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With armenia. Come specifically for the fish. And feasting and cattles waters why its the perfect home to the seas gentle giants. And its for real madrid are on the brink of winning the Spanish League title a win against the rio will ensure the championship for a record 34. 00. Now the British Government is blaming hackers associated with russias Intelligence Agency of targeting Corona Virus Vaccine Research as well as its democratic processes while britain the United States and canada all say russian activists have attempted to steal information on covert 1000 Vaccine Research in all 3 countries Canada Spy Agency has warned Health Organizations to take action to protect themselves from hackers or britain also says that. Russia attempted to interfere in last years general election by publicizing leaked documents related to a planned Free Trade Agreement with the us they were in turn used by jeremy corbins campaign against Boris Johnson the kremlin is denying both allegations britains government is also expected to release a long delayed report next week on alleged russian interference in both in the brics that referendum 4 years ago as well as the general election in 2017 well we can now speak to our correspondent paul brennan who is in london for us paul i want to start with this latest allegation of russian hacking around the covert 19 vaccine just what do we know about whos behind this. Its a fascinating report thats been published and circulated by the u. K. s National Cybersecurity center gives it extra credibility is that its not just the u. K. Thats produced this report has been done in conjunction and in collaboration with the Canadian Intelligence Services and 2 of the american us Intelligence Services department for Homeland Security in the National Security agency as well so this for agencies involved in this what its looked at is the activities of a group called a c t 29 otherwise known as the jukes perhaps best known around the world as cozy bet that done some high publicity high profile attacks in the past this latest report on that tactics and what theyre up to says that throughout 2020 theyve been targeting a whole range of organize ations diplomatic Governmental Energy organizations but among the groups and organizations that have been targeted are bodies that are involved in the search for a vaccine coronavirus the covert 19 virus why would they be involved in searching for vulnerabilities in those kind of organizations well according to the reports its highly likely with the intention of stealing information now the u. K. Is very angry about this and the foreign secretary dominic robb has come out the staff than in and said frankly it doesnt matter what the motivation was the actions themselves were reprehensible were not entirely sure but it feels in any event as if its being done for their own purposes whether its commercial or otherwise in any event as i said given the world is trying to come together to fight a vaccine for peoples british people here in the u. K. But also for people around the world im afraid its a pretty egregious behavior and it deserves and it should be called. And all we have had rather a lot more from today is wow. Yes i mean. You wait an hour for a bus and then 3 come up once you 89 months for russia reports now due to be released next week and 3 come along at the same time you have the u. K. National cybersecurity report today youve got done like rob also talking about asians that there was russian involvement in the 2019 general election through whats described by the Foreign Office as amplification of leaked illicitly leaked documents specifically as you mentioned in the introduction documents relating to the u. S. U. K. Trade negotiations and whether or not the National Health service would be up for sale in inverted commas after brecks it as well as that of course we are waiting for a report due to be published by a Parliamentary Intelligence Committee next week or whether russia was also involved in trying to have some kind of intervention meddling if you like in the brics it voted 2016 on the 2017 general election served 3 major vote 3 major polls in this country important to say at the end of all of this russia is of course blanket lee deny any involvement at all to me to peskov who is sorry is violent putins personal Spokesman Says weve got no information who could have been behind these hacks we can only say this russia has nothing to do with these attempts we dont accept such accusations nor groundless allegations of interference in the 2019. Election so that theyre issuing a very strong denial but the evidence being put forward by the u. K. And their allies pretty strong as well paul brennan there across all those developments for us from london thank you very much paul well ali i think he is a former Deputy National Intelligence Officer for transnational threats at the u. S. Central Intelligence Agency and he told me about the steps that countries should be taking in defense against cyber attacks. We know its not a secret now that for decades. And since then russians intercepted literally every telephone call me in the United States and with computers you can process. Identify words that are of interest and so on so this is just routine we also know that even after the fall of the berlin wall of and because of that the russians maintained as many Intelligence Officers operating in the United States as the cia employed globally so their effort has not diminished whatsoever and theres no surprise at all that they are theyre stealing things that they want you need a robust Counter Intelligence service in the case of the United States as the f. B. I. To do you need to have an aggressively informed and. Careful private sector you need to engage with google and amazon and choose the company and they need to have very robust in particular in todays world Cyber Protection measures and then the 3rd thing is that you also have to exact a cost you dont just say oh please stop this we have found your hand in the cookie jar you can cause them pain too and its a its a cool reality through mutually assured pain danger that other countries may have a 2nd thoughts well i ben is going to take to all of that hes the lead expert at the center for actual politics that said moscow based think tank and he says the countries havent presented hard evidence of russian involvement. Of course those reports are not being verified by a direct solid evidence provided in the court of Public Opinion so the british. Security services are making a statement about that but at the same time theyre not providing card evidence that would boost their case both domestically in britain and internationally and that is quite expect the logical the moscow denies any involvement in that now in the past few years as you know russia has been accused of meddling in the number of elections both in the United States in the 2016 president ial election and in elections in the europe and other regions of the world russia has consistently denied taking a new partner meddling in those elections at the same thing moscow has offered to hold the talks on Cyber Security and talks on not meddling in each others internal affairs though the United States the American Government cares if used to making your public official pledges of not meddling in russias internal affairs and so at this point its a its at the stand still moving on now and the u. S. Attorney general says americans have become overly reliant on chinese goods and Services Including coronavirus protective equipment william bar joined the growing chorus of u. S. Officials publicly criticizing the Chinese Government in recent days he went on to say china was engaged in an economic blitzkrieg campaign to surpass the u. S. As the worlds preeminent superpower or lets go live now to our White House Correspondent kelly halkett to speak a little more about this can be some really tough talk there from bill barr. This is what weve seen from the trumpet ministration for days even weeks now this is an administration angry particularly the president that covert 1000. 00 this hit the United States decimating its economy an Election Year and looking for someone to play with cues in china if not being more transparent thats manifested itself as you point out today in the strong words from the attorney general william barr taking about hollywood taking aim at Tech Companies like microsoft apple accusing them of essentially collaborating with the Chinese Communist party saying that what theyre doing is a sense szell essentially self censoring their product in order to make sure that it does not upset them in any way to hang on to that very lucrative market in china and the 1000000000 more than a 1000000000 people that live there so this words from the attorney general are essentially look at why not use your power stand out for stand up brother against those that violate human rights heres what he had to say and every year at the Academy Awards americans are lectured about how this country full sure of hollywoods ideals of social justice but hollywood now regularly censors its own movies to appease the Chinese Communist party i suspect it will disney would be disheartened to see how the company he founded deals with foreign dictatorships today can he does seem like things continue escalating there are now also reports that the u. S. May ban members of the Chinese Communist party what are you hearing. This is something that is being considered internally thats what im hearing is that this is in a draft form this could potentially be some sort of a form of a president ial order and what this would do is essential it would ban millions of people from entering the United States anyone and their families affiliated with the Chinese Communist party now already weve had reaction from china from the Foreign Affairs ministry saying that this is in their words pathetic but what we can expect from this should it go ahead is potential tit for tat measures that weve seen already whether its the china trade war or more recently and some of the actions that have been taken by the United States met with displeasure by china now in terms of how this might play out what were expecting is that this could take the form of much luck what we saw in 20171 of the 1st executive orders of the u. S. President with regard to its travel ban for some muslim majority countries the argument being made legally is that there are certain security requirements that need to take place in order for people to have these reciprocal agreements and that china would be in violation of those agreements and therefore that is why this ban would be put in place but again still in a preliminary form we understand not presented to the president but certainly one of many measures that are being considered we will watch carefully to see as the White House Press secretary holds her briefing in the coming hour what more she might have to say we will indeed candy how cant they with all the latest from the white house thank you very much kimberly well speaking of china its the 1st major economy to report growth since the start of the kovac 1000 pandemic Chinese Government statistics show an unexpected 3. 2 percent increase in the 2nd quarter to the 2nd largest economy suffered its worst a slump in nearly 50 is cheering up downs now some industries and a back to normal but Consumer Spending remains down. The epidemic is still spreading faster sees the restart recovery of the World Economy and trade has been very difficult domestically the recovery have to modest slow the pressures of stabilizing and surprises and safeguarding residential employment a huge correspondent katrina you has more from beijing on just how the government is explaining this economic turnaround well the Chinese Government has attributed it to being able to control the corona Virus Outbreak now we did have a new cluster in beijing at the end of may beginning of june that was very concerning so many neighborhoods put back into lockdown but since then some draconian measures put in place by the government seem to work to now were back to Single Digits in terms of local transmissions in the last few weeks also the government has been ramping up their spending of infrastructure as well weve seen new rail projects of the building projects subway stations built in beijing and other major cities and the government has also been making it easier for businesses to borrow money from banks to invest in their businesses so these a the reasons that the government is stating that weve seen this 3. 2 percent increase in g. D. P. Growth which is quite a sharp turn around from the previous quarter where we saw 6. 8 percent in terms of a contraction the 1st in decades Chinese State media here today on they are celebrating this saying its a success it proves that the chinese measures to contain the corner virus have worked and its also a beacon of hope for other economies that are struggling at the moment but of course we have to take this figure with a grain of salt because its impossible to verify these government figures but it is true if you walk around the major cities here in china certainly in beijing it does appear to be business as usual shops and restaurants are open many people are back to the office and even Domestic Travel is starting to resume. Now taiwan has held annual military drills meant to show off its readiness to defend itself against an attack from Mainland China president saying when says the war games are important to show determination from a private ports from the capital seoul. As tensions increase with Mainland China a defiant show of strength by taiwan its latest military hardware on display much of it sold by the United States towers undertaken significant investment in military assets over the past few years and these operations give tom one a real opportunity to see and to evaluate their systems to evaluate their chains of command and see how their operations would work in times of crisis in times of peace not. In times of in times of conflict Disaster Relief for instance the annual life fire drills held since the 1980s test the islands ability to fight off an attack from its far more powerful neighbor. The exercises include air defense and followed by incursions by Chinese Military aircraft in recent months. Watching the war games taiwans president signing one who is riding a wave of popularity for taking a more defiant stand against beijing and. The hong kong exercises an annual major event of our military and it shows the combat power of our troops we want the world to see our determination and efforts to protect our country. Chinas growing territorial claims in the South China Sea are being resisted by the United States secretary of state mike pompei o describing the claims as completely unlawful as u. S. Warships continue their exercises in the disputed waters incurring the wrath of chinas government. That we urge the u. S. Is stop stirring up trouble in regards to the South China Sea issue and to not keep going further down the wrong track china will continue to resolutely safeguarded sovereignty and safety set against the background of worsening relations between washington and beijing taiwan can be assured of its continuing support from the u. S. But with these exercises also trusting in its own ability to defend the island if necessary of the bride aljazeera well there is plenty more ahead here this news hour including the vatican advisers bishops to report sex abuse claims to the police and its latest push to tackle a decades old scandal in. The fight to think you can go on a rusty oil tanker thats been stranded off the coast of yemen for years and enforce an unwanted fly pass for organizers of a nascar measure raising event in the United States. Now the British Court of appeal has ruled that a schoolgirl who travel to syria to join eisel should be allowed to attend to the u. K. So name a baguette who is now 20 years old had her citizenship revoked in 2019 she wants to return to challenge that decision as name a country is heading away and he believes the u. K. Will have a hard time giving the cheapos as a real threat or i think is for the government to convince the court shes such a Security Threat that. She mustnt be allowed into the u. K. And most without losing her citizenship and thats going to be somewhat difficult when the u. K. Government accepted 400. 00 return days some of which were male fighters and who salvage a bed in itself in poem and accepted some of which were not in significant risks themselves so when you compare the people the type of people who are governments admitted have come back already versus a 15 Year Old Girl who went out from school to isis and by all accounts spent her time as a housewife if 3 children. Then one has to wonder what is the Security Risk that that person poses and some of the leaders feeding the issue is well which country would take somebody in these circumstances where home country the u. K. Government has expressed this strong desire not to have barack the all going about this is whether its even legal or more than potentially quite innocently be burdened with somebody who is not the problem so unfortunately s. D. F. And the Kurdish People find themselves having been allies of the u. K. Or america but burdened with u. K. Citizens and foreign citizens whove got nothing to do with them. Jons foreign minister has been sacked for what the president calls meaningless negotiations with neighboring armenia thats as more fighting broke out on the border despite both sides saying theyre trying to find a peaceful solution both countries say their villages are being shelled by Opposition Forces at least 16 people have now been killed since sunday tension between the former soviet republics has been escalating now for more than 2 decades over the disputed region of nagornokarabakh our correspondent robin forester walker has covered the conflict for us extensively and is across developments from to b. C. In neighboring georgia he has all the latest on the Foreign Ministers sacking. Hes being replaced of course so there will be another foreign minister taking his state and thats a michael j. One bite of but mr mamet the art of had a lot of experience in the role hed been in it since 2004 thats you know 16 years he knew the insides and outs of the negotiating process the technicalities of course all the personalities. The reorganizing body that conducts and hold these talks is run by the oversee and chaired by the u. S. France and russia and then now that hes gone somebody else will have to be starting afresh of course he wasnt the policy maker that would have been president aliyev and its been mr aaliyahs decision signaling his displeasure at the peace talks and negotiations not leading anywhere for azerbaijan not resolving the disputed territory of nagornokarabakh weve had this break out in fighting weve seen unprecedented scenes of aries. Entering the parliament in baku and calling for war and this looks like a step by mr lee have towards placating the National Mood being seen to be doing something and finding a scapegoat perhaps in his foreign minister. The hours hes calling for the sides to come back to the negotiating table but weve had another confirmation now of a of another azeri serviceman losing his life and so for the time being. The fear is that therell be more of this kind of low level conflict and more more people dying in the coming in the coming hours and days unless. Its a cease fire can hold here. Now the Catholic Church has issued new guidelines to senior clergy and courage in them to report instances of child sexual abuse the new rules require bishops to report allegations to the police especially if its necessary to protect possible victims or other minus this goes beyond a Previous Church policy which only required them to take action when local nors required it the Catholic Church has been hit with numerous abuse scandals in recent hears with senior members implicated in covering up for abuses but we can now speak to mass murder jodi he is a professor of theology and religious studies at Villanova University and he joins us now on skype from philadelphia massimo i think that many people have the sense that the Catholic Church is often very much set in its ways and its difficult to change things just how much of a shift is this for the vatican is really worth the shift which is part of the shifts francis will defeat gate which started in the 2nd part. I dont say 20. 2 churches here it was a series of new revelations in Different Countries in the global church. You know. You only knows that so this is sort of the shift the city is what changes head start. Really for sure. But when it. Went the 2005 but much more recently with what friends used to use go well i mean as weve been saying the issue of abuse within the church has been around for decades do you think that this move now has been fundamentally driven by Public Opinion or is it pope francis who is pushing this. I would say that its more Public Opinion and he said shifty in the cultural sense that the. That is there would be around the issue of whether the humans in general is so you remember that it isnt the problem of the going to church its not just sexual abuse but its also abuse of power and of authority they are or are all intermingled and so its not a coincidence that these new shift in the Counter Church insights were lodged going with the need to movement its not only that and so this is a 1st theyre even more transparency its interesting in these documents it says that all media reports are to be say are to be taken seriously that was not all the case. And this more reliance on the rule of law on the fact that civil authorities are to trust when these cases are reported. A lot of the public outcry about the abuse scandals that weve seen has not only been about the base itself but equally about the cover up of the abuse well a policy that youre talking about being able to change a culture that so deeply ingrained. I believe that has changed or already one of the most important changes thanks to bill france its nice that a significant number of bishops have been fired by them at the carroll because of their essentially or their cover of ordinary inability to deal with this case and so now we should. Know that they make serious mistakes. Could lose their job which is new because before 20 the 15 you now say that was extremely rare or under wraps it wont make public now it is Public Knowledge of issues he loses his job sort of release and response will happen much more often than before a much needed change massive journey a professor of theology and wanted to study has it been and every one of us to take you inside and out of there thanks for joining us and thank you. Still ahead for you here on aljazeera a matter of life or death in iran how has Thai Campaign could help hope the executions of antigovernment protestors. House state t. V. In ethiopia appears to have gotten it wrong about the giant new dam which is worrying its neighbors 100 scored a night of celebration in portugal as the Football League title is decided. Hello there mostly hot and dry throughout much of the middle east the winds fairly strong as well so quite a bit of sand and dust over the next few days but what youll notice is this huge massive cloud here streaming off the west coast of india vast as golsen air pressure within it that will bring the rain towards the coast of oman not making much progress on friday is that is good about the heat the strong winds up blowing sand and it is the temperatures generally in the mid to high fortys celsius and to the north of there in turkey still want to show that air of course has seen some recent flooding with some very heavy rain on friday pushing into Western Areas of georgia that should die away as we go through the 1st day of the weekend but youll notice there is a system bringing the rain across into these coastal areas of amman and we could have some heavy downpours at times this could actually lead to some localized flooding but in terms of the sand in the dust not as much. On saturday then down into Southern Africa plenty of activity through Central Regions out tools the gulf of guinea but we are now enjoying a rest by those recent storms into south africa so through friday it is fine and dry as a warm day and for to those of us 23. 00 degrees celsius plenty of showers quite a strong chill flow into mozambique and those showers will continue at those coastal areas all the way up tool somalia similar story today a more showers into eastern areas of madagascar. Growing up in the harsh and unforgiving circumstances children learn to play dangerous games exist without studies to store the nerves and take worn down by frustration and broken promises young men living under the constant threat of imprisonment it took me to the tree and going full time for them to regain control of their lives is when the boys returned prison live. On aljazeera. I was going to have. The working in asia and africa thered be days where id be choosing the editing my own story is that a refugee camp with no it interesting and right now were confronting some of the greatest challenges that humanity has ever faced and i really believe that the only way we can do that is with compassion and generosity and come from miles because of the only way we can try to solve any of these problems is together they are so important we make those connections. The world. Hello again im the star and thats remind you of our top stories this hour britains government says russian state sponsored hackers have been attempting to steal covert 19 back scene Research Data from the u. K. U. S. And canada britain also says russia attempted to interfere in last years general election moscow denies the allegations. The u. S. Attorney general is the latest to join the growing chorus of officials publicly criticizing the Chinese Government in recent days when your boss says americans have become overly reliant on chinese goods and Services Including coronavirus protective equipment. And the British Court of appeal has ruled that a schoolgirl who travel to syria to join eisel should be allowed to return to the u. K. To meet her bag and had her citizenship revoked in 2019 and she wants to return to challenge that decision. On our twitter is investigating a major breach of its systems which allowed the posting of fake messages from some of its most famous uses they include u. S. President ial contender joe biden former president barack obama and amazon boss jeff bezos the social Media Company says hackers targeted employees to gain access gate and the reports. The fake tweets were only on screen for a few minutes but long enough for people to capture screenshots of several before they were removed which is confirmed and identified hackers broke into the accounts of high profile politicians tech company 1000000000 as and celebrities in a scam apparently designed tell yo people into sending money to an anonymous bitcoin account twitter followers will offer 2000. 00 for every 1000. 00 they sent this was an account all about opportunity and what youre seeing is you know very high profile people reach a lot of people very quickly bitcoin is something that can be turned into cash very quickly anonymously so i think somebody found a very clever way to extract a lot of money from people in a very quick amount of talent that might also be a demonstration of twitters weak Security Control as campaigning steps up for the president ial election in november a contest in which twitter is likely to play an influential role u. S. President Donald Trumps account which has more than 83000000. 00 followers was not among those hacked chief executive jet doocy said tough day for us at twitter we all feel terrible this happened we diagnosing and well share everything we can when we have a more complete understanding of exactly what happened i think were probably very lucky that people who took it over and chose to use it as a crude scam really i think it could have been very much more impactful. I cant really imagine different ways they could have played out i think we were quite lucky responsibility has been surfaced in why it was relatively benign the bitcoin account mentioned in the fake tweets received 12. 9 bitcoins by the end of wednesday equivalent to around 114000. 00 roughly half that in bitcoin was withdrawn from the account the same day Victoria Gate and be aljazeera. Now facebook the e. U. And the u. S. All say theyre studying a ruling by europes top court which scraps the data sharing privacy agreement that ruling prevents Tech Companies from transferring european fit isnt material to the u. S. Alexia bryant has the details the case was called Facebook Ireland and shrooms 4 words that could have major Global Implications sram says all that and previously activist make shrooms so were really really happy with his judgment he launched legal action against facebook and its European Headquarters in ireland arguing his data wasnt protected when it was transferred to the social media giant servers in the u. S. The case went from ireland to europes top cotton oxenberg where judges agreed with him 5 Commission Implementing decision e. U. 2016 well of on that 50 is invalid. The court has ordered the scrapping of an agreement called the previously shield which was supposed to keep the diameter of european customers safe when it was transmitted across the atlantic but because many u. S. Tech companies are obliged to give some access to government surveillance the court found that safety cant be ensured this has been seen as the way in which the European Commission has bowed down to u. S. Influence and the court of justice claims that this formally is not enough so what happens now with the Privacy Shield is that a lot of data transfers are going to have to be stopped. That shrimps has been here before this is the 2nd major data deal thats been spiked because of him the 1st was previously shields pretty serious or called safe harbor the case is steam from revelations by whistleblower Edward Snowden that the u. S. Government was snooping on peoples online darshana and communications i think the only solution we can possibly see is serious surveillance reform in the u. S. Because that now becomes a business interest in the Silicon Valley will simply realize that either in the us laws are going to be changed to a certain extent or they will literally have to move a lot of their operation to europe and even split their systems into 2 parts. The u. S. Government says its deeply disappointed by the latest decision on facebook and the European Union a study in the ruling. Such as and businesses are seeking that issuance today on both sides of the atlantic so let me be clear we will continue our work to ensure the continuity of safe state officials. Who do not hold another global data sharing mechanism used by thousands of companies for things like Cloud Storage payroll and finance while the e. U. And the us must now work out a new way to share data the courts trace that all privacy watchdogs must do more to keep uses material safe brian al jazeera. Iranian justice author it is considering reexamining death sentences given to 3 protesters after a mass social Media Campaign demanding a reprieve the men were ordered to be executed following their arrests during antigovernment protests last november since then more than 7000000. 00 tweets using the hash tag do not execute were posted after that decision made some behravesh as a political analyst at gulf state and a lesser extent he says the government wanted to make it clear it would stamp out to send. That decision to execute these 3 young people was basically why the government was basically a at. Intimidating terrorizing outreach seemingly dissatisfied and restive population in the face of increasing Economic Security environmental and social challenges that are rooted in systemic corruption mismanagement. Incompetence of the government so basically the government is trying to send a message that the co it the coercive force is very much at hand and available and if people take the streets to protest against certain policies they will be dealt this very group falls the 2nd point though is that this act was very much produced spontaneously and on a massive scale a why people were activists and journalists mostly inside iran and that also shows how the society is opposed on air basically collective level the policies that the government is syrian get asshole and the rule that ethiopia says it has not started filling the reservoir of africas largest and despite its water minister saying that it had the increase in the water level is now being attributed to seasonal heavy rain and natural part of the construction process until now rather ethiopia has told to don the dam gates have not been closed both egypt answered unfair reduced Water Supplies downstream and dont want to read the damned until a binding agreement is reached by mamma van has more on the confusion surrounding the status of this project. Its difficult to know whats going on at the dam itself because there was no access to it by International Media no experts are visiting no foreign delegations are visiting the damn site so we can only hear from the europeans and they said something when they came back and said Something Different we can only analyze that particularly this this situation since yesterday a situation of confusion at least for people outside the chopper can benefit each opens they want probably to test not only the dams capacity if indeed they try to fill it they began to feel the leak thats a technical test for the dam itself whether it works or not and this could be the biggest or the most important test because there were concerns technically speaking about whether the dam can really support this idea of you know holding up to 74000000000 cubic meters so a test will be good a test or saw of the actions of the countries downstream sudan and egypt and the International Community and particularly the u. S. And the u. N. And the world bank who have been partners in the negotiations to resolve this dispute so they can gather a lot of. Conclusions from what happened yesterday and thats going to benefit them going ahead because they have to know what to do in these tough negotiations. A top official at the u. S. State Department Says the e. U. Needs to be more critical of countries that violate a u. N. Arms embargo in libya David Schenker who is assistant secretary for Near East Affairs says hell only criticizes the turkish involvement in the conflict and jenga says nobody in the e. U. Is complaining about the violations of the embargo by countries like United Arab Emirates or egypt. Egypts president has warned he wont ignore direct threats to egyptian and libyan National Security and thats after tribal leaders who support war utterly for have to urge to Egyptian Military intervention and sisi previously said egypt would support have to us forces if tripoli is internationally recognized government and its turkish allies renewed their assault on the city of sirte while the u. N. Is warning that time is running out for a derelict oil tanker thats now been stranded off the west coast of yemen for 5 years both the Yemeni Government and the fighters both lay claim to its valuable cargo and neither side is budging but the who these are now promising to allow a u. N. Safety team on board to prevent a giant oil spill or about unmanly has the details and get in trouble in the troubled region the rusty vessel named safe has more than a 1000000 barrels of crude oil on board its been stranded of the russe a salt terminal on yemens west coast for more than 5 years. With valuable call those contestants between yemens internationally recognized government and the booty and the beast. One rots in the sun the u. N. Deems the tank is so unsafe that it could wreck ecosystems and livelihoods for decades if its called the leaks if the spill werent rigged you know karen extreme arm x. Project 1600000 yemenis will be directly affected every Fishing Community along yemens west coast will say their livelihoods collapse. Substantial economic losses. Say for was previously owned by yemens government and seized by the hundreds of they seize control of the capital sanaa in 2014. Yemens government wants the tank back the proposal consisted of 3 stages 1st assessment and necessary repairs to basic maintenance and facilitating all you extraction and 3 disposing of the tank and that all potential revenue from the sale of oil is to be used as a contribution to paying salaries so the servants in yemen the government of yemen have agreed to this and the hoosiers have not saudi arabia attacked the port in 2016 as the whities attempted to retrieve the shipment of oil 800 is what killed the port was targeted again by the saudis in 2017 the hosey say there are allow u. N. Team of engineers on board in the next few weeks the tank is anchored near one of the worlds busiest shipping lanes and not far from the port of her data which is a lifeline of the 2 thirds of yemens population that the un is concerned and all spill could prevent aids deliveries. If the tank it does leak that will add a new dimension to a conflict that led to the suffering of millions. Nor about somali to syria. The fortunes of the American Airline industry nosedive 20 kind of virus cases hit the United States and lines were given a bad out with 25000000000. 00 in exchange for an agreement not to lay off lakas about to ends in september and 1 airline has already announced massive cuts john hendren reports from chicago. The u. S. Airline industry has returned to Turbulent Times as a rising new infections stalls its recovery it does the news i because i was just on the seat with 3 people and i was like really tight the july 4th Independence Day weekend was the busiest since the pandemic began the passenger numbers have since dropped off now united is cutting 36000 jobs nearly half its u. S. Staff and others could soon follow you know ministries doing traffic this way all it will be able to serve may change service us. All while a lot of people. That. I dont. Not see airlines are trying to combat coronavirus fears by requiring mess its American Airlines reminded senator ted cruz after this picture appeared on twitter he says he took it off to drink his coffee as is allowed delta and others are leaving middle seats empty the united an american or not this senator wants to make the empty middle seat mandatory. Between each delta flight the entire cabin is sprayed with disinfectant and white top to bottom but your safety could depend on the passenger in the next seat certainly we cant do all the physical distancing wed want to on an airplane so you know theres no such thing as your risk. In europe and elsewhere a drop in covert 9000. 00 cases has airlines slowly recovering but in the u. S. The industrys decline has reflected the rising arc of the virus the airline industrys woes reverberate throughout the economy the european plane maker airbus plans to shrink and here in chicago. Boeing which was already having trouble with a recall of its 737 max plane sold only 20 planes from april to june that compares with 149 in the previous 2nd quarter making it the companys worst quarter since 1963. Industry analysts say the key to recovery is persuading passengers theyre safe so the solution is for people to be chewed bits not going to get it ready to see therefore. That it better to hire change its normal die prematurely with no vaccine expected before 2021 getting all these planes back in the air could take years John Hendren Al Jazeera chicago. Coming up next in sports one of the hottest game deposits. And he will be here with all the details. And its time to support and thank you so much the stars are all real madrid could secure the Spanish League for the 1st time in 3 years in the next couple of hours is in a danes the downside of one. Game since the league restyle is now a win against villareal who gives them the championship record. If their closest rivals boss alone felt it also so you know the reality will be champions regardless of their results. One of the doors for. The north i feel there are a lot of people who have suffered and a lot who are still struggling i believe football of the way to forget what is happening and thats why we are working every day to win titles thinking of our fans that unfortunately cannot be with us in the stadium you know i think they are looking at what were doing and i want them to be proud of the team. Weve shared the points and 6 points for the swallowers they extended their lead at the top of italys syria youve a allowing its goal lead to slip. And they were trailing 3 to 4 goals from alexander ensured the game finished in a draw you very failed so in the past 3 games and of conceded 9 goals thats as many as they let in and there are 13 League Matches this year. After that result events is have built a 7 point lead at the top hour that could be cut to 6 if instead beats a little later on all that series title helps with dented after and theyll draw against naisi also have secured the Portuguese League title i did so by beating sporting lisbon 2 no it means they have an unassailable lead over 2nd place ben figure with 2 rounds of matches to go this is paul 2nd lead title in 3 seasons. Now some important games in the race to qualify for next seasons Champions League taking place in england right now a win for leicester all ensure they hold on to the 4th and final spots coming up to full time in their game against Sheffield United they are up just behind the man united theyre about to kick off it is Crystal Palace united drink with southampton last time and its here at the club where. It always boils down to the last couple of weeks or 2 or 3 games in a season anyway so weve gone from plastic since was a restart it started with a draw against tottenham of course with another great run. But a little bit of a bias. For for mentality. Well england fast bowler just for our show has apologized for breaking safety protocols out of the 2nd test against the west indies archer was dropped from the same for breaching rules designed to keep players safe from coronavirus the world cup winner starts off on routes in manchester from southampton following englands defeat in the 1st sassed archer will now spend 5 days in south isolation in a batting 1st in that match after the west indies won the toss of the close to home same of progress to 273. 00 don sibley with an unbeaten 86. 00 australia have named a provisional squad for a limited overs sort of england in september details of the trip yet to be finalised due to carving 19 the series would be australias 1st cricket since the coronavirus pandemic bull sports were holes in early march were hard to meet but there are some. Who are. Only doing that. And are. Alive announcement around. We want to we want to. Hear. No new orleans or star rookies on williamson has left the n. B. A. Bubble in florida to attend to a quote urgent family medical mass and the 20 year old who was the top pro for all pick of the 2019 draft missed the 1st couple of months of the season because of a knee injury for the pelicans a jute start their season on july 30th its unclear now if williamson will be available for that game in a statement David Griffin the pelicans executive Vice President of basketball operations said we fully support zionist decision to leave the n. B. A. Campus to be with his family out of respect for the Williamson Family we will have i further comment at its high. I Will Champion Lewis Hamilton says he expects life in the f one bubble to become more stressful as the season progresses the drivers are hungry getting ready for their 3rd race in as many weeks all see members required to stay in designated groups in order to minimize potential exposure to coronavirus. Diving straight in and having these 3 races i think so for everyones upbeat everyones excited. And definitely it is order i think in between the races not being that go to get back but at the moment its not an issue as far as im aware but i can see it being strenuous on a Confederate Flag was flown i read american most are racing circuit before nascars all star race the fight has officially been banned by nascar due to its links with slavery and racism this far past organized by a Group Opposed to that ban or for the 1st time since the coronavirus lockdown a limited number of fans were allowed to attend a nascar race around 20000 watching the action at Bristol Motor Speedway here in tennessee. Ok that is it for now the stop thanks so much andy well to the scene now and cancers waters host some of the largest gatherings of whale sharks in the wild they are the current biggest fish and research has found that they come here to feed on the abundance of fish eggs in the waters stephanie desk decker got exclusive access to head out to sea and to swim with these gentle giants. Scanning the waters but not for these playful visitors. This is incredible there whether we ought to have more with the element of it. Weve traveled almost 2 hours off the qatari coast to find these majestic animals the whale shark the biggest fish in the world and they gather here in huge numbers. The head of the Whale Shark Research project here explains the biggest emitter we recorded by a drone is a 350 with one shot but in our database we have more than 600 record the. World record. A bucket list moment as they say our 1st glimpse of these enormous gentle giants. Its hard to describe the feeling of swimming alongside them watching them feed feeling like tiny insignificant yet privileged guests in their world. Ringback camera man nick porter and i surface after swimming with them for the 1st time. In a critical. Week for a lot of. The scale of what we are witnessing only really becomes apparent once you take to the sky. And why do they come here the main thing in this area is the temperature the well you see if you go 5 or 6 kilometers out of this area the water temperature is about between 32 to 34 average 32 degrees centigrade in this area here. About 2728. 00 its the best or the ideal temperature for fish to bring in so when they breed or spawn here the shark comes with a broken you know they come specifically for the fish you know the caviar you know. Part of the shark family they are filter feeders and they are categorized as endangered unsurprisingly mostly due to mans activities. Research had been going on into this population since 2010 together with some of the Major Energy Companies but has been put on hold in the last few years the local teams are keen to get things moving again back on the boat so how was it just unbelievable to see how many will sharks. In this area here also eager to join us on our trip. A qatari world traveler he has never seen such a gathering before and the maldives we were to go in and spend 4 hours to spot one will show one will sharks and the mud and the shells and the hills like everywhere everywhere only miss will shock. The doctors as though there were the other one is coming that theyre not going i mean saying its not you know something you know you see it now in the hurt them but its still 50 maybe bigger and here the water is below 30 feet im looking were going to be you know we get back into the water its hard to end such a unique and special experience for now there is no way for the public to come here but were told its being looked into raising awareness could also be a way to ensure more protection and more research into this whale shark population. It is a privilege to host these graceful sea giants and we all have a g. G. To play our part in protecting them Stephanie Decker aljazeera of the qatari coast. That is and from maine a star but ill hand you over to lauren and london will have much more of the days news to stay with us here on out of there. Growing up in a harsh and unforgiving circumstances children learn to play dangerous games they exist without studies that destroy the house and take a worn down by frustration and broken promises young men living under the constant threat of imprisonment that took me to the jeep and blindfolded me but time for them to regain control of their lives is when the boys returned prison life inside and out. On aljazeera. Al jazeera. In. A conflict that is now considered to be the worlds worst humanitarian crisis how many would not have to die like this stock is hard says really for sale an investigation into how billions of euros are made from supplying arms to saudi arabia a leader of the Coalition Fighting a war in the south the case is interesting to watch the amount of money involved yemen war profiteers on aljazeera. Be the hero of the world news. Washington. Britain the u. S. And canada accuse russia of trying to steal information from research as working on a covert 19 vaccine moscow denies the allegations. And our intake of his aljazeera live from london also coming up the e. U. s top court scraps an agreement allowing big Tech Companies to transfer data to the u. S. As the number of corona virus infections in the u. S. Approaches 3 and a half 1000000 states and stores take the lead in requiring people to wear masks

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