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Strike has killed at least 24. 00 people including women and children in the northwest of yemen also this hour keeping up the pressure secretary of state my comparison is the u. S. Will impose visa restrictions on Chinese Technology firms including huawei and why the global population is expected to diminish by hundreds of millions in the coming decades. Armley will ins with the sports news as world couple guys is released to shed for the 2022 settlement after the 1st time. Much is a day in the group stages of all the details coming up this hour. Thank you very much for joining us egypt says its seeking urgent clarification from ethiopia about whether it has started to feel the reservoir of africas largest dam on the blue nile if hell be in state television reported on wednesday that the failing of the grand renaissance dam had to be gotten the 5000000000. 00 project is a centerpiece of ethiopias bid to become africas biggest power exporter egypt and sudan fear reduce Water Supplies downstream and didnt want the river downed until they reach an agreement with ethiopia last month egypt told the un that it faces an existential threat from the dam John Stratford reports on the complex regional politics surrounding the project. Which she continues to build and cost close to 5000000000. 00 if you know peace friendship Infrastructure Project is a great source of national pride. But the grand ethiopian renaissance dam on the blue nile has caused tension with downstream countries sudan and egypt from the start be coping government says the hydroelectric dam is vital for the development of this immense landlocked country which is a population of around 108000000 the country plans to expulsion kristie across the region and says the dam will stop seasonal flooding in neighboring sudan. But egypt says there are a number of outstanding legal issues that need resolving and filling the reservoir too quickly could reduce its water supply and may pose an existential threat agent does have legitimate concerns i mean that egypt relies on the nile for 90 percent of its fresh water needs and the largest share of the river runs through each region or tree and what we have has had in egypt is a situation where they have a significant gap between the amount they produce and the amount of water they can shoot. And with a rapidly growing population of over 100000000. To this problem only getting worse ethiopia also has strong claims because its the source of the blue nile the largest of the river gnarls tributaries ethiopia was never included in a colonial era agreement between egypt and sudan the gives the lions share of water to egypt there are many highly balance calculations including internal political ones that reply you know if you go granny the other big you have i me out an ad hoc incumbent power in 2018 he wants to secure his position and you know be reelected in future elections in your area in egypt you are president sisi with you know an economy that has had been struggling but also he needs to ensure that he has the continued backing of the military establishment country which of course has an Important Role in the. Economy. In late june ethiopia rejected a u. N. Security Council Meeting requested by egypt saying the council should not be involved at all ethiopias un on bassa said the dispute should be solved at a regional Level African Union talks hosted by Science Africa failed to forge agreement earlier that months in february the us and the world bank mediated what it hoped would be a road map on how to proceed with final technical and legal issues which concerned egypt in particular but he did not sign of the final document ethiopia always said that it would have preferred agreement before it begins to fill the reservoir but if that wasnt possible it would go ahead anyway it has potential huge security implications for the entire region ethiopia accuses egypt have repeatedly dragging its feet over the issue of filling the reservoir something it says egypt knew would be inevitable one day Charles Trafford ill just. Lets bring in our van hours covered this story extensively for as theres been reaction mahmoud from egypt the site fully egypt is in front of a very historic moment. And its particularly crucial and particularly important for president. In many assessments no other president since the egyptian revolution in 1902 has faced this situation this is not a war this is not like a war with israel this is the survival of egypt or posed to the prosperity of the choppier so you can see the danger and the historicity of this moment for the 2 countries egypt can survive and. You can prosperity and there and the dispute is over one river that they share and it is a moment when they really either have to to agree on. Something or its going to be you know its going to be dangerous for the whole region so that in between or so is concerned bitter because it is afraid that this is going to affect its water share or they are also afraid technically of any any any problem in the dam itself that any flooding that is not controlled can destroy cities in the sudan so the 2 countries have. Very serious concerns about the dam if it goes on if the feeling goes on without agreement between the 2 countries so sudan that has been rather closer to the. Position is now going to words the egyptian position showing more concern no longer condoning a unilateral decision by each opiate to fill the dam the 2 countries egypt in particular has said that it will approach the un it has done that in the past i think in the last month it did not give the results that egypt wants now they will go again as they say and the only. That is clear for egypt now is tough a negotiation zwar pressure on each oprah via the un. American allies. It doesnt look like there is anything else they can do they have in the past there was talk about you know many years ago there was talk about egypt to go in any length you know thinking about any options but right now i mean they have and they are right about it really briefly tell us about the significance of the timing of this announcement by ethiopia why would the government go ahead and start filling the dam now before having reached an agreement with the age of 10 saddam. We know that. Been planning it has been planning to start filling the the dams result who are doing the the present rainy season when it starts so they have been talking about that nonstop and they have apparently you know fulfilled that promise to the children people but on the other hand people will think you know observers were thinking and even sudan and egypt or were also expecting that egypt it would go ahead and start filling the dancers of war without an agreement between the 2 countries so its it doesnt come as a surprise for the chop hughes who have been waiting for it and what its a surprise for international you know Public Opinion powers particularly the sudanese and the egyptians because they were thinking that the chopper wouldnt there take this step without without an agreement with them so there is a double you know situation here politically domestically in each opiah its an amazing decision its a historic decision courageous and good for the country but internationally speaking its a its a very very dangerous move. For the security of the region thank you for that moment valve in doha for us oil as you heard there from hamad sudan stands to benefit from the projects through access to cheap electricity and reduce flooding but it also has race years over the dams operation our correspondent morgan is on sudans lake noby hour with more. Filling of the dam is of great concern to both sudan and egypt because the dams capacity alone is twice the size or rather the capacity of the blue line which contributes more than 80 percent of the niles water so dan has repeatedly expressed concern over the impact of the dam and its safety on sudanese dams and Water Resources it says that its worried about the safety of the operations of the ground if you bring in his own stem especially because if you is yet to provide any guarantees its also worried about the impact it will have on water bodies downstream now one of those places where we will see an impact of the feeling is right here on lake newbie or as its much more commonly known lake nasir this is a lake that is created by the reservoir of the aswan high dam in egypt and most of the body of this lake is on the egyptian territory but this part which is about 20 percent lies on sudanese territory lots of fishermen and lots of farmers rely on this water body to be able to make a living and theyre saying that theyre concerned because this leak is largely reliant on the amount of water that flows into it and into the amount of water that is released by the egyptian dam so should egypt release a lot of water by the from behind dam and should there be a reduction in the amount of water that is flowing into the lake the size of the lake is likely to significantly reduce and that would have an impact on the livelihoods of people who are living here in the health and fishing and farming on the on the shores of lake so lots of concerns by sudan of course and also concerns by egypt over how much water it would be receiving especially because more than 90 percent of its population relies on the nile for fresh water to get any guarantees of from each feeling of the down will not will not affect the amount of water that is flowing downstream. To yemen now where hoofy medical sources say 24 civilians including women and children have been killed in a saudi strike 7 others were reportedly injured as Coalition Aircraft attack tomes in. Northwest yemen is being reported that a wedding was taking place in the area at the time as get the latest from mohammed in sanaa for us mahmoud what more are you hearing about the 2nd sense of this attack and why would that was this particular area target it. Yes the follow the. That has been reported by these and also the. Journal the results. According to sources that to the killing of us least 31 people most of them women and children as the. Targeted gathering are awaiting gathering in a. Region. Particularly. Also a number of condemn lesions especially by this law based government the human rights the human race ministry also condemned the attack while the the head of the. Political negotiating team. Says that the view is this isnt the saudi arabia from the shame of list as he described it. The child rights violators that has encouraged the reactor to carry on more attacks on civilians he says that there is such attack or just comes comes just days after another that has targeted. Hijo province resulted to the killing of for 9 civilians there most of them women and children the very has witnessed today. More than 28. 00 raids in general as the bit of it is you know itself there are confrontations between the season also the the be internationally recognized government forces. Attempts to for the hope these to capture the province of my rip thank you for that mohammed a lot tabligh forest air in sanaa with the latest now saying hes a yemeni and hoofy Affairs Analyst he says the United Nations must do more to hold the Saudi Led Coalition to account for civilian deaths. In this area is not near any frontline. I didnt think that the should be any excuse for the saudi why they thought of this because from the beginning of the war the have killed by a strike more than 17000 yemeni civilians and it just hid in some media as they have always say that this attack came after us on our house targeted saudi arabia with ballastic missile and drone on monday and actually that attack on so you on monday it came as a retaliation attack because on sunday the day before a saudi has killed 910 civilians including 5 children. But i believe that one main point that actually given us all the green light to continue this type of attack against civilians is the u. N. Security. Secretary removal of the name for all children. Of the killers of children about 2 weeks ago they did this many times before that so i think if the United Nation will not help saudi responsible for this killing i believe that thats all we can continue plenty more ahead on this news hour including celebrations for some prisoners of war in libya 16 of them go home in a swap between the warring sides hundreds of protesters are detained in bela room after the longtime president s 2 main live holes are barred from running in next months vote and as tiger woods prepares to return to competitive golf for the 1st time in 5 months well get his view on the black lives matter movement. Secretary of state my compel says the u. S. Will impose visa restrictions on Chinese Technology Companies Including while way he also reiterated support for countries that believe china is violating territorial rights in the South China Sea. Its not chinas maritime empire if beijing violates International Law and free nations do nothing then history shows that the c. C. P. Will simply take more territory that happened in the last administration our statement give significant support to us and leaders who have declared that the South China Sea disputes must be resolved through International Law not might makes right what the c. C. P. Does to the Chinese People is bad enough but the free world shouldnt tolerate beijings abuses as well White House Correspondent kimberly health more on the measures announced against. The United States has long had it in its sights kucing walk way of conducting domestic surveillance using it as a technology but really its back to or espionage it has been urging u. S. Allies for some time to get rid of it from discourages weve seen how up and in the United Kingdom just one day ago saying that it will ban walk away from his 5 g. Network by 2027 a move applauded by the United States and now the secretary of state saying that its going a step further putting in place visa restrictions for employees of huawei saying that this is a Company Huawei that supports and really encourages globally human rights abuses so the United States once again building on a string of measures its put in place in increasingly acrimonious relationship. Well the u. S. Stance against chinas claims in the South China Sea has been welcomed by fishermen in the philippines thats because theyre being pushed out of their usual fishing spots by the chinese navy aljazeera linda them reports from zambales province in the eastern philippines. So near oil are remembers a time when the sketch was far more abundant there was many years ago when he says he was still free to fish inside the lagoon of Scarborough Shoal just a little over 120 nautical miles from his hometown of machine look in somebodys list province that was until Chinese Navy Warships seized control in 2012. No you can disability be your chain dispersals we know we are no much against them we stay far from them. Government leaders in beijing claim the South China Sea as theirs saying its been part of chinese territory for thousands of years and chinas military continues to build installations such as on the Spratly Group of islands the u. S. Secretary of state michael b. Is says the chinese claims to the South China Sea are completely unlawful and washington supports a 5 Asian Countries indonesia malaysia the philippines and vietnam to whats been described as their inherent right to exclusive Economic Zones there. The philippines secretary of defense the finlands on the supports promptly is message to china and there in santa says china should abide by the 2016 ruling when the Philippine Government won its case against china at the International Tribunal in the hague but philippines president would really go to tear to has repeatedly said the china is a far more powerful country and doesnt want to risk going to war the u. S. China this is seen by many countries as a conflict between 2 competing superpowers but geopolitics isnt the issue here in the philippines for millions of filipinos living in coastal communities like this one Food Security is at the heart of the South China Sea this. Many of the fishermen who sail to Scarborough Shoal sell their catch in local markets like this one in a box box in the unit the fish used to be delivered to us in crates now fisherman just come and bring supplies in bales it takes about 5 fishermen now for us to have this much to sell and the price of fish has tripled. Filipinos here tell us they find it ironic that they live in a cunt she rich in Maritime Resources and yet the majority of them cant regularly afford even just a kilo of fish they welcomed the u. S. Is backing with cautious optimism but they know that help should come from their own government 1st jim duggan aljazeera zambales province northern philippines 11 soldiers from azerbaijan and 2 from armenia have been killed in the latest fighting at the border that began on sunday the 2 former soviet republics went to war in the 1990 s. Over the disputed region of mcgovern a quite a box and tension has similar to have a since been forced a walker has our report. Was large crowds of protesters in demanding the government declares war on armenia some demonstrators managed to Enter Parliament early on wednesday and were dispersed the crowds are highly unusual in tightly controlled as it by john an indication of the national mood. An army general was one of 11 as a very servicemen killed in 3 days of fighting on the border with armenia the armenian government reports the deaths of 4 personnel. Both sides accuse each other of starting the latest hostilities as ery missile strikes on armenian positions. Armenians shooting down as airy drones. Civilian areas also being shelled what i think many mean in with the whole story of them going question is what was the very area that sleeper created by significant religious are like and its right next to the military trains or between that and was extremely important because it enough are the 1st one to suffer a problem that on the korean on military action it is. The latest fighting is north of the disputed territory of the going to occur internationally recognized as part of azerbaijan its controlled by Armenian Forces some 30000 people died in the regional war between the former soviet republics in the 1990 s. As a by chance president ilham aliyev says International Peace talks have led nowhere how to go to think in armenia as Prime Minister nichol passion yan hughess as a by john of in danger in regional stability. This is the biggest escalation since a 4 day conflict in april 26th the russia and iran have offered to mediate but turkey says it stands with azerbaijan unless the renewed fighting can be resolved the risk of a wider conflict grows robin 1st year walker al jazeera. Has some breaking news out of tunisia this hour where the Prime Minister has resigned and presented his resignation to president karzai side after his Coalition Supporters began pushing for a vote of no confidence in the government is facing an investigation over allegations of conflicts of interest the president now. A week to nominate to replace mentor have 2 months to form a new government and pass it through parliament to libya now where prisoners of war have been swapped the internationally recognized government of National Court in forces loyal to warlord anything have tar each exchange 8 prisoners in misrata the latest video shows one of the government fighters celebrating at home with his family after his release has more from tripoli it seems that it is only significant for the prisoners families that are police their friends and neighbors maybe because it does not have any impact on the negotiations it does not have any consequences on both warring factions that d. N. A. Or how far as you know that this exchange of prisoners happened due to efforts made by tribal leaders or social media to was from both sides without any rule from the rival factions for neither from the jenae or the have to recite the exchange according to a tribal leaders in the city of misrata was initiated a month ago by have to the site after site offered to exchange aide prisoners for 8 from their side as you know that these prisoners were taken captives during the military campaign the fighting in southern tripoli that lasted over the past year but remember this is not the 1st time tribal leaders tell us that they have been engaged in other exchanging. Operations during the 14 months of battle that failed to take control of their capital of tripoli in fact the red crescent. In libya was a mediator to exchange of corpses from both sides during the military campaign. Now the walls population is expected to drop drastically in the next 18. C. According to a major study most countries could have shrinking populations by the end of the century 23. 00 nations are expected to see their populations by 2100 including china currently the worlds most populous country by contrast Subsaharan Africa is expected to travel its population and nigeria is forecast to become the 2nd largest country in the world researchers say countries are also sought to dramatically with as many as. Many people rather turning 80. Being born well lets speak to Dr Christopher murray whos the Senior Researcher of that report is director of the institute for Health Metrics and evaluation at the university of washington his via skype from seattle dr murray thank you so much for taking the time to speak to us tell us more for us about how you came up with these predictions and and why continued global population growth through the century is no longer likely to happen what are the underlying reasons behind this decline. Well the most important factor that determines population is actually fertility and what we have found looking back over the last 70 years is that telly rates are very much determined by levels of education for women and access to contraception and those 2 factors taken together explain almost all the variation weve seen across all countries infertility since women are getting more educated and fortunately access to Reproductive Health services is improving fertility rates come down and they stay low and thats really the key factor that on average educated women. That want of or have about less than one of the have children right and that really drives population down in the future that the study says that the 2 most populous countries in the world today china and india will see significant declines in their working populations tell us about the consequences of all this good and bad because i imagine theres some positive news out of all this is that. Well from an environmental point of view fewer people on the planet may mean its easier to manage Climate Change for example but for the countries like china and then you know a couple of decades later india where you have this big reduction in the number of working age adults and this is going to happen also in europe and many other regions in the world you have a profound challenge for Economic Growth d and sustaining governments tax base and even just the way societies are organized when you have many more 80 year olds than children. So the projections then carry significant consequences not least economic ones can this be reversed dr mary what what should countries and governments be doing to address these challenges. Well there are 2 strategies on offer right now one is to make it easier for women who are educated want to have careers to also have children and so thats you know generous Maternity Leave paternity leave support with you know child care where or when women go back to work those can help the swedish example shows that fertility rates can go up about 0. 2 although singapore d and taiwan and japan have not been as successful with those strategies the 2nd strategy is to have migration to bring in workers and thats what Australia New Zealand canada the us have done historically to good effect in terms of sustaining their Economic Growth and so far thats really the 2 main strategies that are on offer and i thank you so much for talking to us about this dr Mary Christopher mary is director of the institute for health and metrics evaluation at the university of washington thank you very much for your time thank you said ahead on aljazeera is utterly incapable. Of reading this country Donald Trumps niece calls on the president to resign well tell you why and where theres a will theres a way of paralympian bells his own pool to train during the current vice pandemic thats coming up in sports with the. The hearty fizz definitely disallow and i write on the edge of the southwest monsoon there is cloud elsewhere and you might well see a shower to generate in western saudi yemen otherwise its hot and dry of course this orange sheen here is an estimate of how much dust has been picked up in a fairly week blowing through iraq draw security down the eastern side of saudi towards doha dohas temperatures around the low fortys has been quite human recently theres no reason why that should particularly change temperatures dropped back a bit. But they were run the 50 maki way to about 4647 monsieur iraq and he wait and western iran is cooler actually throughout the sahara as lot more cloud avanza help clumps of showers been moving through with in particular wet recently in Cameron Cameron in nigeria the forecast shows all there and theyve come a long way north youve noticed so for example in guinea and in the kenya. Pretty big showers next day it was a that is consistent with this time of the year the rough weather has blown through cape town thats this frontal system which has become very weak weak however it will introduce cloud and rain to parts of zimbabwe mozambique and even sudden tanzania nothing too severe that. In the conclusion of the 2 part series people in power in vesta gates allegations that Irish Catholic nuns facilitated the traffic of babies the church realized that babies and all it could be sold to america asked out in quite a nice and reveals shocking new evidence of how and where religious orders disposed of those who died frankly torn in the system like this one church and state are colluding controlled from coming years islands mother and baby scandal on aljazeera stories of life. And inspiration. A series of short documentaries from around the world. That celebrate the human spirit against the odds can come to something someday. Aljazeera selects change makers. Welcome back our top stories on aljazeera this hour egypt says its seeking urgent clarification from ethiopia about whether it has taught it to fill the reservoir of africas launches down on the blue nile Egyptian State television reported on wednesday if the state television i should say report of them on wednesday at the filling of the grand renaissance dam had begun egypt and don have requested it not be filled until an agreement is reached. With the rebels in yemen say 24. 00 civilians including women and children have been killed in a saudi iraqi as strike is being reported that a wedding was taking place in the out some area at the time and secretary of state michael bell says the u. S. Will impose peace or restrictions on Chinese Technology Companies Including huawei he also reiterated support for countries that believe china is violating territorial rice in the South China Sea. Now the niece of u. S. President donald trump is calling on him to resign mary says its dangerous for americans to let her uncle lead the country she sat down for an exclusive interview with a. B. C. s new a. B. C. News Jocelyn Stephanopoulos after releasing a book heavily critical of trump whats the single most important thing you think the country needs to know about your uncle he is utterly incapable of leading this country and its dangerous to allow him to do so based on what you see now or what you saw of them. Based on what ive seen in my entire adult life. Our lives speak to Barbara Perry about this shes a professor of ethics and institutions and the directo of president ial studies at the university of virginias Miller Center and she is joining us from there thank you so much for being with us theres been no reaction from the trumpet ministration but eric the president s son has tweeted this saying every family has one nodding to a familiar expression about black sheep what do you think motivated mary trying to write this book i think it was twofold ali good to be with you today i think number one the she had this message and she is someone who is in the Mental Health field shes a Mental Health professional so she has some expertise but she wanted to get the word out before this upcoming election that her uncle in her mind was it capable of leading this country and not only it will leadership but actually dangerous for the country and i think one has to knowledge that she does have a an ax to grind a financial its run with the family because she and her brother were left out of their grandfathers will that is the will of the father of our current president so number one she will make a lot of money with this book and 2 she was very excited about the family had treated her rightly so it sounds like she was treated quite shabbily right weve known that the book was going to be very critical of donald trump but she uses particularly Strong Language what does a book really at the end tell us about the u. S. President. She claims that hes a sociopath and that course would be someone whos not only anti social but very manipulative and uses the people d for his own ends and i dont think that that comes as a shock to anyone whos been following Donald Trumps career and certainly his presidency but the fact that someone in the family again was some expertise in the Mental Health field would come forward to say that it is very important for certainly the American People and all of the world to know what she is she has seen from her entire adult life this this federal book is the 2nd in as many months to present a way the ring portrait of the u. S. President and mike former National Security adviser john boltons book are these revelations at all hurting donald trump you think and his chances for reelection. I think is they say these charges are already baked in to peoples Decision Making so it doesnt come as a shock to the opponents of donald trump that he has sociopathic tendencies and is not capable of leaving the United States and we see that now because of the coronavirus but for those who support him and continue to support him and thats about 30 to 35 percent of the American People they dont only either dont care about is propensities mentally but they actually admire his im useful persona so i dont think this is the either this book or the bolton books going to have much of the impact i think that whats having the impact is the coronavirus the collapse of the economy and racial unrest in the United States thank you so much for talking to us Barbara Perry joining us there from virginia in the u. S. Thank you for your time we appreciate it thanks. While the Coronavirus Crisis now in latin america is struggling to contain its outbreak with nearly a 150000. 00 people now dead in the region the virus is spreading faster there and then anywhere else in the world. Have been the way lets get the nates answer man youre up a little in mexico city for us so just bring us an update on the situation right now currently across latin america money how bad is it latin americas still struggling to contain the contagion of coronavirus and if you look at the americas in general from canada to in argentina the region the entire region accounts for nearly half of all coronavirus deaths that are occurring daily around the world and there are a few hotspots that we are watching out for in latin america specifically in south america specifically its brazil as the country there nears 22000000. 00 confirmed cases theres also questions and or alarming contagion rates in in peru in sheila as well as in bolivia if you look at the caribbean both haiti and Dominican Republic have also been showing alarming contagion rates showing to be a hotspot in the caribbean and of course there is Mexico Mexico here recently moved into 4th position worldwide when it comes to cohabit related deaths in the country continues to ease restrictions but again latin america continuing to to struggle to mitigate contagion and countries and governments struggling to find that balance between Public Health and the health of an economy and thats also leading to another crisis which is the economic one setting the entire region back significantly when it comes to Poverty Reduction well tell us a bit more about mexico where you are manny the receptions a saying slowly being lifted. All right new through the latest numbers in mexico because on tuesday was yet another record setting day seeing more than 7000 cases occur in a period of 24 hours but the latest to 6 or 311000 confirmed cases 360332027 deaths so the Health Crisis in mexico is still worsening it appears that the curve is still on its on its way up having not reached peak contagion but again the company the government here is easing restrictions having the eye on the economy specifically the area of tourism which is massively important for mexico take a look. This is how some hotels along mexicos caribbean coast have welcomed their 1st guests in months was the slow trickle of foreigners is a most welcome sign for the 4500000 workers who make a living from mexicos Tourism Industry when no authority its good to know that right now theyre restarting jobs and that tourists will come and they see everything here and the hotel sit through of cancun is reopening and we send a general invitation to all the national and International Tourists that they welcome. Pinku was one of the 1st mexican cities to reopen to tourists while national and International Flights to this ideally destination are operating at reduced capacity the city has already welcomed some 70000 visitors since reopening its doors on june 8th. Still a far cry from the packed beaches and busy arrival terminals of the days before cope at 19 as part of. The recovery will not be fast the travel industry has been one of the warsaw hotel sector restaurants the whole change related to travel we dont expect there will be e. C. Will we have to reinvent many things become more efficient more up to mistakes and creative and above everything always always place Public Safety as a top priority. Mexicos travel industry is undergoing a safety overhaul efforts like the adoption of this thermal Imaging System that can koons International Airport our response to the demand for higher sanitation standards while many of mexicos Top Destinations like hank who in acapulco and mexico city have reopened mexico continues to struggle to mitigate contagion of coronavirus. He says of coronavirus are still on the rise such that mexicos government recently extended restrictions on travel across mexicos land borders through july 21st to resume of fish. However tell al jazeera the Health Crisis is improving but expect it will be years before the industry begins to bounce back. So leave the us weve met the expectations set by the Health Secretary to control this pandemic based on europes experience with their contagion curves we expect to see a recovery near the end of 2022 to reach the tourist numbers we had before the pandemic. Every year more than 45000000. 00 tourists visit mexicos beaches historic cities and world famous oracular logical sites ranking the country among the top 10 most visited on the planet and lit up a little aljazeera mexico city. Tech giant apple is celebrating a big win in ireland the European High Court has ruled apple doesnt have to pay 15000000000. 00 in irish back taxes thats a blow for the European Unions promises to crack down on tax avoidance judges or all that it hasnt been able to prove that apple had a legal tax arrangement where the island stuff meant its. A has more on the ruling from london. Multinationals could often choose to pay tax on their revenues around the European Union in 1. 00 country where they have a Regional Headquarters in up was case like other Big Companies that was in ireland so the commission back then ordered apple to pay back for a gross under payment of tax on profits from 2003 to 2014 it said that basically the company had created to Show Companies to hire eat their profits now this is a big win for apple as it stands the company has really pooped who the idea that theyd sort to avoid tax the irish or fortys have welcomed this decision they said ireland has always been clear there was no special treatment provided the opposition in the main opposition should fain have said its a bad day for the taxpayer there as well as morally a terrible day and the european ringback commission itself hasnt necessarily given up the fight theyre saying they dont know how long it will take for them to make a decision on whether to continue this case but it could impact on others there are people looking into the tax affairs of Companies Like nike and ikea around the European Union right now its a very very important for the European Commission to be seen to be taking a stand to make Big Companies pay their fair share of tax particularly given the huge numbers involved in this covered 19 Recovery Fund which theyre trying to create right now. Aljazeera has uncovered shocking new revelations about the number of infants who died at the hands of catholic religious orders in ireland theyre part of a 3 month investigation into the socalled mother and baby homes its estimated as many as 6000. 00 children could be buried in an mops graves in ireland it found that in the grounds of one home the nuns appear to have put a sewage tank on top of the remains of children who died in their care and in another home the nuns may have misled a commission of inquiry as to where the bodies of children. Lawrence lee has our exclusive report. 6 years old from the discovery of 800 babies bodies in sewage tanks and reform a mother and baby home in the arsenal of children and the state commission to investigate what really happened still has yet to report but choose seems to be the tip of the iceberg. This is like all such homes women who become pregnant out of marriage were ordered to come here. Because huge this is your 1st impression when you walk in its like a state and surrender their babies to the nuns for adoption while they were made to work in the laundry as a punishment for their sins. This is the 1st time a film crew has entered the. Going to just start the we run briars of stuff in the 1980 s. Michael was a groundsman he was asked by the nuns to clear a patch of land for what is now a socalled angels plots a place to commemorate the children who died of things like malnutrition in the home turned over to god and i just know what life was born of the nuns claim 269 babies died here the last in 1904 yet official records say the actual figure is over a 1000 so where are they weve established the existence of a burial pits for unbaptized children whose deaths are recorded anywhere and its believed a sewage tank has been laid in the angels plot as well its an echo of what happened with chu. Are we prepared to allow this level of just the question baby died to be really really sucks. That we are not even going to. Last another home best confidential Irish Health Service document showed just how many infants died in the care of the nuns in one year the death rate was 82 percent 900 babies died here yet only 64 recorded the nuns say they cant remember where the rest of but this official maps suggest the existence of a childrens burial plots right here you can see the indentations from the air i dont believe for one second they dont know where the burial grounds are and i dont believe for one second that they dont how far records of everything that happened in the process we came across a workman whod been asked to dig up the site right next to where the graves appeared to be are you worried about they get there he had no way of knowing but for the relatives of those who died here it amounts to tampering with a potential crime scene for you know they are under question. For the relatives the idea that the remains of thousands of children scattered around ireland shouldnt really be a matter for a Civil Commission of inquiry its all it should be something for these people the police. There were 14 mother and baby homes and islands our investigation has raised concerns about a number of them but by no means all the irish state commission has an opportunity to reveal the truth about what happened throughout the 20th century with all the implicit criticism of the role of the Catholic Church in society whether it will remains an open question and to decide to release its own findings. Currently aljazeera in and. And you can watch more of lawrence to investigation into islands mother and baby scandal on people in power late on wednesday at 2230 g. M. T. Right here on aljazeera. And still ahead on the news hour we now know which stadium will open the 2022 world cup in qatar. All the details of the schedule thats just been released coming up next to stay with us. Its. Time now for sports. Thank you the show jewel of matches has been released for the 2022 world cup in qatar its been designed to reduce impact on the european football season and organizers hope the total will act as a global celebration of overcoming the coronavirus pandemic if it starts reports. We now know that this is where the cats are world cup will kick off at 1 pm on nov 21st 2022 the al bates stadium which in arabic translates as the house will be home to 60000. 00 friends for the start of the worlds biggest sports event the tournament showed you will is different this time as there will be 4 games every day during the group stage the 1st in world cup history being a compact country scheduling 4 matches a day is going to be quite unique its going to give people the opportunity to attend more than one much of the people who arent attending the world cup get to watch the world cup very convenient times just by the fact of qatar as a location in the region or in the world means about 3500000000 people get to watch the world cup a very convenient times. Games will kick off at 1 pm doha time 4 pm 7 pm and 10 pm meaning that someone will spill over past midnight with extra time for delays its the 1st world cup to be played in november and december but this condensed format allows the whole thing to be completed in 28. 00 days rather than the 32 years last time in russia which limits the disruption to the european domestic football season we all want the best players in the world the best teams in the world to perform at the highest level so with this match schedule they have 3 days rest between matches which is optimum for sporting performance this dry and of 16 theres 2 matches where the teams will have 2 days rest and then the 3rd place playoff match theres one team will have 2 days and one will have 3 days which is not on common for that particular much this. It will be the middle easts 1st world cup and organizers believe it has taken on extra significance given whats taking place across the world right now especially considering it were coming out of the 19 i think i genuinely believe will be the 1st lowballed our celebration where we will collectively have overcome covered i will collectively be able to celebrate this tournament. And create a lasting van and thats why i think its its when i was that it was previously significant i believe the significance has become even more the format is now in place but theres plenty of work left to do before the tournament gets underway in 858 days time both in terms of construction and getting teams qualified in a world struggling to cope with cope with 19 david stokes aljazeera the 1st ever pick event due to be held in africa has been postponed for 4 years until 2026. Games were to be held in dakar senegal in 2022 i. O. C. President thomas bach has pointed to a combination of factors for the decision all related to the ongoing pandemic he said there are financial restraints and also a proliferation of 5 olympic events in 3 years. The i. O. C. Says it remains fully committed to staging the type that you dont want to see it stage behind closed doors we are working for a solution for the Olympic Games which are on the one hand. Is safeguarding. There. The health of all the participants and on the other hand is also reflecting the olympic spirit. Tiger woods well mikeys long awaited return to competitive golf this week for the 1st time in 5 months the 15 time aged champion has been practicing in a high overhead of the memorial tournament which hes won 5 times which is one of the worlds most famous films my name is often reluctant to talk about politics or society and issues but this will be his 1st appearance since the death of george forward and hes supportive of the black lives. Movement and change is fantastic thats how society develops is how we grow to move forward so we have fairness and unfortunate weve weve lost innocent lives along the way and hopefully we dont lose any more of the future as we move to a much better place socially well woods long break from golf was partly because of injury but mostly because of the current virus pandemic he chose to stay away from the fast 6 tournament since the p. G. A. Tour and i was in to be a very different atmosphere out there so were used to i just felt those better stay home and be safe and you know im used to playing with lots of people in our army or have a lot of people have a direct line to me and that puts now in myself in danger but you know my friends and family it was more of watching golf to see how it is down to see what our near future are reality it isnt this is the energy is different theres nothing to feed off of you make a big pile you make a big part make a big ship or hit a hell of a shot theres no one there i think this is going to set up for not just in the short term but for for the forseeable future im sure. Well tournament host tonight same time major champion Jack Nicklaus is vowing that corona virus wont get in the why of one of the tournaments traditions the 18 year old who also had to undergo a test before he was allowed on site will not give up shaking the winners hand. d walk right out there they dont want to shake my hand thats 5 1st pupper elbow but you know. You know im not going to give a covert 19 keeping mentally positive and physically in shape has been difficult for many athletes whose facilities have been shut down in the pandemic one paralympics were in argentina took matters into his own hands 18 year old Sebastian Gallagher has built his own makeshift pool in his backyard with the help of his dad using plastic sheets logs and ill tank around 400 liters of water over these parts of argentinas team of death swimmers is trying to participate in next years death lympics in brazil. I said to my mom i want to train again because im becoming rigid i am losing mobility in my body losing flexibility in my shoulder and my hip its not the same to train outside as being in the water with swimming i am one i am completely me in b. I dont depend on my hearing i am in the water and i only need my body to train. God stuff thats all this for for now. Name a think you very much for that thats it for this news hour on aljazeera from me for the whole team here in doha thank you very much for watching well live next model and the new center where Lauren Taylor to stay with us on aljazeera. The health of humanity is at stake a Global Pandemic requires a global response. W. H. O. Is the guardian of Global Health delivering lifesaving to lose supplies and training to help the worlds most Vulnerable People uniting across borders to speed up the development of test treatments and of that. Keeping you up to date with whats happening on the ground in the wooed and in the lab now more than ever the world needs w. H. O. Making a healthier world for you. For everyone. Tens of thousands of filipino nurses a saving american lives during the cold 19. They came to the u. S. For a better life but at what cost. 101 east investigates on just. Algis the robot meatball remarkable both men wouldnt survive this after those closest to them were taken away never to return. Some of the 8000 muslim men and boys killed in the stripper needs a massacre 25 years ago heartfelt accounts from those left behind trying to move on from the pain of the past women who refused to die on aljazeera. A diverse range of stories from across the globe from the perspective of on networks journalists on aljazeera. If european begins feeling the reservoirs of its controversial mega dam on the blue nile ignoring concerns raised by egypt answered on. This aljazeera live from london also coming up yemens hoofy rebels say dozens of civilians including children have been killed in saudi led as strikes in the north of the country

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