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Save countless lives. U. S. President donald trump turns a major talents of the fight against david 19 the use of blood plasma from recovered patients plus. I look like a ton of farming property in regional australia looking out for a place i think i paid for the major problem for the nation 1000000000. 00 story. Book into the program and they were warned not to gather and that the military were ready but one of the biggest protests crowds yet has put the center of the bellows capital the estimates were around 200000 people as they called the present line exam to look at schenker to step down he was flying above in a helicopter clouded body armor around with a semi automatic rifle or correspondence that vasant beds. After a week of threats coming from this is a reply from the people of valery. Tens of thousands took to the streets of minsk in defiance their fear replaced by anger well armed soldiers and police were standing by families with small children shouted the president should step down mrs lowder can use some abrasion yes we have passed police several times and were not afraid anymore and our children are not afraid to do you think now will get the message i dont think shes if hes able to get the masses but i i hope people around here will still be getting this messages more and more and believe in his team and stealing our team why are you not scared. I dont know i just are scared because you know the good people we all always it could be earlier could believes are but they will always. Fuck i. Would look at shankar in a detention vehicle these people are chanting meanwhile also viewed music is coming from the governments loudspeakers along with orders to stop the unofficial gathering. Ordering them to leave the square these people are not going anywhere with the military on standby this is the biggest of the fire ants from fleas and salaries so far since the disputed president ial vote on august 9th protesters have been in frying the authorities by gathering every day calling for an end to president took a shank us 26 year rule ahead of sundays rally the ballot rolled into the central city streets a warning to those marching that any unrest mia monuments and statues would not be tolerated but the feared violent crackdown did not happen. When tens of thousands marched towards local schank us residents on police blocked the road in what looked like. Scene from a war movie was filmed flying over this city in a helicopter wearing an armed fast together with his 15 year old son in combat gear and the president emerged from the helicopter carrying a rifle. Thank police who guarded him at the palace they told him they will stay with him until the bitter and. And and it might just have come a little closer platen aljazeera. The explosion an Iranian Nuclear facility last month was an act of sabotage the conclusion of Irans Atomic Energy Organization but it did not reveal who was responsible a spokesman for the Government Agency says reveal the reason behind the blast turns facility into calls the announcement comes a day before the head of the uns atomic Watchdog Agency arrives in teheran rather hoping to get access to sites believed to be storing undeclared nuclear material. Into iran and iran has felt suspicions after several incidents well this is the 1st time they were officially admitted that this was an act of sabotage when this incident took place in early july we were 1st told it was an accident f. I had taken place then it was revealed that actually there was more damage than previously thought and then we were told that there was considerable damage and it could cause medium term delays for the production of advanced machines where iran said that they would compensate for any delays by creating more capacity now we dont know the exact details of this act of sabotage retold that that will be released by Security Officials at the appropriate time now this incident did take place over a month ago but was preceded by an explosion east of the one near a military base and then there were several incidents fire power plants and also factories which raised suspicions in the country now this isnt the 1st time. Irans facilities have been targeted in 2010 the stuxnet virus was discovered at the very same Nuclear Facility then the towns Nuclear Facility which is thought to have caused considerable damage to Irans Nuclear program and no one admitted who was behind that but its largely thought that the United States and israel were behind the virus but the specific details of this upper target how it was carried out we still dont know its being hailed as a major advance in the fight against coronavirus the us president has announced the emergency use of plants a treatment for covert 1000 patients those involves using plants move from recovered patients to treat people with the virus but theres no conclusive evidence of its benefits this authorization comes just days after donald trump accused the food and Drug Administration of delaying the approval of drugs and vaccines for the to seize that is everybody working together were years ahead of approvals that we would be if we went by the speed levels of past administration would be 2 years 3 years behind where we are today and that includes in vaccines that youll be hearing about very very shortly. To deliver a true bridge and vaccine to save lives were moving unnecessary barriers and delays not by cutting corners but by marshalling the full power of the federal government should britain see in washington d. C. Says the f. D. A. Approval follows president trumps pressure on the agency. Now the f. D. A. One did to announce the road out of this procedure widely a couple of weeks ago but the National Institutes of health and doctor and he found she and others said no wait a 2nd dont do this we dont have the data to back this up just yet in the intervening weeks that all thats happened is donald trump and his associates in the administration have ramped up their attacks against the f. D. A. Even suggesting that there is a couple of deep state operatives in the f. D. A. Who are preventing the testing and approval of treatments and and vaccines in order to scupper doldrum selection trojans the new data has come to my bed but that sort of you know theres a tax on it increasing and now we have todays announcement but there is a proper scientific debate to be had about this but on the one hand you could say look this is an emergency ploughs was been shown to be effective in the policy vote so. It can be safe as long as you as old as you and your technique is the blood supplies very carefully on the other hand theres also a 1000 others of august we dont know what effect house was having because we havent had randomized Clinical Trials yes people can seem to be Getting Better off their injected with this but we dont over the ploughs make could just be that theyre Getting Better health care because theyre being in a sort of environment where they are getting treatment they could be from a demographic that is new susceptible to cohabit 19 and unless you have that randomized trial that we will never know. A mission it is a senior scholar john hope consensus will help security joins me now from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania good to have you with us on the program sir i mean how does this full months i repeat would call the body in reality. So what we know is that when people recover from the corona virus they develop antibodies and what convalescent classman does is takes their blood and the portion of their blood that contains those antibodies in transfusions transfuse that into someone who has corona virus and those antibodies help to neutralize the virus help them recover quicker and this is something that has a lot of biological possibility but we do not yet know whether this works because we dont have randomized control data to show that it is definitively beneficial from the experience knowledge and contacts you have how quickly in theory would doctors see results. In this sort of therapy. Well its hard to say because we give this to a lot of patients so many patients have gotten it because we have made available through whats called expand it use and you do see these patients get better but we dont know if they would have gotten better anyway and you do see it primarily being beneficial in milder patients and and milder patients may be already predisposed to get better so this is the whole conundrum that were in we dont know whether or not it works in a what patient subgroups it works but you do see people get better over time with this disease but its hard to isolate whether its convalescent plasma or the natural course of illness or steroids or rem disappear because a lot of different treatments are going on at the same time indeed i mean the evidence according to the f. D. A. So far as weve said has not been conclusive about whether it works and issues of a when to administer it and in what dose still has to be worked out that said there are many treatments that are being looked at right now whats your understanding of which ones are actually working. So we have data that for example dexamethasone which is a quarter go steroids helps people who need oxygen we have some data on rendez severe that though not a knockout punch it does get People Better a little bit faster and out of the hospital quicker there are other treatments like monoclonal antibodies which are synthetic antibodies that are in phase 3 Clinical Trials and theres a lot of hope around them and theres also other disease other medications that work on the immune system that modeling how the immune system reacts to the virus that also are something thats coming down the pipeline about right now the only tried and true thing we have is dex im at the zone and ramdev severe in terms of the emergency authorization offered by the president to sort of move things along for the medical community. What one does about sort of the balance is that the checks and balances the have to be in place when trials undertaken what do you want to see the pros and cons of does the president s moves help the medical Community Know i believe the president s move will hurt the medical community we were able to get convalescent plasma ive given it to every patient that i needed to give into it had no problems giving it to them under expanded use with the f. D. A. What the president s move does is makes it very unlikely that well get a randomized control trial result so we may end up in the end not knowing whether or not this worked or not nets not how we want to do medicine we dont want politics to be injected into the f. D. A. Decisions we every time the president has intervened in this pandemic it is a it is actually hurt the response of the pandemic so we saw this with hydroxy clark and we dont want to repeat of this this is actually something that there is a promising signal here and we want to know exactly when to give it and who to give it and the only way were going to know that is through rigorous randomized control trials and this is going to discourage people from enrolling in the trials because the president has now put his finger on the scale so to speak to a mission from the john hopkins said to thanks very much for joining us from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania thank you. Still ahead here on aljazeera and environmental disaster waiting to happen the u. N. Sounds the alarm over a decaying oil tanker off the coast of western yemen also. Is there all the witness all of the europeans the Champions League and the crown for a 6th time to tell you who they are after the break. Hello there plenty of rain across much of asia some scattered showers and thunder much of japan but this is what were watching this is typhoon about a now as we go through monday this time fame will have winds sustained at about 160 kilometers an hour and it is moving very slowly that means its going to produce and terentia amounts of rain across the ricoh islands the winds will also be very very damaging of course and staying in place for such a long space of time through monday as well more rain work its way through eastern china that will begin to push across towards the Korean Peninsula then through choose say this typhoon expected to strengthen even further with winds about 175 kilometers and of course gusting stronger than that its taking a northerly track and is expected eventually to push up into the other say that of course there is quite a few days away me one across into india in particular very heavy rains here as we go through monday yet again is going to be across into rajastan and push across into go and again into the southern areas of pakistan but you notice here through west bengal bangladesh and in particular mammal that is where well see very heavy rains even heavier as we go through tuesday so this is just going to add to the flooding already in place and also cause some new areas of fighting and all the while those rains very extensive across the west and really throughout much of pakistan. Selfless act human bravery 10000 precious pieces of literature rescued from being burnt to ashes in a besieged sorry. Aljazeera wild meats the bosnian women and men who risked everything to save their return heritage. The love of books on aljazeera. More. To. Talk about what you all just there with me so rob a reminder of all top stories more than 200000 people have rallied in the belorussian capital to demand the president Alexander Lukashenko to step down after his contested reelection but hes refusing to resign others deploy the army to respond to any other rights. The roles Atomic Energy and the g. Organization says last months fire at the natanz Nuclear Facility was not. But didnt say he was responsible Government Agency says old sources will reveal the reason behind the blast didnt you time. The u. S. Food and Drug Administration is authorized the use of possible terror be to treat favored 1000 patients but theres no conclusive evidence of its benefits. Libyan war to even have to has rejected the un recognized governments calls for a ceasefire his spokesman described it as a publicist stunt and accuse the tripoli administration of planning a Turkish Backed defensive on the city of sirte after the lies including egypt on the Royal Parliament in Eastern Libya that supported the cease fire and. Therefore we believe the ceasefire is false and meant only as propaganda it is simply to throw dust in the eyes this is the reality on the ground and this is what was confirmed by our air and land recon all the intelligence we gathered proves they intend to attack our forces in syria and. The United Nations is urging the warring sides in yemen to Work Together to prevent a potential environmental disaster stricken. Near the city of the data is leaking more than a 1000000 barrels of oil others mohamed reports of fears it could all spill into the red sea next month. Up a turn show environmental disaster on the prestigious waters of the red sea this oil tanker has been murdered here off yemens recent cost about 8 kilometers from the port since 2015 its holding on is to meet at 1140000 barrels of crude oil experts say the ship structure is deteriorating and earlier this year water breached its engine room in july the u. N. Want the tanker called the suffer course pull 4 times as much oil as the exxon ferries which ran aground in alaska in 1989 spilling 37000 tons of crude that are also fears the ships unstable cargo could explode if fire breaks out on bald. Surfie and if the tanker explodes it will cause devastating economic and environmental consequences in yemen might even be more powerful than the explosion in beirut environmentalist expect the pollution could reach barber monday and the swiss sea channel in the north. In yemen this lawmaking by a mental catastrophe has prompted the un to dispatch a team of engineers to evaluate the rescue but the team is yet to start work the u. N. Security council has appealed to the holds the authorities or control parts of yemen including capital sanaa to give unconditional access to the team. We asked for germany and sweden to be like a 3rd party to bring their own people. Well so we can trust the outcome of this evaluation. Yemens u. N. Backed government which is supported by a saudi your qualification blames the deterioration of the visible on the whole theory run government and son the oil company in charge of the vessel says the situation for the deteriorated after the saudi us. Blocked an oil shipment that was to be used in its calling systems. In 2016 we imported fuel for the tanker but the shipment has been denied x. Is the unlawful piracy practiced by the saudi Iraqi Coalition doesnt in the year it has restricted the injury of diesel and low grade fuel shipments from saudi arabia seaboard injuries on these restrictions are the main reason behind the current humanitarian crisis. There are still talks to figure out how to resolve this issue the company assigned by the un to look after the tanker wants to tour to kuwait for repairs but the whole fees say they wanted to fix locally or transfer to a 3rd party they can trust like the government of switzerland the Tankers Holding tens of millions of dollars worth of oil that could help many struggling yemenis the United Nations dress the urgent need for stopping the threat posed by the oil tanker but many here room the International Attention this story has brewed can bring yemens boring side back to the negotiating table with the aim of ending the conflict and also it could be a way to ease the worlds worst humanitarian crisis. Aljazeera from the theobald theory of. The bride of the red sea. Israels Prime Minister says he would call new elections up to accepting a compromise to extend budget negotiations by another 100. 00 days but even now is the time for unity not elections and not decisions the countries that are actually less than 2 years left in your Coalition Partner but he comes out until monday night to complete the tail risk having the government collapse. Well after 2 days of meetings between malis coup leaders of west african mediators a reports that the army has agreed to allow the else did president abraham google quetta to return to his home and it also was a transitional role in the leading of the country for the next 3 years soldiers seized power of choose day and arrested after months of each of the protests and they did just this update. From all indications they have been some sort of convergence of ideas and agreements on what to discuss and what to achieve i think the direction was gotten after the meeting with president. And with some reports suggesting that their cause was. Pushing for the idea of him coming back to power and probably maybe the president. Spoke his mind that prompted the 2nd meeting today thats the feeling right now in bamako as the meeting continue will remember the course meeting there of course delegation was supposed to have met the United Nations and the African Union in bamako then suddenly this meeting came that meeting with the United Nations and African Union had to be pushed back because of the urgency of the situation speaking with the opposition the m 5 r f b i you come to understand that whatever the case is they dont want to brag but were going to create a back in power so that is their problem number one in as much as they dont want sanctions and other punitive measures against mali they say theyre not going to compromise that they fought for bamboo computer to leave for months now its time for him to go so that new beginning for mali will start other millions are watching and closely to see how this affects the generality of money and. The bodies of 22 migrants have been found near libya the International Organization for migration says the libyan red crescent retrieve them off the coastal town as water. Spokeswoman says the victims were all african males the accident happened a week ago and its believed their vessel engines exploded more than 300 refugees and migrants have died this year while trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea to get to europe the governor of sicily has ordered all migrants to leave the island by monday or by midnight on monday citing coronavirus fears but its unclear how the decree will be implemented since those policies are decided by the Italian Government now the order also bans the arrival of any new migrants all refugees at least 70 moderates have tested positive in recent weeks freelance journalists eva gupta is in rome and explains why sicily doesnt have the legal power to affect the refugees. This really pits theres the government in sicily these are the government in rome because essentially he signed this ordinance the governor saying that hes barring all migrant arrivals as well as wanting to remove the migrants from the Reception Centers but the interior ministry here in rome essentially has said that the regional governments dont have the authority to do that because migration falls under the purview of the Central Government and so they say he cant actually carry out this action but this is a little governor saying hes saying that he feels that its necessary to do this because hes not getting enough help from Central Government or from europe and that he cant exactly guarantee the safety of people on the island and prevent further contagion now its interesting to note that dozens of migrants have tested positive in recent weeks these migrants in the Reception Centers insists it really the bulk of cases of corporate 19 in italy are because of people returning from holiday or b. K. Ssion and coming into the country and testing positive sicily though has had to deal with the burden of migrants because of course its just graphically closer perhaps to north africa than the rest of the tallinn mainland and we have seen a surge in migrant arrivals but equally as we are in the summer months and so that the weather and sea conditions do allow for more arrivals of these mind and vessels a Tropical Storm thats spiraling as wards the usa to louisiana has been upgraded to a hurrican and could make landfall by monday People Living in low lying coastal areas have been ordered to evacuate residents and tourists in mexicos quintana roo state were relieved when marco changed its path on saturday sparing local beaches well its one of 2 storms currently in the city topical storm laura is expected to be upgraded to her can later in the week it could be the 1st time in more than a century to hurrican in the gulf of mexico civil taney asli. The sentencing of the gunman who killed 51 muslim worshippers in new zealand last year is under way heavy security surrounds the christchurch courthouse where brenton tyrant faces life in prison and here earlier pleaded guilty to dozens of charges over the attacks at the 2 christchurch mosques some survivors will be allowed in the court room for their 1st encounter with terror since the shootings the sentencing is expected to take at least 4 days. Sheep farmers in australia are hoping the price of oil rises before they go bankrupt david 19. 00 restrictions are just the latest disaster for the multibillion dollar Wool Industry and to add to the problems theres a shortage of shares a 68000000. 00 sheep gauge has the story from New South Wales lambing season isnt far off from the cattle farm on the plains bringing a small sense of normality to an anything but normal few years david gergen hes been tested by prolonged drought then bush rise in january through and followed by coded 19 its certainly having an impact on on everything especially the the wall market other player market is is collapsing as well and now and where were heading. Border and trade route closures during the pen democrats devastated. With the markets down about 40 percent. When millions of heat need to be she. Hundreds of seasonal shears normally fly in mainly from new zealand the spam outside goldman is using. But in other parts of the country there arent enough the government is trying to find solutions with rising unemployment can strike me adjudicated montane the logical thing to do would be writing more people locally to work in that hes happy but its not that simple of course training takes time to a job that requires skill and if the process is delayed well then it becomes an Animal Welfare problem. And a financial problem to process have led to a growing still in storage but this hearing says for many high a process isnt an option that money i mean i cheated by the bill. And thats one of the river on her. Plate thats. As tried tensions between australia and china increase with restrictions imposed on australian beef imports as well as high tariffs on bali about 90 percent of the strike with currently exports to china stage. Everything from clothing to carpet. Have very strong constructive relationship and also not rising without a challenge in the near future but the industry is. To heavily on chinese by David Goldman hes producing wold quality. In business. The european football season has finally come to an end with buy a new nick winning europes biggest club trophy for a 6th time was fans in germany celebrated the one nil victory over paris so genre which took place in the portuguese city of lisbon without supporters by and join liverpool a 6 time Champions League winners in the railroad trade in ac milan have won the title more times. And it was a president who headed home the decisive goal in the 59th minute when the kings the coman grew up in paris and graduated from the p. S. G. Youth academy his goal delivered a 3rd trophy this season fall by in europes biggest prize i think to the whole of the button does the title and the german cup. Your child is there with means the whole roman a reminder of our top stories more than 200000 people have rallied in the belorussian capital to demand the president Alexander Lukashenko step down after his contested reelection but hes refusing to resign and has deployed the army to respond to the unrest Irans Atomic Energy Organization says last months fire at the natanz Nuclear Facility was an act of sabotage but hasnt said who was responsible the Government Agency says authorities will reveal the reason behind the blast in due course the u. S. Food and Drug Administration has authorized the use of plasma therapy to treat covert 900 patients but theres no conclusive evidence of its benefits there is everybody working together were years ahead of approvals and we would be if we went by. The speed levels of past administration would be 2 years 3 years behind where we are today and that includes in vaccines youll be hearing about very very shortly. To deliver a true bridge and vaccine to save lives were removing unnecessary barriers and delays not by cutting corners but by marshalling the full power of the federal government libyan warlord cling to have to has rejected the u. N. Recognize governments calls for a cease fire his spokesman described it as a publicist stunt and accuse the tripoli administration of planning a Turkish Backed defensive on the city of sirte after 2 days of meetings between malis coup leaders and west african mediators there are reports that the army has agreed to allow a good president Ibrahim Boubacar quetta to return to his home but also wants a transitional role in the leading of the country for the next 3 years. The governor of sicily has ordered all migrants to leave the island by midnight on monday citing krone virus fears but its unclear how the decree will be implemented since those policies are decided by the Italian Government the order also bans iran of any new migrants all refugees. Well those were the headlines so you can follow those stories on the websites to aljazeera dot com back with more news here next its inside story to stay with us. Whats behind the recalled rise in global covert 19 infections several countries are reporting some of the biggest numbers since the pandemic began should we be worried a more look. This is its a story. Hello and welcome to the program on the wrong nearly 9 months since coated 19 from the chinese city of wood

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