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Destroying crops and livelihoods forms of locusts in india and pakistan caused billions of dollars in damage. We begin in the u. S. State of minnesota where the death of a black man in Police Custody has sparked anger not only the boat across the country for the 1st time in its history that is that as governor has announced that hes fully mobilizing the National Guard. Im authorizing and talking to General Johnson to fully mobilize the Minnesota National guard an action that has never been taken in 164 year history of the Minnesota National guard we will pull in assets as we have been doing and for those minnesotans who are wondering where are the fire trucks where are the police that are out there the situation was so broad and the tactics were so bent on causing destruction that every Single Person we had mobilized again the largest in state history last evening was engaged in that with a Police Officer at the center of this has been charged with George Floyds mudda but its a little to calm the situation as old as heroes john hendren reports. A curfew in a murder charge against a Police Officer failed to bring calm to minneapolis. The citys new curfew beginning 8 pm some protesters responded by setting buildings on fire hundreds of others continued to peacefully protest the death of a black man george floyd after his arrest by a white police. Officer gary children who was fired shortly after floyds arrest on monday d has now been charged with his murder but its made little difference on the citys turbulent south sun. Demonstrators defied the curfew and a large deployment of the National Guard some took out their anger on businesses such as the Department Store and occasionally journalists. Others lined up to challenge police who answered with tear gas but failed to control the unrest these National Guard troops have been blocking roads and theyve been protecting firefighters and theyve been putting out the many fires you can see one of them back there but the governor says there simply arent been enough of them and thats why hes sending in more a 1000 more to join the 500 already in minneapolis in nearby st paul this is the largest civilian deployment in Minnesota History that we have out there today and quite candidly right now we do not have the numbers we cannot arrest people when were trying to hold ground because of the sheer size the dynamics and the want the violence thats coming out there but as you see theres already shots being fired back at our people this arson that is taking place puts many people at risk are firefighters are specifically and very open target from coast to coast protests and violence have spread to more u. S. Cities in washington the white house was briefly on lockdown as crowds front with police in the capital. And in Atlanta Georgia the c. N. N. News channels headquarters came under attack police cars were also targeted prompting a furious response from atlanta as mayor you are just gracing our city you are disgracing the life of george lloyd in every other person who has been killed in this country crowds in los angeles chanted i cant breathe some of George Floyds final words as his neck was pinned to the ground. And back in minneapolis his excessive days in 1000 ivanka go on John Hendren Al jazeera minneapolis lets speak now to allison in minneapolis his life for a solace and where are you whats happening. Right hi right now i am in a Neighborhood Park in powder park right on lake street that. Endured a lot of damage in the last few nights i came here because i got a message on facebook that our city count the City Council Member that represents this area along with a few other organizers were wanting to gather the neighborhood and come up with a plan to keep the neighborhood say i spoke with a few residents here in the crowd and they feel that if they feel very scared about whats happened in the last 4 nights in the city of minneapolis there are a laundry connell who is the 9th ward City Council Member pleaded with people in the crowd and said that immigrant businesses largely latino immigrant businesses that are on lake street are asking for the communitys help theyre asking for people to show up and and and keep guard as i drove around along lake street this morning to get to this meeting there were thousands of people cleaning up glass you know picking up trash so i think the mood right here here right now is one result and they also said that they are going to do everything that they can to protect the neighborhoods the neighborhood here and i also know that there were several other meetings just like this one all over the neighborhood all over the different neighborhoods in minneapolis and the neighborhood is the one that youre in right now. Its a very diverse neighborhood we have lots of my team though we have lots of Indigenous People that live in this neighborhood a minneapolis has one of the highest concentration of indigenous urban Indigenous People in the United States we also have a lot of latino businesses here we have a lot of Somali People that live in this neighborhood so its very mixed and i think the me the feeling right now is that the people a lot of people that i talked to feel that those who are doing the damage those who are doing the rioting and the looting are not people from this community that so how is the Community Get it you know come together to to protect these businesses this point putting people out on the streets overnight. I didnt see you know last night as i rode along lake st thomas on my bike which was one of the only ways that you could get around i did see people out front of their businesses i think thats exactly whats going to happen i think thats exactly whats going to happen is that people are going to be there standing in front of businesses im also patrolling their neighborhood block i heard some piers that some of the violence its built over into the residential areas because you have to remember even though west even though lake street is a commercial corridor with a lot of businesses 2 or 3 blocks to the north and south our homes are you know apartment buildings are where people that actually work in those businesses let us know many thanks indeed to. Reporting live from minneapolis u. S. President donald trump has been speaking about the protests within the last hour hes again threatened to deploy them in a tree. We get out of our military there very quickly weve got a got it. Got a. Good people. A lot of. It. Going now to watch great. Just hours earlier trumpet one protest as theyve been confronted with what he calls all mothers weapons in a series of tweets the president said the demonstrators at the white house on friday were a big crowd professionally organized but nobody came close to breaching the fence he said if they had they would have been greeted with the most vicious dogs and most ominous weapons ive ever seen thats when people would have been really badly hurt at least Many Secret Service agency said it just waiting for action lets go live now to the white house our correspondent kimberly how cute is that as we heard that the president speaking out just a few moments ago saying these protesters from the radical left from anti for and that the military could be deployed against them what are we to make of that. Well i double checked and did a little Fact Checking once i heard the president say that just to make sure i was correct and as i understand it im certainly not a legal expert but this issues come up before it violates the u. S. Constitution to call the u. S. Military to employ the u. S. Military against u. S. Citizens to enforce domestic policies and i think thats what hes suggesting there now theres no question that the National Guard can be called in for support but in terms of deploying the military that is something that according to the posse come a top of the active 878. 00 specifically limits the federal military against in forcing domestic policy as we saw this was the issue of immigration on the southern border in the last couple of years the suggestion again by the president but its not something that he can do and certainly his power is very limited in that regard so i think its important to clarify the u. S. President not always the most well versed on the u. S. Constitution even as the u. S. President but he does like to make these provocative statements and it appears even if he does know its erroneous what hes saying hell say it anyways in order to try and get a response and i think thats been the big concern for many when it comes to this president in not only throughout his presidency but particularly in the last few days with regard to the death of george floyd the fact that the u. S. President has an opportunity to use his words to try and appeal division in this country but he does not do that in every opportunities given he seems to kind of double down on this sort of tough guy kind of act that seems to in many ways make matters worse so were looking ahead now to the evening u. S. President down in florida where hes watching that potentially as space launch taking place although with some weather calls that may or may not happen but then after that at the white house this evening the u. S. President essentially rallied his supporters to stage a counter protest at the white house this would be on the heels of a very tense situation just lie. Last night friday evening here in washington where one point the secret service use riot gear and shields to push the antitrust protesters back away from the white house so this president has essentially rallied these people over social media whether or not they will show up the u. S. President spoke to that say hes not exactly clear but i can tell you as a result of these words the white house remains in a heightened state of security a White House Correspondent kelly how reporting live from washington can be many thanks deeds given muhammad is a professor of history race and Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy school he says were witnessing systemic racism. The black lives Matter Movement and broader Racial Justice movements that had been unfolding since about 2012 and picked up another notch moved into another year in 2014 after the deaths of Michael Brown and ferguson the zuri and eric garner in Staten Island new york is Unfinished Business that work was was never resolved and in fact when attorney general Jeff Sessions Donald Trumps 1st u. S. Attorney general came into office he cancelled a couple of consent decrees that had been worked out to try to fix Police Agencies in the United States of america and sent a powerful signal that whatever had happened before was no longer going to happen under Donald Trumps watch and so now were seeing the continued challenge of Structural Racism in american policing and people have run out of options when it comes to how to weigh their voices how to communicate the one thing that i think is really important in this moment is to remember when George Clooney was dying on the street with a show opens in his neck everyone who stood there in that same Community Asked politely there was no violence there were no no molotov cocktails they spoke to those close officers very clearly and said stop what youre doing youre killing him and so we have to really think about what does it mean to try to do something the right way the lawful way the respectable way and it doesnt work. A weather update thanks to our 0 then battle on the border the killing of an army officer provokes post ethiopia. And and john a pretty well across much of the middle east on the Arabian Peninsula but the one area watching very closely is this now this is a typical stebbins has already been sitting very close to that portion of amman for over 24 hours and this is already some of the results of that even though the heavy rain really has yet to come on shore this is a river thats basically bust its banks weve seen pictures of flooding in the streets so the winds and with this is not yet defined as a Tropical Storm but what we will see is very heavy rain throughout sunday and the system then could well take a turn as you can see tools the west and that means it will push the heavy rain across into yemen but it will continue to be some very heavy amounts of rain we could see another 400 millimeters of rain to the north of there we have got to play conditions a little bit breezy setting the thames a cool typically in the mid fortys 45 in baghdad and very hot 47 celsius in kuwait meanwhile to save a system to the south working its way through monday into those eastern areas of yemen and then down into Southern Africa weve seen some fairly mixed conditions into south africa over the last few days its been a bit kara in the last few hours and if you see here theres some fairly stormy seas the dishes say fine and dry sunday and warming up in Port Elizabeth with the high the of 25. Frank assessments tourism but the income stream is dead in the water whats been the result seen poaching go up quite significantly informed opinions there has been a very aggressive political rhetoric that has become very normal in Israeli Society indepth analysis of the days global headlines its time for new policy say on the street not only disintegrating but hes great to meet the lady a little continues inside story on aljazeera. Hello again this is al jazeera but so much of the main news this hour the governor of the u. S. State of minnesota has announced that hes fully mobilizing the National Guard for the 1st time in the States History the death of a black man pinned to the ground by a Police Officer has sparked anger not only there but across the country. The officer at the center of the controversy over has been arrested and charged with murder video captured him pressing his knee george for its. Climate change activists have rallied in london added other british cities the group called Extinction Rebellion wants to keep Environmental Issues in the spotlight despite the pandemic came to maintain social distancing activists also denounced what they say is the governments incompetent response to the emergency but all that more scientists are warning about easing the easing of restrictions in england but the barber reports from the. The government has already announced that from monday people will be allowed to gather in groups of 6 rather than 2 while socially distancing i mean here people are observing distancing there are groups of more than 30 people clearly groups of friends large numbers but by and large observing the rules which are changing on monday but there are a lot of warnings or 2 from those sage scientists who spoken out given the fact that there are almost 8000 new cases of covered every day still quite high if some measures are going to be eased they say that would require greater social distancing measures than exists at the moment and in the words of a former chief scientific adviser david king if the can if the pandemic was just arriving with the conditions of infection that we see now a lockdown would be imposed so its an interesting way of looking at it but theyre warning that the conditions mean that if you want to start opening schools getting businesses opening again and so on more people at work youre actually going to have to get tougher some people expect that to be in the form of making people wear masks and the like its unclear whether that will happen but theres certainly a lively debate here in the u. K. Thousands of people have protested in the french town of moore bush to protest against job cuts by also make a. Plan to spend shut down since friday after that it was cutting 15000 jobs worldwide the companys been facing a slump in demand made worse by the coronavirus pandemic. Doctors nurses in peru say that hospitals card cope with the rising number of corona virus infections and other modern more government help latin americas 2nd hardest hit country as a juror one of the worlds longest mandatory lock downs 141000 infections have been reported aboard 4000 deaths including among doctors to report. These doctors were on the frontline of the fight against the corner virus into their colleagues are now mourning their deaths a black ribbon hugs on the facade of the Medical College in lima a reminder of the price paid by these Health Workers battling in the 2nd hardest hit country in latin america there are more there are 4 door behind me of the 36 doctors who have lost their lives until today and represent the most painful image right in front of this location we have 1300 medical doctors who are ill and of which 23 are seriously ill and are in intensive care units that is the reality for doctors in peru. They say hospitals are overwhelmed with the rising number of cases. Many are dying. In cruise largest have a tree limb are. Among freshly dug graves. In the. Last 2 brothers in a month but im glad theyre not suffering any more because of the pain that they went through. For the survivors its a different kind of struggle. Anxious to end it is that a hospital and part though are struggling to get proper care for the infected family members and then they told me that my mother was entering Critical Care and there are no i. C. U. Beds they see there are no beds curvy and 70 or one of the worlds longest nationwide lockdown since march which is not due to be lifted until the end of next month. Yet the virus continues to spread lockdowns and social distancing are difficult in a country where more than 20 percent live in poverty and 7 out of 10 workers depend on a daily wage millions still have access to water and i found that what we dont even have enough water to wash our hands are our things and if we dont have water what are we going to wash ourselves with. Doctors say the pandemic has exposed spruced many existing problems and pushed underfunded and understaffed hospitals to breaking point and they warn that the battle against the virus will be lost unless they get more government help. On to 0. Irans Health Ministry believes that around 10000 doctors nurses and other Health Workers have been infected with the coronavirus or caring for others now the government has unveiled a statue in there all the same as ravi reports from tehran. Behind every patient with cope with 900 fighting for their life there is a team of doctors and nurses nutritionists Lab Technicians and cleaners men and women who risk their lives to keep overloaded hospitals running during the pandemic now a statue named angel of kindness has been unveiled in tehran. Honoring those characters veterans and those who have lost their lives in the conflict with the coronavirus military leaders say theyre ready for any future outbreak and. We are 100 percent prepaid despite you saying it took everybody by surprise i think the fault with the bar is quickly and we are different be ready for the 2nd wave and our preparedness is far greater than the 1st wave because weve gained the experience. Has been at the forefront of irans Pandemic Response at the height of the outbreak in teheran this hospital would have been one of the main Treatment Centers for sick patients inside people are still being treated for covert 19 outside a ceremony to honor the Health Care Workers who continue to be on the front line of fighting this disease. As the worst of the disease in iran seems to be over this was a chance to take a break and take stock not everyone who was in the fight is still alive to celebrate what the government calls a victory. This is a very dangerous disease and we shouldnt downplay or look at it as an artillery sickness we shouldnt think its over i personally fell ill my husband fell ill we saw patients in hospitals nobody really imagines they will contract it the medical teams are really worried by the 2nd wave of this disease we have to remain vigilant. This womans husband did not survive the virus such ceremonies are perhaps little comfort to doctors and nurses who were foot soldiers in this fight some told us the government mishandled the response many said they contract it covert 19 in the line of duty many lost family and friends. Died in the outbreak a little more than a month ago his wife warns the disease is still a formidable enemy but if someone at the b. B. C. Might find that he was an i. C. U. Man most of his time was spent in the intensive care unit he contracts it is easy while he was inserting a cheap into the mouth of a corrina patient after pacing the cheap for a young girl he told his colleagues i think i was infected you know he was very close contact with patients a distance of 5 to 10 centimeters. Despite the risks he never said no one called and for years offered medical services to charities free of charge something his wife discovered only after his death the last thing they talked about was what might happen if he got sick you might died she said its ok he replied i will die a hero but heroes have families people who get left behind. Wives who grieve for their husbands daughters who want their fathers back survivors of the pandemic but also victims who are uncounted when tallies are taken of the sick and the dead. Zain busser aviel jazeera to her own. A bomb explosion in afghanistans capital has killed a journalist and the driver of a minivan it was carrying employees from a private Television Channel based in kabul at least 15 others were injured by the blast. Sudans Foreign Ministry has summoned ethiopias sharjah 1st following the death of a Sudanese Army captain who died in an attack near the border between the 2 countries sudan says that both sides have been fighting over the past 3 days one hour from observers who morgan in concert it looks like at the moment the situation has turned from being a military confrontation on the ground between sudanese anything and forces to a diplomatic path being taken by the Sudanese Government weve seen the sudanese for ministry of Foreign Affairs some in the sharia say if youre in charge a to to to condemn the violence that happened on may 26th and may 28th now weve heard from the military spokesperson yesterday that one army officer was killed and several others were wounded and that civilians were also wounded in the clashes between if you pm militias which they say were backed by the if you put in a military and that they basically crossed into sudanese soil into sudanese territories and attacked stations that were manned by the sudanese military so it looks like at the moment the situation is turning from a military confrontation to diplomatic conference confrontation but this is not the 1st time that such clashes are happening weve seen this happening in february and in march and in april weve seen the 2 sides meeting weve seen the head of the chief of staff of the military and the chief of staff of sudanese military meeting here in her tomb to talk about the issue of Border Security now the ministry of Foreign Affairs is saying that they are trying to organize a 2nd meeting to make sure that these borders are demarcated to avoid such kind of violent confrontation between the 2 sides. Gunmen have killed at least 15 people in bikinis others are wounded or missing in the room province following an attack on a convoy that was transporting trade is armed groups linked to al qaida and isolate them blamed for similar previous attacks. Plagues of locusts a devastating large parts of India Pakistan billions of dollars worth of crops have been damaged prompting fears of food shortages. Withdrawn and reports from new delhi. Crawling across thousands of kilometers and flying through the air billions of locusts have swarms large swathes of Agricultural Land in pakistan and india devouring any vegetation in their path i have lost fruits were. Spent all my life growing these trees but all these swarms have destroyed them. The u. S. Has pakistan bellews more than 4000000000. 00 worth of winter and summer crops. Pakistans government is using planes to spray pesticide we have now. We are looking for 6 more and im sure well be able to. Be locust which will be coming from iran as well as from moscow and in turn is coming from africa while locust plague is not news Scientists Say Climate Change is making them worse they say this infestation is driven by unusually warm weather and heavy rains in the Arabian Peninsula last year creating the ideal breeding grounds for locusts move in swarms of up to 50000000 each swarm can travel 200 kilometers a day each as much food as 35000. 00 people and lay 1000. 00 eggs per square metre. In india have blanketed western and Central States during a heatwave higher temperatures help the insects spread more rapidly as well as spraying pesticide local councils in the state of Madhya Pradesh a playing loud music from speakers mounted on vehicles in an effort to drive the locusts away i do think if they stay here for more than 8 days theyll start laying eggs and if they start laying eggs it would be very dangerous for us weve arranged for bands to play in the villages to make noise to try and scare. The way. Experts warned that indias Food Supplies are also events because the invasion isnt controlled before the end of june thats when the monsoon is due to arrive in northern india and locusts mature and breed Elizabeth Parata algis the new delhi which just a couple of hours away now from the launch of Historic Mission to the International Space station if the weather cooperates these are live pictures from inside the capsule. At the space center at the Kennedy Space center in florida nationals ball but bank and doug hurley have been strapped in their seats as you can see the joint venture between space x. And nasa will be the 1st manned space flight to blast off from u. S. Soil in nearly a decade and this is the 2nd attempt this week it is a little and show cold off due to bad weather. Could have even a summer adrian fenty can hit the headlines from al jazeera the governor of the u. S. State of minnesota has announced that hes fully mobilizing the National Guard for the 1st time in the States History the death of a black man pinned to the ground by a Police Officer sparked anger not only that but across the country who im authorizing and talking to General Johnson to fully mobilize the Minnesota National guard an action that has never been taken in 164 year history of the Minnesota National guard we will pull in assets as we have been doing and for those minnesotans who are wondering where are the fire trucks where are the police that are out there the situation was so broad and the tactics were so bent on causing destruction that every Single Person we had mobilized again the largest in state history last evening was engaged in that. Climate change activists have rallied in london and in other british cities the group called Extinction Rebellion wants to keep Environmental Issues in the spotlight despite the pandemic came to maintain social distancing activists also denounced what they say is the governments incompetent response to the emergency a bomb explosion in afghanistans capital has killed a journalist and the driver of a minivan which was carrying employees from a private Television Channel based in kabul at least 15 others were injured by the blast. That have killed at least 15 people indicate a fast others were wounded or missing or are missing in the room province following the attack on a convoy that was transporting trade is armed groups linked to al qaida and i sort of blamed the similar previous attacks Israeli Forces of shot and killed a palestinian man with special needs police in occupied East Jerusalem say that he was carrying a suspicious object that looked like a pistol but no gun was found Israeli Soldiers killed another palestinian in the occupied west bank on friday doctors and nurses in peru say that hospitals cant cope with the rising number of corona virus infections and need more government help 141000 cases have been reported with more than 4000 deaths. Theres the headlines more news off the inside story next. However we care again the question many africanamericans are asking is if another black man is killed at the hands of Law Enforcement is the governments complicit something on the one and 2 years of allegations of systemic racism and the beast from tallahassee this is inside. Hello welcome to the program im convinced and unrest is spreading across cities in the United States over the Police Killing of yet another africanamerican like others the killing of george floyd in minneapolis was caught on video and went viral online images of police office

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