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2 prominent u. S. Senators among 4 americans sanctioned by china days after washington targeted chinese officials over rights abuses in scenes out. Im going to go with sports as men just city are cleared to play next Season Champions League after winning their appeal against a 2 year ban. The political shift towards the right in Eastern Europe has got yet another boost with polands incumbent entree do not really winning the president ial runoff is secured just over 51 percent of the vote in a close race against the liberal warsaw mayor ruffled shirts off ski though this party already controls parliament and this result means it can press ahead with its conservative agenda alexy obryant reports. It was a vote seen as a battle for polands future and the results show a country divided. A tiny margin keeping andre due to an office for a 2nd 5 year term. Propped up by the right wing law and justice party. Is calling for unity and studies good night its not just good i said its full of these want it belongs to all of us and we have to do everything we can to make life here the best it can possibly be i promise to try to do exactly that the president ial palace will continue to be open for people with a range of views and beliefs thats not exactly what dude is known for his conservative agenda includes strong opposition to gay and abortion rights and his constitutional reforms that weaken the independence of the judiciary put him at odds with the e. U. His ally in hungary president viktor orban has posted this congratulatory message on facebook with the one word bravo they have worked together to block sanctions from the e. U. Do does wyvill in the election with the centrist warsaw in the rough ultra scoff ski had warned their Parliament Democracy was under attack he launched his campaign at the last minute with a more progressive platform which time to hostile relations with the e. U. You know that you know yes. Its only the beginning i am convinced we will change poland now that we have woken up no one will put us to sleep and whats most important we will continue fighting you respective of the result the clash between the 2 radically different candidates so voters turn out in record numbers narrowly lost to do to and his allies in the p. I. A. s is seen by some as a long term win for the opposition it captivates a lot of political emotions around not only one candidate but also around the party. Hopes that in the future especially the Younger Generation well that again. Will build up. The potential for change and. Analysts say the cost result could see the election contested in court the opposition is already highlighting what it says weekly of voter irregularities elixir brian al jazeera. Yemen is what the rebels say they have killed and injured dozens of high ranking military officers inside the area according to their spokesman they had multiple military sites and a large oil facility just across the border it is claimed this is part of a major new offensive saudi arabia hasnt said whether anyone was killed or injured in the attacks however the saudi u. A. E. Coalition in yemen as announced its intercepted 4 missiles and 6 explosive drones over night. What the saudi have been about is the opinion i lead up with my position Ballistic Missiles not disclosed before and large numbers of drones armed forces destroyed warplanes and pilot barracks and their defense patriot system and jaime some shit other military positions and just on and not strong were destroyed also the joint Oil Installation in the Industrial Area of design was targeted targets were hit with high position our armed forces successfully targeted the tardo we military campaign matter problems were saudi officials were meeting as a result dozens were killed and injured when one elbow in the water is a military analyst and retired today in an air force general whos joining us on skype from amman good to have you with us so thank you very much indeed for being with us on aljazeera saudi arabia saying that 4 missiles and 6 expose of drones have been intercepted now these are attacks if these attacks are significant as the who these claim what does that tell us about the who feeds capabilities. Could he have a very big capability in actual fact they have the upper hand or yemen. Using such sure cones the drones Ballistic Missile and cruise. The nature of the war with iraq and 25th century and i think they have the most experience now in the world using such weapons and i think that any other linux from them would be also learning how to defend against them they see it a. Different system is not in the bill and weak even with the american tried to help them out on that and to great trio to murugadoss with their system its a prostate it lady have to to detect targets such groups or drawings so these target they have the accuracy. They have the accuracy and the range to these anywhere in the gulf so such or even they could reach tel aviv israel with these cruise missiles are not like these so best. Big create challenge for the sody to store such a weapons and the future i can understand the geographic limit limitations that saudi arabia is facing but the targets that the who things are repeatedly hitting are pretty much the same targets apart from the geography what is the issue with this Saudi Air Defense system that its not able to down more of these drones and missiles. They dont have the strategic warning. He cannot didnt take the star i mean drones or cruise because the the signature of the star gets very small but they cant detect the touristic missile even though they have problem destroying such targets. You know exactly how he chooses his target list. And the subject of making the unstable country insecure with full the butt collation the. Fact the warning and giving the order announcing that hes going to leave that ship which is secondary School Nation of this have. Been can communication will turn to discipline nation even the Energy Installation things so they cant really put allies the country nor exactly what. Seems to be they know what theyre doing. We appreciate your time so my moon thank you very much indeed for joining us on aljazeera thank you if european media is reporting the country has begun filling the reservoirs of a controversial mega dam on the nile and egypt and sudan had requested the ground or in essence to not be filled until an agreement is reached its been nearly a decade of contentious negotiation over concerns it could drastically reduce water supply to the countries downstream ethiopia has repeatedly said it would begin filling the dam at the start of julys rainy season. The taliban has claimed responsibility for an attack in the northern afghan province of someone gone at least 50 people including children have been injured Authorities Say a suicide bomber targeting the provincial Intelligence Office set off the explosion. For the. Moment i was coming from the marketplace to my home i was close to home when i heard the explosion planned and when the explosion took place everything was shaking all these windows glasses were broken here and there 2 or 3 people were injured by the glass it was a lot of dust the people were running everywhere. I just. Seen has the latest from kabul the explosion happened around noon a taliban suicide bomber right in a car bomb attack headquarters of the National Directorate of security in a big city the capital of someone province explosion was big at least 10 people were killed and 50 other people were wounded and rushed to the local hospitals taliban has claimed responsibility on this attack and the spokesman to be a kilometer it said that at least 70 person were either killed or wounded during the attack and this happened on the same day when the government has announced that they have released 180 taliban frozen prisoners most of them were released from the political prison here in kabul and taliban also during the last 3 days they keep they are now that they are released 42 security members from their prisons and why the prison swap continues the clashes and the confrontations between taliban and the government continues as well in the Northern Province of condos last night at least 18 member of the Security Forces were killed and 4 taliban members were killed during clashes that lasted almost all night. Theres been another record a rise in the number of corona virus cases around the world 230000 people have tested positive in just the last 24 hours india has reported a surge in cases but the 6 consecutive day it had nearly 29000 infections over the past day local officials in indian administered kashmir are expected to impose a lockdown after a surge in cases there several Indian States have imposed weekend curfews and shut areas considered to be high risk elizabeth put on them as the details from new delhi. The Indian Government has announced that many parts of the capital of india and minister. Around 90 of the worst affected areas of the city are now under lockdown there are also barricades being pushed in large parts of the city the government said that thats because the number of cases that they went from nearly 600 at the end of june and she and i go to double that number of active cases and that they have had a number of requests from Health Workers from trade is to impose this lockdown bush they are saying is not general but in containment so and what they call red zones already but ive been speaking to local journalists in srinagar and they say that this very much looks and feels like a complete lockdown especially because all those red zones a sort of scattered its really difficult to move around these places the government has interestingly its said that its going to open up tourism that people from outside of indeed mr bush meat are going to be able to travel to the region from tuesday and remember that this is an area thats been under lockdown. Its been nearly a year since the Indian Government revoked its autonomy and put it under many restrictions people have really suffered economically so many of worried about further restrictions especially at a time when the number of cases of relatively you know and also at a time when tourists are being allowed and while the residents are being pushed under more restrictions turkmenistans advising people to wear mosques but not as a protection against covert 19 the Central Asian country is one of only a handful of places yet to register any Infections Health Officials Say the recommendation is about protecting people from high levels of dust but also encouraging social distancing but they havent said why. Or that a quarter of the worlds recorded covert 900 cases are in the u. S. The state of florida is particularly badly hit it eased restrictions in may and has just reopened disney world despite workers concerns article has more. A new tragic record the largest number of coronavirus cases diagnosed in a single day in a single state of florida more than 15000 confirmed cases and the death toll is rising this is a state that was one of the 1st to reopen its economy and its republican governor was defiant at 1st a lot of people in your profession who wax poetic leap for weeks and weeks about how florida was going to be just like new york wait 2 weeks florida is going to be met just like it only wait 2 weeks well hell were 8 weeks away from that and it hasnt happened it took a few more weeks but it has happened and its actually worse than it ever was in new york but unlike there the Florida Governor has not issued a state wide mandate to where mass. Protests in one county tried to shoot down and over the weekend another protest yet the restaurant offering free food to people who refused to cover their faces selfish for not wearing a mask i want to say to you that all the people calling the selfish youre the one whos trying to force me a medical procedure so that you can feel more safe on the risks are very very loud this is a virus that has a 99. 6 percent recovery rate this is a virus that is very well contained this is a virus that the c. D. C. Is removing epidemic status from none of that is true and wearing a mask is not a medical procedure still it has become a political statement for many in the u. S. The entire reason for the shutdown was so hospitals like the one behind me do not become overwhelmed when the states that are seeing the biggest increases like florida arizona texas the hospitals are close to capacity and given what we know about how this virus spreads it is likely that that is going to continue stretching the hospitals beyond capacity. The president spent much of the weekend golfing but officials in his Administration Made clear they are gearing up for a fight against the lead Infectious Disease expert in the government Dr Anthony Fauci i respect dr a lot but dr fox he is not 100 percent right and he also doesnt necessarily he admits that have the whole National Interest in mind he looks at it from a very narrow Public Health point of view questions now about whether the man who has led every National Health emergency under 6 president s will be fired by President Trump in the midst of a growing pandemic pedicle here in aljazeera maryland chinas imposing retaliate to resign actions against 3 u. S. Politicians and the envoy for religious freedom after washington blacklisted a number of chinese politicians for alleged human rights abuses of the wave of minority those targeted included senators Ted Cruz Marco rubio both supported the legislation President Donald Trump signed in june calling for sanctions over the repression of weavers the u. N. Says about 1000000 weavers have been detained in reeducation camps in. Chinas Foreign Ministry is warning the u. S. To stay out of chinas internal affairs. The u. S. Practice is in serious interference in chinas internal affairs in serious violation of basic norms in governance of International Relations china opposes and strongly condemns that spawns to us wrongdoing china has decided to impose sanctions starting from today. Between e. U. Has the latest from beijing. So far the move seems to be largely symbolic and just the latest and what has been a downward spiral of relations between the u. S. And china now beijing has said that theyre targeting for u. S. Officials at the senate is ted cruz and marco rubio and also representative chris smith and the u. S. Ambassador at large for their Group International religious freedom Samuel Brownback it also sanctions the China Commission which is an organization which reports to donald trump now we are still waiting exactly on the details of what this entails quaternion chinas Foreign Ministry spokesperson did not elaborate but we can expect that it reflects the sanctions placed on chinese officials by washington last week as it is in retaliation for that now the washington shanks mean that chinese officials mention cannot do business in the u. S. They cannot travel there and any assets they have in the u. S. Will be frozen the u. S. Put these sanctions 1st on china all these on these officials as well as the shins on Public Security bureau because of many measures that they consider Human Rights Violations surveillance against the weekends separating families crackdowns on their culture and religion as well as putting up 1000000 in concentration camps because of their religion you know china has denied this it calls these concentration camps Vocational Training centers and according to beijing all of these measures that are imposed inch and john have nothing to do with religion but im also targeted at countering terrorism in the province of chinese professor who strongly criticized president xi jinping is handling of the coronavirus pandemic has reportedly been released after 6 days in custody friends of shoes on groom whos a constitutional law expert and one of chinas top universities so he returned home on sunday he was taken from his beijing apartment by more than a dozen officers last monday should publish many essays critical of the chinese leadership i think youd see pursuing a cult of personality. Members of the hong kong prodemocracy groups charge for organizing an illegal vigil to commemorate the 989. 00 tenement square massacre have appeared in court the case is adjourned until september organizers accuse the police of using the coronavirus pandemic as an excuse to ban the annual event settle clark has more from hong kong. This is the 1st hearing for these high profile prodemocracy activists theyve been charged with inciting and organizing. A candlelight vigil on june the 4th family. Chanting slogans like no to political persecution and political crimes including the founder of the media group apple dully jimmy lie as well as the founder of the organization that hosts the annual vigil to remember those who lost their lives in the square massacre but the group says they will fight these charges we will. Fight it because. We have our constitutional right to march as according to the basic law and the. Political right and. Police. The right and so they should be the one on trial and we will fight this because they said that we are incitement what do you mean by incitement everyone in sight by crime of their own was the crime to. Incite people to come out. Thousands of people joined this is june 4th candlelit vigil despite social distancing rules being put in place and a ban on any public gatherings of more than 8 people a number of people in this group are facing other criminal hearings. If found guilty on these charges they could face up to 5 years in jail. Rights Group Global Witness says companies in the e. U. And British Overseas Territories are being used as part of an International Money Laundering Network to finance the Syrian Government and its investigation found the uncle of syrian president Bashar Al Assad flew to moscow 2012 there he met a businessman at the center of a network of banks businesses and offshore Companies Allegedly allowed the government to avoid International Sanctions Front Companies were set up in cyprus and the British Virgin islands Global Witness says the body responsible for syrias chemical weapons and Ballistic Missile programs may have used these companies to purchase materials theres also evidence the government used them to buy fuel and that they enabled the Syrian Central Bank to get access to hard currency. Son a federal fee is an Investigative Reporter at organized crime and corruption the porting project and coauthor of the report and she says the investigation also exposed links between us and government and russian intelligence with our investigation we actually in fact we on korver that they would a natural was able to rely on you also on some good connection with russian intelligence. And yes they were able to buy properties in moscow they were able to move money award wide and what we also found is that. They in. The financial activities of their neck torkel overlap to with the activities of other well known laundromat systems so and by now the well known for all the like what for example the. Monkeys keep role during the troika laundromats fraud the russian laundromat the proxy platform these are all or laundromats instance that were uncovered by the r. C. C. Up. Until last year the main problem is i mean its clear that the the sanctions system is one its one tool or 2 but was a scalper to. Try to work law regime that is not is not enough because they use of anonymous companies. Actually enable these networks to move money around and so to keep the regime alive basically. Hong kong is among the issues being discussed as Foreign Ministers meet in person for the 1st time since coronavirus pandemic began also on the agenda the situation in syria as well as libya and turkey tensions have increased between thomas and ankara in recent weeks over their role in the libyan conflict and actions in the Eastern Mediterranean well lets go live to our correspondent natasha in paris this house or just bring us up to speed with whats been happening. Yes e. U. Foreign ministers meeting for the 1st time in person in brussels of course over the past few weeks theyve been meeting Via Video Conference and when. The Foreign Policy chief arrived in brussels earlier he said that this meeting will of course focus on many topics libya syria venezuela hong kong but one of the main focuses would be turkey because relations between the e. U. And turkey are particularly a strained at the moment and yes several says that whats needed is an open and frank discussion joining me from all of this to talk a little bit about all the different aspects is general how russia her her russia wiese sees maybe hes from the king in jail or institute of International Relations thanks for joining us she was at burrell when he arrived he has said before that relations between the e. U. Are at a real low point is it really that no actually you know when you hear the story from the show the world specifically you tend to get the paris story not so much the berlin version and the roughly 2 schools of thought one fortune of the led by france represented by burrell is deeply shocked by turkeys intervention and of course doesnt say anything about the other military interventions that do exist in libya in fact they preceded. The turkish action and then you have a morgue gnostic wharf like magic school. Which is led by anger marco so you always have to kind of keep the 2 in mind to understand what is actually going on within the e. U. For example its really will tend to not be shocked by turkey because its trying to be pragmatic and restore its relationship with tripoli so the e. U. Is not united is what im trying to say you spoke about frogs that have relations between her and paris have been particularly strange recently we saw a 10 acacia warship accused by frogs of a harassing a french naval vessel on a nato mission to keep faults by nato members of course do you think that this war of words between france and psyche could really lead to any way because really the real Sticking Point between the 2 is libya they both accuse each other all fueling instability in libya well 1st of all the misunderstanding goes beyond that its a profound this like between the 2 countries and its our into useful to both of them and if there is turkey moving weapons to libya absolutely was turkey or us in france no it was the other way around because france would love to have an incident and we might have a more serious incident over the next few weeks or months as i said that france is already worried about the rest of africa its also worried about its domestic politics where it needs a boogie man so all of this kind of fits together very nicely and it would love to have turkey as a new enemy and turkey turkey is fine with that turkey would love to have france as my the logical enemy so if it go both are basically complicit in this new or narrative but you know the big pick the big picture is not captured the reality of libya is not just turkey you have also the emirates you have russia you have egypt its a its uglier less simple less easy to digest story d which of course is not useful for politics. At the end of this meeting you Foreign Ministers say that they might discuss the possible see of imposing more sanctions and theyre ready sanctions over an oil drilling dispute in the. The mediterranean might we see more sanctions that sort of thing of course means that the us to be united youve already indicated its unlikely right it is unlikely now but this is not going to stop with the term france because 3rd france thinks with a time horizon the multiple years and its right over there over time it might manage to get exactly what he wants to be which is to basically demonize turkey and kind of use the populistic far right sentiment that has been growing in in europe to kind of collect more allies not just greece and cyprus but other countries like austria the netherlands potentially so france doesnt know that its not going to see succeed at the 1st attempt but its in there for the long how its in my work or hashmi thank you very much for joining us indeed with your analysis of the situation of course awaiting to see what comes out of that in a Foreign Ministers meeting whether or not they decide on sanctions of course anything decided in me you has to be done you not im asleep but you. Bring us up to date from paris natasha thank you very much indeed. Its time for the weather here is ever to know over the last few days weve seen these devastating pictures of rain in china and the impact but from the map behind you it looks as though its going to moving towards japans government yeah thats right the main rain bands are actually pretty much stuck where it is right but it does extend all the way across into japan as we go through the next couple of days japan should get into the clear some watts but Central China will still see further spells of heavy rain from time to time this is from here that blue line that ive drawn on that cold air to the north warm arad to the south but it is effectively a stationary front is kind of stuck in a similar position its a little bit like dragging a rope across a similar area saying heavy rain anywhere between one hand and shanghai waves a little north and south from time to time but its pretty much in that area this area of low pressure that we have in the yellow sea thats going to make its way across the Korean Peninsula so south korea seeing some heavy rain for a time then you can see how the rain makes its way through q you know when it was wet as it has been recently but its there nevertheless and you can follow that line of rain all the way back into central parts of china sinking a little further south which is we go on through choose day then you come into wednesday peps up once again more heavy downpours into central and eastern parts of china but just notice starting to look a little bit better at least for a good part of japan we got some signs of improvement in the weather too to come into northeastern areas of india over the next couple of days more very heavy rain is in the northeastern corner at the moment but as we go on through the next day or 2 stays wet here but the wettest weather is making its way further west everson thanks very much indeed and still ahead on aljazeera accused of turning a blind eye to criticism lasers judiciary in the news sites facing contempt of court. The show must go on performers in argentina take 12 virtual stage during the pandemic to keep the odds alive. And washington. Dropped the redskins nickname from their n. F. L. 2 jobs going to be here with that story in sport. An image can change the way we see the womb if were not saying theres we would be talking about it it can spark mass action or serve the interests of the powerful he created longing for a fellow opportunity that can obscure the truth this is a legitimate news story but is it and talking points for pretty intense people it can forge narratives all right through the listening post gives you the full picture on a. Im allowed when often. Raised in a chinese buddhist orphanage. Faces a momentous life decision. A personal story of competing identities. The chad light on a growing cultural types. Africa a witness documentary on aljazeera. Rule. Oh. You want to know it is either a reminder of our top stories this are pollens conservative president and sorry dude has returned to office after a runoff vote did and now really want to just over half the votes his rival rival just called ski received nearly 49 percent. Yemens who the rebels say theyve killed and injured dozens of high ranking military officers in saudi arabia their Spokesman Says they hit multiple military sites and a large oil facility just across the border saudi arabia hasnt said whether anyone was killed or injured in the attacks. Ethiopian media is claiming the country has begun filling the reservoirs of a controversial mega down on the nile egypt and sudan had requested that had not be filled until an agreement is reached theres been nearly a decade of dispute over concerns it will drastically reduce their water supply. Kosovos president is at the hague to face questions about his suspected role in the killings that took place during the conflict in the late 1990 s. A special prosecutor has filed a 10 count indictment accusing him touchy Vice President country viscerally and others of crimes against humanity and war crimes prosecutors say that shiva celie and others are criminally responsible for the murders of nearly 100 people some of whom were their political opponents the crimes including force to disappearances persecution and torture carried out during kosovos war of independence against serbia between 1908999 theyve also accused that she and the silly of a campaign to obstruct and undermine their investigation now for more on this lets go to step in whos joining us live from the hague i understand that the husband thought she has appeared in court the hearing is still going on do we know anything about what the the questioning in the court has been like. Well hes actually being questioned by the special prosecutor here at this special court thats been installed to to deal with the war crimes committed during the independence war in kosovo and hes now been a question for more than 3 hours already president came to the front of the court before he went in and made a statement he sat i make shopping this new challenge to my family and also to my country to face this questioning but he also has said that he maintains his innocence you said this is the price that we have to pay for peace he has said that this is a very serious indictment was false that the war impossible possible was was factual and and truthfully so there was no crimes against humanity no International Law that had been a violated but of course the prosecutor has sat that the president obstructed the process here and thats why the indictment went further and the president has that if the indictment will be will be accepted by a pretrial charge before october that he will actually resign as the president of course of all this whole process comes together when kosovo and those serbia its trying to to enter into a dialogue because serbia still until now like many other countries hasnt accepted the independence of kosovo basically the president also vowed to travel to to the United States before he heard about this indictment and also a process in brussels in the you know in the e. U. Is going on to have this dialogue continuing but of course this is a dark stain on this whole process so far as to bring yourself to do it from the hague thanks very much and dood. Thousands of protesting and democratic republic of congo against the appointment of a new Electoral Commission chief also molong his position has angered many people opposition politicians have accused him of being complicit in making previous elections they see him alone as biased towards former president Joseph Kabila ok lets get more on this from Catherine Sawyer shes in nairobi custom just tell us what was happening at todays protests and is this just the starting point of the protests. What todays protests were called by a coalition of opposition parties called le muka and what who have been filming in the capital kinshasa a supporter of the movement for the liberation of the congo Political Party led by john very influential a politician with a huge following and weve seen thousands of those with him in those protests they were trying to get to parliamentary they were despised by police and as you mentioned in that intro they are angry about the nomination of this electoral chief they say that he is an ally of former president Joseph Kabila that he is part of a team that has presided over the past flowed elections they say they do not want him thats why theyre going to parliament but beyond that they are also and happy with the leadership of president kennedy and the coalition he has formed with the former president Joseph Kabila they say that this is this one nation is not taking them in the right direction they say that the cost of living is going high government workers have not been paid and something needs to be done if the the quality of that life is to be improved and as you asked about protests going on its very likely that were going to see that because already weve had the Catholic Church Civil Society groups and other opposition group. While saying that theyre going to be holding their own processed in the coming weeks in the coming weeks not just against of this appointment of the Electoral Commission chief but also against the leadership that is in the d r c right now. Why do we think that the government within the d r c is likely to react to this if these protests go on as you say. While already weve had from the president. He. Cut in a special reason he and he is go back to the nominating body of the selectric Commission President which is really does groups who are my mind they tend to nominate this man so that he says hes going to go back to this group hes going to try and see whether they can come to a consensus that maybe they can compromise he says that this needs to be done the situation is going to be deescalated last friday we so members supporters of his own party the president s party out in the street also in the thousands also against this president to several people were killed in those protests the president says that yes people have a right to protest but there cant be violence hes arguing people to keep calm hes saying that hes going to go back to the nominating body of this president of the Electoral Commission and hes trying hes going to try and come and have them come to a consensus perhaps a compromise so that tensions can be deescalated but right now the situation is very very tense indeed in the d. C. Catherine thanks very much thats catherine sort of reporting from nairobi. One of the lasers leading independent news portals is facing contempt of Court Proceedings over reader comments criticizing the judiciary malaysiakini is editor in chief steven gan has arrived at a federal court in a hearing Reporters Without Borders is calling for the case to be dropped. All of this comes days after police questioned al jazeera journalists over a documentary about the plight of migrants jury in the pandemic these are some of the images aljazeera aired in its one to one east series called locked up in malaysias lockdown it reported in the authorities arrests of Migrant Workers during the covert 900. 00 pandemic Malaysian Police said it was investigating aljazeera over possible sedition and defamation in relation to the film aljazeera refutes these charges and strongly stands by the professionalism of its journalism. All Amnesty International is calling on malaysia to end housman and intimidation of journalists and rachel sklar howard is a researcher on malaysia and on this Day International shes joining us live from london rachel thank you very much indeed for being with us what are your concerns. Well our concerns are aneurysms this point we seen rising intolerance against criticism by the government in recent days and months in malays yeah and i missed international other organizations are calling for the government to put an end to its attacks and freedom of expression and the media inside the country as youve mentioned a contempt of Court Charges were filed against steve im gonna editor in chief use outlook malaysiakini comments by other that were posted actually by readers are that where allegedly critical of the countrys history so this would create a very dangerous president online freedom of expression we also see the unjustified investigation of aljazeera as a journalist and a manhunt for Migrant Workers that were involved in that in the documentary that was just buy out is iraq we are also calling for the government to end its investigation against these general mess and stop its harassment intimidation of peaceful critics of the government inside the country the situation with malaysia kid is stephen gun is an interesting one isnt it because if i understand it correctly the comments were posted by readers when the publication that was alerted by police that there was a risk of sort of that these are contributing contravening laws they were subsequently taken down but that didnt appear to be enough of a defense against the charges that were brought against the publication itself. Indeed its a very alarming situation every mommy case because of the president of it were create or are on my media inside the country. And peaceful expression in general and you know this is just the latest example of the clampdown against. Peaceful criticism that has been expressed online and weve also seen investigation of another journalist or reporting on immigration raids carried out by the government weve seen investigation of n. C. O. Activists that expressed. Alarm about the treatment of Migrant Workers inside the country it was the scene on numerous ordinary malaysians who have expressed maybe some challenge government policy on 19 for instance been convicted under repressive laws really should be repealed by our service is a very alarming trend that were seeing inside the country and certainly calling for this trend to be reversed and for the government to in fact. Amend or repeal all these laws that are being used to crackdown are currently the administration of much ado in a scene has only about 4 months old does that in some way play into what were seeing in terms of an apartment crackdown on the media. It could very well play into yeah the fact that this government is very new might play into into all of these all of this crackdown that receiving at the moment weve also seen an alarming. Attacks against the migrant population in malaysia a population of the ready has a lot of us and discrimination already and and actually the nation economy is very much alive i its on on these Migrant Workers and so to see the government. Carry out raids in the context of covert 19 placed Migrant Workers in overcrowded and even ration Detention Centers where theres very limited answered social distancing and to hear reports about Migrant Workers facing you know shortages of food and real economic and social hierarchy. These are also very concerning issues to us and to to see the government you know criticize news outlets that might be reporting on these important issues going after them rather than addressing these is very legitimate concerns that are being raised and the plight of Migrant Workers and so the country this is something that we we really feel must start and we really must see a. A real. A a change in approach by the government and that they mean is they must respect freedom of expression and and press freedom and send the country where it was or how it from i understand to national we appreciate it thank you very much live. Artists around the world are adapting to pandemic restrictions were swapping physical performance spaces for virtual ones is proving particularly challenging for those in argentina where the dire a column has been affecting a large percentage of the population even before the covered 19 outbreak so these are both records that. Tangle represents the heart of the culture in point of sightings music and dance that region a. T. P. Year in the link 18 hundreds. But covert 19 has forced many dancers to adjust and adapt to the changing nature of their careers a lot of the. Everything related to art is suspended and its one of the last thing that will come back im trying to be positive and focus on what i can do but some of my colleagues say online classes make them feel lonely or far away from everything tango has a lot of physical contact so its going to be a while before were allowed to go back to a stage. Thats for a man that is now teaching students from all around the world and is managing to make ends meet but not everyone has been able to succeed. These artists have come to the president ial palace to demand government assistance. For ending the moon were trying to create a common front to demand an income because we dont have anything the government should impose a tax on netflix and other streaming platforms because theyre making a lot of money while were not allowed to do anything. Theatres cinemas and everything related to culture where one of the 1st places to shut down and theyre likely to be the last ones to open this is the korean this avenue its known as the broadway of south america because of the amount of beers that are located here all of them have been close for almost 4 months even thousands of people without work many theatres are now streaming plays online and after watching viewers have an option to make a donation. Are to say. They have had to prepare safety protocols just to be ready if and when theyre allowed to open the curtains once again. Here in this song they say theyre anxious to be part of a play again because it will mean the threat of 1000 has passed. I could go to the us every day im talking to representatives in new york mexico spain and we talk about the same thing passing information that we dont have because we have never seen anything like this all fair to is around the world closed we are meeting with the government to see how we continue not to see how to i cannot argentina had a long im vibrant cultural life before the pandemic so many of these artists are filled with hope and optimism that theyd be able to perform once again. When i. Still had all this in the good news from Manchester City is that a rifle ban is overturned joes going to be here with all the details. Business leaders is going to buy no brass pot. Business leaders just want to buy no brass pot. Ice time and force joel with the sport and i understand theres a new name in the n. F. L. In the u. S. There is a new name with not quite yet announced but we start with the news that washingtons n. F. L. Team have dropped their redskins nickname and logo after pressure from social Justice Groups the redskins name has caused a lot of controversy over the years for what native american advocates have called a racial slur pressure increased following the black lives Matter Movement in recent months case sponsors had asked the team to change its name including nike has stopped selling the teams merchandise on its Online Platforms a new name has not yet been chosen lets bring in n. F. L. Broadcast im Michael Colson he joins us now live from london and michael give us the idea of how significant this move is and why its happening now. I think its hugely significant because no names have ever really been changed from outside pressure that i can remember and this pressure has existed for quite a while back in 2015 it went so far as the u. S. Congress trying to deny the redskins trademark protection for that name because they said it was it was a slur the team benchley won that case in court but since then theres been a steady stream of pressure and i think as you suggested joe a lot of this today has to do with black lives matter in the wake of the George Floyd Killing people are looking back at history theyre looking at the way people want to have to be referred to by other people and i think the redskins own history which has a lot of racial prejudice in it their owner back in the early thirtys was instrumental and integral in segregating the n. F. L. For about 15 years and they were the last team to really integrated not until 1962 to they had their 1st black player and that was under extreme pressure from the government in washington so michael whats the new name likely to be. Well thats an interesting question because the most likely names would be either the warriors which would allow the team to keep presumably their logo or Something Like the red tails or the red tail hawks which would let them keep the red part of their nickname so they could keep their team song and things like that that also was the name of an air squadron in the 2nd world war of black pilots from the Tuskegee Institute now bama so theres not really a local connection but there is a National Connection behind that the problem is and the reason why they havent announced the name is that most of these names have already been trademarked by people they call trademark squatters and theres one guy in particular who since that 2015 case has trademark Something Like 15 or 20 different possible nicknames for the team and theyre probably having to negotiate a deal with him to get that trademark and its interesting isnt it that this statement i made is actually lets had a paper with the like i still in place but looking at this issue a bit why into we know that the Cleveland Indians Baseball Team are appearing then name as well can you see them and others following. I think with the indians its to extremely good possibility i mean obviously its not a denigrating nickname the way redskins can be seen to be but indian in general if you if you called if you called the team lead the caucasians you know people could be offended by that or it might be seen to be meaningless there are other names like the Kansas City Chiefs American Football Team the Atlanta Braves Baseball Team where they look at the nickname as being something that honors the Warrior Spirit which is another reason why worriers might be the front runner for the Washington Team but you know this is taken this is taking place in colleges in america already and in some schools some of the universities. For example Florida State are the seminoles with the approval of the seminole tribe who are flora who are natives of florida and never surrendered to the u. S. Government others in north dakota say the sioux nation was divided on whether to continue to be the nickname of north Dakota University to fighting sioux but the legislature in that state changed it anyway because i think the point is if youre offending a certain a certain percentage of any ethnic group why is it worth fighting to keep the name why not just why not just say look were going to stop offending you and will choose another name right to get your insight as always michael thank you thanks joe. Much city have been paid to play in next seasons Champions League after winning their appeal against a 2 year european ban back in february european footballs governing body wafer wrote that city had committed serious breaches of financial fair play rules but the club took their appeal to the court of arbitration for sport he found the city didnt overinflate the sponsorship contributions what they did fail to cooperate with us as investigation cas rule that the ban should therefore be lifted and reduce their fine from 34000000. 00 to 11000000. 00 well the cubs released a statement saying while so much the city and its Legal Advisers say yet to review the 4 ruling by the court of arbitration for sport the club welcomes the implications of todays ruling as a validation of the clubs position and the body of evidence that it was able to present fans were also pleased with the decision absolutely ecstatic. To be honest we had i always thought we was innocent. Why would the club do things on the hand they knew they could get done for this cause be drug free the miami motors be thrown our people for years at the top sad very much that we are in the center of a country where the moneys come from over the years it should not even got to this case so heads will roll but you a 1st as we can say then why should you cooperate with in my opinion a corrupt organization you just say im not speaking to you ill see you in courts about initially thats thats why we think thats why one finds a 1000000 pound you know everybody in the world can say that its a victory today against against the billy boys. Well earlier i spoke to a. P. Global Sports Correspondent rob harris who said that while the financial fair play rules have been robust he waves his prosecution of cases recently has not. U. A. For have said they just note the findings of the case and that their main committed to the principles of financial fair play but many will look at this case and wonder just where does financial fair play set from hair or financial fair play wall set up 10 years ago in a bid to stabilize the football ecosystem time the Global Financial crisis obviously we now a new period of concerns financially for football with the looming recession financial fair play has worked in terms of bringing down those collective losses across european clubs from over a 1000000000 euros to profitability of more than 100000000 euros in the last Accounting Period but other clubs will now be looking at just what can they spend because financial fair play is designed to ensure clubs do breakeven and they arent just relying on owner investment for their funding at the heart of the mountain to city case with allegations that they over inflated the income using companies linked to the abu dhabi ownership that was not proven in the end but youve got other now clubs going through cas like transoms paul the turkish champion trying to get their own ban overturned and the Manchester City case is just the latest in a line of clubs that have scored legal victories i cast ac milan and paris and man as well u. A. For seem to struggle to get the cases through cas and to hold up cases that they themselves are prosecuted. Well well have more on both those big sports news stories that in the next news out but now its back to rob joe thank you very much indeed and thats it for me to drop by this and for this news hour im going to be back in a moment if more of the days news and of course lots more pictures and news on the web sites such as iran dot com by. What is the price of luxury. An Undercover Team travels deep into the illegal cocoa plantations of the ivory coast Simple Solutions are very hard to find for something as complicated as the child labor chocolates hearts of darkness and count as unpaid child labor is working in a 100000000000 dollar industry well overhaul of the countrys cocoa produces live below the poverty line. Coming soon the ultranationalist marks connected with one of the worlds worst humanitarian crisis we doe as illegally maigret joining with the military to impose a deadly political agenda we have 2 photos of our nation what has happened to the engine thats one of the biggest stains on the country as a whole. Is another religion this is the politics me and an unholy alliance on aljazeera. Stories of life. And inspiration. A series of short documentaries from around the wilds. That celebrate the human spirit against the odds come up coming from someplace. Aljazeera selects change makers. Algis the. Donald trumps aide seek to undermine the countrys top Infectious Disease specialist antony followed she i made a worsening coronavirus pandemic. Im about this and this is all just a real live from doha also coming up and jury duty is now only reelected as polands president in a race reflecting the deep social and cultural divisions in Eastern Europe. Thousands protested in the democratic republic of congo against plans to appoint an ally of former president Joseph Kabila as electoral

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