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A top military official tests positive for corona virus several others are now in quarantine. Shackled and imprisoned against their will dave reports thats revealed the shocking reality for thousands of people with Mental Health conditions and confirmation that are lakes in a valley walls poisoned by knopf a child and in his 1st interview since falling ill he once again points the finger at the kremlin. We begin the news hour in kurdistan a nation on edge after the resignation of the Prime Minister and widespread protests it follows sundays disputed parliamentary poll the countrys Election Commission has an old the early results from the vote and demonstrations of storm state buildings in the. Capital bishkek they were accusing the government of rigging the election in its favor protesters freed former president account by f. And other senior officials from jail but president sued by e. M. I. Because of has insisted he is still in control of the country stratford has more now from bishkek. Is indeed painting of a mentors. In the capitol hill. Describing as being calles and some serious concerns about the political stability and the kind of democratic progress that this country is often described as having made made in recent years we havent heard from the president since this morning where he told told the nation that he was still in charge of the country and he appealed for calm he appealed to there is Opposition Leaders to rein in supporters but so much has happened since then. You know throughout the day whereas yesterday saying there was a scene it was a sense of unity if you like amongst opposition groups. Certainly in the square today weve seen various different various different parties in various different groups forming allegiances as analysts are telling us they try and jockey for car and influence. The front of the matter is is that this countrys lucky any kind of credible leadership at the moment. And obviously that does not bode well for a country that has seemingly or is often loaded for its progress the that it is made along the democratic. Well we can speak now to stephen nixies the regional director for eurasia at the International Republican institute and joins us live now from washington d. C. Via skype sir thank you so much for joining us here on aljazeera a lot of developments when we think the election was really only just a few days ago how do you read the the situation in kurdistan right now well 1st of all no one should be surprised that there were demonstrations and violence postelection there was president for that in kyrgyzstan and weve always seen protests people who were against falsification and violations of the election law and this is particularly true in 20052010 when both times poorly administered elections led to transitions of power so its not surprising that this has taken place in kyrgyzstan but so who do you think is actually in power now in the country. Well thats the key question right now seemingly no one no one seems to know the whereabouts of the president as was pointed out previously the Prime Minister has resigned the speaker of parliament has resigned so its a real question as to who is in power but is it going to have to be made. Certain factions in parliament are trying to meet now to try to form a transition government and there is a self appointed coronating Council Coordination council from some of the demonstrators that are here to speak for at least some of the people but its really unclear who is charge and this uncertainty makes the way forward even more questionable and obviously how evacuate would always be risky you mentioned earlier that no one should be surprised that we saw demonstrations in the past few days what factors have led to this both longstanding ones but im guessing recent ones perhaps covert 19. Well ill cite several 1st of all the governments failure to actively manage the pandemic its been ineffective and the state Health Care System simply hasnt been able to respond to peoples needs in fact hospitals are being staffed up by volunteers in Civil Society the state really hasnt been able to cope secondly the pandemic has caused tremendous economic damage severe unemployment and then 3rd really are i or i survey show corruption continues to be a big issue and a subset of that is the continued consolidation of power by the president and the executive branch of kyrgyzstan is a parliamentary republic as set forth in a constitutional referendum that was held in 2010 but so far these reforms i havent been implemented so a number of factors go into this but i think the elections really was the turning point and really what fueled all the protests and frank frankly mismanagement and Election Fraud is been rampant in kyrgyzstan elections and so i think the people finally their frustrations boiled over and you saw the demonstrations people are demanding 3 basic things they want democracy they want free and Fair Elections and they want accountable governance and theyre simply not receiving that so those are the factors that have resulted in the situation that we face today weve seen quite a lot of unrest in russias backyard when we look at whats happened in belarus of the past few months the latest spat between armenia and azerbaijan and now they say what do you think the chances are that beyond the domestic concerns of kurdistan the powers like russia will try to try to use seize the situation to gain more sway. Well the situation in kyrgyzstan like the situation in the roost is very concerning to the kremlin the fact that people are no longer afraid to speak up to stand up and to voice their support for democracy for free and Fair Elections and accountable governance so there are a number of similarities between whats taking place in bishkek and what is taking place in minsk and again the kremlins fear is that a similar situation could develop within the Russian Federation so a lot of concern on the part of the kremlin. See even next regional director for eurasia at the International Republican institute sir thank you so much for sharing a your expertise and opinions on this story with us thank you thank you for having me. The current a Virus Outbreak has now reached the pentagon top military official is tested positive and several others are in quarantine this a day after President Donald Trump was released from hospital where he was being treated for a covert thing he says he will be ready for next weeks president ial debate and his physician says he is not reporting any symptoms when my cat is live in washington d. C. For so mike the president has been out of hospital for less than 24 hours and already he has the democrats off side that whats happened. Well basically there have been negotiations underway for weeks on the capitol between democrats and republicans involving as well steve the finance secretary with the 2 agreeing on a new coronavirus stimulus well president comes out of hospital and he now has said that all negotiations have been suspended until after the election he says that the democrats proposal of some 2. 00 trillion dollars coronavirus releasable is unacceptable he says the republican one which is round 1. 3 trillion should have been the one that the democrats agreed on but basically hes frozen all negotiations now on that stimulus bill until after the election hes instructed the leader of the senate to instead concentrate on pushing through the nomination of amy kind of barrett as the new Supreme Court justice the ramifications are immense to take one example a company Like American Airlines recently had to lay off some 20000 people it said it would recall them give them back their jobs if the stimulus package was passed thats a single example you multiply that by many factors and you get some kind of idea on how destructive it is to this country that no stimulus package will be going through until after the election is sort of busy political day for the president lots going on e still found time to tweak so much so that he actually got in trouble with twitter itself over claims that he made about the coronavirus tell us more about that. Well yet again twitter has not blocked one of his tweets its left it on the timeline but is put it behind a public disclaimer and lets just take a look at this tweet because its actually shocking in his mendacity hes saying flu seasons coming up sometimes over 100000 and despite the vaccine dying from the flu we have learned to live or. That just like we are learning to live with and then he continues in most populations far less lethal now this is absolutely shocking for the president to be putting this in a tweet lets just start off with one fact last year for example just over 20000 people have died of the flu the biggest death toll was way back in 2010 when some 60000 died the figure of 500000 is a figment of the president s fevered imagination the other issue as well is that back in february the president is on record on tape telling Journalist Bob Woodward that this is a very dangerous virus its like 10 times as more dangerous and flu with a far higher mortality rate this is quite. Understandable how the president knows hes done record saying that he then comes out with a statement saying that is more dangerous than coburg certainly this is mind boggling in terms of the president putting into the public completely misleading information and one last point this is a man who just 24 hours ago was saying how much he learned from corona virus while sitting being treated in a hospital well clearly not much of that listen. Clearly not Mike Catherwood in washington d. C. Mike as always thank you. Well still to come here on the news hour the coronavirus resurgence in iran more than half a 1000000 people have now tested positive and a lifeline from Transitional Government. Crippling sanctions following augusts military coup. Turkeys foreign minister is criticizing International Efforts to end the conflict between azerbaijan and armenia. Has failed for 30 years to resolve the conflict in the corner. But nato says should pressure azerbaijan to deescalate or not smith reports that in armenia. Amidst the burning wreckage of a bombardment of stepan aka the largest city in the goanna karabakh evidence says on the City International cluster bombs explode in the air scattering hundreds of smaller bombs indiscriminately more than 100 countries have banned them but not as a by john or armenia. Civilians in the going back in azerbaijan theyve been caught in the middle of 10 days of fighting between the 2 sides here in armenia displaced people from karabakh a picking up donated food. Dug up maybe we just heard the air raid siren took the children and left now were here with 2 families 10 people 8 children living in a relatives house we hope for peace everything will be good the one that is not a woman our sons are fighting back of their my husband stayed home to defend our village and were staying here with my sister we wait for good news because our sons are fighting like eagles. This school in azerbaijan is one of the refuges for the 10s of thousands of displaced People Living near the line of contact most of the 65 families here are from tata out of turn to classrooms into bedrooms food is provided by donors on the local government and madeleine said after they began shelling everywhere our houses were hit most places were damaged old mothers like me and children came here we had to leave only with the close that we were wearing have said i am even yet figure we were at home when they started shelling and we had to jump out just as we were we hardly say darren lives shame on the Armenian Forces that attack civilians despite the fact that they are living on online its. A ceasefire still seems a distant prospect turkeys foreign minister was in the is there a capital back who on choose day a solo question what the point of a ceasefire would be when theres been one for the last 30 years and armenia still hasnt withdrawn from azad. Territory it occupies. Very military says theyve seized a half abandoned village in the goal no karabakh very close to the contact line that divides the own play from the by john armenias government didnt immediately comment the russian and French Foreign ministers and the u. S. Secretary of state have condemned what they call the unprecedented and dangerous escalation of violence in and outside of nagornokarabakh and they say that recent attacks on civilian centers in the gorno karabakh armenia and azerbaijan are disproportionate and constitute an unacceptable threat to the stability of the region burnitz with aljazeera doris armenia. A car bomb at a bus stop in syria has killed at least 21 people children are among at least 40 others who were injured in. The city is in a part of aleppo province controlled by Turkish Backed armed groups no claim of responsibility has been. A problem into mali an Opposition Leader who was abducted by an alqaeda linked group has been released soon a list see say was taken in march when he was campaigning campaigning in his home region of fork it rallies Transitional Government freed more than 100 fighters in exchange for his release a french aid worker held by the group since 2016 has also been freed west African Leaders have lifted sanctions on the following organists military coup the block imposed restrictions after president Abraham Kaita was ousted by military leaders foreign officials had promised to lift the sanctions after a new civilian Prime Minister was appointed which happened last week when he dresses in nigerias capital abuja and says some are not happy with the prisoner swap deal. The lifting of sanctions by leaders of the Economic Community of West African States on bali has been greeted with a huge sigh of relief by both mali and and the new government in burma call these sanctions while starting to bite for a country that is long lot already suffering from Economic Hardship even before the coup in august now what the leaders of course want to see is the fulfillment of the conditions that include the release of prisoners who are been arrested in the aftermath of the call in the other hand the release of opposition figure. As well as french aid worker. Was it wont come by many in mali however there are certain sections of that country that feel that the so much construction given by the government in return for these 2 individuals especially that sofie is not a money and citizen they feel that a lot of pressure has been mounted on the money in government among the military to make these concessions so that the French National would be released however are looked up people believe that this could pave the way for more dialogue to release more prisoners and probably achieve some slums some some sort of peace in the north and central parts of mali but there are security analysts who believe that there could be hardly any change the fight they think will continue between the money and forces and International Forces in mali on one side against the groups operating in the country u. S. Health authorities have a knowledge that covert 19 can spread through the air the centers for Disease Control and prevention says respiratory droplets containing the fire as can linger in the air for hours the c. D. C. Says cases of airborne transmission kullman tend to happen in enclosed spaces that lack proper ventilation. Iran has registered more than 4000. 00 new coronavirus cases in the past 24 hours the Record Number of infections takes the total number of cases to nearly half a 1000000 more than 27000. 00 have died of covert 19 the Health Ministry says tehran hospitals are becoming overwhelmed i said bag has more now from tehran authorities are concerned that the situation here in iran over the last 24 hours has been 4000 new infections but its not only about the new infections which the country is the highest the country has ever seen since the start of this pandemic back in february yesterday the death toll of the 24 hour period was 235 that matched the highest the country has seen back in july in the countrys 2nd wave of the pandemic now officials are saying the country is now experiencing a wave and they describe the situation in the around the capital of iran as catastrophic a tsunami and critical and this city is under semi lockdown schools and universities are to remain closed gyms and close trimming pools are also supposed to remain closed as well as coffee shops but weve been outside on the streets of tehran and not everyone is adhering to that some businesses remain open and thats one of the challenges for the authorities here is a back up here and to those Health Protocols yes people are Wearing Masks yes people are sanitizing their hands but business is some business is remain open and its difficult for people to maintain that social distancing economy is also struggling its under u. S. Sanctions theres been an increase in inflation but also the currency has lost value and this is just some of the challenges the countrys officials faced to try and slow down the spread of this virus but they have given warnings that if people dont adhere to these Health Protocols the hospital beds off filling up and the country may be forced to open field hospitals. The u. K. Reported over 14500 new coronavirus cases on tuesday Prime Minister Boris Johnson says the country cannot return to normal post pandemic in a speech to the Virtual Conservative Party Conference he said the virus crisis that would be a catalyst for a major change on the whole reports from. The diary says conservative Party Conference the empty halls screams pandemic there hasnt been an audience in birminghams Symphony Hall since march Party Members activists strategists and journalists have to book slots to meet ministers on zoom code 19 has done for conference what its done for the countrys economy and for the Prime Ministers popularity this should have been the moment when a triumphant Boris Johnson swept through these holes and reveling in adulation instead hes going to try and build bridges with his party and do it online. Mother nature has savaged us with coded. But with the help of basic natural phenomena we will build back and bounce back greener and this government will lead that green Industrial Revolution the headline promise of a post covert wind power revolution may sound to some like the blustery rhetoric ringing hollow like these empty corridors a recent poll among Party Members ranked johnson the 2nd least liked member of the entire cabinet what one sees in the most recent polls is not just dissatisfaction with Boris Johnsons leadership but surprise on the part of the people who were dissatisfied that we thought hed be able to do better we thought hed be a better communicator we thought hed be able to rally people around the crisis and get the message across effectively this is the midlands dozens of mainly working class constituencies up here swung from labor to the conservatives in decembers landslide election win based largely on johnsons leadership you would have found it was a yes. Yes absolutely for business. And basically for blacks as well you know but you dont have to look far for signs that things are changing by the way. And that very much that yes this. I dont think id vote for bosuns and again im honest i think is the right man for the jobs that. I dont i dont really see anyone else up there to take his place is by them by itself. If a vaccine puts life back to normal and if a brinks a trade deal is reached to limit the economic damage then johnson may again see the sun in our plans of majority government but brown and johnson like brand britain is taking a major knock this year jonah hill aljazeera of birmingham. Hundreds of thousands of people with Mental Health problems are being imprisoned against their will often by their own families thats according to a new report by Human Rights Watch it says an estimated 792000000 people including one in 5 children suffer poor Psychological Health but governments spend less than 2 percent of their Health Budgets on Mental Health services and as a result many families shackle their own relatives theyre often worried that the person might run away or hurt themselves in about 60 countries men women and even children as young as 10 are chained or locked in confined spaces some for many years critics sharma is the author of this report on the disability rights free searcher at Human Rights Watch she explains how a lack of awareness on Mental Health is a problem for many communities in many countries theres a lack of awareness of Mental Health and people believe that a Mental Health condition is the result of been possessed been bewitched or having sinned and so their 1st port of call is traditional or feet he does the only seek Mental Health services as a last resort one of the people we met had even gone to over 100 feet healing institutions so when families dont find a solution be up bush to make this choice its not an easy decision for a Family Member to keep and its happening in 60 countries across religions. Groups cultures ethnicities its a widespread brutal practice its an open secret in many communities for governments its urgent to address and come back stigma why providing Mental Health services and oversight. An International Chemicals watchdog has confirmed to germanys findings that russian opposition figure alexina falling was poisoned by the soviet era nerve agent chuck the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons has called on russia to explain what happened to me in his 1st interview since falling ill he accused the kremlin of orchestrating the attack that the points. For hes recovering in berlin from what germany calls an attempt to kill him by poisoning now in his 1st video appearance since leaving hospital alexina valmy has told a russian blogger hes progressing. My hands shake i have to drink water out of a bottle its a bit of a site if you see how i do it im Getting Better every day im working with a physiotherapist today he started teaching me to juggle so you know while youll be seeing me juggle write a unicycle and pull a rabbit out of a hat. The 44 year old was airlifted to berlin in august after collapsing on a flight from a siberian city of tomsk to moscow the German Government says he was poisoned with nabil choc a rare nerve agent and novell he says theres no doubt he was targeted by russias intelligence agencies or the f. S. B. Secret service on orders from the kremlin and the more if. It couldnt just be a rogue colleague arc or a corrupt official because if you look at who has access to know each other and knows how to use it its about 5 people in the Intelligence Service and 5 people in the f. S. B. 7 the valleys be the biggest thorn in the kremlin side for more than a decade he served a series of short prison sentences for staging an authorized protest against president Vladimir Putin and alleged corruption linked to putins United Russia Party when he fell ill hed been campaigning for opposition candidates in last months local elections. Look at tomsk we deprived united russia of their majority dont underestimate this context there was the coverups protest belarus and all the rest put in his personal. And about its power and money theres no doubt about it on monday russia once again rejected such accusations foreign minister Sergei Lavrov referenced the navi chalk attack in britain by suspected russian agents in 2018 former double agent sergei script and his daughter fell ill but survived and youre seen we think its on the phones for of course were interested in knowing the truth regarding Election Year valmy a 3rd as possible but the situation is outrageous it looks exactly the same as whats called the script case where there were accusations but there was no evidence demonstrating the valleys Anticorruption Foundation is among the nominees for the Nobel Peace Prize which will be announced on friday he and his wife are now living in berlin but he says he doesnt want to be the Opposition Leader in exile and wont be posting his own videos until he can return to russia nadine barber al jazeera. Still to come on aljazeera. 7 years after gunmen stormed the Westgate Mall a kenyan course is set the sentence 3 men charged with coordination of the attack and the indonesian workers embark on a mass strike over a new labor law the government says it will create more jobs. How are we going to get lost of west some windy weather coming in across western europe pushing right into central areas this long line of cloud him us about to retrain that cooler disturbed weather and the dry and warm weather i would suppose the far east of the continent best of the Sunshine Press the heat down towards the southeastern corner athens at 33 celsius well you can see by moscow at 70 degrees but the rain will set in here as we go through the 2nd half of the week plenty of wet weather down towards the balkans to will southern areas of italy and then weve got that little rough the shallows getting pushed in from the atlantic wet some windy blustery conditions across much of the british ouse frauds still a dry days because on through wednesday at long last germany say quite a crop of showers more wet weather sweeping across the north sea through the English Channel running arsenal in parts of europe into scandinavia more weather to down towards the south but notice we could see some wet weather coming into well maybe northern greece pushing into that western side of here north of the wind here across central parts of the med thats going to just pull the temperatures down in libya tripoli no woman around 27. 00 celsius is a good local race unfound is plenty of showers across the heart of africa pushing right through the gulf of guinea and on swells the west. Fine enjoy his night. And enjoy as much as we all might chill finds the beauties browns put up points behind doesnt do any good but usually they just we just seemed glad that. I am mentioning ive only done. All of my peers because. Mine nigeria on algis their. Global pandemic. Family comes 1st. For every American Health care has never been more important. Because the new disease does not favor republicans over democrats bridge over poor or black over white. America decides how to care for a nation. Extensive coverage of the us elections. On aljazeera. Welcome back heres a reminder of the top stories on algis iraq kurdistan is a nation on edge after the resignation of the Prime Minister and widespread protests the countrys Election Commission has an old early results from the demonstrators of storm state buildings in the capital bishkek. Us President Donald Trump is said to be without coronavirus symptoms a day after being released from hospital but the outbreak has now reached the pentagon a top military official. And several others are in for. A car bomb at a bus stop in syria has killed at least 21 people children are among at least 40 others whove been injured in. The u. S. President ial election on election already mired in controversy the u. S. President has called into question the integrity of postal ballots and even suggests that the final result may have to be decided by the Supreme Court and this year there will be Less International oversight than previous elections the organization for security and cooperation in europe has said this election could be the most challenging in recent decades and recommended 500. 00 observers from Member States but current virus precautions and travel Restrictions Mean that this number has been whittled down to just 30 while the organization of american states is yet to receive its usual invitation to send latin american observers well for more on this lets speak to David Carroll hes the director of the Democracy Program at the Carter Center he joins. Via skype from so wanny intensity sir thank you so much for joining us here on aljazeera at the Carter Center obes serves elections around the world so how do you assess the risk to the democratic process in this upcoming u. S. Election. Hello thank you the Carter Center has looked at this election as. Indicative of the kinds of problems that weve seen developing in our country over the last 10 years or so and were quite concerned by the amount of confusing information thats out in the public the polarized nature of our society in the many questions that people have about if there are boats will be counted accurately. This is surprising or perhaps those that make you work harder that that these questions are being raised in the United States usually we worry about younger democracies or more threatened democracies but the United States for decades as really being the leader in the spread of the democracy around the world so how the how does that affect your job and i guess that of other observers around the world. Well you know at the Carter Center we have always been aware that the United States in a number of key areas has fallen short of International Standards in part because of the unique system that we have where Election Administration is very very decentralized to the state so theres not uniform processes nationally across the country and so that can allow there to be barriers to access to the polls or to Voter Registration in some areas that are much greater than others and weve also often been asked in our work internationally you know what why dont we observe at home and its a fair question at the Carter Center weve always focused our gaze and our work internationally but we have been increasingly aware that we need more attention to the quality of of elections here in the United States i mean obviously you live in the United States what swayed the think whatever conclusion the election observers come to well actually have the 2 what might be a pretty messy period after the elections are held. You know i think americans generally as a whole is a society have not paid much attention to the efforts of International Observers in the United States which i think is regrettable because we know from our work internationally that theres a lot that can be learned from the observations and reports of independent groups and so we hope that theyll be more attention paid to their work this year than in the past. And i think you know also in the United States one of the things thats different here is in many countries there are strong nationwide networks of citizens groups that work to do work. An effort similar to what International Observers do as citizen observers and the United States doesnt have that kind of Strong National network again its a its a much more complicated patchwork of many many different activities that are not necessarily well coordinated so i think that the reports of observers are likely to not have the kind of weight that they would have in other societies and i think thats a shame. That has had an impact on this like its had an impact on most other things the. For example wanted to send hundreds of observers will only be sending around 30 do you think that that makes our massive difference or as youve just said is it more that the American Public is unlikely to take the reports seriously that is more of the warre. Well i think its not that people wouldnt take them seriously based on the quality of their work or the size of the mission i think its more that the United States tends not to pay in this realm in particular on off attention to what it to National Observers have had to say but i do think that because there is much more concern and focus this time around than in the past theres an opportunity for the o. S. C. Observers for example that perhaps play a greater role than they would have in the past even though their numbers arent as large as they would have hoped they will im sure because were familiar with their observation methodology and how they do they were their work they will be reaching out to a wide variety of Information Sources citizens parties Election Officials and others and im sure they will gain a great deal of information about the quality of the processes that take place between now and after the elections and how worried are you about this election. I think this is the this election in the United States has more reason to be concerned than any that i can remember in my lifetime. Ok David Carroll director of the Democracy Program at the Carter Center would certainly love to speak to you again when we get the Election Results and see what the aftermath looks like for the moment thank you my great pleasure thank you. Position leader is vet line that he. Has met the german chancellor Angela Merkel in berlin before the talks at the sky yes said that she had wanted to discuss new elections and bill of loose with the german leader she ran for president in august as the main candidate against the longtime ruler president Alexander Lukashenko there have been widespread protests across the roof since the disputed election because she has refused to step down and Security Forces continue to arrest activists government cain has more now from the german capital. In receiving she had learned to call off scare here at the chancellery building angloamerican through her the German Government are extending to her many of the courtesies that it would extend that she would extend to a head of state or a head of government of course she had learned to going to sky is not the head of state of yellow rose that is the to president elect. And it is his presidency which angle merkel has spoken so much about and indeed the rest of the e. U. Has spoken so much about we know that the mrs is going to sky and has been grateful that sanctions have been imposed and she is hoping that the e. U. Will be able to do more to help those in her country who are opposed to the government of president one of the things that the sky has said repeatedly is that she looks to germany she looks to anger merkel who she calls the most powerful female politician in the world she looks for support where possible one thing shes also mentioned though is that she believes the people in her country are prepared still to go out on general strike even despite the conditions in the country so opposed are they to the rule of president. 3 suspects are charged with helping al shabaab fighters attack a kenyan Shopping Complex will be sentenced on wednesday dozens of people were killed when gunmen besieged the Westgate Mall in nairobi 7 years ago catherine soy has more. Benmore and a friend were driving into the Basement Parking of the Westgate Mall when they had the 1st blast then got shots from moment he thought it was a robbery whats in it traumatizes me most is where i was hiding theres a Security Guard who was right next to me was shot in the head. And i didnt realize i was injured until we were out a rescue team arrived and as i was trying to get out but when i realized i had a lot of blood that Security Guard was among the 67 People Killed in a 4 day siege in september 7 years ago 4 gunmen stormed up market mall and will be seized by Security Forces that attackers were eventually killed in a government operation that some kenyans criticized as being on coordinate head slow in response and calm. The Armed Group Alshabaab based in neighboring somalia say this man carried out the attack. 3 men suspected of helping coordinate death tuck was charged with multiple offenses including conspiracy to commit a terrorist act the judgment comes almost 7 years after the trial started some security analysts say it has taken too long if we have difficult laws that do not allow us to its been dyed to justice especially for to resume we need a mental smalls and make them conform with our times because the times we become tourism times to other major attacks in kenya have happened since westgate in 2015 gunmen killed more than a 100 people mostly students at a university in the northeast and in 21000 a luxury a school tally nairobi was attacked and 21 People Killed Westgate Mall was reopened 5 years ago but some survivors and families of the dead remain too traumatized to visit they say they want justice and hope the decision by the court will give them closure in some way. Hopes that the judgment in the courtroom will help heal the wounds as still run deep catherine soy al jazeera nairobi representatives from libyas arrival administrations have agreed on the appointment of several high profile sovereign positions parliamentarians from libyas u. N. Recognize government in tripoli and the eastern based broken government have been holding talks in morocco their agreement marks a step forward in talks designed to bring peace to the war torn country new appointments include that the Central Bank Governor chairman of the National Oil Corporation and general prosecutor the names must still be endorsed by both houses of parliament. Afghan president to ashraf ghani. Made ongoing peace talks with the taliban warring sides are trying to agree to or reduction of violence and the possible power sharing agreement there is a some a binge if i had spoke to afghanistans foreign minister about how the talks are progressing now that its been nearly 3 weeks since this dialogue began talks seem to have stalled and the only Sticking Point seems to be the to thicken point that you mentioned. Its not moving forward and there is no reduction in violence hundreds of people have been killed in afghanistan what makes you sure that this time around with your help of your partners youd be able to tell the taliban to reduce violence but we are quite hopeful. Those who would insist on file its would be extremely. Marginalized and they will not have. The church admits she in any of their causes to pursue thank you so much about american history. There you had that was the foreign minister acting foreign minister of afghanistan after meeting cut 3 as well as american officials telling us that hes still hopeful that dialogue is the way forward and both sides are going to come to some sort of an agreement to reduce violence. Thousands of indonesian workers have begun a 3 day strike over new labor laws which they say will lead to exploitation the legislation removes several Worker Protections and relaxes environmental rules the government says its necessary to urgently stimulate the economy jessica washington has more now from jakarta. On the outskirts of the capital jakarta response to indonesias newly passed labor legislation was swift and on welcoming by workers walked out on strike in response to the lure of the government hopes will create new jobs and attract more investment but workers say the government is trying to boost the economy by stripping them of their rights but theres no guarantee for a future theres no really takes away our rights as thousands of factory workers began their 3 day strike. Others found more vocal ways to voice their discontent with the motorbike protest. The new laws allow employers to keep workers on contract indefinitely without needing to offer Permanent Employment it also reduces severance pay benefits and leaving tottenham in. The government says the change is intended to promote more employment by encouraging businesses to hire permanent staff and boosting opportunities for Foreign Investments the sudden passing of the bill has shocked workers unions around the country and options to stop the bill from becoming law and now limited but workers unions say theyll take their fight all the way to the Constitutional Court if their demands are not heard. Trades Union Leaders say companies will exploit the law to contracts they work is for less than a year to avoid having to pay benefits. This is heaven for investors but help for the common person especially for laborers. Its not just the workers who are concerned by the 900 pages of sweeping legislation environmental groups fear companies will get away with causing more damage as the government makes changes to how permits are granted but economists say the law is necessary during indonesias worst economic downturn since the Asian Financial crisis in the ninetys. The current environment continues especially with the. Recession. And if we can only expect that new normal we will be achieved in the 2nd half of 2021 then more and more companies will go bankrupt. And in that sense because we lose all benefits rushing the legislation through parliament is left little opportunity for the government to speak with work as and appease they can see this as this man shouts he would just keep fighting until the government listens jessica washington al jazeera to counter. So pick on me here on the aljazeera news hour its more than one small step for women are a or female winner of the nobel prize for physics class. Im Natasha Butler in paris where began returning some cmon youll iraq africa but not fast enough for some people. French politicians will vote on a new law to return stolen artworks to africa the legislation would pave the way for the restitution of 27 works to binny and senegal it follows a promise made by the french president in 2017 to return colonial era cultural works the countries now known as been in senegal were colonized by france in the mid to late 19th century both countries achieved full independence in 1960 there are about 90000 african works in french museums although some experts insist not all artifacts were pillaged or stolen france has already returned items to several other countries including a stolen statue and wall fragments that egypt 32 gold plates to china and 21 mallory heads to new zealand. Reports now from paris. A daring demonstration live streamed on social media. In june activists. And a group of campaigners entered the k. Brawley museum in paris and grabbed a 19th century african out there he said was really was arrested at his trial last month he said he had no intention of keeping the artifact but it wanted to protest against the plunder of africas Cultural Treasures by French Colonial era. This is our heritage from our ancestors everything that was taken by force should be given back it belongs to africa not to french museums or the french state was alou now faces a 1000 dollar fine. A cloak of silence stifles all the tragedies and horrible crimes perpetrated in africa in order to. The page these works most european people have no idea about the origin is or the conditions in which these works were stolen in 2017 the newly elected emanuel mycroft said france should face its colonial past and in a 1st for a french president he said pillaged all its works should be returned to africa. In the next 5 years i wanted to be possible for the temporary or permanent restitution of african artworks to africa last year from sent a sword back to senegal and 26 artworks including this intricate carved throne will be returned to ben in 27. 00 items so far as only a fraction of the 90000. 00 kept in french museums and collections while some say the rate of restitution is far too slow the french m. P. Whos in charge of the program says its an historic 1st step and this is only the beginning right now 6 countries have requested the return of artworks but i expect more will do so in the months and years to come and this 1st experience working with museum staff and interested countries means we have the system that will allow us to identify objects risk situation faster in the future in all societies Cultural Heritage provides a unique link to the past a sense of belonging and a source of pride returning artworks isnt only about giving back what was stolen it also forces former colonial powers to confront their own history Natasha Butler aljazeera paris. The rescue and Recovery Efforts are continuing across france and italy after devastating floods 12 deaths have been reported since the storm caused chaos in frances. Region and the. Regions over italy the french Prime Minister said on tuesday 21 people were still missing and 700 people have been evacuated from their homes corpses had been found along the mediterranean shore swept out of cemeteries and down the mountains by the violent trains. Urgent preparations are being made in mexico as Hurrican Delta heads towards the yucatan peninsula the category 4 hurricane is on course to smash the southeastern region of the country on tuesday night and wednesday morning people have been warned to stock up with several days worth of water and food boat owners have queued along public ramps to pull their vessels from the water all nonessential businesses closed that 1 pm local time in the sale of alcohol has been banned the storm is expected to continue across mexico and hit the u. S. On friday. The nobel prize in physics has been awarded to sri scientists who discovered groundbreaking details about black holes the winner is include only the 4th woman to be awarded the physics prize the harding reports. The darkest object in our night sky is a black hole its gravitational pull is so immense that not even the light can escape it as its mass increases it can trap more and more black holes can even swallow entire stars some astronomers describe them as the darkest secrets of the universe thanks to 3 scientists we all better understand what they are if there is a certain amount of matter which is imploding contract then its inevitable that they were sure what is a black hole professor Roger Penrose from britain run hard to get from germany and american under again as are all credited with discovering elements that make up black holes and are the winners of this years nobel prize in physics it was in 1965 that penrose 1st proved what black holes are and how they form describing them in detail and stating that at their center time in space ceased to exist penrose went on to work with the late Stephen Hawking who revolutionized our understanding of time and space. Professor penrose from Oxford University was awarded half of the nobel prize. As sure the other half for discovering that an invisible and extremely heavy object governs the orbits of stars at the center of our galaxy together their work described characteristics of black holes and super black holes most many times larger than the mass of our sun it wasnt until april last year that the 1st image of a black hole was captured blurry but visible this idea that space which we we experience as humans as separate from time become commingled its both intriguing and fascinating and i have to say these are the things that kept me up at night when i was a kid. Another milestone by becoming only the 4th woman to win a nobel physics prize so weve been very important to encourage young women and to the sciences so to me it means an opportunity and a responsibility. To encouraging the next generation of scientists who are passionate about this kind of work into the field following legends such as Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking the winning trio of scientists keep paving the way to better understand former mysteries hearting aljazeera legendary rock musician Eddie Van Halen has died. The guitarist and cofounder of the rock band van halen have been battling throat cancer for more than a decade he was considered one of the greatest guitarists of all time in his band the achieved worldwide success van halen died at a hospital in california he was 65 years old. Thats it for this news hour stay with us im going to be back with more news in just a few minutes thanks for watching. October on disease was only a month left until election day candidates are warming up for the big day with a series of debates with a diverse range of stories from across the country aljazeera correspondent takes a more honest no look at the stories that have impacted johns thoughts with britain seemingly heading for a no deal drugs can a last minute deal be struck between london and brussels aljazeera is amy award mean they are going to fold lines returns for the series on the u. S. Communities moved in to my country to 19 as the incumbent president seeks a 3rd term and the opposition has formed an alliance against him what course will the country take struggles with often violent protests october on aljazeera from the river nile river a vital source of substance to the countries and flows through this new thing called on who can lay claim to the bit like this for good given the resources we found both agreed but with this comes a destabilizing rivalry countries suspicious of each others intentions in the battle for control of the record transporting through consultation was not opening to the hunters because of some on normal fear of struggle over the nile on aljazeera. Pakistans k. S. C. 100. 00 has said more than 36 percent we bring you the stories in development is that a rapidly changing the world we live in or the water that is going dispensable to Economic Activity but industrial use is worse than not just a freshwater counting the cost on aljazeera. Ora good. The. Political turmoil in kurdistan the Prime Minister resigns after the government is accused of rigging sundays election in its favor. Hello im Barbara Starr and this is al jazeera live from london also coming up on the program the u. S. President is back at the white house and not reporting covert symptoms but a

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