Down. Greece signs of maritime zones deal with italy amid tension with turkey simmers of a Natural Resources in the Eastern Mediterranean. And illegal secret deals bogus lab data and cheap imports aljazeera investigates corruption in iraq ie agriculture. For professional boxing is back in north america for the 1st time since the coronavirus lockdown last fagans the venue for a fight card will take place with no founds in its endurance. Thousands of mourners have braved long lines intense heat and the pandemic to pay their respects to george floyd in houston the city where he grew up he was killed just over 2 weeks ago when a Police Officer knelt on his neck during an arrest john hendren reports. George floyds final journey brought him to his childhood home tell this is my way of speaking out just by being present i would like to you know harness me into the top of my loans because i know so many black and i cant speak for every black man but for every one that i know know someone that has a friend a Family Member or a relative someone that died from Police Brutality and you need to stop at fountain of praise church mourners paid their respects to the open casket inside some who knew him others inspired by the National Movement his death represents every one city so you can see why we need to do it so we dont have to do this again be the last and every day as they cantered. As a collective whole disobey to last me in a room they came 15 at a time for up to 10 minutes with masks and social distancing to protect from coronavirus for which floyd tested positive in april and in his autopsy George Floyds body has traced the path of his life the 1st in a series of memorials began in minneapolis where he died beneath a Police Officers knee and never was held in the state of North Carolina where he was born both through thousands and now after this viewing in houston on tuesday there will be a funeral after which he is buried next to his mother. His death his inspired nearly 2 weeks of protests from washington d. C. To los angeles as mourners passed by floyds casket in houston the officer who knelt on his neck derrick children appeared in court in minneapolis officer doric children should be charged with capital murder because what he did was premeditated he knew what he was doing he should be treated like any other civilian would be treated if they would murder somebody like the way mr play with murder on tuesday his funeral will feature the reverend al sharpton civil rights lawyer Benjamin Crump in a video by former Vice President joe biden who met privately with floyds family on monday his death inspired a movement but his family says on tuesday they will celebrate his life which inspired them John Hendren El Jazeera houston. George floyds brother says that the family will not give up its fight for justice im to right now appreciate everybody coming. To personalize the. Just talk. Thank god for all but. For coming out what is. Out a plan that will be the day. Michael. Are. Really. You know we will. We will not walk a lot of. Democrats in the u. S. House of representatives drafted legislation to change the way the Police Departments work some members knelt for 8 minutes and 46 seconds before announcing the proposal thats how long george floyd was pinned to the ground and seeks to ban chokeholds expand the use of body cameras and create a database a base of Police Misconduct but the legislation does not demand the defunding or dismantling of Police Departments a some protests of call for President Donald Trump says that hed never allow that to happen and im very proud of them. They wont be defining there wont be dismantling of our police and theyre not going to be any disbanding of our police our police have been letting us live in peace so we want to make sure we dont have any bad actors in there and sometimes youll see some horrible things like we witnessed recently but 99 i say 99. 9 but lets go with 99 percent of them are great great people and theyve done jobs that are record setting record setting. Well i have thought of washington that i White House Correspondent kimberly how could it kimberly so begins another day on emotion and politics the president has been tweeting as is his wont this morning somewhat controversial whats it been saying. That one of the president s tweets is questioning some video that has emerged of the social unrest in the United States particularly in buffalo new york this is where i caught on video a 75 year old man was shoved to the ground by police requiring medical attention now the u. S. President questioning whether or not that have may may have been a setup for the camera saying or suggesting that this individual was a member of the radical left protest group and t. V. And whether or not in fact this was something that was done deliberately so this is sort of one of the more outlandish tweets from the u. S. President as you point out emotions still remains very high in this country the country looking ahead to 15 g. M. T. That is when there will be another funeral for george floyd we understand that the former Vice President joe biden will be delivering a message it will be taking place in houston and we know that george floyd ultimately will be laid to rest next to his mother of course the woman he cried out for in the final moments of his life and what are we expecting in the house leading up to that funeral and indeed off towards cuba. Well certainly there is a lot of emotion people are starting to arrive to faith pay their final respects we should point out that this funeral unlike what we saw yesterday where it went on for hours people who didnt even know him felt compelled to pay their respects this 4. 00 will be a more intimate setting it will be a private funeral but as there is this sort of final laying to rest of george floyd we know that the u. S. President for his part is considering in light of the protests that have gone on across the country many violating the standards put in place for corona virus to prevent outbreaks that his campaign has confirmed he now is considering bringing back his make America Great again rallies seems americans are tired of being in the house and so is the u. S. President theres another reason that the u. S. President wants to get out and campaign and that is the poll numbers shows that the handling of president s handling of coronavirus the president s handling of the social unrest has really hit his approval so hes eager to get out this is where he rails against his opponents we can tell you the campaign is confirmed this is something that is now under consideration and the opportunities in the possibilities being presented to the president in the coming weeks so once again it really is a stark reminder of just how quickly things can change in the United States from shutdown to packing dettori and this is something that the u. S. President is pushing for a White House Correspondent Kelly Holcomb in washington could be many thanks george. Libyas National Oil Corporation says that an armed force switch it has not entered fide has entered an oil field in the south and demanded that employees shut it down in a statement the company told its workers not to abate the old as the pipeline which runs from shut out of oil field reopened on sunday after being closed by fighters in january all of Khalifa Haftar us forces seized the fields during an offensive early last year lets get more on this now from a serious market up the wash that he joins us live from tripoli tell us more about the storming of this oil field and who might have been responsible. Well. It seems that the groups that just toured with the oil field there are now pulling as in a phone call with information for some of their petroleum facilities. She just confirmed that after the negotiations with the assailants the group that has talked with the oil field mediators local tribal leaders are mediated and negotiated the pull i would do with the group now she also. Production my it is you tomorrow now the closure of the oil field was very threatening to libyas economy as you know that oil revenues are present there its like a backbone of libyas National Income that even years of the Oil Production as you know that of chad our oil field about 700 kilometers south of the capital tripoli is their country is it Biggest Oil Field with a Production Capacity of about 300000. 00 Barrels Per Day half of that production goes for exporting the other half goes to were always compound where its being there you find in the oil refinery that and then being distributed to all towns and cities areas in western libya you know we have been really. Caught on to oil closure by armed groups are over the past few years due to the conflict thats led or initiated by forces loyal to the warlord plea for half that now a charter and feel in southern libya are that he maining support of the use of that have that his forces blockaded the oil crescent in central libya in january. I desire as my foot up to what had the reporting live from tripoli when many thanks indeed elsewhere in libya forces loyal to the un recognized government continue to push back forces of the warlord coming off the now in such a serious manic trade out as to the west of that city and abu ghraib were seeing a dramatic shift in the balance of power on the ground thats mostly in part to the turkish support to the internationally recognized government of National Court now just to give you an idea 12 weeks ago we were we were seeing a possible takeover of the wara for 400 years forces zorra is on the border of of tunisia its in western libya and since and thats dramatically changed. Just weeks ago in the in mid april the d. N. A. Was able to take over several cities and towns on the western coast of libya shortly afterwards they took at woodchip air base with this which is south of tripoli and just and just last week they were janay forces were able to to take control full control of tripoli. Forces were were in tripoli for over 14 months they were in the Southern Suburbs of tripoli so the theres a big change after tripoli the genie forces successfully took over to the huna so who know was last stronghold in western libya and now were seeing them building on that momentum the genie are continuing on to sirte we heard today that the oil fields were said down today by an armed Group Whether thats maneuvering by half theres forces in any possible negotiations is yet to be seen. Video has emerged that appears to show military officers from the United Arab Emirates Training Forces loyal to half stop. Being trained on the russian made Defense System called the princess was. Instrumental in helping huffed us forces. The Afghan Government has released another 250. 00 taliban prisoners springing the total now to more than 3000. 00 its part of the doha agreement the us taliban deal signed in february stipulated the Afghan Taliban set free 1000 Security Forces in exchange the prisoner swap is said to be a confidence Building Measure for talks between the government and the taliban yunus scene reports now from kabul. The prisoner swap continues in afghanistan in the early hours of this morning the government has released 250 taliban prisoners so far the taliban has released approximately 500 Security Forces and this is one of the most important steps toward dangerous gann talks the complete of the prisoner swap the u. S. Special representative to afghanistan didnt make that has spent the last 2 days in doha and in islamabad in doha he made the Senior Leadership of the taliban and in islamabad in pakistan he made the top military officials and today the top military chief military of pakistan has arrived to afghanistan to kabul where he met the president of 20. Still to come here. Hundreds of ringer refugees said to have been stranded at sea for months now detained in malaysia. I will take a look at how despite being an island in the new coronavirus epicenter cuba has managed to keep covert 19 pretty much at bay. Greece and rather the schools well hear from one of the worlds best womens footballers if she is that her sport is being left behind. Greece and italy have signed what theyre describing as a historic maritime borders a court it carves out the exclusive Economic Zones in the ionian seat and paves the way for greece and italy to look for and exploit Marine Resources the moves likely to anger which side a similar deal with libya turkey doesnt recognize the economic jurisdiction of some of greeces islands in the Eastern Mediterranean lets go live now to our correspondent John Psaropoulos in athens tell us more about this deal jill. Well the most important thing about this agreement is that it recognizes that islands have a maritime jurisdiction which is stipulated under the United Nations law of the sea this is the point that separates greece and turkey in then maritime jurisdiction dispute in the Eastern Mediterranean east of crete and dotted in these islands like roads and councils and kind of a couple of those of the notice that were affected by commodore. Demarcated last november between libya and turkey when they separated them maritime jurisdiction without giving any reference to greeces islands in that region greece rejected that agreement so did the European Union the United States russia and other players in the region like egypt and israel as being outside of International Law the u. N. That the u. N. Back in time which is upheld 568 nations greece had a simpler and works very hard to conclude agreements with other neighbors in order to show that maritime law d can be upheld with due respect for the jurisdiction of islands and this is actually greeces 1st maritime jurisdiction agreement with any other country but its also working on reaching a similar agreement with egypt on creases trying to prove of course is that matter time agreements made in accordance with the u. N. Will should prevail over agreements like that reached between turkey and libya so what if anything can turkey do about this. Well i mean i think the ultimate aim from the greek point of view is to come to the negotiating table on greeces terms which means to carve out an agreement that obeys un maritime law and that would be an agreement that other countries in the region would recognize because they have wiped out similar agreements on the un will for example cyprus and israel israel and egypt and so on. I think groups its aim here is to avoid any kind of escalating tension in the region but escalating tension is what you have a moment because on june 1st the turkish state Petroleum Exploration company t. P. A. Asked for permission to explore for hydrocarbons in the area is that turkey demarcated with libya last november now greece and said that it still ships and to those waters which youre effectively disputed waters now it will take military action against any turkish exploration ships and that of course. The for the armed confrontation possibly so i think greece of trying to forestall any further steps by turkey on its. Aljazeera as johnson reporting live from athens john many thanks. An israeli settler convicted of murdering 3 members of a Palestinian Family and 2015 is yet to hear his sentence ben ali al was convicted of 3 counts of murder 2 counts of attempted murder and 2 counts of austin he threw a fog bomb into the home of the family killing a married couple and their infant son eldest son who was 4 years old at the time was the only survivor aljazeera sorry force of his life for us now inside the court in the lead close to tel aviv what happened inside the court today and what sort of sentence is this man looking at. Well it was a particularly horrific crime and so as you would expect the prosecution is seeking a very long sentence they want 3 life sentences they want an additional sentence of 40 years and theyre also seeking the maximum amount of financial compensation from better leo to the upci family of a 1000000 shekels thats about 290000 u. S. Dollars so this is something that the the family would presumably support they have been saying that whatever happens really in terms of the conviction and indeed the sentencing nothing would bring back the lives lost in this crime but it was a crime that caused a huge amount of pain and outrage at the time and a great deal of political pressure on the venezuelan government to find those responsible and to hold them account the Shin Bet Internal Security Service called this a landmark moment in the fight against jewish terror when billyo. Was sent was convicted last month there was talk of the surviving son ahmed whos now 9 years old being here on this day in the end the family brought with him a letter that he had written as they were seeking the maximum sentence possible for the man convicted of killing their Family Members on a series harry force and lived in lid in israel the french government has announced a 17000000000 dollar rescue package for its Aerospace Industry almost half of that money will go to the National Carrier air france most of its planes were grounded due to the pandemic funds will also help aircraft manufacturer air bus and suppliers of plane parts the governments hoping to save hundreds of thousands of jobs. The United Kingdom is one of the worst hit by the Global Pandemic total confirmed infections heading towards 300000. 00 but questions remain over the true size of the countrys death toll the government puts it at just over 40500. 00 the tally by the Reuters News Agency though says that its reached nearly 52000. 00 and these agencies figure also includes suspected cases which it says give a more accurate picture because testing was scarce early in the crisis but it could be even higher as an expert from the Governments Office for National Statistics says that around 64000. 00 more people than usual have died during the pandemic chris smith is a consultant for all just at Cambridge University hes also a podcast host that its an of the naked scientist he joins us now live from Cambridge Chris because have you with us which of these figures is the more accurate you think the governments 40500 or reuters 52000 or the a n s a 64000. Well as the fact that youve been able to present me with 3 different figures collected by 3 independent bodies in 3 different ways highlights who knows and actually our chief medical advisor chris witty has been at pains to emphasize throughout this that it could be very misleading to just cherry pick numbers or to look at one moment in time what we really are going to have to do is to look at whats called the excess mortality or excess deaths and that will involve doing this looking backwards because well have to look over a year we know roughly how many people are expected to pass away in any given period and therefore we can see if compared with previous years any particular time in the year or across the entire year we see an excess number of deaths and that excess would hard be hard to not attribute to cohabit so its that number that will be the magic number when we look back across the year and obviously were not there yet so were not going to know what the true position is also means we can compare how the u. K. Has fared against other countries is this doubt something that was more or less inevitable or is it as the result of government mismanagement. I dont know exactly whos to blame if anyones to blame but the fact is as one particular Health Minister in europe the belgian Health Minister and thats my cue to block said she told the press no country in europe counts these cases the same way and its absolutely spot on germany was including cases that were proven coded and suspected coded spain was counting cases of people who hadnt had a test but had the symptoms as well as people who had had a test the u. K. Seems to have done a mixture of things throughout this so were not really comparing apples with apples and this is the danger that were being misled by data the are not compatible with each other so you cant really reasonably compare them so i think again we have to be very cautious about picking on a number right now were going to have to actually deal with the situation as we are at the moment try to minimise where we know the risk sits and we know what that risk is its older people people who are male people who have preexisting Health Conditions for example protect those and then at the end of all this we need to make sure that lessons are learned because every country was guilty of having no pandemic preparedness and now theyre finding out exactly why they should have had some rather than being suspicious of the governments figure of 40500. 00 which of course we look at it as a realistic for the moment realising that rather like g p g. D. P. Statistics are revised further down the lie of the moment the picture becomes more accurate that figure could rise. I think it probably will rise because early on in this there was less testing being done so cases could have slipped through the net people werent really clear what they were dealing with we dont know the role of asymptomatic transmission and so on so i think there will be more clarity as we get further on and that means we can then look with the benefit of hindsight backwards at this but whats absolutely critical is that right now we know where we stand and we know where our problems are and we put all our energy into solving those problems Going Forward so that we dont make the same mistakes again chris were going to talk to you both thanks for being with us chris smith thank you in cambridge. Thats going to be the forecast look a bit stormy in the southwestern United States here you couldnt go wrong major now you want to watch the southeast a good southeast southeast and a sale going on across the north america at the moment youve got a bit of everything weve got winter we got summer weve got spring lets start with the stormy stuff there you got this area a cloud here just around the central and southeastern parts of the u. S. The sagem is saying focus on that area cloud just around mysterious making its way further north as this is the remnants of what was Tropical Storm from depression christabel that going to continue making its way further north as over the next few days some very heavy rain is going to bump into this weather system that we have here just stick around the Northern Plains actually where the 2 come together we will see some very wet and windy weather making its way across the lakes over the next day or so so elsewhere as i said there is a bit of everything going oh lets move up into utes are over the rockies weve seen some wintry weather late winter snow here and a little further down towards the southwest this is just to the north of l. A. Actually and we have a brush fire burning away here so weve got the wildfires weve got the snow and we got the summer storms as well if you go with christobel that will continue making its way further north was our weather system makes its way through the to join up it will turn increasingly wet and windy as it pushes right across the lakes particularly across huron superior and mitchie can and we see that wet weather stretching its way right down towards the the the far southeast of the country clear skies to come back in this we go to the weekend with lots of hot sunshine through. Ever so many thanks indeed still to come here on the news our words of caution from new zealands Prime Minister she declared her country free of the coronavirus. I dont support the financial cost of the coronavirus hits brazils plan to host the next womens world cup. When youre from a neighborhood known as a hotbed of radicalism. You have to fight to defy stereotypes. But when the meaning. Of the stories we dont often hear told by the people who live them it all might. Sound the boxset this is europe on aljazeera. National board instead the debate on migration is polarized to include too strident positions harkless in the headers how do you define an indigenous person who they benefit isnt this more about living with a difference and you and visas that and who do they contain. The right she lived anywhere in the world have every right to leave their country. Goes head to head with paul carney and on aljazeera. Hello again this is the news hour from aljazeera adrian for getting here in the headlines thousands of mourners have been paying their respects to george floyd at the memorial in Houston Texas where he grew up his family says that it will continue its fight for justice for its funeral will take place in the coming hours. And identified on the force that entered libyas el shaddai out of oil field to the south has begun to retreat the National Oil Corporation says that operations in the countrys Largest Oil Field will soon resume. Greece and italy have signed what theyre describing as a historic maritime borders accord which carves out their exclusive Economic Zone is in the ionian sea paves the way for greece and italy to look for and exploit marine resource. For the fall in oil prices countries like iraq are looking to diversify their economies but corruption is making that difficult aljazeera some of the 14 has our exclusive report now on the challenges that face iraqs Agriculture Sector. Harvest season in iraq is in full swing a spart of the governments Grain Purchasing Program to encourage cultivation farmers are entitled to sell their produce to state run silos at a preferential rate but they Face Many Obstacles runs up from the use condition of the silo because of the lead in the labors old say that some of the products of flaws and cannot pass some farmers waited for 10 to 12 days outside the solid doors and this is caused a lot of frustration among the farmers and the syria. At the heart of these delays lies an entrenched system of corruption farmers traders and government officials told jazeera we investigated these allegations watched by security and government officials we gained access to the title and its lib oratory this is what a decision is made on how much money each harvest will fetch farmers earn up to 460. 00 per tonne for the highest grade of wheat but theyre left empty handed if theyre greenstone to meet minimum quality standards for this particular harvest was rejected because the lab found lentils inside the sample to serve him up would agree that the rate of acceptance is very good but we have found some quantities that contain lentils. These statements have startled many as no lentils are cultivated in the area farmers say reports of impurities him to extort bribes of up to 1600. 00 per truck to add further pressure farmers are left to wait for days sometimes weeks outside the silo. Tired of waiting this small scale farmer decided to sell his hard earned harvest to private traders for as little as half the silo price was. Silas says there are flaws or theyll tell you to come back later so you keep coming back its expensive for you itll cost a lot if you sell it here at the wholesale market is better than selling it. So what do the traders do with the wheat this wholesaler openly admitted to selling to the silo which is supposed to deal only with farmers not traders. Those who pay will be received and most of them are traders this is the truth its all about money if you give money your product will pass if not it will get rejected aljazeera obtained a parliament report dated april 2020 which confirms that merchants sell wheat under the names of farmers and manipulate the evaluation process in coordination with sila management the report also found collusion to import cheap wheat from kurdistan and neighboring countries which is sold to silos at the preferential price as if it was local produce we put these allegations to the general manager of the iraqi grain board at the ministry of trade. In all the silos we have oversight bodies and the farmers can complain against any employee and we will send this employee for investigation but just based on talk here and there without evidence we cannot act iraq is in dire need to development all sectors of its economy such as agriculture and to increase its full selfsufficiency as the country battles the coronavirus pandemic and the fiscal crisis but to achieve that the new government will need to tackle corruption and mismanagement in the statesboro kristie so want to hold in aljazeera itself that theres been i mean zaki is an International Law attorney and iraq Affairs Analyst she was one of she was the chief of communications for mission of iraq to the United Nations and joins us now live from memphis good to have you with us just how widespread is corruption within iraqs Agriculture Sector. I agree and thanks for having me on i think this is a great example of how corruption is pervasive and comprehensive throughout iraq not just in the Agriculture Sector this is an issue that is not just in them and to baghdad were talking about a top to bottom countrywide issue the reason that the. The concerns about food have been brought to the forefront is that iraq exports oil to fuel to fuel its economy and that includes buying food so as the world transitions away from oil and gas towards Renewal Energy is becoming increasingly clear that iraqs food systems are not selfsustaining if it is as endemic as you say across iraq and of no reason to doubt that its almost a way its become a way of life and how do you stamp it out thats a good question i think there are many issues about the regarding the Agricultural Industry that have impacted including corruption at that are also in my opinion other factors that feed into the corruption one of which is unfettered competition with neighboring countries you have countries in turkey to the west and iran to the east then their governments are subsidizing the wheat and the tomatoes and the dairy and the Meat Industry and theyre importing those products into iraq causing the iraqi farmers to not be able to price or products competitively at every level of the supply chain so is this something that an organization like the United Nations could help to work to to stamp out. Well corruption is its a cultural issue in iraq and its from tree line and it needs to be addressed by the political elite you know theres a new government in place now and people are cautious cautiously optimistic that theyll have the political will to start weeding out corruption and put in place financial fiscal institutions that demand and promote integrity and transparency and and and fiscal well this is the government is corrupt though as other parts of society. Thats a good question and thats why we saw these countrywide protests by the iraqi people demanding for change and demanding for a demanding an end and so the hope and again its cautious optimism the hope is that this new government has the political will to start slowly eradicating this this very comprehensive issue really gets to t. S. P. Many thanks indeed for being with us thank you so much for having me the United Nations says that covert 19 is exacerbating an already severe food shortage in north korea its expressing alarm of the increase in malnutrition and starvation made worse by a Border Closure with china in late january its also calling for International Action to ensure the food gets into the country meanwhile pyongyang is threatening to cut all communication with south korea its state News Agency Says that it will close a hotline as a 1st step towards ending all contact young wants sole to stop defectors sending propaganda leaflets over the border south Koreas Unification Ministry is urging pyongyang to Keep Communications open for mcbride in seoul says the relations been going backwards for months now. Certainly for the south korea this is being regarded as a very serious setback in into korean relations weve had hints that things have been moving in these this kind of direction in recent weeks attacks from the north are being getting particularly bellicose and then last week we had direct threats from north korea that they were going to close down this Liaison Office that exist in the border city of case on which we north and south if south korea didnt stop these groups of defectors as they often do releasing these balloons that float across the d. M. Z. With north korea carrying propaganda messages against the north it is something which always outrages north korea and they have now used this a stent simply as the reason why they are cutting off these lines of communication interestingly when they made this threat last week the south korea north already has moved very quickly within a matter of a few hours in trying to bring in some legislation to make it harder for these groups to fly balloons so it does seem as though the South Koreans realize that we were at some sort of Tipping Point while they have the North Koreans are now seem to be carrying through on this threat to cut all these lines of communication are these lines of communication most of them have been established since 2017 which is when the relations between north and south were at their lowest ebb and it means that if they go through with this threat to cut this last line of communication today tuesday the only means of direct communication between north and south would be by megaphone across the barbed wire which is puts it back in the bag old bad old days of 2017 but what of course we dont have is the same level of tension because of the Nuclear Missile testing which south korea will certainly hope this does not herald a return to. Mexico has begun to reopen despite a surge in the number of corona virus cases and deaths the countrys deputy Health Minister has got telly is leading its response observes john holden son down with him and ask to mexico is on a knife edge in mexico as in every country though when us start opening the takes hold back again were prepared to mourn it or on the lee basis where we are in this state in each state in the each locality where. If we see things are not going well we must act what do you think of the president heading out on tour while you are telling everyone please. Stay at home the president is working hes doing his job does it not seem to you that well help me out a bit here im trying to get everyone in the house if its not an absolute emergency set an example i understand i dont understand the position i may sympathize with the concerns people sometimes feel about that but at same time im aware that theres this over reaction to what they were any breath is a precedent i guess but this pressure these president dos do you sometimes regret not going hard on the corinth at least in the period where mexico was in in real lockdown you couldnt get this a bit more under control them if you are detained shown that may arise from Law Enforcement the use of police or military force is sort of a perfect way to have a clash we remove the incentives to go out you have no job to attend because its close you have no school to attend because its closed why would you go out it will make sense the problem with that is the people are still going out and they and they have been all through the corps and thats correct it is well known they Community Mitigation has its limits as well as conventional has its limits the world health organization. There are to this code it was pressed test test those where you could have do you go in the other way we said this kind of phenomena is cannot be measured directly incommensurable. Therefore we have noise picked. To make sure by direct observation the rio bore the north case scientists have told aljazeera that swarms of locusts spreading across pakistan are posing a bigger threat to the economy than the pandemic the insects came from past the parts of east africa theyve been damaging crops or should since april agriculture accounts for around 20 percent of pakistans economic output. Most of pakistans population card afford high quality face masks as for Hillary Mohamed reports now some are making their own but turned off the required protection. Face masks are the latest essential item for many in pakistan as a threat of corona virus spreads but with a population of 200000000 people appropriate protective equipment isnt affordable for everyone. In poor neighborhoods and markets in the capital mosques come in different colors and of materials sold for one cent each. Kiani selling masks has improved the business here must mail order. I say these masks and sell them at cheaper price to earn a living for my family as people can afford a quality mask. Well these masks the cheap theyre not medically approved and theyre not sterile yeah everybody on the yard usually i know these on the hygenic but im only buying it just to avoid Police Arrest otherwise i wont buy due to poverty says the government eased lock down restrictions in mid may it declared Wearing Masks compulsory in public spaces government inspectors are checking this bus station and nearby shops they find that not everyone is a deer into social distancing or wearing protective gear they proceed to close operations and issue Finals Police checkpoints are also in place to ensure the driver stick to the rules. New phenomenon it was new to the policing itself so with discord we are facing the conventional crime meaning thereby that the we have a through challenges number one is a conventional good iran and that is did this. For the right. This exited. And so many people were arrested but and. The slums on the outskirts of islamabad having a face mask to combat the virus is a luxury families here barely have the basics doctors say homemade masks are not affective in preventing the disease from spreading thats on top of hospitals feeling the strain as they run out of beds and ventilators to treat patients medical staff working without surgical masks have also threatened to go on strike this week. You. Dont have enough protective kids given by the government on the other side that was the wrong policy to ease the lockdown without an Awareness Campaign people are now using unhygienic homemade mosques and that was one of the main reasons of corona virus spreading across pakistan. Infection numbers have grown since markets reopened the government has rejected calls to impose tough lockdown destructions because of Economic Loss and unemployment more than 100000 people have tested positive for the virus and medical experts warn that the next 2 weeks will be critical for pakistan. Al jazeera. Latin america is not the worlds worst hit region but the caribbean island nation of cuba has managed to buck the trend its gone na in Straight Days now with a virus related death serious matter all right below reports of what its been doing differently. This is become a relatively normal scene in havana cuban doctors going door to door screening for any symptoms of coke at 19 the earth you know im on the its a strategy that has apparently paid off monday morning 9 days without any new coronavirus deaths in the country if those who dont are most of whom i believe that these results are based or care protocols they are based on the facts 1st Early Detection is important because were going to detect the person would several days of evolution of the deceased would cyril days of symptoms the possibilities are decrease an early addiction is achieved through screening through case funding from. Many latin american countries are struggling to curb coronavirus contagion but compared to the rest of the region cuba is miles ahead when it comes to containment im white i dont im not we see once again that despite having the difficulties were going through our country has managed to control the epidemic and has achieved figures that are reasonable relative to the rest of the continent and despite not being developed countries weve achieved good control of the pandemic. The streets of the cuban capital are once again filling up albeit with a great amount of care as many who bencher outside do so wearing face masks which have become mandatory by the government refusing to wear one could lead to a fine arrest. Cubas success in mitigating contagion is being seen as a ray of hope for the region though International Health experts warn that in other parts of latin america the hardest days are still to come so theres a lot of work that needs to be done and we need everyone to remain focused on achieving the goal at hand which is stopping this pandemic which is suppressing transmission and saving lives in. Its a lot more work to do so lets celebrate the successes that we do have but lets remain focused on the remaining work that needs to be done because unfortunately this is far from them. With no new reported deaths in over a week authorities have declared the outbreak in cuba under control when lit up a little. So the company is in sports a new start for boxing in north america as fighters weigh in for the 1st time since the coronavirus law. Business ledgers has voted to buy no bra spa. Business ledgers has voted to buy no bra spa. Hello again today after the clearing her country corona virus free new zealands Prime Minister is warning that there will be still be more infections the governments tough response early on has been praised for keeping cases low but some of our asking if it went too far when hay reports. New zealand is free of coronavirus and life for most is back to normal the government has lifted remaining restrictions allowing people to go about their day without having to worry about social distancing for businesses its a time to reflect on difficult days and prepare for what may be still to come. Or look this is a lot of people are going to struggle for a long time as. For myself. Keep going the way im going i think i. Do feel sorry for a lot of the people there in late march when you zealand had just a handful of coronavirus cases the government moved quickly to effectively shut the country down to all but essential business the result was just over 1500 cases and 22 deaths when the modeling showed the situation could have been much worse new zealand is an isolated island nation which combined with the governments Decisive Action was clearly an advantage in trying to control the spread of the virus here now the government needs to balance the needs of the economy with the threat of the virus returning the Prime Minister says new zealand will almost certainly see more cases but to try to prevent that the border will remain closed indefinitely we havent put an arbitrary tie. In line on it because that simply comes down to a judgment that does rely on daily data and its simply the case that at the moment those decisions were just not ready to make yet new zealands response has been widely praised here and overseas but some have criticised the government for not easing restrictions sooner but one of the people the Prime Minister turned to for advice says new zealand got it right this is what i think is in there is huge and it is a bit of the virus in the west and work. Because its going to be around and wreaking havoc for months to years to come and these we have some way off and as you get. Events of elimination is easy has come out and it was. Over r. s 3 tree we believe it may not stay that way but for now this country is in recovery mode and trying to prepare for any further economic ills wayne hay Al Jazeera Cambridge new zealand time for sport heres andy thank you so much as you know professional boxing is making its return in north america for the 1st time since the coronavirus lockdown last vegas the venue for a fight card that will take place with no fans in attendance sandboxes taking part everyone involved was tested for coronavirus on arrival last saturday and went through the same procedure on monday at the weigh ins earlier on we sponsor boxing broadcast to guarantee a davis he says to make Financial Sense big world title fights are likely to need venues where fans are allowed. Thats why were seeing with the events behind closed doors. Over the next 7 weeks theres no real major stars on them because they dont know yet thats just in the rules its just to see whether these can work as a pay per view events because the big stars the big money of course comes from site these and you face to is whether they can come back in small readers perhaps august maybe september towards the end of the year coming back in big arenas now if that isnt possible theyre already looking at europe wilds of 3 potentially barbera was mentioned this potentially in macau china in australia. Obviously in the middle east as well because there are huge sites these are available for these places where they would love to have some of the biggest fights in the world and fury and while there are the 3rd fight the trilogy fight is. Several minority players from the National Hockey league are leading a new push to tackle the leagues issues with diversity former player came you and San Jose Sharks for divine the kane will head the Hockey Diversity Alliance more than 90 percent of n. H. L. Players are white the group says it will aim to make the game more accessible and educate Hockey Community about racism within the sport. Or the future financial landscape of era pin football could be changed by the ongoing legal case involving Manchester City in the games european governing body away for city are appealing against a 2 year ban from european competitions for breaking financial rules now its likely the club will challenge the legality of the wife is financial fair play system which is aimed at ensuring clubs dont spend more money than they earn and weve been talking to john knows that a barrister who specializes in sports law. The city of certainly assembled a team. On european law and it can be anticipated that one of their challenges is say that financial fair play regulations are an abuse of a dominant position. And distort the market because effectively theyd limits the expenditure. Clubs now if full of course the way that you a few have sort really since the previous financial crisis in late 2000 is to try and ensure that clubs dont even spend their more stable would be thrown into chaos that would be a great advantage to clubs owned by wealthy benefactors you of course can pump lots of money into their clubs without necessarily balancing those out against all forms of sponsorship sent. To drive the club so yes i think the answer is that this could be a seminal moment in terms of how you aither regulate Financial Stability across clubs in europe ok sports looking for now and even a thanks indeed just before we take a short break i just want to show you some pictures that were getting from Houston Texas of course of there will be a private Funeral Service for george floyd at the fountain of praise church in houston the churchs copastor mayor right called floyds death and Police Custody the spark of a movement in the nation and the world. These pictures were from just a few moments ago as the casket arrives at the church ready for the private Funeral Service. Which is due to get on the way in houston in a little over 2 hours time from now we will have full coverage throughout the rest of the day as events get on the way. Here on aljazeera. The the church and the the cemetery where the. Burial will take place are about 1000 kilometers apart from each other. And the entombment will be private for just the family but there will of course be Television Coverage of that as i said well have live coverage. As the choice body will travel last mile of the procession in a horse drawn carriage 6 course of by the Houston Police department will take a short break were going back with more of the days top stories in just a few minutes and see if. Those countries begin easing coronavirus restrictions scientists warn of a 2nd wave of infections in the last. Name well and many feel the economy is be prioritised about for human life until fall the people getting the focus on the outfield will spike in Public Places we bring you the latest developments from across the globe coronavirus funded special coverage on a. Bollywood in an unlikely place. You know its interesting. I think when conan the little boy mother of the and she was very impressed with him again theres just theres a lot of love and affection and respect over the iraq people a world away from a nation has taken indian cinema to its hot aljazeera while reveals the color and passion of moroccans hollywood. White supremacy is on the rise in the u. S. Its an undercurrent that is bottling up has mainstream extreme ideas this is the 1st step toward taking america. Faultlines examines. Doctoring feeding hay treat their own to often deadly consequences what are you telling your congregations 60 we have to be concerned conspiracy to massacre anti semitism in america on aljazeera. Coveted beyond well so. Taken without hesitation. Horton died for. Our defines our we should not have to trade our culture for oil and gas we live here we make the rule people and power investigates exposes and questioned the use and abuse of power around the globe and aljazeera. George for its confidence arrived at the foundation of praise church in houston where mourners gathered to pay their final respects. Hello im adrian figure this is al jazeera live from also coming up an unidentified armed force enters an oil field in libya demanding that it be shot down. Greased sides of maritime zones deal with italy while tension with turkey

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