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People National Security will be speaking to one of the. Millions of americans left in limbo as politicians disagree over extending Unemployment Benefits for people who lost jobs because of it 90. 4 Major League Baseballs commissioner says. Down the warning comes as more games are. Positive. In the race to find a Coronavirus Vaccine just picked up pace with russia saying it will begin vaccinations as early as october but some countries already raising questions and concerns about the safety of vaccines that are rolled out just too quickly russias Health Minister hasnt given any details about the vaccine and its not clear if the treatment produces an immune response in germany the government is coming under pressure over its covert 19 restrictions protests are underway so far it has managed to keep infections down. Its now seeing a rise in cases because shes been easing its lot but social distancing rules are still in place and after whats being called an explosive spread in the region of a canal in japan a state of emergency has been declared there tokyos governor has warned she may follow suit and the city has seen a Record Number of daily infections for the 3rd straight day well well be speaking to our correspondent Dominic Casey in berlin for more on those protests in just a few minutes prefers to russias Vaccination Campaign and dare i gather a is a for all a just and lecturer at Lancaster University in the United Kingdom and he says the rush to produce a covert 19 vaccine could mean that in effect a result is still far from certain accidents take a long time to develop and if you go back to the last pandemic that made the news in a big which was either virus spiking 2016 and we still dont have a surprise thats ready for use of the some some of the early promising results and in complications of rules should be say that if you find a cyst which is your vital storms are a difficult subject to develop vaccines against and we have a problems with other flu viruses flu virus vaccines and passed with corona virus accedes weve never tried to develop a vaccine to immunise humans against coronaviruses that are some and move axioms that have been developed vaccines against humans and for criminals is this this is the 1st one so this presents what problems and under normal circumstances a beauty several years for this to get regular to be approval but because of the International Emergency well lots of these processes which are normally run sequentially and over are now running in panel acceptance weve heard that governments are already placing orders for 4 or 4 vaccines and on the off chance that one of them will pass Regulatory Approval and then you know immediately be able to begin production of a large scale. All right its just gone 5 pm in germany and this is the scene in the hall to the capital lynn with thousands have been out for a rally against restrictions dominic cain is there for us now. These protests the moral stance against government restrictions is. Pretty much whats happening is you have people coming to the center of birdland to demonstrate how angry they are at what they believe is the denial of their freedom because they dont like the measures put in place to control the pandemic they dont want to observe social distancing they dont want to have to wear masks and that sort of thing and so they believe that by demonstrating that in berlin in the center of the city on a sunny day in august that they can put their point across the interesting thing is that the organizers of this demonstration earlier in the week could hope that theyd get Something Like half a 1000000 people on the streets of berlin they havent managed that the police estimate is that Something Like 17000 people have been marching through the streets of the german capital the interesting point is that the police have in the course of the past hour and a half decided that this demonstration these rallies are not following the regulations that are in place governing mass demonstrations mass groups of people in the streets and so they force the organizers to shut down and the point there being that this is exactly what the organizers would have wanted because their argument is that they are showing the way to freedom the reality of course is that for the police who are charged with keeping everybody safe they believe that they have to step in so thats whats happening which is why you have or im broadcasting from now on today in london the Brandenburg Gate such an iconic part of berlin full of Police Cars Police vans because behind the gate behind the Brandenburg Gate many thousands of people have been demonstrating. 17000. 00 or so protesters clearly not that concerned about the spread of covert 19 but spreading it is across germany. Thats pretty much the consternation these demonstrations are causing is really felt in the ministerial circles not just here in berlin but right across the country ministers are frightened of a 2nd wave of corona thats why theyve been theyve been insisting that anybody goes on holiday to a risk area has to come back and receive a mandatory test when they come back thats why they insist on social distancing where possible thats why when they see so many people so many strangers congregating in the center of berlin and flouting the rules they worry very much that there would be a 2nd wave the thing also to say here is that the very rules against which these protesters are protesting are much much less strong than they were during the height of the pandemic and thats why many germans are wondering what exactly are these protesters protesting against when the rules have been relaxed for so long and its only a curious situation well leave it there for now thats a picture in berlin lets move across to japan we can hear now from laura bird molly who has more on the disturbing situation there. Is a traditional japanese art form hundreds of years old but its the 1st time its ever been performed like death. The number of before with a limited where men are from chest. Unstick the social distancing rules on states. Took years kabuki theater has opened for the 1st time in 5 months with strict guidelines as a capsule reported a record rise including a virus cases for the 3rd consecutive day as tokyos governor considered ordering a new state of emergency the theater is at risk of closing once so if we are so stuck if there are any requests from the japanese or tokyo government we need to respond appropriately and think of a way to adapt the performance depending on the situation this may unfortunately include having to stop partway through the run the so the island of okinawa has declared a covert 19 state of emergency some japanese suspect u. S. Personnel based on the island of importing the disease there is concern that perhaps the reason why its hitting that island particularly strongly is because u. S. Forces particularly u. S. Marines have been able to come in and out of japan without going through immigration controls and until very recently without any covert 900 tests under the status of forces agreement a record 71 daily infections were reported in okinawa on friday and hospitals are being overwhelmed the majority of cases a u. S. Troops. In order for us to put every effort into combat in the coronavirus okinawa will issue a state of emergency but the commander of u. S. Forces says it has nothing to do with that basis there has been absolutely no connection to it has been proven to show that there has been any spread from the a costers on the bases to the local community there are many elements that make japan vulnerable to the virus the government launched a travel Campaign Last week to revive the Tourism Industry thats prompted the World Health Organization to call the campaign ill timed with fears that government was choosing based. The health of the 19 is also the disease that primarily q. And would lead people to part of the world population. Back in tokyo the kabuki theater style for doing what they can to. With an elaborate costumes the make up as well as a part they so warm hearted drama many see the dances as a chance to forget at least for a while about the boring. Outside nor about them only. Now police in hong kong are demanding the arrests of 6 prodemocracy activists living in exile they include former british consulate worker simon chang he says he was tortured by chinese agents to give information about antigovernment protests also on the wanted list is a prominent opposition figure nathan law this is thought to be the 1st time police have used the new National Security law to target activists outside the country and im pleased to say we can speak to nathan laws one of the wanted 6 is a prodemocracy activist who fled to london a month ago and he joins us on skype from nathan 1st of all what is your reaction what are your thoughts about the demand of the authorities that you must be arrested and returned home why especially outrageous even though i had a preparation for that it just when it becomes a reality a really terrible it hung at the present bringing up legitimate demand. Their government to act responsible and to fix this human rights violation and it lead to. Serious arrest and that really upset you must have been very concerned about your your safety and indeed your freedom if youd stayed in hong kong what did you think might happen if you did stay. Well they stayed and actually a maximum life lifelong thing or even be extradited back to china so these 2. Very very terrible consequences and it just show that the government uses the National Security law to task at creating of expression of people so what kind of reception if you had in britain one of the british authorities said to you well of course very concerned its a gross violation of my right to have my speech. Never done anything like in concrete to really push. Change at the think that just because they have a expressed support for the British Government. Well. The British Government and also the Opposition Party that they were really focal in hong kong issue in the past half year and i think theyre very concerned by the very thing that that is a terrible mistake by the on call ok now you sent a message to hong kong as you said that we are not fractured on the contrary we are well equipped to face the next difficult battle im wondering with respect how you see that given whats happened in hong kong given the fact that youve had to flee given the fact that arrests have been taken have taken place there in hong kong yeah and we have them all to the water which means we could be about liquids and we fit into a different situation but we also want to get to get to the same direction i am in london and im doing a lot of International Africans who work putting pressure on china to hold them accountable to sexist humor isolation i think is indeed the main. Right and how do you think that movement will proceed you think there will be more protests despite the National Security law do you think thats going to continue whats going to happen in hong kong. Well on the cold that and also. The National Security law it is unlikely the hong kong that will be launching demonstration like we have in upcoming weeks or even months but people are still voicing opposition and they are doing a lot of. Sentiment online so i think that Movement Alive but you just need and all the opportunity to express the sentiment and of course theres plenty of support for your stance within hong kong not least from the likes of activists like joshi a woman who is still there. You know what are the prospects of people like him well i think just like just like martin need they are in grave danger i personally worry about them but it also shows. Very strict in terms of talking about International Politics or. The measures Counter Measures before and countries should and that means that my concessions because thats become more important you know the roi and. Are they to leave it thanks very much and if your time nathan laura one of the 6 want to talk to this much the government in beijing next next. A credible some head of the news hour including mexico agrees to a multibillion dollar deal for International Assistance as it records the worlds 3rd highest coronavirus death toll. And how a bankrupt struggling to keep its children from going hungry. It was poor on its way to the american basketball player who chose to stand apart from his teammates during the Pregame National Anthem so i will have details on the. Talks that was eating to the United States to decide the fate of millions of people whove been receiving coronavirus benefits the 600. 00 a week unemployment benefit expired the politicians failed to reach a deal on friday reynolds has more. Amid the worst economic collapse in decades millions of americans are struggling just to eat were seeing to the 3000 up to 7000 families come through in a 3 or 4 hour period emergency relief payments of 6 100. 00 a week have kept millions of Unemployed People in the u. S. Financially afloat for months a moratorium on evictions has kept millions of renters from becoming homeless that was really helping with the rand now those federal supports are about to run out and congress is unable to act the democratic controlled house passed a 3 trillion dollar relief bill in may it includes extending the 600. 00 a week unemployment benefit 3600000000 dollars for Election Security and additional food aid for the hungry it would also provide 200000000000. 00 to ranchers and money for schools and testing as well as a trillion dollars to support state and local governments but the Republican Controlled Senate waited. Killed this week to offer a pared down package one 3rd the size of the democratic controlled house proposal among the crucial differences republicans want to provide blanket protection for businesses from lawsuits brought by employees who contract at 19 in the workplace the senate bill gives nothing to struggling states and cities and the republicans say the 600. 00 a week unemployment payment is too generous they argue essentially that work shy americans would prefer to sit back and get government payouts rather than seek jobs the republicans would slash payments to 200. 00 a week so far the 2 sides have been unable to negotiate effectively and predictably theyre blaming each other white house chief of staff mark meadows the democrats believe that they have all the cards on their side and theyre willing to play those cards at the expense of those that are hurting the Democratic House leader nancy pelosi fired back we put forth what we think is urgently needed by the American People because we recognize the gravity of the situation they dont despite the urgency of the situation there is no compromise in sight and while the Democratic House remains in session the Republican Senate took off on a 3 day weekend rob reynolds aljazeera one of get the very latest now from rose jordan whos live for us in washington rose is the huge amount at stake here the rope was just laying out to these payments have been a lifeline for millions of americans would have been learned. Well we know that in the last hour the House Speaker nancy pelosi convened a private meeting with the white house chief of staff mark meadows and the treasury secretary Stephen Newton on capitol hill we dont have any readout yet on how those negotiations are going but certainly as we heard in rob reynolds report the Democratic Party and the Republican Party in washington are far apart on how to move forward the democrats basically want to maintain the status quo through january trying to give people Financial Support as the government and private industry try to find effective treatments and effective vaccines so that life can return to normal here in the u. S. Republicans however dont want to spend the money that democrats want to spend they say as we heard in robs report that this would promote a culture of indolence of laziness and they dont want to be in the business of doing that however you have more than 30000000 americans who are losing their unemployment Supplemental Benefits this weekend money that they have been using for food for medicine to pay their mortgages or their rent to take care of other expenses and because these people are not able to go back to work they really are running out of options and so it is critical say the democrats to try to find a deal to protect the more than 30000000 americans who the real fault of their own have no jobs to go to the republicans are Standing Firm for their part is a difficult thing to balance the books isnt it economists that say the best solution. Well most economists across the political spectrum are saying that if ever there were a time for the federal government to run up deficits to print money and to basically put money into peoples Bank Accounts this is the time to do it we saw the latest report about the economic slowdown because of the code 19 pandemic nearly 10 percent on an annual basis. Over the quarter compared to this time a year ago 32 percent over a year if you extrapolated the figure a real economic downturn something which the Federal Reserve chairman powell has said is going to take more than a year for the u. S. To work cover from but this is something that is not going over with Congressional Republicans Congressional Democrats think that they have the momentum and the support of the American People to try to get as generous a deal as possible because they say its not just about keeping the economy going its really about protecting not peoples lives and welfare right ok leave it there for now thanks very much for that update rose jordan the head of want iran describes as a u. S. Based terrorist group whos under arrest shot is the group known as tonga are accused of sabotage operations in iran is blamed for killing 14 people in a bomb would talk im sure i was 12 years ago iranian media is saying or to show why i wish almost turned aside but it has more from turn wrong. This group were established in the United States by an individual by the name of cherry they have a t. V. Station where they protect their views and we check to their followers now my cherry disappeared mysteriously around 2007 no one really knows where he is but then jump shed took over the need to ship of the crew and iran says theyve captured him they havent said where and when theyve captured him but they said that it was a complicated intelligence operation and he was captured by Iranian Forces now in the past iran having people to iraq with have been detained one such individual the activist and journalist now his death sentence was upheld and then arraigned in court at the end of june but this capture will be seen by iran possibly yes more significant. Also refer to them because the fandom and jerry was also part of an Organization Called the Kingdom Assembly which wanted to reinstate the monarchy system that was here before the stomach revolution 41 years ago now. Concerned these individuals are terrorists the United Arab Emirates switched on the 1st reactor at an arab worlds 1st Nuclear Power station. Was originally juju open 3 years ago but works been repeatedly delayed so the green engineers will test the Nuclear Technology before electricity can be produced from the 24000000000 dollar plant when fully operational its 4 reactors are designed to generate a quarter of the year electricity. Mexico has overtaken britain with the worlds 3rd highest number of coronavirus that close to 47000 mexicans have succumbed to the disease the government announced a multibillion dollar agreement with the United Nations to buy medical equipment and supplies. And more from mexico city. But mexico is a country in desperate need coded 9000 has killed more than 46000 of its citizens so on friday president under this Manuel Lopez Obrador signed an agreement with the United Nations for International Assistance the 6800000000. 00 deal will cover a wide range of medicines medical equipment and future back scenes from global suppliers is to see me this means we are going to obtain all the medicine from countries across the world good quality medicine at low prices and without corruption. Officials also announced the creation of a new Government Agency tasked with the distribution of those medicines as the Health Crisis continues to worsen nationwide the epicenter of the corona Virus Outbreak in mexico is here in the countrys capital were locked down restrictions have been lifted and many Non Essential Services have been allowed to reopen. Many now fear worsening contagion will force local officials to announce new law down measures in the days to come because he wanted them because i mean its important for it to be now and if we dont change the trend than there could be exponential growth that would take us 2 up taiba with hospitalizations thats a greater than what we had in june. Mexico has now overtaken britain as the nation with the 3rd highest coronavirus death toll in the world just behind brazil and the United States. Mexican Health Officials have stepped up covert 900 testing efforts as even federal authorities admit the real infection statistics and death tolls are likely much higher than whats being reported. Aljazeera mexico city. Leader of a south Korean Church has been arrested accused of concealing and under reporting coronavirus cases prosecutors say that he hampered the governments anti virus response the 88 year old denies the accusations and says he cooperated with the Health Department more than a 3rd of south koreas infections have been linked to his church bride reports from and city in south koreas north problems it was by far the most serious outbreak dating back to very nearly the beginning of the epidemic in february and march here in south korea accounting for more than a 3rd of the countrys 14000. 00 plus cases mainly in the southeastern city of daegu but also in neighboring provinces such as north going sang the church says it has hundreds of thousands of members but is regarded by mainstream religions as being more of a sect its alleged that it held onto some of the lists of its members making the process of tracing and testing some of its congregants all the more difficult and in fact some of its offices were raided by the authorities but from the start its leader liam and he and other Church Leaders have claimed that any sense saying that they have been cooperating with the ortho or tease throughout a Spokes Person saying that the truth will come out in court. Still ahead here on aljazeera president told trump threatens to ban a Popular Video sharing app following security concerns everetts Chinese Parent Company. Chiles president delivers his state of the nation address perversities a frosty reception would explain why he. And the top womens golf is a back plane in the United States for the 1st time since the. And it has been extraordinarily house in iraq recently with a bit of a cool breeze all things being relative of course that is sent in a cloud around for the south and its really not tall when santa this is thunderstorms in Southwest Mountains of saudi any western part of the yemen and this is dust brought down in that breeze which is a sight for all attempts down a little bit foretaste the forecast in baghdad 44 in kuwait and that was from fiftys a really asked come them now its like it was its him shes rise again because only a light breeze is a strong sun but if you look at dire here was not much of a providing breeze could be dusty says more humid fortys is the unpleasant time the year for most people around the gulf in africa is the tommy when the shows are out there furthest north now they generate an sos quite happily or very try all the highlands and just slowly west woods usually in clumps theres a clump developing on sunday as you can see in the science of chat and theres been quite a few showers recently as far west as freetown that was up into banjo its quite possible well see these as 3 comps in the next few days for the sax how much the temperature important is a bas such you want to grease this is midwinter. They came from the countryside to cairo and became part of a life. They say just as different from would be in the form of aljazeera world meets the man whos been keeping a close eye on residential life in the big cities for decades but who may now be passing into history. Both sci fi movies he wasnt dormant but hes now managed by a Security Company the doman of egypt on aljazeera. Network to aljazeera english since its launch as a principal presenter and as a correspondent with any breaking news story we want to hear from those people who would normally not get the voices heard on the International News channel one moment ill be very proud of was when we covered the polish quake of 2050 a terrible Natural Disaster and the story that needed to be told from the heart of the affected area to be that to tell the people story was very important of the time. Are you watching aljazeera reminder the top stories this russia has an ounce of mass vaccinations against corona virus could begin as soon as october the Health Minister gave no details about the vaccine its not their treatment juices and i mean responders. In berlin thousands of people are taking part in different rallies sparked by current virus restrictions rallies fornicates measures germany has been easing its walk down since late april social distancing rules they remain in place. Police in hong kong are seeking the arrest of 6 prodemocracy activists living in exile sought to be the 1st time the new National Security door imposed by china has been used to target activists rule. The popular social media platform to talk may soon not be available in the United States President Donald Trump is valued to use his president ial powers to bat and the chinese. Is against an american take care of the company amid reports that microsoft is in talks to buy top of the 2. Its still latest rift in the escalating tech war between the u. S. And china for weeks u. S. Officials have raised security concerns over the chinese owned video app ticktock saying it can help beijing spot on americans and now President Donald Trump threatened to fan it to get a look at the tech stocks we may be betting we may be doing some other things are a couple of options but a lot of things happening so well see what happens but we are looking at a lot of alternatives with respect to. Trump stepped up his rhetoric following reports that he may sign an order forcing Chinese Parent Company might dance to sell the u. S. Portion of take talk. Microsoft was set to be in talks to acquire it but neither side confirmed any deal. In a blog post earlier this week talks chief kevin mayer says his company is not being treated fairly he says its receiving more scrutiny because of its chinese origins and insists it is not the enemy talks estimated to have 800000000 active users worldwide a 10th of them in the u. S. Experts say banning it would be challenging i think its very unclear what a ban would look like and what it would mean you know its very hard to ban something thats popular among the use its just you know if your parents tell you not to do something it makes you want to do it more in june a video that went viral on ticked off was seen as one of the reasons behind the poor attendance at Trumps Campaign rally in tulsa oklahoma forcing a wildly popular app off the smartphones of millions of americans could prove to be an unpopular move ahead of trumps reelection bid and they sue out to 0 just say were hearing that report from reuters is suggesting that the chinese owner is offering to forego the state to clinch this the u. S. Deal and lets take this on with robert print shot hes director of the Cyber Security expert a firm that advises institutions across europe we also used to work for the British Government on Cyber Security related issues and joins us on skype from chamonix in france mr pritchard welcome to the program yes so were just hearing this that chinas. Top have agreed to divest the u. S. Operations of tech talk completely in a bid to save this deal. What do you make of the. I mean its interesting and i dont know that it will have all make much difference to certainly what president wants to achieve. And i get the impression certainly that. Its not its about and dont take talking. Motivated bull by just now rand perhaps Security Issues certainly not Security Issues to be average american rice reading that the department of defense for instance doesnt encourage people to have internet planes which makes more sense funds has more of a personal security issue potentially you know this lying that talk can help china spy on america is that just fanciful to think well i think i mean its probably not entirely france full and that if i were a chinese dissident or d. Somebody breaks the cia perhaps not i wouldnt have it on my phone but i think that the vast majority of americans its probably not a significant concern and i think it actually look and said is that it could be used by the Chinese Government and so if theres propaganda it will just push to cuba messages and even its because it has a inscrutable algorithm bit like you tube and we dont know how he got to or maybe its not because well maybe he can just be used to push a message that you dont. Average american i think it would be pretty low yes because its an election coming up in short order isnt. Thats right yeah and so you know you go to say one of the things donald trump is running on its that he stood up to China Hong Kong trade and i think this is potentially a 60 talks about right to talk uses behind the late turn out of course and tell threat the truck running mode generally how feasible is it to design an app in such a way that it cannot be manipulated or used in a way that could spawn another country. I mean when you talk about 5 out of the country i would say thats quite true with something i mean definition. So that collector or if you are a stage director images for instance on video. Needs to know where you are so a lot of it can sense it and its you know there are lots of the reasons to have mistakes and theres no theres nothing to suggest clicks states or the fact people rate it better than facebook for instance that data is collecting from mobile devices so anything you have its the wall on your device that you give the patients access you cant prove or kohls or any of those things current attention if he is to spy on you if somebody chose to chose to do so. And we were hearing that talk has 800000000 users across the world 80000000 of them are in the United States how easy would it be to ban this kind of its almost a living entity isnt the living entity like to talk i mean. From a technical perspective probably not that difficult to make kids make most americans. You know as we see in china people have ways of getting around their great fun wall and getting. Their ham but i suspect people will be in the majority if he has the beings to force apple to take it out of the app store for instance when its gone i think you can generally break your phone down hire a very shy im sure that were speaking probably are going to do thats a problem for me not technically not hard to make it accessible to the average user interesting all right robert we have to leave it there run out of time but good to talk to Robert Pritchard talking us from chamonix in front axle thank you prosecutors in the United States and britain have charged 3 people including a teenage boy with hacking twitter are accused of taking over the accounts of several high profile people including former u. S. President barack obama and musk sort of heart and selected. This is the alleged ring leader of the twits a hiking 2 weeks ago the 17 year old is from term cover in florida he faces the challenges including computer intrusion fraud Money Laundering and Identity Theft hes one of 3 young men accused of hacking the accounts of famous people and scamming their followers into sending digital money. And actions to twitter accounts and actually into our controls of twitter through compromising our twitter employee. To those accounts you dont use the identities of prominent people. Money in the harm it quite promising in return that she would some back twice as much. And then collectively of course never give back the coin that you received from the czech police say the highly sophisticated cyber attack targeted 130 twitter accounts among them u. S. President ial candidate joe biden former u. S. President barack obama is in both jeff bezos to solicit you know mosque and billionaire bill gates the suspects are accused of taking over their accounts and posting charitable messages or skiing for money they received hundreds of cryptocurrency transfers into a big queen account worth around a 100000. 00 police say they stopped the scam before more money was stolen the u. S. Justice department identified the other 2. 00 suspects by accessing their own 9 chats and Bitcoin Transactions 22 year old name a facility with a known online as rolex from the u. S. State of florida a 19 year old mason shepherd nicknamed child one from the u. K. Paper suggests they were lured in by the ringleader with the promise of highly prized short twitter user names known as o. G. Handles theyre all facing either federal or state criminal charges including computer intrusion fraud Money Laundering wire fraud and Identity Theft twitter says the hackers were able to access the private messages of 36. 00 of 130. 00 hacked accounts including one for an elected official in the netherlands but after one of the most high profile Online Security breaches in recent years to its a says its fast tracking security improvements prevent further scams targeting both employees and uses sort of played at aljazeera. U. S. Is freezing the American Assets of a chinese Paramilitary Group accused of torturing a week it was and the Treasury Department Department Says the production and construction coal is involved in mass imprisonment the u. N. Says more than a 1000000 we can see in prison camps china calls them reeducation camps necessary to counter muslim extremism residents in florida are preparing for a new lockdown. Yes heads north threatening the coast with potentially damaging winds and torrential rain the governor has declared a state of emergency for the atlantic Coastal Region the hurricane warning comes as florida struggles to deal with one of the worst coronaVirus Outbreaks in the United States hotel rooms have been set aside for people who are currently isolating at home but may need to evacuate. Chiles president has announced a 4 and a half 1000000000. 00 boost for the economy to help soften the blow of the pandemic. Maybe not spent during his state of the nation address on north america and its a new one has this report now from something other than. Everything about this years state of the nation address was a normal starting with the fact that it was delivered more than 2 months late because of the pandemic the president made his problems began much earlier. These last 9 months have been very difficult and demanding for everyone and have been very extraordinarily difficult for me. But like many chileans not in the past and was taken aback that he barely mentioned one of the most Important Reasons 9 months ago a nation wide social uprising brought millions of chileans out onto the streets to demand profound reforms protests banned elysium and rage fanned by Police Brutality seemed unstoppable. Instead the president focused on efforts to confront the pandemic and to help the poor and middle class ride out a steep economic recession then you know dana says she hasnt received a cent even though shes been out of work since april when i hear him speak i cannot trust a word he says he has lied to so much and admits the things he should be talking about it i dont believe what is promising. Others werent listening at all. In this middle class neighborhood resident or even waving to the president to be shes already banging on one. Show their discontent but at least its peaceful here we are hearing reports that another part of town in low income neighborhoods the demonstrations of just pretend to be having more and more violent. Appealed for understanding. I want to tell those families who are still waiting for help to arrive that will do everything in our power to correct our mistakes finally i want to tell you that a house divided cannot prevail but those whove been hoping to hear the president show more humility even as his leadership is questioned even by some members of his own conservative coalition were clearly disappointed to see in human al jazeera sent out. International aid agencies say a rising number of lebanese families are losing their income and sinking into poverty save the children says half a 1000000 youngsters are going hungry and thats just in beirut its urging the government to help vulnerable and. In this middle class neighborhood in the heart of the lebanese capital stories of poverty are everywhere households have been pushed into desperation im a liberal him like so many other families is a victim of the rapidly imploding economy she says it has been hard on her 11 year old son hamza whos had to adapt to a new lifestyle. Were borrowing money to feed our children for 5 months short on house rent my husband isnt working my family will die from hunger if the situation continues. Children are already hungry more than half a 1000000 of them in the greater beirut area according to the charity save the children poverty is a real thing some children currently go to bed hungry negative coping mechanisms for the time being are able to kind of fill some of these gaps but on the long run if theres no micro level and sustainable solution there will be death. Already half the country lives in poverty here in the Northern City of tripoli families struggle with soaring food prices due to the local currency losing 80 percent of its value. Children are being deprived from buying what they want people are under so much oppression of. Decades of corruption and mismanagement are blamed for running the economy into the ground and political leaders dont seem to have a solution. Nongovernmental organizations say 80000. 00 people have lost their jobs in recent months bringing the total number of unemployed to 430000. 00 or 32 percent of the workforce. Many warn up to 1000000. 00 out of the 5000000. 00 lebanese population could be jobless by the end of the year. The World Food Program says 2 thirds of households in lebanon have lost their income and some have started to sell whatever they can to survive about government of dogs living room or other belongings to buy food and water to my will come in a year many people are in debt and depend on charity but those who were able to help now need help themselves yes there are normal lives being lost as and typical Natural Disaster or a typical war but lebanese and people that live in lebanon by the Syrian Refugees by those they all fall in go off the cliff so you have wives at 1st aid agencies are already calling it a humanitarian crisis as lives continue to be destroyed by lebanons financial meltdown. Beirut. The youngest son of media mogul Rupert Murdoch has resigned from the board of news corp citing disagreements over editorial content James Murdoch had previously criticized Climate Change coverage by some news corp outlets accusing them of downplaying the crisis besides the conservative Fox News Network the group owns a stable of newspapers including the wall street journal the sun and the times in the in the u. K. And more than 100. 00 titles across australia. Still ahead in school we look at how players could be impacted financially north americas meeting baseball competition to shut down the ticker and for. August on aljazeera at the u. S. Republican and Democratic National Convention Stella gets officially nominate their partys president ial candidates for the 2020 elections in india witness policy young conservationist tackling the deadly human elephant conflict with an unlikely strategy coexistence 10 years after the chilean mining disaster we revisit the victims of a story that captivated the world one on one east and has the violent urbina mixed martial arts in russia and the former u. S. S. R. And the u. N. Special tribunal delivers its verdict on the assassination of former lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri August on aljazeera. Talk to aljazeera. Is the government the necessary action to really address some of the structural issues we listen i still think that travel is the safest mode of travel and to spend that we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on aljazeera. Muslims in pakistan have been celebrating the festival of. But authorities are concerned about a possible 2nd wave of coronavirus off to the holy day there is at the grand mosque an islamic butt and says there is evidence of people awfully picked up in Standard Operating Procedures known as s. And ps. Did a few warship go. Ahead in pakistan after the government issued an advisory report should dogs of the s. O. B. s in order to contain this pandemic early and ramadan the government decided to eat down restrictions before. And adelaide 2 are dangerous spike in the number of cases reported from across the country right now people are observing the india open centers of pakistan. Its another story the fear was that pakistan could be faced with a huge crisis with the number of deaths mounting however it has so far been able to see a downturn and thats by the pakistani Prime Minister has already said that he can or charge down the country because of a fear that people would be on the streets and unemployed so far the governments tactic has worked why did it state. The trumpets and of course a word of caution let down your guard and you made by. Ok were going to move on to sport now his sort of thank you very much and they Call Major League baseball commissioner rob a man for the says that the league could be forced to shut down if corona virus infections continue to rise among players on friday of the Milwaukee Brewers the should have been playing at their home opener against that u. S. Cardinals that game it was cancelled off the 2 cardinals the players tested positive for covert 19 teens are now due to face. This saturday we have a lot of really smart people working on this really number of committed players who want to play through this but everybody wants to play safely. And you know if we if were not smart and safe then we will fail. But we do everything we can not to fail we certainly understand the importance of trying to get back on the field but we recognize the importance of player and staff safety as well so. Really sense for peoples patience in all of this and. Everybody understands that you know these are these are new times for us and we were trying to understand how to work through them all Major League Baseball began just over a week ago aiming to get through a reduced 60 game schedule for a month after the season was originally due to start the Miami Marlins i have had 21 positive tests among players and staff on the 2 teens and in the league i havent had a positive test the Philadelphia Phillies series against the Toronto Blue Jays that has been postponed all activity at the phillies stadium it was halted on thursday have 2 Staff Members tested positive. Well as the season is cold ill say could have made to impact for some of the younger less known play is his baseball right. To explain why. It would certainly be difficult for a lot of players financially who are hoping to make you know some money theres also a lot of extra hardship in terms of how much teams have lost and owners have lost and also just not having that this is the Major League Baseball while and da the n. H. L. And a couple of other sports continue to play on at the same time player hopes paramount as much as everyone involved states want to play its not really any one guy over so its a tricky one that baseball is trying to toe. That we everyone involved hopes they can get the full season without anything catastrophic happening its just hard to know how possible that really is i think the main thing is making sure that the. Marlins outbreak was 1st reported Major League Baseballs initial plan was to just shut down for 2 days. The healthy players from baltimore well today for you know last time the virus needs to incubate and eventually they changed it to be shut down for one full week but most epidemiologists are saying if you want to get this virus out of there out of the marlins clubhouse you have to shut the marlins down for 2 weeks Major League Baseball is guilty of trying to return to quickly when they very serious situation popped up they had dressed up to a degree again the marlins and phillies will have been out for 9. However really listening to the scientists here is going to be crucial before work. Oh and a magic forward jonathan eyes that became the 1st player not to kneel during the National Anthem since the restart of n. B. A. Isaak said he didnt believe in putting on a t. Shirt and kneeling it was the best way of fighting Racial Injustice it went to old who is also an ordained minister says he knows his support for the black lives matter and movement rare. Meanwhile the portland trail blazers kept their playoff hopes alive with a win against the Memphis Grizzlies the sides were locked at 124. 00 all forcing the game into overtime t. J. Mccollum and led the way as portland that went on to see a 14285 win. It was hamilton who saw him pole position for the 7th time at his home british gone play after messi this dominated qualifying hamilton came back after spending in the 2nd session tonight to be teammates will tell you brought us to the front of the grid the rest of the teams were over a 2nd slower vehicle holcomb bokeh who is only a driving off this is your best test of positive focus on a virus on thursday well lets start from 13th 3 races into the delayed season hamilton leads messy this team medal table just lost 5 points at the top of the championship standings damn i had that spin and i was already down oh sure going through the 1st section every that. And im tired i dont know how but some deep breath managed to compose myself and. The 3 started off the right way and still was in perfect the 1st lap but still a really clean that and a 2nd one even better so. I had and never gets old as the show. Now normally tens of thousands of fans would be heading to Londons Wembley stadium up for the english f. A. Cup final which gets underway shortly but it will all be very different this year chelsea will take on arsenal own empty stadium and due to corner virus restrictions arsenal will miss out on european football next season if they lose this match weve worked so hard seems i joined here to try to bring his club. By 2 winning titles so we can achieve that so i would be delighted but not for myself or the players and the club theyve used through some very difficult moments in the last if you season trophy your part. Is one artist ill give you for life or youre pretty quick if you go on if you lose in finalist for not trying to sign because you love the fans to be there are fans of great cross will say im sure also most artists im and love dies at least it comes to. Top level womens golf has teed off in the United States of the 1st time since the koran a virus lockdown event in ohio is being played out without spectators organizers said there were 2 positive tests for covert line. An english Tommy Fleetwood hits one of the shots of the day at the centered invitational in tennessee he is though 10 shots behind 2nd round brendan fought. And thats it for me and about to nick sort of thanks very much indeed thank you finally to u. S. Astronauts say they are ready for a touch of seasickness where they make space history in just a few hours time they do to become the 1st space x. Crew to splash down in the sea after the 2 Month Mission to the International Space station off the decades of domination by nasa a space x. Became the 1st private company to blast off astronauts in may but its not all shipshape hearken this threatens to delay the dragon capsules return. As i look forward to heading back home for the splashdown i do think that from my family perspective my son and dougs son are really excited not only to get their fathers back but to get a source our 0 g. Indicator that they nominated to go with us on this Historic Mission to the International Space station and bringing that launch and return capability back to the u. S. And so for jack and theo the apart a source is headed home soon and hell be with your dads youll have to pick which one of us is your favorite. Oh ok because on the progress of that but thats it for this news ill be back in a couple minutes with him in the hall for use for us to see that. From fossil fuels to modern day renewable as societies develop the energy demands increase requiring Innovative Solutions to make such that moms as a global power develop into the Basement Company nebraska power is uniquely positioned to deliver against the state we provide Business Growth promote social economic benefits and provide innovative safe and fire mentally sound Energy Solutions for a future generation the breastpin Pioneering Future Energy rewind returns with a new scenery. And plan updates on the best around to see these documentaries one. Rewind continues we. Nandigram i would compel the onion the onion the sweets. That. We were holding on their fingernails to the 2 state solution today it is still barely possible on aljazeera on counting the costs the wealth of banks Prime Ministers that paris is built on the backs of slaves how much does britain know and reparations how the pandemic could wipe out latin americas hard earned social and economic gains plus wild cards missing billions counting the cost on aljazeera. Aljazeera. Entering. The race to beat the virus russias Health Minister says the country could begin matts vaccinations as soon as october. But on the blog this is out there alive and also coming up infections on the rise again in germany but thousands protest mosque free in the capital one c. N. N. To restrictions. Going off to prodemocracy activists living in exile hong kong issues arrest warrants for 6 people under a new National Security law

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