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Ronny crowds in 2 swing states. One year on from the start of a protest movement demanding change levanon is still deep in political and economic crisis and curfews close restaurants and new limits on gathering your crops down tighten as over 1000 cases keep growing. Thank you very much for joining us a new cease fire between armenia and azerbaijan is now in place the humanitarian chose came into effect 3 hours ago after an attack on the eyes every city of gunja which killed at least 600 civilians this is the 2nd attempt to stop nearly 3 weeks of violence have been fighting over the disputed region of mega. Just a week ago they agreed to a russian mediated ceasefire but it failed to hold aljazeera as Bernard Smith is in armenias capital gareth on. This information about the nature says come from the armenian side it is the armenians that have been pushing for a ceasefire in the last few days is the armenians that have been losing territory to these areas is areas have taken now we understand territory that is essentially in the buffer zone between the go on a car about. This is territory that armenia has controlled since the 994. 00 cease fire armenia considers it a buffer zone a security zone but it is as every territory for the last 26 years at least both sides armenia and azerbaijan have supposed have been negotiating the future of this territory as well as the go in a car bomb and now its the armenians its the armenians who say that this is security in a buffer zone is the azeris say that after 26 years nothing has been done theres been no solution theres been no resolution as to what to do with this territory and so with the support they have been moving militarily and they have succeeded in taking territory and mean eons enthusiasm to push for a ceasefire domestically here in armenia the government under enormous pressure because of the large number of casualties in terms of soldiers because of the loss of territory so it seems that the armenians have now with. Brokered the cease fire even though the previous one wasnt formally. Formally over and now well have to see if this one holds and they can go on to told us. But just over 2 weeks before the u. S. Election President Donald Trump is holding Campaign Rallies in 2 different states just 2 hours upon his 1st stop was at a rally in michigan before heading to wisconsin and the pressure is on with his democratic challenger joe biden leading in Many National polls as spring in august here is john hendren in washington d. C. For us so john 2 battleground states in 2 hours whats donald trump trying to accomplish in these last 17 days of the campaign. Well the president is playing defense those are both battleground states he won by a whisker in 2016 he needs them again in order to win this time around and hes been playing defense all across the map in florida georgia and iowa hes been campaigning those are all states that he should have handily in his column by now but National Polls show him behind across the u. S. The latest poll i saw said 12 Percentage Points behind joe biden and hes also behind in key battleground states those include michigan and wisconsin the 2 states that hes going to now so he has been aggressive there speaking very much like hes on the steroids that he was on just days ago when he tested positive for the coronavirus standing in front of air force one showing people that hes back and while hes doing that joe biden is making it a little easier tweeting out a viral video about trump right and biden maintains that lead nationally over trump in the polls as you said but biden not on the campaign trail today and said hes sending sarika it says is this surprising whats the democrats strategy in these final weeks of the campaign. Well biden seems to be playing this make no mistakes strategy allowing donald trump essentially to campaign against himself whats going on right now is weve got a spike in coronavirus cases across 3 dozen states and that always tends to play well for joe biden because poll after poll shows that people trust biden more when it comes to Health Issues particularly the pandemic trump has a slight edge when it comes to the economy so whenever the conversation moves to the pandemic biden tends to do well today he tweeted out a video that just showed trump in state after state threatening not to come back of those states didnt elect him this time around and biden posted that with just a one word caption saying promise. Thank you for that john hendren live for us there in washington d. C. Now of wreckage number of americans have already voted nationally 26000000 people have cast their ballots by mail or through in person voting thats according to the United States elections project thats a huge jump from the same time 4 years ago when less than one and a half 1000000 people had voted now trump who for months raise concerns about Election Fraud is encouraging his supporters to vote by mail in a new social media ad blitz lets speak to gregory colder about this his professor of Political Science at the university of miami and joins us via skype now from florida thank you so much for being with us on aljazeera so americans are voting early and invective numbers what inspired them do you think whats motivating them to go out and vote i think a lot of voters have been waiting for this election for years or months and so one part of it is just too easy to turn out and vote as quickly as possible as possible and make sure their votes are counted what about the coronavirus pandemic is that a factor in people having wanting to go out and vote early. Absolutely i think that plays into it i think if you vote early you can you have more opportunities to choose when you vote and so you know people can choose when the lines are very short and theyre taking the least amount of risk possible in order to go and vote and for that reason. Risk the coronavirus might be playing into the amount of early voting that goes on right now reports indicate that registered democrats have so far out voted registered republicans casting more than double the number of early ballots but this early advantage of course as i mean they can claim victory does it i mean how much good President Trump casting doubt on the early Voting System as he has wrought this campaign how much could that hurt the democrats come election day or i dont think it hurts them that they have a huge advantage in early voting what what President Trump is trying to do is discredit the practice of mail in voting and hes clearly signaled that after the election hes prepared to File Lawsuits to care to stop the counting mail ballots and in doing so to try to preserve what he expects will be an advantage in the vote count as of election day for himself in key states and the democratic advantage and early voting really through you know put into their strategy because they make sure the democratic votes are counted and reported in the totals on election day so that if donald trump files lawsuits up the vote counting he would be locking in democratic advantages there are already in place yet i dont know the. Yeah and this rick looking at the numbers i mean these are early voting democrats women and black americans are voting in particularly high numbers and some people who voted early have said theyve actually done so because and but theyre so concerned about whether their vote will be counted this specially among the black voters who are concerned about Voter Suppression is that a legitimate consent today. Its a legitimate fear for people who cast mail in ballots so some states have rather complicated standards for whether or not a mail in ballot is considered valid or maybe you need a witness to also sign your ballots maybe you needed a signature on the outside of your ballot so theres a lot of ways that people who are can mess up a mail in ballot and especially if theyre doing it for the 1st time because the pandemic there is a risk that voters will make a mistake when they pass or mail a ballot so one of the advantages for them of filling out the ballot and nailing it in early is that then there will be time to check those ballots and make sure that they have to are done correctly and to fix them if theyre not now as weve heard by demented lead nationally over trump is complacency the only risk now for democrats in your pain. It certainly is a risk yes i mean it. The worst thing that could happen is for the voters to think that they dont need to bother or they dont need to risk their church in covert in order to turn out the vote so far i havent seen that i think that theres a constant stream of new reminders to democrats about why they want to turn out to vote reminders like the increase in covert totals the attempt by republicans to add one more member of the suit is precourt right before they lose control the senate so theres theres a constant stream of news items that reenergize democrats to make sure that they will turn out to vote thank you so much for talking to us about this professor good recall gary suppressor of Political Science at the university of miami thank you for your time my pleasure now womens marches have been taking place across the u. S. Against President Trump theyre against his pick for Supreme Court judge in washington d. C. Made their way to the high court to protest against any Connie Barrett if confirmed she would replace Ruth Bader Ginsberg a liberal leader and feminist icon who died last month nomination is expected to be approved next week. In other world news its been a year since this saga of major antigovernment demonstrations in lebanon on saturday protesters marks the anniversary as to why spread anger at politicians with calls for a complete change after years of corruption and mismanagement but as in a hold every force from beirut is still no sign a free for. The determination to fight for political change is still alive. Its been a year since what some lebanese call a revolution was born. 7 some year and as our says she hasnt left the streets Economic Hardship was what triggered nationwide protests it turned into a revolt against what many call a corrupt willing elite that has been in power for decades were not going to stop before. These people in power just leave and so we will make sure basically. The. So we we do this change and push dung to resign in any way because we will not go back to before a over 70 in the leaderless and Spontaneous Movement was a turning point in lebanons history sects came together in this divided society and for the 1st time people rose up against their leaders in traditional strongholds but the numbers werent enough they were up against the sectarian based power sharing system this bridge one of the capitals main arteries came to symbolize that bottle it is near the square where our tents were burned because we want to literally bunnys together it is a cause that 7. Is a way to connect everyone together the bridge was a frontline between those calling for change and supporters of sectarian parties protecting the status quo the largely Peaceful Movement faced a counter revolution the ruling elite called the protesters foreign agents Security Forces clamp down hard on gatherings they made arrests and there was intimidation i was called patients this is one of the ways people that evolution dont. Think through to find with saying they doing. Meanwhile the economy continues to collapse people are hungry and more sink into poverty politicians who have blamed each other for the crisis are promising much needed reforms but they 1st need to agree on a new cabinet the government resigned after the explosion of beirut ports in august that killed 200 people it was blamed on negligence by officials. There is no there is no responsibility there is no accountability and as you can see continues on for them and theyre back to their old ways none of us exist that is why people have returned to the streets they insist on being heard their peaceful resistance wasnt able to remove those entrenched in power but they are keeping the resistance a life. Still ahead on al jazeera students and teachers are in mourning in france after a teacher is beheaded for showing cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. And from prison to Prime Minister saudi jobber off promises elections in kyrgyzstan within 3 months. We have something of a wintry blast setting in across western parts of canada at the moment and thats diving its way down to norm areas of the u. S. You can see this ought to care which is getting pulled right in across the plains out of the prairie is sinking down into central pos behind our cold front here ahead of that is largely flooded dry High Pressure in charge acts as a lid on the atmosphere so with decent susi some decent spells of sunshine there is that cool weather at minus 3 the top temperature on saturday afternoon for calgary colder still as we go on into sunday minus 7 the high at that stage that will sing its way a little further south was not too far away im from california still very much on the warm side temps just still getting up into the high twentys that in l. A. No sign of any useful rainfall coming in here the race sleet and snow when theres been a fair bit of snow in sioux were basing in sioux alberta i will sink its way down across the mountain states some heavier rain just sliding through kansas missouri easing towards the Central Plains of the u. S. Cross the midwest so much whether there is that dry weather over towards the eastern seaboard well hang on to that until we get into the early part of next weeks and whats the weather making its way towards the appalachians the few showers doubts was the southeast showers there for florida. Hi im Steve Clemons and i have a question because these days its hard to filter out the noise and keep track of whats really important in the bottom line tackles the big issues this issue in the United States its people its economy and the way it deals with the rest of the world the bottom line only on aljazeera. Holding the powerful to account as we examine the u. S. Its role in the war on al jazeera. The in the the in. Watching aljazeera live from doha a recap of our top stories a new humanitarian ceasefire between armenia and azerbaijan is now in effect it follows violence over the disputed region of not gotten a car bomb a previous truce agreed on a on a week ago failed to halt. Present donald trump is campaigning in 2 swing states his 1st stop was in michigan has now headed to wisconsin the pressure is on as his democratic challenger joe biden is leading in Many National polls. And protesters are marching in lebanon to mark a year since the start of mass antigovernment demonstrations calling for a complete overhaul of the political system after years of corruption and mismanagement. At the news now a new coronavirus related restrictions have come into force in parts of france belgium and poland countries across europe have hit new records for the number of daily infections the voc of reports from london. In belgium the Coronavirus Crisis is deepening. And restaurants are closing for a month as infections double every week belgium follows from sin imposing a nightly curfew and doctors have warned of a shortage of intensive care beds within weeks the german chancellor prays for her governments handling of the 1st wave of infections told germans to prepare for hot days ahead as the number of cases there rises steadily its rawest asking i ask you to refrain from any trip that is not absolutely necessary from any celebration that is not absolutely necessary i know that this not only sounds tough but in individual cases it is a severe sacrifice but we only have to do this temporarily and we ultimately do it for ourselves. Infections a soaring across europe with around a 100000 new cases a day and the continent power brokers seem increasingly powerless on saturday the Austrian Foreign minister alexander shall amber confirmed he tested positive for the virus raising fears an e. U. Meeting he had tended on monday may have been a socalled super spreader event the belgian Foreign Ministers also gone into isolation with suspected symptoms. It comes a day after 3 e. U. Leaders including the Prime Minister of finland were forced to drop out of a brussels summit as a precautionary measure most future meetings will now happen remotely more than half of englands now under tougher covert 19 rules in london and other areas a ban on households mixing inside including bars and restaurants came into force on saturday as the capital moves from being at moderate risk to high risk and the governments 3 tier system the county of lancashire in the north west moves to the top tier very high risk meaning no socializing outside a household bubble and the closure of bars or restaurants but the mayor of manchester the u. K. 3rd largest city is resisting the toughest restrictions warning of dismal consequences for the local economy the new restrictions are all part of the governments localised response in dealing with the rising infection rate design so the Prime Minister Boris Johnson to avoid the misery of a full national law but given that 28000000 people half the country are facing these new restrictions for many its already beginning to feel like 1. 0 london. Israeli police have arrested several people who were touched protesters with tear gas demonstrations against Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu have been held every saturday since july despite coronavirus restrictions its now faces corruption charges and widespread criticism over his handling of the pandemic. French prosecutors say the suspects who beheaded a teacher near paris was a teenager of chechen descent the school is believed to have received multiple threats after the teacher showed a controversial image of the prophet mohammed in a lesson about freedom of expression 9 people are in custody in connection with the time sonia gago has 4. Big abbott outside the secondary school in conflict. With 47 year olds some taught parents students and colleagues are in a state of shock. They paid tribute to the teacher who had been stopped and then beheaded in broad daylight and. The priority for us was to look after the children because i think it was very hard for them and it still is the school had received multiple threats after patti showed his students caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad in a civics class on freedom of expression parents say the teacher suggested Muslim Students could leave the classroom if they were offended but a number of was limp parents complained Police Officers shot the suspect as they try to arrest him on friday he later died of his wounds. The neutralized perpetrator had a residence permit issued on march 4th and valid until march 2030 under the name of abdul arc. Which born on march 12th 2002 in Moscow Russia he was of russian nationality he was church and born had the Refugee Status lived in in the department and was unknown to the Intelligence Services a further 9 people are being questioned in Custody Police say one of the suspects had a half sister who was a member of eisel the killing comes at a time over new tensions in france about the 2015 attack at the offices of the Charlie Hebdo magazine after it published controversial cartoons of the prophet mohammad the suspects are on trial less than a month ago 2 people were attacked outside the magazines formal offices and in this paris suburb the effect of that attack has also made its mark on this quiet community. Turkey says its found a more natural gas reserves in a field discovered in. The east of the black sea and is equivalent to almost 10 years worth of turkeys annual gas nees president says a gas will be ready for domestic use in jazz. Over 2 years time techie can mean force nearly all the gas it consumes as exploration elsewhere in disputed waters in the Eastern Mediterranean as angered greece and cyprus out of all the book on order the European Union is doing the most damage to itself by becoming captive to greece and Greek Cypriots the reliability of the European Union has already diminished because of the double standard the block imposes on our country at the cost of defying all the values it has been defending to this day if the e. U. Does not hold an unbiased stance in existing disputes in the Eastern Mediterranean the situation will be the official declaration of the end of the European Union. Yusuf is a security analyst at the Turkish Defense university he says turkeys ambition to become a Regional Energy power or put political and trade relations at risk. This findings in the black sea region is a very important numbers from the search for suspected because turkey is staying on the phone a chill gas every year almost 13000000000 dollar to russia by john and iran it will be a huge leverage for turkey not only afford the price of the nature of gas but will say the same time so he has a go for creating a gas trading hop inside turkey for just isnt turkey not only use only it is nature of gas for the trade top but also the know that there are lots of pipelines bringing nature gas on pitch william from russia from azhar bait john from iraq from iran for decision so he will add also what he is producing all saw to his vision for being a gas trading in this area for balkan sun for europe search is trying to use power in order to clerked for it this International Relations are still part of a quantum leap for just isnt all oil is a part of the power strait agreement turkey will try to use this nature of gas and also keep down its electric Power Generators which produce from the call for the citizen in any case it will be beneficial for the. For this issue argentina now in the 75th paris march as it has been taking place on your event commemorates the 1945 protests by arjen time workers calling for the release of imprisoned politician on domingo pair on who went on to become president of iran died in 1974 because of the current pandemic have a many people attended the celebrations the commemorations in their cars waving facts than china has more from venice cyrus. What its done is starkly showing up the divisions in society what we had today as you mentioned is this what they call the march of loyalty to commemorate the 75 years since the founding of the Peronist Movement you can possibly still hear some of the cars in the background hooting their horns theyve been out on the streets of one osiris mostly staying inside their vehicles Wearing Masks keeping their distance theres also been a huge online campaigns and millions more can join in the celebrations of this 75 years apparently but it is also a massive show of support for the government of a thought for nandos who took office in december he has had in place fairly tight 19 restrictions weve been under lockdown since the middle of march and these people are out there to show their support for those measures and for the measures the president is taking to try to bring a dire Economic Situation under control and what it is is a Counter Measure in many ways to the growing number of protests that we have seen in recent weeks by the opposition these are people who dont agree with the call with 19 measures and theyve been out on the streets not Wearing Masks not keeping their social distance this in many ways is a counter balance to that of the problems that weve seen is that despite this lockdown which has been generally well observed infection rates are over 900000 there have been 25000 deaths so many people here are beginning to question whether in fact the measures that have been put in place are working. From minister just into our day and has won the biggest victory in new Zealand Politics in decades her labor party secured a majority a seasoned pot of menton a vote that was delayed by a month because of the cone of ice a day and government has been praised for its handling of the pandemic with 25 deaths in a population of 5000000. Kyrgyzstans new Prime Minister and acting president has promised there will be elections within the next 3 months so dear jumper off was freed from jail by supporters earlier this month during protests over a disputed parliamentary vote has more from the capital bishkek we spoke to the new Prime Minister in action president of kyrgyzstan for the power for man the 3 weeks ago was serving a living you jail term for kidnapping a crime he says he never committed but he recognizes that he is yet to win the trust of many people in this country because there is a part of the there is a kurd saying that false words travel faster than truth those people who are saying im a bad person that im connected with criminals and negative forces are saying that because they are scared the truth is that im going to fight against these corrupted schemes and i can see in the next 3 months there will be a lot of changes there will be president ial and parliamentary elections i will prove nothing by words but by real interventions that we are going to change and provide open and transparent elections. Fair elections depend not only on the Central Election Committee but on the corrupted interest of president or Prime Ministers of the past. We are looking for new ways to break this institutionalized corrupted system we will fight against those who buy or sell the votes new legislation we are pushing forward might put violators behind bars for 2 years we are looking at amending the laws everything starts from the top so its important that high officials are not corrupt to power says that he will punish anybody that he says hes holding back kyrgyzstan or his poll the democracy countries democratic progress hangs in the balance. But the whole tensions are simmering in guinea a day before a crucial president ial election both president out on day and his longtime rival senator john doe held rallies ahead of sundays vote this is the 3rd matchup between the pair. And says his attempt to a 3rd term is legal by the opposition says it violates the constitution

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