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Convicted of libel in the philippines and a blow to press freedom. After 3 months of closed borders many European Countries are welcoming back their neighbors germany has opened its border to almost all e. U. Members but restrictions are still in place for residents from spain in france people are returning to restaurants and cafes the french president is however urging them to be vigilant is dominic kane from the german danish border where traffic is once again on the move. The border here is open but controls are still being performed by danish officials who are checking to see the categories of people trying to gain access into the country we now know that they are allowing people in who are residents and citizens of because thats the state im standing in right now bordering their country theyre also allowing in danes of course returning to denmark from germany and tourists who can prove that they have a booking to stay in denmark for 6 nights or more but they are able to turn around to force back people who dont fall into that category contrast that with the german side of the border where there are no officials and because its an inside the schengen sign people can come and go as they please that is good news for the communities on both sides of this border particularly the german side which depend very much on cross border trade for their prosperity certainly a local businessman told me hed lost 85 percent of his trade during the border closures of the last 3 months that is a sentiment thats taking place right around europe certainly other countries reopening their borders and hoping that trade will pick up thats certainly the case in paris in france with other french cities too where bars and restaurants are reopening with social distancing in place to allow for the economy to try to come back certainly from the european perspective there is the will amongst the e. U. Institutions to try to see freedom of movement returned wherever possible but here at least from the german side its there the danish side well they believe that checks should still be taking place as is happening here at the front crossing where im speaking. World greece is opening up for what could be the start of a new tourist season holidaymakers from the majority of e. U. Countries can go there but anyone coming from virus prone regions will have to be tested so as mccance into the 20 percent of the greek g. D. P. Virus restrictions are being eased in some parts of britain to restart the economy there nonessential shops in england are open again but with physical distancing rules shop owners in wales and scotland are waiting to hear from their governments about when they can reopen the number of u. K. Shoppers fell by 80 percent more than 80 percent last month because of lock downs john hole has more from Oxford Street one of londons busiest shopping areas. And certainly a good deal of excitement as we speak outside nike town behind me on the corner of Regent Street in Oxford Street its about to open its doors a large queue thats been snaking around the block for the last couple of hours at least big discounts on this play in the windows here up to 70 percent off and people obviously anxious to take advantage of those. Its not the Shopping Experience people will have been accustomed to before lock down this is the latest step for britain out of its lockdown restrictions shops nonessential shops allowed now to open thats Department Stores clothing shops sports shops bookshops large and small but with very strict rules in place governing how they operate and how shoppers need to behave the to meet a social distancing rule of course still very much in place not much in evidence in the queue but will have to be observed inside and there i think you can see the queue beginning to move into nike town theyre history in the making there you go very pleased that its you know were getting back back into life back you should you do everything. You know. How quiet everything is. Just nice to be outside the other big innovation of the day is the face masks are now compulsory on public transport as the number of commuters and travelers takes up as the lockdown lifts all of which begs the question how many people are actually going to want to brave these conditions particularly with coronavirus still very much around and the answer seems to be well just enough for me. Large stores to be able to cope not enough for many smaller ones that havent opened and who will probably go on feeling the economic. After its over. There is a slightly different picture elsewhere in the world virus lockdowns are being reimposed in around 15000000. 00 people in china and india and several neighboring districts restrictions in the Eastern Region will be enforced on friday until the end of the months because of a big surge in new infections the government has reported 332000 cases with more than 9 and a half 1000. And the situation in the capital new delhi is getting worse as india correspondent elizabeth for random reports tamil nadu is chief minister has announced a complete lockdown for chennai and 3 neighboring districts after meeting with Health Experts about the rising number of cases chennai and these districts are going to go back into the type of lockdown that we saw in late march when only essential services were allowed so essential shops will be allowed to open from 6 oclock in the morning till 2 in the afternoon officers are only allowed to have one 3rd of their staff present and while trains and flights will continue all other vehicles will only be allowed to be used for essential or a merge and see services elsewhere in the country in delhi the chief minister has said that they are not going to reimpose along even though delhi along with. Other worst hit states delis leaders held 2 days of meetings with the countrys interior minister about the situation in the capital they have decided to expand testing to anyone who wants to be tested at 1st they had decided to double testing over the next few days and triple after that and then really open it up to everyone they are also going to convert 500. 00 Railway Carriages into nearly 5000. 00 isolation beds and theyre looking at using sports stadiums and. Hotels to use at Treatment Facilities thats after the Supreme Court the situation and deli where there were a lack of beds and some of the other words to hit cities deplorable. The World Health Organization says more than 100 new coronavirus cases have been in the Chinese Capital financial analysts break threatens the recovery of the worlds 2nd biggest economy reports from beijing im going to go last week nelson kwan his wife abby spent time at the local cafe in beijing played golf and was planning a trip to beaches in Southern China on monday they were asked to take. Tests along with everyone living in their residential compound. Throw. The discovery of a new outbreak in a nearby farm type district sparked a lockdown of around 20 neighborhoods on sunday and. I mean its like. The new cluster reportedly originating in. The biggest wholesale food market in beijing is threatening chinas economic recovery industrial output is bouncing back in may it rose by 4. 4 percent compared to this time last year but retail sales fell by almost 3 percent and fears of a 2nd wave of infections could keep consumers cautious it probably shows that there are some more problems of food supply and also the governments ability to contain this virus so i think be very cautious in their spending more than 80000 people have been tested since friday dozens are confirmed to have covered 19 on the other side of beijing its business as usual but temperature and security checks have intensified schools due to reopen this week remain closed some travel. Restrictions breach deuced chinas government has sacked officials in charge of beijings tight district and im trying to reassure everyone that the situation is under control but after almost 2 months of no local infection residents are afraid that hard won gains in containing the outbreak have been lost. That sense of d. You know i mean and anybody who has enjoyed it and has tasted the sense of being able to go back to a sense of normalcy. To see it go backwards anybody. Nelson quad will be watching numbers closely hoping his family and neighbors remain. Firmly katrina aljazeera. Lets wrap up some other top stories for you the u. S. Is demanding the Immediate Release of a former soldier jailed in russia for spying a close doors court in moscow sentence paul wieland to 16 years he says the police planted a flash drive containing classified information whilst he was at a friends wedding 2 years ago the u. S. Ambassador in moscow says the businessman is innocent and describes the secret trial as a mockery of Justice White house correspondent kimberly hellcat says the situation has further south relations between the 2 countries. He essentially was deprived of a fair trial in the eyes of the United States which would be required under International Human rights obligations according to the United States they are also concerned about the treatment of this u. S. Citizen while he was detained and while he is detained in russia calling it appalling and that the detention has so far ignored longstanding medical conditions he also has been iceland by his family and friends and thats something thats underscored by his brother david whalen who is a statement saying that not only has his brother been convicted to 16 years with hard labor but that the russian legal system has also been found guilty of injustice they say that this case was built on entrapment and that russian judges are political not legal and that is what has resulted in this sentence they also have very low expectations for appeal they expect to be mounted thats why their family is now calling on u. S. Government officials and specifically President Trump saying that he alone can act to bring paul home we hope he will do so swiftly and there is precedent here the u. S. President has been able to secure releases of an american pastor from turkey from people held in captivity in north korea and just about 10 days ago navy veteran from iran so the pressure is on the u. S. President who for so far has said nothing about this case large crowds a protest sit in the u. S. City of atlanta following the shooting of a black man by a policeman demonstrators calling for criminal justice reforms marched in the State Capitol building brooks was shot off a confrontation with police cite a Fast Food Restaurant on friday the chief of police has since resigned and one officer has been fired well in the last hour the family of racial brooks held a News Conference to describe their loss and to call for justice. Now i only was he a girl dad. He was a loving husband Caring Brother and most importantly to me uncle actually dippin dont resent brooks was silly he had the brightest smile and the biggest heart and love to dance since we were kids me and my uncle are both 27 years of age 27 years of age no one walking this green earth expects to be shot and killed like training in the street for bomb the sleep in a drive through. Still to come here on aljazeera words of hope letters from family members and friends for a lifeline for coronavirus patients in mexico also ahead how drive in Movie Theaters are keeping the shared experience of cinema a lawyer during the Global Pandemic. And theyre still plentiful right across central and southern areas of china you can see this long stream of cloud that is all tied to the stationary front and is heading generally to the east of japan but nothing like the rains of course we have seen across several states provinces across into china this is only province and there is more rain in the forecast you can see here this is along my you by your front trading across eastern areas shanghai and of the very wet day we have got this of a slice of clear weather but even hey we could see nothing like of course the heavy rains we have seen that generally further to the north but again continuing to push eastwards and eventually push across into southern sections of the Korean Peninsula western japan sunnys head off into thursday then down across into india very hot to the north amongst the rains have yet to have an impact here cool so welcome in poppy can see plenty of cloud elsewhere on the India Met Office a saying that the monsoon rains on track to be good it rains this year which is always good news out across the west and some very heavy amounts of rain trailing right the way down towards carola and you can see here as well traveling east was across an additional west bengal and also up into the northeast more of the same on wednesday but as i say away from the it is hot but have a High Temperature in new delhi 41. On counting the cost in india is labor reforms but is it reform when they crunch the job done. Didnt leave millions with no redress for what chinas tightening grip on hong kong movies with Financial Hub status to virtual jobs are they a stopgap for the real deal. Counting the cost on aljazeera. If you want to help save the world. Sneeze into your elbow. Welcome back lets recap the top stories for you so far this half hour several e. U. Countries have reopened the land borders today after 3 months of lockdown there has been a decline in the number of new cases and countries are looking to get their economies moving once again. Around 15000000 people in the indian area of chennai and several neighboring districts are going back into law Coronavirus Infection so all the region recorded almost 2000 new cases on sunday. The u. S. Is demanding the Immediate Release of paul whelan a former u. S. Marine sentenced in russia to 16 years of allegations of spying the u. S. Secretary of state mike pompei of says the u. S. Is outraged at the verdict and is demanding his release. At least 40000000 soldiers have been killed and dozens are missing after an ambush by an armed group there the attack happened in the village of goma kora close to the border with mauritania on sunday the un earlier said gunman killed 2 of its peacekeepers in the Northwestern Region Nicholas Hart is following developments from neighboring senegal he says there have been almost daily attacks on the mali an army since january. There was another attack there in january targeting param in mali and Paramilitary Forces in that exact location over the course of the year hundreds of 1000000 soldiers died now no one has claimed responsibility for this attack but previous attacks in that region have been claimed by the group. While muslimeen an al qaeda affiliate led by a full on the cleric im a dooku for hes waging a war against the modern government and want to see the resignation of president mubarak a time he wants to see the 14000 u. N. And french troops on the ground in mali to leave the country and that call has been resonated among somalians who took to the streets on friday im calling on the resignation of president mubarak a tie that went up to the president ial palace and they were brushed away by Security Forces who had to fire tear gas and rubber bullets tens of thousands of people had taken to the streets and now the president has made an announcement to the nation late sunday night to reaching out to the protesters and hell be leading discussions with the influential cleric thats behind all these protests mahmoud. And because hes planned another set of protests on friday so the situation is really getting even more unstable in mali not only the security situation in mali east north and Central Region but also in bamako were were set to see more protests in the weeks to come on friday specifically and this is happening at the time as the United Nations Security Council is meeting to renew the mandate of the mali and peacekeeping force at the end of this month. A senior militia leader facing charges of war crimes related to the conflict in darfur has appeared at the International Criminal court for the 1st time kushayb is accused of committing crimes against humanity between 20022004 i. C. C. Issued a warrant for his arrest in 2007 he surrendered last week a prominent journalist and colleague of hers have been convicted of libel in the philippines maria ressa denies the charges over an article published on her rappler news website the verdict is being seen as a major blow to press freedom earlier we spoke to maria ressa she says she is determined to challenge the verdict. Weve crossed another boundary and you know that in 2016 the government attacks on social media said that they would try to turn the journalist label to criminal it took 4 years and here we are ive now been convicted but of course we will fight this in court we did one of the 1st stories around the world to look at how facebook algorithms impact democracy for the series that we called the propaganda war i was attacked and that kind of weaponization the narratives that were there where i became a criminal already back then translated into the law a year later the same attacks came out of president detectives mouth and then now it took a year you know for years but now the court has joined in this insidious attack on press freedom and they attempt to stifle the rights that are in the constitution. The number of attacks of cases that have been filed in 20 team 11 cases against us and then in 2019 multiple arrests and detention. And now 7 other criminal cases you know so i guess i know what is coming its its like looking at a train wreck happening in slow motion but were Still Standing were going to fight back and while theres of the mirror of rule of law were going to make sure that every signature every day judge one test us court today made a decision that well that is now been written down in stone thats a new point again bisa tax had been going on for a while but just in 2023 big things happen very militaristic. Pandemic lockdown the 2nd is just about a month ago on may 5th president to tear down the administration essentially shut down a. B. S. E beyond the largest broadcaster the largest newsgroup in this country and then just lastly. The house of representatives passed an anti terror bill that is essentially going to codify institutionalize a lot of these these abuses of power and once the president turns this into law. You can be arrested without a warrant if you are a government if youre questioning the government you could be named a terrorist you could be held in prison for 24 days without a warrant these are new things and i think thats thats why i feel like we were crossing another milestone with this decision because it is codifying into law 2 major. Processes you know in order the legal acrobatics that happened to get this case to court is incredible the 1st one is that they actually had to change the statute of limitations for libel from one year to 12 years and then they introduce a Novel Concept of republication continuous publication because the law that we supposedly violated didnt exist when we published the story when we corrected a typographical error 2 years later that is the basis of bringing this case to court so we want to home the government account of these. 15 prodemocracy activists in hong kong have been in court charged with organizing and taking part in antigovernment protests last year some facing the more serious charge of incitement with potentially a prison sentence of 5 years difficult was there. On a day when prodemocracy activists and political figures are in court for taking part in a mass antigovernment rally last year new details have emerged about the looming National Security law due to be imposed on kong an official from the Liaison Office a body thats meant to monitor events in hong kong and report back to beijing has confirmed that beijing will retain jurisdiction on serious violations of the law he also confirmed that a man on Security Office will supervise the inforce mint of the law last month Chinas Parliament passed a draft resolution to tailor make a security law for hong kong that would outlaw secession subversion terrorism and foreign interference but many here are concerned it will compromise the citys freedoms and rule of law their political also determine. If a pope destruction of home wont rule of law and order came to iraq ruled by fear but of course the worse if true for calm. They were. Never sick or coming home for. 7 some of the defendants came out of court chanting prodemocracy slogans among them martin lee the man known here as the father of democracy and media tycoon jimmy lie along with the president and former legislative counselors the day session centered around the prosecution requesting for the case to be moved to a higher court so they could impose more severe punishment but the defendants lawyers said such a move was unprecedented in a case like this. To mexico where hospitals do not have a system to update families of coronavirus patients now that leaves many people waiting outside for news of their loved ones but some have found a new way to pass on messages as john holeman reports. As this bit of paper means the world to christian. Its for crystal for the whos picked up to a ventilator fighting kogut in mexico citys General Hospital theres no visits no video calls allow and thats why the nurse will do had the idea to deliver letters from relatives to patients and read them aloud its become a lifeline to the families this is the full tube one from christian and his sister jessica puppy only a minister is this going to go you have to do the same for mary was a good person i think ok. This is. Where thank. Goodness this is her number here pretty much the same 1st goodness there its you know the most one of the for me. Its the most. Disturbing most difficult and. The memories think this team will be their mom. Crystal for always heavily sedated for those volatile since his vital signs still jump when he reads the letters to him and that helps christian to. Miss began saying this began to be taken with a response in the span. By 8 us i mean he. Focused on was i keep going i must. Reach i mean youre single its almost. The plan now theres a whole group of families on the seas doing the same. Case for thomas hes going to today hes brought along a letter from his 11 year old sister or like oh my stars its better yesterday but im going to get it did start your charlie gun that you got that others. Cannot get over here anymore. My god this is my. Family. How was it been for you to be spending these letters you and i recorded on watching the battle of them at the. Moment. When i sort of put us here. But only 30. I think these terms of. These families are hoping their words will give the relatives the strength to beat this so they can to face to face again join home and i would use it to mexico city. Well the Global Pandemic has forced the closure of cinemas around the world that many drive and then use of state open for those in search of the big screen experience reports now from the u. S. State of virginia. I was in the middle of the covert 19 pandemic americans are tired of being cooped up inside watching movies on their big screen t. V. s not surprisingly those living close to a drive in Movie Theater are seizing the moment sunny barry says the drive in was a joy of his childhood in the 1960 s. Here they have a playground so we discuss plague and we get on the playground and do all that great in the team he run around and pass out and in the a 2nd movie was for the older people you know so they watch the older films it is all pleasure to welcome you to this guy live in the 1950 s. And 1960 s. Some 4000 drive in theaters opened their gates to americans every weekend theyre ready for. Food socializing and the latest entertainment all on order but as land values soared in the 1970 s. And 1980 s. Theater owners took the money and ran only 300. 00 or so drive in theaters are in Business Today i dont know how we decided to come out of the family and enjoy the beautiful weather though you can at one time like sunny Berry Jim Cooper grew up loving the drive in and then his dream of being here all the time came true thank you i became a patron a 19 a home and i started to talk with the family of the boat. I always told them if you have a one of the give up. Right now and one that i got that phone call on this night coupes job is making sure the customers follow new Public Health rules now we see the pope with. Every car 2 meters apart. Paying for snacks with the phone app and though one can listen to the sound on the car radio the Old Fashioned window speakers are covered in plastic just to be safe he can actually have even though that theyre covered up youre still going to. Sunny barry and his family saying that even with the rules the drive in is a gift on a lovely spring night we have a big family and its hard to limit our gatherings to 10 people at a time so we figured this would be a good option we can maintain some sort of social distancing with the children its always hard though. As the sun goes down moviegoer settlin and enchanting story and each Others Company under the stars 2 meters apart roslyn jordan aljazeera stephen city virginia. This is aljazeera these are the top stories several European Countries a reopening their land borders after 3 months of lockdown has been a decline in the number of new cases and nations are looking to get their economies moving again coronavirus lock downs are being reimposed on around 15000000. 00 people in the indian city of chinoy and several neighboring districts restrictions in the Eastern Region will be enforced friday until the end of the month after 2000 new cases were reported on sunday. The u. S. Is demanding the Immediate Release of pul willem hes a former u. S. Marine sentenced in russia to 16 years over allegations of spying the u. S. Secretary of state mike pompei who says the u. S. Is outraged at the verdict and has demanded his release large crowds to protest it in the u. S. City of atlanta after the shooting of a black man by a Police Officer ray should brooks was shot dead after a confrontation with the Police Outside a Fast Food Restaurant on friday in the last hour his family spoke of their loss and they called for justice not only was he a good day. He was a loving husband Caring Brother and most importantly to me uncle actually depend on. The silly the brightest smile and the biggest heart and love today since we were kids. Me imago are both 27 years of age 27 years of age. No one walking this great earth expects to be shot and killed like shreyas in the street for bomb the sleep in the drive through at least 40000000 soldiers have been killed and dozens of missing after an ambush by an armed group the attack happened in the village of goma cora close to the border with mauritania on sunday. A prominent journalist and a colleague have been convicted of libel in the philippines maria ressa denies the charges over an article published on rappler news website those are your headlines up next its counting the cost more news in a little under 30 minutes hopefully. Counting the cost on aljazeera a weekly look at the world of business and this week india Prime Minister Narendra Modi rushes through the labor reforms as the pandemic and his own economic failures crash the indian jobs market. Also from a trade war to a new cold war china time has its grip on hong kong the United States sanctions chinese officials through it all can hong kong remain ages number one financial center. And modern. And skin design of the types of roles which might once have been

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