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We will remain faithful to peace justice and human and National Dignity no matter the circumstances and in closing i wish to pay tribute to the great Palestinian People fighting for their freedom and independence to those killed and wounded and their families to jerusalem and its on wavering citizens to our people in the besieged gaza strip. And in refugee camps everywhere. And to all of those countries nations and organizations that have stood by us and by our rights. Me the peace and blessings of god be with you. One of us there talking to the u. N. General assembly he said we want to live in freedom with independence and dignity how long do we have to wait there were 2 elements there that we were waiting for were going to discuss those with james bays our diplomatic editor sir james i think we got about 8 words on the idea of elections in 6 months time he seemed to say were working on having elections and then he skipped on but the key thing correct me if im wrong here talking about trying to get another International Peace conference off the ground. Yeah i think those are the 2 important new bits of information that came out of the speech as you say the election thing was a little vague probably i think the speech was recorded some time in advance of its broadcasts today because the u. N. Said it wanted these speeches in 4 days before the start of the General Assembly and clearly the finalization of that election deal has only happened in the last few hours i think we have to caution though with all of the reconciliation between hamas and fatah theres been so much talk of it and not always as much of it but tyrannized the other factor as you say is the idea of an International Peace conference that is something the palestinians have asked for before but a new call for it in this speech by president obama say you want an International Peace conference going to get next year he wants the secretary general to call it he wants it backed by the core ted countries or the core tech group which it which includes the e. U. And the u. N. And russia and the u. S. And so that is a new call i think as with nearly everything in International Affairs there is a big date coming up in november which is going to be very very important with regard to the palestinians because clearly if we have a 2nd term of a trumpet ministration we know the trumpet ministrations plan they announced it at the end of january what he described as the deal of the century quoting donald trump he said would lead to 33 percent of palestinians being annexed and no capital in East Jerusalem clearly i dont think youre going to get a International Peace conference under a trump. Under a joe biden presidency while there will be looking at ways to move this forward and clearly the palestinians arent at all happy he made it clear with that peace deal that israel has done with bahrain and the u. A. E. Talked about Everything Else that happened. You did towards the policy and said to top it all of this it happened and he said it was a violation of the Arab Peace Initiative that goes by 2002 it was a saudi led Peace Initiative which has become the standard arab position he says the now the us bahrain are in violation of that ok james for the moment many thanks james bays our diplomatic editor there at the United Nations in new york lets go to my one again my one bashara senior political analyst he joins us from paris so so many variables in play here ma when the conversation has moved on in the space of the 11 minutes that mr abbas was talking for the from elections to an International Peace conference how can an International Peace conference happen when the politics of the region allegiances and loyalties are in flux and we dont know whos going to be in the white house come january your guess is as good as mine right look weve heard the horse before since the whole idea of that strong man started floating around a basket given go on their i phones and embrace in some sort of an International Formula where my kids need to please them im a whole but of course up astronaut its what the national orbit be or what we want in the United States and. Its a bit you know over the top but just to going to put this in context for our viewers around the world its clear that about us who has all his eggs. In washingtons basket but us. You know us company allies by 2017. Basically hes gambling on the United States has blow up in this case and clearly the way hes done it is by the money on spades norinco the naacp and Everything Else including the europeans the russians the Public Opinion and even the Palestinian People themselves because hes said more than once people in fact that he would start i was the uprising so with not by just being in european but now International Sort of. With the United States basically stopping them you know. So you know were putting it clearly hes now with no options and its up to us hes fit hes not admitting it hes not giving up i actually im off you know i admire people such tenacity not because we repeat them so our nonstop about National Policy and not the patient this and that i think which many people have said that would be language we think its just inflexible repeating the same and you know it done us probably strike a lot of people are in the world the incapacity of moving beyond the past and be able to see something new fresh caracas ringback saying look we can kind of nuts withstand this anymore and these are no better means to make that our people and such and such as you start by are 8 important little man who spit on in his mission who realize a distance out of a Peace Process and i think so many ways. Hes just going to have. You know all the rage for a Younger Generation with more anger. All right were. Ok thats kind of to identify one of the key things here isnt it because youre talking there about he cant come up with the palestinians can come up with anything new so if we talk about the oslo peace of peace accords weve been round that loop for years talk about arafat on the lawn with bill clinton outside the white house weve been around that loop and all the Building Blocks that went into it for years you know the famous camp david meeting there is there anything new anything unique that anyone involved in this could come up with especially if were heading to a time where the palestinians talk to arab countries in the region bot the reality is they wont be talking to the u. A. E. They wont be talking to bahrain and theyll kind of bring a preset agenda to any conversations they have to a 2nd trumpet ministration if thats where were heading on november the 4th 24 hours after the u. S. Election. Look. I see i see where youre going with this but i think clearly there geo political. Frame. Its all being very closely or anything the occupation as the idea of the. International. Bash national the breakout of the whole 5 year of oh. You know international. Peace conference 1st of all for. All the big. This has fair clear i think if everyone recognizes their previous and my fairness but once 2060 has passed our car has basically groups. You know at rehearsal instead of out of sight so that you have to break from the international from the geo political and movie into the national and the political which means that the city is on to have to shift directions or most humble way to greet problem the solution to a solution but these equal rights for 2 people in the same land between the jordan river and the sea thats all but one state solution by National Space symbols Secular Democratic state a state with 2 were part of it is be that as it may be clearly this land has now some christian 1000000 people divided almost equally between palestinians and jews and since they have to separate into space and how hard it is not an option on the one center the only alternative would be the loser not the political and political solution meaning not exactly government but another in the actions of violence that operatives acne. Yes building up your economy building up your ships but Start Talking more seriously not to the International Community but to the israeli stockbroking through the americans are looking very great spot building bridges but bringing down the wall they start matching our various or there is a star rightly or civil rights its like a n c its likely you know various parts of the were all more the words democracy you have wives and want equality where there are a bi national mowen good to talk to and get your thoughts on a big story in a big region its an important story and has to be told now and thank you so much my winbush our senior political analyst. Ok lets take you back to some pictures weve got coming in from the United States because the late u. S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is now the 1st woman to lie in state at the u. S. Capitol building on a guards carried her casket into the building where former president s of also arrested her family and members of congress of the paying their respects ginsburg diet of the age of 87 after a battle with cancer lets bring in hi joe castro a correspondent there just take us through the practicalities of the ceremony heidi and the ceremonial as well i guess how long will this go on the. Sure were hearing now from the rabbi delivering remarks she is being watched by Justice Ruth Bader ginsburgs family her grandchildren her children as well as members of congress and joe biden the former Vice President who is challenging donald trump for the presidency in an election that will happen in just 39. 00 days time and what happens from this point on can only be discussed with those 2 things intertwined which is the election and the process to fill the vacancy left by the late justice Bader Ginsburg we know that to morrow President Trump intends to announce his selection to replace her his nominee who he says well be a woman he has a list of some 5 individuals we know the 2 top candidates and all of the people on this list are said to be very anti abortion and darlings of the conservative right and President Trump has made it clear that he hopes for this nominee to be confirmed in the senate and he has the support a number of senators who would help him do that and he wants this to be done and have the new justice sworn in prior to the november elections now why is that so consequential well one it gives the Trump Campaign certainly fodder to brag about a clear win for the conservative cause with trump appointing not one not 2 but 3 conservative members of the court shifting the majority balance clearly to the right and certainly that would distract from some of the criticisms that his campaign has suffered namely his response to a pandemic with more than 200000 americans now having died cove it. Also its certainly the nomination process Going Forward will involve a series of hearings i has the potential to be very contentious and may have blowback or either partys with trump intending to nominate a woman as the next supreme Court Justice there are certainly some calculations there among republicans that may try to bait democrats who sit on the Senate Judiciary committee who will be asking questions of the nominee to vigorously attack her whoever she may be that may be blowback against the democratic president ial ticket in november democrats have said that they hope that this confirmation process will remain focused on how this would be justice would vote on health care because we also know that just one week after the election likely the 1st case heard by this new panel of justices of the Supreme Court will be whether or not to repeal the Affordable Care act coming at a time when of course the United States is in the middle of a pandemic so certainly so many Unanswered Questions here and i shouldnt neglect to say as well that if the Election Results are very close peter it is likely that the president would challenge those results in the legal system and that would escalate to the Supreme Court which of porous would be these 9 justices one of whom hes about to nominate may determine the outcome of that election democrats have already accused trump of seeking to stack the court and we know that twice this week President Trump refused to commit to a peaceful transition of power giving us every indication that he would he use. Every legal power available to him to try to challenge any contentious Election Results in the Trump Administration and people close with one voice particular on social media see heidi in the past what. Pushing back against the criticism of them saying dont interpret 8585248505 extension 0 Election Results dont have a go at arse because they were saying Hillary Clinton has been calling on joe biden to stand his ground if its a close run thing come november the 3rd but on top of that as well just looking at the Bigger Picture clearly i dont think anyone would have predicted 6 or 12 months ago that the passing of such a powerful respected 87 year old woman would have become such a massive political issue in this election season in the United States combined with black lives matter combined with how Donald Trumps administration has handled the reality of coronavirus 200000 people dead and the f. D. A. Last night your time saying it might be 300000 in america alone by january. Thats right this is really an unprecedented time the fact that the president may try to ram through this Supreme Court nominee and confirmation process in such short order that has never happened before in American History certainly never this close to an election and of course on this topic of breaking president just 4 years ago we were in a similar situation where when president obama sought to nominate to fill a vacancy on the Supreme Court at the time also republicans control the senate and they refused to even consider president obamas nominee citing as their reasoning that it was an Election Year well at that time it was 9 months away from that election here we are 39 days away from this election and those Top Senate Republican leaders had a dramatic reversal saying directly that circumstances have changed that they are not holding to their word of 4 years ago and their justification no longer is valid whether or not theyre there will be able see blowback from that because some of those very republican senators are up for reelection themselves in november and some of them are endangered in their seats so theres a lot of political calculation here whether or not ramming through a conservative supreme Court Justice to solidify that 63. 00 conservative majority on the court of course these are Lifetime Appointments so were talking about decades of jurisprudence to come possibly overturning roe versus wade which of course gave american women the right to an abortion theres a political calculation here of weigh the risks and the benefits whether having a conservative core is is worth the risk of potentially this short term losses at the polls from from from voters that republicans may or may not suffer or there are so many Unanswered Questions here i do want. Add just one more coffee out peter to that. Quote that weve been hearing from Hillary Clinton of course the previous democratic president ial candidate who lost to President Trump when she was giving that advice to joe biden who was of course now running for president himself to concede at no cost it was in the context of saying concede at no cost until the Election Results are 5 you know the sound bite unfortunately that many people have heard doesnt have that cobb via and certainly the president s campaign has been using those words against clinton out of context to accuse her. Of say that joe biden should concede when trump himself has again said now repeatedly that he will not commit to a peaceful transition of power good point well made that mrs clinton would say if she was here talking to us she was saying one thing but it was being interpreted as Something Else why did you cast reporting live there from outside the capitol come back to a little later im sure i do thank you very much. Ok lets wrap up some of the top stories for you here on aljazeera mali has a new interim leader 5 weeks after the military ousted the former president. Was sworn in just a couple of hours ago and hell leave the country from mexico im term of 18 months until nationwide elections are held but that hasnt ended the sanctions placed on the country by the regional bloc ecowas thats the West African States they say sanctions wont be lifted until a civilian Prime Minister has been named. Sue me. But i am ready for all that comes before me and i will conduct my duties with constitutional legality with a look to the authorities with legitimate representation i have no other mission or intention i have to act and each of us have to bring forward our break of contribution towards our National Building because our common house has been burnt weekend into humiliated and has tumbled into its foundation for at least a decade well john of asias achilles the director of a crisis group he says the military may not be best equipped to address mollies governance issues. I think that they have indicated that they are very willing actually to address you know that deep and structural programs you know of money the point is that you know if you look at money right now its as much a security issue as it is a governance issue. And actually you know everybody of wonder whether military people are actually the best position to address issues in governance and then just you know issue with the fact that actually. Marty you know and you know. A lot of issues you know that i also related to to the fact that you know the citadel you know the it cost us closer borders and also the fact that many donors are unable to continue you know funding a lot of projects with the authority so they have the money we have the resources with which to address. The issues of money thats thats a question in bamako the protest off stopped and thats a sign you know that people are not taking any more the streets so thats an indication that theyre giving disunity a chance a chance to do something but on the other hand in the countryside what we have been seeing in the last few months or even a few years is actually increasing abuses against civilians by the Security Forces and thats not likely to stop you know anytime soon and thats thats a serious concern the north Korean Leader kim jong un has assumed a rare apology to south korea for the shooting death of a government worker suspected defected to the knolls disappeared from a south korean fisheries patrol boat on monday picks up the story from seoul. Its not often north korea admits a mistake so the personal apology from leader kim jong un to his south korean counterpart came as a surprise to german dungeon and 2 men kim jong un us to deliver his great apologies to south koreas president mungy and to fellow citizens for greatly disappointing them with this unfortunate incident in our waters the message from the north confirm the basic details of what happened on its side of the maritime border on tuesday it said the south korean citizen a Government Official result had been intercepted and shot at more than 10 times by soldiers who then set fire to the flotation device hed been on as a precaution against covert 19 the officer who disappeared from a patrol boat on monday in an apparent attempt to defect to the north condemned as an act of brutality the incident has continued to arouse anger here in south korea right wing opposition groups have used it to attack the policy of engagement by liberal president moon saying it has shown the true and cruel nature of the north korean regime isnt when youre agreeing with what youre in your negotiations with the u. S. And south korea and i think that the pressure that the union in ministration was coming under domestically because of this issue was severe enough that i knew were at least that reason and perhaps many reasons as well felt like they needed community to give moon and breathing room as recently as this week at the u. N. General Assembly President has spoken of his continuing hopes for a breakthrough in talks with north korea. And want peace on the Korean Peninsula is still in the making and changes that used to be bringing with hopes have stalled yet the republic of korea will continue the dialogue. But he has also promised to strengthen security along the border with the north in the wake of this incident. Cross border relations have soured in recent months with the north destroying a Liaison Office and cutting lines of communication with the sound. This apology from kim jong un seems to signal the conscious effort to keep open the possibility of restoring relations in the future. Bride aljazeera so. Ok lets go back to the u. S. Now protests are being held from coast to coast in america to demand justice for Brianna Taylor the African American was shot and killed by the Police Inside her home in louisville kentucky in march from los angeles to new york demonstrators demanding the arrest and the prosecution of all 3 officers involved a grand jury decided on wednesday not to file any charges against them. 2 people have been arrested after a stabbing attack at an office in the french capital paris today it happened at the building which used to house the offices of the satirical newspaper shirley abdo 12 people were killed in an attack there in 2015 the attack on friday wounded 2 people the french Prime Minister who went to the scene says anti terror teams are now joined the investigation. The french government has warned its in a race against time to stop the spread of the corona virus its reported a daily record of 16000 new infections protesters in mass a condemned government leaders in paris for ordering bars and restaurants to close for 2 weeks restrictions are also being imposed in other cities as hospital struggle to cope with increasing numbers of covert 1000 patients Natasha Butler reports now from paris. More than 16000 registered cases of corona virus in the last 34 hours here in france and more than 50 deaths so obviously cause for concern some doctors are saying of course there are more people being tested and thats playing a factor in these rising numbers nevertheless the Prime Ministers office tax says the people should be extremely vigilant he says hes warning running out of time to control the situation he says if the situation doesnt come under control and we see some sort of reversal in those numbers or we could face in the next few weeks even sooner who knows is a prospect of another National Knock down thats something that the government really ruled out until now the government been very adamant that they want to try and avoid going down that path but the Prime Minister there really warning that the situation is serious weve also seen some cities in france where the virus is circulating a lot more than in other places particularly in the Southern City of not saying that is why the government have decided to impose stricter rules that move a strike on people being able to gather the government also saying the bars and restaurants were shut completely food 2 weeks hold that has not been received while a tour by a restaurant and bar owners in many saying that is completely unfair and reasonable they say its not necessary they say they were consulted the government said that is absolutely necessary in order to protect people south and try and stop the spread of the virus in the city. Now a chinese drug company says its corona virus vaccine could be ready by early next year the bank seen being developed by a sign of is on its final round of human testing if it passes Clinical Trials says factories can produce hundreds of millions of doses by march. For a 6 day antigovernment protests protesters are running in egypt calling for president fattah elsisi 2 results. Line people angry at the deteriorating Economic Situation the demonstrations carried on despite a crackdown on dissent dozens of people have been arrested after Security Forces raided homes on friday. Thousands of farmers in india has blocked roads and rail lines to protest against legislation they say could mean the end of guaranteed prices for their grain the government wants to loosen rules on who can buy wholesale produce pharmacy the changes could allow large private buyers like supermarket chains to control the markets and to drive down prices pope francis has accepted the resignation of an influential batek and cardinal linked to a financial scandal angelo bitchy you denied wrongdoing after being implicated in the use of church money to buy a luxury house in london several back an officials being investigated. Your top stories from aljazeera the palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas has called for an International Conference organized by the u. N. To discuss the Israeli Palestinian Peace Process he made the comments during an address to delegates of the United Nations General Assembly. Him on monday of the it would be foolish to think that the Palestinian People could ever accept the occupation or yield to pressure and diktats it is delusional to think that the Palestinian People could be sidelined we are the rightful owners of this cause you should all know that there can be no peace no security no stability or coexistence in our region without an end to the occupation and without a just and comprehensive solution to the palestinian question. Lets take you live to the Washington Capitol building a ceremony is being held so one of the late u. S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the guards carried her casket into the building where former president s have also rested shes become the 1st woman to lie in state in the u. S. Capitol she died at the age of 87 she lost her life to pancreatic cancer. Mali has a new interim leader 5 weeks after the military ousted the former president will lead the country for a maximum term of 18 months until nationwide elections are held but the regional bloc ecowas the West African States say sanctions wont be lifted until a civilian Prime Minister has been named in a rare move north koreas leader has apologized over the killing of a korean official soldiers shot and burned him near the rivals disputed sea boundary north korea says it was part of measures to combat coronavirus protests are being held from coast to coast in the u. S. To demand justice for Brianna Taylor the African American was shot and killed by Police Inside her home in louisville kentucky in march a grand jury decided on wednesday not to file any charges against the 3 officers involved. 2 people have been wounded in a stabbing attack in paris at happened in the building which used to be home to the charlotte magazine the Police Arrested 2 suspects those are your top stories up next its the stream rob has the 15 g. News out ill say its more of til then about. 2 years after the murder of a saudi journalist. The globe with amounts of transparency. With the show never seen just to. Show you can. On a just. Welcome to the final episode of the stream add on gave United Nations General Assembly the u. N. And the string teamed up this week to bring you some of the most important global issues being discussed at the United Nations General Assembly so these are a big conversations important conversations were not intending to have them without saying we are on t. V. We are on instagram a our you jump into the comments section and you can be part of the scotian so today were looking at activists musicians who are determined to make sure that Paris Agreement actually happens the engine. Of paris

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