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Poison the russian Opposition Leader alexina valdes says his recovery will take a long time. And the the that is why the revival of these animals is so important to the english countryside. People remembering a trail blazer in the fight for womens rights as a political battle brews over her u. S. Supreme court successor Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg has died at the age of 87. 00 after being a powerful liberal figure on americas highest court for 27 years 6 weeks out from the president ial election republicans are in a rush to fill her seat with a conservative voice democrats say the next president should make that decision alan fischer with more on villains birds a legacy. We came to leave tributes to pay their respects to mark the passing of a woman who here knew but all the suspected a loss they felt personally even if Ruth Bader Ginsburgs decisions from the Supreme Court mean not to touch their lives she was physically small but her presence loomed large on the court she was a blunt talking liberal who often challenge her conservative colleagues on the bench born to jewish immigrants in Brooklyn New York in 1033 ginsburg was a brilliant student she was one of only one woman to enroll in Harvard University law school in 1956 later transferring to Columbia University where she graduated at the top of her class the skins broke told one Television Interviewer no law firms wanted to hire a married mother i had 3 strikes against me when i was jewish. I was the mother of a 4 year old. But as the sixtys and seventys launched the Womens Movement ginsburg found a place in academia then as cofounder of a womens rights project for the American Civil Liberties union she wrote the 1st Supreme Court brief on gender discrimination after 12 years as an Appeals Court judge in washington d. C. President bill clinton appointed gives birth to the u. S. Supreme court in 1993 ginsburg proved to be a consistent liberal voice on the increasingly conservative high court she supported abortion rights and gender equality she also advocated using International Laws to shape u. S. Laws. Theyre spoken ginzburg fought several battles with cancer her dying wish was the vacancy her passing creates will not be filled until after the election. We started to gather at the court soon after her death was announced their numbers grew there were hundreds the. One trump supporter with a megaphone arch the president to move quickly he was trained by the chants of others. The president has already unveiled a list of people he wants to put on the court if he wins a 2nd term but leaving a rally he only praised justice ginsburg. Facing life. What else can you say she was an amazing moment. In time she was an amazing woman. And amazing who lived. Near there. And 2016 Justice Antonin Scalia a republican choice passed before the president ial election the senate refused to confirm a democrat successor named by president obama democratic candidate this time round of joe biden says there must be no decision until the election has passed voters should pick the president and the president should pick the justice for the senate to consider this was the position of the Republican Senate took in 2060. Or almost 10 months to go before the election thats the position the state senate must take today ginsburg strive to maintain strong liberal voices on the Supreme Court to balance the conservative wants now her own voice has been silenced that balance under threat. Well lets go live now to alan fischer who is outside the Supreme Court and now that it looks like there are people there still paying their respects just bring us up to speed whats the latest reaction and what more do we know on the republican plans to fail it has seat. People started coming here to the Supreme Court i mean really after the announcement of Ruth Bader Ginsburgs there throughout the day last 5 or so weve been here the number of floral tributes have increased significantly as people leave messages for the late justice were waiting to see exactly what the republicans will do just across the road in the senate but weve already had from donald trump on twitter in the last couple of hours he said that they must push ahead and name a replacement that certainly fits in with what Mitch Mcconnell was saying he is the republican leader of the senate and in a couple of hours of Ruth Bader Ginsburg dying he said that it was his intention if donald trump provided a name to go ahead with the vote in the Judiciary Committee and then on the full floor of the senate for confirmation and he hoped to do that before the election thats where there could be a problem no there is the possibility hell be able to get that process done before the election although there is some dough that every single republican senator would support that vote before an election but he may well push it through and if he cant then he could possibly do it during whats called the lame duck session from the election to the inauguration heres where the problem arises if joe biden wins the election and Mitch Mcconnell pushes through a republican justice then you have a problem and joe biden may well be put in the position where he has to expand the Supreme Court from 911 to 13 Something Like that people call it packing the court but providing more democratic appointed justices than there are republicans. Alan just remind our International Viewers of whats at stake here why the way that the Supreme Court lns is so important. A lot of times political decisions end up in the Supreme Court you can think of 2 very big examples there was marriage of forward to when gay people were given the opportunity to get married across the United States that was a decision essentially handed down by the Supreme Court looking at the constitution and also the challenges to the Affordable Healthcare Act which have been defeated in the Supreme Court even though republicans would like to see that happen much sooner than that theres also another big decision coming to the Supreme Court on the Affordable Health care act and all that circulates around the idea of preexisting conditions donald trump has said that he will protect preexisting conditions but the reality is there are republicans who are challenging the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court will be where that decision is made forcibly in the next few months and so you can see why the Supreme Court play such an Important Role heres another couple reasons why the Supreme Court is important normally when people on the court of these 44 split at the moment roughly 5453 you would suggest in favor of republicans if the election is contested think back to 2 to the year 2000 the final decision me will rest with the justices of the Supreme Court so that is a concern going ahead with an election that has been contentious in the run up and donald trump says may be stolen from and heres the other thing that could be important as well if donald trump loses the election there is the real possibility that he will face some sort of legal challenge Legal Proceedings because of things that he did during his time in Office People have been talking about that for several months if that were to go ahead inevitably or go through the Legal Process but could end up here at the Supreme Court and what you could have are 9 justices sitting down to decide the case about donald trump went through. 3 of those justices thats a 3rd of the court have been appointed by dont trump so you see why the Supreme Court is such an important part of the United States and how its governed but you also see why appointing a new justice provides the potential for a constitutional crisis here in the United States ok thank you for that alan fischer there live from the Supreme Court in washington d. C. Police have made hundreds of arrests in a repeat of last weekends protests women defied the Police Crackdown to join marches in the capital minsk protesters continue to call for the resignation of president Alexander Lukashenko on last months disputed election our correspondent steadfast and witnessed some of the arrests in minsk. Hundreds of women who are participating in this peaceful march have been detained by tens of master policeman they didnt even have enough for detention vehicles to put all these women into so behind me i step out of the frame you can see the backs of these policemen they all are away ringmaster women have for often try to reveal their faces by pulling away this mask a lot of women were very much upset the worst screaming there were people were crying out there was one also in total shock so an ambulance had to come it was quite aggressive and of course very intimidating people are now clapping because theres an opposition flag flying over our hats and thats of course Something Police also is not very keen to see as you can hear the spirit despite all this aggression and intimidation and these mass detentions is still high here among the people who are still not being detained Police Presence this time not taken any journalist at least not so far and they are seem to be leaving right now theyve been here for here at least 20 minutes they rounded up the complete rally we saw around a 1000 women participating they made ground in the city they were standing they were shouting look at shankar has to resign they said they were defiant and they will continue to go to the streets and then suddenly police came and picked them all up. Alexy develop he is walking again no for emerging from a coma a few days ago the russian Opposition Leader says his recovery is going well but will take a long time hes being treated in germany his doctors say he was poisoned with the russian nerve agent nava chop last month the kremlin denies any involvement and acts he told is a specialist on russia and a lecturer in modern european history at Queens University belfast he says of all his recovery wont necessarily mean hell return to his previous level of political activity. If he returns and he resumes he is there with dont like the weve got much less room for them to do anything about it because theyll be so its so much more. International attention paid to whatever they do the kind of thinking on the regular basis as they used to the cons of wishing to jail in certain of the countries in him again if it was then we did it but at the same time. They know a lot of on the itself yes to try to very careful line in a sense that he doesnt want to be appealed to on patrol logic russian the russian public and various western calls the sanctions imposed on russia and individuals but also on. The gas pipeline which is being built and so forth really make make his situation within russia a little bit more precarious as well id say with the public as well as the thirtys full of the if hes but if your career will be just but as i think what we can say for sure is that its not going to be the same as it was before because for all the factors because of the poisoning because of the International Pressure and sanctions. And because of the. Other do the 3rd just cant treat him as as they used to treat him before so its a difficult one and im still not 100 percent sure that it would actually let him return to russia the could be a pressure for him just to stay away and. Still ahead on algis there are tens of thousands of people rallied against the government in thailand as man some political protests growing out of. Calls for saddams government to do more to prevent future disasters as it tackles the worst flooding in a century. Hello weve got. Some dry weather now making its way towards japan we have got this band of cloud and right is making its way out of eastern parts of china just pulsing through still a chance to somewhat the weather for a time it will grassy just not your way temperatures intake at around 23 celsius showers there to the eastern side of japan is it just pulls out into the open waters brightest guys across the Korean Peninsula dracos a good part of northern china away from the far northeast but you can see the central areas still looking pretty wet that wet weather coming right down into the southeast hong kong seeing some lively showers over the next couple of days next pulse of heavy rain slides across central parts of china towards will hand that will continue to nudge a little further east with what you can see for japan on monday does that last you find in fried a pleasant sunshine coming through at this stage a lot of wet weather continuing meanwhile across Western Areas of india plenty of cloud showing up here down towards the south and this way the cloud right through the bengal pushing up towards me on my very heavy rain coming in we could see some flooding as a result of this it runs right up to wards the delta there some heavy showers longer spells of rain into what west bengal into behind making the way for the west. Coveted beyond well. Taken without hesitation the forgotten died for iraq was our defines our wild and all those new babies were toilet i didnt look in the belly its that lack of babies to death people in paris investigates exposes and questions the use and abuse of power around the globe. On aljazeera. Your theology is there a reminder of our top stories this hour the death of u. S. Supreme court Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg is now the backdrop of a showdown between the trunk that ministration and democrats over naming her successor just months before the president ial election ginsburg died aged 87 she had pegram to cancer. Police and bellerose had made hundreds of arrests in a repeat of last weekends protests demonstrators continue to call for the resignation of president Alexander Lukashenko following last months disputed election. Alexina valmy is walking again after emerging from a coma a few days ago the russian Opposition Leader says his recovery is going well it will take a long time as doctors say he was poisoned with the russian nerve agent. Last month. Tyler disable largest protest in the years in the capital bangkok its part of a months long student led movement calling for a change of government and more narky reform which is a sensitive subject in the country scott hardly reports from bangkok. With the grand palace as a backdrop and whats known as the royal field under their feet thousands of prodemocracy protesters gather in bangkok. As they began to flow into the original venue at thomas at university it became clear that those coming out were not just students anymore. But red shirts were arriving in strength joining the protesters calling for reform in the government and monarchy. The red shirts are a populist movement started by former Prime Minister talks and his sister yingluck was removed from office in a coup led by the current Prime Minister. A veteran of the Red Shirt Movement citywalk to. Organize dance to bring supporters down from the north. And theyve been pm can lead this is the 1st time to the red shirts the now star support for the students and the demands because they have the same goal that we have always been fighting for true democracy early afternoon some of the protesters broke into sun on long or while field just across from the University One since they began to set up for the main event the police were unable to stay their ground outnumbered by the flow of protesters with calm and prodemocracy goals the red shirts and the student protesters have come out together in force evidence that the student groups demands for reform in the government and monarchy have broad appeal. For down close and antes come out it shows that they cannot take it anymore i dont think matt has meant it comes to describe tests is about our rights everybody has to same rights to stand here because weve wasted 68 a crew and we have gained nothing despite the many different ages that came out from across thailand one message was clear made by the speakers and by those listening this is the beginning if the changes and reforms they call for are not made theyll keep coming back out its got harder aljazeera bangkok. A growing number of corona virus cases among refugees on the greek island of lesbos else is causing more concern at least 214 infections have been confirmed that says 9000 refugees have been moved into a new camp after the previous one to europes largest burn down 10 days ago safety deck is only as well said describes the conditions refugees face at the new campsite. Its a very windy day here on the island and the elements are a concern when it comes to this new camp you can see its right on the waters edge open to the wind the sea the rain that might come in the winter a lot of people were concerned about entering this camp we understand around 9000 people have entered in the last couple of days as a result of that Police Operation they were concerned about the conditions they were concerned that they would be locked inside describing it potentially as a jail but certainly what weve seen this morning weve seen people walking along this road from the camp towards one of the main supermarkets and were told by the authorities running the camp that people are allowed to leave up until 8 pm in the evening to go and do so this will be a welcome relief it is still a very fluid situation this emergency camp just having been set up in the last couple of days we understand its being divided along ethnic city as well most of the people here from afghanistan they will be held in certain areas housing certain areas people from arab countries and other areas and people from the african countries again in separate areas but the bigger question is this when are these people going to be left off the island many of them have already been here for over a year yes the burning down of moriah camp has put this back into the international spotlight the European Union is going to be debating their migration policy but this again indicative a symbol of the failure of those policies and really what is a forgotten people they want their papers to be process and they want an answer either stay either go but certainly this limbo for them has been a nightmare and the authorities at the moment not giving indication that they will be leaving the island and each time soon. Persons government is facing increasing criticism about the lack of Testing Available for people with covert 19 symptoms many say theyre being forced to wait for days because the system cant cope with the mall and with the 2nd wave of the virus emerging the government is considering new restrictions on gago reports from outside of testing selection and. Well this is one. Of the mobile testing sites that has been set up on this weekend in order to try and deal with the surge of corona virus infections in the u k particular what is worrying is even though they are younger people who are primarily affected by this most recent wave concern is that it will go to more vulnerable members of society including older people who are more affected by the virus meanwhile there is more pressure on the Prime Minister to try and deal with this 2nd wave now last week mr Morris Johnson did say that to do another National Lockdown would be a disaster for the u. K. But he is coming and more pressure not just from his own party but also from other leaders around the u. K. Scottish leader nicholas sturgeon as well has asked that an emergency meeting be chaired to deal with this the effects of this latest wave and also the mayor of london city con has called for more guidance from the government but this is going to be the weekend where Boris Johnson is going to have to consider exactly what hes going to have to do that couldnt tell further local lockdowns as well as more severe social restrictions including non mixing of the households together. As president has tested positive for covert 1964 year old. Is now urging his entire cabinet to get tested he is the 4th latin american leader to contract coronavirus for. President has survived an Impeachment Vote in Congress Martin discarded denied corruption and interfering in an investigation into government contracts awarded to a friend sanchez reports in the capital. They voted against their own intentions one week after a majority of lawmakers decided to impeach president for moral incapacity many voted against unseating him legislators said it was for the benefit of the country but during the impeachment proceedings many had accused the scot of interfering in an investigation into a government contract awarded to a friend and the president denied any wrongdoing. While we here whats the basis that motivates this congress to impeach me which is the justified cause that until now cant be proven let me and my man but many lawmakers who voted to impeach the scatter didnt give him the benefit of the doubt blank yet not only the idea all politicians must be ethical and we must demand Good Behavior thats why we must penalize the behaviors that go against the dignity appropriate for the most important job in the country. There were many different opinions throughout the proceedings some lawmakers condemned the president others said he was morally unfit to govern but the consensus was that he must be investigated but the law protects president s from prosecution until the end of their term making ashton. I will not accept the accusations against me they are biased i ask what is the crime im not saying things shouldnt be investigated on the contrary im the 1st to be interested that the truth is known. Since he took over the presidency met these cover confronted political enemies 7 cabinets ousted more than 60 ministers resigned he deceived Congress Last year despite surviving the impeachment. The 57 year old leader has only a few allies in the legislature with little support he must rely on Popular Support from peruvians and with 10 months to go until his term ends 79 percent said he should stay by the other side just then just sita be to. The governing party in ivory coast is holding an Election Campaign rally before next months general election tension is high after judges barred Opposition Leaders game sorel and Laurent Gbagbo from running critics said the constitution forbids president alliston with tyler seeking a 3rd term in office he says he has no choice following the sudden death of his chosen successor in july. Sudans government is being urged to prevent more damage and loss of life from flooding of a 1000000 people have been forced from their homes and more than 100 have died People Living close to the river nile say or fortys most monitor river levels more closely and theyre calling on the government to address the poor planning of buildings and roads and flood prone areas have been morgan is following the situation from khartoum where the government is calling for help from the international community. This of course is the worst floods its been seen in more than a century and the water levels of the nile river is receding. And in the north and in the southern part of the country in the northern part of the country especially river now state however the story is still very much the same the state is still witnessing devastation from the floods the level is still very high and thats because there is another river that is contributing to the nile that also comes from the if you can high lands thats the odd but a river and because of heavy rains on the high lands more water has been flowing down that river downstream to the nile so people there still remain displaced still suffering from the devastating effects of this never before never seen before floods the number of those whove been displaced has risen to 650000 over the past week and the government is warning that there will be more floods as more rains are expected on the if you can highlight so people are saying that theyre concerned because theyre already seeing rises in the number of cases of water borne diseases they saying that theyre reporting watery diarrhea theyre reporting but theyre worried about what would happen when the water goes down and the water inside the villages and towns remain stagnant thats when theyre going to see cases of malaria coming up and they say that they are already suffering from the losses of their homes of their properties in a country that is going through a very harsh economic crisis where the currency of the sudanese pound continues to devalue so theyre saying that even affording treatment if this crisis continues will be very hard for them so theyre urging the government to respond and the animal hunted to extinction in england 400 years ago is making a comeback these is a thriving and the county of devon and as Charlie Angelo discovered there are tracking tourists as well as improving Water Quality and reducing the risk of flooding. A family of beavers from looking from the river otter hunted to extinction in the 17th century for the 3rd and meet eurasian beavers were discovered here 12 years ago no one knows where they came from the when the government threatened to remove them fearing they could carry disease there was local outcry the beavers were allowed to stay for 5 years as long as they were closely study scientists said the benefits they bring obvious theres a whole long list but 4 main ones are flood reduction so when they build dams they reduce flooding downstream Water Quality improvements those same dams capture pollutants receive Carbon Capture within the dams in the vegetation that grows in the sediments behind them and then we see an explosion in the wild life so much more Wetland Wildlife than losing and after the beaver sort of columnist. 15 families now live here and the government has sanctioned their reintroduction across the country its a groundbreaking decision returning a once extinct native species to england but not without problems beavers are brilliant architects cutting down trees to build dams which create deep pools of water to hide in and store their plant food you can see here 3 pools created its partly i believe it and its a Welcome Change for this land but 1st some landowners are concerned that some of the downs could flood their fields conservationists are urging the government to provide funds so that everyone can embrace their return. Flooding and managing it is already costing the u. K. 2800000000. 00 a year ecologist sikkim to point out that the work the beavers do has real value far outweighing the costs of minor floods to farm and these beaver dams store water they can slow the flow of water through catchment which can alleviate flooding and create more for resilient landscapes the beavers slow water down as it moves through their territory and that has the the impact on sediment dropping out of the water and that can trap environmental pollution such as phosphate and not traits so a release of species to reintroduce in england back on the rivers their numbers growth so his interest in them attracting tourists and boosting the local economy. This female has 4 spring will each go out to find their own whether to build lodges and dams on spreading the benefits across the country charley angela aljazeera southwest england. Watching are just there are a reminder now of the top stories the death of u. S. Supreme court Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg is on the backdrop of a showdown between the Trump Administration and democrats of the name of her successor just months before the president ial election ginsburg died aged 87 she had pegram to cancer ellen fisher has more from washington d. C. Donald trump on twitter in the last couple of hours he said that they must push ahead and name a replacement that certainly fits him before Mitch Mcconnell were seeing here is the republican leader of the senate and then a couple of hours of Ruth Bader Ginsburg dying he said that it was his intention if donald trump provided a name to go ahead with the vote 1st in the Judiciary Committee and then on the full floor of the senate for confirmation and he hoped to do that before the election thats where there could be a problem no theres the possibility hell be able to get that process done before the election although there is some dough that every single republican senator would support that vote before an election but he may well push it through police about those have made hundreds of arrests and a repeat of last weekends protests women defied the Police Crackdown to join marches in the capital minsk demonstrators continue to call for the resignation of president Alexander Lukashenko following last months disputed election. Alexina valley is walking again after emerging from a coma a few days ago the russian Opposition Leader says his recovery is going well but will take a long time to say he was poisoned with the russian nerve agent navi choked last month. Tens of thousands of people are rallying into the night against the Thai Government in the capital bangkok it is one of the largest demonstrations since the 2014 coup people are calling for a new election a rewrite of the constitution and reform of the monarchy. A growing number of corona virus cases among refugees on the greek island of lisbons is causing more concern at least 214 infections have been confirmed that says 9000 refugees have been moved into a new camp after the previous one europes knowledge asst burned down 10 days ago. Britains government is facing increasing criticism about the lack of Testing Available for people with covert 900 symptoms with a 2nd wave of the virus emerging the government is considering new restrictions. Those are the headlines more news here on aljazeera after people and power. With around 28000000 people infected and approaching 1000000 dead the global coronavirus pandemic continues to exact a heavy tell but after the 1st appearance of coke at 19 could the World Health Organization and a free Morris Agency in its more than 18 the International Response a few months into the crisis a team of swiss italian filmmakers went in search of answers

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