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The u. K. Topple a statue of a slave trader. On going anger vented on the streets of brazil after president terrible sorrow stops all further kroner Virus Testing and reporting of deaths. As mexico gradually reopens we look inside the Worlds Largest Fresh Produce market in the army of workers trying to prevent an outbreak. Protests around the world are not easing up 13 days after george floyd was killed by a Police Officer many outlets setting off a Global Movement against racism and Police Brutality the british Prime Minister is warning that black lives matter protests in the u. K. Are being subverted by a handful of violent demonstrators tens of thousands took part in rallies on sunday in the u. S. The nations top cop is defending Law Enforcement officers who violently ambushed protesters outside the white house last week tourney general bill barr has also rejected the notion of systemic racism and policing. I think theres racism in the United States still but i dont think that siegel our Law Enforcement system is systemically grace and style understand the distrust however of the Africanamerican Community given the history in this country because i think we have to recognize that for most of our history our institutions were explicitly racist. And the u. S. President has ordered thousands of National Guard troops to leave washington were peaceful protests continue republican senator mitt romney was saying among the protesters on sunday its spring and she joins us live from washington d. C. Lets talk about mitt romney 1st activists are about action not all the symbolism but nevertheless senator mitt romney former republican nominee for the presidency the son. Of a governor of michigan who protested during the Civil Rights Movement has joined the protestors can you put that in some sort of context for the moment that were all and. Im not sure this is going to be able to that youre expecting but i think thats actually one of the reasons why the organizes these protests the black lives matter activist groups are a little bit concerned right now because if you can have mitt romney now take on the mantle of black lives masonite this is a man who made up made the most was money in private equity which is to strip companies if half of their assets fired and then settle for remains and make huge profits. During the election on an Economic Program which was simply unashamedly for the one percent and cutting social funding i while giving Corporate Tax breaks and tax breaks to the one percent if he is now saying well i will one fool for black lives matter when the social and Economic Issues assert intimately and twined for the buckeyes not a service when the world is about lives and i mean its the same issue we had when the real boughs of the mayor of d. C. Knocked lives matter up the street in front of the white house but shes the one the activists fighting with the shes the one who controls the police force and is spending millions of dollars on the police force well taking money out of social programs which need to know was inequality which lead to social problems which then lead to a militarized Police Response with them in the trick with. I spent enormous money a lot of money on that there is that fear that this is all getting a bit lost theres always an example to the king of history we had this very nice and brushed view of Martin Luther king though mitt romney for example can say im you know i mean here to work for the legacy of Martin Luther king but by the end of his life he was hated by white liberals and you know so many mainstream politicians because he was talking about american capitalism he was talking about u. S. Foreign policy so theres always that fear that things seem to be hijacked this has become a lovely touchy feely thing and because were in the in washington d. C. In particular this becomes more of donald trump who doesnt have control over the Police Forces of the United States and the actual issues at stake here which is a police force and the 2 system that seems to be broken and thats why in fact but less about a d. C. I did this to the new. Initiative right and said defund the police trying to keep people focused and not turn this into the usual average gentrified corporate who protest spectacle that america is so good at when it comes to social issues already were getting reports that people are going to want to google block lives mounted demonstrations a few miles north of there being sponsored by local corporations so a so she had. That this is all connected to so if i get in if i can get in for a moment i wasnt looking for any particular answer i was just trying to put in context the fact that that there are there have been times in history when parties have had to come together to effect change and mitt romneys father was one of the people that tried to do this you cant necessarily get this done with one Political Party but im sure the activists would also say yes there is the danger of watering down the message as well there so i would assume theyre trying to find the balance between you know trying to build bridges but not necessarily backing down from what it is they really want. Right and i think thats why its a really relevant question i think romney is a really interesting point and i think that because nothing else is happening. In a sort of. Justice system where things are pretty are staying put right now at least here in d. C. But were seeing local action taken place new york now is talking about defunding the police putting money into social programs the Minnesota City council has a veto proof majority to disband the police force and look for alternatives to actually help the Community Community based solutions to the problems i say they want to end the toxic relationships this is an attorney general paul was addressing earlier a few bad apples this is a systemic problem so thats the key i think one of the main problems is a fundamental misunderstanding about who is in control of the Police Forces this isnt a federal issue this is a local issue so once we saw federalizing it then theres that problem and then this just becomes part of that general liberal unease over donald trump and then you just end up voting for joe biden who will of course famously wrote much of the criminal justice bills that empower the police in the 1st place so this is a complex issue we need to go i mean thats what the activists are trying to do is keep people focused on how you solve this and you dont solve this by getting mitt romney a little angry about donald trump shavar times they live in washington d. C. Thanks. Chris and so am i a Fan Following the protests and new york. Demonstrators continue to come out in force here in new york weve seen rallies and marches in the streets of manhattan brooklyn all of the 5 boroughs throughout the weekend and on sunday morning the mare announced that he was doing away with a curfew that was in place from other cities like chicago and los angeles also doing away with their curfews as the demonstrations continue but continued to be largely peaceful and some victories for demonstrators as well as the mayor has announced some steps to. Increase transparency in the Police Department has announced disciplinary action against officers caught on video tackling protesters hes promising to sift funding away from the Police Department into social Service Programs that could help communities in need all of that to say that the demonstrations are still showing no signs of backing down theyre promising to keep things going even as new york city moves into the reopening phase after the coronavirus that shut it down for nearly 2 months monday will be the 1st day when Retail Stores will be allowed to do curbside pick up manufacturing will start happening again and construction so there will be more people coming into the city more people working in the city even as demonstrators are promising to keep up their fight. Chance for Racial Justice for spreading across europe with rallies held in cities from madrid to rome and the u. K. Protesters tore down the statue of a 17th century slave trader and tossed it into a river and he activists want their governments to know that their message is not just meant for american eye its a reports from london. I was marching to the American Embassy but demanding change at home the protest in london was the latest of many across the u. K. That have echoed events in the United States but demonstrators a clear that there are huge challenges facing their own country my people think the case in this and you. Know its all that happens here every day people dont speak about it but finally before speaking up people started to know by this current moment in time black lives are being largely affected were 1st Police Brutality were 1st introduced lies racism and people are here to fight to say no more before the weekend britains home secretary said people should not be attending protests because of the risk of spreading covered 19. Men who wore mosques physical distancing wasnt always possible but for many the importance of making a stand outweighed any fears theres been a series of protests here inspired by the killing of george floyd in the u. S. But bringing in grievances specific to britain as well and theyre part of a trend that spread right across europe now in italy they gathered for an impromptu protest in rome taking a need for nearly 9 minutes the same length of time a white Police Officer had his knee on George Floyds name. There was also a large anti racism demonstration in the spanish capital madrid was full of the what are you looking to do think this is about racism which i think is institutional and structural and we have to protest against it this was one more case that shows that the system damages a minority and because we are not protesting every day does not mean it doesnt exist. Back in britain they pulled down a statue of a 17th century slave trader in the city of bristol one common demand on recent protests is better education about black history. I as people continue to take to the streets across europe discussions a starting which many people feel along. The dean aljazeera. Police stop protesters from storming government offices in the center of london scores of officers blocked famous arches on whitehall some protesters were trying to push their way through objects were thrown at police many of whom were riot gear and carry baton and plenty more ahead of the news hour including the fears of falling crime numbers will rise again once the case front of virus restrictions are eased. China rejects accusations that it delayed information on the pandemic. And its borders the africa cup of nations the next major tournament facing a delay. The number of people who have died from chronic virus worldwide has now surpassed 4 100000 despite lockdowns and quarantine orders infections are nearing 7000000 early 2000000 of those cases are on the in the u. S. Where the death toll is 110000 the highest in the world president on a past cleared as response to the pandemic a success nevertheless the epicenter for kovan 1000 cases is shifting sounds to latin america and factions are rapidly rising in mexico and the death toll there sits at more than 13000 but brazil is fast becoming the focus of the krona Virus Outbreak it now has the 2nd highest number of infections and the 3rd highest number of deaths scarlette america alysia newman who joins us live from santiago so as we said you see the focus has shifted to latin america tell us more about what is happening in brazil particularly with the response from the president. Its been very interesting because up until now opponents of president. Have pretty much stayed at home trying to stay out of the way of the colvin 19 virus and this is despite the fact that the president had called it a just a simple cold he has scoffed at attempts to have lockdowns he has asked people to go back to work but they have stayed at home and and pots and pans basically but now theyve taken to the streets and in very large numbers until now it had been mainly the supporters of the president who had gone out but they were out in follow in Rio De Janeiro in the capital brasilia today and they are asking for several things 1st of all they want the president to take responsibility and show leadership for the colvin pandemic which as youve just said is brazil is now has the 3rd largest death toll in the world and the 2nd highest infection rate and this is rising daily as well as. To respect institutions Democratic Institutions thats one of the main concerns that he has for example been accused of interfering with Police Investigations into in fact alleged crimes that his own sons have committed he has been clashing consistently with the Supreme Court and has said publicly that he will not abate the Supreme Court if they come out with conclusions or rules or orders that he considers absurd and so all these things have got together along with that with the increase in recession in that country there are angry and brazilians who rather than supporting the president as a large number did originally when he was 1st elected are now more and more turning against him if there was this push pull that was going on in the u. S. Because in the u. S. Governors have a lot of say so over their state so there are a lot of governors thats with their own approach to dealing with the pandemic regardless of what president donald trump. Wanted is there that that back and forth that push pull in brazil as well. You know its incredible but they mirror each other absolutely both in their both in their philosophies about about everything politically theyre very similar and thats exactly whats happening in brazil president bush so not all blames the governors because its also assist a political system thats very similar to that of the United States where the governors have the last say as to who brings out police on orders such as quarantines there thats the decision of the local governments and so governors mayors local officials are being are being slammed by the president and he says that the death toll in that country is the fault of those officials and not all that the Central Government now remember this is a president who is now into his 3rd Health Minister in less than 3 months and in fact the current what is only an interim Health Minister and hes not even a doctor ok. With the latest reporting on whats happening in brazil we see it thank you so as you mentioned mexico is another one a lot americas hot spots mexicos government has only begun to reopen essential industries but its coronavirus count keeps rising John Heilemann joins us now in mexico city so john what is a plan for how theyre going to deal with this to to have these openings while this doesnt really seem to be under control. Yeah exactly thats the dilemma for mexico right now isnt it the countrys only reopening at the moment officially just a handful or less of Industries Construction manufacture and a couple of others that its also bringing to the fore mining amongst them but apart from that people shouldnt be on the streets and businesses restaurants bars should all be shut at the moment the problem with that is maybe a couple of things the 1st is that they said they were going to gradually reopen from the 1st of june but as the president put it that the time of social distancing is over and that sends perhaps a message that people took to be that they could start going out in the streets more people have been taken to the streets more is specially in the working class areas of mexico city where it isnt just about being desperate to get out of the house its about being able to earn enough to earn a living in those places so its something that the country in the countrys top coronavirus official is battling with his saying please keep home at the moment its only those essential industries that should be opening up here isnt been helped by his boss the president himself which as soon as the 1st of june came and she took over from his own tories heading round the south of the country right now not using a face mask so hes come in for some criticism for doing that as mexicos numbers rise now one of the places that hasnt shut down even throughout mexico is sort of soft quarantine is called the center out there bustles and its a fruit and vege of Fresh Produce market but that really doesnt do it justice this is an enormous space its about the size of central park and it couldnt close because so much of mexicos Food Production comes from there have a look at up piece on it now. This is the worlds biggest fruit and vege market this in turn would be about schools. And its become a hotspot for coated implications in mexico. Its not hard to see why its an ant hill of activity a city within a city as they say here we dress like this to go in knowing whats way to us but most people here what with next to no protection when youre lifting this. Even a maslows you down and as for not touching others a place gets half a 1000000 visitors every day this pretty no way that they can pick social services thing going without quantas market Officials Say they have managed to lower the number of clients coming in during coded that theyve had less than 500 cases but most of the people we talked to have been sick have they been picked from your fiction avoided. A one off and want yes some in this own around 9 or 10. A 100. 00 has been able to but after a month in isolation you have to come back. Because money runs out in the little time i was out my savings got used up. And its not just the 90000. 00 workers here that depend on the market. This immense space the size of 400. 00 football pitches is the beating heart of mexico is food chain pumping out produce across the country and thats why mitts co citys government decided they couldnt close it. But they have sent in Health Brigades 17 of the to patrol the market. But its a drop in the ocean and it doesnt help that some here still dont believe in coded i dont know that come or not good they think oh this is a game theyre like whatever nothings going to happen to me. Just outside of the centro communities enough struggling with the virus to. This is car you home 57 its going to be unfortunate nickname covert streets. Black bows hang alongside the more colorful. Residents told us about 20 people have died here not going to see this family shut itself off for a month when 3 of them got sick the Street Cemetery protocols and perhaps divine help none of died just. Many people live will go to work in the central dos and from 3 in the morning cause of passing through here to get their say must have something to do with it hes done his job here but even divine protection hasnt saved the streets residents from discrimination. In the way of going to if youre from cairo 157 a lot of people see you as lepers taxis dont want to take you you have to go and look for the doctors because they dont want to come here because thats not oh back next door in the Center Customers have been staying away to. Follow says family has had this store for years but its in trouble theres a bit of it its really hit us there are days when we just have to throw the produce away 5 or 10 creates that we have to chuck out now traders say things are Getting Better numbers are picking up as the country begins to reopen the question is if fresh customers mean fresh covert cases to. So it makes cars had more than 11000 deaths so far but that the medical system the Hospital System is holding up in general in the country but the hospitals are getting up to max capacity at the moment there are about 80 percent theyve gradually been creeping up and up and just last night we were talking to a nurse in an intensive care unit just when he finished his shift and he said that once people get into the states and ventilators in mexico its hospitals theyve got a very little chance of surviving he said that hed only saved about 3 people in 2 months now nationally the statistic is about 60 to 80 percent of people that are on vague then too late is then though make it back from that so the message of the doctors the nurses that weve been speaking to for the last couple of weeks to be please please stay in your houses dont come out even though the countrys gradually opening up we fear that that could lead to just a 2nd wave of more deaths here in mexico and that really is going to depend on what the government does now how they managed to police this reopening of the country how they managed to stop people going out on the streets before they decree that different states in the country can actually do that and bars and restaurants can open as to whether mexico is going to be successful in rigney lighting its economy but the same time making sure that theres not a lot more deaths ok John Heilemann the latest in mexico city john thank you china has rejected accusations that concealed information on its corrado on the credit operate there it says its actions have been rigorous and affected and that if it manages to develop a vaccine it will make it available to the entire world or clarke reports. United and on message 6 months after it officially reported its 1st case of covert 19 Chinas State Council says it has won the coronavirus war and its efforts to contain the outbreak have been a success. And chinas anti has a democrat all fully demonstrates his governance capacity and National Strength the 37000 word white paper was split into 4 chapters with a detailed timeline of chinas actions the state council described it as the biggest Public Health emergency since the founding of the peoples republic of china it said more than 94 percent of infected people had recovered and rebuked International Critics accusing beijing of concealing information and it called the accusations completely unreasonable so. The response is not a war of words but an effort to restore the truth we have no interest in the socalled information war in the battle against covert 19 but we must respond when placing smears against china the National Health Commission Says the government released the genome sequence for the virus early 5 Clinical Trials are now underway in china once approved the state council says it will share any corona virus vaccine internationally known as i. Dont know when the vaccine is ready we will make it a Global Public good as promised at the 73rd w. H. O. Meeting but a growing number of countries are calling for an International Investigation into chinas handling of the crime of ours critics to question the accuracy of the countrys calculations of infections read must Pay Attention or pay and be cautious when we read about those state level why that made an official because we dont know that whether they have creatures are what happens. Infections might be down to Single Digits in china but its economy is still being hit hard in my exports contracted more than 3 percent compared to last year and imports tumbled more than 16 percent at the shop has declined in more than 4 yes. Aljazeera hong kong. As countries across europe start to emerge from lockdown the u. K. Is about to enter the next face 14 days of quarantine for most International Arrivals critics question how useful the measure will be asked for is little evidence new cases are being imported as also anger of those in the Tourism Industry which accounts for about 10 percent of the economy the whole report from one of the most popular Tourist Spots strafford upon avon the birthplace of William Shakespeare. Rough winds do shake the darling buds of may and summers lease all too short a date in shakespeares sonnets the fragility of love is compared to the fleeting english summer this year in the town of his birth there wondering whether summer will come at all. Down taking. The tourist business in a business i this is we have 6 months where we take an 80 percent of their income and say weve lost 3. Out who raise our ice cream parlor owners sasha and her mom sarah say the governments plan to quarantine most people arriving in the country from monday spell the end of their business. If they stay in place 2 weeks. National tourism is big and strong and we have a lot of tourists its why we got so many Small Businesses because the tourists here. If William Shakespeare were alive today he might have turned covert 19 into an opportunity he did after all produce some of his greatest and darkest works while under lockdown himself at home during successive outbreaks of the bubonic plague in the late 16th and early 17th century. Experience deadly disease had drama and tragedy written all over it but the actors and Theatre Companies given life by his works now as then face financial ruin yeah were sure that shakespeare really understood the emotional difficulties of being in lockdown and the economic difficulties he had some options that its even harder for us right now so often when theres a place in london they would go off on tour because they would find that actually transmission wasnt as bad outside london of course the Global Economy means that transmission has been the same everywhere so we havent got some of the options he had but we do have his plays the play that i was rehearsing just before we had to close the tail. In a time of lockdown because of plague and it really speaks of healing that can happen after long periods of not being able to do what you want to do plagues have come and gone and shakespeares plays survived above all today he might have urged patience come want to come may says macbeth time and the hour runs through the roughest day jonah Stratford Upon Avon still ahead on aljazeera. Government forces take towns. And how reading books back in fashion in russia is more kids stay indoors. And sporting the store for the next martial arts fire is another all time great retires for the 3rd time. Hello Tropical Storm cristobal is an early season tester really not a fully fledged hurricane of any sort but it brings strong winds and significant rain and survey will be the test but just on the gulf coast but during monday in tears it runs up more or less at Mississippi Valley certainly of the flatlands these Southern Plains states is throwing showers farm wise of the potential for tornadoes exist to the eastern side as a result of that circular storm elsewhere in the u. S. Its quite fine reasonably warm in the Pacific Coast the fronts gone inland producing showers all rain up in the mountain states the coast and seeing the next system coming at the same time that rains for that through missouri is on its way further north anything up to about i think 25300 millimeters so flooding seems a lucky event even land given thats where all the energy is at the moment it means there are far few showers around the caribbean theyre there but theyre light and theyre passing quickly the Pacific Coast is maybe a more likely event to produce some fairly heavy rain again not immediately but from el salvador up through the Southern Coast of mexico you are vulnerable to big downpours looks like monday and tuesday better days but were told your breath there is going to get very wet again fairly soon. But. The british iraqi journalist visualizing complexity sticks and a simple. I think some really exciting break apart from the systems of power and you collect data in a way that represent different. Challenging mainstream misconceptions. By creating control illustrations it doesnt alienate people like people like you im not smart enough to understand this truth is it anyway on aljazeera. Youre. Goure. God. Youre. Watching out here and these are the top stories for you now protesters have gathered across the u. S. Once again as the movement against racism and Police Brutality shows no sign of slowing its been almost 2 weeks since george for later a black american was killed when a white officer knelt on his neck antiracism protest taking place across europe as well in solidarity with the rallies in the u. S. Some of the biggest were in the u. K. Including one in bristol were activists tore down the statue of a 17th century slave trader and threw it in the river. Brazil has stopped publishing the total number of proto buyers cases after it surpassed italy to have the worlds 3rd highest death toll its enjoyable snow has played down the dangers of the pandemic since the outbreak other latin american countries are also reporting a rapid rise in cases. And the police it is the rallying cry sweeping across the us activists have long advocated reinvesting Police Funding into other services but in the wake of george floyd support is ballooning his campaign or say Police Reform has failed americas policing budget has almost tripled since 1977 to 115000000000. 00 thats despite a significant fall in Violent Crime campaigners say that money could be spent better on Community Services and some officials are responding to the call l. A. Mayor Eric Garcetti said he would cut up to 150000000. 00 from the plan to increase in funding to the l. A. P. D. New yorks mayor has proposed a similar plan however others fear there could be a backlash and an increase in crime a recent u. God survey said 65 percent oppose reducing Police Budgets the mayor of minneapolis where george floyd was killed was booed by a crowd of protesters and told to go home. So the protesters were angered after jacob frey refused to withdraw Financial Support from the citys Police Department in the wake of floyds Death Threats all the crowd that he could not support the call to Defund Police but he did favor reforms instead he was told to call shame and booed and eventually had to leave so lets bring in vizor patel in east hampton new york shes the director of the liberty and National Security program at the Brennan Center for justice shes also part of an effort to created and depended Inspector General and the new york Police Department thank you very much well get to that to the new york Police Department in a moment but i actually want to start with minneapolis as we just said the mayor of minneapolis where this all started with george white was out with the crowd telling them that he supported Police Reform but when he said he did not want to defund the Police Department the crowd basically turned on and will even since then that was only in the last 24 hours and the last couple of hours pfizer the Minneapolis City Council has voted to dismantle the Police Department and create a different type of Security Force that seems like a significant change in a very short period of time. It is any you know Police Reform efforts as you know have been going on for years and years and years and i think people are really frustrated because efforts to increase accountability have to include increased this sort of restrictions on the kind of tactics that police can use efforts to ensure that the police who break the law arent allowed to continue being officers none of them have really worked that well right so you have an outpouring of frustrated shannon has led to calls to defund the police which you know sort of resonates with the polish ice movement if you remember from earlier a couple years ago when we were really concerned about immigration issues and i think this this call is very much an expression of that frustration and a recognition to that police are more and more hold on to do things that have nothing to do with who leasing for example a big percentage of Police Responses are to Mental Health issues and you know theres been a lot of concerns about the ability of Police Officers to deal with mentally disturbed individuals so theres a lot of things going on here and i think defining the police is sort of become a rallying cry and frustration earlier efforts against one so deep to find seems it seem like a harsh word if youre someone whos just starting to Pay Attention to these Reform Efforts to come across that way but it sounds like what that what it really means is simply putting the funds someplace else for example as you said Police Officers are not the ones as its early to deal with Mental Health issues is this about putting the money towards the types of the people that are trained to deal with these types of situations. Yeah i think thats part of it but i think its also part of the fact that you know police had to tamp by and large when sacrosanct in Many American cities right so not only are the n. Rounds at the respect its increasing at a time in it where crime is going down and you also have a great deal it has to be a radically set it straight i mean if you ever try to look at a Police Department i do that really only looked at the one you are mostly you know it is really hard to tell where the moneys going and frankly whether my son probably and some cases because they also get a lot of money. Federal government so theres a lot of issues around you know Police Budget is the fact that they continue to rise at a time when. Crime is going down at a time now where you know many look at how these are they saying you know huge budget deficits in the wake of the 90 so all of these things and think its that who will ask around this who are getting really is that you know when we think about how we want to spend money as a city any city right we have to think about what we want to invest in and obviously you know Public Safety and security is a really poor thing but there are ways of getting to current safety and security and simply adding a police force and its the old guns and other debate right. So to that point yes budget budgets are i have said its been said the budgets rather are a moral document its a document that shows what you believe in and what you want to and best in when you talk about new york the Police Department there sometimes when you look at the equipment they have they have its almost as if there are an army that theyre not necessarily a Police Department there to to protect and serve what are the challenges what have you been up against there trying to get more accountability for the new York Police Force in a city where even the democratic mayor the one that you would often think would would be on the side of activists sometimes he stands up for the police even in situations where its questionable. Yeah i mean its quite interesting that you mention magic lawyer who actually you know when he was elected mayor the time length you know stop and frisk was very much a light issue when does the n. Y. P. D. Surveillance of muslim communities was very much a live issue and he made losses you know promising that you know he would the smaller of the least and over the last several years of being in office weve seen you know very little from him to concatenate police of smart whatever Police Reforms weve had had been as a result you know the n. Y. P. D. Inspector general bringing to light some issues and the city council you know working on the margins but the police are really under the authority of the man right much more so than on the under the authority of the city council and so if he is not willing you know to to change things then the council has to actually have to act with the super majority was hard to get and pos legislation so that one of the challenges you mentioned the issue at least quick mention dead and right to be had and this is something that is very very troubling and its trying not just with the new york city Police Department but with Police Departments across the country which is the fact that you know we have a lot of military equipment that has you know kind of come out of. The u. S. Wars in iraq and its honest and those that equipment you know makes its way to look at least department through federal programs right and this is one of the things that the president obama actually 1st Century Policing task force was was trying to add but it hasnt really ended but these this equipment was not just to big city Police Departments like the n. Y. P. D. But also to small towns and

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