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Johnson that would break international law. Families in hong kong plead for the release of their children from detention in Mainland China. Where were continuing our coverage of the escalation of violence in belarus the internet has been shut down for more than a few hours now the police say they have detained at least 250. 00 demonstrators they were gathering for another protest in the capital city minsk. Tens of thousands of protesters have flooded the center of the capital making their way to one of the president ial compounds they have been demands for the president Alexander Lukashenko to resign ever since he was declared the winner of last months disputed elections critics say the vote was rigged lets get the latest from aljazeera step vasant who joins us on the phone from mens because theres no Internet Access for her and the team on the ground there so step have they reached the president ial residence yet. Not yet to the time when still walking here to keep up with the protesters who have been marching now for 2 hours nonstop at the moment theyre on the main avenue because some other people managed to put their cards on a some important traffic fines. Blocking the road leading to give thanks for all the chatter fest for thousands of them out off to fight the main road from a massive pier which police. Desperately have tried for friends since the Early Morning but now theyre marching here in the middle of the city as a sign thats very big sign else could be flying hundreds of people were saying already in the early afternoon even before the d its far fetched but they still managed to get together despite the fact that police and military were program saying that journey back to the top 4 of the sugar really wanted to us to show especially to a russian president Vladimir Putin before the meeting of the 2 a president tomorrow that he has everything on the from seoul i mean they dont want him to see these images of thousands of people have marching and shouting and screaming for him to step down 5 and even to be brought to justice for torturing detainees in the last couple of weeks. And as we watch these pictures of some of the processes being bungled the way into van zyl being botched to the ground by mr kissing his Security Forces is that a deliberate policy on the part of the interior ministry or the police so whoever these combat clad individuals off to kind of try and splinter away a little numbers smaller numbers of people who wanted to go to the protest where you are headed now. So we have breaking up but d i think what youre asking if this is the policy 6 of actually detaining people randomly picking the them up from the street detaining them for an unknown amount of pay this is definitely a way to intimidate people from restraining the state in the process because people are definitely d good they have no history of protesting for many of them its the very 1st time in their life they ever took to the streets to demand something from from the state so this is a very new thing and of course being intimidated and being threatened would definitely work in the normal situation but this is not a normal situation people say this country has broken up and because of the torture and the violence that has been used by police in the last couple of weeks people say thats just simply no way back so that not being intimidated right now and they say that shes continuing to go to the street despite this 6 large risk of being a d. J. Ok step well talk to later im sure in the meantime thank you very much. Ok lets go to moscow and get more on that from our correspondent that Alexandra Steele janowicz golf well i think sondra good to talk to again so there is a meeting tomorrow mr lucas shank is going to talk to mr putin how do you think that conversation will shake down i mean how much support does mr lucas inka get from the kremlin now. Well look at going to come to morrow to moscow was a person that left himself no wiggle room in any negotiation so he will be meet here friendly but it will be put to very clearly that all the cards as they are are in the hands of russia now russia recognized him as a president early on after the elections but they waited with their clear support for some time when youre waiting to see how the things are going to develop and once he asked for that support he got it he got it even in a form of a possible Police Forces being sent there if things get completely out of control as russian president Vladimir Putin put it if a certain red lines are crossed so this support that he got from moscow also on the International Level siding with him and the warning everybody else off of what they are saying is the internal matter of belarus this comes with a price tag and we could already hear what the price of this will be in the official announcement of this visit it said that 1. 00 of the topics of their talks is going to be furthering of the integration process is this is actually about the union state between russian valid russia that so far existed only on paper and that is due mostly to look at resistance to further it is integration of process wanting to force a to be the boss in his own country well now he is left with the no negotiations because he badly needs the support of partner of russia as a partner of or not only in the National Stage but also within that domestic terrain and this support did embolden him because what we are seeing now on today on the streets of main square is coming after to support a game d in the meantime he cracked down on the members of the oppositional council driving some out of the country the others are arrested but as we also see these things dont seem to be. Working on the ballad russian population so it will be basically to russia how theyre going to handle this situation without saying arranging or estranging the belorussian population from russia and xandra thank you very much lets talk. About so you know shes a Research Fellow at the belorussian institute for strategic studies she left minsk last month due to safety concerns she joins us from the ukrainian capital kiev sina how do you think todays demonstration will unfold once they get to the president ial compound. And think that maybe there are tactics and blog sites on the protesters and the a cartoonish a lot of these pretty much the same as that seen in the past 36 states of protests and and the only a particularly really observed today is 3rd the various are expanded my purse one day and its much more violent than they did the previous days and i would leave those to the upcoming leading men. And putin and this is an attempt on Michael Schenker side to show that he had some kind of control over the protests which he does not. Always seeing something of a gear change in the look her reaction were into what the 5th week of these very Peaceful Demonstrations where everyone from different demographics is out on the streets protesting against him has it no pivoted from being suppressing a protest here or a demonstration there to suppressing the people across the city and across the country. I would say that look at shankar im sure in this protest this month he has exhausted all the tools he used to apply in the Previous Year where a cure would just so use a large scale progressions to reach people it will get beaten detained and then this led to a scaled down the protests this time this doesnt work anymore and despite many people are beaten detained randomly on the streets are not only the actual protesters are just so random but misses this does not stop the protest and onlookers shank aside as an authoritarian leader he relied mainly on this force and fear and again like this tactics does not work and when it comes to trying to scare people randomly i mean by this police units and right close units when they catch people who are just passing by the police when theyve started theyve used this tactic from the day when the protests start again this is not new what their surrogates are facing now is that they actually dont know what to do next because they protest are not scaled down or that many meeks one of the variables here is this meeting in moscow tomorrow between mr lucas and the russian president Vladimir Putin can missed it. Come out of that meeting with guarantees from the kremlin. So there was an Insider Information leaked on the car and one site that allegedly they will discuss actual transfer power that to to well trying to convince local shanker to leave although not to human incertitude protesters demands but to leave on a more constitutional before him or other way of transfer of power i think about treating. The same talk say they were just too much later and former ally and it makes less and less sense to support him so probably they would talk about some sort of elegant and said to end some reassurances from the question correctly but for him to be the key issue would be how our location current will actually rather than staying power in that situation are we then in a a crisis mode politically because as weve been learning over the past month or 5 weeks the country is like a mini soviet states is a command economy and should the protesters be careful what they wish for because ok mr lucas may go but what comes in to replace him i would say that and more on the protesters some armed people on the Coronation Council and even in the current elites him armed the lets say former diplomats and current minister workers there are enough technocrats enough people with high competences and i think lets say the illiteracy of changes in belarus to once more democratic line and then the country will open up more forums and we will get to extensive support and we have an international of nations and expertise on how to transition towards a more democratic and market economy and society ok we must leave at the council get a National Scene in the ukrainian capital kiev told you mismatch you know thank you very much thank you. Millions of russians are voting in local elections they are widely seen as a test for the governing United Russia Party but they are being overshadowed by the poisoning of alexy. Still to come on this program well hear from families in hong kong who are pleading for the release of their children from detention on the mainland. I was still got some rather heavy rain in the full cost for japan although marius still saying some lives showers longer spells of rain the sweater weather will push through northern parts of honshu into whole cada very active federals system him making its way through the city japan swirling away blustery showers long spells of right making its way across europe water brightest stars come back in behind to cease and clear skies there across the Korean Peninsula northern china on the other hand will see cloud and right assist and the wet weather makes its way across beijing sinks further eastwards and south which towards the yellow sea and it is likely to cause some flooding at times we are looking at heavy showers long spells of right through to Central China from shanghai to one hand and beyond in russia showers down towards the southeast and kona meanwhile quite an area of showers across much of south asia the monsoon rains popping up once again along the western side off and they were saying some rather heavy rain recently into nepal enough to cause flooding here and a landslide on a friday that wetter weather is set to continue more heavy showers for the pole for bangladesh a full fall of the east of india along with me and ma heavy rain right up the Western Ghats and also affecting the southeast pakistan. An image can change the way we see the womb back if we had not seen this week with me telling you about it it can spark mass action or serve the interests of the powerful he created longing for a fellow opportunity that can obscure the truth he says only 2 can it new stories like this play and talking points for pretty intense people it can forge narratives or rewrite from the listening post gives you the full picture on a 0. 000. Welcome back story this hour. The internet has been closed hundreds of demonstrators have been detained they were gathering for another protest in the capital minsk they want the president Alexander Lukashenko to resign over last months disputed election. Hell be heading to moscow on monday to meet the russian president Vladimir Putin russia has said it could send its forces into if they are needed. Millions of russians are voting in local elections today widely seen as a test of the governing United Russia Party but they are being overshadowed by the poisoning of the main opposition to. The authorities in greece have started moving refugees to a new sites on the island of less boss after their camp this week thousands of refugees have been sleeping rough since the morea camp europes biggest was reduced to ash refugees are demanding humanitarian assistance and they are resisting attempts to relocate them greek police fired tear gas at protesters on saturday. I have prayed that if they will attack on and they will burn down everything with that we had its still hard you know. They are getting in that year and we are not there i mean there is no i dont want to stay here anymore with my family i want to go to another country i want to have a normal life i want to have better roi i want to go to school can you believe that i had never been to school but youre in love how did you learn english and english is incredible i learned it. By phone from some guys is that they are thinking that oh my god they are hungry the doesnt have any voltaire. Needs they need another. So please you tell me whats the most emotional. Whats the road out of brain or a ship with 276 rescued migrants on board is waiting out at sea in the mediterranean for a port to allow them to disembark the migrants were pulled from small boats in 3 different operations in the past week the owners of the spanish rescue ship and open arms are appealing for the overcrowded versal to be allowed into force more than 800000 people have lost their lives crossing the mediterranean since 2014. The turkish vessel sent to map out possible oil and gas drilling prospects in a disputed area has now returned home speaking to the state owned and a donor a news agency turkeys defense minister said the ships return was part of a shared jeweled operations both turkey and greece of claims to potential Energy Resources in the Eastern Mediterranean tensions flared last month after ankara sent a ship to the area the Turkish Defense minister who lucy aka says the ships return does not mean ankara has given up on its rights in the Eastern Mediterranean however the greek Prime Minister has welcomed the ships departure from those disputed waters. Surveys to. Quote the return of or a trace in one tally as a positive 1st step i sincerely hope that this will continue i said yesterday that the end of the provocations should be the beginning of conversation we never hid the fact that we want to talk with turkey but in a peaceful atmosphere without provocations and without unilateral actions while staying in that part of the world the u. S. Secretary of state might pompei i was in cyprus 1st thing one last thing last night for talks on the recent tensions across the eastern med he says the United States is deeply concerned but these actions in the region and is pushing for a diplomatic solution. So hes president has won the french leader quote not to mess with anchor of the nato allies or at all it says paris banks greece and cyprus so Hydrocarbon Resources and naval influence there on friday the french president emmanuel macro and other south and e. U. Leaders threatened new sanctions against ankara. Several demonstrators have been injured by the police in Eastern Libya happened in the marge region which is under the control of the warlord holly for have topped the protesters were calling for the resignation of one of his Security Officials who they blame for breaking up an earlier rally thats been widespread on rest across the area with demands for improve Living Conditions and an end to corruption traina is in misrata he says people there are unhappy with the current situation. Weve seen for the 3rd straight day of protests in Eastern Libya thats in areas such as a bay the tobruk. And a mothers 7th several civilians were injured but weve also seen the same kind of protest in western libya 2 to the deteriorating Living Conditions demonstrators say this is because of the lack of Government Services others no cash in the bank so Government Employees or regular employees cant really pull out their salaries from the banks and theres also a long power cuts across the entire country thats in Eastern Libya as well as western libya so weve seen demonstrations protests in western libya in tripoli here in misrata in front of the the municipality and and they say demonstrators are upset because they say corruption has led to a lack of Government Services now the National Oil Corporation has said that the power cuts are in are due to the oil closures so so the diesel and gas feeding the power stations havent been able to do to the the power stations due to the to the oil closures. The husband of a british Iranian Charity Worker serving a 5 year sentence for espionage in iran has told al jazeera a hearing on new charges against her has now been postponed theres been no immediate comment from the iranian judiciary ratcliffe faces accusations of spreading propaganda against the state of iran the announcement was made when shes close to completing her sentence after being released early because of the coronavirus pandemic she was arrested in 2016 while seeing her parents said big in tehran he says if the new charges stay in place now sitting could be in jail for another year. Weve spoken to her lawyer who told us that the hearing has been postponed but the session will take place at a later date now these are new charges as you said which is propaganda against the Republican National already serving a 5 year jail term for espionage and working to topple the iranian government now she was arrested in 2016 here into iran as she was at a month so many airports use arrested by irans revolutionary guard and she was with her 222 month old daughter at the time now at the time we werent certain what prompted those arrests for Amnesty International believe it was in connection with other arrested taken place in 2014 employees of a Technology Company now they were charged with working on projects to do with the b. B. C. And receiving funding from london and she has denied all charges she was released to her parents home back in march because of the krona virus pandemic but she still had to wear an electronic ankle tag now her husband has said that the iranians are holding the hostage because they want the u. K. To pay a debt thats decades old that goes back to pre Islamic Revolution in 1979 so under the rule of the shark in the early seventys iran had ordered some tanks from the United Kingdom iran had paid for those after the revolution britain didnt deliver those tanks and iran has been trying to get that money back to the summer of around 400000000 pounds now iran says the 2 cases are not linked but the lawyer has told us that if these charges stick if he is found guilty it could add another year on to a sentence. Bahrains top shiite cleric who is rejecting relations with israel and is calling on people across the region to resist this is the 1st such public reaction from a muslim scholar the kingdom became the latest arab nation to recognize israel on friday it follows a similar u. S. Brokered deal with the United Arab Emirates the move has been condemned by the palestinian. Now in the u. K. 2 former Prime Ministers have urged m. P. s to reject a government bill that will overturn the earlier Withdrawal Agreement with the e. U. Brics it tony blair and john major both say Boris Johnsons proposed bill is quote embarrassing the nation they say it will damage the Peace Process in Northern Ireland and they go see a sions for future trade deals well the e. U. Is threatening legal action mr johnson is proposing to alter the agreement on the movement of goods and people between Northern Ireland and the republic of ireland which was put in place to prevent a socalled hard border the us House Speaker nancy pelosi has warned they will be no trade deal with washington if the British Government undermines the 1998 good friday agreement which ended conflict in Northern Ireland good friday accords were very high priority for us democrats and republicans house and senate so that if the u. K. Did anything to undermine the good friday accords they should not as i told them in the u. K. For different elements of purchasing haitian there they should not even think about having a u. S. U. K. I lateral trade agreement well earlier i spoke to Alistair Campbell hes a spokesman and advisor to tourney from 1997 when we won the election he thinks its extraordinary the politicians from across party lines are united in their criticism of the current Prime Minister Boris Johnson. The country im afraid elected a complete charlatan as Prime Minister and i think the country is beginning to see that perhaps more clearly i think both tony blair and john major tony blair as you say used the word wrong sometimes tells me that i go to over the top in my criticisms of Boris Johnson and he was held back i think in terms of some of his rhetoric about johnson but john major a conservative Prime Minister who was doing the trees amazed time although he had very different views on some issues pretty much kept his head down i think to him to come out today and combine with a labor Prime Minister and say what they have said together about the current Prime Minister about the current governments handling of the brits in goshen asians the damage theyre doing to the u. K. Standing around the world i think is extraordinary and the worry for me however is that a lot of these m. P. And you have to worry and please i suspect that their vision and their version of what the jury party is in 2020 doesnt bear sufficient relation to what john majors jory parts of it and i think that the 2 big points in there make me really want the damage done to our reputation in the world when we openly have a Prime Minister and the cabinet saying that they see nothing wrong in breaking an International Treaty breaking their word it was as you say negotiated a few months ago under which he won a general election and secondly the direct and significant threat that this poses to the good friday agreement a what it shows is that john major and tony blair care about that and Boris Johnson doesnt beijing has said back at us condemnation over the detention of 12 hong kong activists in Mainland China the u. S. s it is deeply concerned about the group the ages range from 16 to 33 the families of the detainees according to the Hong Kong Government to help bring the group home as difficult part of. A plea from a mother who doesnt know when she will see her child again. Overall i hope the government can help bring them back to hong kong then at least i can see my son we dont even know if he is dead or alive her 30 year old son is one of 12 activists from hong kong detained in Mainland China the Group Includes this man 17 year old son. My son left home with a fishing rod and 2 buckets i really believed he was going fishing but then i was notified by mainline officials that hes been arrested i still havent seen him a few days after they were arrested on august 23rd the chinese coast guards gave the coordinates of where they were stopped close to International Waters local Media Outlets reported the group left from a quiet fishing village on the east side of hong kong its believed they were hoping to reach taiwan to seek asylum the 12th plan to travel more than 700 kilometers but just 70 kilometers from hong kongs coast they were intercepted by chinese coast guards their detention is the 1st such confirmed case of activists being caught by mainland authorities at sea they were arrested on suspicion of illegal Border Crossing the group are being held in a Detention Center in the southern chinese city of shenzhen in mainland based human rights lawyer appointed by the relatives send this video outside the Detention Center saying hes been turned away several times reporter lawyer refused entry as i said to check their clothes and suddenly after several hours the sort of visual lawyers are being appointed so that this one of the family are very worried about the legal rights group he will not be respected some of the group have been accused by hong kong authorities of offenses related to last years prodemocracy and antigovernment protests one of them was arrested in august 10th in one of hong kongs most High Profile Police operations under the National Security law hes accused of vi. Late in the law by campaigning with an online group for International Cooperation for hong kongs Democracy Movement on friday the u. S. Secretary of state sent out a tweet calling on the Hong Kong Government to safeguard the rights of the 12 young people detained the Hong Kong Immigration Department Released a statement saying it is following up on the case and could help deliver letters to the detained from their families all the way it must be very tough in jail there are babies i cannot bear to imagine what they must be going through chinese authorities have yet to provide any information about the groups welfare or the charges they face. Hong kong. He said over here in doha a top stories from aljazeera. The incidents been shut down in belo gruesome hundreds of demonstrators have been detained they were gathering for another protest in the capital minsk some of them are now marching to the residence of the president Alexander Lukashenko they want him to resign over last months disputed election step vasant has the latest from mints. Theyre marching here in the middle of the city i feel fine a very big sign of good defiance after hundreds of people were detained already in the early afternoon even before there were d sauces but they still managed to get together despite the fact that police and military were progressing that very back to be 4 a question of really wanted to us to show especially through russian president Vladimir Putin before the meeting off if you were president tomorrow that we have everything on the fence well i mean never want him to see these images of thousands of people have marching and shouting for him to step down 5 and even to be brought to justice. Well president will be heading to moscow on monday to meet the russian president Vladimir Putin russia has said it could send its forces into belarus if needed millions of russians are voting in local elections theyre widely seen as a test for the governing United Russia Party but they are being overshadowed by the poisoning of the Opposition Leader alexina paul need the authorities in greece have started moving refugees to a new site on the island of les paul softer europes largest refugee camp on tuesday thousands of people have been sleeping rough ever since theyve been demanding humanitarian assistance and many are refusing to be relocated. A ship with 276 rescued migrants on board is waiting out at sea in the mediterranean for ports to allow them to disembark the migrants were pulled from small boats in the past week the owners of the spanish rescue ship the open arms are appealing for the overcrowded vessel to be allowed into a port. A turkish vessel sent to possible oil and gas drilling prospects in a disputed area has now returned home speaking to the state owned and i dont know a news agency the Turkish Defense ministers that these ships return was part of it should operations both turkey and greece have differing claims in the region up next its the listening post howlers here from 15 g. Ill see you from 10 g. Tomorrow until then but i understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world so no matter how you take it well bring you the news and Current Affairs that matter to you. The protests demonstrations against president bush and. By. I should say. State. Of the structure such as a show called. Hello i mean actually sitting in for Richard Gaisford and youre watching the listening post working from home here are some of the media stories were covering this week in the loose the media youre consuming says a lot about which side of the political divide youre on are you watching state t. V. Or are you a telegram or another book of bombshell revelations about donald trump puts the ethics of the president and the books author under the spotlight in death as in life iranian general Qassam Soleimani remains a powerful p. R. Symbol for to her own and back to the loose

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