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Have 24 hours when you terry feels good when you telling when there are injuries how i v f treatment in uganda is helping save the white rhino from extinction. Hes been in the job for just 27 days but today the man chose him to be 11 on the next Prime Minister resigned sending the country back to square one in effect and its search for a new stable government is mustapha deep he says he simply hasnt been able to form a government of specialists in a country where power is shared between different sects the former ambassador to germany was named Prime Minister designate at the end of august thats when the previous government resigned amid protests in the wake of the huge explosion at the port area in beirut the capital which killed 192. 00 people and devastated that city. Well i will soon make sure as the efforts to form the government reached their final stages it became apparent to me that this consensus on the basis of which i accepted the National Mission in these difficult circumstances in the history of lebanon no longer exists the specifications that i have put forward were doomed to failure out of concern for National Unity and its constitutionality and credibility i hereby quit the task of forming a government i wish the person next tasked with forming the government full success in facing the grave danger facing our country people and the economy. From beirut with the latest. The Prime Minister designate must citing his inability really to form a government not just any government he called it a government to save 11 on this country is in the midst of an unprecedented economic crisis and there is the need for a government capable of carrying out much needed reforms to unlock billions of dollars in aid. Was really his mission was backed by france the french president visited levanon twice after that devastating explosion at fort he said lebanons political leaders agreed to form a government government within a 2 week deadline that clearly hasnt happened whether deep was trying to do was form a government in the pendant of the influence of Political Parties the traditional parties that have been governing this country for decades the parties that have been responsible really for running the economy into the ground accused of corruption but what became clear is that the parties hezbollah and we have to remember lebanons system of government is based on a power sharing agreement between sects they refused to give up their representation in government they said we will name our ministers in this government which really runs contrary to that the French Initiative because if the shia sect demands representation in government then all the different other sects will do the same so that initiative that French Initiative which is backed by the International Community appears to be dead. While staying with the story is an associate editor at the english she says much of the responsibility for the failure of government and the formation of government falls on the shia due of hizbollah and a mall. The problem with a shard you is not only are presenting they refused to pass on the finance minister to someone from a different political biography on and the minister of finance curie has huge significance because it gives power its minister to take decisions in regard to almost everything that is shoot from the council of minister so the problem of the do is that they do not want to let go of this power of taking decisions within the council as minister now this translates into a number of things and the number of issues for it up in on one its means that lebanon will most likely lose the support from International Donors that came as a response to the loss and feelings thats here to the terms of the u. S. And france is that the country is losing its last chance literally its last chance to save itself from the economic collapse as well as the social and political trouble it was already facing the one on one has its Security Problems and if things proceed as it is a definitely people in lebanon lose their ability to meet their basic needs by the end of 2020 im going to call the president our own saying on dots were heading to hell surely we should be expecting an increase in immigration further economic collapse im not sure how much the country can handle further collapse but were definitely heading there and definitely an increase and poor verty which is also actually shaded with an increase in crime and the list goes on and on. They are not allowed to protest but thats not stopped thousands of egyptians from demonstrating determined and defiant they marched to voice their frustration of the economy poor Living Conditions and corruption they want president Abdel Fattah Elsisi out at least 2 people reportedly being killed many of those were arrested instrumental sheil. Despite the threats of arrest or even death egyptians took to the streets in several areas across the country on friday. They dubbed it the friday of reach to demonstrate their opposition to the rule of armed and fatah to c. C. And among the tea resigns. Slogans like this say its outloud dont be scared of sisi has to go were heard in cairos one neighborhood. In the giza governorates which has been the epicenter since protests began last sunday police and other security personnel were deployed in force thank you this latest wave of antigovernment an anti military rule protests were triggered by ccs decision to demolish entire neighborhoods across egypt under the pretext that the homes were built illegally. These neighborhoods how some of the countrys poorest communities who have already been suffering the brunt of a faltering economy unable to cope with the impact of the coronavirus pandemic according to the world bank 70 percent of all egyptians 70 percent live under either under poverty or on the brink of poverty thats a situation thats understandable add to that the social and political constraints just yesterday 150. 00 appeared for the state Security Court im charges of terrorism because they were protesting in the street we know that terrorism charges in egypt are the ways in which the state clamps down on any bourses of dissent. There were calls to by former Army Contractor turned opposition figure mohamed ali now an exile for people to demonstrate with september 20th marking one year since similar demonstrations took place against c. C. S. Rule that. Sisi supporters particularly those who control egypts media will claim that these protests are marginal and largely insignificant but the way in which the state is dealing with the protesters would suggest otherwise. Human Rights Groups Like Amnesty International have a ready to announce the mass arrests of demonstrators over the past few days. Egypt has now witness 6 consecutive days of protests the slogans have all been demanding an end to ccs rule and while the number of protests may be growing gradually ceases grip on power doesnt seem to be loosening. And jazeera. Theres been a decade of political r. P. Evil in egypt in july 23rd Team President Mohamed Morsi was overthrown in a military coup led by general Abdel Fattah Elsisi who went on to become president sisi has suppress dissent ever since including banning socalled unauthorized protests his government has been accused of wide ranging human rights abuses journalists have been arrested including those working for this network in april of last year sisi oversaw constitutional amendments that could allow him to stay in power until 2030 in september last year protests similar to the one seen in the last week took place after accusations of corruption you hear going to him as aljazeera as middle east analysts he says the repression in egypt is most likely going to continue. Over the last 7 or 8 years we have seen an increase of them to brutal repression by the military keep egypt against that the minds of the public for democracy so we can only expect that we team to follow the famed past because simply they dont have any other paths they dont know any other past than repression unfortunately the have been successful so far because of the simple fact that the west has been controlling. The big they were pressured into brutal repression. Rejean egypt has been exercising. And also not only condoning but also being supportive to the regime in egypt both politically and financially and also by providing weapons used against the public the military b. G. In egypt doesnt control the media anymore i mean the old media be on it literally i mean when we know that the b. And b. A general intelligence and the military intelligence and the state Security Apparatus on the media i mean most of the Media Outlets in egypt we can we can imagine and we can understand why the media in egypt in general are ignoring and looking the other way when it comes to the practice in those on the streets. Things underway in a state in malaysia having an election it could have significant consequences for the Coalition Government in. Elections is the 1st since the Prime Minister took power in a political coup in february the result may either strengthen his position or heap more pressure on his administration peers lawrence louis. These are not just any local elections in malaysia theyre a test the Prime Minister. Who came to power just 7 months ago he and his supporters withdrew support for the then governing coalition in february causing its collapse his party known as do and their allies hold a razor thin majority in parliament that. Somehow. Can be steep and also to measure how people actually want how people actually have. And. And also reflect the support of. Weaving he faces pressure from his allies to hold snap elections to secure a stronger mandate the results from sabah could have an impact on the next general election not do you told 2023 will be called the Prime Minister is also facing a renewed challenge from opposition it brought him on last Coalition Won the last general election in 2018 but was ousted in februarys political coup this week he announced that he now commands the majority in parliament and would be asking the king to appoint him as Prime Minister the challenge has exposed how fragile support for the Prime Minister is even within his coalition the president of the United Malays National organization or on no the Biggest Party in the governing Coalition Says some of their politicians have defected to anwar side. Analysts say the Prime Minister needs a victory in sabah. To in show support for his coalition doesnt stop the way. For voters here the power struggle at the National Level mirrors whats happening in sabah one of the few states approved by the opposition to snap election here was triggered after several state politicians switched sides i would love to see them the complete at least the 5 years in order to give a chance. Whether or not you know they will keep to their promise you know do a better job a return to power for the party which supports on ones National Opposition could provide momentum to his challenge and leave the Prime Minister in an even shaky position that before lawrence lee aljazeera. Malaysia. Still to come for you here on aljazeera and economic crisis you just need to figure out a solution also ahead. And katrina you at the beijing also show the 1st event of its kind to take place during the pandemic and coming up next ill tell you why global comic is so reliant on the chinese market. Hello there are still some very heavy downpours across areas of japan some of that really trench rain continue to work towards the north but you can see this stream of cloud continues to bring in a pulse after poles but look at this because again the last 24 hours 260 millimeters this into southern areas of honshu had to the north and again another big day of rain 116 millimeters as i say there is more in the forecast as it goes through sunday but it is a little bit lighter generally is more Central Region saying the heavier downpours and then this from charles right there back into see southern areas of china heavy downpours along coastal areas want to see scattered showers elsewhere even up into the far northeast. That will cool things on it a bit again into hob in the rain passing through on monday 19 degrees celsius not particularly cold in beijing but the rain is certainly on the way but at least by monday it is a much drier bryces day generally much of japan also across into the Korean Peninsula and india of course plenty of heavy rain has Central Regions but particularly up to the northeast 600 and woman meters in 48 hours that is double the average for september for so long but to the north of that another big totals 48 hours that in actual fact is over for me just comes down the every year the annual rainfall plenty of showers again though up towards the northeast. For centuries egypt the sort to come on power over the nile even though we dont homing any of the nile basin countries and they dont need to know if they get they will set from nature from boss upstream and this dominance is being challenged by countries who want to agree to share i know some people in nature. On the question and yes the circumstances have changed been changed quite a struggle over the nile on 00. Well again youre watching out of syria my names peter dhabi these are your headlining stories lebanons Prime Minister designate was to a squit saying he hasnt been able to form a government this comes less than a month after he was named Prime Minister the key question now is who will replace him and who want to replace him. Thousands of people across egypt have defied a ban on protests and demonstrated against the government theyre angry at Living Conditions and what president Abdel Fattah Elsisi to resign. One other story vote counting is underway in one milesian states in an election there that could have significant consequences for the Coalition Government in kuala lumpur the poll in sabah is the 1st since the Prime Minister took power in a coup in february. Leaders in sudan meeting to figure out a way to solve the economic crisis it is so bad they declared an economic state of emergency earlier this month devastating floods and the coronavirus pandemic of compounded the problems caused by years of u. S. Sanctions imposed on the former regime morgan has more now from that meeting in the tube. The government is trying to achieve is that its trying to bring together the various sides in this transitional period to try to unify their position on how to get this country out of the current economic status that it is and the sudanese pound itself has lost more than 40 percent of its value over the past 2 weeks and this is just the past 2 weeks alone over the past year the value has been kind to continue to face a downward spiral against the dollar and the government is saying that it needs to take a hard stance hard or that needs to stick hard steps to try to from the economy including lifting commodities and finding ways to bring in more hard currency and now there have been talks about lifting sudan of the u. S. List of states sponsoring terrorism the talks have been happening for a few months now in fact since the Transitional Government came to power last august they say that one of their 1st goal is to lift the country off that list but that needs a lot of steps to be taken one of them being the sudan paying compensation for victims of terror attacks in tanzania and kenya in 1989 now the government has said that its already secured that money and that it is in talks with the u. S. Government to be lifted off that list u. S. President donald trump says hell name his pick to be the new u. S. Supreme Court Justice on saturday afternoon u. S. Media reports its likely to be amy cody a judge from chicago considered to be a strict conservative shall fill the spot love bacon by the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg who died last week heres how did you castro. Ready. A military guard escorted Ruth Bader Ginsburgs casket up the steps of the u. S. Capitol honoring a woman who helped transform life for millions of americans it is with profound sorrow and deep sympathy to the ginsburg family that i have the high honor to welcome justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to why in stay the late supreme Court Justice was a champion for equal rights for men and women born to a world vastly different from the America Today in the 1950 s. Despite her brilliant mind and dog good work ethic she was demoted because of her gender and questioned for taking a mans spot in law school her tenacity and painstakingly thorough legal record eventually caught the eye of president bill clinton who nominated her to the Supreme Court ginsburg sat on the high bench for 27 years her diminutive size be lying her juggernaut status as a feminist icon for the left and voice for social justice through her scathing dissents. Lying atopic had a bill for president Abraham Lincoln ginsburg broke yet a final barrier becoming the 1st woman and 1st jewish person to be afforded the honor of lying in state at the u. S. Capitol as a lawyer she wanted quality for women and men not in one swift victory but brick by brick case by case through meticulous careful lawyer and. She changed the course of american law. Democratic president ial candidate and former Vice President joe biden was among those who pay their respects at the end of a long struggle with cancer ginsburg dying wish was to have a new president named her replacement to the Supreme Court polls show a majority of americans feel the same but President Donald Trump plans to announce his nominee to fill ginsburgs vacancy saturday trump will nominate a conservative judge and Senate Republicans have the numbers to push through confirmation possibly before the november 3rd election that would give trump a significant victory to tout to his base the creation of an iron clad conservative majority in the Supreme Court whoever replaces ginsburg could wield key votes for upcoming cases on health care and abortion rights and as the president has acknowledged could even help resolve any recall challenge to the Election Results those powder keg circumstances fewer than 40 days before voters choose their president all but guaranteed contentious congressional hearings ahead but for now a last quiet moment beneath the u. S. Flag at half mast in honor of a woman who leaves the country more equal for individuals and more divided in politics. Castro aljazeera washington. Brianna taylors family is calling on the Kentucky Attorney general to release the transcripts of this weeks grand jury proceedings they want to know why no one is being held accountable for the march police raid that led to her death protesters in the city of louisville return to the streets for a night activists say theyll continue to rally until all the officers involved in taylors death are fired or someone is charged she has seen is that. Well. Its another night of the protests on the streets of louisville since the grand jury decided not to indict any Police Officer the death of Briana Taylor its another night of curfew too but theres a loophole in this Unitarian Church downtown in louisville has declared itself a sanctuary and it is welcoming the protesters to come in during the curfew those who are not welcome other Police Officers on the National Guard theyre not allowed in here so therefore despite the curfew this place is buzzing and they have as you might have heard food toilets water legal help jail support they say and transport shuttles for people who want to go home even despite the curfew because if they do step out of here its very likely that the police could arrest them in the meantime as far as the case of Brianna Taylor is concerned there are still questions about how the grand jury came to the decision under suspicion is amongst his family and her lawyer is that the attorney general didnt give all the information to the grand jury specifically he didnt tell the grand jury that although one witness said they heard the Police Announce themselves before they barged their way into brown into this home 11 other witnesses say they didnt hear the Police Announce themselves so now they want the transcripts thats the main fight now get the transcripts of the grand jury find out what the attorney general actually said and see whether justice was really done. The president of the door is buying to put published documents relating to a massacre by soldiers 39 years ago but. Says most of the documentation has been destroyed since then u. S. By soldiers killed nearly a 1000 people back in 1901 it took 31 years for el salvadors government to acknowledge its role in the massacre. Crowds in beijing have packed chinas International Call the 1st Major Trading abends of any industry since the virus pandemic began manufacturers see the exhibition as a glimmer of hope for an industry that suffered multibillion dollar losses katrina is in beijing. New foreign luxury models are among the almost 800. 00 cars on display at the beijing. The 1st Major International trade fair during the current virus pandemic. This year there are fewer exhibitors but crowds still gathered for the unveiling of new models including b. M. W. s latest offering the german car maker is one of many expanding operations in china. To events here in china as it becomes a very special meaning. To beijing which. Is a symbol. Week in the u. S. And across europe have forced several International Manufacturers to close factories and sack stuff many are relying on chinese consumers to improve their bottom line but. They realize china is still a goldmine of luxury cars and ultra luxury cars have a huge market in china and this is also their only International Arena to show off their vehicles other auto shows geneva detroit and tokyo have all been called off analysts say the 10 day event points to the Chinese Governments confidence in having contained the carbon 1000 outbreak it also hopes will help to spur the sluggish economy chinas Auto Industry is worth 1. 00 trillion dollars and employs more than 33000000. 00 people nationwide cost sales plunged by almost 80 percent at the height of the epidemic in china in february but sales have recently returned to preplan demick levels electric vehicles and cars using ai and Internet Technology are in the spotlight this year by the a 2025 chinas government. Once 25 percent of all costs are healthier to be electric so chinese and International Brands are racing to produce hybrid and electric models in order to meet government courses. The Chinese Government is in krishna determined to invest in electric Vehicle Infrastructure this is attracting more investments creating a better market and a more incentives for people to choose electric the beijing auto show is being held against the backdrop of the trade war with the United States auto makers tesla ford and volvo among Companies Suing the Trump Administration this week for imposing what an awful 25 percent tariffs on imported chinese parts. Aljazeera. Prime minister and his government resigned in a political reshuffle delayed by the coronavirus pandemic the resignation was anticipated since president one constitutional change allowed him to run for a 3rd term results were dispute it. Procedure has never been performed on wild animals but scientists in kenya hope to use it to save the white rhino across the border in uganda the conservation efforts are paying off is katherine short. Meat born last month as you are right now a sanctuary in uganda increasing the number of rhinos there to 32 in what conservationists as one of the most successful rhino breeding projects on the continent his mother was among 6 endangered southern white rhinos brought from kenya and the u. S. In 2005 until the early 1980 s. There were rhinos in uganda in march of the region but are killed off by poachers during the civil war this hobby falls have come a long way the fast one was born in 2011 nearly 30 years after the last one i spotted in the wilds we have 24 hours more new tearing his good morning everyone there where the rain does go out records everything that iran is doing in the day and this has helped us so much more to know the behavior of the rhinos to land these rhinos in 2 days and know which it is doing and which is which car. 1000 why trials are listed as threatened the north and white ones are on the brink of extinction only 2 females remain in the wild and there in kenya are the old projector conservancy in the Central Highlands scientists extract eggs from the gene and had built up to more than a dozen have been retrieved since last year and 3 embryos created with spam preserved from 2 males who have already died the scientists plan to do something that has never been done before with wild animals in vitro fertilization and when we collected the eggs last year. We had. Trouble sometimes. Again. Please understand. What. The items are just mentioned you know welcome or letting my ex well perhaps when i did. They transfer our work on how to. Identify females that would be settled and we were supposed to do that. But because of the Global Pandemic all those lines were our share and they were postponed indefinitely they were hoping to implant the embryos into salad and white females its too risky for the last stop the north and whites to carry the pregnancy to term as a scientists in all projectile and germany do what they can to save this species back in uganda their brain just celebrate another birth raud bond to a lawyer just weeks before they say the right not in africa may be endangered killed for its horn but here in uganda theyre thriving and on the course to be introduced to the wilds i 2022 catherine saw ologist 0. Welcome if youre just joining us lets recap your top stories lebanons Prime Minister designate must have a deep has quit saying he hasnt been able to form a government this comes less than a month after he was named Prime Minister the key question now is who will replace him and who will want to replace him. Well i was truly measure as the efforts to form the government reached their final stages it became apparent to me that this consensus on the basis of which i accepted the National Mission in these difficult circumstances in the history of lebanon no longer exists the specifications that i have put forward were doomed to failure out of concern for National Unity and its constitutionality and credibility i hereby quit the task of forming a government i wish the person next tasked with forming the government full success in facing the grave danger facing our country people and the economy thousands of people across egypt defied a ban on protests and demonstrated against the government theyre angry at worsening Living Conditions and they want president abdullah fattah elsisi to resign at least 2 people are reported to have been killed vote counting is under way in a malaysian state election that could have significant consequences for the Coalition Government in kuala lumpur the poll in sabah is the 1st since the Prime Minister took power in a political coup in february sudans leaders are meeting to figure out a way to solve the economic crisis it is so bad they declared an economic state of emergency earlier this month devastating flooding on the coronavirus epidemic of compounded the problems caused by years of american sanctions imposed on the former regime donald trump says he will name his pick to be the new u. S. Supreme Court Justice on saturday afternoon u. S. Media reports its likely to be a macone baratz a judge from chicago considered to be a strict conservative shell fill the spot left vacant by Ruth Bader Ginsburg who died at the age of 87 last week protesters in the city of louisville kentucky have returned to the streets for a 3rd night of the shooting of Briana Taylor she was killed in her own apartment during a police raid in march taylors family wants the states attorney general to release the transcripts of his weeks this weeks grand jury proceeding those are your headlines up next its inside story i will see you very soon for the moment. A new round of a decades long struggle for power between pakistans military and politicians the opposition says the military is helping the government in ways it shouldnt but. Is this just politics as usual this is inside story. Hello welcome to the program imran khan now mostly not the box on the Prime Minister but we will be talking quite a lot about him because pakistans opposition seems to be directly challenging the powerful military establishment saying it has to know

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