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A roof better gainsbourg as the battle heats up over who will replace the Late Supreme Court justice. The u. S. State of kentucky will announce this hour for the Police Officers involved in the killing of Briana Taylor will face criminal charges. 5 years after more than a 1000000 refugees arrived on the continent the head of the European Commission has admitted its asylum policy isnt working on the lane has told either members they must all share the responsibility for refugees and take the pressure off mediterranean nations like malta italy and greece the u. N. Says the e. U. s efforts so far have often led to devastating human consequences. This package reflects a fair and reasonable balance between responsibility and solidarity among men but states we all share the benefits we all share the burden this package also reflects a very pragmatic and realistic approach we know that we have to build trust among Member States and citizens confidence that we can manage this as a union but theres about as in paris with more on whats being discussed. What we know is the least its a deal that has been formulated by the commission to try and offer a common migration policy because we heard from the head of the commission their initiative on delay in saying that the e. U. Can no longer tolerate having this ad hoc crisis driven response to migration the sort of response we saw in 2015 when the e. U. Was so divided over what to do with people arriving in the bloc then and more recently of course on the greek island of last boss so this is a policy would have been a common migration policy a common asylum policy as well and its got a big focus on preventative measures so one of the big Building Blocks of in a way is to try and focus on keeping people out of the European Union in effect stopping them from leaving their home countries in the 1st place there also be a greater emphasis on repatriation on deportation of socalled economic migrants upholstering land and sea borders across the e. U. Too thats another measure that has been discussed now one of the most contentious measures is on Asylum Seekers its only been a Sticking Point in the past what the u. Commission is proposing is that Asylum Seekers are redistributed among Member States of the e. U. But it wont be a mandatory scheme Member States will be given Cash Incentives for example in order to host refugees will stop the directors on the greek island all those boss where europes largest refugee camp burned to the ground 2 weeks ago. Well theyve all been moved into the new camp just behind us and the only reason why europe is talking about this is because moria cant bring to the ground just over 2 weeks ago and people were sleeping on the streets whove been here for just over 2 weeks now sleeping rough and prefer almost to stay on the streets with no help rather than moving into this new camp because they say they fear its going to be just as bad as morea was it was really a symbol of the failure of e. U. Policies it doesnt seem to be anything thats really going to end the v. A. Situation for these people many of them in waiting over a year for an answer and certainly i think also we need to make clear that even when refugees get asylum it still remains a very very difficult process because there is very little help there is hardly any form of integration when it comes to pick here in greece and other and other countries so it is a constant challenging situation for the moochers talking to a man from afghanistan who had signed them given to him he can currently not get off the island because of the situation also with corona so you have so many many layers and also he told us he was very fearful about what the future held for him about whether he could find a job when that be help for him to integrate into society so you know that these people are facing really really difficult tossin they need an infrastructure that is certainly more helpful than it is now certainly everyone will tell you here while your politicians discuss the new modern plan a boat carrying refugees is on his words or friends from the mediterranean the crew of the german aid group rescued more than 100 people from waters off libya. But the charge says malta italy and germany have refused to accept the boats not heading to the french. Well Russian Police have once again crackdown on protesters in mens scours after alexander was sworn in as president in an unannounced ceremony some demonstrators have been detained people are angry the local shank has not resigned following last months disputed election he took his vows of office in front of several 100 government officials several countries say they wont recognize his presidency plenty of dollars this president the day of assuming the post of the president in all gratian day is the day of our victory convincing in faithful we were not just electing the president of the country we were defending our values our peaceful life our sovereignty and our independence and in this regard there is a lot to be done by the russian Opposition Leaders for atlanta to kind of sky has dismissed the swearing in ceremony speaking from neighboring lithuania at that that. This socalled inauguration is obviously a farce in reality has just retired today it means his orders to military and Security Services arent legitimate anymore and can no longer be executed i am the only leader elected by the belorussian people task now is to build a new batteries to get them. Lets hear more of this from journalist sundry avoid the village who joins us on the line from minsk if i understand it you were trying to make your way towards where the protests have been happening its about 806 pm there can you just give us an idea of what youre seeing on the streets. Hi good evening it is 8 oclock in the evening and the protests are still ongoing we know that in the city center there were a dozen soul arrests quite brutal the rest. From pictures and now people are kamin from all different place from different parts of i mean basically from outskirts in different major sports to different location now im holding a group of people who are going to use their victory square you know the Central Location that being dependant square and there you can take a chaotic because you know the police and special forces block the detent a couple of hours ago and eaten it could actually is very bad tonight so people you know very frustrated. When i was. In a car through the city center there are a lot of people and people are actually saying that we might have this same scenario that we had on the Election Night and probably this now it cant be could be even the wars in terms of violence from the police now the protests the pictures that were seeing at the moment were taken just a couple of hours or so earlier on today the ones im seeing on the feed weve come bring you in a moment are actually in darkness but what i wanted to ask you was i know that the opposition have been calling for drivers to block roads and for more people to turn out to protest what has the turnout be enlightened. Exactly and thats what i saw was a driver separate basically blocking the main roads thats what you still salau where basically all events happens on the locks in night so. A people are looking to run 1 because you know this scenario didnt work out in the previous week and. Thats what i can say that the independence of the new. Open and there are a lot of drivers. Who are trying to reach 0. 50. And we thank you very much indeed keep safe we will be checking in with you as things progress this evening but fernando invades image thank you very much indeed russian Opposition Leader next in avani has been discharged from the balun hospital where he was being treated for poisoning the kremlin critic says he has a long rehabilitation ahead he spent more than a month in the hospital and was in a coma for half the time gemini experts believe he was poisoned with a nerve agent noted shock moscow denies involvement dominic cain has more from berlin. He is no longer being treated as an acute in patient now for him the process is about rehabilitation but the interesting thing is that when he describes some of the problems he still suffers from right now of coordination mental and physical coordination he says there are certain bodily functions he cant perform he says he can catch a ball if someone throws it to him but he cant form the thought that allows him to throw the ball back as it were remember that fits in with the sort of action that the navi chalk agent performs on the human body is attacks the motor neuron functions of the human body which explains quite why its taken so long for the anti to the actual pain that was put into his system by the doctors and shouted say to have its effects well now we know that he is out of the hospital that hes going into rehabilitation outpatient basis he says he wants to walk in the parks and try to get his strength back the u. S. Has begun 3 days of official tributes to a Late Supreme Court justice with better ginsburg a coffin has been carried up to americas top court will remain until friday Justice Ginsburg is the 1st woman to receive the owner she died last week at the age of 87. 00 of pancreatic cancer the chief justice of the u. S. Supreme court has paid tribute to ginsburg he says her victories helped move the nation closer to equal justice under law. A voice in court and in our Conference Room with soft when she spoke people listened among the words that best describe ruth tough brave a fighter a winner but also thoughtful careful compassionate honest. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has held talks with state leaders to discuss how to combat covert 19 the government is struggling to get the break under control reporting more than 83000 new infections in the past 24 hours the tory again reports. Ambulance driver managed is on cave in 1980 in the indian capital new delhi during the kareena virus pandemic he says hes had to work 48 hour shifts because the Indian Health care system is underfunded and overstretched his family wants him to quit and return to their village hes not ready to do that yet but he does feel badly let down by his government. The government or its representatives should come and see our working conditions they should at least try to talk to us no one comes to meet us or osca us about our issues if we raise our voice about this we are fired from our jobs or transferred to a different zone. Indias official tally of kuranda virus cases is now past 5600000 2nd only to the United States indias Supreme Court says conditions are deplorable for patients in the worst affected states. Doctors and nurses have been protesting against their working conditions and some have threatened to resign. But. There are no guidelines on how Long Health Care staff should wear personal protective equipment the Governments Health care policy it doesnt even mention the role of nurses and its really sad the government denied having any data on how Many Health Care workers have died a covert 1001 performing their duties. Over the past 6 months a diet picture has emerged of how the worlds 2nd most populous nation is coping with the pandemic opposition m. P. s say the governments confused messaging hasnt helped. 20300 cases live and one of the most. Astringent long done all over the world now when we are reaching one lakh uses body. Opening up i mean i dont understand the patent but the government says people must learn to live with this virus because the cost of the lot down with 120000000 people joe bliss is too high to pay a Prime Minister under and remade is working with state leaders to tackle the crisis Public Health experts say its the best way forward indias response has been under the National Disaster Management Act did centralize decisions which comes with its advantages and disadvantages but theyre learning all over the world is that we have data locally that reanalyze data locally and be empowered locally made he has praised his governments handling of the outbreak but with cases rising once again the public may be things Different Things victoria gay to be out there. Still ahead on aljazeera an attempt to limit torture and war crimes prosecutions against british troops triggers controller c. Plus one of the biggest oil beijings industry in history scientists try to find out why nearly 500. 00 bommel stranded themselves off tells media. And theres a fairly calm picture across much of the middle east but there is a bit of an improvement in store slightly through the eastern end of the mediterranean good clear skies of course we would expect those but the winds beginning to change directions they coming in from the mediterranean a bit of a cool fail to things like a much better 28 injuries than the same across into bay rays anniston a temperature up into one of 2 shows working their way through turkey by friday a few more and that want to bring the thames down a little bit more in ankara with a high of 24 to the south is warmer than that 45 degrees. 37 and again feeling pretty humid the winds really are very light then down into Central Africa plenty of activity here and in fact theres rains beginning to push further south sydney pensive cloud further south through thursday at the d. L. C. Seeing some heavier downpours and also beginning to extend into these Northern Areas of angola all the. Coastal areas of the towns there up towards kenya and somalia it also they just have by friday the rain back in the 4 calls to into south africa but the johannesburg is fine and dry and also pretty warm for the next few days but in friday 29. 00 against an average of 23. 00 as the cape time will those showers do begin to push in and it does tend to bring the temperature down over the next few days. North korea isolated and heavily sanctioned earning billions around the globe 39 is involved in everything that makes money from israel. To carry different as a consequence they come to us. The money this year and it goes straight into the coffers as a leader said a 2. 00 part people in power Investigation Bureau 39. 00 cash for came park one on a. Your job is either a reminder or top stories this hour the head of the European Commission ursula von delenn has called on each Member States to share responsibility for refugees blogs new plan and hopes to ease pressure on mediterranean nations which handle a disproportionate number of rivals. BeloRussian Police have once again crackdown on protesters in minsk hours after Alexander Lukashenko been sworn in as president in an unannounced ceremony several countries say they wont recognize his presidency. Russian Opposition Leader has been discharged from a barrel in hospital but he says he has a long rehabilitation ahead is being treated there for the past month after being poisoned with a nerve agent novacek. Malaysia could be set for more political upheaval just months after a new Prime Minister came to power the Opposition Leader im not able to him says hes gathered enough support in parliament to oust bookkeeping yes scene and form a new government the challenge comes as bookings coalition tries to solve age the economy which has been badly hit by the pandemic the reports will call of import. A bold pronouncement by malaysias opposition the to add one abraham whose reformist government was removed from power 7 months ago called. We have the straw poll me to vote majority im not talking about all 6 im talking. His next move and possibly hurdle is to meet the king and convince the royal ruler that he commands the confidence of the majority in parliament and should be appointed Prime Minister. Says hes been granted an audience with the king but the meeting had to be postponed because the monarch is in hospital. And was alliance of Hope Coalition was elected in 2018 defeating the governing alliance known as paris on the us you know the have been in power for more than 60 years he was in prison for sort of me at the time on what he says were trumped up charges he was pardoned days after the election the premiership went to Mahathir Mohamad a former Prime Minister who had returned from retirement to defeat. On the understanding that he would hand over power within 2 years but before that could happen the government collapsed in trying to take power on what is using a tactic Prime Minister. In february and his supporters left the then governing coalition and joined forces with politicians defeated in the 2018 election including former leader. Who was convicted of corruption a few months ago in response Prime Minister issued a statement unless claims remain just that until he can prove otherwise and that he remains the rightful Prime Minister we didnt had a televised speech on the pandemic appeared to address announcement in directly. To your brothers and sisters to reject the blind actions of some politicians deliberately want to affect the political stability of the countrys economic Recovery Plan which is being implemented well at the moment analysts say the current scenario could develop in several ways the Prime Minister could ask for parliament to be dissolved triggering stopped elections but victory for him and his allies is far from a shirt there was a statement made by one of his component party the former leading party in malaysia. Who controlled the government for almost over 60 years on no theyve indicated a very sort of mixed signals i think theyre pushing for dissolution and its not clear that theyre fully backing with it so were going to have to see how this plays out she also says we did is unlikely to step down the 3rd scenario is that the political jostling will continue and politics in malaysia remains in a state of flux. Well in just a few minutes the attorney general in the u. S. State of kentucky is going to announce whether the Police Officers who shot Briana Taylor will be charged a 72 hour curfew has been announced the black Health Worker was killed in march at the age of 26 in a botched drug raid no drugs were found on her property and names become a rallying cry in demonstrations against Police Brutality and Racial Injustice john hendren is live for us and louisville it sounds as though the city is bracing itself for tension ahead of this decision. It is indeed rob this is louisville right now you can see there are police blocking off the center of downtown and if you try to drive in its going to be difficult because there are city trucks and police cars blocking you off from doing so this is a court house and as you can see the federal courthouse here is boarded up there anticipating the potential for trouble here and thats because theyve had it here before then they are greg fisher held a News Conference within the last hour and he said he didnt know what the outcome of this investigation would be but they are preparing for the worst possible response when people hear it and theres a reason for that this is a very complicated case in march Brianna Taylor was asleep at home with her boyfriend in an apartment on an on a 2nd floor and there was a knock on the door. Her boyfriend says that police did not identify themselves there was a swat team that knocked down the door he says he then took his legally registered firearm and fired at the door fearing that someone was trying to commit a Home Invasion and then that swat team fired several shots into several different apartments not just Briana Taylors but one of those struck Briana Taylor and despite the fact that her boyfriend had. A legally registered weapon this suggestion is that it would be very difficult to convict the officers in this case there are 3 who potentially face charges and the whole reason for this search way back in march is that her former friend and possibly a boyfriend depending on whom you talk to. Listed that as a previous address he was in jail the swat team had come there to see if there was any Drug Paraphernalia or money or something that they could use to help convict him but bring on a taylor and her family maintain that she was entirely innocent in this in fact the city of louisville has already agreed to a massive payment which according to some sources totals 12000000. 00 so today were going to hear whether any of those officers has been charged this case was energized in may after the death of george floyd under the knee of a Police Officer in minneapolis and there have been protests in the streets here most of them peaceful some of them not and that is what the city is worried about tonight john let me just give you some breaking news that we have from kentucky courtesy of the Associated Press it is saying the grand jury has indicted one officer on criminal charges 6 months after Brianna Taylor has fatally shot by police in kentucky i dont know if we can go back to john in order to be able to just get a response from the city there but john if you can the fact that one officer has been indicted will at least go some way to giving some sort of closure one would assume to the family and supporters of Briana Taylor but of course the next question will be will that be enough. Absolutely thats the question the crowds here have been chanting arrest the officers the officers plural so the fact that one of them has been charge is going to be encouraging to the crowds whether its enough is not clear we saw in chicago in the case of look on mcdonald who was shot 16 times in the back he had a knife but he was walking away from police that once those charges came down the city calmed down the protesting calm down in minneapolis after the officers were charged in that case protests that had sometimes been violent and involved firebombing had become much more peaceful after that then weve had weve had incidents like this in city after city and can osha wisconsin we have seen that Police Officers have not been charged in the case of jacob lake there and that city has had continued protests theyve been peaceful in recent days but at the beginning they were quite raucous and they did in vire involve fire bombing of buildings and looting so the big question here is is this going to be enough and the question is what are the charges are the other officers going to face any kind of discipline and will people be waiting to see what happens in that trial and theres also the possibility is that if the officer is charged and acquitted later things could kick up here after that as well john thanks very much thats john hendren live for us in the rebuild let me just remind you that were hearing that the grand jury in louisville kentucky has indicted one Police Officer on criminal charges that 6 months off to be on the taylor was fatally shot by police in kentucky as we of course get more details on that well bring them to your. Now Rights Groups and former military chiefs are warning of International Embarrassment if the u. K. Government introduces stronger Legal Protections for british troops they say it would create a defacto immunity for soldiers serving overseas the bill aims to curb historical claims against u. K. Soldiers who served in countries like iraq and afghanistan it also sets time limits on bringing civil claims linked to such operations toby cadman is an International Human rights lawyer and cofounder of guernica 37 International Justice chambers he says but as johnsons government seems to have no respect for International Law. On the face it looks as though it is a reasonable protection of producer but unfortunately some of the matters that it is setting out in the bill are up deeply disturbing and it is creating unstated defacto immunity always british servicemen. Amongst the most professional in the world and perform a very very important targets of the should be shifted from fixations prosecutions but if they have committed or credible allegations theyve committed crimes of root and theres evidence they should be prosecuted and if they the risk is that this legislation could bring an end to that if it is prosecuted at the local level then the i. C. C. Doesnt intervene but if there is no credible prosecutions at the local level then the i. C. C. Can intervene but but its you know that that should not be the basis on which we adopt legislation that there should be very very clear legislation that should be accountability because if were shooting ourselves from from prosecution went where they may have committed criminal fences what kind of message this does that send to us so i dont think that that is the problem that we currently facing this government does not recognize understand the importance of the rule of law and apply International Law and that is deeply disturbing and ill take a talk has exploded nigerias Central Coast the states are killing at least 23 people the victims include staff and students of the co he said polytechnic as well as several School Children and a family talking split and had overturned you know a bus stop. 380 whales have died on the australian island state of texas mania in the worst stranding the countrys ever seen nearly 500 pilot whales beached themselves on the states west coast around 30 were moved out into open water but several swam back to shore again later harrison is a professor with Southern Cross university Whale Research group he says its unclear what drew the mammals to shore. The real problem is that most of the whales that ended up stranding of peta were already have died and any relatively few have been able to be rescued and some of those at peta are 10 back into the danger zone again so its a very serious and wiring process going on while such as pilot whales you sign up and they use sonar to help navigate through complex underwater topography and sometimes if the sun our signal hits sandbanks and things like that they dont actually get a return signal so they dont realize that something is in their pathway and they keep swimming assuming its open ocean we dont really know why so many wild strain we know that pollock whales are very social animals they hardly socialite many mammals and they are in big family groups and sometimes those big family groups aggregate and that appeal is somehow that something has drawn them in close to the coast instead of further offshore and as a result of possibly some leaving miles stranding initially the rest of them have come in and followed. This is our desire these are the top stories breaking news from the United States forest a grand jury in louisville has indicted at least one officer involved in the killing of Briana Taylor in march with wanton endangerment were going to bring you more details of that hearing as we get the main while the citys mayor has declared a curfew in case there are protests taylor was killed at the age of 26. 00 in a botched drug raid no drugs were found in the property or names become a rallying cry in demonstrations against Police Brutality and Racial Injustice that of the European Commission ocilla von delenn has called on either Member States to share responsibility for refugees the blocks new plan hopes to ease pressure on mediterranean nations which handle a disproportionate number of arrivals. But the Russian Police have once again crackdown on protesters and men scours after Alexander Lukashenko was sworn in as president in an unannounced ceremony several countries say they wont recognize his presidency belorussian Opposition Leaders for atlanta to kind of scalia has dismissed the swearing in ceremony at that that. This socalled inauguration is obviously a farce in reality has just retired today it means his orders to military and Security Services arent legitimate anymore and can no longer be executed i am the only leader elected by the belorussian people our task now is to build a new bell aris to get the. Russian Opposition Leader alexina vollies been discharged from a brother in hospital where he was being treated for poisoning the kremlin critic says he has a long rehabilitation ahead is spent more than a month in the hospital and was in a coma for half the time german experts believe he was poisoned with a nerve agent nervous shock moscow denies involvement they doubted states has begun 3 days of official tributes to Late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg coffins being carried up to americas top court which will remain until friday Justice Ginsburg is the 1st woman to receive the owner she died last week at the age of 87. 00 those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after inside story good bye. Facebook says it has a plan for fighting misinformation if the u. S. Election in their words descends into chaos but all facebook and other social media platforms doing enough to stop the spread of fake news and incitement of violence this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the program. Social media shape the way people across the globe perceive everything from politics to pop culture and Tech Companies have long taken a hands off approach all given that you

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