A state execution the murder trial of journalists from our show gene has now begun in turkey without the 20 saudi defendants. Also ahead the u. S. Seizes a shipment of human Hair Products thought to have come from ethnic minorities held in chinese detention camps. We begin in the u. S. Where President Trump is attending july the 4th celebrations at Mount Rushmore its in defiance of Health Experts recommendations to avoid large crowds mr trump will watch a fireworks display with thousands of people at the landmark in south dakota mosques will be available but they will not be required indigenous groups in south dakota are protesting near the event demonstrators blocked the road leading to the monument some carried signs saying make america native again and chanted the slogan land back. Lets talk to our correspondent in jordan just outside washington in alexandria virginia great to see you again what do you think well hear from mr trump today. Well a few excerpts are now being released of the president s remarks which he is expected to live or to deliver excuse me starting in the next 15 minutes or so and he is expected among other things to say that the Ongoing Movement to remove monuments dedicated to people who were part of the confederacy in the 19th century an organization of states that wanted to keep slavery legal he says that that is an attack on the countrys history that americans should not allow its history to be diminished or demeaned in any way hes essentially telling people who are attending this rally at Mount Rushmore to rise up whether or not thats going to go over well with many other americans remains to be seen i would hazard a guess it probably wont we also expect that the president will talk about the ongoing a fight to what curtail the covert 19 pandemic as well as to try to rejuvenate the economy which has taken a real beating because of the need to close things down to stop the spread of the virus as youre talking to as rose were just seeing pictures here of mr trump in malone you know the 1st lady and seeing marine one getting into the s. U. V. That big black s. U. V. Before they make their way to the venue is some of this about the symbolism as well rosa mean hes hes going against accepted wisdom you know by having a fireworks display at the monument because there are questions over the Structural Integrity i guess of the monument but you know Roosevelt Lincoln washington it looks good for his supporters doesnt you put donald trump with those 4 big beasts old i just named 3 of them all 4 of the 4 big beasts of american politics. Well lets not forget we are in the middle of reelection season here in the United States donald trump is by some polls in trouble as he tries to win reelection on november 3rd and certainly to have an appearance at a consequential a National Monument on federal land on the occasion of the nations birthday normally would look good in Campaign Commercials but because there is no social distancing the chairs have been strapped together some of 4 organizers say for Public Safety reasons other cynics are suggesting this is to show that the president can attract a big crowd the fact that you have these members of the air force academy taking part in this observance it all looks very good from a political optics standpoint but public Health Experts are very concerned that with some 7500 people filling those chairs to take part in this july 3rd observance they could possibly be vectors for the covert 19 spread the country is already dealing with the considerable uptick in new cases in recent weeks and this is something that could very well undermine his efforts to show that in Donald Trumps mind america is back forgive me rose if it sounds a bit frivolous here or a bit perhaps but they do know that they can of those 7 off. Because the last time he did a big rally 6200 people. And hed been predicting tens of thousands more than 800000 people and when he going banks the white house he looked decidedly deflates because people just havent turned up. This is not a frivolous question peter there were considerable reporting. After the president went to tolstoy oklahoma 2 weeks ago that the fact that so few people turned up at the be ok arena basically made him realize the depths to which his popularity has plummeted in recent months because of the pandemic with 19 and so there is apparently a real lot of pressure within the campaign to try to bolster Donald Trumps public image so that he might be able to inspire those who are among his most ardent supporters Senior Citizens downscale white americans to actually turn out and vote for him on november 3rd there is concern that some of these people may decide either to stay home or perhaps vote for the president s democratic challenger the former Vice President joe biden this is very much a do or die moment for the Trump Campaign because the number of cases continues to rise despite the president s own predictions the economy is not doing well and the chairman of the Federal Reserve Jerome Powell says that it could be well into 2021 before the u. S. Economy pulls out of what the Federal Reserve now says is a recession. Ok. In the meantime thank you so much there you can see the band. To arrive. From washington to. Mount rushmore. And. Minutes we are expecting the speech of course. To be holding this kind of. Independence Day Celebrations with fireworks in the middle of a Global Pandemic. When the figures for the United States when it comes to infection rates gets worse and worse and also now weve seen several states of course reimposing localized restraints on people going to bars restaurants clubs pubs that kind of thing. Well take you back there as soon as we see and hear from the u. S. President all. Health workers in ecuadors capital say hospitals are on the verge of collapse because of the number of new coronavirus cases more than 59000 people are infected and over 4600 have died histories of a formal legal. Equality was one of the 1st latin american countries to report covert 1000 cases the countrys economic engine the port city. Was the worst affected with reports of bodies piling up on the streets but while the numbers of infections has come down there its the capital keep where the Health Services are on the verge of collapse doctors and says people are dying while waiting to be treated in a hospital. People are waiting on the streets in tents people are desperate to get help theyre dying while they wait in the ambulance in tents there arent enough beds supplies or ventilators opening up is what got us here. In the past month the city has allowed some businesses to open up after a strict knock down and thats one of the reasons for a normal 70 percent increase in new code with 19 cases mayor jorge doing theyre trying to get the Health Care System ready northernmost but about other part we are getting ready to prevent the painful situations we have seen around the world and in our country we are trying to get ready for everything the city has installed street cameras using Artificial Intelligence to check if people are following social distancing officials hope that knology will help stem the tide of new cases these cameras track the distance between people out on the street and issue audio alerts to warn people of health risks. Some 90 percent of citizens use a face mask we dont know if theyre being used correctly as we see mails on the streets in many areas social distancing is not practiced by people distancing is not being done human Rights Groups say the use of mass Surveillance Technology could violate privacy rights but for now its saving lives that takes priority doctors say more testing is needed to identify anyone who may have the virus or come into contact with an infected person. Ill just. Turn your attention to europe the french president Emmanuel Mccall has appointed a relatively unknown figure as the new Prime Minister john kass stacks a senior Civil Servant and local mayor has been chosen to replace philip haystacks orchestrated the successful exit from coronavirus locked the Cabinet Reshuffle is seen as an attempt to revive the post quarantine economy. The skulls of 24 algerian resistance fighters who were killed by the french during colonisation had been returned to the north african country the president. Gave the war heroes an official welcome with the 21 gun salute soldiers brought the coffins. Of military planes and carried them to a funeral marching band the remains had been treated as war trophies by French Colonial officers at the time and then stored in a museum in paris will now be on display in elegy. Libyan Government Forces say they have on earth another mass grave in an area that used to be controlled by the warlord holy father after 5 bodies have been found earlier forces backing the u. N. Recognize government said they discovered the remains of more than 200 people into huna south of tripoli the u. N. Has expressed its quote hora and now wants an investigation. Russia is reopening us embassy in libya although its head will be based in neighboring tunisia the announcement was made during talks in moscow the foreign minister Sergei Lavrov met the speaker of the disputed parliament based into broke. Hes aligned with mr lavrov emphasized he wants a ceasefire. The trial of 20 the nationals accused of killing the journalist Jamal Khashoggi has now begun in turkey his fiance was among those who testified at the one day hearing itll resume in november none of the defendants were there the shock was murder the consulate in istanbul drew widespread condemnation his cinema has sort of. Inside this courthouse in istanbul persecutors began their case against want to sell the citizens they accuse the men of killing a saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the saudi consulate here in the city in october 2018 saudi arabia has refused turkeys request to extradite the suspects so the trial is being held without their presence in the courtroom judiciary a style that some countries may not be familiar with it has limitations but the u. N. Special report or agnes color might say is its much better than the closed door trial held in saudi arabia late last year we have not moved the killing of Jamal Khashoggi into a formal setting that the International Community can recognize because the trial in saudi arabia could not be given a credibility and legitimacy it towards helping secret. And key perpetrate to those that the world who commissioned the crimes were not indicted just turkish fiance how to judging his hopes the case will offer new clues to the whereabouts of his remains. We trust in turkish justice and the process has now begun our search for justice will continue in turkey as well as everywhere else we can question because murder remains a horrific crime against a journalist if the suspects from saudi arabia are convicted they could face possible life sentences but without they were arrests and their physical presence here they are unlikely to serve any prison time in tricky column are to points out to the fact that Saudi Crown Prince mohammed bin sound man has not been inducted in a Previous Report cheer released the un special report or have called for an investigation into been someone suspected in the killing the one country that has claimed to have the evidence. About more responsibility easy United States. And so far the. Undertaken by the American Congress to get to the bottom of all the information as been hampered. Over by the white house says the power of this trial should not be underestimated but more countries need to show support for the legitimacy of the Turkish Court case. Aljazeera istanbul. Ok. To Mount Rushmore there you see donald trump and the 1st lady. On the stage there. In front of. A planned 7 and a half 1000 people there for a fireworks display a keynote speech from donald trump as well we think just a few minutes away given that we are. 5 and a bit months now from a u. S. Election on november the 3rd depending upon which opinion polls you look at and how those opinion polls are reported by various u. S. T. V. Networks his Approval Ratings are ok his Approval Ratings are not ok or he says on twitter on a regular basis hes got fantastic Approval Ratings in the Republican Party clearly making a reference there to his Political Base those people that voted for him and apparently would vote for him no matter what he says and what he does. There in the shadow of George Washington Abraham Lincoln Theodore Roosevelts and thomas jefferson. Of course roosevelt as well having resonance for another world leader of late over the past week or 10 days Boris Johnson the u. K. Prime minister. Making reference to his people have done as well to Seattle Roosevelt because hes talking about some sort of big plan to kick start the u. K. Post covert 19 thats a different story for a different conversation of course for a different time on the political calendar so were waiting to hear from. Donald trump questions perhaps to be asked over whether its in good taste to have such a big lavish celebration. In the middle of a Global Pandemic will stay with these live pictures and well talk to Bill Schneider from washington bill just to get your thoughts on this is it a little bit disrespectful almost to have the fireworks the bands the marching bands the 7 of 1000 people squashed up against each other when so many people are still guessing is ill and sick because of the coronavirus. Or is this respect where i go further than that i would say fired thats trump signature style on he is good trying to conventional wisdom is that prior to Scientific Authority he has the find your political tradition where hes doing is he in defiance where most americans see and its an ominous threat here now in play the threat of the coronavirus he has not taken it seriously now hes suffering in the polls because of that and its a very likelihood he could get it could bring him down you know for months is the political strategy on the part of him and the Republican Party stick your head in the sand because theyve got people like anthony c. He is now warning the u. S. Could be on track to see 100000. 00 new cases per day. Well the president is following the strategy of running in 2020 the way he ran at one in 2016 but he ran and won he won in 26 think by he didnt even win the popular vote is by a very narrow margin so this is a risky thing to do hes kept his base a politician once said your base are the people who are with you when youre wrong well now trump is wrong just about every day but his base things with him because they believe in him and most of all they like a package hes delivered particularly the Supreme Court of the United States hes the liberal out of things that they want deregulated the environment. And downplayed a lot of these threats something we are with him and theyre going to be with him throughout the campaign we are his base maybe this much is one 3rd of the american electorate at the same time he has really antagonized an alienated wall of voters who are not part of his base and they are alike way to turn out against him in november are interested to know why bill you say his base you know theyre sticking with him roughly the same figures because what a week 10 days ago when we were all talking about the john bolton book people were saying of john bolton actually its the 1st time in 3 and a half he is that the the core support of Donald Trumps base me maybe only a small percentage granted may turn and walk the other way because bolton ideologically occupies the same space as donald trump occupying the same space as his core supporters. A similar space but not exactly the same space john bolton is part of the republican establishment the traditional conservative establishment that its always control the Republican Party you have establishment is not as big as most people imagine there are reports now that a lot of Office Holders hundreds of them who served in the george w. Bush administration are going to come out soon and actually endorse joe biden claiming that donald trump is a threat to National Security do they represent a huge segment of voters not so many because most Republican Voters today are conservative and they believe in trumps but what trump is saying it doing and something that will benefit conservatives when you do having a lot of republicans defecting at the car like john bolton its only question of whether any significant number of Republican Voters are going to follow them and come out against wrong. So clearly bill you think this will be an aggressively fiery speech chill try to build up his base make them feel good that sue is clearly talking to. Other any chances pardon me for interrupting you but is there a chance that he will try to bring a note of coming together a note of unity try to be in mali and with so many people who are so annoyed and so angry over so many issues in the United States. Let me say i doubt it i would be surprising but ive been surprised but war hes not that kind of figure hes not a conciliatory figure in fact that is what most americans hold against him hes an unusually divisive president he governs by appealing to his base and he writes off the rest of the electorate well that divisiveness is not in the american political tradition really weve had a lot of president s who have been your binders but not deliberately as a strategy president deliberately divides the american electorate in order to pursue his own interests and thats something that americans dont like its one of the reasons why his Approval Rating has been depressed its down now getting below 40 percent they resent his divisiveness as a deliberate strategy of governing. Bill well leave it there for the moment you going to keep us company in the coming half hour 45 minutes or so i know but in the meantime thank you so much we do appreciate the insight we will talk to you very soon sure. And we will leave those live pictures there coming to us from mt rushmore. Last long they do the making i guess very nice sons about the u. S. President will go back to that a soon as mr trump starts to the bring his speech the former partner of the convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein is facing up to 35 years in prison for alleged part in abusing young girls Elaine Maxwell is accused of playing a Critical Role recruiting girls as young as 14 years old for epsteins sex trafficking ring out as it was gave him his own dough has more now about the arrest. There were rumors she was hiding out in paris or maybe her home in london and alleged sighting of her in los angeles in the in the lane maxwell was living in this raleigh and secluded home in New Hampshire there is no Cell Phone Service along the one kilometer long wooden road that leads to the home authorities said she paid cash for it under an assumed name to hide her whereabouts weve been discreetly keeping tabs on maxwells whereabouts as we work this investigation and more recently we learned should slithered away to a gorgeous property in New Hampshire continuing to live a life of privilege while her victims live with the trauma inflicted upon them years ago neighbors in the town of bradford population 1500 say they were shocked when believe. Of all places were in the middle of nowhere assuming maxwell fights these charges and the case goes to a trial it would happen here at this federal courthouse in manhattan the big question ben would become how many of her alleged victims would be willing to testify 4 years doesnt this of alleged victims of Jeffrey Epstein the now deceased sex offender have said maxwell long time associate of epstein played a central role in recruiting and trafficking girls into sex until a trial prosecutors will fight to keep maxwell behind bars they say shes a flight risk in possession of 3 passports and access to millions of dollars in more than 12 banks that shes linked to but the mystery of her whereabouts now solved with her arrest in a place she certainly did not want to be found gabriel is on doe out zita new york. At least 9000000 soldiers have been killed and 2 others injured in an ambush it happened in the mopti region as they made their way towards the signs of a massacre at least 31 people were killed on thursday by unknown gunmen in the area seen Ethnic Violence of the past few years. The Iranian Foreign minister zarif sent a letter to the e. U. Expressing his concerns over the implementation of the 2050 nuclear deal serious letter warns that any interference in the relationship between iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency would be contrary to the provisions of the agreement in june the agencys board of governors voted for a resolution suggested by the e. U. Calling on iran to fulfill its obligations south africa has reported its biggest single day rise in corona virus infections with more than 9000 new cases the search comes a few weeks after the country allowed businesses to reopen following a strict 2 month lock down the government is extending the deployment of 20000 soldiers until the end of september to help in force restrictions cases across south africa more than quadrupled in june there are now more than 177000 confirmed infections and almost 3000 people have died. India has reported yet another single day high of curve it 19 almost 21000. 00 were confirmed taking the National Total to more than 625000 despite rising infections the government has eased many restrictions and monuments including the taj mahal will reopen for tourists next week. The Paris Appeals Court has dismissed a bid to reopen an investigation into a plane crash that triggered the rwandan genocide back in 1900 for the president given our hobby of a minor died when his plane was shot down thinking early in 1994 some blame those close to the current president paul kagame e for the incident in 20000 french prosecutors dropped charges against 9 suspects with ties to comey due to a lack of evidence. Louis cooked meal is a political analyst and president s of the African Information Club he says the decision is an opportunity for diplomatic relations to begin moving forward a. Decision that is following work french diplomacy and is looking as do we the relationship should be. Under their normal lazing. Nicolas sarkozy and the thing is then i know my cronies following that we praying to make good relationships between rundown friends because then they where. In that before iran the authorities. Used the 1st of them will not commend the decision really do we not going because they were expecting Something Like that last issue of. It if you have to have the evidence in the because after the crash of. The plane all the evidence says that who have been used have disappeared though a bridge and there were french there are militarys and there were also randomly militaries but no one knows what happened in that way supposed to have been sent to the un but what i can see consenting to relationships again we trend is. Trying its best now to have the best relationships we. China has hit back at claims of exploitation of its ethnic weaker minority after washington Warn Companies to avoid supply chains linked to human rights abuses in chinas western john region now on monday u. S. Customs seized almost 12 tons of human hair exported from china believed had been taken from Muslim Leaders and other detained minorities the shipment of products originated engine jian where vast camps have been set up human Rights Groups say their muslim detention camps chinas there for vocational training. Is the Communications Director of the campaign for weekers she says companies that sell those Hair Products should bear some responsibility. I think that unfortunately a lot of people are not aware of these connections and hopefully that will continue to change as this information continues to come out but even most recently a few months ago amazon purchased 10000000 u. S. Dollars in equipment which they claimed was to help with temperature monitoring in their warehouses in the United States but they purchased that equipment from a company thats already blacklisted by the u. S. Government as theyre part of the ones that supply the equipment to maintain this police state in the region so they do have an enormous responsibility and we hope that the more and more consumers as they become aware of these atrocities looking to need to hold these Companies Accountable if unfortunately they are not willing to take the proper steps of their own accord i think that a lot of the things that have happened in the last few months in terms of the pandemic and the global bullying type of diplo diplomatic tactics we see china taking is just theyre going to wait the International Community up to a reality that has existed within china for a long time now unfortunately they do seem to be coming in bold and that they dont feel the need to defend these atrocities they can justify them and not face consequences. Recapping our top stories for you here on aljazeera the u. S. President told trump is attending july the 4th celebrations at Mount Rushmore alongside thousands of people its in defiance of Health Experts recommendations to avoid large crowds medics in acquittals capital pito say hospitals are on the verge of collapse more than 59000 people are infected unfold and 4600 of those have died across the country. Brazil has more than one and a half 1000000 virus cases now it is the 2nd worst affected country anywhere in the world after the u. S. But despite calls to increase personal Protection Measures the president joy ableson r. O. Has watered down a law requiring the wearing of mosques in Public Places a. Top story from europe the french president has appointed a relatively unknown figure as the new Prime Minister here dexie senior Civil Servant and local mayor hes been chosen to replace phillipe plastics orchestrated the successful exit from the coronavirus lockdown. The skulls of 24 algerian resistance fighters who were killed by the french join colonization have been returned to the north african country the president. Gave the war heroes an official welcome with a 21 gun salute 2030 nationals have gone on trial in absentia in turkey accused of killing the journalist jamal the murder which took place inside the saudi consulate provoked outrage worldwide at least 9000000 soldiers have been killed and 2 others were injured in an ambush it happened in the mopti region as they made their way towards the site of the massacre at least 31 people were killed on thursday by unknown gunmen the Iranian Foreign minister sent a letter to the e. U. Expressing his concerns over the implementation of the 2050 nuclear deal. Warns that any interference in the relationship between iran and the i. E. A would be contrary to provisions of the agreement. The Paris Appeals Court has dismissed a bid to reopen an investigation into a plane crash that triggered the one genocide in 1984 which killed 800000 people the president juvenal have died when his plane was shot down in kigali some blame those close to the current president polk a gummi for that incident darrin will keep you company from 3 g. I will see from 23 g. Up next a. J. Selects drugs by phone or talk to otis their own. Let me ask you how worried you are about the increase in hostilities in yemen we listen this is the moment to stop already 30 action these is the moment to concentrate on fighting we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on the 00. My braggy was my drug. If i have my drug. Ill do everything for i dont have my drug i going to do anything. I mean using growth in the 24 year theyre going to get ms were selling drugs for

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