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Than any of us this is europes moment the European Union proposes an unprecedented 800000000000. 00 stimulus package to deal with the coronavirus pandemic fallout. And private final preparations before the launch of the 1st manned mission to take off from the United States in nearly a decade. So the u. S. Secure state my pump says hong kong no longer maintains a high degree of autonomy from china he says that china is attempting to model hong kong offer its own system and that the territory no longer warrants special treatment that could impact hong kongs position as a Financial Hub china has proposed a new security law for the territory which many fear will reduce freedoms while its been told white house cross when it can be how could he joins us live now as the sector a state wearing in on this these troubles between hong kong and china. Yeah weighing in is part of a requirement under the u. S. Hong kong policy act making a report to congress issuing a statement and also this tweet where he writes today i reported to congress that hong kong is no longer a ton of us from china given the facts on the ground the United States stands with the people of hong kong and he elaborated on that point in his written statement that he says essentially you know the United States is standing with the people of hong kong as they struggle for autonomy as promised and he also said its now clear china is modeling hong kong after itself and no reasonable person could assert that hong kong can maintain a high degree of autonomy from china given the facts now these latest statements from the trumpet ministration via the u. S. Secretary of state might pump a 0 echo his very strong statements last week in fact it was a condemnation of that proposed National Security law at the time the secretary of state called it the death knell for the hong kong economy and essentially said that this is a violation of the side o. British joint declaration and the United States still even a day before this is expected to come into effect is urging beijing to reconsider now what this really does is it marks another escalation in the war of words that has been going on for some time between china and the United States really says donald trump came into office said he was renegotiating trade deals with china there was that tit for tat trade war that resulted at least the 1st phase of a new trade deal although that not has not been fully implemented and then you have on top of that the finger pointing that is coming from the United States right now with regard to corona virus the u. S. President the u. S. Secretary of state blaming china for not doing more to stop the spread of covert 19 so this marks just. A latest in the in sort of the back and forth escalating tensions between the 2 largest economy in the world or it can be thanks very much indeed that you from the White House Committee how could the what on t. Government protests have fled once again in hong kong with more than 300 demonstrators being arrested during a standoff with police thats enough for major brown who has more. Lunchtime in Hong Kong Central business district. Police firing pedal pellets to disperse protesters. Bringing traffic in one of the worlds busiest star affairs to a standstill. Police say this was an Illegal Assembly this crowd shouted prodemocracy slogans and insults at the emotional up not everyone is against them though. Im from china and i support the police screams this woman whos from the mainland the protest is intended target was hong kongs Legislative Assembly but a heavy security presence prevented their attempts to reach the building inside legislators were debating a bill that would punish those who disrespect the National Anthem. This is what supporters of the bill want to stop the booing that drowned out the march of the volunteers before a recent football match those convicted under the planned law would face a fine of more than 6 and a half 1000. 00 and up to 3 years in jail there were many arrests on wednesday with at least one as young as 14 years old detentions that could now Risk University and Career Prospects opponents of this National Anthem will call it another float on the funds freedom and he comes ahead of a move by Chinas Parliament to impose a new National Security law on this city. Chinas Rubber Stamp Parliament the National Peoples congress is expected to approve legislation on thursday when more details of the proposed security law will be known in the meantime Hong Kong Government officials are trying to ease fears. It will be conducive to the long term stability and prosperity of hong kong and also helpful to safeguarding the legitimate rights of hong kong people. Many home calm people arent reassured and they now know the risk for tearing to demonstrate their opposition adrian brown al jazeera hong kong. Lets take this only to speak to victoria whos a Political Science professor at the university of notre dame joins us on skype from indiana welcome to the program for tori so what do you make of this ongoing situation and do you agree with the u. S. Secretary of state that this sounds the death knell for a full home combs autonomy yes this is actually a hoax kind because for a lot of people like my for my family and friends even when they walk down the streets that theyre not testing these days that you can actually just get arrested or pepper sprayed over to guest and fought so long for basically the last 2 decades beijing was encroaching on tommy and he and he rode in the freedoms basically in piecemeal fashion but for so long that what it is london a washington always said oh wow well in hong kong but now beijing took this basically in your career option cheap greatest regret now its one country 2 systems in the basement it turns decoration and so they cant completely taken off and therefore this is really a kind so how do you think beijing will respond to this or not lets get a response till the morning but how do you think they will respond. It seems to me that it was so loud that beijing was just seeing the ok all these western governments whenever we do something they issued a very strong condemnation as they issued statements but always just worse and no actions and i presume that beijing again this time was very distressing governments that they were not going to withdraw Hong Kong Special custom status and now youve given that the us is really actually doing that then beijing is going to be taken aback but of course i think they also expected to have some pushback they were just hoping that everything was still the basically at a little bit of shock that everything will turn to normal now we know that its not going to go back to normal ultimately down the line do you think that one way or another by stealth or otherwise china will eventually have its way over hong kong that that basically theyll be nothing the hong kong can do this is true because this also goes back to the end the spendings of one country 2 systems because for one come people and for the rest of the world 2 systems needing one comes to rule of law freedoms cheat is protect how come from the mainland system of one Party Dictatorship but from day one especially because the basic law was coming d to immediately after the tenement movements beijing always saw the 2 systems as capitalism and socialism in china theyve always wanted to preserve capitalism but yet stifle one comes freedoms now that because the world knows that beijing really wants to kill hong kongs rule of law and the so therefore it makes sense that beijing cannot have to kick a need it stude stifling freedoms well trying to preserve because to is a model and reaping benefits from it are a victory he will leave it there do appreciate your perspective on this thanks very much indeed victoria howie thank you for having professor of the university of notre. Now there has been a Key Development in the extradition case of men ones an executive with the chinese tech giant huawei a Canadian Court has ruled the rule but the challenges the u. S. Is seeking against may also constitute crimes in canada now the u. S. Is seeking mans custody accusing her of fraud and misleading a major bank account a major account about what ways dealings with iran manga whos 48 was arrested in vancouver in december 2800 at the request of the United States todays ruling paves the way for the extradition hearing to proceed to the 2nd phase starting in june lets speak now is rose in jordan whos with us now on the phone from virginia and tell us more about this important case rooms. Well next as you pointed out this hinges on this concept in canadian law called double criminality just as the crime of which among one of so is accused in the u. S. Would that also constitute a crime under canadian law amongst lawyers had argued before a Supreme Court judge in British Columbia that what she is accused of would not constitute a crime under canadian law however the judge in this ruling just released says that this would constitute a crime under canadian law because what ms monk is accused of doing is of lying to bankers with h. S. B. C. It 2013 in order to do Business Inside iran and that it was in violation of existing u. S. And canadian sanctions against iran the u. S. Wants brought here to the United States to face trial in federal court for deliberately and specifically going out of her way to try to do Business Inside iran despite the u. S. Sanctions regime. Now this ruling has just come down so we dont know yet what is going to do we would expect that she would try to appeal the ruling neck because she d says her people with within her Company Clause way the Telecommunications Giant and the Chinese Government have all argued that she has done nothing wrong she has been under house arrest for just about 18 months it is very likely that she will not be leaving vancouver certainly not anytime soon because of the Supreme Court justices ruling today right and this is very significant person within the companies and see as you know well way executives at the chief Financial Officer also the daughter while ways c. And her case has created a major rift between china and kind of the what about that now and indeed the relations between china the United States. Well its were getting into the area of speculation here but 2 canadians were arrested almost immediately after she was detained at the International Airport in vancouver in december 2018 both of these men have been accused of spying they are being held in secret prisons inside china and the Chinese Government has not done anything either to permit them to be put on trial for these spying charges certainly has not shown any willingness to work with the canadian government on the mom was shoe case if anything this has put a real strain in chinese and indian relations its had a detrimental effect on the trade relations between the 2 countries already im looking at social media there are a lot of people are hurling it got at the government inaudible because of this ruling in the past 15 minutes it also has complicated the relationship between ottawa and washington that you was made the request for extradition from ottawa the canadians were willing to do so but that is when the chinese started objecting and certainly washington has been putting pressure on the auto well to do what it considers to be the right thing which is hold someone accountable for allegedly violating global sanctions regime one that the troubled ministration has vigorously pursued against iran its a little complicated but this is the world in which we live its a Global Economy you have a company thats already been accused of acting as a proxy for beijing to be able to spy on other countries on other governments on other peoples for its own political agenda and then you have the 2nd highest ranking person in the company now sitting in a. One of or 2 manship in that crew for wearing an ankle bracelet it really does bring all of this tension to the fore all right thanks very much rosa just to recap a Key Development in the extradition case of main lines of an executive with the chinese tech giant while away the chief Financial Officer in fact a Canadian Court has ruled that the charges that the u. S. And seeking against mang also constitute crimes in canada and todays ruling paves the way for the extradition hearing to proceed to the 2nd phase which would start in june more on that as we get it in the United States another death of an unarmed black man in Police Custody has triggered new protests police fired tear gas to disperse demonstrators calling for justice in minneapolis theres been widespread outrage after video showing an officer using his need to pin george floyd to the ground the officers involved in the attempted arrests have been fired and there are calls for them to Face Criminal Charges 100 has this report which contains images some viewers may find to stress. Protesters gathered by the hundreds to mark the death of another unarmed black man in Police Custody it happened a day after an all too familiar american seen with a black man pleads for help he struggles to bring what you want to. These are the images on a minneapolis street the man cries out in pain a policemans knee on his neck. You remember. George floyd accused of chick forgery is pressed down his face bloody murder when they do. Anything. Bystanders plead with the officers. He later dies in Police Custody it is the latest incident of a deadly confrontation between a white Police Officer and a black man captured on video you know you would really feel better if you just really feel damn near broke the citys police chief says he sped a sleepless night deciding what to do then fired the 4 officers at the scene i stand before you in the city of minneapolis here to say that our deepest condolences the citys mayor calls the death unacceptable being black in america should not be a death sentence for 5 minutes we watched as a white officer pressed his knee into the neck of a black man for 5 minutes. The scene bears an eerie resemblance to a 2014 incident in new york city where another black man eric garner says his last words to the Police Officers restraining him i cant breathe after officers were cleared the guard case led to protests across the us police say george floyd had been resisting arrest bystanders said the force was clearly excessive and when it comes to Excessive Force in the us the pendulum has increasingly swung away from police in toward the alleged victim officer Jason Van Dyke is now serving a 7 year prison term for this 2014 shooting in chicago with look juan macdonald. Animals dead blah blah once again demonstrators massed as theyve done after similar incidents in new york chicago baltimore and ferguson missouri to demand justice for africanamericans across the u. S. And for the police at whose hands george floyd died while we get the very latest from john is live for us not chicago on the this incident as you said is outraged people out the sacking of the offices maybe the difference. Well the that is really outraged not just the Africanamerican Community in minneapolis in the state of minnesota but really across the u. S. Because as you know this keeps happening in various spots from coast to coast but the quick action of this city probably did quell a larger response last evening and there was a big protest hundreds of people possibly over a 1000 gathering at the site where george floyd was trapped down under that officers need and eventually died in the end some Police Precinct windows were broken some bottles were thrown some rocks and the police cracked down hard and broadly they used rubber bullets and they used some kind of chemical gas the crowd dispersed and there wasnt the kind of violence that you had in some of these other incidents what happens now really depends a lot on what happens to the officers involved now 4 of them have been fired the family of george floyd says theyre satisfied that that happened but its not enough they want those officers particularly the one officer who put his knee on George Floyds neck charged with murder and whether that happens could determine what happens in the aftermath of that and as you saw in that story we had a similar incident here in chicago and it took much longer for the city to react to that people got outraged there were multiple protests but eventually that officer was convicted of murder so people will probably follow this case through to the end and how that case ends may determine how many apple is goes. All right john thanks for that john hendren there in chicago. Play more ahead on news hour including. I think what we need to do really is just to move on yes Boris Johnson struggles to draw a line under the rubble involving his top aide who remains at the center of a political storm. Now 2 american astronauts making their final preparations for a Historic Mission the crew for the 1st manned space flight to blast off from u. S. Soil in nearly a decade youre looking at live pictures there the astronauts are inside the space rocket is due to take off in right about 2 hours time it is the 1st time a collaboration between us are in a private Company Space x. And weather permitting the falcon 9 rocket launch from Kennedy Space center in florida and as i say just over 2 hours time my kind of. All is ready the pole can line rocket poised on the launch pad for Historic Mission that could pave the way for the future of space travel and restart a manned Space Program that was mothballed in sweeping budget cuts by the administration. The astronauts. Are space veterans 210 lift. Doug hurley was the pilot of the Space Shuttle atlantis back in 2011 the last manned flight from u. S. Soil you would have never thought you know after we landed atlantis back in 2011 then you know 9 years later we would be where we are in some ways and its its. Better than i would have imagined and so many the mission is the fruit of a unique partnership between the private space x. Company founded by ellen mask and the one thing we have under development that is of the highest priority. Is launching american astronauts on american rockets from american soil theres always issues space is hard obviously the partnership has not been without its problems in 2015 a full can rocket carrying supplies exploded 139 seconds into its flight and in april last year the dragon capsule was destroyed in a ground explosion room reminders of the dangers a space travel in which 14 u. S. Astronauts lost their lives over a period of 30 years there are just so many technical factors and things that we need to focus on to make sure that we pull this off that our place in history or you know even trying to put our names in the same sentences as the folks who have come before us. It seems premature until until we until weve pulled it off the space suits are different because that will take the astronauts to the launch pad teslas branded with the nasa label. But if all goes according to plan the one thing that has not changed is the view that the astronauts will have from nearly 400 kilometers above the earth mike hanna aljazeera washington. When of course the United States has been a major competitor in Space Exploration for more than 60 years but at the beginning it did struggle to get ahead in 157 the soviet union sent the satellite called sputnik into space just 4 months later the u. S. Then followed launching its 1st satellite explore one into orbit the same year washington merged its Space Operations into one agency and nasa was born and then in 96 he won the soviets made another breakthrough yuri gagarin became the 1st person to go into space and weeks later allenby shepherd became the 1st american to do the same and then of course in 1989 america took that giant leap when the alarm strong became the 1st person to set foot on the moon and 15 years later the United States began work on that now familiar structure of the International Space station and lets speak to Amy Lynn Thompson whos a writer at space dot com and she joins us on skype from orlando in florida and maybe youre in your car because i think youre going to watch this launch is this is that right. Thats correct yes im in my car its currently raining so its very tough across florida summer weather there but its going to be a little tricky to get the rocket off with all the weather constraints and rain thats going on right now ok well lets hope theres a Weather Window for the launch itself as and when it does happen this is u. S. Astronauts launching from american soil for the 1st time in 9 years or so this launch is about much more than just that isnt it. Correct so this will be the 1st time that astronauts have launched from the u. S. On a commercial rocket typically nasa which is a Government Entity has made the rocket need the space craft that astronauts are launching on and this is actually built and designed by a private Company Space x. Out of hawker in california and its going to be very exciting so tell us whats going to happen once the rocket goes moves once the Weather Window gives us the opportunity to sit go up what will it do and whats the mission. So the mission is to carry the 2 astronauts to the International Space station its actually the last test flight of the crew dragon spacecraft so if everything goes as planned nasa can certify this vehicle to regularly carry astronauts to and from the space station so bob and doug are actually strapped in to the dragon right now theyre performing some last minute checks and getting everything ready if all goes according to plan liftoff is up for 33 pm about 45 minutes before that they will fuel the rocket and they will arm the launch escape system or get enough evidence after it left so i was going to carry on to carry on. After i left ask theyre going to spend about 19 hours in orbit. And theyre going to know check out all the different systems on board the dragon spacecraft is a little bit different than other spacecraft and that has a Touch Screen Panel so theres really no switches joysticks Different Things like that so the 2 astronauts on board doug hurley and bob behnken are going to be running through a series of checks and making sure everything is working like it should and theyre actually going to get to manually control the dragon ok theres a lot of talk around all of this about one day theyre being Space Tourism is that where this is leading to i think it is yes so space access ultimate goal is to put people on mars and this is the very 1st step towards that launching astronauts they were actually founded 18 years ago with that main goal in mind and so they have been working towards a stay for 18 years where finally here the only thing standing in the way is the weather and i think it might clear up or i mean well the fingers crossed lets hope it does and if it does well be right there watching the launch thanks very much indeed a meal in times and enjoy what you can look at yourself as and when it comes thank you now they may u. K. Prime minister Boris Johnson has told m. P. s it is time to move on from the scuttle surrounding his top adviser Dominic Cummings traveled with his family from london to north hes lived in while he and his wife were showing up at 900 sometimes promises says he doesnt think an inquiry into the matter is necessary and says the government needs to focus on the dealing with coronavirus. Focus on getting the message right which is probably Common Ground with your committee then i think what we need to be released or to move on and to. Get on to however get into so tight a career was really at the priority the overwhelming priority of the people of this country lets speak in a vacuum has been following this for from london if the Prime Minister wants to move on but does the rest of the country. Well he hopes he can move on though just listening to that space x. Story of boys johnson must have felt like he was 19 hours in orbit after 90 minutes in front of the Liaison Committee thats a committee of senior m. P. s from across the political spectrum including m. P. s from his own party one after another they grilled him about Dominic Cummings and asked time and time again why he feels its important to expend so much Political Capital defending a man who usually exists behind the scenes of things that go on in downing street many are raising the question well look you know how important is this man despite the fact that more than 30 m. P. s from the governing comput conservative party is demanding coming sees resignation johnson has again reiterated that he stands by Tony Cummings the suggestion is that he may be more powerful than most people think that Boris Johnson is really dependent upon him the polls have been absolutely devastating for the conservative party in the last few days only 2 weeks ago the Prime Ministers personal popularity rating was in double figures according to one poll its now in negative numbers 80 percent of people according to one poll feel that cummings needs to resign. A large percentage of people around 60 percent believe that cummings is perceived bending of the rules in his favor undermines the governments own efforts the governments own messaging at a time when its rolling into the next phase of dealing with the pandemic with the beginning of testing and tracing starting on thursday the question is whether the government can continue to push through its all Important Health messages or whether people will now feel that they can interpret the rules to suit themselves or in a thanks very much new bulk of it with within them. The way our knowledge there donald trump threatens to shut down social Media Companies of the day after twitter flight 2 of his tweets is misleading plus the u. S. Nears a grim milestone of cases one state is rolling out free coronavirus testing for anybody who wants it. Hello hot and hazy sometimes humid is a word to describe the weather in the Arabian Peninsula at this time of the year and they are correct for most places the temperature young but on the high side dohas its 4044 but for baghdad were well above where you might expected to be 46 or 47 in the blazing sun shine is cooler near the coast of course in lebanon and israel into the twentys but thats normal and its not a very pleasant cooling breeze down in salalah we may well see the folly of coming as rainfall cross for friday saturday even sundry rain by sunday once its in this is indication the monsoon change itll be like that for a couple of months at least elsewhere in north africa as a fast not a cloud in southern now geria you might get a shower to that as well the heaviest rains still further south near the tropics for me in southern nigeria sierra leone for example next couple days because its pretty big downpours there and there are a few showers in the Atlas Mountains of morocco algeria and tunisia and the onshore breeze here means tensions are i would think arguably very present in the middle twentys away across to tripoli cairo as a 3035 foot with quite a dusty breeze. As the world fights the corona pandemic were learning more about this every day its a new patent your new join our Global Community its how we come to fight. Your questions can i just ask you trying to say directly thats coming on on you tube as youre saying im concerned about the fact life on earth are a question of keeping you up to date and weve seen countries beaten back and beaten back to the stream on 00. Water scarcity has become a major global issue the demand is going straight up and the supply is going straight down turning an essential Natural Resource into a commodity traded for profit just because its life doesnt mean its cannot be priced what about the guy that can afford it teles water in a new 2 part series aljazeera examines the social financial and Environmental Impact of water privatized sation loads of water coming soon. Are you watching for money about top stories this hour and a Canadian Court has ruled that the case concerning the extradition of wa wait chief Financial Officer main ones to the United States can proceed in its ruling the court said the case met the standard for double criminality a huge blow to the tech giant well way hope to drop the case and bring me back to china. Your sector of state might compare says china is abandoning commitments to preserve hong kong as autonomy he says that china. Is attempting to model hong kong after its own system that territory no longer warrants special economic treatment. Meanwhile police in hong kong have used pepper spray as demonstrations escalate at least 300 people were arrested protesters are angry at a proposed law that could see people jailed for mocking chinas National Anthem. Or i doubt the use ambitious proposal for a coronavirus Recovery Plan would mark a Major Economic policy shift for the block but its likely to face resistance from some countries the e use executive arm is seeking Member States approval to go directly to the violence and markets and borrow 825000000000. 00 for its Recovery Fund the bulk of that money would then be distributed as grants to the worst hit countries and a smaller part would be made available as loans but austria denmark the netherlands and sweden they oppose borrowing large amounts of money and prefer offering loans rather than grants to the countries in need of assistance but presenting the Recovery Plan in brussels the president of the European Commission to us live on the land said this crisis forces Member States to make an important choice in front of us once again is that same binary choice we either all go it alone leaving countries regions and people behind and accepting a union of haves and have this not have nots all we want that road to gether we take that leap forward we pave a strong past for our people and for the next generation and for me the choice is simple i want us to take a new bold step together overprices chief Economic Advisor at the center for economics and Business Research and she says the proposal will eventually receive the approval of Member States. There are still some countries typically the netherlands added to by austria for example and denmark. And sweden which dont actually think that this is a very good idea but basically Beach Vacation days of the will fall into line we may have some slight changes in terms of the composition of that support thats going to be given but i think its really fundamental in terms of reshaping the way in which support is given to individual countries and to the you as a whole in terms of getting out of this crisis in may be you know the shape things to come for the does suggest a lot more coordination and a lot more concerned about the inequality if you like you know distribution of both g. D. P. And also the pain that countries have been facing because of the crisis and before during the financial crisis and tries to perhaps lead to better conversion Something Like that the you always wanted to see happen particularly within the euro zone. Donald trump has threatened to shut down social Media Companies a day after twitter labeled 2 of his tweets as misleading for the 1st time the u. S. President says twitter was stifling free speech referred users to a fact check page like say a prime as this report was arguably twice as most famous using the us President Donald Trump has even said to us one him the white house thank you very much everybody now hes at the center of a twist a storm after the social Media Company flagged 2 of his tweets as misleading for the 1st time trumpeted tweeted to his 80000000 follow as that mail in ballots would lead to fraud twista said his claims were false and had been debunked by fact check as there are 2 areas where twitter has said specifically they would be more aggressive one of those is misinformation around the virus so weve seen them take action against the brazilian president over that and then also on election misinformation so this is one of the 2 areas where they said theyd be more aggressive that they have never taken action in 3 and a half years of president s and theres been plenty that have been misleading trump has hit back accusing in a tweet of stifling free speech and interfering in the november election that while twice has now taken its 1st stamp against the president allens eliot it refused to act another series of trumps tweets where he suggested former republican congressman and u. S. T. V. Anchor Joe Scarborough may have been involved in the death of an n 1019 years ago its a very suspicious thing and i hope somebody gets to the bottom of it trumps tweeted for years about the unfounded allegations even though laurie closers hes death was blamed on a hot issue last week a widow wrote an open letter to twitter pleading with it to delete the posts saying im asking you. To intervene in this instance because the president of the United States has taken something that does not belong to him the memory of my did wife and perverted it for perceived political gain what the cause sounesss the entire family have had to endure for 19 years. Its unspeakably cruel for what whether its the president or whether its people following the president it is on the speak of bully crew on social Media Companies like Twitter Facebook and you tube have come under increasing pressure to act faster and more effectively against misinformation and hate speech on their platforms twitter says the president s posts about the t. V. Host dont violate its terms of Service Though its working to address issues like this Going Forward thank you very much everybody thank you alexia brian al jazeera. The big milestone the United States is about to hit 100000 deaths from cave in 19 or testing is ramping up in some areas after a slow start but many states efforts still lag behind at least 9 of them have tested only 250. 00 people per 1000000 residents Los Angeles County is one of the few places offering free tests to anybody who wants one robert oulds as this. People are getting tested for the corona virus at this drive up site in los angeles one of dozens in this the nations most populous county the county is is aggressively following up on all positive results with the individuals to trace back their contacts within the previous 2 weeks of their positive test testing and tracing are essential but so are social distancing and good hygiene not everybody has to get tested alltel 10000000 people in the county have to get tested which more important than testing frankly is staying at home staying safe at home covering your your mouth with in your face with official covering in early march President Donald Trump declared anybody right. Yesterday only but did need to ask you to speak there that statement was as false then as it is now nearly 3 months later in a new study a team of nationally recognized Infectious Disease experts said testing in the United States is disorganized and not Accurate Enough to provide a good basis for Public Health Decision Making the team from the university of minnesota called upon the federal government to provide leadership guidance and support for local jurisdictions some physicians who study global responses to cold have done 900. 00 say an over emphasis on testing can be counterproductive many tests are not highly reliable and could be misleading you know that a 3 percent of the time it hasnt actually gets tested theyre not actually going to try now dr Michael Hochman says there is one country that appears to have tamed corona virus but has tested just 0. 2 percent of its population in the country that strikes me. Most. And a really good job and which is how about a percent rate that we have in the United States actions and coronavirus many reasons have been cited for japans low numbers including low levels of obesity one of the worlds best Public Health systems a public that widely accepted a decision to close schools early and a culture of mask wearing ive been very can help by the data has come out during this pandemic of japan and other countries that originally make a big difference the trumpet ministration recently promised to provide 100000000. 00 test swabs by the end of this year but the white house says testing will remain the responsibility of each of the 50 us states rob reynolds aljazeera los angeles. A 10 day mourning period has begun in spain to remember the more than 27000 people have died during the pandemic king felipe and members of the government have held a minutes silence in madrid flags so also across the country spain is one of the hardest hit countries in europe with more than 236000 face. A moscow is lifting some of its grain of rice restrictions shops in the russian capital will be allowed to reopen on june the 1st the man may also extend the area that residents are allowed to cover on daily walks the city has been the epicenter of the pandemic in russia with half of the countrys 370000 cases but the number of hospitalisations has fallen dramatically in the past 2 weeks well the Russian Military says its opened a Field Hospital in the hard hit republic of dagestan and local officials who called the operate there a catastrophe and beg the kremlin for help earlier this month medics have also been speaking out saying they would die shortages of equipment and the death toll was higher than officially reported. Now that schools universities and sporting events are expected to resume in tanzania next week and that lifts coronavirus restrictions but opposition politicians accuse the government of covering up a crisis in the World Health Organization says that there has been a lack of transparency and its handling of the outbreak welcome weapons from. The beaches in Dar Es Salaam getting busy again. Tanzania didnt have Strict Lockdown measures like some of its neighbors and now its lifting them. President john magaw throughly encourage people to gather and pray in churches and mosques to fight the coronavirus crowds came out for the ied alpharetta celebration on sunday. Still exists and we need to protect ourselves washing our hands with soap and Wearing Masks although i havent worn a mask now but corona exists the government hasnt released much data for the last month he says the numbers of new cases are going down. The opposition says the government cant be trusted activists to share videos like this one on social media showing burials at night they say the governments hiding coronavirus death the ministry of health has since said the night burials should stop we dont trust the government f. E. D. s the new. Government in pandemic is not so the government response was their ability supported disappointed very and that well me and we have so much warning that the tanzanians will be a lot. This is one of the main hospitals for cope with 19 patients in Dar Es Salaam nobodys allowed to film any of them the government denies reports the hospitals are overwhelmed with cases activists have been arrested for challenging the governments account. Some prevention measures are in place but for the large part its business as usual the u. S. Embassy has said evidence suggests the pandemic is growing exponentially in the city president magath consistently played it down. Its not going to take at the reasons of if you lock someone up in a house according to the literature we have read the day you let him out hes immunity would have reduced by 30 percent so allowing continued interaction helped us build immunity and this will help us fight diseases. The freedoms to pray and trade a popular among many times and in. Towns it been devastating for the poor neighboring countries but here still not clear what the cost of those freedoms will be malcolm webb aljazeera. At least one turkish soldiers died after a roadside bomb exploded in syrias province when their convoy passed by it happened on the m 4 highway a main supply route that Opposition Forces and the Syrian Government have been fighting over so he deployed soldiers to the province to enforce a cease fire agreement with russia the Syrian Governments main ally. The vote counting has been suspended in suriname as National Assembly elections with 73 percent of the results announced the government stopped the count as results showed the ruling Party Heading for defeat opposition parties say the polls are suspicious after what they say were irregularities throughout the voting day but president says National Democratic party say the decision was necessary because staff were tired india is dealing with its worst invasion of does it locusts in more than a quarter of a century the insects have destroyed huge areas of farmland in western and Central States threatening Food Supplies swarms 1st landed in east africa at the start of the year and spread to south asia Scientists Say and seasonal rains in cyclons caused the local population to. Iranian members of parliament elected in for every have been sworn in the of overwhelming majority of conservative president Hassan Rouhani says he hopes the government and parliament can have a good working relationship for the last year of his symbiotes ravi was listening to the president s speech and has more details from terrorists he also said that the independence of each branch of government in the country does not necessarily mean that they have to be confrontational that they can cooperate and he said that my administration extend the hand of brotherhood towards the new parliament now his tone was very positive but you look if you look at the context of the relationship between the presidency in the parliament in the previous years if you look at the political context of what has happened to president Hassan Rouhani is specially since the collapse of the 2050 nuclear deal then you can understand that perhaps the content of his message the words he used could be seen as defensive this is a president who the Previous Parliament made 10 attempts to impeach ministers in his cabinet and they succeeded in impeaching 3 of his ministerial cabinets this is the Previous Parliament that did this that was relatively more reformist leaning than the Current Parliament and if there are 2 more impeachments if he loses 2 more ministers then this presidency will have to go back to the parliament to achieve a vote of confidence to continue and finish out this last year in power now experts suggest that that is not going to happen that the government all branches all leaders want to see president Hassan Rouhani complete this and have a smooth transition into the next presidency but we have seen the readout from the Supreme Leader a message from him to this new parliament also said that it is the parliaments job to investigate the other branches of government. Still ahead here on aljazeera. A music stall remember well have more on the tributes paid to get is more country. The. Car. Again a french court has rejected the request to release or a wind and genocide suspect under court supervision. Is accused of helping finance the mass killings in 1904 and was arrested in paris after 26 years on the run but actually butler has more now from paris well at the end of the hearing the court rejected felice or computers request to be released under Court Surveillance because of poor health the cord said that his health was good enough for him to remain in detention there was also the risk that he could have scorned was at large for more than a quarter century when he was arrested in paris earlier this month he is accused of being one of the main finances of the wrong wanton genocide now when the charges were read out to him during this hearing rejected the more he called them all lies now his defense lawyers say that they want to be tried in the future here in france that hes 84 years old and that he is too old and frail to be extradited however the court will decide next week whether or not could be can be extradited to be put in u. N. Custody and eventually face trial in an International Court Nicola Palmer is a senior lecturer in criminal law at Kings College london and she says a many rwandans would like to see could be tried at home but it will be up to the french court to consider whether any potential try trial may take place. Obviously there have been a large number of individuals who have already been tried at the International Level and convicted so we have over 60 same tunes of those individuals have been found guilty and 14 cases where individuals have been acquitted by the Un International criminal tribunal which preceded the court that will now potentially try to go which is the residual mechanism for International Criminal tribunal there is theres just been a Statement Issued by it which is the major genocide Survivor Organization which has branches in rwanda and within diaspora communities around the world and they are using strongly that the case should be tried in rwanda either before rwandan colts all under the auspices of the un court but in situ so that the proceedings happen inside of the one well the french courts of being deeply skeptical of trials in rwanda and up to now have refused to extradite 20 individuals to face trial 20 suspected genocide to face trial on concerns that the punishment for genocide was not sufficiently articulated in the rwandan lol at the time that the crimes were committed. A Funeral Services are being held for the singer songwriter who helped bring west African Music to the world in the 1900 guineas more to come to light at the age of 70 so hard it looks back at his life and career. This is the song the more he can safely use it on to dont schools and his name across the world. Ok ok hates in 1987 was africas 1st singles solo vermin copy and was a best seller across europe it was also a source of musical inspiration in bollywood films. You can say was one of west africas most successful musical thousands defied coronavirus restrictions in guineas capital to pay tribute. To the measurement religion of a doris legend like morrie conti is applauded know the way hes always been applauded and she. Can say pasta way on friday age 70 hes had Ongoing Health issues because the current virus restrictions on able to travel to france for regular treatments his family and the culture minister quashed rumors that he had 19 or nondepressed down a little. On behalf of president alpha conde and his government were informing you that more did not die from covenanting this is important to note. That. One of 38 children can say was born to a famous skinny family of musicians in storytellers known as korea. He was sent to mali aged just 7 and they became a distinguished call home nicknamed electronic rio he makes traditional instruments with unique more than sounds he created. And took inspiration from his mandatory culture muslim faith and even cuban music. In the 1970s he joined mollys Legendary Group the rail bands of bamako it launched his career and that of another musical giant stylish kita mori can tell you was also a goodwill ambassador for several humanitarian projects helping refugees in cocreating the 2014 african stock bonus song during the epidemic that killed more than 11000 people. In. Tech aids more he can say was a source of inspiration to many and will be remembered for building a global audience for music rooted in west africa. At aljazeera. And thats it for this news on the clock for. Water scarcity has become a major global issue the demand is going straight up and the supply is going straight down turning an essential Natural Resource into a commodity traded for profit just because its lawyer doesnt mean its going to be priced what about the guy that can afford it that guys teles water in a new 2 part series aljazeera examines the social financial and Environmental Impact of water privatized ation loads of water coming soon a community decimated by cancer fights for the truth filling this term has cancer diagnosis of someone that lives here their house cancer lines exposes houstons cancer cluster these are the 110 properties that have grown contamination and they look data visible pople a community it just safe and get them down. Were sitting in the. Lines on aljazeera. Investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe on aljazeera you know men killed a mother and son on their way to an appointment sadly the insurgents dont wear uniforms law also is tsunami with the was off the American Occupation of iraq that the house on hold to erik prince to account trump tower 2016 how come you didnt mention that meeting to congress and i did i dont know if i got the transcript wrong but i dont think youre that sharp but you can tell the difference between a polish guy a french guy or youre your that charming head to head on a. And i. 360 people arrested in the latest protests in hong kong the u. S. Secretary of state says the city is no longer autonomys from china and doesnt merit special economic treatment. And the canadian judge rules that the u. S. Extradition case against war weighs a chief Financial Officer can proceed. And i mean hello Barbara Starr youre watching out is there live from the

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