Threatened by a Kangaroo Court donald trump all the rise is sanctions as the International Criminal court investigates alleged war crimes by american troops in afghanistan. And the multiple mass graves are found in the libyan city recently retaken by Government Troops from fighters loyal to world Khalifa Haftar. Stock markets in the United States have promised over fears of a resurgence and corona virus infections the Federal Reserve also delivered a grim forecast for the countrys Economic Outlook the dow jones fell by nearly 7 percent while the 2 other major indices were down by at least 5 percent and the west today for market since mid march when coronavirus downs were announced now according to days are tracked by the Washington Post since the start of june 14th states and puerto rico have experienced their west week yet for new infections the surge in new cases and states like arizona new mexico and utah shows that curve at 19 is now sweeping across rural areas while retreating in Major Urban Centers well out here as Deborah Elizondo has moved from new york. Its about many things but it all boils down to corona virus there are still deep worries now that this is spreading in more than a dozen states were seeing numbers positive cases that are on the increase particularly texas florida and arizona these are all states that with the last few weeks have lifted their stay at home orders and so the economy is really coming back but coronavirus is as well and i think that has really spooked the markets as we also saw this is not even the 2nd wave study at the university of washington came out saying that the that socalled 2nd wave of coronavirus isnt expected to hit the u. S. In till probably september and then you also still have no signs of a vaccine anywhere on the horizon late this year or early next year probably at the earliest add all that up and what does one trader said the markets have been operating on irrational exuberance the last few weeks and all of that ended with this huge sell off on thursday well larry a couple as a volunteer list and a professor at the university of florida she says the virus doesnt behave in the same way in every location. Its not the buyers has thought the virus behaves as a virus but its actually the biggest difference is made by the host and by the fragility of the host population in mexico where one out of 7 is has diabetes then you understand that on this population the virus can can act much much more severely and in the United States we see that in some parts of the country it is still very very on the move the infection another part where they have implemented some rules they actually the infection is receiving so we dont have one size fits for all i think that this is one of the new ways that we need to start looking at this problem i would say theres also a polarized approach in the United States in cities and in some states cities the situation is very very dramatic and this is the way that it is narrative in other parts i live in the actual county in florida there has been deaths in Single Digits and so it is a very patchy situation and i dont think that we can really make any general statement except that we need to understand what these drivers are because the virus is only part of the problem. The problem is linked to the host its all to link to a series of other factors and other drivers which we really need to look at from an interdisciplinary perspective and the World Health Organization is now warning of a sudden rapid rise and 1000 infections and parts of africa raising concerns about how developing nations will cope with the pandemic and address reports. It took 90 days for africa to reach 100000 corona virus infections and only 19 to pass the 200000 mark the World Health Organization says infections in africa and i was spreading fast from urban to Rural Communities those areas dont have adequate access to health care or awareness of preventive measures one of the Biggest Challenges we face in the response continues to be the real ability of supplies articularly test kids and this is due to the disruptions in the Global Supply chain. The un as the supply chain toughness and other mechanisms i am pleased to address these shortages including work done by the African Union and more than 8000000 diagnostic supplies and 200000000 my terms of protective equipment in the pipeline to be shifts a Program Countries south africa algeria and chemical and all the continents hotspots the Global Health but he wants countries must act fast on implementing strong measures and in forcing social distancing but already many nations in africa are opening their economies with more than half the population having to go out every day to feed their families locking down entire towns and cities is proving costly experts say africanamerican for less than 3 percent of the global infractions for now but that could change of countries are unable to control the spread the outlook for now is warning for governments with nigerias president warning that the violence in west africa in particular hasnt reached its peak 10 of africas 54 nations account for 75 percent of 206000 infections a quarter i insult africa. But the continent is like him behind in testing and early management of cases Health Experts say the early estimation that the virus could kill up to 3000000 africans could still be avoided this is. Particularly been. There was. Being assessed in Community Transmission on we vote in the appropriate measure but so i think since the beginning. They were one of the good think that were not this in their african countries is that they move towards us stronger measures thoughts of course are threats also communities that is now regarding. There is but in india in general we come not just out of what we are observing is really about what was predicting based on the worst Case Scenario the world have organization however says there is no indication that severe cases and deaths are being missed as the virus caused significant infections in refugee camps across the continent how many trees. Well theres some other news now and the International Criminal court has rejected the u. S. President s plans to impose sanctions on some of its officials donald trump is trying to stop an investigation into allegations of american war crimes in afghanistan but the i. C. C. Says the move will undermine its efforts to ensure accountability for mass atrocities roslyn jordan has more from washington. The United States has never been a party to the International Criminal court in the hague it says the court does not have the right to put u. S. Citizens on trial for alleged crimes against humanity war crimes or genocide but the trumpet ministration has gone further calling the i. C. C. Corrupt ineffective and biased we cannot we will not stand by as our people are threatened by a Kangaroo Court. On thursday it imposed new sanctions on all i. C. C. Officials investigating the behavior of us forces and cia operatives in afghanistan it gives us no joy to punish them but we cannot allow i. C. C. Officials and their families to come the United States to shop travel and otherwise or joy american freedoms as these same officials seek to prosecute the defender of those very freedoms the United States maintains the sovereign right and obligation to properly investigate and address any of our personnels allegedly violations of the laws of war the new sanctions follow washingtons decision last year to revoke the travel visa of the i. C. C. Chief prosecutor failed to best suit up shes been pushing for the investigation and possible trial of u. S. Forces since 2017 bensouda is also trying to prosecute the former sudanese leader Omar Al Bashir for atrocities committed in darfur and shes investigating alleged israeli war crimes in the occupied west bank and gaza something the u. S. Opposes i think its the culmination of our evolution from the republic to an empire that believes that we live by our standards and are alone i dont think that we should look at this particular act of mr trump in isolation by targeting bensouda colleagues the new u. S. Sanctions raise questions about whether the court can actually do its job effectively. Weve taken no. Reports of the executive order or the rising sanctions against certain individuals the International Criminal court will obviously continue to follow very closely any developments on this issue human Rights Groups say the trumpet ministrations decision could harm their ability to help the most vulnerable in war zones but for now the u. S. Has declared it cant trust the i. C. C. To do the right thing which is to carry out justice on american terms rosalyn jordan aljazeera washington now at least 10 soldiers in ivory coast have been killed in an attack as a northern border post may begin a fast so several others have also been wounded and its not yet clear whos behind to the assault ivory coast and begin to launched a joint military operation on their shared border last month the violence there has claimed hundreds of lives and displaced thousands over the past 5 years the u. N. Says its horrified by the discovery of mass graves and the libyan city of tire when i and other areas recently retaken from 4th as loyal to the war Khalifa Haftar libyas government of National Accord say they contain the remains of government soldiers have been taken prisoner whatever one had reports from taguba. Whenever a mass grave is found in tot on a city. Rushes to look for members of his family he says local pro hafter fighters known as the brigade kidnapped and killed his 2 brothers 3 sisters and 3 cousins. Im aware that my brothers sisters and cousins are all dead we also found 34 women dead in the morgue in the main hospital there are also children dozens of but is have recently been found on the outskirts of town who now some a dis farm. Theyll have to undergo forensic examination and have d. N. A. Samples taken. In april last year after his fighters launched a military campaign to seize the capital tripoli. But last week they lost their stronghold of thought huna and have now been driven out of western libya by forces loyal to the internationally recognized government witnesses have told the general Prosecutors Office that after his fighters killed hundreds of opponents including women and progovernment captives the alcan is also turn it some of the military camps into Detention Centers on the walls portraits of muhsin and carney the government says hes the most notorious of the commanders who carried out executions. Everyone who was brought to this camp after april 4th last year disappeared when we liberated the city we found some of the murdered captives in this camp the government is now trying to restore infrastructure that was damaged or destroyed by the war but the social rift caused by half those fighters in the city will likely take a long time to repair for more than a year a city was a base for half the fighters to attack tripoli now as the government tries to bring to life in the city back to normal by pulling out its forces and calling for displaced civilians to turn home the victims families say they are waiting for justice to be served. Still ahead on out of there it was a mistake. The u. S. Is top general regrets his decision to walk with his commander in chief. I dont know what king about me. I do trust that im healthy enough or not. Coronavirus and now hes fighting social stigma we catch up on the progress of one of indonesias and longest cases. Pleased to say weve got some slightly kwacha weather into southern parts of china with the heavy rain that is now making its way further north was his m. I. A. By from last running across the far south of japan so specked to see some other wet weather in here for a time that will move out of the way shallows still coming back in behind by the erosion thats going to be central positron or not into the north of shanghai and popping up in the progress in the process as it makes its way further east whats south korea seeing some really heavy downpours q. C. Southern areas of conscious seeing some very very heavy rain that could lead to some localized flooding itself north of that 27. 00 celsius there in sendai a sticky 28. 00 there for tokyo south of that 34. 00 degrees in hong kong and again it is looking a rather humid summer weather team making its way across the philippines now this area of cloud is that developing system thats producing some very heavy showers thats going to punch its way to the western side of the philippines as we go on through friday and gradually head up towards the south of china once again sunshine and showers across much of the region plenty as shallow as to its eastern parts of india little clutch of storms around addition more the possible under pradesh more heavy rain up the western dance. For many years i kept my past a secret. Every time violent extremism is mentioned it was a speed. Bump you dont believe that we were security or how could i be top of that we want to be really hard to start a race war. How far would i have gone. Looking in the mirror to confront the past exit a witness documentary on iraq. And lets remind you about top stories this hour stock markets in the United States are recorded this steepest drop since mid march this came on rising Coronavirus Infections and a poor Economic Forecast from the Federal Reserve. And the World Health Organization is now warning that covert 19 is accelerating across africa infections have doubled to 200000 in less than 3 weeks the w. H. O. Says a lack of testing kits remains a huge problem and president on trial has authorized sanctions against International Criminal Court Officials investigating us conduct in afghanistan the i. C. C. Has rejected the measures calling them an unacceptable attempt to interfere with the rule of law. Now syrian president Bashar Al Assad has sacked as Prime Minister just a month ahead of elections the water was all says minister hussein are now us will take over from him and chemist until the parliamentary votes and july the president s decision comes amid a deepening economic crisis but just seen the countrys currency plans wintec money as the director of the Syria Conflict Research Program at the London School of economics and Political Science she says changing the Prime Minister will make no difference to syrias economic crisis the main reason there was a popular pressure to. Change the Prime Minister really is the economic deterioration and the reason why the syrian public were criticizing the Prime Minister and the minister is only because they know this is the level they can criticize without getting in trouble they know that any syrian Prime Minister has no power at his disposal to change the situation they know that the power lies somewhere else but this is that where this is about where they can create in no point their criticism so it may relieve a little bit of criticism but its not going to change anything the constitution doesnt give the Prime Minister any power even if he has a right now the economy isnt complete completely under when and there is very little he can do to rescue the situation the Household Income which was almost 230. 00 the average salary in 2010 right now its 40. 00 when the prices of good have increased 34 so the level of suffering great now in syria just one president that were hearing about people who are like really high upper middle class going to bed hungry right so its really hitting everyone and changing the whole government is not going to lead to any change. And fresh protests have broken out across lebannon as that nations currency dipped to new lows against the dollar in the capital beirut to demonstrators gathered near the central bank and blocked off major intersections the government has been in talks with the International Monetary fund for weeks but there are no signs of an imminent deal on an economic rescue package now americas top general admits he was wrong to join President Donald Trump for a photo opportunity outside a church after the area was cleared of antiracism protesters chairman of the joint chiefs of staff mark milley the man you can see here in Army Fatigues says he regrets accompanying trump he says it created the perception of military involvement in domestic politics many was with trump as he walked through Lafayette Square after police used pepper spray and stun grenades to Disperse Protesters the president a then post with a bible outside a church as many of you saw the result of the photograph of me a lot of you had square last week that sparked a National Debate about the role of the military in Civil Society or should not have been my presence in that moment and in that environment created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics as a Commission Uniformed officer it was a mistake but i have learned from and i sincerely hope we all can learn from. Calls for changes to u. S. Policing practices have prompted a response from donald trump as a Campaign Style event in dallas texas said his administration wants Police Departments to adopt National Standards this comes in the wake of nationwide protests against Police Brutality following the death of an africanamerican man while he was being arrested. Well were going to finalize an executive order that will encourage Police Departments nationwide to meet the most current professional standards of force and then we use force but force with compassion but if youre going to have to really do just this somebody is really being you going to have to do it with real strength real power and i said and people said oh i dont know if you like that expression i said we have to dominate the streets you cant let that happen what happened in new york city the damage theyve never done anything. Well our correspondent and the guy has more to tell this was a hand picked crowd i think there were lots of cheers about everything that President Trumpet to say interestingly 233 key leaders from the county the police chief the District Attorney and a local sheriff were not at this meeting and they all happen to be africanamerican so that was a glaring. Missed opportunity there if you like i dont know if those people didnt want to come to the meeting but President Trump really is not backing down from his stance of law and order being the best way forward for this country and for its Police Forces hes clearly backing the Police Despite the fact that many people are calling for reform in fact at one point at several points he talked about the defunding of the police being the Police Departments being taken apart that of course is not the case defunding Police Departments is where they look at the Police Departments budgets take some of the money away and put it into social programs to improve the lives of people often who are in communities of color so there is no real change in stance here this is an executive order that advises Police Forces to go and use best practices it isnt the kind of sweeping reform that youve seen organizations like black lives matter call for so i dont think were going to see the president budge really on any kind of wide sweeping federal police reform. Now north koreas foreign minister says any hopes for improved ties with the u. S. Have turned into despair recently made the comments on the 2nd anniversary of that landmark summit between donald trump and kim jong il he went on to call american policies hostile and threaten to build what he called more reliable forces to confront the u. S. This comes days after north korea announced it would cut all communication with the south while as the wilder tries to understand more about 19 some patients who have recovered to say attention needs to be given to their Mental Health one patient shared his 3 month recovery with aljazeera and says overcoming the stigma of being a former patient has been difficult jessica washington has the story from cherub on intonation. As he impact his suitcase ricky mamma had no idea how long he would stay in this isolation mood apart from regular health check ups options to pass time were limited the 29 year old started speaking with al jazeera in march agreeing to document his treatment and recovery from covert 19 we agreed to meet ricky when he left hospital to show his complete journey as a patient but it took nearly 3 months and 14 swab tests for the virus to leave his system. At the time i am the longest patient to be treated for the coffee at 19 insurable im also the family 1st question so the attention is really focused on me after months of talking we were finally able to meet ricky in person this park is one of the cheery bones Historic Sites in indonesias west java province and its places like this that ricky longed for when he was in hospital i love to explore some places outside go outside and go to nature this is something i miss. But going back to normal life after living with the virus wasnt easy even when his doctors said he could go home he asked for more time in the ward because i dont know what people going about me. I do trust that im healthy enough or not so its kind of ironic when you get Golden Ticket to go home but i refused and. I asked for one more. He says support from his family helped him reintegrate into society. To me and to my family. They keep asking that. You see how to be enough to go back to the society b. But then my family my aunts higher family in cuba born are fighting for me he says hes speaking out about his experience to help millions like him who are fearful of being stigmatized you cannot be made you know how hard inside desolation but dont you fall dont you fall for yourself or for your family soon ricky will return to jakarta where he works as an immigration officer at the airport but he says the experience of being one of indonesias 1st and longest covered 900 patients will never leave him jessica washington aljazeera she added will. Now German Airline says it may cut 22000 full time jobs worldwide because of the drop in demand for flights caused by the current Virus Outbreak and thats more than twice the number of jobs the airline had previously warned to may be axed the company said it expects to have about 100. 00 fewer planes in operation after the pandemic of tons agreed to give up for airport sites in exchange for a 10000000000. 00 bailout that would give the government a stake in the airline and union need as in the United Kingdom have told al jazeera that manufacturing is on the brink of its biggest collapse in generations because of government inaction every week thousands of jobs are being lost today and sectors like area space and come money factoring aaronson he reports it might be james bonds car of choice but the pandemic is proving to strong aston martin the luxury carmaker announcing nearly a quarter of its highly Skilled Workforce is to go its a sign of the times where can they go if they lose their job to do well at the moment there is no way its a go nobody is recruiting in the car industry across the West Midlands nobody is recruiting in the car industry across the u. K. Weve seen your announcements from bentley of a 1000 workers blame i do dont know weve seen the previous scenario from the side is where they are losing a very large number of their existing employees so the reason nowhere for them to go every job in a car factory generates 10 in the supply chain just up the road this company which makes parts from this and jackie were landrover Just Announced over 400 job cuts to judge you alone driver doesnt he just come back to work with very limited capacity because of social distancing its announces its annual results next week and it will not be pretty. In april of this year the u. K. Produced fewer than 200. 00 new cars and registered just over 4000. 00 thats the lowest level since 946. 00 ms which are completely unsustainable the governments focus then and now remains on reducing infection rates on what to do about the flood crisis in british manufacturing theres almost total blanket silence. Nearby is coventry the u. K. s home of the motor car it went through a collapse in calm a king when Margaret Thatcher was Prime Minister in the 1980 s. And it has taken nearly 2 generations for the city to get over it but it now has a plan for how to avoid it all happening again and he wants the government to hear its the figures im seeing taking on employment levels to a place that we havent seen not just my generation the generation before but maybe the 1920s what we need to go much to do is as well as thurlow in people and spending billions of pounds on actually keeping people off work they need to invest in new technology called trees the location for the u. K. Interest lies ations center we need to be the place where the new batch of the future built Union Leaders nationally are having similar conversations even suggesting a new made in britain strategy could tie in with brics states but they say they arent getting very far reopening the economy will make the difference between a very deep and damaging recession and a depression and if we move into a longstanding depression that has consequences not just on jobs and im talking millions of jobs. But on Peoples Health it recessions kill people. The view across the industry is that its like watching the tidal wave coming and not getting off the Beach Companies are making hard choices the effects on people will be every bit as bad as the virus lord slee aljazeera in the West Midlands. And ive added there and these are the headlines stock markets in the United States have recorded this steepest 4th since mid march this came on the back of rising corona virus infections and a poor Economic Forecast from the Federal Reserve. As a new york can says the taboo on wall street can be directly attributed to the current virus there are still deep worries now that this is spreading as you mentioned in more than a dozen states were seeing numbers positive cases that are on the increase particularly texas florida and arizona these are all states that with of last few weeks if lifted their stay at home orders and so the economy is really coming back but coronavirus is as well and i think that has really spooked the markets and now the World Health Organization is warning that kind of a 1000 is excel are racing across africa and factions have doubled to 200000 in less than 3 weeks the w. H. O. Says a lack of testing kits remains a huge problem president on all trump has authorized thanks sins against International Criminal Court Officials and vesta gauging u. S. Conduct in afghanistan the i. C. C. Has rejected the measures calling them an unacceptable attempt to interfere with the rule of law and these 10 soldiers in ivory coast have been killed and then attack as a northern border post. Several others have also been wounded its not yet clear who is behind the assault. The United Nations says its horrified at the discovery of mass graves and the libyan city of tarhouni and other areas recently retaken from forces loyal to war old Khalifa Haftar maybe as un recognized government says the graves contain the remains of their soldiers who were taken prisoner and fresh protests have broken out across lebanon as the nations currency dipped to new lows against the dollar and the capital beirut demonstrators gathered near the central bank and blocked off major intersections the government has been in talks with the International Monetary fund for weeks but there are no signs of an imminent deal on an economic rescue package well those are the headlines ill be back with more news off the inside story stay with us. The cost of the refugees ensuring that coronavirus pandemic aid groups donations drawing up as wealthy nations make cutbacks so how do we ensure protection the some of the worlds most Vulnerable People this is its own story. Hello and welcome to the program iran calling the coronavirus pandemic is having a devastating impact on refugees around the world preventative measures like social distancing and frequent hand washing or

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