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Reform villages in sudan central dufner are demanding the government do more to protect them from armed groups. So the Worlds Largest social Media Companies are reviewing their operations in hong kong after beijing imposed its new National Security law chinese short video app to talk has announced it will stop its operations altogether in the territory well zoom and linked in theyve joined a growing list of social media platforms including google and facebook who say they will now deny government requests for user data that more details of the law have now been revealed trees can conduct searches without a warrant stop suspects from leaving the city and intercept Online Communications and sarah clarke is in hong kong and she says there have been reactions on multiple fronts. Yes the reaction has been swift not just from western countries and governments but also from the tech giants in the social media platforms these new powers for the police force they were unveiled overnight by hong kongs National Security committee now this particular committee is chaired by hong kongs chief executive kerry lam its also attended by beijings top official in hong kong some of the key new powers introduced granted to the police they can now conduct searches without warrants in special circumstances they can order social media to remove various content they blamed believe threatens our hong kong or chinas National Security they can also see equipment from social media giants and they can demand information from political operations which happen operating outside of on kong and failure to comply with these new laws. A 13000. 00 fine as well as 2 years now weve had a swift reaction also from the legal jurisdiction some say these powers are broad and lacked proper oversight another a barrister described them as scary stating that these powers should be within the legal jurisdiction not granted to police to conduct and the critics more that this is simply a way of china silencing its dissenting voices and its critics that carry land shes defended the new laws and she told her Weekly Press Conference on tuesday and she said she understands some people are concerned but she says a new Education Program will reassure the people that these new laws are here to protect. 5000000 people in the australian city of melbourne going back into lockdown after a spike in covert 1000 infractions the government has admitted its lost control of spreading infections and dress to guns and was needed to hold the spiralling situation from wednesday residents can only leave their homes for essential purposes for 6 weeks we tourist the border with neighboring New South Wales is also closing. It is simply impossible with keiser rights at this level to have enough contact rising stuff to have enough physical resources and im where i come from no matter what uniform my way or in order to continue to suppress and can tie in this virus without taking significant steps if we were to file to type steps then we want a couple of 100 cases paid by it will be many more than that and it will quickly spiral well and truly out of control well out there as neatly gage says the state of victoria was expecting a resurgence like this. This really isnt the outcome the government was looking for especially because on the a few weeks ago the state of victoria had next to no you Coronavirus Infection cases which just shows how quickly this virus can return and spread through the community now weve seen a 2nd consecutive day of numbers 191 cases in victoria and that is what has led to the government announcing we are going back to lockdown so what does that mean paypal will not in a city. And some regional areas of victoria will not be able to leave their homes unless its for sensual raisins so for some work for exercise or to be purchasing food or medical autumns so there really is a feeling of groundhog day here how have we returned to this but the state premier Daniel Andrews said there was no other option otherwise we would be seeing thousands of cases returned. Well a row in the hundreds of millions the highest single day death toll since the start of the code would know if you know theyre in february the Health Ministry says more than 200 people going to the post 24 hours just last week your own started to remember who some restrictions all through cases lets take this on we can speak to us about who joins us now from tehran and said that with the death toll climbing how is the whole System Holding up. Well weve seen an increase of cases and were hearing from the government that Hospital Hospital admissions are up here in the capital the increased by 8. 5 percent and thats worrying for the government because we were previously told that the virus was passing through the country and the worst hit areas were the south east and south western parts of the country now the admissions that weve seen over the last 24 hours one 3rd of those are here in the capital and thats worrying because this is the most populated city in the country but also its the Financial Hub of the country that this death toll of 200. 00 isnt just the highest in the last 24 hours its a massive jump for what we saw a few days ago which was around 164 now the Health Minister did give a live address on state t. V. He looked very upset but he said that his warnings had not been heeded and now the country is paying a huge price he said that at the start of this pandemic around 80 percent of people were adhering to social distancing rules and other regulations but that the now thats down as low as 10 percent so again is very troubling for the country and we thought the peak of the Health Minister says now were experiencing the peak here in iran but we thought that peak was back at mid march and then those lockdown restrictions were lifted around mid april so the figures are back up the death toll is highest its ever been and thats troubling for the government right now and how will the government to enforce the necessary measures. Well it was the government in the 1st place that eased those lockdown restrictions the people went back to work they opened up the roads allowing people to travel around the country they have made face masks face masks mandatory or vote they havent said what penalty is there for not wearing one theyve been running campaigns on state t. V. Saying that corona virus is no joke but there is corona fatigue now this virus has been present in the country for about 4 months and far fewer people are biting but those regulations that just to give you an example the Health Ministry spokeswoman said that in one city in a matter of a few days there were 50 wedding ceremonies and this or increase of cases but the government has allowed some provinces to reinstate lockdown measures whether thats enough or not time will tell but there has been a difference between the Health Ministry and the rest of the government now the Health Minister had said that lockdown measures were eased too early that he thought that they should have been delayed in some parts of society should have been held back from going back to work and going back to normal life but the but the country is in a difficult position going into this crisis inflation was around 41 percent unemployment is very high the currency has lost value against the dollar and also the country is really experiencing tough times with those United States sanctions so the Government Faces a tough decision really look after the economy and try to get this economy going again or or fight against this pandemic which numbers are increasing the highest number of deaths that we see in the last 24 hours and normally iranians are really worried currently thanks very much indeed for that update from tehran. To the United States the countrys top Infectious Disease expert has warned that the 1st wave of the pandemic is nowhere near over and more than 50000 new cases of being reported daily and facing criticism for his mishandling of the virus the president is now pushing for schools to reopen in the autumn when jordan has this. The u. S. Death toll from cold at 19 is now more than 130000 in 41 out of 50 states confirmed cases are on the rise the countrys top Infectious Disease expert says the situation is bad and needs to be addressed immediately we still need deep in the 1st wave of this and i would say this would not be considered a way it was a surge or resurgence of the actions the new york governor called on the bike house to take the pandemic seriously but he said the American People is theres no problem and they dont wear a mask and they dont socially distance and they dont take any precautionary behavior and then the virus goes like this he is he is facilitating the virus he is enabling the virus. The white house response the critics are wrong the president downplaying the severity of the virus so what the president s noting is that at the height of this pandemic we were at 2500. 00 deaths per day we are now at a place where on july 4th there were 254 thats a 10 fold decrease in mortality meantime efforts to contain the virus swing between control and chaos no in person classes for Harvard College students come september while holiday revelers ignore social distancing rules to celebrate the 4th of july others are resisting government efforts to protect people from the virus. I think Police Arrested and arizona woman for trashing masks for sale in a Department Store late on monday the democratic mayor of atlanta. Announced on twitter she has contracted the virus while in mississippi the republican governor waited to find out if he too is infected the oldest republican senator 86 year old Chuck Grassley is taking no chances he says he wont attend the g. O. P. Convention in florida next month just several signs the u. S. Is far from getting the pandemic under control anytime soon rosalyn short aljazeera. Brazils president is awaiting the result of a coded 900 test after again being checked for the virus or complaining of fever also nora emerged from a Military Hospital where your mask hes been widely criticized for refusing to wear one in public as well as ignoring social distance rules. Im avoiding coming because i just came from hospital i did a lung x. Ray and its clear im going to take a kind of a test now israels Public Health chief has resigned as the nation battles a recent surge. In a Facebook Post says see go with that one that initial successes in handling the outbreak of now move towards a dangerous place so thats key added that the pandemic was 1st met with Ethical Leadership but an hour or 30 israel has more than 31000 cases and over 330 fatalities for a force that is in west jerusalem and has this update. She was very much front and center of the response very publicly she was there in many of the televised briefings as the director of Public Health in the israeli Health Ministry and now for her to come out with these kind of comments is pretty explosive as i say she she said that the good work that had been done early had vanished following the quick and wide reopening of the economy saying it was wider and more hasty than another any other western country and she talked about severe denial by Decision Makers saying that he with north already were reacting belatedly to reality and that her own advice and opinions recently had been ignored so she couldnt effectively a system the response and saying that what was being done now was too little and too late now shes not a an uncontroversial figure shes someone who was very much at the heart of trying to close down the country as fast and extensively as possible in the early phases but she also had some criticism about her reluctance to widen the criteria for testing and have more broadening of testing she reportedly saw that as unnecessary at the time there was a report as well last month and one of the newspapers here its in which her management style was criticized but nonetheless this is an extremely senior figure at the heart of this Pandemic Response who is coming out with extremely strong criticism of the governments response. Still ahead here on aljazeera the u. K. Takes action over the killing of democracy and other human rights abuses placing sanctions on officials from saudi arabia and russia plus. The show must go on why its no longer cut the case out. Of. However theres already been much damage and flooding in kew shoes big island the western side of japan and the seasonal system is still over the top say from hong sure all the way back into the middle of china this thing is pulsing with a great deal of potential rain and actual rain and its going to carry on doing the same for q shoot and then also she koku and honshu so much of nature part of japan suffers its risk of further flooding in the seasonal rains for cokers on the north if youre sure its got rain in the next 3 days with the forecast and is still humid very sticky conditions the moment the more dangerously wet the major rain in india it is this circulation here the tropical depression it wont today into anything other than a tropical depression wind isnt a problem here but rain may well be weve already seen Something Like 300. 00 maybe it is reported in western culture out in this clearly a hot circulation in western europe and the far south east of pakistan which will produce flooding in the next 2 days beyond that is it has gotten a shot particularly up in the north so new delhi and beyond that looks especially when its an active monsoon season and i went. Out and again to emphasize the fact since this thing is slow moving the rain thing its got rain in the forecast for the next 3 days. John browns im done with china jr was promised damaging information about hillary clinton. An allegation like to seek investigation seductress did the Trump Campaign colluding with russia did you at any time birch the former f. B. I. Director james comey in any way shape or form to close sort of back down the investigation into Michael Flynn and also as you well know. Next question battlefield washington on aljazeera. More. Force or. I dont know what she had 0 remark about top stories this hour and several companies are worried about the implications of hong kong as National Security law short video after talk has announced it will stop operations there Facebook Whatsapp theyve also said bill deny a government user Data Requests. Iran has announced its highest single day death tolls the start of the kovac 900 outbreak began there in february the Health Ministry says more than 200 people died in the past 24. Top u. S. Infectious disease expert at that sense he found gee hes warning the country still needs deep in the 1st wave of current for speed more than 50000 new cases a day this comes as President Donald Trump calls for schools to reopen in the autumn. Hundreds of thousands of International Students studying in the United States will have to leave the country if all of their classes for next term in autumn are moved online because of the pandemic or monday the u. S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency or i. C. E. Announce that visas will not be issued to them noncompliant foreign students could face deportation any who transferred to classes which are not virtually held and then tend in person will be exempt while most colleges are yet to announce their plans harvard says all of its classes for the next Academic Year will be held online International Students are a major source of revenue for u. S. Colleges President Donald Trump last month extended the pause on issuing some green cards and suspended visas for other Foreign Workers until the end of the year also this is a law professor at Rutgers University and she expects major pushback against a trumpet ministrations move. Hes clearly continuing and immigration agenda as in a phobic immigration agenda which is to keep as many people that are from the global south and the global east out of the United States whether its through the muslim band whether its through immigrant work visas and now immigrant her student visas their honeymoon less than on him into student visas but essentially they he wants to keep most of these students out because its no coincidence that 33 percent almost 34 percent now the 1100000. 00 nationals whose are from china 18 percent are from india 5 percent from saudi arabia another 5 percent from south korea and then the rest are from various countries again most of which are from the east the middle east or the or latin america and Central America so i think the best means to challenge this is going to come from the American Association of educators which is effectively the association of all the universities because they are the biggest losers financially while the students are the biggest losers both financially educationally and and personally so i anticipate that theres going to be a major pushback on this and it will be interesting to see how the congress is get involved because maybe pressure to legislate around it to tie the president s hands or it may be the judges that have to intervene again through some kind of claim that this is a violation of of Due Process Rights or some other or a constitutional right of millions of School Leavers across china or 60 minutes or a c. Difficult National University Entrance Exam and the test may be even tougher for students this year after schooling was of course interrupted by coronavirus lockdowns katrina who reports from beijing. Or outside a school in downtown beijing and these students coming out here are among more than 10000000 across china taking part in this years National University Entrance Exams exams known locally as the gal pal. A said to decide a person stays and thats because for many families in china its the only way to change a persons social standing all for those rural areas escape generations of poverty now these students will have to over the next few days take about 10 exams but for many of them theyve had to take an additional test it is with a new claim of acid test and these parents waiting for them to say the coronavirus pandemic has added additional pressures to their already very stressed children to put a huge on the heart of my daughter was psychologically affected by the coronavirus she was very nervous about exams. My daughter started home for the 1st half of the year which isnt as good as the real classroom this negative impact was only for her older students have been suffering because of the virus the exams were delayed by one month because of the pandemic and its the 1st time theyve been delayed since 977. 00 when they were restored after the cultural revolution and this is the biggest event to take place across china since the beginning of the outbreak more than 7000 exam sites have been set up for these students who have had to wear masks undertake social distancing and here in beijing theyve also had to self quarantine for the 2 weeks leading up to the exams now for many families here adjusting to the virus has brought back many memories of the sars epidemic which broke out in 2002 which coincidentally is also the same year that most of the students were born. The protest against the growing insecurity in sudan Central Darfur state is now in its 10th them straight is accused the government of failing to protect them from the things violence by armed groups who are morgan says. For a week and a half the administrative headquarters of negativity in sudan central dar for has been the scene of a sit in thousands of protesters gathered to protest what they see is a rise in the number of violent incidents there demanding the government dismissed the administrative head of the area as well as the head of police. And the Paramilitary Rapid support forces that. We have been suffering violations and injustice such as killings displacement and looting no one official wants to discuss these issues and solve them that is why we all regardless of our political affiliations have come out with clear demands we want justice peace we want security and stability. Im as a lamb and im a farmer and when i go to farm the arabs they try to rape us when we run back to town to told the police they dont accept our request for help and those people who attack us are armed if we go to the farms they trust in us. Protestors the arab militias are targeting local people consider themselves africans and say theyve long been targeted and their needs and demands marginalized similar grievances contributed to the start of a civil war in the region in 2003 and led to the deaths of nearly 300000 people and the displacement of almost 3000000 it around the countrys then president all model bashir an arrest warrant for work crimes crimes against humanity and genocide from the International Criminal court. The worst yet to end despite a ceasefire as were in factions negotiate for a deal with the Transitional Government that came to power last year the government has responded by pledging to set up a new court and send prosecutors to the area to look into the issues and justice is important we have taken decisions and having a court and prosecutors we took some time in coming here because we didnt just want to come with words to offer to you who follow up on the issues we pledged and if theyre not implemented the executive committee of the area will be in touch with us until we can all guaranteed that they are implemented the demands of the city and didnt go unheard by many in the capital how tomb once home to a city that was violently raided last year doesnt stage protests in front of the Prime Ministers Office to amplify the voices of those in their city. For some who traveled hundreds of miles to join the city and the issue of security is not just the darfur problem. The problems of new t. T. Are the problems of sudan as a whole because the problem with the lack of security is everywhere in the country so we want security nationwide because if we cant have peace and security everywhere we cant have a country that will cater for all. The people of narrative they hope the government listens to their demands and stop the violence he will morgan aljazeera heartsome. Almost 200. 00 migrants rescued by a charity boat in the mediterranean have arrived in sicily after 9 days stuck on board a Police Escort them to another vessel where they will be quarantined to prevent the spread of coronavirus their rival kept the tents few days on board the ocean viking charity yes us military need declared an emergency after some migrants became agitated with the wait for proof to dog. The United Kingdom and set its sights on those behind the murder of a saudi journalist marcos. Unveiled its 1st unilateral sanctions since leaving the European Union 49 individuals and organizations are being targeted under a new system to punish human rights offenders so yeah has this report. Commissioned a long awaited action against abuses of human rights the measures announced by the foreign secretary committed the u. K. To holding perpetrators of mistreatment to account. This government and this house sends a very clear message on behalf of the british people those are blood on their hands the thugs of despots the henchmen a dictator is will not be free to waltz into this country to buy property on the kings or a kings right to do their Christmas Shopping in knightsbridge or frankly to siphon dirty money through british banks or other Financial Institutions the new regime of sanctions targets 49 individuals and organizations from russia saudi arabia me and ma and north korea designed to encourage better behavior. The sanctions talk at those at the heart of Russias Interior Ministry such as a leg to chain call accused of being responsible for the death of a magnitsky the russian lawyer arrested after alleging that russian officials were involved in large scale tax fraud and who died in prison also sanctioned by those who were involved in the killing of Jamal Khashoggi including Saeed Abdullah al qahtani a senior advisors of the crown Prince Mohammed bin sol mon and the senior official who planned and directed the murder of a saudi journalist using a 15 man team also listed the perpetrators of ethnic cleansing of their hanged in myanmar. And so when the commander in chief and his deputy with me and my our armed forces who are least humanitarian disaster that killed thousands and left many more displaced and the 2 organizations responsible for forced labor torture and murder in north koreas gulags the sanctions also signify a change in the u. K. Status no longer applies to European Union rules it is designed to place human rights front and center of a new push policy timing was very wear and the opportunity to delay their departure from the place this weekend and so this was a straw that u. K. Is going to stand on and its going to exercise this right the act is set to be extended to may challenge other countries such as china over the week of detention camps and crackdowns on hong kong protesters the question is will they go far enough to affect a change behavior so that i able aljazeera the british arts industry has welcomed the 2000000000. 00 lifeline from the government museums and music venues have remained empty during the current virus pandemic reduced to say the support package will save the crown jewels of the u. K. s arts industry but cant protect every job. Report from londons western. What is a theater without an audience or a gallery with no art lovers nothing more than expensive real estate with high bills and 0 income for weeks the u. K. s arts and culture industry has been begging for government help saying that theaters music venues galleries and museums shuttered by covert 19 might never reopen late on sunday night the governments responded. Won the half 1000000000 pounds is the world beating pattern theres ever been anything of this scale in the u. K. For culture and indeed globally we have to accept that we wont be able to say absolutely everyone but we try we will try to stretch as far as we can the announcement of 2000000000. 00 in grants and loans has been met with gasps of relief this small theater in londons west end would have been 4 plays into its season by now count robie is Deputy Director she says if the german street theater sees some of the money it could start filling seats again early next year but thats far from clear yet obviously its brilliant at this money has be this package has been announced but there are huge questions about how that will then be spread between all of the Different Industries that work in the arts so youve got theatres museums galleries music venues artists themselves how they were going to individually i suppose chosen or selected for how much what the money will do is give venues that receive it a lifeline but cope it has changed how many people can be squeezed into often quite cramped spaces and that has huge and perhaps long term implications for places that rely on crowds most theatres have to fill at least 2 thirds of their seats just to stay afloat but in a socially distance world they may have to keep 2 thirds of their seats empty to operate safely so despite this government lifeline Big Questions remain about the future of the industry or italians aljazeera london. So this is our desire these are the top stories and several companies are worried about the implications of hong kongs National Security law short video up to talk has announced it will stop operations there facebook and whatsapp of also said theyre not processing Data Requests from police while they assess the ongoing political changes in the city so clark has more on the reaction from hong kong. Some say these powers abroad and lacked proper oversight another a barrister described them as scary stating that these powers should be within the legal jurisdiction not granted to police to conduct and the critics more that this is simply a way of china silencing its dissenting voices and its critics that carry land shes defended the new. Press conference on tuesday and she said she understands some people are concerned but she says a new Education Program will reassure the people there on a single day death toll since the start of the covert 19 outbreak began there in february the Health Ministry says more than 200 people died in the past 24 hours just last week iran started to reimpose some restrictions after a surge in new cases australias 2nd largest city thats melbourne is going back into lockdown for 6 weeks the State Government has admitted its lost control of rising infection numbers from wednesday its 5000000 residents can only leave their homes for essential purposes top u. S. Infectious disease experts she was warning the country is still need deep in the 1st wave of coronavirus with more than 50000 new cases a day this comes as President Donald Trump called for schools to reopen in the autumn brazils president is awaiting the results of a covert 900 test after again being checked for the virus. Emerged from a Military Hospital wearing a mask hes been widely criticised for refusing to wear one in public brazil is the 2nd worst affected country in the world israels Public Health chief has resigned as the nation battles a recent surge in infections in a Facebook Post. Warn that initial successes in handling the outbreak of not move towards a dangerous place so thats key added the pandemic was 1st met with Ethical Leadership but now lacks all 30 israel has more than 31000. 00 cases and over 330. 00 faiths have a tease. Or else that headlines got more news coming out right off the inside story. Could the u. S. Shut down the open skies President Donald Trump wants to pull out of a treaty that helps to kill peace after the cold war so whats behind the move and has the military cracked become outdated into days well this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the program im wrong its known as one of the pillars of Global Security after the end of the cold wall the open skies treaty allows the us russia canada and European Countries to fly over each others territories

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