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Truce between armenia and azerbaijan is pushed to its limits as russia warns turkey will not have a place at the negotiating table. For more and more migrants are risking a dangerous new atlantic route from africa to europe via the Canary Islands. And a planets transformed into an uninhabitable hell a un report says World Leaders are failing in their duty to stop climate disaster. I know we start in the United States where divided senate is pressing ahead with the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Amy Kearney Barrett just 3 weeks before the president ial election she was nominated by President Trump and her confirmation would increase the conservative majority in the Supreme Court and fisher has been following events on capitol hill in washington d. C. The goal to have him equally bonneton the u. S. Supreme court before the president ial election the 1st step the Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing kicking off 16 days after her formal nomination from the Committee Chair a lament that politics play such a big part in nominations now the bottom line is Justice Ginsburg when asked about this several years ago said that a president serves 4 years not 3 theres nothing unconstitutional about this process this is a vacancy this occurred 4 years ago republicans refused to even hold hearings for judge meant garland normally did to fill a vacancy caused by the death of a conservative justice no hearings in an Election Year be insisted judge amy corney by its nomination will almost certainly imagine from the Committee Even if democrats boycott the final vote that will send it to the fill senate for confirmation and thats where the democrats are going to do what they can to stop this going through to republican senators have already said they would vote to confirm the democrats are hoping they can use public pressure to flip to others to block a vote in the fool senate and theyre using what they see as a threat to the Affordable Health care act due to go to the court one week after the Election Health Care Coverage for millions of americans is at stake with this nomination republicans finally realized also on the committee the democratic Vice President ial nominee kamel hardass who insisted the senate should be dealing with more pressing issues than the Supreme Court said it may be Crystal Clear that russia has a court nominee. Its more important that helping and supporting the American People who are suffering from a deadly pandemic and a devastating economic crisis and nothing but truth so help you god and then it was time to hear from amy cooney but it herself she said quote cant right every wrong i chose to accept the nomination because i believed deeply in the rule of law and the place of the Supreme Court and our nation. I believe americans of all backgrounds deserve an independent Supreme Court that interprets our constitution and laws as they are written so no the lines are drawn for the Committee Republicans believe they have the votes democrats believe they have public support the next 2 days will be contentious contrary and politically divisive as the Supreme Court becomes a political battleground in the president ial election Alan Fischer Al jazeera washington she was outside the Supreme Court where protests were held as the hearing began. A very small but determined group of protesters both for and against the nomination confirmation of i me here outside the Supreme Court. Theres a games to go to make next interesting and white house suits one of the many objections they have to the proceedings is that no one was required to have a curve a test before the hearings took place and this article im talking to one of the organizers here but all in love with us. Whats at stake for you during this confirmation hearing. Right now the focus is on a confirmation hearing when he should be about the American People she knew about people who live in america we need to make sure you have a relief package that includes Health Care Income for people who have lost their jobs that supports businesses that supports child care so your point is there should be hearings and people suffering they should the focus should be on and on people who live in america not a court but what about the confirmation itself. And what about that yes this is not the right person i think we need to make sure that. Worry about going to be on the Supreme Court versus that thinking about all of the needs of the people and we need to be fair if you can look at her record her record has not been fair shes been very. Conservative in all of her rulings so now with this going to make it more conservative im concerned about the a. C. L. U. Theres millions of people who are on if it is unconstitutional people will not have coverage. Preexisting conditions will not have coverage she says obamacare the health care thing but is there a sense that youve lost this battle that she will be confirmed well its not over until its over its not over yet no vote has happened and were going to continue to resist and as long as there is resistance we have to define or when we are standing up for what we believe in and that we are putting people 1st we need to be an example of what needs to happen in america people need to be before politics and we need to make sure that people who live in america are taking care of the. Must continue to fight i do very much and there is a sense that perhaps the republicans do have the votes this confirmation will go through but theres also a sense that the democrats didnt fight as hard as the republicans might have if they were in the same position all the various democrats immediately met with a mccain about for example whereas president obama nominated his choice for a chief justice for justice rather because even so theres a bit of frustration with the democrats terminations if i dont anyway the white house doctor has confirmed that President Trump has tested negative for corona virus comes as hes about to go back on stage in the florida city of orlando for his 1st election rally since his diagnosis he made an appearance although not an official Campaign Rally at the white house on saturday his own tweets in which he claims he could not be immune from the virus have been flagged by twitter. On the gawker joins us now from miami so trump has got his doctors note just in time for the. You know it couldnt have been timed better this is coming from a doctor that many people dont trust but we have to take this at face value and President Trump is now back where he likes to be rallies meeting his base supporters hell be in orlando in Central Florida are a vital part of this state in what is a the biggest battleground state in the entire nation with 29. 00 Electoral College votes and there are lots of swing voters and independent voters in that area so him hitting the road again i think is seen as vital as we run down to the election at the beginning of november but i think people will be watching him tonight to see if hes changed his attitude having hardcoded 19 and got through it to see what he says in regards to how his administration has handled it and how his experience may have changed him i think its pretty doubtful that he will say anything unexpected hes already talked about having covered 19 is being some kind of gift from god in that he may be immune now so i think well hear that kind of rhetoric but for the president this is a very important thing for him personally he will be hitting another 3 states iowa North Carolina and pennsylvania over the important states over the next few days so people have been gathering in sanford just outside orlando since 5 oclock on monday morning keen to see their president once again and his speeches and his rhetoric will be watched very closely indeed i think what about his opponent whats he been up to. Well joe biden is in toledo ohio another very important state which President Trump took easily back in 2016 hes been talking to auto workers hes been touting his economic plan his experience during the economic troubles of 20062007 incidentally joe biden will be here in the state of florida on tuesday once again showing just how important this state is he has a very thin lead in this state which donald trump took in 2006 by the narrowest of margins and joe biden incidentally has said that president hitting the campaign trail again is reckless and irresponsible behavior and of course hes been talking about the trumpet ministrations handling of the entire covert 19 epidemic saying that he if he becomes president would do a far better job and again i thank you very much. Russias foreign minister says turkey will not be involved in peace talks over the disputed region of nagornokarabakh the Foreign Ministers of armenia and russia have been meeting in moscow armenia and azerbaijan accusing each other violating a humanitarian ceasefire which has left casualties on both sides and it smith reports. About when an armenian missile hit the apartment block where an urchin are you have lived there was supposed to be a ceasefire. This was another. 9 people died in this attack on ganja on sunday as a by johns 2nd largest city here they have no interest in a ceasefire yet. If you let me go to war mom im going im going there chanting. Turkeys giving azerbaijan its full support and its fight to reassert sovereignty over the Ethnic Armenian on plate of nagornokarabakh an adjacent land occupied by armenia now he is very president wants turkey to be involved in talks to find a solution to the conflict but russia isnt interested in. Joint statement confirms the unchangeable nature of the negotiation process and its format. Consists of a fairly large number of states of the she says delegated its management of the. Mediation to 3 states russia United States and france. But in almost 30 years the minsk group has failed to find a solution to the status of nagorno karabakh. Talks with his armenian counterpart following a similar meeting with the azeri foreign minister last week. On monday paradox main town of panic at the air raid sirens were still alerting people to the shelters despite the cease fire the anger here as raw as it is on the other side of the conflict. If one of them would be here next to me i would strangle him i would strangle with as when i have lost my husband and now i could lose my grandchild and relatives lose a son in law could lose a brother. 5 armenians were killed on sunday in handwrote in the south of nagornokarabakh as azeri forces attempt to capture the town about 50 kilometers in that direction is the Ethnic Armenian town of how dry it now theres been intense fighting going on there as both sides a seemingly trying to cement their positions while moscow increases the pressure on armenia and azerbaijan to fully implement the humanitarian ceasefire. But its an aljazeera goras an army still to come on aljazeera staying open but only just most of englands bombers escape closure as new virus rules come in but is infections rise how long will that last and protest has returned to the streets of argentinas capital demonstrating against the governments handling of the pandemic. Hello the followers of New South Wales are quite pleased to know weve reduced the amount of land thats on the drought the crops are growing nicely its a good spring rain and not nino which is almost the moment suggests it could be a bit too much rain also might get an early season for tropical cyclones in the northwest nothing there yet though quite the opposite is warm and dry broome and purrs are both showing temps of over the should be person particular 27 to 29 degrees its warming up in melbourne and sydney weve got federative who are now on shore breeze for just a few afternoon showers thats true of 3 queens well otherwise weather is quite nice adelaide up to about 30 degrees even in new zealand the rains going past north island and there we should see see things improve somewhat but more sunshine i was channel having all night on this cold front going through japan you got a day of the northerly breeze and showers north coast of honshu otherwise fine not wall but sunny same is true throughout most a child of some rain is developing inland more obviously noncash further status across high now and during tuesday or wednesday will be a pretty nasty Tropical Storm moving fairly quickly but there all the same potential flooding one small for this part of india with a tropical depression forming in the bay of bengal. In the deprived villages of northern argentina theres one man with a solution to every problem. For engineers selfproclaimed inventor fernando and hes crossed a 94. 00 to 7. 00 ford truck no job and just a small village too far in his latest mission he construct a much needed for generator the drums and fire board if you find a latin america driving change on aljazeera. And over there most of the top stories are not as they are a divided senate is pressing ahead with the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Amy Kearney Barrett just 3 weeks before the president ial election democrats say the 4 day hearings are being rushed. Donald trumps doctor has confirmed the president has tested negative for corona virus comes as hes about to go back on stage in the florida city of orlando his 1st election rally since his diagnosis. Russias foreign minister says turkey will not be involved in peace talks over the disputed region of nagornokarabakh as about john had proposed its ally take part in the discussions armenia and azerbaijan or husing each other of violating a humanitarian ceasefire. Britains Prime Minister says he wont impose another full coronavirus lockdown but is almost 14000. 00 new delhi infections were reported 1st johnson warned that the weeks and months ahead will be difficult in oust a 3 tier system of local lockdown measures in england including a ban on some households mixing indoors i dont know how reports from newcastle upon tyne. Clubs and bars in Northern England are living on borrowed time in liverpool those not serving food will be forced to close from wednesday night the city falling under the highest risk category of a new 3 tier system of covert 19 restrictions announced by the Prime Minister in recent months we have worked with local leaders to counter local spites with targeted restrictions but this local approach has inevitably produced different sets of rules in different parts of the country that are now complex to understand and to enforce infection rates are soaring in parts of the north and other cities like Manchester Leeds and newcastle interior to know they could be next but critics question the Science Behind bans on the hospitality sector already struggling to survive but weve seen whats happened over the last 4 weeks or school this big op syringe and it coincides i dont think who incidentally with the return of students was 3 to one of the children to school it has yet to be sure and. When the dealer is not available its not been presented where this alleged suddenly increase within hospital is coming i think its very convenient science and there are questions about the effectiveness of these measures including travel restrictions and bans on household mixing with evidence that the National Test and trace system has failed to trace contacts effectively and to enforce isolation the government has promised to confer more power on local authorities who say they can do the job better here in newcastle theres relief that theyve escaped 3 for now but theres also a lingering worry that the rules seem to overlook another big threat the enormous rate of infection among students universities in the north with the crowded halls of residence have been huge drivers of infection rates are said to be up to 7 times higher than surrounding areas after students were encouraged to return to campus last month theres plenty of blame to go around here and from the universitys point of view i think they were told were going to have a world class testing trace facility were going to have this were going to have that and so forth and have we actually have those things that we were told were good you know and may and june and so forth and the decisions that they made might have worked out by and like so much to do with covert 19 if only join a whole aljazeera newcastle one chinese city is attempting what some Health Experts can only dream of in the course of just 5 days or 9000000. 00 residents of qingdao will be tested for the corona virus it comes after it saw an outbreak of just a dozen cases where a bird manly reports. An ambitious task on an epic scale Health Workers in the port city of shin dow are hoping to tame an outbreak of covered 19 by testing the entire population of 9000000 within just 5 days Testing Centers like this one are open from Early Morning to late at night across the city and some areas a lockdown qingdao is on chinas eastern coast and the beach is a popular with locals and tourists especially during the festival season but some experts are questioning the efficiency of the mass testing i can take if there is a real question in a contagious disease in a pandemic i can gauge is that what you really want is a test which actually detect you during the period of contagiousness and whether china is doing net or not we can tell they have a long history of lying they covered up at the beginning on sunday a dozen cases the bars were linked to this Chest Hospital in qingdao doctors have treated patients confirmed to have contracted covered 19 after returning from overseas the hospital is not down an all star for immediately tested its not the 1st testing on this scale in china 700 kilometers north of beijing more than 7000000 of the capitals 22000000 people tested for months ago that followed the result of the virus traced to a wholesale food market supplying most of beijings meat and vegetables and it may almost all of the 11000000 People Living in were tested within just 10 days the city where the virus 1st emerged in december was locked down for 3 months and its Health System stretched to the limit. But the chinese governments aggressive push to trace and suppress the virus seems to have paid off with daily numbers drastically reduced just so that 85000. 00 cases are so far confirmed its a week since the golden week holiday when millions traveled across the country back inching down results the testing are trickling in authorities will be hoping to stop any spread of the virus quickly. Man the al jazeera protesters are rallying in buenos aires against the governments handling of the pandemic the countrys economy was already in crisis and is now expected to shrink a further 12 percent plunging millions into poverty tour isabeau has the latest margin his capital. Were here right in front of the precedent precedence and theres hundreds of people that have gathered here and a similar situation is happening in other parts of the city and the center of one outside is another part of the country as well and it comes out with discontent mostly among the middle class not only on the handling of the pandemic but also on the Economic Situation in the country of accusations of corruption that involved many members in the cabinet of precedents a lot of that members including the Vice President former president Cristina Fernandez de kirchner among other things what weve seen in the past months is that back in march when argentina was one of the 1st countries in the region to impose a strict law down to the prevent the spread of corbett 19 and that the Prime Minister enjoyed around a 70 percent Approval Rating that has changed to mostly since the government has tried to pass for example a reform of the judiciary that has polarized society once again when the government has tried to remove the 3 judges that are involved in the trials of former president and Vice President Cristina Fernandez de kirchner when the government tried to explode create a private Business People here see that as a threat theyre afraid that argentina will turn into business will out. Millions of students across 12 african countries a back in class the schools reopened after a 6 month coronavirus lockdown in nigeria nearly 14000000. 00 of them were not to try to catch up on missed school would but they also return to a new set of rules of government continues to struggle to stop the virus spreading arent addressed reports from the capital abuja. Its a new school term like no other students are returning to an environment governed by you see 2 rules. Their temperature is checked washing in sanitising hands is mandatory. In class social distancing is interest but its an exciting over for them. For some i really miss the heaviest of the family environment but a diverse environment for learning to touch and name to dance and name but its mixed emotions for parents as a parent im actually excited and id assume time to have mixed feelings of the security and safety of the children in school if students in private schools like this for a better term in a covered way to disruptions their access to online teaching Internet Connectivity and computer technology. Is much different from the act of public School Students private schools a better place to strictly enforce safety protocols like the over crowded poorly funded government schools but government schools like in facilities they make up for in an interrupted pay for teachers not so for private schools struggling with finances a government pledge to support businesses to peace talks to happen for many it was difficult most of cause government couldnt understand it didnt want to be because. It possibly got made so obviously in the world i couldnt make experts are calling for Government Intervention to make up for lost time to begin to invest in a good. Cause to develop their. Policies now. Nigeria has more than 26000000 students in primary schools and over 10000000 in secondary schools. And there are more than 10000000 nigerian children who dont go to school thats nearly a 5th of the worldwide total experts fear the number could rise because of the current 19 Pandemic Committee aljazeera. The nigerian president who do bihari is promising that Police Officers will be held accountable for misconduct it comes after days of protests against Police Brutality culminated in officers opening fire on demonstrators in lagos authorities announced that an elite anti robbery unit would be disbanded after members were accused of murder extortion and disappearances the president says more Extensive Police reforms will follow. The Canary Islands have seen the highest number of migrants arrive in 14 years from more than 1000 people landed in the Spanish Islands off the coast of west africa over the weekend local politicians have asked madrid for help saying the Canary Islands do not have enough resources migrants are increasingly taking the dangerous Atlantic Ocean route to reach europe instead of traveling by the Mediterranean Sea where they face heightened security. Nicholas hawk is in dhaka senekal which is a key transit country for west african migrants trying to reach europe. The journey to europe starts here from the shores of west africa its almost a week long boat ride to morocco and for morocco the african continent to the European Union are separated by just 14 kilometers neurontin Border Guards say that theyve seen migrants using jet skis or kayaks to make it to the Canary Islands over the weekend almost a 1000 migrants have made it to the European Union into spain these are not refugees fleeing war but young men are fleeing economic and political hardship at home many of them algerians are guinea ends where theyre said to be a contested election and whilst the European Union has funded countries such as morocco or libya to stem out the flow of migration morocco received almost a 1000000000. 00 since 2014 well that hasnt stopped these young men from taking this dangerous journey you create. Great distress to the families of people who take their ears journeyers purse. And they can freeze irishman abuse expectation and some also. According to researchers theres a 500 percent increase in migrants coming to the shores of the Canary Islands mostly because of the coronavirus and the Economic Hardship that has come with that construction has stopped investment has faltered the president of senegal has asked for debt relief to tackle the economic crisis ahead and thats why so many young men are willing to take this dangerous journey for the hope of a better life the broader. The number of natural disasters around the world has nearly doubled in the past 20 years thats according to a new United Nations report floods and storms account for around 80 percent of the increase the u. N. Says World Leaders are failing in their duty to stop the planet from becoming what they call an uninhabitable hell the report has been released ahead of the International Day for disaster Risk Reduction on tuesday facebook is updating its hate speech policy to ban any content that denies or distorts the holocaust is the latest move a social media platform has taken against misinformation last week it banned accounts linked to the q and on movement which promotes conspiracy theories against democrats facebook has long been criticized for not cracking down on hate speech and misinformation astronomers have captured their 1st glimpse of a distant star being torn apart by a black hole theyve been observing the event for the past 6 months from the european southern observatory in chile it confirms theories about what happens when a star is destroyed by a black hole its material is ripped into threads in a bright flash before disappearing completely from space and time couldnt even catch up any time on our website address for that is our 0 dot com and thats updated throughout the day. The top stories are now jazeera a divided u. S. Senate has begun confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Amy Kearney Barrett just 3 weeks before the president ial election democrats say the 4 day hearings are being rushed republicans are trying to push through the process before the u. S. Poll parrots confirmation would increase the conservative majority in the Supremes Court potentially for decades to come she says laws should be interpreted as they are written. I chose to accept

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