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Another Police Shooting of a black man in the us thats inflaming new protests. And 3 years after londons Grenfell Tower inferno killed 72 people are those in Public Housing and he said. Welcome to the program a surge in coronavirus cases in 2 of the worlds most populous countries is putting even more strain on health care there have been record increases in new infections and pakistan and india as lock downs that eased pakistan reported more than 6800. 00 cases on sunday and the World Health Organization is warning the acceleration could overworld pakistans underfunded Health System its the 2nd hardest hit in the region after india which has nearly 12000. 00 new infections there the governments taking extra steps to combat the virus in delhi. Including will test ink and converting Railway Coaches into makeshift hospitals in neighboring iran more than 100 people have died in a day for the 1st time in 2 months and president Hassan Rouhani world lockdowns may be reimposed if theres no improvement well well have all the situation in iran in a moment but 1st the hospital from the pakistani capital islamabad most of the operators and in the city of islamabad are overrated turning back patient shortage of all care jen and obviously rented a car that ran as christ becomes bigger and bigger now orley organized organization edgewise focused on vocal for another 2 weeks of lockdown or just less than 48 hours ago the pakistani Prime Minister saying martin all turned their guns their drinks model down and that of course would mean failing all. Where there was a number higher number of infections and then some up to shop. Ive been completely shut down major by jarhead those are the. Military better military and the police and ensured that. Followed budgets on because of what Border Guards what sort of thing because this is a Country Living and yesterday and the lack of awareness that exacerbated this problem because progress on decided to ease down on the low down towards the end of ramadan and god has led todays news. Comes more from tyrone. Its not only about the number of deaths is about the number of infections in the last 24 hours theres been around 2400. 00 new infections that similar to the numbers we saw at the peak of the crisis which has raised some concerns about a possible 2nd wave president rouhani came out and warned that lockdown measures could be reimposed if people continue not to abide by the Health Ministry measures and thats after the Health Minister reported that those abiding by those measures had decreased from 80 percent to 20 percent and now we have seen an increase in number of infected cases but iran is in a difficult position going into this crisis sation reuters around 41 percent there was a rise in unemployment and according to the International Monetary fund the economy had shrunk in the last 2 years but theres also the issue of the United States sanctions against iran that has drastically reduced its oil revenues so any decision to remain posed lockdown measures considering the state of the economy will be very difficult and will be taken reluctantly by the government for president rouhani has said that in the last 2 years this country has faced some of the toughest sanctions but according to him iran has done much better and then some of the european countries. Health officials in chinas capital all moving swiftly to get on top of a feared 2nd wave of infections a district in beijing is in Strict Lockdown after a crowd of ours cost i was discovered in the citys biggest wholesale market to Vicky Pollard has more from hong kong. After nearly 2 months of no new local infections and life slowly returning to normal chinas capital is once again drastically stepping up measures to prevent the spread of a new coronavirus cluster dozens of cases are linked to the wholesale market one of asias biggest the citys government rushed to shut down the sprawling complex which supplies nearly 90 percent of beijings fresh seafood vegetables and fruit. Much money we were told last night that this place is closed now i can only sell my pictures on the street there happen very few people buying them so im going to be at a loss for sure what he do life and health always come 1st the market is in the Southern District home to more than 2000000 people an area that is now under a Strict Lockdown plans to open kindergartens and primary schools on monday have been delayed sports and the political events have been postponed all public facilities have shut down and movement in and out of the city is restricted state media says the virus was initially detected on a cutting board used to prepare imported salmon prompting supermarkets to take the fish off their shelves additional tests found that the virus could be carried and spread through produce and packaging meaning it could have travelled well beyond the citys limits. Cases linked to the markets have been confirmed in 2 other provinces beijings government has launched an extensive operation to test 10000 workers from the market and screen anyone who visited it this month in birmingham finally there was panic in the 1st wave but theres no need for that in the 2nd way people are vigilant we have big data and the government can strictly control things there should be no problem beijing downgraded its Emergency Response level only a week ago easing restrictions on Wearing Masks and having temperature checks this latest cluster is raising concerns due to parallels with who han city where the virus was 1st discovered last year it too started at a market and led to months of lock downs until china said it had overcome the outbreak in march the hope is that that declaration was and premature if you go pollen aljazeera hong kong to coordinated attacks in northeastern nigeria have killed at least 60 people including civilians and soldiers sort of tired as well. This is more to operation lawfare doll looks like from the Nigerian Military posted video on social media showing what it says is its response to saturdays attack in one go you know was followed by another attack in both the local government areas in borno state in northeast nigeria where both soldiers and civilians were killed a military spokesman didnt answer calls for comment on the attacks but local reports suggest that dozens were killed and hundreds injured with hospitals overwhelmed by it is reported to have opened fire after arriving on motorbikes and in cause soldiers and a United Nations humanitarian center targeted their latest major casualties in less than a week the government has just celebrated its 5th anniversary office and they came on that back off base Security Problems in nigeria they told the nigerian people that this is a piece meal for them to fix to this moment it has gotten worse it was only recently that the chief of army staff met with president bush already there and that it was president bush era that they were with in the war on wednesday at least 81 people were killed when i heard his village was raided in good b. O. A group of fighters called the Islamic State west Africa Province claimed responsibility for that attack the group broke away from boko haram 4 years ago previously boko haram was seen as closer to al qaida but in 2015 leader of a bucket of pledged alliance to i saw the Nigerian Army has been battling boko haram for years as its fighters bombed churches and kidnap schoolgirls in recent weeks Army Commanders claimed significant success against the group but soldiers have often been outnumbered on to resourced and suffered heavy losses. Tens of thousands of people have been killed. And more than 3000000 displaced by this fighting. Certify that aljazeera. It with address has more from a budget this has been going on for for a while and probably for the last decade or so and looks like its a its a difficult thing to say exactly how far this fight is has gone or the military has claimed victory several times in the book but weve seen how this group has evolved over time book around by the way according to some reports trying to organize or trying to merge among the various factions to see how they can confront regional armies in the lectured region what the military has been able to do thats been different from what weve seen over the over the years was to move smaller military comes into a larger ones to create what they call. Super camps and these have become of particular interest to book or and this is why you have the largest concentration of fighting troops and equipment and they believe that whatever attack that will make headlines will be on the super cams but unfortunately for some of these attacks or fortunately whichever way you look at it now the military has been able to repel this attack to devastating consequences. Where the Police Killing of another black american has triggered new protests brooks was shot after a struggle at a Fast Food Restaurant in atlanta on friday night atlantas chief of police has resigned and an officer involved in the shooting was sacked. As will. Rip your provoking traffic the last moments of ray sharp rocks like. He was reported to police because his car was blocking a fast food drive through in atlanta on friday night i just take a deep breath and im out on an arbys was hard to get at a stop after a breathalyzer test police said he wasnt sober to drive and its tempted to arrest him. The 27 year old father of 3 appears to have resisted arrest and Police Allege brooks stole the taser gun and pointed it at them as he ran away away from the cameras 3 gunshots are heard. Other videos show the body of brooks on the ground before he was taken to hospital where his death was confirmed was the Immediate Reaction to his death as protesters on friday evening continue on to saturday near the scene of the shooting ever have gotten word from the Fast Food Restaurant was set on fire by protesters demanding answers i dont know how to do list. Some never knew i was going to do things. Ill watch this on the internet. From the whole jaws floored situation to come and its got a lot of clothes on. And this whole dying man on my i dont stop on the car following an outcry over the use of deadly force the citys chief of police erica shields offered her resignation at lanas mayor keesha lance bottoms accepted calling the Police Action unnecessary i firmly believe that there is a clear distinction between what you can do and what you should do i do not believe that this was a justified use of deadly force and have called for the immediate term a nation of the officer. The shooting happened weeks after 2 students were dragged from their car by 6 Atlanta Police officers charges against the students were dropped 4 of the officers were fired and all 6 Face Criminal Charges now the city is facing another crisis we talked to some Witnesses Today who said that the officers went in put on plastic clothes and picked up their cell casings after they killed. Before and during it. With tell me soon minutes and 16 seconds before they didnt suck this poll both georgias bureau of investigation and the District Attorneys Office have launched investigations its reported to be the 48th Police Shooting this year 15 of them were fatal. As protests continue against the killing of george floyd in minneapolis 3 weeks ago the Police Killing of another black american seems sure to fuel further anger dore such a party al jazeera. Well still ahead here on aljazeera using ancient methods to find. Dorian indigenous communities stories of success plots. Im treaty you are in beijing office and on galleries have now its locked down to a school of the rotavirus pandemic alec every day lives. And some very heavy rain across central and southern areas of china is typical for this time of year but having said that we have seen some very widespread flooding really affecting many provinces across the south this is the usual as you can see the nichols the force of this water the damage it does as it comes roaring down these streets of cold calls over tons and damage and also a lot of floodwater just left in the street now 3 monday is a similar story that rain again quite heavy across the south who got this line of rain across eastern areas it does tend to stay to the east over japan because he wants you scattered showers and its a similar story and shes a very very heavy but again as i say at the 3 shanghai and to the east of much of japan but a warm day in a socket 30 celsius and the same across into taken at least on choosing a slight break in this particular area through eastern areas of china now the same time the rains are making very Good Progress across areas of india but again that does come with a downside which is a flooding you can see him or her rush to these various cities across the state where the flooding has been quite variable but look at the amount of rain here and thats because some areas have seen as much as 86 millimeters of rain in a very short space of time more rain in the fall called stream monday because it will continue and shes a bit away from there to the north where its dry its hot in you jenny. Because Many Companies around the world rely on mica to make their products glow but who pays the price for making the beauty business she british when i went east investigates. On aljazeera. From top to old use their own we heard let me ask you how worried you are about the increase in hostilities in yemen we listen this is the moment to stop all military action this is the moment to concentrate on fighting over the idea we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on the edges their own. Book about your job deserves a whole run a reminder of our Top Stories Health care systems in pakistan and india are on the verge of collapse as cases of covert 900. 00 spike both countries have seen record rises in the number of new infections in the past day. Also Chinese Health officials are reporting 57 new Coronavirus Infections the highest number of daily cases in 2 months more than half of them were detected in beijing officials are calling for increased testing to prevent the virus from spreading. Around the Nigerian Military says its been striking back against fighters who killed at least 60 people in northeastern nigeria a group called the Islamic State of west Africa Province says it carried out the twin attacks against civilians and soldiers in borno state. 2 United Nations peacekeepers have been killed in an attack on a convoy in northern mali the uns mission chief for west africa says that they were part of a logistics convoy it had stopped on the tesselated ghar road. When the government attacked it comes after the u. N. Appealed for more support for the rest of some Health Region which has seen hundreds of civilians targeted in recent weeks. To the u. K. Now where tributes are being paid to the dead in the Grenfell Tower fire in london 3 years ago 72 residents died in the blaze with Dozens Injured many of them from ethnic minority communities the inverter spread quickly because of flammable planting on the tower block earlier britains Prime Minister led a Virtual Memorial Service because of the coronavirus lockdown 3 is 6 months 1096 days too many seconds to count in between the minutes and hours of watch in the waiting for justice to come john holt is in london he says the investigation is making slow progress. Well theres been a Public Inquiry ongoing for quite some time now it was halted in march because of lock down thats made some progress at pointing to where failings lie but not very much progress in pointing to direct accountability yes the cladding was the problem the cladding that turned out to be flammable that allowed the flames to lick up the outside of the building completely defeating the fire crews below and the government has made some progress at replacing cladding on other buildings like grunfeld but the labor party care starmer the leader of the labor party pointed out in a video message to a Church Service here earlier that there are still 2000 buildings in the country with this clouding on some 56000 people its estimated live in conditions at risk of a fire just like grenfell in the Fire Brigades Union says look in the next fire may not happen in a bar like kensington in london a pretty rich bar albeit many of the residents in the building were not they may not be attended by the number of fire crews who came here the victim the results there for next time could be far far worse and again it all adds to campaigners pointing to the need for change change which i say this as i say 3 years on has been far too slow in coming britains government is considering easing travel restrictions on new arrivals while travelers currently have to go 2 weeks of self isolation when they land in the u. K. 3 Major Airlines have launched legal action against the policy a government minister says it may be possible to open up some routes sooner than expected. Said to the americas now ecuador is the focus of our final report looking at the impact of covert 19 on indigenous communities will ecuadorians have died per 1000000 of any country in latin america but the Indigenous Community is using both engines and new methods to fight back to america to lucy in human has what. Isnt fresh World Community perched on the high lands of ecuador. For centuries its been the Agricultural Service center for the capital keep it all about an hour away. You might as well be another world this sign Warns Community under quarantine. For 132. 00 checkpoints in around every single entry point. Everything is disinfected and the Indigenous Community controls should jools entrances and exits of all vehicles and people. Only a few outsiders are allowed in a curfew from 2 pm to 5 am it is strictly enforced its now 2 pm and the town is closed till tomorrow. But even on a circular where. You must understand that the endian Indigenous People have their own philosophy their own cosmo vision language and culture thats applied to our struggle for land water and self preservation were also applying it now to the pandemic. Those who disobey by breaking curfew or other irresponsible behavior are submitted to indigenous justice. These young men are being punished with 8 to 16 hours of Community Work and conclude everything from cleaning this plaza to public toilets its a moral sanction meant to embarrass them before the community that you are. The police sometimes hands them over to us and we assign the punishment. The results are impressive in this commune. 120000. 00 there hasnt been a single death from called 19 nothing short of miraculous in the country with the highest death toll per capita in latin america. Am there is never the less suffering on account of the pandemic. Its famous for its roses one of their good oars main exports but with the World Economy on lockdown there roses have been wilting away. In the flowers our main source of income around 80 percent of the population lives from them so this pandemic has hurt us badly. A few cargo planes are beginning to export their beautiful products again albeit in small quantities. But the Indigenous Community likes to say that their lives will again smell like groses as long as they continue winning the battle against the intrusive new virus. You see in human aljazeera. While staying in the region of venezuela Opposition Leader one wider is refusing to recognize the appointment of a team to oversee the next parliamentary election the Supreme Court named new leaders for the National Electoral council its been repeatedly accused of favoring the Ruling Socialist Party opponents boycotted the president ial election won by nicholas majority years ago because they said there was vote rigging. So. Not only are they clearly committing a crime theyre making a huge political mistake its a mistake that im sure will be there are doing in this moment the venezuelans going through not only did they make a mistake and 2017 when they called for an illegal National Constituent congress and in 2018 when they tried to push through a fake election once again they make a mistake that isolates them even further it also means venezuelans will suffer because it isolates us it prevents us from getting credit prevents us from solving social issues and prevents us from solving the humanitarian emergency this pandemic. To asia pacific now south korea has held an urgent security meeting after the sister of north koreas leader threatened military action Alexia Bryant has the story. Under cover of darkness north korean defectors send aid and propaganda over the border theyre fighting against ken jones idiology and sending food in it sent to some of the 10000000 people the u. N. Says a going hungry to cross border messages provoking an angry response from pyongyang. Kim jong sr of north koreas leader suggesting theyll be no more handshakes and smiles with south koreas president j. N. Instead shes threatening military action if the south doesnt stop the defectives campaigns she told state media i believe will determine something for cooling down our peoples resentment and surely carry it out kim jong un sister is also an influential aide and his in a circle she was at his side during talks with south koreas president moon and later when he met u. S. President donald trump and their summit in singapore 2 years ago analysts say its the norths frustration with the u. S. Over those stories to denuclearize ation talks thats behind the escalating rhetoric theres no doubt that pyongyang feelings a profound sense of impatience and its failure to get any relaxation of International Sanctions the route to washington is going through so thats why its seeing so much pressure on the ministration but i think thats a misread mistreat of the american position and i dont think you immediately produce results. The north has cut off all communication with the south for the 1st time in 2 years warning is have a regretful painful time if it fails to control the defect is in an effort to smooth relations south korea has tried to discourage the activists taking legal action against them and saying earlier this week. We will continue to abide by all agreements between south and north korea to maintain peace on the Korean Peninsula and prevent incidental military conflicts. But it hasnt stopped the out this from the north korea graphed protest against defectors junks described as human scum. The activists though are refusing to back down and say their campaign against the north will continue. Next year brian al jazeera. Australian scientists are heading deep underground to unearth new details about extinct animal species researchers have used tunnels to explore a new section of the never caught a cave in South Australia is the 1st time such a dig has been carried out in this part of the unesco listed cave network the site is well known for Famous Discoveries of important fossils i often say joke that we care 10 scientists can work out of a taste of sediment now we can learn so much more so we dont excavate as much but when we do excavate a new site its for a very good raise and were hoping that we actually do cover a different time span as im being looked at before in this this cave which is about 100000 to maybe 200000 year bracket but chinas art scene is one of the 1st to emerge from lock down galleries in beijing have reopened to showcase work reflecting the impact of the pandemic on every day lives some artists are casting a critical eye over the way the governments responded to the Health Crisis katrina you has more from beijing. Warring governments and a Global Pandemic these are themes explored in artists own sureness latest work he believes the World Leaders have used the coronavirus as a weapon to divide society i think if this is really so. That together you will find each other. And conflict are frequently explored in animated films each is made up of thousands of painted wood carvings his team is working on the next 90 minute feature to be completed in 2022. So this is a really small part as its important for artists to reflect on the outbreak especially in china where criticism is often censored and controls have increased you control the government is enough. Dont need to control. Too much. Or too much i think of chinas problem. Much and everything slow and a lot of people die you know we can do better. Last summer reflecting on the way governments have responded to the Health Crisis others are examining our response as individuals the exhibition meditations in an emergency features the work of 26 international and chinese artists from mortality and illness to media and how these artists are helping audiences come to terms with what it means to live in an age of a modern pandemic from installation speech or laptops endlessly scrolling online news articles to represent ations of human remains organizers say the exhibition tom to do is to reflect on the coronavirus as a universal experience in a what does the present icon has a taught us about our everyday routines and their fertility what is it taught us about health about our bodies about our vulnerability for the 1st time in months this is all slowly returning to china our districts not every gallery has survived the lockdown but sunshine is confident that as the pandemic eases people will turn to ought to help make sense of this challenging time and history looking back not only on what was lost but a lot learned. Aljazeera beijing. There are challenges there are means the whole rub a reminder of our top stories. In pakistan and india are on the verge of collapse as cases of covert 900 spike both countries have seen a record rises in the number of new infections in the past day reported more than 6800 cases on sunday is the 2nd hardest hit in the region after india which has nearly 12000 new infections has more from the pakistani capital islamabad. Most of the arctic critters and in that video of it are all well graded durning back beige and short a period of oxygen and obviously regulators have Read Administration becomes bigger and bigger now earlier there were Details Organization edgeways progress for another 2 weeks of lock down data for just less than 48 hours ago by douglas r. D. Prime minister today i wrote in order not sure and they were considering mark long option and that of course would mean killing off areas where there were a number higher number of inspection in iran more than 100. 00 people have died in a day for the 1st time in 2 months president Hassan Rouhani has warned that lockdowns may be reimposed if the situation doesnt improve he says only a 5th of the population is still respecting prevention measures and Chinese Health officials are reporting 57 new krona virus infections the highest number of daily cases in 2 months more than half of them were detected in beijing officials are calling for increased testing the Nigerian Military says its been striking back against fighters who killed at least 60 people in northeastern nigeria a group called the Islamic State of west Africa Province says it carried out the twin attacks against civilians and soldiers in borno state 2 United Nations peacekeepers have been killed in an attack on a convoy in northern mali the uns mission chief for the west african country say part of the logistics convoy. And police have killed another African American and this has triggered new protests and rashard brooks was shot after a struggle at a Fast Food Restaurant in atlanta on friday night atlantas chief of police has resigned that an officer involved in the shooting has been sacked those are the headlines about with more news in a half hour here on aljazeera to stay with us. Its an essential ingredient in cosmetics used by millions of people around the world marker is found in everything from now polish to mascara and lipstick. And where you have this earlier just like of. The behind the glitter the demand for these minerals is fueling a dangerous and deadly train. In india men women and children braved toxic dust and the constant threat of landslides in a desperate search the shots of my. Plan to mind. And my. One i want to east investigates whos paying the price for the shimmering shine in the beauty business

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