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Softening us president in a surprise inauguration ceremony. We all share the benefits we all share the burden the European Union unveils a new refugee policy as leaders at mit the bronx asylum process isnt working and paying their respects americans on a Ruth Bader Ginsburg as a battle heats up over who will replace them a Supreme Court justice. Thank you for joining us there is anger in the u. S. City of louisville after a grand jury ruled that Police Officers involved in the Fatal Shooting of a black woman Brianna Taylor used justified force her family has described the decision as outrageous and offensive the jury has indicted one of the 3 Police Officers involved in the shooting for firing into. To her neighbors apartment 26 year old taylor was shot multiple times when police stormed her home in march during a drug raid protesters seeking justice for Brianna Taylor want the Police Officers charged for murder or manslaughter the man of louisville has announced a 72 hour curfew and call for calm as racism protests protest rather triggered by her death and that of george floyd and today a 6 month the grand jury voted to return an indictment against detective hankinson for 3 counts of wanton dangerous for want to sleep placing the 3 individuals in apartment 3 in danger of serious physical injury or death. S. Bring in john hendren in for us so john tell us more about the reactions to this decision and the situation currently in the way from the way you are. With the reaction here in those streets of little bill has been universally negative people feel like its not just is for Briana Taylor and i can show you a little bit of the dissatisfaction going on here you can see a fire has been said here not long ago there was a fire set in the courthouse nearby and that is right across the street behind that tree officers came out to put out that fire and they were bombarded with objects one of them fell down heard they all put out the fire and then went back into that courthouse building. And you can hear this im going to elicit you good luck you know although there will be there are some people who will be there to be there to be free to believe you know as you know you weve heard this several times here and this is the order to disperse which is usually bhalo by tear gas and sometimes rubber bullets the reason you dont see a lot of people around me is that there were hundreds here just if youd been a do they go through and they did one of the more years down the road because of the concern that police would be coming in here that doesnt mean they wont be coming back here and it doesnt mean they wont be coming to other parts of town but the concern is that police will come in here and come in in force because there are hundreds if not thousands of them in louisville but theyve been waiting for this for days but bottom line answer your question is the crowd is extremely unhappy they wanted murder charges against those officers and instead what they got was Reckless Endangerment against one officer for errantly firing into a neighbor a neighboring apartment where a white family of 3 lifts and now people wandering john how can you even pay 12000000. 00 for the wrongful death of briana taina to a family and not address anyone for our matter how did this decision come. Oh apologies we seem to have lost our audio connection there with john hendren in louisville of course well be checking in with him throughout the evening here to find out about the situation them earlier we spoke to ivan bates has a criminal defense attorney and a former prosecutor is calling for legal reform in kentucky because he says a states nof avas to police for us very clear from attorney general. Kramers information he said the officer just a partner you support what hes saying is that the way the aussies were trained that they were allowed to use our courts that they thought was reasonable and necessary to cut them out that is the problem you have the problem is clear that its not just charging officers its a change in the way the officer training 2 lets look at something is unique the boyfriend mr walker was taylors voice he thought someone was breaking in his house you had is that legally own handgun he went to protect themselves when doors burst open he fired shots and yes hes charged he was charged with intent murder all these are things thats holding the law heres. What it means to happen now the Kentucky Legislature going to change the law and when you look at whats going on they protect officers and so many ways that if the attorney general really want to show what happened he needs to be transparent ever released the use of force report that his expert gave him so that he could decide that the charges off the statute pretty much says he can talk and if you have an extreme indifference to the value of human life you have won only engaged in that activity that conduct which creates a substantial danger a serious does go injury to another person thats clearly what all over these officers at a bare minimum should have been charged with. In other world news felicien bellows have once again crackdown on protesters in minsk hours after Alexander Lukashenko was so n n s president in a surprise ceremony some demonstrators have been detained people are angry that look as not resigned following last months disputed election he took his oath in front of several 100 government officials several countries have said they will not recognize his presidency didnt stupid any of those this president the day of assuming the post of the president in all gratian day is the day of our victory convincing and faithful we were not just electing the president of the country we were defending our values our peaceful life our sovereignty and our independence and in this regard there is a lot to be done on the russian opposition leaders said lana taken off has dismissed the swearing in ceremony speaking from neighboring lithuania at the back of the bomb in the obstacles this socalled inauguration is obviously a farce in reality has just retired today it means his orders to military and Security Services arent legitimate anymore and can no longer be executed i am the only leader elected by the belorussian people ask now is to build a new valeries together. Earlier we spoke to journalist andrea vite of age who gave us an update on the situation in minsk. The protests are still ongoing we know that in the city center. Doesnt own arrests quite brutal or us. From pictures and now people are calming all different place from different parts of maine basically from outskirts in different major sports to different location now im holding a group of people that go on for going to Victoria Square you know the Central Location and being dependent and its a very callous take a chaotic because you know the police and special forces blog defeated sent a copy of ours together and he didnt get action is very bad tonight. You know very frustrating but. When i was. In the car through the city center there are a lot of people and people actually saying that we might have the same scenario that we had on the Election Night and probably this narrow it cant be could be even the wars in terms of violence from the police the European Union is proposing an overhaul to the way its members deal with incoming refugees and migrants it was the title border controls a streamlined process for Asylum Seekers who are rejected and require each country to host at least some Refugees European Commission president or slap on day and says oh you save share the responsibility to take the pressure off nations on the coast she has knowledge sharing system doesnt work in that us and so far have often led to devastating human consequences i even for migrants who have been granted asylum the journey remains incredibly difficult those of made it to the greek island of nestle if i confused and worried even if theyre allowed to remain in Europe Stephanie dockery. No one we asked here was aware of the hughes announcement of a new policy no mohamed from afghanistan has been granted asylum but remain stuck on the island on lockdown for Asylum Seekers due to the coronavirus he reminds us how he and thousands of others suffered to make it this far must help suffer the journey of refugees and migrants the illegal way is really really difficult you know many people get hurt some get stuck along the way its a horrible journey europe has recently reignited the discussion on its migration policies prompted by the burning down of moriah camp europes biggest here and as was island over 2 weeks ago this package reflects a fair and reasonable balance between responsibility and solidarity among men but states we all share the benefits we all share the burden this package also reflects a very pragmatic and realistic approach but it seems the new policy is more focused on tightening border controls and on sending back those with failed to successfully claim asylum rather than streamline the process for those already here a steadiest kind of us is a greek lawyer providing free legal aid to the Asylum Seekers its a messy and complicated process if its out of the actual them to have the right to appeal. They have the right cause obligation to provide free legal a lot of support of them to draft. Appeal however there is a lot of legal of a provision of legal so the silencers will have an assertive is a huge issue or the lack of information provided to the refugees about the process means many cannot access the legal avenues the technically should be provided for them many remain here not knowing how to appeal others are faced multiple rejections but have not been deported. For those like muhammad who have been granted what is seen as the ultimate dream when everyone here wants lawyers tell us his hardships a far from over in fact they could get even worse there is hardly any help once theyre cut off from any aid you to their asylum status and there is a lack of Integration Programs to help them adjust to a new society after months and months if not years of languishing in these camps. 100 percent im worried im worried how to integrate myself into the society are more about finding a job how to find work and stand on my own feet and to make my life again the e. U. Says it needs to share the burden of the refugee and migration crisis greece and the residents here say they are tired of doing it alone for mohamed who has left everything behind in search of a safer and better life and for the 10s of thousands of others like him waiting for answers in the camps of europes border states the burden and the feeling of doing it alone is far too familiar Stephanie Decker aljazeera less was island greece still ahead on aljazeera volunteers in sudan step up to help those affected by a weeks have devastating floods. We got some very wet sand windy weather on the cards for japan in the form of Tropical Storm dolphin but it now looks like its going to stay to the east of honshu still seeing some very heavy rain and strong winds are rattling into that eastern side of honshu whether theyre still in place for tokyo but not looking quite as bad as we thought over the past couple of days it will gradually sweeps for as we go on into friday process guys start to come back in behind still quite a legacy of showers or would still expect to see some localized flooding as the system makes its way further northwards and east was for the Korean Peninsula and we try few showers there into that eastern side of the plane want to see showers into northern parts of china some showers too to central areas come a little further south and its generally try and humid but again one of 2 showers in the mix here showers continuing across the philippines pushing across northern parts of borneo we have seen some flooding recently into thailand and i shall is heat of the day downpours certainly in the mix as we go on through the next couple of days chances and showers too into indonesia a bit more sunshine than shallowest meanwhile the flooding rains that have been affecting western india will push their way further northward through mumbai we have seen flooding here the showers are set to continue. To. Promote jury in liberia. And cameroon aljazeera world means for right isnt performing. Journeys to europe have changed their lives. We were moving fleeing persecution seeking a safe haven and creative freedom drop from home journalists and activists on aljazeera. The in the in the on. The back our top stories on al jazeera protesters have gathered in the u. S. City of louisville after a grand jury will the Police Officers involved in the Fatal Shooting of a black woman Brianna Taylor used justified force the mayor has announced a 3 day curfew and has called for calm police and bella rules have once again crackdown on protesters in minsk hours after Alexander Lukashenko was sworn in as president in a surprise ceremony water cannon was used with some demonstrators detained by the authorities. And the European Union is reposing an overhaul to the way its members deal with incoming migrants and refugees it was the tighter border controls a streamlined process for sign and seekers who are rejected and require each country to holds at least some refugees. Now the news on tie government protesters in egypt are back on the streets for a 4th my despite a massive crackdown on dissent that has led to the arrests of 300 people. Demonstrators a calling for president sisi to step down security had been tightened across the country to cause a protest by exiled opposition figure mohamed ali human Rights Groups have criticized for violations of human rights silencing dissidents and putting thousands of activists in prison. The United Nations says politicians in sa sudan have embezzled more than 36000000. 00 in state funds is detailed in a Human Rights Commission report the allegation come after the allegations rather come after present of a kir fired the finance minister and the heads of the tax collection firm as well as a National Petroleum Company Last Week the Commission Says the laundering was abated by International Banks and fears the amount may be high at Doctors Without Borders is warning that heavy floods are threatening the lives of thousands of people in south sudan it says the rains of worsen an already devastating humanitarian disaster and that aid groups need to scale up their response several settlements in john this say remain under water and thats making it difficult for help to get in. Well in sudan weeks of devastating floods have displaced more than half a 1000000 people in damage over 100000 homes water levels on the river nile falling in some areas and volunteers have been working to help those whove been affected him or morgan reports from khartoum. After weeks of being at its highest level in a century the blue nile is in retreat here on the island of tutti and her 2 volunteers are pumping out water left behind the island lies between the blue and white nile and its one of the areas in the capital the worst affected by floods that have left hundreds of its people displaced. The more than those even the even if returned back to its normal level the water that broke through the barriers we built on flooded the island will disappear and will stay stagnant it will take months to dry out enough to result in diseases so we the residents of the island who volunteer in the team working in shifts for days to drain the water rose hes one of dozens of volunteers working to help on the Little Island and one of hundreds across the country. The floods were caused by heavy rains in the south and in the ethiopian highlands more than 600000 people were displaced and over 140000 homes were damaged across the dam the government declared a 3 month state of emergency while sudans government aid organizations have responded to their emergency volunteers have a crucial role most come from flood affected areas for them repairing the damage done will mean they can return to their normal life soon or the volunteer group to fear response to floods each year sending teams across the country to help distribute food and tents and help people in need some volunteers also piled sandbags to create barriers between villages and the river and others provided medical aid to the injured and other volunteers groups such as sudan scouts are spraying insecticide to kill mosquito larva. Of a boy as scouts we aim to help those who need us most im from 2 t. M. My family and i when affected by the floods on a personal level but some of those we know and thats enough to make me want to help. Some people see the volunteers help prevent further damage and weve got to be hearing to say many areas where the floods hit the volunteers activists physical barriers and to somebody to put in place if fallen tears didnt step up it would be more loss of lives and properties here alone they say dozens from crumbling homes the government is warning of more rains and flash floods volunteers see theyll do what they can to help those affected and to minimise any damage he will morgan aljazeera hearts of. Afghanistans president says the urgent priority in the talks between his government and the taliban is to reach a cease fire talks are currently being held in doha addressing the Un General Assembly ashraf ghani called on member countries to help afghanistan in its efforts. That one people have a clear in urgent priority a ceasefire an urgent end of the violence will more than anything else give us a chance to progress i would like to take this opportunity to call on every member of the general assembly. And the permanent members of the Security Council to help us achieve that instate of a sovereign united and democratic reforms that a democratically stable and prosperous funston will be an example of how our collective will can overcome the turmoil in that certainty that defines our world today but as a some a big job in reports from doha those songs which are in the taliban and Afghan Government are making little progress. Theyre only discussing codes and conditions at the moment so the wider group can meet they havent even discussed the agenda the sticking points remain islamic jurisprudence the use of language as well as inclusion of some of the elements that both sides are not happy with. Are saying that the islamic jurisprudence the 100 feet or jurisprudence in law should be the guiding principle and the deciding principle in terms of conflict resolution but the Afghan Government is saying that there are minorities sikhs and hindus who cannot be left out in from this initial agreement and terms and conditions then the taliban want islamic sharia to replace social justice in terms such as quran and sunnah which again has been not welcomed by be on the side and then there are issues in terms of the inclusion of the doha dialogue the Peace Process which started between the taliban and the American Government which the have gone side is objecting to in saying that because they were not party to the agreement they should not at this point included inside beeston condition there have been some progress weve been speaking to all players including International Partners and they have been saying that they are still hopeful that there is going to be more headway thats to be made but as these talks continue stalled in doha fighting continues on the ground in afghanistan in the last 48 to 72 hours dozens of our Government Forces have been killed both sides accusing each other of escalating the tensions that. 3 days of official tributes have began in the u. S. For Supreme Court justice Bader Ginsburg a coffin has been carried up to americas top court where it will remain until friday Justice Ginsburg is the 1st woman to receive the honor she died last week of pancreatic cancer at the age of 87 present donald trump is expected to pay his respects on thursday he will announce who were at pacer on the Supreme Court on saturday despite outrage from democrats the chief justice of the u. S. Supreme court has paid tribute to both Bader Ginsburg. The voice in court and in our Conference Room a soft but when she spoke people listened among the words that best describe ruth tough brave a fighter a winner but also fought for careful compassionate honest. Jordan has more now from washington. It is quite unusual a Supreme Court justices have died in recent years but they did not receive the 3 days of public mourning that Ruth Bader Ginsburg is receiving not only will the public have the chance to pay its respects to her as her coffin lies at the steps of the Supreme Court building behind me but on friday she will then lie in state in statuary hall inside the u. S. Capitol and she will be not only the 1st woman to lie in state but she will be the 2nd Supreme Court justice to have received that on or the other was William Howard taft the former u. S. President who then joined the Supreme Court in his later years its very very unusual but there has been a very steady stream of public outpouring since news of her death came in on friday evening an impromptu memorials set up on the steps of the Supreme Court and today a never ending line of people stopping in to was say their farewell to the justice after donald trump the u. S. President comes to the Supreme Court on thursday to pay his respects to Justice Ginsburg on saturday evening he is expected to announce at the white house his choice to replace Justice Ginsburg on the highest court in the u. S. This is expected to be a quite intense confirmation battle i think that might be the appropriate word to use and thats because even before her death there was much speculation about whether the trumpet ministration would try to replace her with someone much more conservative and certainly that is something which doll tromp campaigned on back in 2016 dry conditions and record temperatures have caused wildfires to spread along the west coast of the United States over the past couple of weeks this is led to increasing concern over what this could mean for the environment rob reynolds reports from the state of oregon. The fires ravaging the west coast of the u. S. Have captured the worlds imagination and inspired horror but they are not the only ones in the amazon rain forest that swaths of land are on fire terrifying uncontrollable blazes tore through large parts of australia last year and in the arctic vast fires are consuming the tundra and peat lands of siberia an area that has never burned before on such a scale a fire historian who has studied fars for decades says we have entered a new era im calling it the piracy in and that is because i think were living in a fire age the industrial scale burning of fossil fuels has changed the planet and fires are but one consequence once the tune of our fossil fuel burning. Scaled up. To the point in time to the climate all the collateral effects which were discovering are very unhelpful for the world weve created widespread fires create a negative feedback loop speeding up Climate Change these wildfires have already sent more than 30 may have got tons of carbon into the earths atmosphere according to him European Atmospheric Monitoring Service now all of that carbon will eventually contribute further to Global Warming in the normal course of events burned forests would regroup over time and the trees and plants would reabsorbed much of that carbon but the planet is changing woodlands will become grasslands grasslands may become desert areas that we think of as a. Difference woods may may become Something Else im not sure we we really understand all the all those possibilities some policy makers clearly. See the disastrous future ahead the experience that we have in the state of california just underscoring the reality of the ravages of Climate Change others turn a blind eye it will start getting cooler i was just you just watch even if fossil fuel burning were stopped overnight the world would continue warming for generations because of the Greenhouse Gases already emitted theres no back same for fire were going to be dealing with Good Management in perpetuity this is our planets new normal as humanity enters the age of fire robert oulds aljazeera Portland Oregon at Time Magazine says this years unimaginable challenges means its list of 100. 00 most influential people looks unlike ever before and includes key figures in the fight against corona virus like the head of the World Health Organization and u. S. Infectious disease expert dr anthony found there are also leaders of the social movements that have shaped 2020 like those involved in hong kongs fro democracy protests and back lies matter demonstrations and little leaders are also on the list donald trump and his opponent joe biden shyness xi jinping and taiwan sighing when amongst the others are sports stars artists and Business People credited with having a major impact on the world. Its a year unlike any other this and i think that gives us more people to choose from in some ways you know the global fight against the club code 1000 and demick means that we have a Record Number of doctors scientists nurses on the list but also this this movement for racial equality to be in the u. S. And how thats expanded around the world as well to people fighting for the democratic rights for equality globally so i think you know it was a it was a rich year for influence if you like this year we look to see influence in all its forms and i think you know that reflects the nature of how the world is changing. Yeah its i think its something that we in years past we tried to make sure that it reflects you know an equal balance but you know. I think its 54 women on the list that. Tell again im fully back to where the headlines on aljazeera angry protesters have gathered in the u. S. City of louisville after a grand jury of all that Police Officers involved in the Fatal Shooting of a black woman Brianna Taina is justified force the mayor has announced a 3 day care a few and call for calm protests are also being held in new york city as you can see on these live pictures and also in the capital washington d. C. Algiers john hendren with the natives from leaving. Well this crowd is not gathered here in lieu of those Jefferson Park because theyre happy with that decision if you look behind me you can see all those people in front of a truck and that truck is meant to block the street so cars come through here and if you just keep looking over that garbage can was just set on fire behind us wind that gentleman there with the white hair and you could you just hundreds of people here want and been a peaceful morial for Briana Taylor for months but when this verdict came out the decision to charge that officer i should say only with Reckless Endangerment it really infuriated the crowd in other news. Have once again crackdown on protests protesters in maine scours after Alexander Lukashenko was sworn in as president in a surprise ceremony water cannon has been used with some demonstrators detained by the authorities the European Union is proposing an overhaul to the way its members deal with incoming refugees and migrants it would see tighter border controls a streamlined process for Asylum Seekers who are rejected and require each country tell us at least some refugee. Antigovernment protesters in egypt are back on the streets for a 4th night despite a mass crackdown on dissent that has led to the arrests of 300 people demonstrate is a calling for president Abdel Fattah Elsisi to step down human Rights Groups have criticized egypts for violations of human rights and putting thousands of activists same prison. The un says politicians in south sudan have em buzz and bezel to more than 36000000. 00 in state funds as detailed in a Human Rights Commission report the Commission Says the laundering was abated by International Acts those are the headlines on al jazeera more news after the bottom line stay with us. Hi im Steve Clemons and i have a question is the United Nations still the go to place for the world to solve its problems lets get to the bottom line. The biggest Intergovernmental Organization in the world just turned 75 years old this year it was created by the big powers to prevent another world war and in that mission its generally succeeded but hows it doing on the other missions like securing peace and delivering health and humanitarian relief with regional war is raging with refugees and migration at an all time high and a Global Pandemic on top what a mess my guest today is mark low cost the point man for humanitarian relief at the United Nations and u. N. Speak he is the

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