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Nationwide Antibody Testing suggests a 3rd of the population might have contracted cove at 19. And sri lankans turn out in large numbers for an election which could see the rajapaksa brothers tighten their grip on the country. And the army well into the sports news in them are just parts of the u. S. Open tennis tournament reform of dollars were talking about why he wont defend his title this month to lose your cool because of coronavirus foods. Lebanons government has declared a 2 week state of emergency giving the military full powers a day after a massive explosion devastated beirut its also putting a number of beirut port officials under house arrest pending an investigation into why 2750 tons of Ammonium Nitrate was stored there at least 135 people have been killed and more than 5000 injured but the death toll is expected to rise as emergency workers search the rubble for survivors as many as 300000 people have been left homeless by the roots governor estimates the damage might reach between 10 and 15000000000 dollars hospitals are overwhelmed and in desperate need of blood donations and Power Generators to keep the lights on well geez there is a new holder in beirut begins our coverage. The people of this disaster stricken city are starting to assess and comprehend the extent of the damage of a blast that was far more destructive than any explosion lebanon has ever seen just before sunset on tuesday highly explosive material stored at a warehouse at beirut port caused the blast sending shock waves across the city now in ruins. Almost every building has been damaged many are dead thousands are injured and hundreds are missing rescue workers worked through the night and into the morning as people and bodies were feared trapped underneath the rubble telling them what. My husband is an employee at the Electricity Company he survived but his colleagues didnt they only now moving their bodies from under the rubble this is a country already reeling from a dire economic crisis where 50 percent of the population live below the poverty line the damage spread several kilometers more than 300000 people are now displaced its people are not in a position to cope with this disaster. But the. Material losses are sad but its nothing compared to those who lost their lives this is my taxi its my livelihood and im still paying for it. Everyone has a story of survival or tragedy many are blaming those in power for the catastrophe. This was lebanons hiroshima we trusted them with our money our souls our lives and they betrayed us why are they still in power they should all resign we only have god now have their day will come to him authorities are appealing for help from the International Community the state is close to bankruptcy. Its like a bigger earth quake hit lebanon in beirut this will cost billions of dollars to restore the economy will get even worse because businesses have been hit entirely in order for it to relaunch a nice new investments we will not despair some countries have started to send much needed medical supplies the Health Care System was already close to collapse hospitals have been laying off staff in recent months because of the financial crisis and i love mr mankell we are an afflicted hospital there is no hospital as you can see hospital is closed and now we wait for our directors in order to receive instructions because we want to start the recovery workers cannot get in also as you can see because its unsafe the ceiling is falling down it is a critical situation. Lebanons leaders are promising an investigation to determine who was responsible for storing Ammonium Nitrate without Safety Measures at the port for years and. We are determined to investigate and reveal what happened as soon as possible and bring those responsible to justice and punish them accordingly we will transparently announce the results of these investigations but those who hold power are being blamed for negligence incompetence and corruption people are in shock but anger is also growing out a Political Class many blame for mismanagement and being responsible for running the economy into the ground months of protests calling for a new leadership have been met by a militarized state and demands by the International Community to fight corruption especially at beiruts airport in order. To be eligible for Financial Aid have gone unheard what many call a manmade disaster is the latest crisis to hit a country already on its knees so much has been lost when there was already so little said of. Beirut the explosion was the most powerful ever suffered by beirut a city still scarred by civil war 3 decades ago this satellite image from planet lab was taken of beiruts ports in may and this is the same view today showing the devastation of the blast epicenter with a large chunk of the main dog gone its believed a fire at the port spread to a warehouse where confiscated Ammonium Nitrate had been stored for 60 is a blast has virtually flattened the port which was lebanons biggest in the main entry point for imports to feed a nation of more than 6000000 people and it sent a shockwave through the city buildings were damaged in blast smashed more than 3 kilometers away affecting an area where more than 750000 people live people reported feeling the blast and windows rattling on the mediterranean island of cyprus about 160 kilometers away well earlier i spoke to a doctor i mean cut c. From the American University hospital in beirut whos also president of the Lebanese Society of emergency medicine he told me about about how he the hospital treated hundreds of patients immediately after the blast but said theyll be even more pressure on the Health System in the days ahead. We expect not only a 2nd wave no more typically get ill people we expect in doing the us when we have to execute patients we expect d another way that our lives later but they typically are dead or more severe injuries due to crush injuries but the numbers of those patients of alive or salvageable will be less so technically speaking out to the rest injury and that again unfortunately i must say that we have acquired experience and knowing what to expect however we were surprised in this particular event by the sheer number i mean we had the worst blast youve had in beirut even when youre in the similar war in if you did that really association the Prime Minister we were hit we were being hit 515253 on that i wouldnt expect what on the 25 on the casualty story that sheer number we were having a hard time moving within our departments we need International Help provide us fuel to provide us needs sustained open ations in the longer run like to take the more i can just to send to all the mothers a lot and i dont have less children there now we had we had some of the harshest milnes we had i went went but its like coming to look for that where they belong once the ones that they have lost for the last what are still missing it says hartley see if one of the allies this is a manmade disaster that would have been avoided so almighty god to the men and everybody were part of this disaster and all the people were lost in this element. Well lebanon was already on the brink of collapse amid a severe economic crisis government announced it was defaulting on its debts in march and the situation has been exacerbated further by the coronavirus pandemic a collapsing currency has led to soaring inflation and a paralyzed Banking System in half of the countrys population lives below the poverty line and 35 percent are out of work Food Security is a worry since lebanon imports nearly all of its vital goods they would support house the countrys main grain silo which was completely destroyed all this in a country of 4 and a half 1000000 people which hosts an estimated one and a half 1000000 refugees from the war in neighboring syria or a spokesperson for the u. N. Said damage to beirut support presents a major humanitarian challenge both in lebanon and for other parts of the region we expect that the damage the port will significantly exacerbate the economic and Food Security situation in lebanon our which imports about 80 to 85 percent of its food. Our colleagues at the office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs also expect that this will affect our ability to provide aid to syria because the port in beirut was one of the ways that we should be in aid and of course we also use the airports so well need to find alternate plans but 1st well need to do a Damage Assessment and see what is needed. To repair the port and to go about our operations where governments around the world are offering assistance to lebanon greek unkosher e planes arrived in beirut on wednesday carrying medical supplies Turkey France and germany also plan to send help french medical teams and firefighters are on their way to beirut for search and rescue support and the french president emmanuel lakhan will travel to lebanon on thursday to meet its leaders. Well joining us now from beirut is sami nada whos director of the institute for Strategic Affairs and schools just speaking about search and rescue operations there is going to be some time before we know about the human toll from this disaster but when you look at the scale of the ruin and how much of the city has been destroyed how is the country going to recover from this. This is the big question because this disaster these are all means comes off to me to a crisis 1st of all the financial and economic crisis that started in october of last year where by. You know has lost 90 percent of its value 50 percent of the bunnys population are under the line of overview while 40 percent are unemployed laws that make with the banking crisis whereby a citizen cannot have access to their own money to get on saving this is in a state think into him major economy nightmare for the bunnies population on top of a game called the crisis and then logged on to deepen too far at the end but of it a crisis and was yesterday up i lit the event i want to. Live on the well get over this this is pushing this small town commentary into the abas bearing in mind that the poor is the redid the this is the major route that links levanon to the rest of the would be bunnies economy is a trading economy its not in an industrial country so every single business from banks to Insurance Companies to any business even to this is the link to. What you say i mean its not i mean its not a question of the economy being in freefall it has collapsed and now the country is completely isolated cost off from the rest of the world its hard to describe the anger and the level of injustice made made worse by the fact that the authorities knew about the storage of Ammonium Nitrate at the ports and they did nothing about it what are the repercussions for the Political Class. I mean the anger of the population is as its acne never i mean this level of anger was by the population because if not at the of the government is to do that this is not emitted to the opposition and thus to the explosion this is the result of a corrupt system this political system is city this is so could imminent that is the responsibility of what happened that stored more than 135. 00 people or bad the number of injuries or wounded people more than 5000 the whole city is in a. Landscape so and this is the response ability of the political system and this is something that anybodys population cannot i mean im maybe what i would be saying is. Unquote it would have preferred if this was the result of an outside at that but to realize that this this or that caught up with it because system is responsible folks so much damage never all of the wars and on did not have such and. Saying from what youre saying its going to take many many years for that the country to recovery can only rebuild the sport its very difficult to say how long thats going to take but could it also become a catalyst for real change in latin. Unless they change this part of the can establishment this particular class this at this all for political system there is no way to get out of the crisis the International Community i mean dont want to have to depend on they put up several Financial Aid package Financial Aid programs to have government provided it undertakes this country on the city forms and for the last no saying go to reform has he in a cheap why because for this part of the good for these political forces. They are feeding their own party from. From the system so they can not inform because informing voted them is practically suicide and unless that is that we can change at the level of the political system of the political establishment there is no way this country would see i mean any at a health that we will go into. All right thank you very much sunny not to and they were it. It watching the news hour live from london much more still ahead well hear from the beirut bride who had to run for her life when the blast hit. On lawrence lee in the northwest of england at the hearts of the tourism season some hotel use a warning that the loyalty hooks of being put at risk because some visitors are failing to follow basic guidelines to control the spread of the virus. And a happier time for the Miami Marlins a bit later after their corona Virus Outbreak all that law coming up with only. The number of people who died from the corona virus around the world has passed 700000 over the past 2 weeks one person has died from the disease every 15 seconds thats according to new research by the royces news agency the u. S. Brazil india and mexico have been leading the rise in fatalities brazil has just reported another 1437. 00 deaths in the past 24 hours on tuesday latin america past year oppose the region with the highest death toll with more than 206000 fatalities well John Heilemann joins us live from mexico city and of course when you look at the situation in latin america you have some countries that are already struggling with resources some poor countries and they are going to have a tough time trying to contain the pandemic. Exactly and everyones trying to balance the 2 things in latin america at the moment which is opening up theres a lot of countries like mexico are gradually opening up and have been doing for more than a month now but they havent really been able to stamp out coronavirus colombia as well a country that was seen to be doing pretty well with its measures at the start of this but it has been gradually opening up and as such its still yet to get this to get this virus under control at the same time so ive just been reading actually United Nations survey on this saying that the may worry of 12 of 16 countries that they serve the that they serve it is fully income so people are worried about the Economic Impact of this weve been now in mexico looking at food banks here where people the queues are expanding in those food banks in a lot of people that worked in the informal economy in this country its more than 50 percent in other countries also they have a lot of people in latin america working in the informal economies that are worried about the virus but also the very worried about the fact that they wont be able to feed their families so theres a real school to die limit for latin america obviously brazil a mess because youve mentioned particularly hard hit brazil with the 2nd highest death toll in the world mexico with the 3rd highest death toll also bolivia a country in which the Health Services are really struggling to cope at the moment with the cases were hearing about especially special police units picked up more than 3000. 00 bodies from homes and on the streets in that country also peru this is a country as well in which the Health System is struggling to cope to an extent in which theyre now accepting Venezuelan Health professionals the fled from their own country theyre being allowed to work now in the very in the peruvian Health System theyve got one of the highest case rates and one of the highest def rates in the world well as you say in. One of the hardest hit countries and so concerns about the rising number and infections that all silent about the hundreds of when and girls and gone missing. Yeah theres been since the start of the lot down womens rights officials improve now have come out with a total of more than 900. 00 women and girls that are missing actually 2 thirds of those of minors are girls under age in peru so that is what womens officials have been saying in the country is that the this has been a problem thats really been present in the country but its really been made worse by the pandemic and by the quarantine in the country women cooped up with abusive partners at times not able to get away and this one of the results in 2019 in peru there were 30000 calls for Domestic Abuse so again this is something thats not new in the country this is something thats getting worse and what those officials have also said is that the case of the missing women in the missing girls has been made even worse by the fact that there isnt a National Registry for the missing in peru so they dont know how many of them have been found afterwards and how many of them. Are still missing in that country now going wider in latin america this isnt just a problem for peru this is a problem for other countries mets code as well Domestic Abuse thermos sides of the country recently officials said that 10 women were killed every day in mexico and theres been indications that with the pandemic with those same quarantine restrictions that its got worse in this country as well thats something that the president and that is manual Lopez Obrador hasnt admitted his hes refused to admit that the pandemic in the korean team has made Domestic Abuse and conditions for women worse here another country ecuador in which a hopeless been opened up in which women can send him oh geez codes for being in immediate danger so that their partners cant see that theyre sending Text Messages to this helpline so theres different problems in this region with Domestic Abuse and this pandemic doesnt seem to be slowing down so much here so those problems are not going to go away any time soon. Thank you very much from mexico city john holman afghanistans Health Minister says 10000000 people might been infected with the coronavirus thats almost a 3rd of the population figures are based on nationwide Antibody Survey which tested about 9 and a half 1000 people the highest infection rate was found to be in the capital kabul when more than half the citys residents of thoughts of contracted the virus officially afghanistan is only reported 36000. 00 cases almost 1300 deaths well earlier i spoke to Pierre Kraemer who is the afghanistan head at International Federation of the red cross and red crescent societies he wasnt surprised by the survey estimates as many afghans he says cant afford to stay at home. The situation can still be worsening thats pretty clear because its a city break and today across the country you know the lockdown measures are even though. Dispensing protocol as you know i am very lead and applied so so certainly the big b. Kids behind and the figure that theres been a moms today show thats it has been brutal and theres been much louder. As has indicated before and. Its not behind it say tweeted certainly be potentially war something we see in the next weeks and we need to be ready to be with the virus as a new norm across the country is it difficult to calibrate a response if you dont know the true extent or pervasiveness of the virus. And its a but it was a popular surprise back in march the ministry have to be careful already announced you know that potentially 60000000 people could be affected. And nobody took it very seriously but at the same time during a major when we could see you know. Visually i would say thats the virus much the impact of the virus and the magnitude of the virus was certainly much bigger than. What the figures were saying so so thats something that was some who want to see what is clearly thats you know its clearly the future of context you know what we can see the discrepancy between the official figures and what the study is saying today which is huge and basically so we knew from the beginning that. Health system which is very weak in afghanistan after a decade of war we also needed to associate very closely some so show economic measure you know the reason why must have their afghan didnt apply you know the protection measure that many of them are depending on the daily wage and basically couldnt afford to stay at home and had to and had to go outside to walk and so by and of course that still happening what is the main challenge in responding to the virus. The main challenge at the beginning has been to combine you know duty of care how we ensure thats the afghan red cross and which is the organisation which. National federation is reporting until the protection of their staff and volunteers all across the country and at the same time the operation that effectively is to be able to be at the forefront of the response but combining duty of care that effectiveness with the most difficult duty of care was especially to get the Protection Equipment in the country it was very difficult to find in afghanistan we needed to get it from outside and that they the best they could months basically to have the protection. To reteach and show that the operation can be can be moving out. Of the australian state of victoria has seen a record rise in corona virus cases despite implementing tough containment measures now that 725. 00 infections and 15 deaths were reported in 24 hours the say state capital melbourne is under a nighttime curfew and most businesses have been ordered to stop trading military personnel have been deployed to help enforce isolation orders and anyone breaking the rules faces fines of thousands of dollars. Scotland is imposed a lockdown on its 3rd largest city aberdeen after a cluster of cases a much there in while british tourists staying in the u. K. This summer rather than travelling abroad are coming under the spotlight for all the wrong reasons at been growing complaints about large gatherings of visitors who refused to obey social distancing rules arent reports now from the Lake District in northwest england. Jackies entire reputation and her livelihood depend on her ability to promise to keep her rooms clean and free from coffee 19 once people have checked out she fills the room with ozone and ultraviolet lights to kill any germ hiding anywhere and then just to be extra sure they go in and disinfect everything in these times there is no alternative and it was on this reassuring well hope so yes i mean i think that people are desperate to get away they want to convey that i had this trait and they just need to know that where theyre going is exceptionally clean and that its safe for them to go into those regions this was the Lake District just 2 months ago virtually deserted during lockdown the Tourism Industry on its knees but look at it now its always a magnet but especially now that british tourists have been told they might have to quarantine for 2 weeks if they want to go abroad businesses here need them but they also need them to behave properly these few weeks before the schools go back in september are absolutely critical for the Tourism Industry in places like this much of which is still family run but of course the great irony of the virus is that the same people on whom they rely to stay financially or floats are the very people who could shut them down if the virus gets in this is what isnt supposed to happen large groups ignoring the ruse this pub has already been forced to refuse entry to young people particularly who appear not to care about the risks they take 1920 year olds who are going to get in and they say they live in the same house units you separate them you might as well get one table or 6 or 9 more joy you know then more joy when they end up becoming in a larger group a group of whats a 1015 yeah. Or 4 to move up to some on the way on especially on a saturday night just when they tend to come out it just exploded so were not going to buy your book if you dont follow the rules. We have to do we have to follow the rules so they have to hooves this is whats supposed to happen wait to turn into the table becomes free put up with minor inconvenience for the grace of good but it isnt these people the Tourism Industry is worried about there are a few people who have clearly have the next rig out there would be ideal for the distancing which is sad because the last thing we want to stay to put any of our paypal here at risk going to visit is at risk and certainly if we do have any businesses that need to close or operator to further reduce capacity it puts them at risk as well its happening all over the u. K. Dont lease where the hot weather is driving people to the beach look at the difference between the south coast of england and the cost in spain confused rules and public indifference a putting at risk the health and livelihoods of the people making sure the tourists have a nice Summer Holiday it hardly seems the fed deal largely aljazeera in the english like district. I doubt. If he ever had the right to murder you dont choose construction of a controversial hindu temple a year after he revoked a special status of indias im a muslim majority state. 10 years ago 33 chilean miners were trapped underground for 69 days i will praise them for their resilience is bravery but now many a struggling to get by. And a buzzer beater less the sounds in the n. B. A. Thats coming up in sports woodley. Hello the weather is warming up nicely now across western parts of here we still got a little bit of sherry right to get out of the way across the far northwest through the British Isles but that will move through as you go on through the next 24 hours or so not big area of High Pressure thats going to squeeze that western weather after the way still if you show us down towards the adriatic towards the balkans this active area of low pressure still bringing some rather wet weather there just around croatia bosnia pushing down towards the northern parts of greeces because through the next couple days the further west at about 5 and dry as we go on through thursday warm sunshine coming through london at 27 celsius 34 celsius there in paris and rising we could touch a 36 in paris or into the thirtys there for london this well 3435 a possibility might see a little bit of wet weather there just pushing into Northern Ireland is the western part of scotland possible a little bit of wet weather too down towards bald gary but that aside its looking fine and dry warm and sunny lots of lovely hot sunshine coming through than what sunshine here across a good part of the med northern parts of africa also fine and dry shells continuing into Central Africa still a little further north than we would expect up around the sun hell well see some heavy showers there all the way across into the gulf of guinea. Grow a lot of those who we play with. In 2017 people in power are investigating why trinidad and tobago became a ripe recruiting grounds for i saw. People feel as though theres no hope almost in 2020 we return to uncover the fate of those who left their homeland to join conflicts in iraq and syria. Caribbean to california on his utero. A story of financial scandal with billions lost in the United Arab Emirates ive never seen a story like this where 2 Companies Similar tiniest leak involving the same group of people have failed at the same time but where the money go is the 1000000. 00 question Al Jazeera World investigates the dramatic story of the rise in full of an indian tycoon b r shetty and the missing 1000000 its on how does it. Feel. To. Back him back a look at our top story lebanons government has declared a 2 week state of emergency after a massive explosion devastated the port area of beirut at least 135 people were killed and 5000 injured. And all the headlines the number of people who have died from the corona virus around the world as past 700000 latin america has passed europe is the region with the highest toll more than 206000 fatalities and afghanistans Health Minister says a nationwide Antibody Survey indicates that 10000000 afghans might have been infected with the crown of virus thats almost a 3rd of the population. A member of Lebanons Parliament has resigned in protest at the bay workforce explosion marwan hama date demanded an International Inquiry into the blast in his Resignation Letter it held various problems positions including as minister of trade health and telecommunications. A bride has spoken of her shock that she was forced to run from a square in beirut where she was posing for Wedding Photographs 29 year old sublimely was standing outside a hotel when the blast hit. The newly weds were supposed to spend the night at the venue which was badly damaged they escaped injury though thankfully and returned to the scene on wednesday to retrieve their belongings is right describe the experience. What happened during the explosion here i theres no work except the way that. I feel so sad. All the trust me what you see in our the smile. And everything that was in there totally yesterday i know what sorry i was i was wondering why i have been am i going to die paul how im going to die were 10th of Political Developments in sri lanka now because people have been voting in large numbers in a twice delayed parliamentary election which president carter by rajapaksa hopes will allow him to boost his own power as his candidate for Prime Minister is his older brother mahinda a former president whos popular among the sinhalese majority for ending the 20 sixs civil war against hamill separatists in 2009 he was unexpectedly defeated in the election in 2015 and his successors reduce the power of the president to prevent abuses got to by i was elected president last november in a landslide win off to projecting himself as the only leader who could secure the country following the deadly Easter Sunday attacks boosted by a fractured opposition and robust Coronavirus Response rajapaksa brothers are seeking a 2 thirds majority in parliament that will allow them to restore the president s power as melvin and his reports now from colombo. Polls opened early on wednesday to choose sri lanka as members of parliament when the coronavirus pandemic made the National Election commissions job extremely difficult the 1st. Employ. Of the election each all aboard. Employed at least that public. The election was postponed twice because of Health Concerns observers say wednesdays vote was one of the most peaceful in recent years and that is an achievement. The preference Voting System usually causes much rivalry between candidates from the same party but new restrictions on campaigning minimize can transition election day proceedings are ok but some are stored pending issues related to. 3 campaign. During the prediction campaign weve actually been able to create a level Playing Field because most of the candidates over really feel able to spend 2000000 for. A number of complaints were made about must Media Coverage during the election which is iraqs voters in colombo what mattered when making their choice we had to board wisely to select the good. Person free from correct corruption and also understand things as muslims we have problems because they are telling us that we cant cover their hair do we have that these and all the problems so we had to come and what we should look at Peoples Party led by the rajapaksa brothers who serve as president and Prime Minister is expected to win a majority in parliament if that happens the party will be in a strong position to change the constitution and revoke some of the reforms passed by the previous government limiting the powers of the presidency the results of sri lankas twice delayed elections are expected to be released late on thursday whoever wins a majority of seats in parliament they are expected to face the challenges of improving the economy and tackling the coronavirus pandemic when a finance odyssey or colombo. Its exactly a year since india revoked the special status of indian and minister kashmir the day has been marked by protests in pakistan with Prime Minister imran khan saying the decision to impose control from the delhi has turned kashmir into an open air prison some of binge of aid reports. Communities on the pakistani side of the disputed region are protesting many see the Indian Governments communications blockade has separated them from family in indian administered kashmir new delhi revoked its autonomy last year effectively an extinct part of the territory and it is nearby here when we want to convey the message to the International Community that we will continue to stand in solidarity against the violence the rape and the arrests of kashmiris until our land is free of occupation. On the other side of the line of control some in the hindu minority in Jammu And Kashmir have been celebrating the Anniversary Party against august the 5th is the day when the wall of hatred namely article 370 the divided kashmir from india was brought down and now residents of kashmir are probably calling themselves indian citizens earlier also there were indian citizens somewhere the sentiment of separatism was being found the slogans of self totally freedom thats over now in the years since india made that decision it has imposed a lockdown cut off all modes of communication and its forces everest at several political leaders and young men. International says the entire population of kashmir has been deprived of its right to freedom of expression and opinion through protected communication restrictions its calling on the Indian Government to immediately release all political leaders journalists and activists from administrative detention restore 4 g. Mobile internet the congested prisons and launch a prompt and independent investigation into the attacks on journalists Indian Officials see a curfew thats been imposed is essential to maintain security in the region. And human rights activists see it as a violation of Indias International obligations more than 800000 indian soldiers are stationed in the picture rescue valley nestled in the himalayas. There have been offers to mediate by the un secretary general and the us president but the government of their in their more d. Has rejected 3rd Party Mediation on kashmir barcus on insist the kashmir conflict needs to be resolved under International Supervision according to Un Security Council resolutions. I think modi made a strategic blunder the United Nations discussed the issue thrice during the last year for the 1st time since 965. 00 it also published a report on human rights abuses in occupied kashmir pakistanis observed a one minute silence the military released a song and local officials in pakistan administered kashmir and build a replica of stream appears red square. But unless the 2 countries engage in meaningful discussion families will continue to live on either side of the disputed border some have been jobby of their meanwhile indias Prime Minister an arranger modi has been laying the Foundation Stone for a hindu temple at a controversial religious site its in the northern town of where destroyed and lost in 1902 sparking National Riots that killed thousands elizabeth prana reports from new delhi. Prime minister not in the more he prays before an idol of the hindu god rom a head of construction starting on a temple and the date hes on earth its a moment many of indias nearly 1000000000 hindus have waited decades for amare this temple will be the symbol of our perennial feet in nationalism it will also be symbolic of the united strength of hundreds of millions. But division of the side has led to some of the worst religious violence in indias history and security has been heightened in 1902 thousands of hindus from around the country came to the town and destroyed the 16th century bobbie mosque and 22 others 18 of the muslims living in the town were killed including relatives of possible misha and Muhammad Shai had. Lost everything in the violence my sawmill is here we have thousands of dollars worth of wood they set everything on fire they killed my husband and brother in law. They tore up the koran in our mosque and started stomping on the pages we tried collecting the pages. Getting. Started attacking people here. The religious violence spread beyond mohammad childs father and uncle had to have more than 2000 people who were killed around the country leading members of the hindu nationalist bought at the edge on the party or on trial for conspiring to destroy the mosque the b j p had long promised to build a temple it was 1st elected to govern the country in the general election following the mosques destruction. Then. That is where the destruction really created a new. Created new force. That force ultimately. In the country. After the legal battles over the sites on the ship the Supreme Court ruled last year that it belongs to him dues now 30 years after he joined the campaign for temple Prime Minister that in 3 morty is inaugurated in its construction elizabeth aljazeera you daddy. Is exactly 10 years since an explosion a copper and gold mine in chile left 33. 00 miners trapped underground for more than 2 months the rescue effort in the atacama desert was watched by millions around the world latin america editor lucy i knew and covered the story at the time and she now looks at whats happened to them sense. It was the spectacular rescue of 33 chilean miners trapped nearly 70 days 700 meters underground. And brought to the surface against all the odds in a capsule from ms memorize the world. A 1000000000 people watched the scenes live on television. The miners became global celebrities with all expenses paid trips from jerusalem to disney world. It was even a hollywood movie. But there was no fairy tale ending 10 years on edison pena wishes it had never happened that he was one of the medias favorites because of his passion for elders present. And now he lives in a Coastal Industrial town far from the at the comma desert on a meager state pension like many of the others he says he couldnt get work again because of who he was to be able to tell me it took me a while but i finally understood that they dont want one of the 33 miners who might become a leader or cause trouble or whatever thats what the Company Executives must think it isnt still has nightmares 59 year old wholesale hill that is the miner who wrote the famous note saying that the 33 was still alive today he cant walk without crutches because of his advanced diabetes and. Everyone thought we had been left with a lot of fame and money but its not like that i have is a very small pynchon. The binders who went to proclaim heroes at home and abroad feel cast aside many living with less now than what they had before but one thing is the same the president who staked his reputation and millions of dollars of taxpayers money to try to get the miners out and then bask in the glory of the rescue is now back in to his president ial palace but today. Stamping it as seems to feel that his debt to the miners is paid by the state is appealing a court ruling to compensate each miner with a 1000000. 00 could negligence that led to the mining accident and then theres the issue of the movie and book rights in the city. Where they were coaxed into signing very complex contracts that they of course did not understand that handed over rights of their story to others a lawsuit for fraud and other crimes against the lawyers who snared them is still in process. 10 years after the accident that marked their lives forever the 33 miners are certainly remembering their miraculous survival but for every son pena as for most the promise of a better 2nd chance at life has now faded you see in human aljazeera some people. Still a calm on the program well be hearing from tiger woods as he goes for a 16th major title thats coming up in the sport with the weddings. And dressed for success and meet the fashion designers looking to add diversity to the rag trade. Sonys hit with the sport and 2 great champions one playing one ranked tiger woods rafael nadal lets start with the one who isnt u. S. Open tennis champion. Rafa nadal has been explaining why he wont defend his title at this years tournament this minute has pulled out of the event which begins at the end of the month because hes concerned about the coronavirus situation in the u. S. The tournament is played in new york because this years competition will be staged without fans and will be the 1st grand slam since the 99 u. S. Open to not feature either no doubt Ovadia Federer who is recovering from knee surgery and now says he feels sorry for the stage my personal feeling my house. Have long run well. Without knowing exactly what can happen. My. Situation looks good. And wait for the future. But ive read San Francisco tiger woods in the wilds of the top golfers are preparing for their 1st major in fact say moments on usually also usually the page each object is the last major of the year because of the coronavirus situation is met major challenges and its the 1st major to be played in 2020 books kept count as i mean to aim for the 3rd year running but tiger woods is ready to challenge for his 5th p. G. A. Total what will still be strange for woods and his fellow prizes having no spectators cheering them on around the harding part calls. Destiny world we live in and were just have to get used to it as far as the focus part of it i havent had a problem with that those 4 rounds i was i was pretty into it. Its different than you know most the times when you go from green to tee people yelling or. Trying to touch it thats. You know that part is different as far as energy and while im competing and playing no thats thats the same up on pretty intense when i play and pretty into what im doing. One time the knives the problems of crime of are as well as Major League Baseball 10 the Miami Marlins having had 18 players test positive a couple of weeks ago they were finally could supply game with replacements the Baltimore Orioles gun was delighted by 14 minutes as the final test results came in and the marlins returned with a victory shutting out the orioles for nothing i see yo hopes the players and staff have learned lessons you guys were around each other they got relaxed and they let their guard know they were going to get there in groups or a man Wearing Masks as much as they should have or a source of distance but everyone has. Seen their teammates its taken i know they are a new level. Hopefully you know this is their way to go on forever not only on our team but in the rest of baseball and sports in general. Where one of baseballs top stars mike trout returned for the Los Angeles Angels out in some style time allstar smashed a home run against the Seattle Mariners in what was his 1st appearance of the plight as a father trott missed for going after the birth of his son back our drought over now can the athletics beat the Texas Rangers 51 but the vine just had to catch up to the infield a good bird who had the night off and was relaxing in the empty stands making it look easy catching abilities out of that same might solve phrase youre at it its a will its dark out over in the n. B. A. Bubble in florida the Brooklyn Nets pulled off one of the biggest upsets of the ses and by with the underdogs going into the game with the eastern conference they didnt know who keep parks and up against writing and repaint giannis i did to compile the nets werent going down easily work a dont a hole cut into a scrap with wanted to compound that seem to fire up book timothy the while loop of our lead with 26 points as the nets edge the box 11960. Kind of incredible final moment in the fein exxons going with the los angeles as devin booker cuts a game where 35 points without possibility in basket to shock the clippers the suns winning that one 178150. Similar to the n. B. A. The n. H. L. Standy cup playoffs are taking place in 2 separate bubbles both of them in canada on tuesday in toronto the new York Islanders were up against the Florida Panthers to level the scone twice with new york as they were not going for turn the islanders take it to nothing lead in this best of 5 preliminary playoff game 3 we showed you from later on wednesday i swear the Vancouver Canucks defeated the Minnesota Wild 43 in their game at mintern j. T. Miller over the goal and the assist they provide favre this way this series is now tied 11. Finally a story were keeping an eye on for you dodge cyclists fabio yakob sin has been placed in a medically induced coma after a shocking crush on thats for poland the 23 year old quickstep what i did was forced into the barriers right at the end of stage one by another document didnt grow to value so i think the governing body the u. C. I. Has strongly criticized vijayan who has been disqualified and could face further sanctions we will keep you up to date with that but back to marion for now ali thanks very much well now is just one of the stories to bring in the fashion industry is usually leading trends but industry insiders sophist frustrated that its playing catch up when it comes to the black lives Massive Movement nationwide protests in the u. S. Underscored the need for all parts of society to eliminate racism in their ranks now those working behind the scenes of some of the worlds biggest Luxury Brands are pushing for change on and off the runway as roslyn jordan explains. The reality is sometimes you have to care its fun. Garson is a fashion house based in new york and miami the word of 2 college classmates who want to offer men more than the usual black tuxedoes their Business Plan dont wait for the end history to welcome them with open arms you know want to be going to step in and were going to break these walls out weve got to make sure we do it at an elite level well and with pure accidents. Or is responding to a very real problem in fashion its lack of diversity beyond the runway black models designers and business professionals have long complained theyre under represented in the Business Survey say they make up less than 10 percent of the workforce. It doesnt matter what they signed and i dont you know madam a. I dont know that. It was a precedent none of those. Bridges Little People this isnt the 1st time brands have been accused of being myopic companies such as prada and gucci faced backlash for selling clothes with offensive imagery in 2019 that helps little fashion designers of america unveiled an initiative to address the industrys problems with hiring and promoting black designers see f. T. s goals improved mentoring business Networking Education and leadership training. Some brands like dior have embraced diversity but others have yet to move beyond a social media. Day and in the wake of the killing of george floyd and of global protest against racism industry veteran say the time is now for action everyone is bad. And if only. In your peers who look like you can find value in your new. So now. Deliberate sanchez is optimistic but hes not waiting around who want to make sure that the same goals are applied every quarter we want to make sure that hes done this is not getting still and these options so schooling are available to us pushing fashion to make good on its promises to change with the times rosalyn jordan aljazeera. For myself the news hour but tell me back in a moment with a full bonus and for you including of course all the latest on the fallout from those that devastating explosion and happen in one day on. From fossil fuels to modern day renewable as societies develop the energy demands increase requiring Innovative Solutions to meet such their minds as a global power developed into the Basement Company nebraska power is uniquely positioned to deliver against the state we provide Business Growth promote social economic benefits and provide innovative safe and fire mentally sound Energy Solutions for future generations the breastpin high in the ring future energy rewind returns with a new scenery. And brand new dates on the pants down to serious documentaries. To. Remind continues with the last try secret army at the cia its 975 delivering the same way that their ancestors did living in the forest in the jungle and it seems like theyre abandoned by everybody on aljazeera history has called it the great war in the 1st episode conscription draws hundreds of thousands of our troops into both sides of the conflict their story is rarely tours but had a huge impact on the course of the war world war one through the bodys own aljazeera 15 years ago an explosion ripped through lebanons capital killing Prime Minister graffiti and 21. 00 of those now the special tribunal for lebanon in the hague will deliver its verdict on august 7th find out what this means for lebanon and for those indicted and follow all the developments on a. Horrible. Routes remain off to choose days devastating blast at least 135. 00 people dead hospitals are overwhelmed and hundreds of thousands left homeless will a shock turns to anger several course officials involved in the storage of a highly explosive chemical a put under house arrest. Oh i Maryam Namazie youre watching aljazeera live from london also coming up on the program afghanistans Health Minister says nationwide Antibody Testing suggest

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