Parliament debates controversial legislation which would override part of its breaks it deal with the e. U. And break International Law. And Asylum Seekers on the greek island of less force protest over plans to move them to a new camp and call on the e. U. To take action. Or an israeli settler has been handed 3 life sentences for the murder of 3 members of a Palestinian Family i mean around bentley or through a fire bomb into the home of the day family in 2015 killing the couple and their infant son harry force reports who lived on the end of a long Legal Process. More than 5 years after firebombing the house of the family as they slept. On video not in court because of coronavirus restrictions was handed his sentence the judges gave him 3 consecutive life terms one for each of his victims saad and. And the 18 month old son ali plus another 20 years the attempted murder of the sole survivor older brother ahmed who was badly burned a particularly up on how close i am look at all cannot give us our right no matter what they do they cannot bring back amad smother father and brother they cannot bring back his house ahmed still lives with his grandparents in duma the village in the occupied west bank where the attack happened over the years hes had extended treatment for his burns it was here on monday that he and his grandmother learned of the sentence. May god punish him i hope iraq in jail suffer while hes alive as hes done as harmony and justice and i hope hes punished on judgement day. The court found that had conspired with another certainly youth than a minor to carry out a revenge attack after a jewish man was killed in a drive by shooting the prosecution said been illegal was alone by the time he got to duma and set fire to 2 houses his legal team said he was tortured during enhanced interrogation sessions 2 of his confessions were ruled inadmissible as a result but later ones stood up in court one but only a was convicted in may the Israeli Security service the shin bet said it was a landmark in the fight against jewish terror but others point to the length of this process and also the fact that so many settler attacks go unpunished. Israeli rights group ph d. In studied hundreds of attacks by israeli civilians on palestinians going back to 2005 and found charges were brought in only 9 percent of cases its very clear that this is the exception other many settlers who are a member of those who could him and others are moving freely and the bank without any consequences and without the money it could him in a liberal see that again is the. This attack was certainly exceptional in its nature and in the toll left to be borne by its only survivor. 10 years old now the Legal Process thats lasted half his life is at last over but that toll remains a force at aljazeera lord israel. Russias president has voiced his support for the embattled by the russian leader in their 1st face to face meeting since protests escalated in the former soviet nation but he made putin met Alexander Lukashenko in sochi where he agreed on a 1500000000. 00 loan to the crisis hit country he said the issues should be resolved by the by the russian people themselves without foreign interference or 100000. 00 people rallied in the capital minsk on sunday despite a renewed crackdown by Security Forces but its under a strain of a good why has been following that meeting from moscow and says look at shanker seemed to downplay the protests. We saw repeated Political Support for call from the side of the russian president Vladimir Putin as expected but we also heard that belarus is going to get another a loan of 1500000000. 00 to add up to existing loans and basically to be able to pay up what they are due to russia or what are the russia being their Biggest Country that gives them the most money by this point their biggest investor its the same time but what we heard from a. Kind of a strongman because he was at the same time kind of downplaying the brought that are going on for weeks now in about one hour saying that theyre going on during the weekend whilst monday to friday the ballot our sleeves their ordinary life and at the same time he was saying that there is some outside forces wanting to incise violence inside the ballot and if that happens they will be shown what violence actually is he was also pointing to the cooperation in the. Treaties and saying that and belarus should keep calm and join to the details because the same are happening on the borders of belarus well. Support from putin but in a very sort of like quiet way he said that russia will obey its obligations that they have but he insisted more on this economical side of the corporation and that the great brush actually has been about us in this respect as well. Hundreds of people were arrested during rallies in batteries on sunday the United Nations high commissioner for human rights is now calling for an investigation into the police crackdown. We stop issues social peace requires far reaching dialogue reforms and accountability for great Human Rights Violations i encourage the council to focus on action on this we areas to prevent further escalation of violence grievances given the scale and number all allegations of torture on other forms of treatment by the student forces should be documented and investigated with a view to bringing the perpetrators to justice. The next thing about me has been taken off a ventilator and is now well enough to leave his bed briefly the russian Opposition Leader is being treated at a hospital in berlin afterwards thought to be an assassination attempt the German Government is calling on russia to cooperate and investigate after laboratories there and it other countries found he was poisoned with a soviet nerve agent russia has hit back again with the form is to quote canceling a planned visit to belin and accusing western nations of using the poisoning as a pretext for sanctions use of listens to me and russian. I agree with their political analysts if there was no novell me they would come up with Something Else as a pretext to new sanctions and develop these cases wisting colleagues have crossed all reasonable borders and gone beyond decency today we are required to plead guilty they say are you distrusting the german specialists. British politicians have been debating a new door tabled by the government which it admits will break International Law Prime Minister Boris Johnson says the internal market bill will allow businesses to trade without barriers but its breaking strong criticism from the e. U. It will give ministers the power to modify rules already agreed to the Withdrawal Agreement on movement of goods from north. Nolen to Great Britain and on state aid thats if the 2 sides dont agree a future trade deal that critics say could undermine the good friday agreement the peace treaty that ended decades of Armed Conflict in Northern Ireland the e. U. Has given the u. K. Until the end of this month to change course or face legal action all while britain faces a deadline at the end of the year to avoid leaving with no deal at all. Britain joins us live from westminster in Central London bullbars thompson was elected on the basis of his deal with the e. U. Now he says its not good enough how well was he able to defend that position. Well it put up a good fight i mean theres no tax about it hes staking his own personal reputation and his political credibility on this initial it was the business secretary alex sharma who is due to open this debate proposed this this new draft bill and then he was pushed to one side and the Prime Minister said that he was going to take the take up the baton instead in person and it was him that came to the to the commons and faced down his critics critics i have to say both from the opposition parties and from within his own party. The crux of the matter here is whether or not the government should be willing to breach International Law essentially and there is criticism from within his own party 5 former Prime Ministers both labor and conservative that come out and express their grave misgivings about this there are many conservative m. P. s from from Boris Johnsons own party that will not vote with him tonight when this bill goes for its 2nd reading votes at around 21. 00 g. M. T. That said i think were going to hear a clip from Boris Johnson now he is not backing down and hes being very strident about it. They are threatening to carve paris borders carry borders across our own country and to divide our own lands and to change the basic facts about economics joe graphy of the United Kingdom and egregious me to ride roughshod over their own commitment under article 4 of the protocol whereby and i quote Northern Ireland is part of the customs territory of the United Kingdom this is because we cannot have a situation where the very bunder east of our country could be dictated by a foreign power or international organization. You know that kind of terminology is almost in century its almost jingoistic you have to say and it plays to his gallery particularly out in the country as well you know there are many people who supported Boris Johnson precisely because hes willing to go to those kind of lengths and i think the message that hes putting across that both allies within parliament and opponents within the wider world and the e. U. Is that youre not quite sure how far he will go and you have to be believe that he might be capable of anything and in that way he hopes to reap some benefits from the kind of uncertainty that hes creating who bring the thank you very much. Now displaced refugees in the greek island of lesbos who staged another protest as well thirtys trying to move them to a new site families whove been left wondering aimlessly since a blaze destroyed the morea count last week forcing its 12000 documents to sleep on road signs and in abandoned buildings many are resisting relocation to the new site and so they want access to the mainland im sure Stephanie Decker has been speaking to refugees on the island and says aid efforts appear to be disorganized but. Its been almost a week now since moria camp completely burned to the ground and thousands of people remain asleep sheltering on the side of the road here in the middle of the island also taking shelter in all of groves its quite extraordinary actually to see the lack of a cohesive aid effort of any of the organizations here trying to help people put a roof over their heads handing out food or water now the greek authorities have said that everyone here is going to be moved to a permanent count that has been built some tents are up a little further down here but only a few 100 have been moved so far you can see that they are continuing to expand that just down there closer to the sea also very much open to the elements you can see some of the refugees also walking along many people have tried to take shelter among the trees its a very difficult situation certainly the islanders have had enough. They want these people to go they say its affected their livelihoods the economy tourism here and the refugees want to go but the message here certainly from the authorities is that none of these people are going to be going getting off this island at all. Still to come on aljazeera. And theres sewage in the bathroom here this tension is absolutely unbearable we look at the impact of flooding on the people who go. Back on campus and back indoors they were returning british students stick to the rules and control the virus. But. How we got some lovely warm sunshine still in place across much of europe High Pressure in shots thats keeping the skies clear and lots of very warm sunshine coming through but not a slowly fade on the winds here because that western side of europes lifting the temperatures really quite nicely we have got some areas of cloud and right skirting with out and in scotland pushing into scandinavia not too much to speak of what it is then over the last 20 celsius in london on shoes day warm still in paris could touch the mid thirtys once again and were looking at temperatures getting up to 31 there in even across into scandinavia 90 twentys thats too bad for us like and for stockholm still a few showers down across central parts of the mediterranean they will become fewer and further between as we go through the next couple of days will see one of 2 showers just creeping up around the countries just pushing down across belgium into western parts of germany maybe southern parts of germany switzerland seeing a shower or saber further north still warm enough 25. 00 celsius in london 31 the in paris lots of fun and dry across central parts of the mediterranean over towards the east but as you can see still the odd shower in place joining up with the showers that we have just across the far north of africa could see some rather heavy rain there in tunisia and also northern parts of libya. 967. 00 and the 6 day war was at its height a u. S. Spy ship. The u. S. S. Liberty monitored the conflict from International Waters suddenly she was attacked by the warplanes of americas closest regional manager israel over 200 were killed and wounded the front part of the ship was just read with what happened that day has long been the subject of cover up and mystery mt the truth can be revealed the day Israel Attacked america a Major Investigation on aljazeera. Are going to remind of the top stories when i was there an israeli settler has been handed 3 life sentences for the murder of 3 members of a Palestinian Family been oreo through a far bomb into the home they dont watch a family in 2015 killing the couple and their infant son. Russias president has voiced his support for the embattled but a russian leader in their 1st face to face meeting since protests escalated in the former soviet nation that maybe putin met xander to shake her in such a way he agreed on a 1500000000. 00 loan to the crisis hit country. British politicians have been debating a new law tabled by the government which it at mits will break International Law u. K. Prime minister insists the legislation is necessary but the e. U. Has given him until the end of this month to change course or face legal action. You know sectors that might pump ayers says he wants to see an end to the blockade of gaza by other gulf states hes cochairing the 3rd u. S. Catastrophic Strategic Dialogue with country deputy Prime Minister and minister of Foreign Affairs had been a bit of a funny summit in washington comes as taliban and afghan negotiate is made for peace talks in doha with comparative thanking qatar for its efforts in facilitating talks the moment we commend you for helping your afghan neighbors toward the prosperity that comes with a lasting peace this is only one of the ways they cover for modi stability the region tomorrow as israel and the u. A. E. Join President Trump at the white house to sign a historic agreement to normalize relations we anticipate other countries in the middle east will recognize the benefits of a closer relationship with israel in that effort also kind of plays an invaluable role helping stabilize gaza as well as regional efforts to deescalate tensions both in syria and in lebanon to keep our focus on this work and to close the door to increased iranian meddling its past time to find a solution to the gulf rift trouble mistress here to see this dispute resolved and to reopen cutters air and land borders currently blocked by other gulf states. I would like to thank the u. S. For supporting the kuwaiti mediation to its or the blockade on the basis of the respect for the sovereignty and independence of the states of course but our Foreign Policy continues to the present peace stability and prosperity elements that reflects our National Values due to these values that are not only stand in the face of the blockade but indeed the stronger having developed its relation with the Global Community to on a president letters their secretaries our mutual goal is to deepen the strategic bonds between our 22. 00 countries and to continue to go Forward Together in increased cooperation in fields that are of the highest mutual and practical benefits yes president dont trump has arrived in california to visit areas west affected by the wildfires and he said 33 people have died and thousands of homes and businesses have been down nearly 100 fires are currently burning in 3 states and on the west coast parts of 6 states including california oregon and utah have been issued with evacuation orders. To move more White House Correspondent Kimberly Halkett to complete donald trump is in california today whats the latest on a strip there. Well he has been meeting with local officials including the governor of the state Gavin Newsome discussing some of the problems that the state has faced as a result of these wildfires getting a survey of the damage and also a briefing an update and the visit already has been mired in controversy as donald trump house in the past he has been disputed with local officials the columns of the fire a well the governor saying respectfully that most people in california believe the cause of these wildfires and the exacerbation of them has been as a result of Climate Change donald trump disputing that in fact saying that he believes science is likely wrong and just like you did back in 2018 suggesting that Land Management the raking of leaves could solve the problem he also pointed to the combustibility of trees saying that that is also exacerbating the issue. With regard to the bars when trees fall down after a short period of time about 18 months it becomes very dry they become really like a magic and they get up you know theres no more water pouring through and they become very very they just explode they can explode also the leaves when you have years of leaves dried leaves on the ground it just sets it up its really a fuel for a fire so they have to do something about it. And a good trumps a rival tree biden has seized on trumps comment. Yeah theres no question that this is become the sort of unlikely Campaign Issue but given the impact across so many states as you mention you know more than 10 states are affected by these fires in some form or fashion his rival joe biden the democratic president ial nominee seizing on this peaking in his home state of delaware he called the situation catastrophic particularly of donald trump is reelected he said that this would be like doomsday accusing the president of being a climate arsonist and saying that if in fact he becomes president he would do what or undo what donald trump has done with regard to leaving the Paris Climate Accord saying that this is important to address in terms of Greenhouse Gases so once again this is become a friction point between the 2 candidates biden accusing trump of not listening to science much as he has done on the issue of covert team or hes accused the president s response of being lacking do the fact that the president continues to be in denial he says about how much this is spread throughout the United States and how this could have been prevented so again with just 50 days until americans go to the polls on election day in november this is become a bit of an issue for both men very far apart in terms of how they see the strategy of resolving the fires that are plaguing the west Coast Committee how can thank you very much indeed Human Rights Watch says all warring parties in yemen are severely obstructing the delivery of humanitarian aid here when i say she accuses the hoofy rebels Government Forces and the u. A. E. Backed Southern Transitional council all interfering in relief operations its exacerbating the countrys di humanitarian situation off to 6 years of war agencys been forced to cut desperately needed services and millions of civilians are at risk. Much needed aid is being floated to sudan following the worst flooding the country has seen in decades its arrived at khartoums International Airport she downs government has asked for any help the International Community can provide at least 100 people were killed and hundreds of thousands of homes a submerged the nile river rose to a record level but now as water is receding theres a growing threat of water borne diseases is growing anger in senegal over the governments response to floods there a surge in rainfall has caused rivers to have flowed destroying homes and businesses nicholas haq is income aside in the suburbs of the capital dhaka were inside the home where about 15 people shared this household in the suburbs of their car in kermits are in a week after torrential rains where in a matter of 24 hours 3 months of rain fell and flooded the water still hasnt receded this is their sons bedroom still flooded the living room. And the sewage in the bathroom here the stench is absolutely unbearable and the water isnt just inside of homes streets have turned into rivers and neighborhoods into islands this isnt due to an Overflowing River this is sewage water its dirty water and theres a real fear of water borne diseases such as cholera or dengue already the Health System is struggling with the corona Virus Outbreak and so senegal has launched an emergency plan. Same City Different neighborhood the wealthy areas look at it theres no sign of rain waters the drainage pipes have cleared any rains here and so while the government blames Climate Change for the destructions critics of the government say its a lack of funding and investment in Infrastructure Projects that has led to all the destruction in 2012 the government youre marked over 1000000000. 00 to tackle these recurrent floods in the car but people now are wondering what has happened to the money flooding is are not just happening here in senegal its affecting countries across west africa with intensifying rains in new jaron in brooklyn a fast so people are being evacuated from their homes and with months to go before the end of the rainy season many here fear the worst is yet to come and activists portrayed in the film hotel rwanda has appeared in court charged with terrorism and murder among other crimes for recess about declined to enter any please but his lawyers deny the charges against him the activist was arrested after a trip from his residence in the us to dubai his family accused around and authorities of kidnapping him and he said credited with saving more than a 1000 lives during rwandas 994 genocide. Sunday saw the biggest one day increase in corona virus cases recorded so far in the pandemic the World Health Organization says global infections increased by more than 300000 on sunday the biggest prizes were in india the United States and brazil which really are already the worst affected countries there are now nearly 13000000 recorded cases worldwide with more than 900000 deaths. For many countries the beginning of the University Term is being looked at with worry by Health Authorities the u. K. Is in the middle of a spike in coronavirus cases course many by people in their teens and twentys and as lawrence new reports from manchester theres growing concern the returning University Students wont stick to the horse. The start of term and its a big one for these 30 years will be taking their final exams but as well as contending with not being allowed into lecture theatres theyre also receiving lectures from the government about how they should behave as your Health Secretary the u. K. Governments Health Secretary has made a series of videos posted on tick talk aimed squarely at young people so what does this group make of it all i think that they get caught message cross where the quicker you guys stick to the rules the quicky can potentially go out again which would resonate with me definite progress concerns living with is actually looking for a job and i think if they maybe move towards the message slightly more maybe it would resonate more of us instead with the virus spreading most rapidly among the young how to control them has become a crucial issue one route is to shut everything down the Students Union which should be hosting parties for new arrivals is closed most studying will be online and anyone going into a building has to queue and be checked but spend a few hours in a city like this in the most striking thing is that the only people around are the young older people seem to be hiding from them over the course of the last few weeks the narrative has developed in this country that says that the young. Basically selfish plagued areas you might end up forcing a 2nd lockdown on the u. K. But it is also the case of the south of university is supposed to be a time of absolute joy for young people to be free to do the things that young people want to do and all of that is being taken away from them balancing those 2 completely conflicting demands is going to be basically impossible the council has been working with the police and the university and theyll be bombarding students with messages that say any fun left will disappear completely if people dont get it right the message is if we cant control it now why if we cant stop the spread then actually we risk having further lock dyings imposed upon us im not sikkim message that you know if you want to say she dies im socialising with the limitations are in place at the minute means that those opportunities will be available in the future and at restaurants favored by students theyre trying to enforce their own codes of behavior as well the government can only do so much the police can only do so much to call it muscle can only do so much to owners cannot can only do so much with the law if you want to bring it thinks down the ultimately is responsible for yourself across manchester alone there are 100000 students within a few days they will be here the start of term a huge blow to their expectations and a test of their willpower Lawrence Leigh aljazeera in manchester. Japans governing party has elected a new leader who will almost certainly become the countrys next Prime Minister if he does so there is a longtime ally of outgoing Prime Minister shinzo abyei 71 year old has pledged to form a cabinet that will work for the people hell become Prime Minister assuming he wins a parliamentary vote on wednesday schanzer bay is japans longest serving Prime Minister and resigned last month for health reasons. American Software Company oracle appears to have won the race for the u. S. Operations of the video sharing app ticktock the company had been up against microsoft to take over the app from the chinese firm by darts President Donald Trump set a deadline for the app to be sold or shut down by tuesday the trumpet ministration claims to talk and other chinese apps on National Security threats to talk is a hugely Popular Video sharing up which has been downloaded 2000000000 times globally. Astronomers have found a potential sign of life high in the atmosphere of earths nearest neighbor to telescopes in hawaii and chile spotted the chemical signature of phosphorus in in fic clouds above venus noxious gas is toxic to humans but found on earth where some bacteria thrive Scientists Say they are running calculations to see how the gas was produced but caution not yet not enough is known about it yet. When one of the headlines on our desire and Israeli Court has given a man 3 life sentences for the murder of 3 members of a Palestinian Family i mean been earlier who was convicted of 3 counts of murder 2 counts of attempted murder and 2 counts of arson earlier this year he threw a fire bomb into the home of the direction family in 2015 killing parents side and rehab and their infant son their eldest son went who was 4 years old at the time was the only survivor actually there is a camera was with the dealership family when they received the news well. May god punish him i hope iraq to suffer while hes alive as hes done as harmony and justice and i hope hes punished on judgment day i hope iraq its a jail. Russias president has voiced his support for the embattled by the russian leader in their 1st face to face meeting since protests escalated in the former soviet nation that may putin met Alexander Lukashenko in sochi where he agreed on a 1500000000. 00 loan to the crisis hit country he said the issues should be resolved by the better russian people themselves without foreign interference with 100000. 00 people rallied in the capital minsk on sunday despite a renewed crackdown by Security Forces. British politicians have been debating a new law tabled by the government which it admits will break International Law Prime Minister Boris Johnson says the internal market bill will allow businesses to trade without areas and insists the legislation is necessary to protect the relationship between Great Britain and Northern Ireland the e. U. Has given the u. K. Until the end of this month to change course or face legal action britain faces a deadline of the end of the year to avoid leaving with no deal a tory displaced refugees on a greek island of lesbos have staged another protest as authorities try to move them to a new site families have been left wondering endlessly since the blaze destroyed the morea cant last week forcing its 12000 documents to sleep on roadsides and in abandoned buildings many are resisting relocation to the new site and say they want access to the mainland. Theres a top stories do stay with us up next its the stream of that with more news after that thanks for watching. I fully ok well couldnt is strange today were looking at activists in iraq weighing in dangerous simply for protesting some headlines clear out i which is why were looking at todays story have a look here on my laptop theres some high profile assassinations of activists to see a summer in bastra according to the workers against terrorism was killed for political reasons prominent female activists killed by unknown

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