Joe biden and his running mate kaamelott harris make their campaign debut. In just 83 days we have a chance to choose a Better Future for our country. Lebanese leaders are meeting right now to discuss their ongoing response to last weeks devastating port blast in beirut likely to be on the agenda will be calls to extend a state of emergency and the latest in the only growing investigation into the explosion Bernard Smith joins us now so burn it this political process could be law long and drawn out. While the political process to appoint a new cabinet could be longer and drawn out the lebanese people are relying on a cabinet essentially of National Unity to be appointed to unlock the billions of dollars in foreign aid at the lebanese because its the foreign donors that have sad the new cabinet cannot be dominated should not be no matter dominated by hezbollah. It needs allies and now so as a parliament to appoint a new cabinet and a new Prime Minister i have to say is that the real discussion the real power is not really in the Parliamentary Chamber but it is with the political elites the control those parliamentarians that is has ball and its allies iran backed hezbollah and western leaning groups as well they have to agree on who might be in the new cabinet one of the names in the frame the may name in the frame now for Prime Minister saad hariri who resigned in october us as caretaker until january after the Banking System collapsed sending the currency into freefall but its his it may be a return for him there was another potential candidate no wife salaam and to give you an indication of how tense these negotiations are his name was rejected by hezbollah and its allies now after that he wasnt prepared to take the job unless he was given a free hand without interference that might seem to been too much should demand for the current people currently control lebanons cabinet peter and who is the asking for the state of emergency to be extended. Well this is more a procedural thing i believe the president declared a state of emergency can only do for a maximum length of time for about 8 days or so parliament will ratify that and parliament is able to extend it i understand and we believe that the most of what they will do today theres nothing on the agenda the most important thing for the lebanese people is an investigation into what went wrong and how and why it went wrong but that isnt even on parliaments agenda today because we know that people cant agree on who should lead that investigation or what judge suddenly that investigation because what judge lead it defined which judge leads it will depend on who has influence over that joe. All this the whole thing is controlled by these political elites who want to make sure that they are not burned by the outcome of the inquiry into this catastrophic explosion peter byrne of many things been a smith our correspondent there live for us in beirut it is the country with one of the Fastest Growing coronavirus brigs anywhere in the world now india has reported its highest number of infections in one single day the 67000 new cases bring its total to nearly 2400000 official figures but the number of deaths of more than 47000 but Infectious Disease experts say the country is still months away from hitting its peak elizabeth purana has more from new delhi. Yes again another single highest day rise and we also know that one of the reasons that the numbers are going up is because india is testing more than it ever has its continuing to increase testing. The single highest. India also conducted its highest ever number of tests more than 800000 so that it has a better idea of the spread of the infection in the country because remember the. Confirmed cases is thought to be a fraction of the real number of cases the serum logical surveys which have been done around the country so that the real number is many times the confirmed number now the big headline when it comes to coronavirus in the country today is that a man who shared a stage with Prime Minister in the last week at the inauguration of a temple that indias most controversial religious place. Where. The 16th century mosque in 1992 he has tested positive for the coronavirus he is the head of the temple and he was seen spending the whole day with Prime Minister that in there morty and some of the most prominent leaders political leaders in the country. The philippines is planning to launch Clinical Trials of the russian Coronavirus Vaccine the philippines president say wants the tests to start as soon as october and hopes to be inoculated himself by spring Time Next Year the philippines has recorded the most complete 1000 infections in east asia over the last week prompting street to lockdown measures in and around the capital. Joins us live from manila here. If mr c. Gets the perfect timeline that he wants how will this play out over the coming 6 months or. So much uncertainty at the moment peter because you know there are reports coming in just today that there will be simultaneous Clinical Trial in manila and also in moscow reports coming in that around 300 to 3000 will be tested or tried here in the philippines but also even government officials admit that and admit that actually they dont really know when this is going to happen they just have to decide how and when they will implement it and it comes as no surprise also that the president of the good that there does been turning to his favored allies over the past few months when it comes to help coming from the outside world when it comes to dealing with the crew of the virus pandemic in the philippines during the state of the nation address about 2 weeks ago he himself admitted in his speech that the appeals to chinas xi jinping basically to make the philippines a priority should the vaccine be made available here and then monday he said that hes going to make himself a a sample or at least a going to offer himself as a volunteer for the Clinical Trial should there be something coming out of russia but what this is peter is basically a sign that the situation in the philippines is growing desperate that this fight one of the world this and strict the worlds strongest in strictness lockdowns ever implemented the number of cold cases continue to go up it is now the epicenter of corona virus infections in Southeast Asia at the moment and the reality jamila i guess is Something Different to what lead to me a putin was saying just a few days ago when he was saying weve got this corona virus is going through the regulator Real Authority is in moscow my daughter is going to have it administered to her because none of the experts wherever you are in the world none of the experts say yes this report corona virus vaccine out of moscow is not a game changer because we simply cant tell not yet anyway. Will definitely i mean even were. World Health Organization has not given its stamp of approval to this one there is a course always hope that this may just be the back scene that everybody wants and hope for but in the philippines the situation peter is quite desperate there is growing anxiety and fear not just over the Current Situation in the philippines where government Hospitals Private hospitals have their colon wards already full to the brim i mean there are reports that some go big patients have now been set up in parking lots in hospitals but the biggest concern really is just how long this will pan out as you know more than 2000000 filipinos have already lost their jobs they are afraid to get sick of course when the virus but they see the biggest fear is really where to find basically the money to put food on the table as you know the philippines has now entered its worst recession in decades as you know there are also statements coming from president declared that he said that hes hopeful that russia and china will come and help the philippines no mention of the United States whatsoever and in this last Statement Last monday he said the he hopes that with this vaccine there will be a cold 1903 christmas for the philippines we dont really know when thats going to happen maybe not happening around christmas time anyway jamila thank you so much to our correspondent there in manila. Thousands of protesters have rallied in the camp of the bell or some other cities for a 4th straight nights now that follows the death of a demonstrator in custody on weapons today at least 6000 people have been detained during often violent demonstrations against sundays disputed Election Results theyre angry over the landslide reelection of the president and examine the question despite claims of fraud at the polls his opponents at lunna took on a skier has now left the country shes in the way neo. Joe biden and Camilla Harris have appeared on stage together for the 1st time is running mates in the race against president on the trump for the white hunts the democratic contenders presented themselves as the team to lead the u. S. Through the virus pandemic and the National Upheaval over racism mike hanna reports now from washington. Harriss life is about to change now in the media spotlight as she leaves her home in d. C. On her way to appear with joe biden my fellow americans and limited use to you for the 1st time your next Vice President i and states comma heris problema florence you are coming to harris had built a reputation as one of the most formidable voices in the senate and she went straight on the attack against a president who she says has failed the country during this time a pandemic and whom she accuses of responsibility for the fact that an american dies off cope at 19 every 80 seconds this virus has impacted almost every country but theres a reason it has hit america worse than any other advanced nation its because of trumps failure to take it seriously from the start earlier there were harsh words from joe biden about president trumps response to his nominee as Vice President donald trump has already started his attacks calling commack wrote nasty whiny about how shes quote mean to his appointees its no surprise because whining is where donald trump does best better than any president American History is anyone surprised entreprise a problem with a strong woman or strong women across the board. President trump says he did not watch the briefing but again expressed surprised at joe bidens choice of someone who sharply attacked him during the Democratic Party president ial primaries she said horrible things of horrible things and she mocked him. Openly mocked him thats why i thought that was a very risky pick because im sure that will be played back not necessarily by me but others will be played back there would be president and his running mate have now got their Campaign Underway a campaign that in this time of social distancing measures will be very different from any the 55 year d old has run before. Aljazeera washington. Still to come here own 0 well have the latest in the investigation into the disappearance of 43 mexican students nearly 6 years ago. Also ahead from immersive tools to so for safaris. Providing an escape from reality during the pandemic. Hello hartson thundery sums up the weather across North Western parts of europe well so class now swirling in from the atlantic areas of low pressure here so its on settled were looking at some very heavy showers as we go on through the next couple of days have already seen some lively showers some flash flooding across parts of northern france through the low countries into good parts of England Wales and even up into scotland as we go on through the next couple days these areas of low pressure will just swell away across a similar area more big downpours and if you do catch the schatz lucky to be heavy slow moving gusty winds could see flash flooding could see the odd landslide as well as results of these heavy storms and large hail certainly thrown in there for good measure more wet weather that is becoming across the southern parts of in the west as we go through thursday not looking for good for the cricket then into western parts of england in southampton and not a whole lot better as we go on into friday showers may well spread a little further east was and South Central parts seeing some showers showers too as eastern areas of europe 17 celsius there for moscow one thing you notice about the change in the weather we are looking at cooler weather coming in across the northwest of the top temperature 24 degrees celsius warming up is by dipping the high of 30. Jump into the stream and join our Global Community this generation will have to create its own democracy with social media on and on line be part of the debate any personal comments to you when no topic is off the table is taking on all the systemic arliss that people of color have suffered not only now but for decades we are going to need to transform lives the way tickets human equating it business if were going to adapt to climate break down this street on out is there. Looking back youre watching aljazeera our top stories this half hour Lebanons Parliament is meeting right now to discuss extending the state of emergency for beirut. India has registered a record daily number of infections the 67000 new cases bring the total to nearly 2400000. And the philippines is planning to launch Clinical Trials of the russian Coronavirus Vaccine roderigo to say the philippines president wants the tests to start as soon as october he hopes to be inoculated himself by may. The u. S. Does remain by far the worst affected country by the Global Pandemic in the past day or so its seen more than 50000 new cases of cope with 19 brings the total number of infections close to 5200000 nearly 1500 deaths recorded on the weapons day more than 165000 have died since the start of the pandemic france is seeing its highest infection numbers since restrictions were used in may the Health Ministry says its recorded more than 2 and a half 1000 new cases at least 18 people have died in the past 24 hours. New zealands dealing with a growing cluster of new infections as well its confirmed 17 cases in its biggest city or clint were tight restrictions on movement to be imposed until this week the country had recorded no locally transmitted cases for more than 3 months an outbreak in the australian states a victorian appears to be slowing it reported another 8 virus deaths but daily infections are down more than half from the daily peak that was 702 weeks ago the state capital melbourne is under a 6 week lockdown. Days after pakistan lifted its partial lockdown the Health Minister of sindh province says it was too soon speaking to al jazeera a doctor. Said a 2nd wave of the virus could be worse for the economy than keeping restrictions in place a little longer in basra vs in karachi. Even as the country went back to normal the people who trusted with safeguarding pakistans Public Health could not afford to drop their guard. At a garage you control room this in the governments over 1000 Response Team is still in play their captain the provincial Health Minister her message its too soon to celebrate my concern is that because we have opened up everything people will take it as a sign that covert has disappeared from amongst us and there is covert is still very much there in the community we also have the experience of previous pandemic it shows the spanish flu and wish the 2nd surge happened because people thought the 1st that they were over the pandemic and the 2nd surge caused huge numbers of fatalities and that is a fear pakistans lock down was never severe many never took it too seriously leaders disagreeing from the start did not help with public messaging and unconfirmed conspiracy theories going viral as they often do in this country made having coronavirus or seeking medical help for symptoms taboo. Conspiracies include tales of kill teams kidnapping and infecting people for money the whole pandemic being an american plot and a vaccine that will make people robots for china cutting through this kind of noise meant reaching out to individuals directly by. Anyone dialing a pakistani phone number have to listen to a Public Service message before the call is connected the recording warns people that the corona virus is still a threat and the best thing to do is to stay indoors if you do have to go outside wear a mask social distance keep your hands clean these health tips according to the message are still the best ways to stay safe and to save lives even Prime Minister in runcorn who described the virus as little more than a flu in the early days of the outbreak earlier this week extolled the virtues of remaining vigilant begin to be put into the dining in the country is still not completely saved thats why i want every pakistani whenever they go out to something new they have this mosque and every one in public or no what are you learning groups i see many people here im not reading mosque theyre frantically ran a mosque his audience would have noticed khan himself was not wearing his mask much like the rest of the world there is corona fatigue in pakistan people are sick of talking about it and sick of dealing with it part of the reason for that much like the rest of the world the coronavirus became a political football here as well but for sins Health Minister its important to keep the governments response apolitical because the virus is democratic she says it does not discriminate based on politics when it hills same but the old jazeera karachi. Now a state of emergency is in place in south sudans state of jungle eye off the heavy flooding the more than one 150000 people have been displaced and 500 homes have been destroyed many communities that had already been suffering through sporadic fighting between different groups the government has used an urgent call for humanitarian aid. A journalist in zimbabwe accused of mobilizing antigovernment protests has been barred from publicly testifying about his harsh prison conditions hopewell was arrested last month he says hes being denied adequate food and clothing as more from harare. When freelance journalists hope were going to testify in court on thursday members of the public and media will not be allowed inside the magistrate wants to make sure whatever the journalist says about his treatment in a maximum security prison would pose a threat to prison security single as a case of encouraging demonstrations over the economy and corruption in his government his being denied completely floored from outside say you must get. Dry food so hes been living. In water. When president muslim and i got what to mr peterson said Robert Mugabe 3 years ago many people hope to pieces and arrests will be a thing of the past some of these activists remember marching to remove mugabe only to be arrested last year for attending a prodemocracy workshop in the maldives its just. That. The government for its claim to plan some form of uprising against which we thought was actually koreas. Given that we are citizens of with great tree of an interest in equal fortunes that the government is on monday so that because president state envoys to harare to investigate a peace allegations but theres an african only made zimbabwes leader not opposition or Civil Society groups the social contract mr peters stuart is a member of the consortium is to be restored as a merchant without the kurds a member or alternatively blood on the streets of the. Frustration is also growing over the economy savings and salaries have been eroded by rising inflation which is now at nearly 800 percent basic commodities are too expensive for the pool president. Is no crisis here and criticism of human rights abuses. His administration also believes opposition groups and some western embassies are trying to sabotage the economy. Opposition leaders say more of a supporters are being arrested by state security agents a statement politicians in the governing zanu p. F. Party vehemently deny. Any. Israeli aircraft jets hit hamas targets in gaza. In response to balloons which cause fires being sent into israeli territory over recent days israel has already cut off fuel supplies to gaza reducing its fishing zone and compare tension or shut the Main Commercial Border Crossing to. France says it will increase its military presence in the Eastern Mediterranean the president emanuel macro is pushing turkey to stop its oil and gas explorations in disputed waters greasers turkeys action is illegal the standoff escalated this week with the arrival of a Turkish Research vessel accompanied by warships turkey and greece of competing claims to natural gas reserves in the eastern med. I phone orders not to organize like a human scuttle at the risk of an accident when so many military assets are gathered in such a contained area the responsibility lies with the one who gives rise to to succumb instances where remained firm in our commitment to International Legality and the power to clemency to resolve the most complex issues we will never be the one situation yet selfrestraint is only one aspect of our power no provocation will go on and so that we have demonstrated that we will respond if necessary and we will do so again if it is required. The mexican president as Manuel Lopez Obrador has met the families of 43 students who disappeared and 2014 relatives are hoping new developments in the investigation will help on rival the mystery thats become one of the countrys most notorious cases of forced disappearance. Has more from mexico city. Justice and accountability for 43 students who went missing from mexico in 2014 was a Campaign Promise made by mexican president under his Manuel Lopez Obrador on wednesday the families of the missing students met with the president behind closed doors to discuss updates in the Ongoing Investigation no more this is the 2nd such meeting since Lopez Obrador became president. In the last month the set of human remains were identified as belonging to keystone influence over the. B. C. And is only the 2nd victim to be identified but the discovery has further up ended the official government explanation from the last president ial administration which said the students were abducted by corrupt police and then handed over to drug traffickers who incinerated the bodies of the students and discarded their remains at a waste dump in the state of good little. America in the world us these marks without a doubt the beginning of a new path in the investigation that has broken down the socalled historic. Truth the case of the ideal scene up of 43. 00 is one of the most famous examples of forced disappearances in mexican history last year mexican president under this one of a lot is over that said he believed the crime was committed by agents of the state he didnt. In march in arrest warrant was issued against said on a former investigator in the case who fled the country after being accused of participating in a government cover up. Then in june of mexicos attorney general announced that even more arrest warrants had been issued against municipal and State Government workers. During general soffits requested 46 hours warrants against Public Servants from various regions within the state of get all of whom are accused of for this apparent and organized crime. Significant developments over the past few months have renewed hopes of finally getting to the bottom of the nearly 6 year old mystery. Aljazeera mexico city. Pandemic has disrupted International Travel and tourism but technology and immersive tours are helping some people get as close as they can to the real thing. Japanese businessmen caught so i knew and his wife are traveling to italy 1st class except theyre not on a plane. Its a virtual cabin where passengers can look at floating clouds and fleeting landscapes projected right next to them the. Meals and drinks are served and then they are the Virtual Reality goggles in an instant rounded travelers in tokyo are transported to the sights and sounds of florence and rome either in the lawsuit or the hospital i often go overseas for business but i havent been to italy although i saw it virtually my impression was rather good because i could get an actual sense of seeing things there 1st analyze a Japanese Entertainment Company offering these are most of to say their bookings have gone up about 50 percent since the coronavirus pandemic began of course i not think that it will give up their customers it chooses because they cant travel overseas due to coronavirus theyre also customers used to go to hawaii every year but now they cant do that so they came here to enjoy a trip to hawaii. We are live at old pigott a consequence is so far safari in some countries like here in kenya technologies such as smartphones and social media also being used to what are called so far safaris live streams that bring people closer to wildlife not just a generate revenue i do when is the conservation efforts but also to attract visitors in future Companies Say governments are also stepping in to use Virtual Reality for tourism the Tourism Industry or. A lot there are so people cannot really move around and then because theyre not generating income at the moment its difficult for that dish of technology in india and walk and i think that is where we are seeing that government is now stepping up so they are basically providing funds to do dish going to things to get people to do at this travel virtually at the moment the International Air transport Association Says 2020 will be the worst year on record for aviation with an alliance expected to lose more than 84000000000. 00 International Tourism numbers had already talked but 90 percent as of may Virtual Reality may not come close to real destination before some its as close as still get to holiday until they can travel again. This is al jazeera these are the top stories members of Lebanons Parliament who gather to discussing standing a state of emergency for beirut after last weeks catastrophic explosion Security Forces have been stopping protesters from reaching the Conference Center where theyre meeting and smith says political wrangling has started over who will now govern the country. Well the political process to appoint a new cabinet could be a long drawn out the lebanese people are relying on a cabinet essentially of National Unity to be appointed to unlock the billions of dollars in foreign aid that lebanon needs because its the foreign donors that have sat in the new cabinet cannot be dominated should not be no matter dominated by hezbollah and its allies and now theres a parliament to appoint a new cabinet and a new Prime Minister but i have to say the real discussion the real power is not really in the Parliamentary Chamber but its with the political elites the control those parliamentarians india has registered a record daily number of infections the 67000. 00 new cases bring the total to nearly 2400000. 00 Infectious Disease experts say the country is still months away from hitting its peak the philippines is planning to launch Clinical Trials of a russian Coronavirus Vaccine the philippines president roderigo to 30 once the tests to start as quickly as october he hopes to be inoculated himself by the month of may joe biden called the harris have appeared together for the 1st time as running mates in the race against president almost trump for the white house the democratic contenders presented themselves as the right team to lead the u. S. Through the virus pandemic and the National Upheaval over racism thousands of protesters in belarus rallied in the capital and other cities for a 4th night it follows the death of a process during custody on wednesday 6000 people have been detained during demonstrations against sundays disputed president ial election result those are your headlines the news continues after the stream adrian will have the news for you from 10 g. I will see you very soon but i. Talking to al jazeera we ask is the government not taking the necessary action to really address some of the structural issues we listen i still think that air travel is the safest mode of travel and to spend that we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on aljazeera. Let me take you back to when youre about maybe 5 or 6 years old how would you handle the current advice i am for me ok whats in the home edition of the stream a topic today is that mental impact of a Global Pandemic on youngsters age between north and around 5 years old if you are in you should tell us about your family the kids in your family the kids that you know how are they managing share their stories share your coping solutions we really would love to hear from you and always before we get the conversation started we checked in with some of the streaming family kids to see how theyre talking about

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