple attacks on villages in Nigeria Police say the attacks took place in 3 areas of Katsina State in the early hours of saturday dozens more in hospital attacks and kidnappings have continued in the region despite large troop deployments there and here is army says its killed 105 book of her armed fighters in the countrys northeast according to the military the fighters were allied with a local i saw affiliate and attempted to infiltrate the town of bani gary on saturday Government Forces say they chased after the fighters and found a cache of machine guns and ammunition after the battle. In chad 5 civilians died when a warplane on the ground accidentally fired a missile at the rocket shot through a fuel truck narey missed another fighter jet and hit a house next to the airbase in the capital in german are children are reported to be among the dead turnout has been very low in malis election with voters put off by the trend threat of the coronavirus and violence from eisel and alqaeda affiliates those who took part in the 2nd round ballots so their country needs a functioning government in order to change chris hogg reports. It was an election supposed to bring peace but brought fear few millions came out to vote because of the threat of a bomb attack at polling stations or catching the coronavirus one of the voters said it was a risk worth taking. When we talk of peace we need a functioning assembly that can make decisions and take action sort of our country can move forward under 2015 Peace Agreement signed with the armed groups in northern mali the government agreed to a parliamentary election and to change the constitution to give more time to me to regionals the election was cancelled twice because of insecurity vowing to overthrow the government are fighters linked to the g. S. And al qaeda. They called for a boycott of the elections after the kidnapping of opposition leaders to my lesson say 3 weeks ago. For a 1st time parliamentary candidate tom i do indeed. Dialog not military operations is the solution. Since we are incapable of fighting them we should negotiate with them even if we have to apply sharia it shouldnt be a problem 95 percent of us are all muslims why fear an islamic republic. Armed groups are pitting ethnic groups against each other such as the full lonnie and villagers fight each other in central mali but after being forced from their homes by repeated attacks they live in peace side by side in this makeshift camp in bomb a co. Would do when. In normal circumstances i would have taken part in the vote but we can have them here and i would have liked have had my voice in this election. While a several polling stations were attacked by armed groups the government announced several new kernel virus infections and that hundreds were in treatment with most candidates failing to get an outright majority in the 1st round 2 weeks ago the turnout was low in the 2nd round the ruling party rally for mali is said to win the majority of the votes the legitimacy of the results is already being questioned by the opposition and all of those that stayed at home during the vote. Al jazeera. Forces working for libyas u. N. Recognized government say they resumed a military operation to seize a city held by rebel fighters battling to recapture to huna a western stronghold of the have to many of his forces come from the area Government Troops say they killed 10 fighters and captioned dozens of others in retaliation have to us forces an intensified shelling on residential areas in libyas capital tripoli 101. 00 had has more from tripoli. The city of that one of the Government Forces say that they have been dropping leaflets. With messages to residents of the city of the who are now saying that they should not be close to the fighting areas they should not lead to have those forces be close to their homes and also the messages in the leaflets were both in arabic and in the russian they say that the Government Military sources there that say that did addressing these messages in the russian to the russian medicine it is of the bag not a company as you know that. As the major stronghold for have to be in the west of the country in fact it has the Central Command of how to force the opposition room from which russian along with egyptian and in what our military experts are running their battles in southern tripoli thats according to the Government Military sources but meanwhile the Government Forces say that they have also downed a drone. Drawn. In another front line near the grain town thats east of the city of misrata this morning so it seems that the momentum is going again to the Government Forces on the ground with many areas that were controlled by half of those are now falling into the hands of the Government Forces. They arrested 15 of hong kongs most prominent democracy activists says drawn International Condemnation theyve been released on bail and face charges in connection with last years mass protests the u. S. Says china is betraying commitments it made before it took control of hong kong in 1970 the u. K. Which ruled the city before then says the right to peaceful protest must be respected china has hit back saying Foreign Countries have no right to interfere. Martin is a Founding Member of the Democratic Party of hong kong and was one of those arrested on saturday he spoke to aljazeera earlier im not concerned about. Whether they were not reopen or not the trial remains to be see but imo much more concerned with that and i suggest the International Community should really look at home car pretty closely because you keep who the china problem is hong kong our economy is the key if you allow the Chinese Government to break its promise to the British Government to carefully set up the side of british judge pickering 185. Written into the basic law hong kongs mini constitution to guarantee we would be able to enjoy ideas we have a part of me namely apart from defense defense or foreign fish will be masters over own house and the would have democracy 10 years after they do but this is the criticism year and the diversion suffrage is nowhere in sight they dont talk about it anymore there is a problem if you are allowed china bric an International Agreement with impunity you are encouraging china more it is definitely less maybe with your country that is the important. Thing that the world should be looking at. Shutdown of new york to stop the rampant spread of coronaviruses turned one of the most vibrant cities in the world into a ghost town and is set to stay that way until at least the middle of may our series gabriel is on to spend a day exploring the area stillness in the city that supposedly never sleeps. The american poet Carl Sandburg once wrote the moon is a friend for the lonesome to talk to. This is a day in the life of a lonely empty city. 6 20 am the 1st rays of sun over new york. 7 oclock in the morning the normally bustling harlem is hushed. With the 125th street subway station at 7 45 am but the rumble of the one train cuts through the eerie stillness. A few minutes after 8 am time square the bright lights but not a soul to see that. 7th avenue in midtown manhattan this is morning rush hour. This is new york suspended in time by a silent and deadly virus. A siren from an ambulance in the distance. 140 in the afternoon the surreal shutdown of the city is hard on everyone especially the elderly many of whom are low. To 46 pm and here its busy. People linger outside maybe waiting for word on a loved one inside. At 4 15 pm a few signs of life in this residential neighborhood in brooklyn. For the essential workers life is hard. At 6 pm there is no rush to get home from the Office Everyone is home. By early evening more people secluded in their apartments all day begin to come out masks are required. This is the new normal. As another day draws to a close in a paralyzed city a reminder that new york will be back but the vibrant. City that never sleeps they return to that might take a while gabriel is around oh aljazeera there york. Over the past week weve told you how a 99 year old british war vote war veteran sorry has raised a Staggering Amount of money for the countrys Health Workers captain tom moore has now made more than 30 2000000. 00 as it is thanks to hundreds of thousands of people who followed him walking 100. 00 lengths of his garden before his 100th birthday later this month he says hes been amazed by the kindness and generosity of the people who donated and it when he can always catch up with all the news on our website just that is out there dot com and you can watch his back on the line like oh. Thats it for me nor intended for this news out of you that came in to ignore the days news i swear to you. Take the worst possible material you radiate grind it into dust comparable to flour and make a whole lot of it and put it into a place where people live it is a cause colossal event i do as well and so many people are thinking this is the file in cuba but as it makes you feel nice you feel like a murderer we have created an enormous amount of mental disaster. And investigation south africa toxic city on aljazeera. 67 words that spelled promise for one people but ended up a disaster for another. That led to the establishment of a jewish homeland at the expense of the palestinians 100 years on aljazeera world tells the story of the british declaration that changed the middle east for seeds of discord on aljazeera. May on aljazeera will president rodriguez say succeed in shutting down t. V. Giant a. B. S. C b n by may the full will have special coverage aljazeera world selection of the best Network Documentaries includes the story of on sunday gyptian composer and musician alley smile despite the coronavirus pandemic conant process ahead with the president ial elections by coastal ballots the Emmy Award Winning faultlines is back investigating the United States and its role in the world and in the u. S. Election primaries Presumptive Democratic nominee joe biden strives to reach the official delicate threshold made on al jazeera. Played. Boris johnson and his government are accused of wasting crucial time and sleepwalking into the u. K. s coronavirus crisis. Player plays. Are intent of this is out there live from london also coming up as the number of deaths in the u. S. Passes 40000 governors in the hardest hit states and tell President Trump its too soon to reopen america. South korea reports

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