Recognized government seizes control of a key air base from forces loyal to Woodward Khalifa haftar. And a jewish settler is found guilty of a racially motivated acid attack that killed 3 members of the palestinian family. Im joining with sports as Englands Premier League takes its 1st step towards restarting clubs have voted to return to Small Group Training from chewstick. The contrary at the heart of the corona Virus Outbreak thats infected nearly 5000000. 00 people around the world is defending its handling of the pandemic chinas now pledged billions of dollars to fight the virus president xi jinping made the announcement during an annual Health Conference run by the World Health Organization. China will provide 2000000000. 00 over 2 years to help with the global covered 1000. 00 response and to help with economic and social development in developing countries china will also work with the un to set up a global humanitarian response to pro and hub in china. President xi also told the Virtual Meeting he supports an inquiry into the Global Response to covert 19 but only once its been brought under control chinas faced growing criticism from countries including the u. S. That destroyer for its initial response to the outbreak but president g. Insists beijing has been open transparent and responsible we have mike hanna standing by for us with the latest reaction from the white house but 1st lets go to our said bag who is live for us in london i said so there amid these calls for an inquiry the w. H. O. Was keen to make this a show of unity did it succeed. Well thats been the overwhelming message is today its been of unity and solidarity and weve heard those words from many most of the World Leaders today but theres still calls for investigations the still calls for reviews of the handling of the pandemic by the World Health Organization that the director general dr ted ross did address that he said that he would initiate an independent review into the handling of the pandemic at the earliest appropriate opportunity no other countries have said that the World Health Organization needs better funding and it still needs more support and it needs to be more of a Global Response to this pandemic and that the oversight body for the World Health Organization has praised it and said that they should demonstrated leadership but they said that this should be a review but not in the heat of the response which could prove to be destructive but what they have said is that they are concerned about the rising politicizes ation of the response to the pandemic ok so china is ok with an investigation once the pandemic is over whenever that might be but this draft resolution backed by some 120 countries calling for this inquiry into the origins of covert 19 where is that will they vote all meant. Now we understand that theres around 120. 00 countries supporting this resolution and we believe that they will be voting on it now before this resolution even came to that it was very controversial there was a diplomatic spat between china and australia china last month threatened a sprayer with some economic ramifications because they took it personally that australia was calling for an investigation looking into the origins of the virus and that the text of this resolution is that it calls for independent impartial and comprehensive review into the International Response to the pandemic but we also understand that the text will be included that calls for and evaluations of the zoonotic origins of the virus thats how the virus transfers from animals to humans that china isnt exactly supporting it but theyre not. Opposing it either because this resolution hasnt really been bought for this time by australias by the European Union china does want to evaluation investigation but only after like you said the pandemics have been brought under control and that could be years i think that thats a said big there live from london lets cross over now to washington d. C. Where mike hanna is live 7 for us at the white house mike i believe a representative from the u. S. Has spoken at this World Health Assembly what they have to say. Well adidas see secretary of health and Human Services alex as our has been sharply critical of the w. H. O. He says the w. H. O. Failed in its core mission in terms of finding out more about the pandemic right at the very beginning he insists too that the w. H. O. Has failed as an organization he says very importantly too that at least one of the heroes members has concealed details about the virus he does not mention china by name but very clearly given what the trumpet ministration has been saying in recent days and weeks he holds china accountable for withholding information but as i said alex is are very critical of the w. H. O. The us as well also fighting the w. H. O. On another issue and that is the reason for taiwan not being there the secretary of state in the course of the morning as issued a statement condemning the w. H. O. For not allowing taiwan to take part in this World Health Assembly this very significant discussion going on at the moment so tensions continue to erupt between the u. S. And china the w. H. O. Very much caught in the middle meanwhile michael we dont hear much about the the centers for Disease Control anymore what role of they play now. Weve seen this is actually a very seminal issue here because the centers for Disease Control in the past in previous pandemics was deeply embedded within the w. H. O. It was a very Important Organization in terms of globally fighting previous pandemics and in the way the c. D. C. Were setting the bar for the w. H. O. And other nations to follow in terms of dealing with pandemics but the trumpet ministration has full recent months contiki priestley sidelined the c. D. C. Once again in previous epidemics the nation heard repeatedly from the c. D. C. The news conferences withheld on a daily basis at the c. D. C. In atlanta in this pandemic with the trumpet ministration the c. B. C. Has played no visible role at all and to treat it would appear that President Trump in particular getting increasingly angered at the c. D. C. Insisting that in some way it was a cd im sorry mike we have to leave it there we are going straight now to a press conference being held by the attendee general william by f. B. I. Director Christopher Ray holding a press conference discussing the investigation into the shooting by a Saudi Air Force could it at the Pensacola Naval air station in florida in december last year and it is listening that the phones were likely to contain very Important Information indeed from romney attempted to destroy both of the phones even going so far as to disengage from the gun fight long enough to fire a bullet into one of the phones within one day of the shootings the f. B. I. Sought and obtained court orders supported by probable cause authorizing the bureau to search the contents of both phones as part of its investigation. The problem was that the phones were locked and the f. B. I. Did not have the passwords so they needed help to get in and we asked apple for assistance and the president asked apple for assistance unfortunately apple would not help us a lot the phones apple had deliberately designed them so that only the user in this case the terrorist could gain access to their contents today i am pleased to announce that the thanks to the relentless efforts and ingenuity of f. B. I. Technicians the f. B. I. Finally succeeded in unlocking als from ronnies phones the phones contained information previously unknown to us that definitively establishes alstom ronnies significant ties to al qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula not only before the attack but before he even arrived in the United States we now have a clear understanding of associations and activities in the years months and days leading up to his attack indeed the information from the phones has already proved invaluable in protecting the American People a counterterrorism operation targeting a q a p operative. One of these overseas associates was recently conducted in yemen we will not hesitate to act against those who harm americans i would now like to turn to turn the podium over to director ray who will provide further information and an update on the f. B. I. s investigation. Thank you 1st let me say i deeply appreciate the attorney generals leadership and support for the f. B. I. Both in our relentless fight against terrorism and in our drive to obtain the vital evidence we need to protect the American People were here today because of a tragic reminder of just how grave how imminent the terrorism threat still is and al qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula associates murder of 3 people and wounding of 8 others right here in america as the attorney general described through a combination of skill and determination the men and women of the f. B. I. Have succeeded in accessing the terrorist 2 phones both of which he tried to destroy our investigation into decembers terror attack in pensacola continues so there are limits on what i can say today but this is an important moment an important case its important because what accessing the evidence of this killers phone allows us to do to protect the American People in just a short time we finally access that evidence we and our partners have already put it to good use among other steps weve taken just a moment ago you heard the attorney general describe the recent counterterrorism operation targeting abdul maliki one of the overseas a. Q. A. P. Operatives that he is so suited with while here in the United States its also important because it underlines just how serious our fight against terrorism is and how vital it is for the f. B. I. To maintain its unflagging vigilance against the threat. The evidence weve been able to develop from the killers devices shows that the pensacola attack was actually the brutal culmination of years of planning and preparation by a long time aide to a. P. Associate the new evidence shows that out some ronnie had radicalized not after training here in the United States but at least as far back as 2015 and that he had been connecting and associating with a number of dangerous h. U. A. P. Operatives ever since it shows that ill share money described a desire to learn about flying years ago around the same time he talked about attending the Saudi Air Force academy in order to carry out what he called a special operation and he then pressed his plans forward joining the air force and bringing his plot here to America Thanks to a lot of hard work by our people we now know that al chamonix continued to associate with a. Q. A. P. Even while living in texas and in florida and then in the months before the attack while he was here among us he talked with a q a p about his plans and tactics taking advantage of the information he acquired here to assess how many people he could try to kill he was meticulous in his planning he made pocket cam videos as he cased his classroom building he wrote a final will purporting to explain himself and saved it in his phone the exact same will that a q a p released 2 months later when they initially claimed responsibility he wasnt just coordinating with them about planning and tactics he was helping the organization make the most it could out of his murders. And he continued to confer with his h. Q. A. P. Associates right up until the end the very night before he started shooting now were still exploiting the evidence weve now obtained from our sherman is phones and were continuing to run our investigation now with the benefit of a lot more insight into the murderers mind and intentions his relations with a. Q. A. P. And his tactics we have more to learn but we know enough now to see ronnie for what he was a determined a. Q. A. P. Terrorist who spent years preparing to attack us we now have a picture of him we didnt have before we obtained this evidence before we could confirm that his connection to a q a p was real before we could track his long and methodical path to violence a picture we would never have obtained without accessing his devices for this case is a potent reminder for anyone who needed one of the stakes of our work we protect the American People from a staggering range of threats but make no mistake securing the homeland against terrorism remains our top priority the men and women of the f. B. I. Are deployed around the clock all over the country and around the world identifying and disrupting threats and pursuing those who would do us harm at the f. B. I. We remain laser focused on the terrorism threat not just because of how much damage an attack can cause our country but because we also know that even as we speak there are evolving and sophisticated groups around the world intent on striking us. Whether core al qaeda or its offshoots like a q a p or isis or the many others we are working with our partners to find and disrupt them wherever they are whether theyre plotting attacks on americans here at home or abroad our people are attacking every aspect of the terrorism threat International Like were here talking about today and domestic with dedication and expertise with innovation to more than match the evolving threat and with a commitment to getting the job done right on the topic of innovation i want to thank and congratulate the men and women of the f. B. I. Who devoted months of hard work to accessing these devices they successfully tackle the problem that required tenacity creativity and Technical Expertise those qualities are valuable in any organization so i know how fortunate we are and how fortunate American People are that we have so many people with those qualities at the f. B. I. Thats why we work to recruit the kinds of people we do the magnitude of the challenge they faced its hard to overstate we received effectively no help from apple we canvassed every partner out there and every company that might have had a solution to access these phones none did despite what some claimed in the media so we did it ourselves unfortunately the technique that we developed is not a fix for our broader apple problem its a pretty limited application but it has made a huge difference in this investigation while were thanking the f. B. I. s computer scientists engineers and other professionals for their hard work we should also be thinking about the cost of all that work. Public servants already swamp with important things to do to protect the American People toiling through a pandemic and with all the risk and hardship that entails had to spend all that time just to access evidence that we had Court Authorized Search warrants 4 months ago our engineers and computer scientists working to access these phones were also needed on other pressing National Security and criminal investigations but the delay from getting into these devices didnt just divert our personnel from other important work it also seriously hampered this investigation finally getting our hands on the evidence i was sure money tried to keep from us is great but we really needed it months ago back in december when the court issued its warrants in the aftermath of the attack we in our joint Terrorism Task force partners worked urgently to collect and analyze evidence in the weeks immediately following december 6th we conducted over 500 interviews of witnesses base personnel and the shooters friends classmates and associates among lots of other efforts if you have just joined us that is if they are there at that level christopher. Head from attorney general there in the u. S. Baking about the findings of their investigation into the shooting by a saudi if with cadets at the Pensacola Naval air station in florida in december last year of course 3 people were killed in that attack a tour wounded i believe in going out to pat a call haina who is standing by in washington patty alqaeda and the Arabian Peninsula had claimed responsibility for this attack now the f. B. I. Says yes they have uncovered information to confirm that. They havent these and theyre trying to turn this in again bringing up all the attention on apple because all of these guys Technology Companies have seen the Justice Department in the past in cases like this push for access to those phones in the Technology Companies have cut pushback and said no were not going to give a backdoor to government surveillance so the f. B. I. Really wants to put the focus on that issue i think the bigger news coming out of this is the announcement of the attack in yemen against one of his alleged conspirators but the bigger question is theyre talking about this saudi cadet admitted to the military Training Program so he was known to have access to these facilities now the f. B. I. Is saying that he was communicating directly by phone to al qaeda operatives in yemen i think the broader question youre going to see from members of congress is how did the f. B. I. Not pick that up when they knew this was a gentleman from saudi arabia that had access to u. S. Military facilities and they were supposed to be doing screenings of these these recruits these military members big question is going to be how did they miss that but you see the f. B. I. Director of course for a theyre trying to turn this into a good news story for the f. B. I. Which is situated just across the street from the Justice Department i think members of congress are going to have a Big Questions this want to come back to that apple issue just a little bit more petty it was interesting to hear the attorney general say that the f. B. I. And even the president asked apple for a system to open the phone because i guess this does raise a lot of questions if apple walls to open the phone for the f. B. I. I mean what does that mean going forward. Exactly the question is the precedent of this is now we saw this play out years ago with the shooting in San Bernardino California Apple and other Technology Companies have really held firm and this is a case thats going to have to make it to the Supreme Court because there are such huge issues you just think about the amount of information about you that you keep on your phone that you hope is encrypted if the government has an all access key that could lead to some really large scale surveillance which is what the Technology Companies argue the Justice Department says if they have a court order that the apple should a lot of those in particular cases the Technology Companies in the past said cant do that would have to give you a backdoor key and we simply wont do that so this is an area thats going to have to go through the courts its probably going to take years so the f. B. I. Study the message with this case that theyve cracked it with this pretty these particular phones but that doesnt solve the broader issues so again just trying to put public pressure on the Technology Companies but the Technology Companies if they were to give think about how much of their customers might rebel against any sort of government surveillance that would be possible so its one of those issues thats been at the forefront when it comes to Justice Department issues one thats going to have to make its way through the courts before it settles and that if we can talk a little bit about the u. S. Saudi relationship off to this shooting happened the saudi cadet students expelled from the u. S. Just remind you is what this incident did to us the u. S. Saudi relationship. Well overall weve seen the relationship stays fairly steady at this issue didnt rock it as much as the price of oil when you saw the president get involved in a reportedly very hostile conversation with the defector rural ruler my sibs been some on from Prince Mohammed bin some on but it did strain the military to military relationship so what we saw the department of defense soon after this happened is. They went through we did a deep background search of all of the different cadets they sent more than a dozen holme and they said that they were going to increase their screening i think now that we know that there was active communication alleged between al qaeda in yemen and this recruit its going to be a big bring a bigger questions about exactly what kind of surveillance they were doing on these members of the military they froze the program for quite a while they have restarted it they say with better training but it is going to raise broader questions about exactly what that all the f. B. I. Was doing but the department of defense with its vast surveillance capabilities thanks for that that is pedicle i now live from washington d. C. Work is that some of the largest auto plants in the u. S. Are back on the Assembly Line but the timing couldnt be worse with sales plummeting and comic is reporting huge losses the u. S. Auto sector makes up around 6 percent of its economic output more than 80835000 people are employed in vehicle manufacturing alone and the Financial Impact on Car Companies is already being felt ford for example has reported a 1st quarter loss of 2000000000. 00 and the Company Expects that number to more than double in the 2nd quarter. As john hendren reports the industry faces a number of questions including how it will keep its workers safe. Americas auto workers are back to a strange sterile new world employees at detroits big 3 for General Motors and ffion chrysler return on monday to manufacturing plants where the new normal is one part Assembly Line one part hospital theres 977 and above this will turn red thatll turn red incoming workers temperatures are checked so youre going to go through they were behind new barriers with new masks gloves plastic face shield in signs amount social distancing everywhere along with walking lanes and reminders to stay 6 feet apart Assembly Lines are restarting for the 1st time since march when the Global Pandemic shut down detroit and auto plants across the u. S. Except for a handful been made ventilators for the sickest virus patients a little bit last year or so. We expect literal grice all. That the that is what. Operating. For one potential worry a Global Supply chain thats been slowed by the corona virus mexico is still locked down but last week the government unveiled a plan that could see some auto parts makers open to supply detroit now that automakers are building again the question is in the worst market since the Great Depression does anyone want to buy the cars theyre making. Across the u. S. Unsold cars by the thousands sit idle delaying the introduction of new models and in these belt tightening times competing with cheaper used cars you have to buy decades to fly comparable so any week we got the Great Recession we had. In terms of your songs hurricanes ticking out of supply. And demand that we quite like dealers are offering once in a lifetime incentives like theban years of no interest loans with little progress so far whether you were laid off for a loan or interruption cars a very big purchase from a lot of people sometimes based purchase that aint so its really comfortable and safe not to buy our meet a while until buyers return in force the production lines will reopen more slowly than they shut down and new cars will keep aging on american car lines. John hendren is live for us now in chicago so john as you were reporting that these reopening but people are driving what they used to and there are concerns around the economy so what is the plan. Well if you think about this like a car tire is moving again but it doesnt have all the passengers theyre only running one shift at most of these plants and its going very slow the problem he cannot mcleish speaking is that 36000000 americans are out of work and theyre not buying cars there were Something Like 5000 cars sold in april compared to 1400000 the previous april this industry is literally shut down but the buyers have shut down so the fact that the supply chain is now starting again doesnt mean you can bring people back to buy those cars during the worst economy in years so youve got a lot of people cant buy those cars and then youve got supply chain problems the whole Global Supply chain has been disrupted by the coronavirus so while the Union Companies g. M. Ford. Chrysler. Restarted you already had other automakers in the u. S. Not Union Automakers and they had started up already so i guess it started out but 2 weeks late because of part problems and then you had mercedes start up and they had to stop their supply line because parts problems at mexico supplies about 40 percent of the parts in the United States and its not clear exactly when theyre going to restart their factories mexico is shut down as the president there is set the date for june 1st but there are a lot of questions to be answered for the bottom line problem with the u. S. Auto industry which is after all the largest exporting industry in the u. S. Is whether people are going to buy those cars and right now its not looking promising. That john hendren now live from chicago. The mayor brazils largest city says its. Healthcare system is on the brink of collapse after reaching 90 percent capacity because of the pandemic where bruno cover us is warning that all Public Hospitals in sao paulo will run out of space in 2 weeks apollo has become one of brazils worst hit areas with around 3000 deaths president diable sonata has been criticized for his handling of the escalating crisis there have been at least 15000 deaths more than all other than american nations combined. Here marshall is a reporter with the brazilian reports and english language magazine he joins us now live from sao paulo thank you for your time is it and never trouble then that this citys hospitals are going to go beyond capacity what options if any on the eft well it seems like they have special lane from the u. S. Government is that there is no way a matter of time before the Public Hospitals are also because the group is existing and is going to mean to increase and some of the other option which has been talked received late by the mayor is to impose or through still lot on the city of some problems so some problems on me and these kind of basic social isolation measures where all nonessential businesses are closed but still its not where were forced were still seeing a road you know all of 50 percent of the population or so circulating on the streets so the idea is that no to try to avoid this far out a last minute effort to try and avoid that they may even and all of those below there in the city ok State Governments control those lockdowns but still what role has the president s attitude towards the pandemic head how has it impacted the numbers that were seeing now. Well yeah as you mentioned the law turns or its a state. Of these case State Governments where a lot of vast majority of the State Government have been in favor of these isolation measures again schauble so not of this kind of urging people to go back to work he wants the economy to work again hes trying to avoid this massive recession that is probably going to come and get results soon but were seeing but his speech his message all and the isolation of playing them in the effects of the virus is having an effect on the populations mindset as i said youve got just all the 50 percent of the population some powerful are still circulating theyre still theyre not holding the social isolation measures and thats just in some hail i mean the whole country as a whole you know youve got a lot of people who are still more babies measures as to what the president same how do you and how how would anyone enforce these these measures is not down social distancing restrictions you know i think this what 12000000 people in sao paulo many of them packed very tightly together many people who live hand to mouth and need to work i mean is enforcing this going to be difficult you know where you can that you can imagine that it would be difficult 1st of all what this government needs is the need to fill cooperation of the State Government because its the State Government runs the police force the military police force which you would believe would be in charge of enforcing and forcing a lot on the street as in sending people home plan planes closing down businesses which are regularly open during these a solution measures but as you mentioned in a city the size of it is a huge out of the idea is that the need to do something or else you know collapses is 2 weeks away thank you for your time your initial there report out with the brazilian report thank you. Mexico has begun a gradual easing of its lockdown in 3 stages beginning on monday coronavirus 3 municipalities will be allowed to reopen with no restrictions the 2nd stage will see the mining and cut industries up and running and social distancing missions will also be gradually drifted by june 1st across the country today mexico has recorded more than 5000 covert 19 related deaths lets go live now to mexico city where panel is standing by for us so im assuming then that with already is there believe the worst is over monday is the 1st day for this new plan for reopening the economy here in mexico a plan that has june 1st as you mentioned kim is the 1st day that mexico will enter this quote new normal according to president lopez over that now this will affect only 15 of the 32. 00 states in mexico it does not affect mexico city where we are right now the worst affected area but i want to reiterate a point that you just made came which is that the number of cases and the number of deaths as of sunday there were 49219 confirmed cases and more than 5005177 deaths reported in mexico city so despite the mexican governments forecasts that the height of contagion would be reached next week the country is still actually on an upward curve which is troubling considering that now today is the 1st day of this new phase of reopening the economy as we mentioned this doesnt affect mexico city but this does affect several municipalities across the country that are quote unquote coronavirus free now there is a big question weve been talking about the reopening of the auto Manufacturing Sector in the United States a lot of auto manufacturers are actually based here in mexico along the Us Mexico Border so there is a big question about when they will reopen considering that some of these plants have seen outbreaks themselves so this is a very troubling thing that were keeping a very close eye on for the future can. Thanks for that manual a pal of their life ross from mexico city. Libyas internationally recognized government says it has retaken control of the are what makes the size being used as war for half that headquarters in western libya since 2014 earlier this month forces from tripoli and on 10 offensive to recapture the base soldiers loyal to have pulled out on monday after suffering major losses during heavy fighting in recent weeks. Ahmed abdullah head is in tripoli and has more on the significance of the place. This is a strategic highly significant is being currently lost by house to his forces in the worst of the country as you know that have to his forces have been using this air bases to send over fighter jets to target the Government Forces look in many areas especially in southern tripoli its very significant in the battle for the capital tripoli and as you know that forces it lost to russian made of Defense System units panas to namely in that area as they were targeted by the Government Forces that joins now the takeover of. The Government Forces is it was swift and partly thanks to the intensified because drones recent airstrikes now the Government Forces say that they can now focus on defending the capital tripoli and also more on the major stronghold and all the and last a stronghold now for half the us forces and their worst of libya namely the city of the horn about 70 kilometers to the southeast from the government of tripoli. And i saw garcias founder and director of the deep institute the 1st Public Policy think tank in libya he says this limits the resources at how fast. Its a Major Development because it really alters the way in which dr can continue his offensive in tripoli in a way that he can use the logistics supplied to supply has his troops and provide the munitions and blood in the platform to kind of circumvent. The ginnys troops now the jna which is the forces that control tripoli the Government Forces but its going to freeze up the capacity to move down towards the south of tripoli so what sort of you know what is the last line in hoppers offensive out there when hes been called it becomes much more dangerous and his forces of going to resort to towards shelling residential areas i mean the ports and tripoli the last a 1000000 airport in tripoli which is has damage that beyond almost beyond repair and many of the civilians living across so in tripoli have been displaced were looking at around 200000. 00 but in recent days even a displaced shelter so those people that have lost their homes find temporary housing in a displacement shelter that shelter was bombed according to a. P. Yesterday and 5 people including a small child around 5 years old bangladeshi child was killed there so its really been this kind of strategy towards trying to erode the patience of residents in tripoli and trying to change that into a pressure bro so the idea would be that the residents of tripoli going to beg the janet to collapse or to retreat or to offer a surrender to help her but its really the its a strategy of the desperate and i think its its morally reprehensible and i jerry in the tray says it has killed 20 bucca haraam 5 hits the military says it intercepted a convoy on their way to attack villages and baka borno state the fighters were armed with mortars and rocket propelled grenades 9 Government Troops were injured in the operation. A caution israel has convicted a jewish settler for 2015 also an attack that killed a palestinian toddler and his parents the man fire bombed the home belonging to the family and the west bank for the chip dome high force it has more from not in israel. Head bowed. Was led into court charged with carrying out the most infamous individual act of anti palestinian violence in recent years he was on monday convicted of the murder and so are the watcher and their 18 month old son ali by setting their house on fire as they slept their 4 year old son ahmed was badly burned but survived. The trial will not bring my family back it will not bring back saad and allie the trial will not bring back i dont want there to be more children to go through the trauma that we went through. The prosecution said ben earlier along with another youth conspired to attack palestinians in the occupied west bank after a jewish man was shot and killed it said the miners stayed away but the 21 year old ben ileo went himself into the village of duma and set fire to the do of his house in their verdict the judges acknowledged the unresolved elements of the case in particular witness testimony and crime scene evidence suggesting more than one attacker was involved but ruled that the detailed content of been confessions made it clear that he was guilty this case attained such a high profile and there was such pressure for conviction that Israeli Security services use tactics on the suspects will normally preserved the palestinian detainees such as detention without charge and unharnessed interrogation sometimes called torture. Lawyer says that will form the basis of his appeal his admission and his confession was made after. Including shock and the whole. Of britain core of the rule their judgement. Is really Security Service called the verdict a milestone in the battle against jewish terror but no leo was acquitted of belonging to any terror group the other suspect who cant be named because of his age at the time was however convicted on that charge as part of an earlier plea deal and i think at the end of the homes of this man was convicted but we think with certainty that hes not alone there are others out there who are part of it and theyre free and they can still practiced here on our people it is possible that we can be subject to the retail atory attacks. Is due to be sentenced next month 5 years on the families say theyre still far from finding a sense of resolution sorry for a lot israel. 15 antigovernment protesters have appeared in a Hong Kong Court charged of last years mass rallies the group was arrested in april accused of helping to organize protests which were banned by the citys authorities it turned down reports. Social distancing rules were ignored as the 15 activists arrived at court penned in by media supporters and opponents one defendant striking a defiant time he was. Supposed to say been saying all. This. Does seem kinda. Stupid does a son of god those appearing in court include the think it heads of hong kongs Democracy Movement like the lawyer and former politician mattingly now 81. 00 and frequently vilified in chinas state controlled media as is margaret own another lawyer and campaigner the newspaper owner and businessman ginny lai believes the arrests were ordered by chinas government and are intended as a deterrent against future Mass Gatherings well i think hes obviously that they just want to intimidate you know the people here that they will they will come up with demonstrated hong kongs police deny the charges are politically motivated and insist theyre just doing their job. Nearly 8000. 00 people have been arrested since the start of the protest last june but the round up of some of the territories most respected campaigners a month ago shocked many under a colonial era law they were charged with taking part in an Illegal Assembly if found guilty they face up to 5 years in jail the hearing was adjourned until the middle of next month these Court Appearances come ahead of some very sensitive anniversaries of hong kong and just days before controversial legislation is due to be presented to hong kongs fractious legislature. And that legislature was a combative place on monday with m. P. s physically fighting for control of an Important Committee 14 from the prodemocracy parties were expelled from the chamber and they now face the prospect of criminal charges which could despond them from standing in elections later this year adrian brown al jazeera hong kong. India has extended a nationwide lockdown for another 2 weeks it saw its highest daily rise on sunday with nearly 5000. 00 confirmed cases taking the total to more than 95000. 00 schools malls and other Public Places will remain closed the shutdown has forced thousands of Migrant Workers to head back to their home states often on foot Elizabeth Branham is in new delhi she explains the changes. The big difference in the face for indias lockdown is that the government has left it up to states to decide to the green orange and red zones and decide what activities that the government has cleared will be allowed in those done so for example for the 1st time in nearly 2 months and the lockdown began the government has said that all markets are allowed to reopen in one of the capital new delhi most well known and usually busiest markets but most shops remain closed because theyre waiting to hear what chief minister. Has to say when he addresses the region and announces the details for delhi but we are seeing more shops and markets opening up elsewhere in the country the state of credit has said that all shops are allowed to open with seeing that in punjab in west bengal along the reopening in punjab and in the other big difference is that travel between states is being allowed on buses or in private vehicles but it has to be between consenting stay for the waiting to find out what states will allow that passenger trains have been running for the last week now but the overall lockdown has been extended for another 2 weeks so there are still no domestic or International Flights or Hotels Restaurants shopping malls cinema halls remain closed and that is because the number of cases in india continue to rise we had nearly at the 100000 mark now. Italy has lifted more of its coronavirus lockdown restrictions and while the Prime Minister is calling a calculated risk for the 1st time since march people can go to cafes restaurants and bars more shops are opened so libraries museums and beauty salons Free Movement is now allowed within regions and churches can hold mass im going to use if a concert has warned the cases will increase it says if we cant afford to stay locked down until a vaccine is developed. Is a journalist based in rome she gave us an update on what people can expect the fd. Here in italy things are slowly aging back to some semblance of normality with all these openings happen people understand that now they can go to the shops they can go to the restaurants but theyre not exactly sure how those safety protocols are going to be applied applied and so i think here in rome they still an element of exile to lets not forget the country has suffered tremendously they say that they will allow Church Services to be held in the churches have been open you can enter individually but theyre now saying mass or celebrations can be conducted and so that means people can go in but they are going to be limiting the numbers some of them will be checking for temperatures before they enter they will be required to wear masks and also to practice social distancing in sight so thats just one of the measures with regards to places of worship but everybody be will be looking at the beaches as well as as we are heading into the Summer Season a peak tourist season for the country lets not forget that italys g. D. P. Some 13 percent of it is reliant on tourism so thats a sector that they want to tap in and so on the 3rd of june theyre going to be allowing travel between the regions of its elite so hopefully that will encourage Domestic Tourism as well as travel from other e. U. Countries into italy but without that mandatory 2 week quarantine period so hoping to tap in on that Tourism Sector but of course it still remains to be seen whether people will feel comfortable enough to come and i think thats where the onus is on businesses to ensure people that those safety protocols are in place and the people themselves need to protect a pretty do those social distancing there just to ensure and protect themselves as well. Tire ways has announced it will file for bankruptcy that had been seeking a 1800000000. 00 loan from the government which owns 51 percent of the Company Airline is expected to conduct a sweeping. Restructure of its feet. Still coming out on aljazeera as brazils coronavirus cases rise one man tries to get spirits up and sao paulos worst affected areas slave. Trade. Youre. Tired after sport his job came thank you English Premier League clubs have taken the 1st steps towards restarting their season clubs have agreed to return to Small Group Training from chase day players will be allowed to work out while still observing social distancing rules no contact will bail out but one of the least star players believes its still some way off by just citys has been chatting to womens world cup winner meccan rypien a. Comeback it was one of weeks to be needed. Or. If youre going to go back its composition its not your playbook. You know its going to help. You do need. Meanwhile all spanish clubs are now allowed to train in groups again these are shots of real betis taking advantage of the new easing restrictions earlier on monday the league still has not confirmed a restart date though. Scottish season has been ended early which means celtic have been crowned champions for a 9th year running ranges finish 2nd while hearts have been relegated scotland follow france the netherlands and belgium and scrapping it season. And europes governing body away for has delayed its executive meeting from may 27th to june 17th they say there are issues with some of the venues for the rearranged euro 2020 tournament which is now being Held Next Year across 12 countries. Chelsea player hudson a toy has been arrested in london after Police Responded to reports of an unwell woman he was taken into custody on sunday morning and then bailed to return to Police Station in mid june 1000 year old hudson a dog he was the 1st premier League Player to test positive for corona virus in march. Live go for turn to the u. S. For the 1st time since the sport was shut down in the country well number one room Dustin Johnson one Charity Match which generated more than 5000000. 00 david starts reports after 2 months away you go 1st back live from florida but with a difference players have to carry their own bags because social distancing meant no cabbies were allowed there were no friends out on the course either but that didnt stop the players pretending to hear all those cheers or oh yeah still here on their own or is it going to press play on my speaker ricky fowler and matthew wolf were up against rory mcilroy and Dustin Johnson in a Charity Skins match where they played for money per hole but i think you forget i want to. Tell you all the 25000000. That doesnt faze me youngster mcelroy the world number one was playing just a few days after publicly criticizing donald trump over his handling of the Coronavirus Crisis the president a big golf fan actually phoned in to chat with the Commentary Team were lot of move very fluid well actually some. Like my bala thanks very much and probably the ones that dont i dont get to see as much we want to get sports back we miss sports we need sports in terms of the seki the psyche of the of our country. The match was tied after 18 holes so it came down to a sudden death closest to the pin challenge. Stoma mcelroy came out on top to secure nearly 2000000. 00 for the American Nurses foundation. For their vile. Bags guys its been awesome it was nice to get back on the golf course and get back to some sort of normalcy i did just to get back out again and you know d because. You know what a part in defeat and wolf when more than a 1000000. 00 for centers for Disease Control and fan donations from home pushed the total raised to more than 5000000. 00 the p. G. A. Tour for real restarts behind closed doors in texas on june 11th david stokes out 0. Well cof wasnt the only sport to return to the u. S. On sunday nascar staged its 1st race in 10 weeks its who is behind closed doors at an empty Darlington Raceway in South Carolina and around 100 essential personnel were allowed in and has no practice for the final starting point was decided by abandon tour but it didnt take long for the drivers to get back in the groove at over 200 miles an hour and in the end it was Kevin Harvick in the likely car who cross the line 1st hes now won 50 races in his career but none quite like this. You know i didnt think it was going to be that much differently and we won the race and its dead silent out here so we missed the bands. Are with us sports still on hold this is a big chance for nascar to attract a new audience. It certainly is a chance to get new fans on board when nascar was doing its virtual racing esports were drawing about a quarter of the viewers had not watched an actual nascar race earlier in the year so they see that hey there are these people who are a bit have been watching nascar through esports will they watch will people who dont normally watch racing but want lifeforce watch will people who want to gamble hans forwards have had nothing to gamble on lately will they gamble and then watch so yes theres a theres a big opportunity for nascar there but they need to be careful because as a mentioned the Financial Foundation of the sport required at this is pushing them to do this they cant now look and say hey this is a huge opportunity and feel the urge to do it even more and risk anything safety wise so i think that while it is a huge opportunity there is you know that is not the main impetus to go racing and quite frankly that you know every participants in nascar rely on nascar to keep them safe right a nascar has certain requirements for how the cars are built they have requirements on how the fences are done so everybody in the industry is used to putting their their safety into nascars hands and now there is just this extra element of keeping us safe amid the pin beneke about how you feel has confirmed talks are underway with mike tyson about them returning to the ring for a 3rd fight that despite both men being in their fiftys is likely to be a 4 round exhibition style fight for charity holyfield won both of their previous encounters but had parted as a bit north by tyson in the infamous 2nd meeting back in 1997. Now brazil faces growing cases of coronavirus in one of its worst hit areas of south pollo one man is trying to keep spirits up through exercise evenness mento is a gym instructor whos been holding rooftop workouts for neighbors in brazil and india the district has south pole as high as coated 19 death toll and many of its 260000 inhabitants have lost what little work they had through the pandemic thats mento says he hopes his workouts are bringing some joy to his neighbors. All right that is all useful for now it is back to camp thanks so much for that joe. Thats it for me for this news hour stay with us harvey back in just a few minutes. What was described as the worlds longest long down course the largest exodus since the creation of an independent india and 9247. 00. Experts believe india is still at an early stage of infection but the long down has already created a humanitarian crisis and driven the Unemployment Rate for 6 to 23 percent and its also highlighted inequality religious tensions and a Health Care System that isnt equipped to deal with a pandemic the following week schoolchild of the peace and Mass Movement of people will also accentuate the spread of the coronavirus from indian cities to its rule hot. Rewind return to care bring your people back to life from sars updates on the best of aljazeera documentaries in living close the books and know all you like and the other student rewind continues which shows its journey this is the stuff. The struggle continues book. From did to now. Of course used to students rewind on aljazeera. When a military coup overthrew chiles marxist president one stadiums became prisms and the hunters sole objective was absolute control. Publicly refused to accept dictatorship episode 4 of football rebels expose the life of columns cassilis. The footballer whose personal story swayed of votes that altered the history of his country Carlos Caselli and the demise of a young day on aljazeera. China says its ready for an investigation into its coronavirus handling once the outbreak is over well president xi jinping promises billions to fight the pandemic. Pivotal this is all just there on live from doha also coming up. The f. B. I. Says it has evidence that the saudi officer who killed 3 people

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