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A week after the devastating ports explosion. Also ahead a historic choice the democratic president ial hopeful joe by name senator harris as his running mate. 3 people have died in violence in the indian city of bangalore sparked by an allegedly offensive social media post about the prophet mohammed dozens were injured when protesters clashed with the police who fired on the crowd the post on facebook was made by a relative of a local politician Elizabeth Duran im as your correspondent joining us from new delhi liz hi there just explain to us take us through what happened here. Hi peters so bang a lot of police are saying that what theyre calling a very large mob of people gathered outside the home of a politician who belongs to the Congress Party and that they say it calls on fire they say that the mob was angry because of an alleged post by this politicians nephew which was offensive to islams Prophet Muhammad they say that a very large group of people then just that they went around this neighborhood for some shopkeepers to close this stalls and then damaging property and setting vehicles on fire they then went to 2 Different Police Stations Police are saying that they set between 202250 Police Vehicles on fire that they were throwing stones at police to monton the Police Arrest this politicians relative who met allegedly made the Facebook Post police said that they tried to charge the protesters with battens to try to make them stop their attacks that they werent successful then thats when they had to open fire and thats what ledge to 3 people being killed 60 Police Officers being injured but also they say that thats what actually stopped the protest is and i want to the authorities there doing to try to defuse tensions. Well there was a very Large Police Presence of the areas where the violence took place 3 of the areas are under a strict curfew and police say that the situation is now under control but they will soon be joined by Para Military personnel and the entire city of bengal who do theres now a ban on more than 4 people gathering because they want to try and make sure that there are no more acts of violence as well as that the person who allegedly made the Facebook Post has been arrested hes saying that he that has a facebook account was hacked that he never made this post and hes saying that this is the act of what he calls troublemakers and hes saying lets not fight because of the act of troublemakers the Congress Politician is saying the same thing that he is the member of the Legislative Assembly for the constituency that they are all family hes also asking people to remain calm at the Moment Police have arrested around a 110 people and just the last hour or so weve heard from a Muslim Political party called the social Democratic Party of india and they have said that one of their leaders has been arrested in connection to this violence ok well leave it there as many thanks elizabeth drawn to join us live from new delhi. Sri lankas new cabinet has been sworn in a week after the governing party won a landslide victory in parliamentary elections its a 1st for the country the ceremony was held at an ancient buddhist temple in the central city of candy the election win does pave the way for the Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa and his brother president go to by rajapaksa to amend the constitution mel fernandos is in the capital colombo she says concern is growing over the future of minorities under the new government. Everyone is trying to the edge of what this government holds for so long in the future well the fact that weve had essentially a government thats not had to rely on minority votes for that massive victory is something that is a little bit of a concern because theyve proved for us of the president ial election in november 29th even now at the parliamentary elections that they can pretty much going to lower and going alone essentially to give them a 2 thirds majority a controlling stake in parliament so how that impacts on the way the mechanism of government takes place in terms of the actual cabinet thats being named that out 8 of relatively few minority representatives of very much the supporters being included so as to how inclusive its going to be or they feel this is a day to toby is something that well have to wait and see. If these 30 people are still missing in a week after a huge blast in beiruts 173 of those confirmed that tens of thousands of homes remain uninhabitable on tuesday in the beirut Community Held a vigil to oana the lungs last seen a hole to has more from lebanon. A moment of silence for the dead the wounded and the missing Church Bells Rang alongside the muslim call to prayer for a few moments at least this deeply divided and broken nation came together. Lebanon remembered a moment that changed the lives of so many people its been a week since the explosion of beirut port this. Sure id lived and homes just meters from the blast site people gathered to demand justice and accountability so all those in power knew about the explosives a report on the risk the lives of the people the should be an International Investigation because we dont trust the lebanese investigations lebanese authorities including the president knew there was a large stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate at the port. But the 10 firefighters who died in the blast were not aware of the risks when they were sent to put out the fire of unknown origin were up against incompetence were all up against corruption were up against all that system that got us where we are today and its the whole system that is wrong its also a sin that is flawed we want bury our dead before we bury their corruption before we bury them the blast deep in the already dire economic crisis which pushed half of lebanons 5000000 people into poverty aid agencies are distributing food and medicine filling the void left by a government that has long failed to provide basic services the state is close to bankruptcy this is all that it got from the doctor on the hospital loans of course. Not so i am i lost my job 1st and i lost my home and i lost my god from schools private hospitals were owed billions of dollars by successive governments which left the Public Sector ill equipped and underfunded i just want to say to the International Community if you want if you can help the institutions that really. Were substituting. The country and the governments role towards its people it will be a very interesting step the government has now resigned though it will remain as a caretaker of ministration until a new cabinet is formed these people want what they call an independent salvation government but there are others who still support the sectarian system that they believe protects that they want a National Unity government that will bring back the same political elite. That is what people fighting for a new country fear they have the will but not the tools to bring change. French president in and where mccall is leading an International Initiative to solve the crisis he says lebanon needs fundamental change and a new political order he didnt elaborate zeneca there beirut now to 0 as other correspondent covering the aftermath of the explosion Bernard Smith joins us now from school in beirut so badly damaged in the blast bernard very close to the epicenter of the explosion what was the impact like this. Piece of this is the school of the 3 doctors were about. 600 meters away from the port thats a french team who are helping to clear the school and trying to secure it so that classes can start again all of us several months away its beiruts Oldest School and one of a dozen schools that were damaged by the blast there is an enormous challenge here to rebuild places like this because of the scale of the blast 3 kilometers in the number from the poor 3 kilometer radius buildings were damaged fortunately school at the time was closed there was a playgroup on that left finished about an hour and a half before the explosion and the school had anyway been closed because of coronavirus the principal was hoping to Start School Early at the beginning of september earth few weeks earlier that is not clearly going to happen but they still hope that within a few months they can restore and secure this building enough that they can get school back again so i guess thats the key question bernard as far as the education authorities are concerned the teachers and the children because so many of the buildings cannot be salvaged but that one where you are in theory can be saved. Yes it can but the problem for everybody in that rebuilding beirut is not just the cost getting access to funds its getting the materials that they need to do that rebuilding lebanon does not have much of an Industrial Base so pretty much everything they need will be important the glass the masonry the wiring everything that you could possibly need to be rebuild a building comes from overseas and need the funds released to bring it in and then the practical challenge is when the port is out of action the main port is out of action of getting it in what other stuff is queuing up at the other ports in tripoli foodstuffs medicine is so its a whole combination of challenges that they face in the French Military assistance so i was speaking to earlier on they say could be many many months of rebuilding is difficult to say how long its going to say but there is an enormous task at hand one of the Biggest Challenges that the people ive been speaking to say that face many thanks Bernard Smith reporting live from that school in beirut. There was a certain nights of unrest in belarus last night sangar and accusations of Election Fraud continue to grow it follows the election victory of the president Alexander Lukashenko thousands of opposition supporters have been detained during the protests which began after the vote on sunday the opposition candidates for atlanta took on skaro is now in neighboring the few ania. Still to come here on aljazeera back out in force on the streets of mali the opposition rejects pleas from regional mediators. And strangers in some of the water argentina turns up the heat on Illegal Fishing by foreign boat. However got more very hot sunshine across a good part of europe was starting to see an increasing number of showers pushing in particular Cross Western areas where we are seeing areas of low pressure instability bumping into that hate loss of life the storms the same some storms rumbling away across the British Isles recently asked in places we go on through a wet is that some localized flooding but he comes and they stay area of life pressure rolling into the by a base case a very heavy rain pushing into the press but into western parts of france starting to just not just those temperatures down in the process already struggling struggling to get to 26 celsius there in madrid russia showers into central parts of your still some showers down towards the balkans into rumania but a bit of wet weather there for moscow temperatures here. 16 or 17 degrees over the next couple of days so i wanted to say theres that west whether its eastern parts central areas little dry but we do bump into that disturbed weather pushing across much of france now temperatures falling back to 29. 00 celsius in london and in paris some areas if youre generally fine and dry at this stage front to try to across northern parts of africa and the a showers into Central Africa still there into west pushing into chat and more showers across a good part west africa. In 2008. Documenting Ground Breaking skiing. Preparing some of indias poorest children for entry into its toughest universities d. We return to see other students and the skiing helping change the face of india. Super 30 announces era. Youre watching aljazeera live from doha youre headlining stories 3 people have died and violence in the indian city of bangalore sparked by an allegedly offensive social media post about the prophet mohammed dozens were injured when protesters clashed with the police who fired on the crowd. Sri lankas new cabinet has been sworn in a week after the governing party won a landslide election victory that paves the way for the Prime Minister and the rajapaksa and his brother president go to by rajapaksa to amend the constitution. 70000 houses have been left uninhabitable in the lebanese capital beirut after the explosion last week tens of thousands of businesses have been damaged or destroyed adding to the countrys economic crisis. For the 1st time in the u. S. A black woman will run for the office of Vice President after much anticipation the Presumptive Democratic nominee joe biden has chosen senator obama harris as his running mate for the elections on november the 2nd in a tweet confirming his choice biden praise senator harriss req order on social justice saying i have the great honor to announce that ive picked as fearless fighter for the little guy and one of the countrys finest Public Servants as my running mate is whats commonly harris said on twitter joe biden can unify the American People because he spent his life fighting for us and as president he will build an america that lives up to our ideals im all in it to join him as our Party Nominee for Vice President and do what it takes to make him our commander in chief ellen fisher has more from washington. Harriss been the favorite to fill the democrats for some time. She brings a High National profile as a former president ial candidate a senator from california. And family connections to biden she was Close Friends with his late son bo because this is my belief child of a mother from india and father from jamaica she takes 2 important boxes as a woman of color. Such as dynamic or and really good message right shes really good at talking about complicated subject and making it very clear to the audience into the American People former attorney general of california shes used her skills as a prosecutor in Senate Hearings to pick apart arguments put forward by the come to mr should but that all title has also brought criticism during her tenure as attorney general there are a lot of questions raised about her willingness to intervene in a variety of types of cases including Police Excessive use of force allegations as well as areas around drug policy that could really become a problem. In the 1st democratic president ial candidate debate she had a Tense Exchange when she said joe bidens past few on the segregated schools was hurtful but in modern u. S. Politics it all seems a long time ago smart and charismatic shes been the front runner for a reason and 55 more than 20 years younger than the candidate shes seen as the next generation of Democratic Leaders alan fischer aljazeera washington. Mexicos former president s enrica has been accused of funneling millions of dollars in bribes to fund his Election Campaign and buy votes and influence in congress hes accused of taking money from a Brazilian Construction Company thats admitted paying bribes in 12 countries including mexico the former head of mexico state run oil company. Is facing charges of corruption says and yet to demanded the money be given to his team. In the. In the case of arda braced lasorda said there were a series of bribes exceeding 4400000. 00 they were ultimately used for the 2012 president ial campaign and the man who later became president along with his finance minister are the ones who according to these accusations order the sawyer to give this money to various election advisors from abroad in sudan and all night curfew has been imposed in the eastern city of port sudan after 3 days of violence medical sources say at least 25 people have been killed since fighting broke out between members of rival ethnic groups a state of emergency was imposed last year after fighting between the 2 sides. The European Union has put trade sanctions on cambodia after a human rights review the country had been allowed to export most of its goods to europe tax free younger askin for developing nations however brussels is now impose tariffs on around a 5th of cambodias exports to the e. U. Among its demands is dropping a treason case against a band Opposition Leader kim soccer. Antigovernment protesters in mali a keeping up the pressure on the president abraham book akita theyve rallied against him in the capital bamako calling for his resignation opponents accuse the president of failing to prevent attacks by armed groups and end corruption is nicholas hock. Watched by Security Forces a defiant crowd gathers in the capitals Independence Square at their rallies in defiance of the west african body echo waltz which has called for an end to weeks of protests determined demonstrators say theyll continue their civil disobedience movement. President again look listening to the people it seems that all demands a full in on. Theres been no step forward illegitimate National Assembly is still in place the cabinet member is not a National Unity government despite all of all the men spoke change nothing has changed. From the comfort of her home to the m. P. You are. Always watching the political crisis unfolding while echo us recommended she along with 30 other m. P. s resigned after aprils contested elections has no intention of giving up her seat. We were not afraid of being sanctions this would be a disaster part of the population would be unhappy and theyll come out to support us. President. Goodluck jonathan watch the swearing in of knowing Constitutional Court judges absent with the leaders of the protest movement who are calling for more public protests on behalf of the. Discourse. Jonathan met with the leader of the m 5 Opposition Movement he accused former colonial power france of backing the president instead of listening to the aspirations of these people. While the french president has been vocal when it comes to the affairs of another former french protectorate lebannon his response to the mine crisis has so far been muted the french dont want to be seen interfering in the countrys affairs and yet 4000 french troops are on the ground supporting the state. Italian swedes and other European Special forces are joining the french in an attempt to stop more attacks by armed groups theyre based in mali but are also blamed for attacks in neighboring countries 8 people were shot dead in the air at the weekend including 6 french aid workers the growing insecurity as well as state corruption and the perceived inability of president cater to protect his own people are driving the protest movement and increasing demands for him to quit Nicholas Hawke aljazeera. To europe the coronavirus pandemic has plunged the u. K. Into its deepest economic slump on record g. D. P. Collapsed by more than a 5th 20 percent between april and june the height of the lockdown the u. K. Economy is now officially in recession for the 1st time since the financial crisis of 2008 but there are already some signs of recovery g. D. P. Did recover slightly in june when restrictions were eased economics editor in london he says britains economic slump is the worst of any european or g 7 nation. You may remember that spain contracted 18 percent and the United States 9. 5 percent in the 2nd quarter so this is really terrible for the u. K. Economy it was the last into lockdown and the last out of lockdown and that may explain the reason why the slump has been so bad in in the United Kingdom but the bank of england now expects a recovery sometime in 2021 and we just saw that the june the g. D. P. In reading came in that 8. 7 percent so there is hope that things are or moving and as the lockdown has been eased retailers are reporting that retail numbers are back to almost precode levels but the biggest fear has to be for jobs work only get 3. 9 percent and that could rise to 7. 5 percent by the end by the end of the year so theres an expectation that that the chancellor war have to do something to keep people in jobs. While staying with Business News hong kongs biggest carrier is recorded a loss of 1270000000. 00 in the 1st 6 months of this year Cathay Pacific has been badly hit by political and economic turbulence over the past 12 months a slump in passenger demand caused by the pandemic has grounded its International Flights cargo business is no generating more revenue than passenger numbers. Investigators in new zealand see imported freight may have been the source of the 1st locally transmitted virus cases in more than 3 months the biggest city or cloned is now back in lockdown after 4 cases were diagnosed this week 4 other suspected cases and are being monitored the government is considering delaying next months general election australia has recorded its worst day of the pandemic 21 people have died in the past 24 hours in the state of victoria. The World Health Organization is warning of a new surge in coded 19 infections in latin america countries that had initially controlled the pandemic those the countries were discussing the region has been badly hit and the Economic Impact of long lockdowns well thats sparking protests heres. The reporting now from. Policemen use a blanket to carry the body of a 1000 victim in this morgue in the volume in capital. As ospital struggle to cope with the number of dead in the poorest country in latin america. Plastic bags are used to cover workers shoes when proper protective gear is not available bodies left out in the streets or stored in the chapel relatives say they have to wait for days to collect the body of a loved one and the. Reality is that its all collapsed when it comes to care in the clinic for patients and moderate conditions as well as in intensive care the more has collapsed in this critical situation we didnt expect it would be so many bodies. Believe he has been ill prepared to cope with more than 1000 cases in almost 4000 deaths and the situation has been worsened by days of protests and roadblocks. With people angry at the interim government of the dinin and yes. President ial elections for a 3rd time the road blocks are making it difficult for oxygen and other medicine to reach hospitals. And well a 2nd wave of 1000. 00 infections and a growing political crisis has seen angry citizens stake to the streets especially in mineral rich areas where the poor are demanding more economic aid and healthcare support at least 3 indigenous protesters have died and 17 people were injured in clashes with the police. The Oil Companies producing thousands and thousands of small. The day well the coup karma communities of the poor in our basin are submerged in the greatest poverty and with this corona virus pandemic that still does not cease weve seen their total abandonment due to the absence of medicine or medical assistance in. Latin america seeing worrisome spikes in infections even in countries that had initially controlled the virus columbia on tuesday passed 400000 confirmed cases becoming the country with the 8 highest total the world on a per capita basis colombias fatality number at this time among the worst in the world which has out tory it is here considering an extension of a number of restrictive measures that were supposed to be this week alison that. Argentina is ramping up its defenses surrounding its Maritime Territory to prevent Illegal Fishing by foreign boats countries across latin america a concern about chinese ships and their waters and depleting fish stocks risible reports from when osiris. Calls guards is called i chinese fishing ship towards a portie but i warn you. Its an operation by air and sea to control attempts by foreign vessels to fish illegally in argentine waters if you dont want the starvation starvation International Ships are allowed to fish outside the economic exclusive zone but in recent years theres been a sharp increase in attempts to cross what is known as the mild 200. 00 argentine waters begin about the former going to our sea platform is one of the richest in the world so far this year we have captured 2 ships already we have a protocol so the captain can act according to international law. Using readers and other types of communication argentina contract ships violating its exclusive zone this type of vessels. Are the ones that are used to patrol argentina exclusive so if a ship is found to be fishing illegally in those waters then that ship can be captured and the owners have to pay a fine this vessel for example has been involved in several operations and it has the ships they have captured in the past it has their name the date and the country belong to most of them belong to china and then spain. Even though there are Many Companies from Different Countries involved in Illegal Fishing china has become a main concern with an overseas fleet of over 16000 ships they pose a major threat to developing countries just recently 300 ships were located outside the galapagos sinai and such fishing is not illegal because it takes place in International Waters but it can cause damage in one of the reach este and biodiverse regions in the world to. International. Pressure just like train now but most nations do not want a conflict with china leaving developing countries to defend their resources in whatever way they can. This is al jazeera these are the top stories 3 people have died in violence in the indian city of bangalore troops sparked by an allegedly offensive social media post about the Prophet Muhammad dozens were injured when protesters clashed with the police who fired on the crowd was brown and has more now from new delhi. Then a lot of police are saying that there was what theyre calling a mob of people went to this Congress Politician a politician belonging to the Congress Party to his home late on tuesday evening and started trying to attack his home in that they set 2 vehicles on fire now this is the cause those thought to be angry about a Facebook Post of the alleged Facebook Post made by the politicians nephew which insulted islams Prophet Muhammad police say that this group a very large group of people then broke off into 2 groups that they went around the neighborhood shopkeepers to close this store was damaging Properties Setting their cars on fire before going to 2 Different Police stations. Because new cabinet has been sworn in a week after the governing party won a landslide election victory it paves the way for the Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa and his brother president go to buy a rajapaksa to amend the constitution 70000 houses have been left uninhabitable in the lebanese capital beirut after the explosion last week tens of thousands of businesses have been damaged or destroyed adding to the countrys economic crisis Presumptive Democratic nominee joe biden has picked senator obama heris to be his running mate in november as u. S. President ial election shes the 1st black woman to be on a Major Party Ticket or as previously served as californias attorney general mexicos former president Enrique Pena Nieto has been accused of funneling millions of dollars in bribes to fund his Election Campaign and buy votes and influence in the congress hes accused of taking money from a disgraced Construction Firm or to brush those are the headlines up next its the stream im back to immediately after that will have 30 minutes of up to date news see that. Talk to old trees there are we at school is the government not taking the necessary action to really address some of the structural issues we listen i still think that air travel is the safest mode of travel and to spend that we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter. There are all ok welcome to the stream home edition of the clitoris its the fiji settlements around the world how is it impacting the help of 3 guess we will look at the conditions where they are working the challenges of handling kovac 19 and what help they meet i know you will have ice chance for them so you know what to do we have a huge conversation it is live right now if you have questions you have concerns about refugees wherever they may be around the well line up is more than happy to tackle your questions if youve got stories

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