Confirmed with 19 is reporting its overcrowded refugee camp in bangladesh. And restrictions ease in the philippines capital some are hoping to tackle the traffic problem by getting more people on their bikes. Theres been a week since a black man named joy george floyd died in Police Custody in minnesota and theres no sign of an end to the protests that followed against racism and Police Brutality in the United States President Trump has threatened to deploy the army if state governors do not end the violence in washington the Police Forcibly cleared Peaceful Protesters near the white house so that he could walk to a church nearby mike hanna begins our coverage. A peaceful protest outside the white house is dispersed forcibly. Tear gas rubber coated steel bullets are used to force the demonstrators further away. A few minutes later the reason becomes clear in a display of pure political theater the president and former reality star walks out of the white house across pennsylvania avenue and through Lafayette Park which had been surrounded by protesters during the day he arrived at the same Johns Episcopal Church which had been damaged in overnight and wrist holding a bible the president tells reporters we have a great country he did not enter the church to inspect the internal damage but instead beckon to some of those whod walked with him to join him in front of the cameras i imposed a curfew at 7 pm tweeted the districts mayor a full 25 minutes before the curfew and without provocation federal police used munitions on Peaceful Protesters outside the white house an act that will make the job of the d. C. Police Department Offices more difficult shameful the timing and sequence of events points to one possible interpretation that a peaceful protest was disrupted to allow the president of the United States a photo opportunity. A short while the president spoke in the rose garden even as in an extraordinary moment the protesters outside with being dispersed and he essentially threaten to invoke martial law if the city or state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residents then i will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them was this is entering controversial territory in terms of the insurrection act the president can deploy troops domestically but only in a support role and only at the request of state governors or legislatures he really does not have the right to implemented in our 50 states which is what he was saying to me not all 50 states have anything going on and its got the governors still would have the say so with. The District Of Columbia has no governor and the president is legally allowed to unilaterally deploy military forces in the area which he has already done in unprecedented scenes military police are deployed alongside Law Enforcement officers in the capital of the United States. As a 7 pm curfew passed an evening though the crackdown on protests continued lines of police advancing ominously almost defying the curfew then the arrest began at paris in accordance with the instructions from the white house a few remaining protesters walking past the Lincoln Memorial for a mind of a better and possibly kind it time mike hanna aljazeera washington live in washington so kimberly there seems to be a growing debate as to whether mr trump can or cannot unilaterally deploy the military. Indeed and the u. S. President was navigating some sort of narrow ground with regard to which law he was invoking in order to do that but theres no question that the reaction to the president putting soldiers on the streets of washington d. C. Has not been well received by the citys mayor in fact she called it an inappropriate use of the military growing number of washington d. C. Politicians saying they are appalled that the president intervened and they say theyre angry and believe that washington d. C. Could handle its own business but the argument from this president is that clearly you couldnt because for 3 days a consecutive there was rioting there was looting and there are now boarded up buildings in fact the u. S. President congratulating himself on twitter for the fact that last night was the 1st night where it was relatively calm in terms of any looting or violence he writes d. C. Had no problems last night many arrests great job done by all overwhelming force domination likewise minneapolis was great thank you President Trump congratulating himself hes never been known for modesty but the bottom line is the president said that he took an oath to be a law and order president to protect the American People and thats what he believes he did but his reaction peter will be hotly debated in fact the Presumptive Democratic nominee for President Joe Biden is expected to take issue with the president s response when he speaks very shortly from philadelphia just north of here and we already know what hes going to say in some of his speech excerpts he is going to comment on the president s clearing of the streets for that photo opportunity saying that the president was more interested in serving the passions of his base than the needs of the people in his care he also promises if he becomes president he will not traffic in fear and division i wont fan the flames of hate certainly the u. S. President will likely. And to those comments we expect to see him at 15 g. M. T. Hell be visiting the shrine of Pope John Paul the 2nd followed shortly thereafter by an executive order signing on religious freedom when it comes to the election 6 months to go until november the 3rd give or take a day or 2 kimberly i mean how mr trumps numbers unpacking when it comes to popularity and his popularity with his base you know those evangelical white folks that he was holding the bible up for last night well i should tell you ive been watching some of the polls and the president s numbers were have been fluctuating at times that he has been sharply criticized and we saw an impact in his poll numbers with regard to the coronavirus pandemic highly criticized for some of the early response there and so that has carried on now into this crisis remember were still in the midst of the pandemic and now we have the unrest on the streets and there have been much criticism of that im going to stop you there which i apologize joe biden as you were hinting to us telling us they can but hes just about to give us his thoughts on why he should be u. S. President and how the incumbent is handling the Current Crisis lets listen in to what mr biden has to say station. They speak to a nation where 2 or 3. Just the color of your skin you put your life should risk. Fish picture a nation where more than 100000 people have lost their lives to virus and 40000000 and far from employment with the disproportionate number of those deaths and jobless is concentrated black and brown community. They speak to a nation where every day millions of people. Knock them over to lose you life in the course of living their life or saying to themselves i keep. Its a wake up call or a nation in my view its for all of us and i mean all of us its not the 1st time weve heard those words though the same words we heard from eric garner when his life was taken away secures again. But its time to listen to those words to try to understand them. To respond to respond with action a country is crying out for leadership leadership the key to 9 is leadership that brings us together leadership that can recognize pain and deep grief of communities that have had a knee on their neck for a long time theres no place for violence no place for looting or destroying property or burning churches drawing businesses many of them built by the very people of color who are 1st time in their lives are beginning to realize their dreams and build wealth for their families nor is it acceptable for police sworn to protect and serve all people thats collate tension resort to excessive violence and we need to distinguish between legitimate peaceful protests and opportunities to violence destruction we have to be very vigilant about the violence that is being done by this incumbent president to our economy and to the pursuit of justice when Peaceful Protesters. Dispersed in order for a president. A president from the doorstep of the peoples house the white house using tear gas d and flash grenades in order to stage a photo op a photo of one of the most Historic Churches in the country or at least in washington d. C. We can be forgiven for believing the president is more interested in the end power that in principle were interested in serving the passions of his base than the needs of the people in his care. For thats what the presidency is the duty to care to care for all of us not just those who vote for us but all of my chair start donors but all. The president held up the bible at St Johns Church just today i just wish he opened it once in a while is that a Brand Mission if you open it he could have learned something theyre all called to love one another as we love ourselves its really hard work but its the work of America Donald trump is interested in doing that work is teddys preening and sweeping away all over the guardrail let alone protecting our democracy guardrails that help make possible this nations path to a more Perfect Union a union that constantly requires reform and rededication and yes. The protests from voices that are mistreated ignored left out and left behind but it is a union view worth fighting for and thats why im running for president in addition to the bible in prison might also want to open the u. S. Constitution much more if you did he find a thing called the 1st amendment and what it says and he says the right. Of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition their government for redress of grievances its kind of an essential notion to this country is to press and thats america. Thats america no horses rising up on their hind legs to push back peaceful protest not using the American Military to move against the American People this is a nation of values our freedom to speak is a cherished knowledge that lives inside every american almost from the time your kid. Were not allow any president to quiet our borders were all lead those who see this is an opportunity to sow chaos throw up a smokescreen to distract us from very real legit legitimate grievances at the heart of these protests we cant we cant leave this moment cant leave this moment thinking that we can once again turn away and do nothing we cant do that this time we just cant the moment has come for our nation to deal with systemic racism to do with the growing economic inequity that exists in our nation to deal. With the denial of the promise of this nation made to so many you know ive said from the outset of this election that were in the battle for the soul of this nation and we are in the balance souls. What we believe and maybe most importantly. Who we want to be. Its all stake as tour today than its ever been reached in my lifetime and its this urgency. Its in these years we can find a path forward now the history of this nation teaches us that it is some of our darkest moments of despair weve made some of our greatest progress some our darkest moments the 13th 14th 15th amendments follow the civil war the greatest Economic Growth in World History grew out of the Great Depression Civil Rights Act in 1984 and 65 Voting Rights act of 65 came in the tracks and connors vicious dogs to prayer a phrase reverend barber. Its the morning we find hope its you know morning we find hope and we mourn but you can take more than talk. We had talked before red protest before weve got it now involved to make this at least in the area of action and reverse a systemic racism with a long overdue concrete changes the actual not be completed in the 1st 100 days in my presence if im fortunate to be like to remind tired term its going to take the work of a generation. But if this is genuine will take time to complete it should not wait for the 1st 100 days of my presidency to get started a downpayment and what is long overdue should come now should come immediately i call the congress to act this month a measures that will be the 1st step in this direction starting with Real Police Reform congressman jeffries has a bill to outlaw chokeholds congress and put it on the president s desk in the next few days there are other measures to stop transferring weapons of war to Police Forces improve oversight and accountability to create a model use of force standard it also should be made law this month no more excuses no delays if Mitch Mcconnell can bring in the United States senate to confirm trumps on qualified judicial nominees who will run roughshod over our constitution now its time to pass legislation will give true meaning to our constitutional promise of equal protection under the law looking ahead in the 1st 100 days of my presidency ive committed to creating a National Police Oversight Commission ive long believed we need Real Community policing. We need each and every Police Department a country donor stand a Conference Review of their harder take a Conference Review of their hiring their training their deescalation some of our done it somehow or are in the process of doing it the federal government should. Give the cities and states that told the resources they need to implement reforms. More Police Officers meet the Higher Standards of the procession most of them do it. All the more reason why bag cops should be dealt with severely and swiftly. We all need to take a hard look at the culture allows for the senseless tragedies to keep happening and we need to learn from the cities in the precincts that are getting it right we know though we have an order that true american justice we need Economic Justice as well here too because theres much to be done as a media step congress should act should act now to rectify racial inequities allow cova 19 recovery funds to be diverted from where they live ill be setting forth my general Economic Justice and opportunity in the weeks and months ahead but it begins with Health Care Health care should be a right not a privilege and the quickest route to universal coverage in this country as you expand on obamacare we can do it we should do it but this president even now in the midst of a Public Health crisis with massive unemployment and well no one to destroy you either care how many millions americans will be hurt or because you consume it is blind we dont want to come to barack obama president obama the president should withdraw his lawsuit to strike down obamacare and the congress should prepare to pass the act i proposed to expand obamacare to many of those more so are much cover. These last few months. Weve seen americas true Heroes Health care workers doctors nurses delivery Truck Drivers Grocery Store workers you know weve come up with a new phrase for men essential workers essential workers we need to do more than praise them we need to pay them we need to pay them. Because you werent clear before its clear now this country wasnt built by wall street bankers and c. E. O. s it was built by the Great American movie class which is built by unions and our central workers you know i know theres enormous fear and uncertainty uniting the country i understand. I know so Many Americans are suffering suffering loss of a loved one suffer an Economic Hardship 100 can i feed my family tomorrow its going to happen suffering the way to generation after generation after generation ive heard inflicted on people of color and black brown and native communities in particular like many of you i know what it means to grieve my loss is not the same as losses felt by so many but i have noted it feels like when you think you cant go on i notice means to have that black hole in your chest or your grief has been sucked into it just a few days ago mark the 5th anniversary of my son most passes from cancer and theyre still moments when the pain is so great it feels no different than the day i sat that good as he passed away but i also know that the best way to bear loss and pain to turn it into anger and anguish into purpose and america is know what our purpose is naish thats to be guided and to be guided. Guided us from the very beginning. You know as we reported the day that president john f. Kennedy was assassinated little yolanda cade came home from school lana jump to daddys arms you know daddy she said. Now were never going to get her free daddy was reassuring strong brave he said no dont worry baby. Its going to be ok its going to be all right amid the violence and fear dr kerry you persevered. He was driven by his dream a relation where justice runs down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream then 11968 hate cut him down in memphis 2 days before dr king was murdered and he gave a final sunday sermon to washington. From where he told us that though the arc of the moral universe is long so the bends towards justice and we know we can bend it because we have we have to believe that still thats our purpose its been our purpose in the very beginning to become a nation where all men and women are not only created but theyre treated equally i just created would treated equally to become a nation the find in dr kings words not only by the absence of tension but by the presence of justice and not just an attention but justice today in america its hard to keep faith that justice is hand i know that you know that pain is raw the pain is real. The president states must be part of the solution not the problem but this president today is part of the problem and accelerates. When he treated the words when the looting starts the shooting starts they were in the words of the president their words were racist miami police chief in the sixtys when he tweeted that protesters quote would have been greeted with the most vicious dogs. When people would have been really hurt end of quote. And werent the words of the president they were the kind of words bull connor would have used only in his dogs a new suit women and children you know the american story is a story about action and reaction thats what actually works we cant be naive about it i wish i could say that hate began with donald trump well and with you it didnt and it wont American History isnt a fairy tale with a guaranteed happy ending the battle for the soul of this nation has been a constant push and pull for more than 240 years a tug of war between the american ideal that were all created equal in the harsh reality that racism has long torn us apart the honest truth is that both elements are part of the american character both elements at our best the american ideal wins out but its never a rout its always the fight and the battle is never fully won but we cant ignore the truth that were at our best when we open our hearts rather than clinch our focus donald trump is turned this country no bottle feel regret bio resentments and fresh fears he thinks division helps in his narcissism has become more important in the nations well being that he leads i ask every american i mean this from the bottom are ask every american or look at where we are now and think anew is this who we are is this should we want to beat this is we want to pass on to our children our grandchildren fear anger trigger point. Rather the pursuit of happiness incompetence and anxiety self absorbed from selfishness or do we want to be the america we know we can be the america we know in our hearts we could be and should be look i look at the presidency as a very big job and nobody will get it right every time and i wont either but i promise you this i wont traffic in fear and division i wont fan the flames of hate ill seek to hear all of the racial wounds that have long plague our country not use them for political gain ill do my job and i will take responsibility i wont blame others ill never forget i will never forget i promise you this job is not about me its about you its about us and work not only to rebuild a nation but do build it better than it was with the only nation in the world that goes through crisis and comes out better to build a Better Future i should america does to build a Better Future we build the future it may in fact be the most american thing to do build the future we hunger for liberty the way Harriet Tubman in Frederick Douglass did we thirst for the vote like susan b. Anthony you know a baker and john lewis did we strive to explore the stores cure disease make an imPerfect Union more perfect than has ben we may come up short but our best we try my fellow americans are facing a formidable enemy. They include not only the coronavirus and the terrible impact on the lives and livelihoods but also the selfishness and fear of lonely over our National Life for the last 3 years i choose those words advisedly selfishness and fear defeating those animes requires us to do our duty and that duty includes remembering who we should be who we should be we should read the america of f. D. R. And i said our rosa parks and Martin Luther king jr joan assault Neil Armstrong we should be the america that cherishes life liberty and courage and above all we should be the america the chairs of each other each and every one of us you know were a nation in pain we must lot but our pay destroyers were nation and raised but we cannot our rage consume us or nation its exhausted but we will not allow our exhaustion the fetus as president is my commitment to all of you to lead on these issues and to listen because i truly believe in my heart of hearts we can overcome we stand together finally as want to merica will rise stronger than we were before will move that are closer to justice will reach out to one another so to speak out for one another and please please do us recently been happening take care of one another this is the United States of america theres never been anything weve been unable to do when we set our mind to do it and weve done it together together united. As we are in our best. And god bless you all. You gave project your church. Joe biden the Presumptive Democratic candidate to become the next president of the United States every day millions of us are saying i cant breathe he said that was a direct reference to the words of george flawed as he was being pinned to the ground by the Police Officer whos now been charged with murder he went on mr biden did say its time now to listen to those words respond with action and leadership there is no place in this situation for looting using tear gas and flash grenades for a photo opportunity he was referring at that point in his speech to donald trump he said mr trump is more interested in power than his duty of care if hed open the bible he said he might learn something he said of mr trump he was preening and sweeping away the guardrails and he also reminded the incumbent in the white house of the 1st amendment the right of people to assemble and assemble peacefully live now to washington and correspondent Kimberly Harkat so kimberly the official campaign for the presidency may not have started sounded like an Election Campaign speech however. I think it did start and it started right now weve clearly seen the socalled political battle lines drawn in terms of what is going to ultimately be a referendum on the presidency of donald trump whether you agree with his heavy handed approach calling in the military to quell violence or whether you believe that as we heard from joe biden there that this is really an argument about the defense of the 1st amendment the right to assemble to redress grievances now the argument from this white house has been that it supports that right to peaceful protest the problem is when the lights go out when the sun goes down thats not what is evidence on the streets the u. S. President has repeatedly made the argument that peaceful protest in the name of overcoming systemic racism and author in the life of george floyd that that has been hijacked but what youre hearing from the democratic nominee the Presumptive Democratic president ial nominee is something quite different that in essence what this president is doing is fanning the flames of hate that he is really trafficking in fear of division and that if if joe biden is elected president in november that he will not do that that he will take a very different approach i think its important to also note in all of this how personal that speech was what joe biden did very well just now and i think this will resonate not just with his supporters but potentially reaching across to some of Donald Trumps supporters as he spoke about grieving and a very very personal way anyone whos familiar with joe biden story knows that hes had almost a disproportionate number of tragedies in his own personal life not just the death of his son beau biden 5 years ago that he spoke about very passionately but also losing his his wife at a very

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