Countries will have a live report from Heathrow Airport also a warning from the United Nations that beijings new security law for hong kong could be used to punish activists and. Residents on the remote Easter Island mark 100. 00 days without a single case of coronavirus. And support for months later than expected the after one season is officially underway there was Hamiltons Mercedes team are using an all black car in a show of support for the fight against for a show in just. 21 months after journalist Jamal Khashoggi walked into the saudi consulates in istanbul and was never seen again and the trial of the 20 saudi nationals accused of killing him has begun in turkey among those giving testimony this friday his fiance had teach agendas who has been so vocal about bringing his killers to justice i should g. s murder at the consulate very widespread condemnation including from the United Nations special rapporteur they spent months investigating the case to this day his remains have never been found a live report and analysis in a moment 1st this from charles stratford. This is the last moment you mouth to show she was seen alive its october the 2nd 2018 the journalist who wrote for the Washington Post newspaper had gone to the saudi consulate in istanbul to get documents he needed for his wedding his turkish fiance had e. G. Ching is waited for him outside turkish prosecutors say he was murdered his body dismembered and the remains never found 20 santis indicted for murder to be tried in their absence in a court in Istanbul Police say Security Camera video and photographs show the saudi suspects arriving in istanbul on the day she was killed other Video Evidence shows them checking into a hotel going to the consulate before returning to the airport and leaving that night you stumble prosecutors accuse former deputy head of saudi general intelligence of medulla siri a former royal advisor sorrow the qahtani of instigating murder with monstrous intent the 18 other defendants include this man may have moved tribe who frequently traveled with the Saudi Crown Prince mohammed bin soma on the show shes murdered closed widespread revulsion around the world hed been selfimposed exile for around a year because he was afraid of being arrested if he returned home he formally being close to the saudi royal family but in recent years became a vocal critic of the Saudi Crown Prince some western governments and the cia said they believe muhammad bin solomon ordered the killing the kingdom denies that last december a saudi called sentenced 5 men to dance and 3 to jail after a long and secretive trial. The uns special rapporteur on extrajudicial summary or arbitrary executions i can his kalama who completed a 6 month investigation into could show his murder said the saudi trial made a mockery of justice none of the guilty officially named last may who shows his sons said they forgave the murderers Rights Groups said the pardon had been forced on said it was another saudi example of a parody of justice turkey accuses the saudi government of obstructing the Murder Investigation the saudis say the istanbul prosecutor didnt comply with requests to share information the Saudi Crown Prince has denied ordering the murder but admitted bearing responsibility is the kingdoms effective leader stand again for aging kings. For shows hes fiance had teaching is says she hopes the trial will at least shed light on where his body is chance transferred aljazeera. So lets start with correspondent who is outside the court in istanbul what is actually going on today saddam i mean not just along the way to trial but a trial in the time of covert 19 as well. Exactly thats why. They didnt allow all press members to get inside the courtroom but the 1st members agreed among each other so the people are shifting inside and we are getting information from our colleagues inside. The jenga spoke as a witness also dr riyadhs the knocked out former advisor to turkish president our daughter who is a very close friend of jamal jan who was the person we informed the police and intelligence about Jamal Khashoggi being last gave a testimony right now with the prosecutor and judge is the hearing they are hearing the consulate employees who are the drivers and other people there are 3 if there are at these 50 witnesses in this case along with the 20 suspects came also probably it is a it may finish today hearing all of the witnesses may finish today its may even take a longer time but in the 1st day of to try oh always the 1st hearing is a procedural way and it can take this trial actually can take months even years because it was a crime case but depending on the perpetrators who who were involved in the crime with their connections close to the top saudi office shows the crime has become a political case given given the current state is still everybodys curious about whats going to happen yes the suspects are not physically present in turkey yes they are not going to be physically arrested in turkey but many believe that at least an International Pressure could be imposed through them. Bulletins and those suspects will not be able to get out of saudi arabia which is huge and have a rest sort that we are waiting for how to judge angus and agnes call them are to get out of the courtroom after the hearings are finished and they are going to going to be giving get a press briefing and we will be hearing some new information from want to call them are as well come on. What sort of attention does this still attract in turkey cinema as i said its 21 months since it was killed but it has been such an important matter for turkey a murder happening. Exactly kemo still there is a very very high attention to the case all press is here turkish Media International media and local and International News agencies theyre all here yes not many people are allowed to get inside the courtroom but there are reports sensitives of human rights organizations Rights Groups and among Reporters Without Borders there are auditors inside and there is a tension is never down about Jamal Khashoggi case what one thing my to mistake us just before when the situation when the incident 1st occurred we had very high voices from turkey is president and all other politicians. Accusing is saudi arabia and even the top officials of saudi arabia now that political voice is a little bit down because there is a judiciary process underway which turkish officials and the Rights Groups say here believe that at least its going to be a way to seek justice for jamal put your chair and yet to muckleshoot youre being a good journalist of course there is always an attention from press this by its thinking that this this trial may it may take even the years. For the court in istanbul we will have more coverage on this news out to come over. The trial of the 28 saudi nationals accused of killing jamal. Also coming up fear in this program the french Prime Minister resigns paving the way for a Cabinet Reshuffle well take you live to paris on that one also the price of food in lebanon its jumped by as much as 0. 18 look at why thats happening. And in sports we will hear it was one of the balls best Young Players has to say about the n. B. A. Leads return to us. Right now though england is taking another step back towards normality on saturday with head dresses cafes and hope and pubs reopening their doors good news for the hospitality sector that has already lost millions due to the coronavirus lockdown but as emma haywood reports from rutland there are still fears that opening up could invite a new wave of inspections. The reception desk was originally that that come to the front of the shop carolines preparing the sign on for her 1st clients in 3 months lockdown meant she couldnt open any of a barber shops now shes booked but its hardly business as usual under new rules stylists will have to wear visors and a prince and customers will be kept apart from one another as much as possible carolines determined to keep customers and staff safe is a while ray is the wife of the star of i think the customers are going to be quite safe because were going to clean everything down but i think probably a bit more worry for the staff coming back when theyve been self isolating or you know how and then all of a sudden theyve got a touch people. You know is that extra worry for us railway in parts of the u. K. Social distancing rules are being reduced from 2 meters to one these marks the hair says and i stick to time barbara britain is one of the countrys worst affected by coronavirus and some have questioned whether the changes are coming too soon. Of a rise in cases the last few months though have been a rocky ride for business with thousands of jobs lost a no way of knowing whats to come usually at this time of year people will be going through the gates bought this place has had to close and lose most of its staff and its thought it wont be able to fully reopen until early next year many hotels pubs and restaurants are reopening at the old white hot in rutland theyve kept busy throughout this crisis making meals for people working in the local hospital. So theyre taking no chances but i unlike many other balls have the luxury of space so people can socially distance. And with reservations ready lined up for the weekend the chef is prepping the kitchen all customers will be required to leave their name and Contact Details just in case theres any outbreak of corona virus and they need to be traced and it will be different social distancing will be having in doles. With. All the different measures that are going to be in place i am a bit apprehensive. Of people coming in that you never met before but i think if we put all the measures in place everybody should be safe some believe relaxing the rules down particularly on a saturday could send infections soaring of course opening up the Hospitality Industry will boost the economy only in the coming weeks so we know the full impact of the changes to the u. K. Economy and the health of the nation and i would. Also england is now dropping Coronavirus Travel restrictions for travelers coming in from more than 50 countries from july 10th passengers arriving from places viewed as low risk will no longer need to self isolate for 14 days that rule was brought in last month and has been fiercely opposed by the travel industry a full list of exempt countries hasnt actually been released yet but will likely include germany france spain and italy more with rory chalons hes at Heathrow Airport outside of london rory talk us through how this will actually work and this list of countries which are expecting. Them all the system is currently in place has been in place for just over a month and it was brought in way after many other countries around the world already imposed and then loosens their tight controls on borders what the u. K. Said was that anyone coming back from overseas would have to sell korean team for 2 weeks there were howls of protest from the travel industry over this saying this years nonsensical it would make that much different to infection rates and that she would financially finish them off after the hit theyd already taken from coronavirus so for the last 2 weeks the governments been saying a new system is coming. There were talking about something called bridges reciprocal arrangements with other countries and what were expecting today is not quite that what were going to get is a kind of traffic lights system with a list of 5060 countries where people coming from those countries would no longer have to self quarantine on their return we know that france and italy and germany and spain are going to be on that list we know that new zealand is going to be on that list but where this different differs from the air bridges system is that on some of these cunt. Trees people going to them so people arriving in new zealand would still actually have to quarantine when they get to new zealand because of the perceived risk of corona virus in the u. K. People coming into news even from the u. K. Obviously a big name that people are watching out for the United States that is going to be on the red list so brits would still have to self quarantine coming back from the United States greece is still in the red list as well. Its exposed again fractures within the United Kingdom because this is just a system that is england specific at the moment scotland and Northern Ireland of the cetera still waiting to bring out their regulations in the u. K. The english government has been. Asking the devolved governments of scotland and Northern Ireland accept or whether they will be on board with this and they havent said that they are at the moment so there are still issues with the about how this is actually going to be rolled out probably thank you rory challenge at heathrow in. France as Prime Minister has resigned a move that paves the way for a Cabinet Reshuffle and stepped down automatically or his stepping down automatically triggered the resignation of his entire cabinet earlier this week he was elected as the mayor of a port city in northern fronts our correspondent in paris to talk us through this one well basic question why why now. Well because the french president a man or man crawl made it clear during the current virus pandemic that he was looking to reinvent himself he has 2 years left of his presidency and he says that he wants to make his presidency the government closer to the people so theists was really something already on the cards it was widely expected that the french president would reshuffle his cabinet now we just dont know when that was going to happen but of course thats become clear as the Prime Minister had wofully handed in his resignation and that of the cabinet to my core and it was accepted we are waiting now to hear when a new government will be appointed it is expected to happen today and what some are expecting is that micro mind choose to put more green faces if you if you want to put it that way in his cabinet he knows that the green party is on the rise in france the local elections only this week showed that many french voters favored green candidates and its something the man or woman kroll has talked about a lot trying to make his last 2 years more environmentally friendly if you like and we also expect him to perhaps appoint more women came attention but with that update from paris thank you we return now to our top story the murder trial underway in istanbul a correspondent with us now of course covered the story from istanbul in the early days in fact right through it jamal what do you make of what actually happens today we know that the 20 suspects are not bear the never going to come to istanbul theyre never going to be arrested how does this work in the larger picture of bringing justice for jamal and his family. Well. Its more symbolic than it is going to be effective in terms of bringing justice in that at least there is some sort of trial at least there is some sort of quest for justice albeit as you Say Something that is going to be symbolic of the fact that a court case is taking place the fact that there are names of those who are believed to have played a major role so the tunny whose voice is heard in some of the recordings that they had in the last cd who was the former intelligence deputy intelligence chief of the saudis that is something at least to take heart from that its not something thats being brushed under the carpet but even though it not being brushed under the carpet even though there is a spotlight that is reemerging on this case that shocked the world the fact that it is still falling short of being able to put handcuffs on those who are responsible for it that theyre not going to be in some sort of a courtroom that is where a lot of frustration lies the turks will say well you know theyre doing their best in order to ensure that some sort of judicial process is followed because obviously not many people have had faith in the saudi one not least because the saudis have failed to give any names of those who were allegedly standing trial but there is still more that the turks could do they could ask for a u. N. Investigation or that the u. N. Takes the lead on this as Member States have the right to do so they havent done that whether that is something they may look to do once this proceedings take place and therefore they have something to fall back on and say well the u. N. Look we have a Court Proceeding that went ahead and went through but because were unable to indict these people because of the lack of bilateral extradition treaties between the riyadh and ankara thats something to wait and see but for now it is symbolic justice more than it is an effective one that is being pursued lets go even further up the food chain than 100 been some of the Saudi Crown Prince the de facto. Leader of saudi arabia who it was always said was the man pulling the strings the man who ordered it is that 21 months later is still something which the turks hold onto and ultimately he hold him responsible well the turks were very. Careful in the beginning to officially not mention the king and the heir apparent directly but having said that there was other ways that whereby its came about in terms of his involvement being mentioned you had a houseful the cia chief you had. The u. N. Special reports or and others saying that based on the evidence that was given by the turks they believe that the crown prince if not get directly responsible for giving the order was definitely aware of what was going on and therefore it will fight those responsible for it because he could have put a stop to it if he wanted to now really they arent so careful because what has transpired since the murder. Is that any relationship diplomatic relationship between the saudis has crumbled to the point where you have now saudi. Media you have. A lot of saudi officials coming out and aggressively attacking turkey weve seen it with many different issues not just with the case for example which i can involve mintz in libya of the turkish economy calls for saudis not to go and obviously try to coronavirus to go on holiday in turkey an attack on the turkish economy turkish Truck Drivers being stranded in the deserts of saudi arabia without being allowed through so right now theres not much for the turks to lose in terms of their our bilateral relations with saudi to actually come out and you know put a target on have been some man being the person responsible for it having said that diplomacy is a lot more complicated there is always that kind of back channel that countries would like to keep just in case this specific traditional trial is something. That will possibly give them that leverage maybe if there are if it goes on minute drags on and theres enough International Attention then its something that maybe they can use to try and leverage some sort of political gain maybe reestablish some equilibrium between them and the saudis and the relationship that is possibly something very important and true could be a benefit of this trial jamal ill share with his insights into the case from months of covering the story thank you for that. China has threatened to retaliate after the u. S. Congress unanimously approved sanctions against beijing over its new security law in hong kong the bill which still needs to be approved by the president would penalize banks doing business with chinese officials behind the new legislation beijing said this the u. S. Move has grossly interfered in chinas internal affairs and seriously violated International Law as well as the basic norms governing International Relations if the us side is bent on going down the wrong path china will resolutely respond with all necessary Counter Measures from hong kong sir clog with more on chinas reaction this is from the Foreign Affairs committee has been swift to respond to these sanctions or move by the United States to interfere in chinas internal affairs thats a move by the United States to contain or restrain chinas progress and development and that says National Security is a basic prerequisite a precondition for existence and the development of a nation and these laws have widespread support not just in china and hong kong this is obviously a statement from the Chinese Government and strongly urged washington to pretty much back off and stay out of hong kong and china is a phase that said if the states continues to go down what its described as being wrong path then obviously china says it will take the necessary response of certainly some threats coming from china and a Swift Response and condemnation of the of chinas introduction of the bicycle the National Security laws in hong kong. German chancellor Angela Merkel says she is worried hong kongs autonomy will be eroded by the new law the United Nations is also concerned or this fear that it would lead to activists being persecuted the u. N. Pointed to one particular provision of the law which includes part collusion with a foreign country or with external elements a concern is that could be used to restrict Civil Society and to target activists. The United Nations says one in 4 people who contract coronavirus in yemen dies of the town as you write 5 times the global average cash strapped aid agencies have stepped up their response as they also deal with outbreaks of cholera diptheria and other diseases last month the un held an aids conference but donors only offered half of what is needed. This leaves a gap of more than a 1000000000. 00 with only 558000000. 00 provided for it operations only. Owners fill their pledges immediately and those who have not managed well gee now. Unicef and 2 Health Organizations have struck a deal to buy an inexpensive steroid to treat critically ill coronavirus patients in poor countries british researchers found dexamethasone significantly reduced mortality among those worst affected by the virus its cheap its widely available and is known for its anti inflammatory effects for half a 1000000 people will have access to the drug. And north koreas leader has said his country needs to be our maximum alert against coronavirus state media says kim jong un has warned complacency could lead to an unimaginable crisis north korea is yet to report a single case of the virus or Health Experts there Health Experts say a major outbreak there would have severe consequences because of a lack of Proper Health facilities. Time for a look at your World Weather with everton middle east middle east yeah you could hardly hear it but some storms as well certainly a bit of everything ok ok were not talking rain storms were talking dust storms and i think even you could guess where the big lump of cloud that we have just around a man and this is whats known as a hobby move made its way across the north of hama and its moving in a general westerly direction not too much rain only associated thunderstorms but a lovely picture of the super cell associated with that that haboob and you can see you dont want to be underneath it but its glorious picture as you can see there we are going to see the storms that cloud thats making its way further west which gradually pushing across into yemen not too much rain on it was a low precipitation supercell that one so theres a dry part of the world like this no great surprises that were not looking at too much rain could see a little more dust just driving in from iraq pushing down towards q 8 heading towards us i think we will avoid the worst of that though as we go through the next couple of days still a few showers cross that western side of yemen follow the winds across the arabian sea the southwest monsoon pushing across south asia now hasnt quite reached karate so here it stays hot and dry but lots of clearer. Right up the Western Ghats pushing across maharashtra pushing across towards garage as we go on through the next couple of days were looking at some significant rainfall coming in here i think as we go into the early part of next week some parts could see as much as 300 millimeters of rank thank you everton will see more from everton and news out 1300 hours g. M. T. Meanwhile still ahead in this news hour. The knife has been pulled out about 3 inches but that doesnt mean that the economy is now healthy and thats not good news for us unemployment figures but tens of millions are still without a job also find out why indias Prime Minister is visiting a border region at the center of a tense to speak with china. And sport off to the beaches of senegal to find out how it all began for one of the english premier leagues biggest stars. Chiles infamous dictator may be long gone but inequality fueled by his neo liberal Economic Reforms still plagues the nation. And dissent is still quashed by a heavy handed state apparatus. The people in power examines whether forging a new constitution can turn the page in the most unequal of the worlds 30 wealthiest nations chile in a chaise legacy on a just 0. Oldest muslim undertakers working here is just 7 days a week thats grown with a community my father purchased a black ambulance man started to do the funerals in london and the family we saw stopping bothering to watch and we can is this the stories we dont often hear told by the people who the death is such a level. East and undertakers this is europe on aljazeera. This is the news hour from aljazeera and these are the top stories the 1st day of testimony is now wrapped up in the trial of 20 saudi nationals accused of killing journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Saudi consulate employee has been giving his testimony in istanbul shoji of course murdered and dismembered the saudi consulate in istanbul back in 2018. England is dropping its Coronavirus Travel restrictions for russia travelers coming in from more than 50 countries from july 10th passengers arriving from places viewed as low risk will no longer need to self isolate for 14 days and the french Prime Minister Eduardo Philippe has stepped down and that also magically triggers the cabinets resignation as well so paves the way for a widely expected government reshuffle he said palace says a new Prime Minister will be named in the next few hours. Back to our top story once again the murder trial of Jamal Khashoggi and. With us now from london he is the head of International Law at all from stock white nice to see you. This i was talking to our correspondent about this earlier this whole process of trying people in absentia who are frankly never going to be arrested does it achieve anything other than the symbolism of it. Surely if youre for symptoms a program 1st truly does of course because of genius she is a social action and shes exercising her sitting justice writes the d course will address what happens if you work a shift. While the saudi regime in turkey this was a premeditated murder. It will have to be. The judiciary and those who are indicted will face the court even though theyre not there and the trial most likely to have since you they will have to investigate every detail of what happened to the public book so it will achieve really good results one for the. Family course she did lose one issue love and also of people get to know what happened to exactly our member there being a question earlier when all this happened. Well the jurisdiction i guess yes it happened in a stand bowl and this is now a Turkish Court which is holding the trial but it also happened in the saudi consul which could be considered saudi land in its stead was there ever result and that is still an issue. Theres. Been 2 things one she is judge national so it is a natural. Jurisdiction for her seek justice for her future so with whom she will go to get married but also. Consulates not this is certainly enjoyed seeing immunity in the embassies. And therefore would have helped what happened in the concept is criminally investigate the book and they will investigate what happened and those who assisted this mother. Are indicted its in that list of 20 sell you nationals as you know because they are. Proved to be. Judged for their actions emerging market shifts so jurisdiction is not an issue is just that the fact that it happened in turkey is a natural d law place for sitting justice as you know theres no way that this will be properly trial just in saudi arabia in fact we dont know nothing about what happened the saudi court nobody except we just found 5 people guilty let you know who they are what happened to them but that it was only one of us that is not a court which right now you say we dont know anything about so we have a saudi court having a Turkish Court now is there anywhere potentially higher it could go. And so was last but it was just one millions wondering where potentially potentially this case could go can it go higher to another court or another of course he was released the trial will take some time just. To be a very quick trial this will be several trials thats going to take pot eventually more so its not a saudi regime would still not give up those individuals normal day corporate surety hes Going Forward here theres also going to help is short will issued arrest warrants and. Probably probably invoke their. Right of asking for them to be arrested were there see the role interpol many of the states who have this force so that is as far as you can go but its about really go through the ever go ringback through the moment what happened to him while he walks into that building and we understand probably of course. So lets start what happened to the mantua so we get to know what happens we will get to live in chile there has to be a decision by the court it could go on but the court will seek these peoples arrest if they move around saudi arabia and come ons thank you for joining us and for bringing us your Legal Expertise do appreciate it. Indias Prime Minister has made an unannounced visit to the border region at the center of a tense dispute with china and around remote it was accompanied by defense officials during the trip where he spoke with army members tension led to violence last month with the killing of 20 indian soldiers during fighting with chinese troops in the remote go one valley both sides try to blame for that incident but have since sat down for talks to deescalate the situation more than once but purana now in new delhi what did Prime Minister modi have to say. Well firstly it was a complete surprise that he made this trip because on thursday we were told that the defense minister and the chief of Defense Staff would be traveling but it wasnt until friday morning that we saw that the Prime Minister had made the trip himself he addressed forces and he said that the age of expansionism is over and also that india has been spending it has been increasing spending on its development and on its infrastructure in the border area by 3 times now he made the trip amid the worst tensions between india and china in nearly 50 years they had been as you mentioned 3 rounds of military talks talks between commanders on both sides since that june 15th incident when 20 indian soldiers and unknown number of chinese soldiers were killed but there was a very Little Information official information from either side and what we have seen since satellite imagery that appears to show a massive military build up on both sides of the border and we also had on thursday the Defense Ministry approving the purchase of more than 2000000000. 00 worth of fighter jets from russia and also upgrading nearly 60 aircraft and a statement from them saying that. Referring to the Current Situation and the need to strengthen the armed forces they said for the defense of our borders a Prime Minister modi making this trip on what has been has been an eventful 2 weeks between india and china but especially this week again its a bit there has to be a strong domestic political language of this as well the idea of a Prime Minister visiting a quarter on quarter from. Supporting the troops being visual for the people. Here youre absolutely right canal because. The Prime Minister has faced a lot of criticism especially from the opposition since the incident on june 15th because he has been relatively quiet about it until now in fact he had said shortly after that the deaths of the soldiers would not be in vain and after that he faced something of a backlash because he said that no chinese soldiers intruded on indian territory well that was seized upon by Chinese State media and the backlash was because the indian soldiers here are believed to have died. Defending indian trail territory trying to push back chinese soldiers so this trip to the uk is very much Prime Minister modi showing or at least trying to show that he is involved in whats happening along the border with china was about per annum of that update from new delhi thank you. There is President Donald Trump has praised the latest Economic Data as proof that its country is back on track and the 5000000 americans went back to work in june but overall only a 3rd of the 22000000 jobs lost during the pandemic have actually been restored it comes as the u. S. Registers and of a daily record this one there in new coronavirus cases all the details now from rosalind jordan. And Early Morning chance to pass himself on the back u. S. President donald trump told reporters at the point house the economy is surviving the covert 19 pandemic new government statistics say nearly 5000000 people started working again in june this is the largest monthly jobs gain in the history of our country todays announcement proves that our economy is roaring back trumps democratic rival for the fight house said the president was celebrating too soon to daisy fords positive news not thankful for for real and make no mistake. Were still in deep deep job hole because dollars trump has so badly bungled the response to coronavirus economists say trumps description was not accurate they say the figure is how many people were turned to their old jobs more than 3 months after the u. S. Economy when its a quarantine one way to think about that is we have a 9 inch knife stuck in our back the knife has been pulled out about 3 inches that doesnt mean that the economy is now healthy really want to thank him for being a friend to the state of florida but that didnt stop the Vice President from visiting florida to praise the governor for his handling of the crisis and the economy i also want to say governor that that we fully support your prudent steps. In in in working to slow the spread and the rising cases that are impacting florida today but more than 10000 floridians fell ill on thursday 50000 people nationwide a new one day record and in this state and in others dependent on holiday makers money beaches bars and restaurants are closed yet again thanks to a surge in virus cases this is the livelihood of my father who started with nothing came into this country with nothing and i cannot it just its too hard to let it go even so the president is adamant to show the world the u. S. Crisis is over he heads to Mount Rushmore in south dakota on friday to set off holiday fireworks a desire to celebrate the u. S. Is national day even as the numbers of the sick and the dead keep rising rosalyn jordan aljazeera. Hundreds of nurses in Southern California are demanding more personal Protection Equipment and better working conditions they protested in front of a hospital in riverside outside of los angeles as part of a 10 day strike nurses say the influx of coronavirus patients means they have to work longer shifts with no breaks they wont be union and the hospitals to agree to better working terms the former partner of the convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein has been arrested and charged prosecutors say british social socialite july maxwell played a Critical Role in finding victims and sometimes participated in the abuse of underage girls with self evident is under has more from new york shes long claimed to have been a friend in Business Partner of convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein but after the f. B. I. Arrested maxwell federal prosecutors said her actions with epstein were far more sinister maxwell was among epstein closest associates and helped him exploited girls who were as young as 14 years old and thats what played a Critical Role in helping epstein to identify friend and groom minors for abuse. It some cases maxwell participated in the herself like epstein miss maxwell chose to blatantly disregard the law and her responsibility as an adult using whatever means she had at her disposal to lower vulnerable youth into behavior they should never have been exposed and which creates lasting harm to disgraced epstein a wealthy finance or was arrested last year on federal indictment of sexually exploiting and abusing underage women while awaiting trial. Interrupting that report to take its stand bowl. In the middle of your screen there the widow of Jamal Khashoggi has just come out of the court and is speaking. To the going to have enough money to. Help. Me shortly which is. A little bit i think i should say and i just hope i dont look you know she told me when he gave. Me that that was the night before there was one with a pretty good meal that just being you the microphone was on for you. So apologies just while we wait for that to get underway and to make sure weve also got our translation in place the trial has begun today in istanbul will all be 20 saudi nationals accused of killing jamal this is his im. Fiance. And lets just lets. Just. Say. Well to be sleeping. With a couple that got out about the job market you to do your day and to do the other so not have been the mistake. Is. Plain language but all around the world im in but were not going to throw a stone legally article on a bus today just to give them a call to the meter. On the market and on the hearing. When theyre going the cars are talking to soldiers we are just opinions though the best of us this morning just. To be on the way a project. Now for the finale. You will want to thank you for your time and spend our. Lives to go work. Only when we are just saw a piece that you will continue paying attention to does that to this break. I dont think that in addition. To the ship i dont. Think you. Could live. With our apologies again on this reclear we have these intelligence with translation from outside the court in istanbul had she is speaking at the moment say of Jamal Khashoggi who of course 21 months ago walked into the saudi consulate in istanbul. And was never seen again what has begun today is a trial in absentia of 20 saudi nationals who have been charged with his murder so some would call it more of a symbolic process thats happening at the moment in istanbul given that those 28. 00 men will never set foot in istanbul and wont be arrested by turkish officials. But still it becomes about justice for the lady you see on screen how teacher changes well leave it there out see will work on the 7 and hear what shes been saying in istanbul the soft innit. A little update for you quickly for all paris now as well remember we were talking earlier about the resignation of the Prime Minister well the palace has now announced that they will replace edward phillipe so there will be a replacement of the Prime Minister and then a Cabinet Reshuffle as well all of this widely expected and flagged up by the president emmanuel macron. Now the push for Racial Justice in the United States is putting renewed pressure on the Washington Redskins Football Team to change its name Korea Company fed ex which paid the team to 5000000. 00 for the naming rights at stadium has now asked for a name change while sports where giant nike has removed the teams merchandise from its site as well activists say the term redskins is racist and offensive to native americans the teams owner has consistently rejected calls to drop the name Recovery Efforts in may and more are under way for a 2nd day after a landslide at a jade mine 162. 00 people are known to have died so far and emergency workers are still searching for more bodies the landslide was triggered when a pile of waste collapsed into a lake causing a wave of muddy. Still ahead on this news sports news and its safety 1st for the drive its formula one and finally officially its on the way. The over the border youre. Welcome back fire is here with a look at your sport formula one happening yes thank you so much to all for months later than expected the formula one season is officially underway the 1st practice session in austria has just finished and reigning World Champion Lewis Hamilton recorded the fastest lap time. Team are using an all black car this season in a show of support for the fight against Racial Injustice the 6 time champion is the only black driver in the sport and says f one needs to confront its lack of diversity that we have to stand it that people dont have. The privilege of being out to take a moment now its something we have to stay on top of the industry has to stay on top of we all have to come together enough voices in each of us voices a powerful and if we bring them together collectively we can have a huge impact. And march the f one season stalled just hours before the 1st practice session at the australian grand prix that race was cancelled after the mclaren team withdrew when one of their Staff Members tested positive for corona virus a shortened 8 race season is now taking place no fans allowed to attend 1st of 2 back to back ground present austria starts on sunday magister city gave new premier League Champions liverpool a guard of honor but little else on thursday night the newly crowned title winners were beaten for now by the team theyve just replaced as champions its only liverpools 2nd league defeat of the season. Now he might not have scored in that game but sadly a man is goals have been central to liverpool success this season popularity means the reds now have a huge following in his home country of senegal ikhlas haq reports from dakar. Its more than a sport for the ball is a way of life in senegal drawn in the sand is their pitch no need for shoes or shin guards the game is played barefoot from the heart thats how it started for senegalese striker joe money for these fans money is the main reason for liverpool football clubs return to glory. You are defined without money liverpool wouldnt be where they are he has this ability to get his teammates to multiply their efforts everybody gives their best fight without money there is no liverpool. After Manchester City lost against chelsea in june moneys team won the premier League Championship bringing of the trophy to enfield after 30 years i mean i think you know whats the scope yeah so i think everybodys just. Deep in southern senegals bumblebee village is where your money trained as a child. Sonny i would come here absolutely every day escaping from school to come here and training every single day this is the reason why i didnt go very far at school because he was always here so joe was the shy village boy that joint big when he came to train at food an academy owned by the French Football Club mess the coaches remember him as an awkward teenager that would keep to himself now most of those currently in the cademy want to follow him on his footsteps and it was he who. Came back to give the young ones advice and i remember him saying the only regret is to not have continued to study so he told the students never let go of school were proud of him in the example that hes giving. And yet his parents didnt want him to play football he was just 7 years old when his father died it was his uncles that acted as father figures and they were the moms at a local mosque like this one they made education a priority not running after football but look at him now. With his wealth money is financing the building of the village mosque and new classrooms for the local high school he left behind money is now revered by an entire nation and beyond for a generation hes already a legend and while there is a bit of senegal in liverpool for the clubs recent success it seems theres now a bit of liverpool on the beaches of senegal because hawke aljazeera the car new Orleans Pelicans stars Zion Williamson says hes looking forward to playing again and supports the n. B. A. s decision to resume the season and i 9 year old rocky is set to travel to florida next week ahead of the july 30th restart several high profile players have opted out of the season due to the recent spike in co with 19 cases in the us while you believe the n. B. A. Will make the players healthy its priority. Trust. In the bud were going to be in a safe environment. So that certain situations. So love the process for sure. And that is all your support for now come all back to you thank you well see you again later on. Finally chile one of the worlds highest corona virus infection writes it has more than 280000 cases and almost 6000 deaths but as lock downs are imposed in parts of the country residents in one remote corner of celebrating a return to the mall A Latin America at a certain cinemas. This is rapidly better known as Easter Island famous for its mysterious stone statues called more lives. At one of the polynesian islands for schools and who is under way a ceremony to mark more than 100. 00 days without a single case of coronavirus and the way that theyre celebrating is not by reopening Hotels Restaurants or tourism on which the island depends but rather its schools i ask the merrow why their leader blessed because returning to class sends a powerful message to our entire society of the return to freedom of being able to stop being locked up thats the most important thing for a human being it gives us all hope. After months of. Interruption that reporter going back to istanbul agnes telemachus the u. S. Special reports speaking now on the issue of. Justice was a travesty of justice in my opinion and it was a closed secret trial here we have a space where the victims son heard in a way that they have never been heard before we have a space where weaknesses are asked to speak and also and therefore that gives far more legitimacy and and strength to their statement we have a space which is in keeping with turkey responsibility and therefore that trial is important for turkey as well it is important for truth telling because more information is coming up and more information will come up it is important because it means that justice east giving space to the victims is given a form or space to be and that matters as well a great deal so yes the trial as many limitations it is a trial in a planned shia the defendants some not tree presented or our representative by lawyers who have not been able to speak with them the trial will present many many limitations it is not the best scenario at all but for the time being the sea is the best we can get and i am disappointed that they are no more international reprieve than titian that countries did not send of those particularly come trees that have been at the forefront of fighting for press freedom and for fighting for the safety of john at least i would expect them to be here for the next session in. Im hoping the unesco could be there as well hoping the u. K. Will be here as canada because they are leading a process around press freedom. That particular station was done very quickly so it is possible that they do not have the time to to organize their participation but i do hope and i call on them to ensure that in the last next session in november that there are far greater International Presence so that we continue to deliver that message to saudi arabia and to the rest of the world that you cannot get away with killing a joint or least and lets not forget that these is a state exit. Of course we are focusing on the individual spread this is a state executive this is why the presence of other states of other members of the International Community is important but what is the vernier of this position from. The middle east that. Look at what the decision of the court i cant again i dont nor at the moment after you the value the value that. These the for us has until now what weve had are the media what weve heard of the un what weve done my reports investigative reporting we have not moved the killing of germany into a formal setting that the International Community can recognize for you because the trial in saudi arabia could not be given credibility and legitimacy it was held in secret. And the key perpetrators the board who commissioned the crimes where not indicted here for the 1st time. We have the heat men being indicted and we have a number of. Those that commissioned a crime not everyone is indicted but a few are indicted a few more than they were indicted in in saudi arabia so for the 1st time over the last year and a half since october 2800 this is a 1st time that the g d short of systemic ease finally confronting its responsibilities and ease speaking to general care shogi and to ease murder and to the weaknesses and to the victims in a way that is internationally recognizable ease the power of the law it is the power of the court limitation it has tricks but ease of power

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