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Demonstrations. And the u. S. Warns of sanctions if a weapon sales go ahead with iran and the United Nations expires. And im peter stammered with your sports matches the city striker Sergio Aguero will face no punishment after touching a lineswoman during a match but well tell you why many fans are still upset by it. So now after months of unrest in a campaign marred by violence voters in getting a costume that ballots to elect the next president Company Leader alpha conde voted in the capital cannot agree on sunday morning hes running against 11 kind of its but his main rival is the former Prime Minister. This is the 3rd match up between the 2 men if you 2 year old conde insists his bid for a 3rd term is legal but the opposition says it violates the constitution. So lets take a look more closely at the 2 main candidates incumbent alpha conde has been in power since 2010 and he leads the rally for the getting in people party conde is backed by his ethnic group and has faced mass protests for the last year people are angry he amended the constitution allowing him to run for the 3rd term in office the main opposition kind that it is low to say he leads a party called the union of Democratic Forces of guinea and his support base is drawn from the Largest Ethnic Group before lani art for more lets cross to nicholas haikus following the election from dr in neighboring senegal and nick so this is an interesting race is not a very Divisive Campaign be months of unrest border shut downs restricted Internet Access is not a great backdrop for these elections to be held how is it panning out. Well you have thats thats the whole paradox of this despite the violence despite the divisive politics of people came out in numbers to come out and vote hours before the polls open at 8 oclock people queuing up at 6 oclock in the morning to get a chance to have a say in this very important elections for getting we spoke to some of the voters that came out to vote say that they want reconciliation others talk about peace but many young people the majority of the voters in this election are 1st time voters talk about jobs unemployment thats a really important issue for for many young canadians who live in a country thats so wealthy rich in minerals and yet People Living in dire poverty we. Go out to vote earlier on he congratulate population for such a peaceful election so far as well as Opposition Leader. Jello saying that hes hoping that his victory will be accepted after the polls close its just an hours time snake a great deal of stake here of course. Huge economic potential. Thats right i mean this country guinea. Is the largest reserve National Reserve bank site millions billions of tons of iron ore diamonds gold untapped reserves of uranium we have multiple Multinational Companies that are working in guinea rio Tinto Roussel the Russian Mining Company all of them just this month announced record profits during the coronavirus a lot of investors investing towards mining in gold result announcing 9000000000. 00 in profit 8000000000. 00 for rio tinto and yet in guinea where all. All of that Mining Resources are well theres very little to show for we spoke to them by saying the whos a mining rights campaigner take a listen to what he had to say. You know africa includes very rich countries and guinea is one of the top 10 of those richest countries and what we in the decision this is that the kind of core. Products of abandoned us resource rich country but at the same time one of the poorest countries in africa and one of the poorest in the world because of but management of these resources and bad governance i think the alternative is those who are firstly responsible for this because the management lies in the responsibility of the government itself it includes designing laws and policies that guide the governance and the management of those Natural Resources aswell and so how they share those benefits to communities as well so in the context of elections and this has come as a key campaign to. Corruption is a key issue for many gideons they want to see an end to this corruption and see a greater share of the wealth 20 percent of canadians live in extreme poverty half of the population live under the poverty line naked among those migrants that try to seek refuge in europe well miners get in miners make of the majority of those trying to take to seek asylum in spain and in france despite the fact that their country is so wealthy or there is a lack of opportunity for these young people who are seeking a better life and thats what it really is at stake while there has been a lot of conversation about the ethnic divisions and various candidates talking identity politics in devising the population gideons want to simple things such as electricity at home Running Water hospitals that function and their job but thats what they want in this rich country they feel that their leadership is robbing them of opportunities in which they should have a stake and they say thats why were seeing so many people taking part in this election and whats incredible during the campaign is we havent seen enough conversations from the candidates talking about their Electoral Program what are they actually going to be doing whence they come to power now the slogan for. The main Opposition Leader is to serve and to unite a population thats been fragmented in divided along ethnic lines and often come day has put his Campaign Slogan is just take it is about trying to restart the economy of course under alpha can this rule he has had to deal with the ball the crisis in the in the Coronavirus Crisis and hes blamed the economic shortfalls d to these health and sanitation crisis but what good is want to see is jobs and a better economy and better opportunities at home so that they dont have to leave their country nic. Thanks will. Now the latest attempt to pause the fighting between armenia and azerbaijan appears to be faltering just hours after it began both sides are accusing each other of violating our 2nd russian mediated cease fire in the space of a week it was established a day after these areas said 13 people were killed in a missile attack in the city of ganja more than 700. 00 people are estimated to have died so far in the disputed region of nagornokarabakh the remote mountainous area is officially part of azerbaijan but it has been controlled by Ethnic Armenians since the end of a 6 year war back in 1904 lets hear now from 2 in gunja in azerbaijan with a reaction from that. Isnt that was fair bit of popular anger here all fingers pointing out. Theres also very little faith in this renewed ceasefire that was announced on sunday people here obviously saying that they could not trust the armenian side to hold their part of the deal even though i feel theres a bit of confusion over what exactly that humanitarian ceasefire is about people here think that its about an end therefore still a tease when in fact its really about bringing some calm in. A calm period enough to swap bodies and did. Now the moment we dont know where that is heading we just heard from their budget and he said that they are ready to return some bodies to armenia through this prearranged kori door. As a budget and said that it has informed the International Red cross about it but this statement did not say anything about do soldiers definitely. On the battlefield specially in the areas in these occupied regions around no go no care about the Azerbaijani Army is pushing forward it has Popular Support there is a feel that as they are by gen ad the moment because of the do every tory again has the upper hand and you have a lot of people here who do support that many would tell you actually that maybe a ceasefire is not what should happen now and that the army should keep on pressing lets hear from the armenian side no of course want to burn the smith is in the capital nerve has more. Armenians say theyve been pushing for several days now to get this humanitarian ceasefire agreed on and its taken 2 weeks to get this far it was russia that got the 2 sides to agree to a humanitarian cease fire to the handover the bodies of killed soldiers and their Exchange Prisoners of war and Wounded Soldiers it was never quiet enough along the line of contact never peaceful enough for them to be able to pull both sides to be able to agree to do this there was an attempt last week on one local attempt to do it on one part of the line of contact but even that failed after a few hours because firing started again so this decision by the air is to hand over the dead bodies of the armenians had already earlier on agreed to some sort of handover of bodies and prisoners of war is a step forward armenia needs the cease fire to carry on its suffered now 675 armenian Ethnic Armenian fighters have been killed in the fighting and armenia has lost control of the territory it has held since the end of the war in 1994 this territory between nagornokarabakh karabakh in azerbaijan is considered the security or buffer zone but the armenians say thats what it is to protect nagornokarabakh for the last 26 plus years theyre supposed to be discussing the status of this territory plus nagornokarabakh with. Nothings happened in that time has wires about john says it is now moving militarily with the support of turkey to take some of its territory. While thousands of protesters have gathered in the tiny capital bangkok for a 5th have been rally in defiance of a government ban dozens have been arrested calling for the Prime Minister to stand down the monarchy to be reformed and a new Constitution Police warn they will respond to any acts of violence turning changes more from bangkok on the protesters and their demands. Once again for the 5th day in a row protests. Says have come out on to the streets of bangkok to show their displeasure the government and again the oath orators have tried to stop them and failed earlier in the day the police had warned that anyone attending would be charged and arrested they even said that those people who turned up and posted selfies on social media would be liable for 2 years in jail or 2000. 00 fines but clearly that hasnt deterred anyone people are still here and theyre still determined that their demands be met quite a lot here in holland. I think we need to change we need to demand an end to the unfairness that has happened the 1st thing that i want to see is that they stop ignoring our voices we should be able to gather and protest peacefully and i want to see more freedom not arrests at this stage we dont know how long these protests are going to continue to a certain extent some of the phase has gone out of this because the protest leaders have been detained that said these protests have now spread theyre taking place in different sites across bangkok and tonight even in different places across the country the protesters are shown that after the crackdown on friday night theyre still prepared to come out theyre still to come are prepared to come out in numbers and theyre not scared and now the ball is very much in the governments court. But the most ahead on the news hour including the runoff polls have no clothes for Turkish Cypriots in the divided islands north have more on the front channel peace deal but some state. A rerun after last years chaotic elections why bolivians a desperate for a free and fair vote this time around. And the Tampa Bay Rays are on their way to the world series for the 1st time since 2008 thats coming off the pizza in sport and often. Now a u. N. Arms embargo in iran has expired after 13 years it was lifted its part of the 2015 nuclear deal with well out of the u. S. Withdrew from the pact in 2018 and its voiced strong opposition to any easing of sanctions the Iranian Foreign minister jobs are if welcome the development calling it a win for Regional Peace and security. Well the u. S. Has been trying to reimpose the ban on iran since august but failed to convince other countries including members of the Un Security Council diplomatic editor james bass is more from the u. N. The arms embargo against iran was 1st put in place in 2007 the decision to lift it this year came back in 2015 as part of the Iran Nuclear Deal in return for rum giving up its Nuclear Weapons capability one of the things iran got was a lifting of the arms embargo the ability to sell and buy weapons now the u. S. Didnt like that idea at all the trumpet administration which pulled out of the iran deal and thats why the trumpet ministration trying to trigger something called snap back in fact they claim that they did trigger it in september that was a clause in the Iran Nuclear Deal that said that any one of the participants could force all International Sanctions to snap back in place the problem for the trumpet ministration is the rest of the International Community and the vast majority of the Security Council say snap back has not taken place i can tell you diplomats here tell me that the lifting of the arms embargo they think will not have a great deal of effect they dont think iran has much money its economy is bad to buy many weapons anyway they say the much more important date coming up is the 3rd of november u. S. Election day joe biden if hes president says hell come back into some sort of Iran Nuclear Deal President Trump though has made it clear he doesnt want to deal and the future if theres a President Trump for a 2nd term is much more uncertain. Well lets hear from tehran. Has more. The iranians have said that even though theyve reduced their commitments gradually over the past year since the u. S. Left the agreement they are still very much committed to it and the europeans have said they are in the same position given the restrictions imposed on them by the United States the u. S. Has imposed a series of sanctions on irans oil and Banking Sector making it very difficult for the european signatories of this deal to do business with iran as they would have under this agreement this is one of the main obstacles that is in place at the moment but they remain ians and the europeans have said this spite all these obstacles they are still committed to this deal and even though it looks like this agreement was very much dead over the past few months this embargo being lifted is going to be seen as a move that this there is still some like in this agreement and there is hope that this will last well its pretty busy area to breezy whos a Research Fellow united a Royal United Services institute that is a think tank based in the u. K. Joins us now from london great to have you here on the program 1st what does the lifting of the embargo actually me and what will it enable iran to do in your view. Well i think what i was saying before about a lifting of the embargo not really making a big deal of a difference for the time being it is very much what i think as well and there are a number of reasons for it is 1st very still you arms embargo on the wrong which it still is in plays and will last until 2020 train it was imposing 2007 similarly to it in one imposed by the way you are now but its not expired today so this is one of the reason why for instance they were not as i demand as going ahead and we having another constrain and that you havent seen are today one that the us was going on about the other reason is obviously a financial situation on the iran but also generally speaking the doctrine that iran uses when it comes to its military equipment mainly right i know not on conventional weaponry because of the story the prostate war and how much you got destroyed in the iran iraq war the only exception we him being there ballistic me silas i think what we have seen is that even under de arms embargo iran has been able to still develop for it a large extent and its own committee when it comes to look at least as or drones so i dont think that will really change massively when it comes to it they your inability to access the weaponry and to the media by other countries normally russia and china policy did a picture that is still going to will be a very complicated for geopolitical reasons economic reasons you name it i dont think its not going to be as simple as that ok so you notice its a warning of sanctions if weapons sales go ahead with iran as this. Expires do you think the threat will be realised. Well i think that threat to all of you ron being able to access weaponry is something that the european and other countries are also concerned about i think in the media so i dont see that happening very quickly i think for time being there is going to be a wait and see approach definitely up until the u. S. Election so there is a thats it is something in a rainy on a mindset about waiting to see whats going to happen in the u. S. And whether there really is room for maneuver in terms of negotiation and opening the door on that front just so it would not make sense a tool kind of provoke going into the direction of foxs seen work rate which is no money takes a long time anyways and so even in that case also previous for you they say for russia it took nearly a decade for iran for instance what is add on s. 300. 00. System or defense in any sound system so i dont think its something that we should consider is massively changing this you know it for the time being. Able to produce a great to get your perspective this do appreciate that thanks very much and thank you for that passion now thousands of protesters have gathered in paris over the killing of a teacher on friday lets look at the scene in the middle of the capital there are similar rallies taking place across the country in a show of solidarity at the school where the teacher is believed to have received multiple threats after he showed a controversial image of the Prophet Muhammad in a lesson about freedom of expression expression the suspect was shot dead but 9 people on in custody lets speak to you have to do at the whos head of the justice and liberties for all committee and joins us now from paris yes so welcome to the program you well understand the challenges in front you grew up there you grew up in the band youre in the suburbs. These these protests really demonstrate the fault lines that exist in French Society dont. Were not to any of this the forest to put segin under of the broad daylight to defend the rest of our Intelligence Services the person who committed this horrendous unspeakable unfathomable crime was a heartbeat reported more to more times on social media because he was already displaying such that he was about to commit something and many of the people who reported him were muslims and to quote someone in the french media or any muslims can report someone who pretends to be one of there is so on on the one upmanship and they hype it being pumped up by the french government tries to skew your way public scrutiny from how the french intelligence how the French Police fade into up making this into making sure that this does not happen no of course the whole culture is shocked i have a kid myself was going to history teacher and i myself was out more saved during my High School Years but a history teacher so all of us feel like if you get kid because you dont something where this country going into now and these demonstrations and no of course the arts spontaneous but the government is also trying to use them for of their political agenda this is happening be only a few weeks after emanuel macaws discourse on these socalled islamist as separatism right now is a he said it good that theres a religion in crisis its your sense that that has made matters worse. Well 1st what money what about courses islam is in crisis maybe in secret because being bombed all over the globe and its people are exploited by western powers no of course not any religion in this modern iran is undergoing tremendous pressure because you have the teachings and you how would people experience in their daily lives but for him anyway mccall to come as a head of a secular republic and dead muslims or your religion is in crisis how come we did not go to the catholics and tell them youre catholic that in christ because of paedophilia and the grip of the Catholic Church unbeliever is it is not on the french president to ted believe there is a word there when is a boat and not about now of course i go back to the topic right now and this is a again a blow to French Society and we do not know how extremists on both sides of the aisle were going to take advantage of it defy right now there are the conservatives are already calling for him and shut down any mosque that does not condemn this attack as if muslims were somehow responsible and embodied mccall is going to use that to result vantage of without mentioning hes hes governments figure in not again making this prevent a border where are all of these laws against terrorism they must surveillance we have been living under how use for are they we look at all of our coke communications are under tremendous scrutiny by the french state and yet if this happened again after market for days again ductwork teachers name has been dragged into the mud for multiport days on social media so what is this government doing with all the repressive tour they have been calling for in which they have obtained ok beyond the issue the important issue of intelligence and as you have not as you can understand the anger revulsion of the killing of this teacher where does one look for the reconciliation required to ease these tensions in front. Well 1st of these tensions you have to go back a few years back when dosh published their peace garden he destruction of the gray zone of this set of black and white explicitly in that piece of 24 of. These attacks are meant to shed blood in the west and make it impossible for listings and not muslims to leave the peacefully in the west or no unfortunately left wing or right wing is center like a man who had not called government such haue done exactly what the what these terrorists are looking for to use a list of the scapegoated and turn them out as the enemy within again recall silly issue to come from french people themselves if they truly want to live in peace as i do it and my neighbors do. My kids friends do is going to be a thoughtless intrust of politicians with our peace or were not going to get anywhere with these you know demonstrations or should be actually a court of her friends to unite its a and not a brain to the division of her society as we saw it or in many would be a cult but unfortunately other socalled left leaning governments like that of course what were not are yes a new idea head of the justice and liberties for all committee joins us from paris appreciate that thanks well thank you. So ahead here in aljazeera find out what the taliban says about the recent rise in attacks in afghanistan and the peace talks in qatar. Celebrations inside my haitis independence has been marked by violent protests. And rugby has a full house in or clint off to cambridge 90 description so lifted it will have that story in sport. Hello a little tropical depression might just bring a bit of rain to our man even sudden pakistan otherwise things are fairly quiet so at this part of the world the temperatures are little harder you might expect still in the levant take jerusalem for example its 30 degrees the average is 20. 00 to 31. 00 also to the next couple days and i slowly telling off after that start just israel the whole of the levant and even for example kuwait is still quite muscat down to about normal doesnt get the showers that might affect elsewhere in asked a dire ha 33 study dreesen a light breeze not particularly humid now the rain proper is gone as im sure youre well aware but its still reaching as far as south sudan juba as you know the prices seem excessive rains this season and the still flooding on the ground whether more showers to come from ethiopia than 3 south sudan the heavy rain should be further south you uganda for example and the rift valley where it should be at this time of the year but there are still showers showing up as you see in south sudan forecaster kigali shows what it should be like moderate thunderstorms every day run about lunchtime study temperature regime in the middle twentys dropping down to just below 20 at night. In an exclusive documentary series aljazeera reveals the full story of the all that changed the face of the middle east this is not of war to defeat israel this is a war to open the way for the promise of the final episode of a 3 part series explores the impending threat to global superpowers and uncovers why the hour this way the conflict continues to this day the war in october the battle and beyond on aljazeera. When the news breaks and the racism protests continue in a number of cities across the United States when people need to be heard in this town its a real boy and nearly 500 homes were destroyed and about 80 percent of this land does aljazeera has teams on the ground people are just talking about wind and solar as if thats going to solve the problem if want to bring you more room move to new documentaries and life moves on and online. But again you watch out 0 i remind of our top stories this hour and gideon so voting in a tense election that follows months of unrest and Company President off on his bidding for a controversial 3rd term which is main rival is the island says it is unconstitutional. Armenia and azerbaijan are accusing each other of violates your 2nd ceasefire more than 700 people on both sides have been killed during the 3 groups fighting. The thousands of protesters have gathered in the thai capital bangkok for a 5th day theyre rallying in defiance of government ban calling for the Prime Minister to stand down the form of the monarchy and a new constitution. Right now polls have closed for the president ial run off in the self declared republic of Northern Cyprus the Prime Minister who is backed by turkey now says ballots in nicosia on sunday morning hes running against the incumbent president. Who favors reunification with the south cyprus has been divided since the early 1970 s. And the vote could decide if Northern Cyprus gained control of its own affairs orleans or towards turkish so lets take this on lets bring to ahmed so the news the chairman of the department of science and International Relations at the Eastern Mediterranean University Joins us now from. Welcome to the program tell us more about whats at stake here by voting for either man what future have people voted for. Well as you know the president ial election in the Northern Cyprus is important in the sense that. We had elected not the executive but we are electing the chief negotiator for the Turkish Cypriots in the cyprus peace talks since we have a parliamentary system the president is not the head of the executive but historically he is going to be the chief negotiator for the upcoming peace talks what is at stake in this very election is that now that our 2 candidates in the 2nd round where one is supporting. A solution based on years along you when set point out if there is a which is there by its own i would buy equipment all for the nation to be estopped nish with the Greek Cypriots after the. Successful conclusion of negotiations on the other hand we have another candidate who is saying that the federal based solution is that and dirty and that we should look for alternative solution methods in cyprus and he is mostly supporting a 2 state solution in cyprus not ok the unification so drastically different visions of the future so what can we glean from the results of the 1st round and how close do you think this is likely to be. Well the 2 candidates in fact very close results in the 1st round one about 32 percent the other 129 something percent and im expecting the 2nd round to be a get a very close. Results there wont be a huge margin between the 2 candidates so it seems like that there will be a kind of us split a kind of pull out ization in this society between those who support a u. N. Support to fund it all solution and those who are saying that we shouldnt lose time on for that all solution we should look for alternative solutions but at the endo today as you know the u. N. Secretary general called for a 5 part. Informal meeting that would include the 2 c. P. Out sites as well as the 3 got on to our powers that is turkey greets and United Kingdom after this election and. Whoever is elected in north cyprus needs to work with turkey he needs to acquire going to it with turkey and in that sense whoever is elected i dont think that will be a a dramatic change when it comes to coordinating with turkey whichever way this goes this is a seminal important moment but will it put an end to the the difficult on unsettling times of the past. I dont think so i think that the splits or the polarization is real and it is with us simply during the election campaigns tensions rise very high but at the end of the day after the election we need a a pity you know in order modernization where we take stock of things on the ground. And reestablish a sense of democracy and participation and inclusiveness at the end of the day as i said when we go to the negotiations its not going to be just speaking to one point but it will be basically a dialogue and some sort of mutual concessions all on both sides and if you if we want to seoul with cyprus problem which i thing is is very important because i believe that seoul being the cyprus problem can also play a tribute to role a key role in resolving the remaining conflicts in the east that in mediterranean which we have seen tensions rising in the recent history important times appreciate your analysis thanks very much indeed pleasure to be here. Yes President Donald Trump has tried to reenergize his campaign with rallies and to swing states hes trailing in Many National polls with more than 2 weeks to go until the election he made brief stops of michigan and in wisconsin while his democratic challenger joe biden took the day off 100 has this. Donald trump play defense returning to 2 battleground states he won by a whisker in 2016 truck took his campaign to wisconsin and to michigan where he criticized the states democratic governor 13 militia members were arrested just over a week ago in an alleged plot to kidnap or youve got to get your governor to open up your state it will and get your schools off the bat your school is all it was supposed to have to be all right it was that prompted and now familiar chant it was it was as the president laid into michigans governor he was skirting the strict limits on crowd size as the she had set by calling his rally a peaceful protest with few masks and little social distancing among his supporters drops democratic rival joe biden pursued a cautious make no mistakes approach taking a break from the campaign trail on saturday instead he tweeted viral videos like this one i lose minnesota im never coming back teasing trump for threatening in state after state never to return if he loses the election would make to leave the country in posting the video biden writes promise biden is running mate come harris spent the weekend quarantining after members of her staff tested positive for corona virus her office says she tested negative more than 26000000 americans have already cast their ballots still in washington thousands gathered on saturday for the womens march urging women to vote on the issues that have. Actually it is not hyperbole to say that everything is on the line this november. We cannot afford 4 more years of this administration attacking our access to Reproductive Health care and rights with just over 2 weeks to go in the campaign trail fans at the rally in michigan taunted his critics chanting 12 more years an amount that would violate the u. S. Constitution john hendren aljazeera washington. Voting is underway in bolivias president ial election a vote last year plunged the country into political turmoil the president has won that election resigned and went into exile shortly after i think a sions of electoral fraud regional leaders across latin america have been calling on the government to ensure a free and fair poll. Thousands in chile are marking one years since the beginning of a protest movement calling for social change as a record live pictures from santiago the demonstrators demanding a new constitution and a more equal society not in america and its only see in human reports now from santiago on the continuing push for progress. A small 30 pisot increase in the metro fare was the detonator of a social explosion last year that has rocked latin americas most stable democracy ever since. 24 year old similar medius was one of the students that rushed this entangle metro station last october 18th in the law and uncle as the saying goes it wasnt the 30 pesos with the 30 years of unfulfilled promises clearly there was a before and after october 18th chile has never been the same the rules of the game have been totally modified in what way innocently in the sense as citizens have empowered and took over public spaces to demand their rights that had never happened thats why its been a citizens revolution. The initial revolt was followed by riots and looting small but violent radical groups destroyed millions of dollars worth of property the mainly Peaceful Demonstrations lasted until march when the pandemic began despite widespread human rights abuses on the part of security forces. But most of all the social explosion as its called here unmasked a deep rooted discontent and anger over social inequality privilege and exclusion and it was supposed to be a latin american oasis this girl is one of many that illustrates what was a major disruption in tilly and society that is still unfolding and it has the potential to significantly alter this countrys social economic and that. As a result of the uprising the political establishment agreed to a key demand a new constitution that will presumably guarantee basic social rights like Education Health and decent pensions my feeling is that the process. Server sorts of political elites trying to empathize and connect with them. What we still dont know if if that connection. Will be able to channel back into the situation we are. Next sunday chile will hold a referendum that is widely expected to approve the rewriting of the constitution. With the countrys Democratic Institutions so discredited for so many people theres no guarantee that the genie can be put back in the bottle. You see human aljazeera santiago. U. S. Forces in afghanistan are denying allegations theyre violating their agreement with the taliban by carrying out airstrikes in Helmand Province a taliban Spokesman Says the u. S. Is engaging in provocative actions and bombing noncombat zones u. S. Is consequently rejecting claims its violating the agreement a Spokesman Says the strikes solely in defense of the Afghan Security forces who are being attacked by the taliban when the latest incident of violence a car bomb has killed at least 12 people in central afghanistan dozens of others were injured in the city of federals co which is the capital of gore province no one has yet to claim responsibility and aides Afghan Security officials were killed in a Taliban Attack in province afghanistans government has described the talibans attacks is despicable and a continuation of the war against afghan people. One such they spoke to mohammed name whos the spokesman for the Talibans Political Office here in qatar and he told us that the taliban has not been attacking us forces with whom. We have not been carrying out any attacks against the Coalition Forces because we have had an agreement with them we dont attack them and they dont attack us for 14 months now they have been withdrawing from the country this is why we dont attack them but in regards to the minister ration kabul we dont have that agreement with them they attack us their attacks are quite numerous they carry attacks against us and against the people they shelled the villages they shelled the positions of the mujahideen and they even built pushed into areas that were conquered by us their stomachs state and they keep crossing their tanks and vehicles in areas that are under our control when it comes to all of this we are in a position of selfdefense this is why i say when they carry such acts there will be a reaction thats the only way it is selfdefense. Switzerland is imposing new coronavirus restrictions to stop a rise in new infections it will be mandate 3 to wear mosques in all public spaces thats from monday a gatherings of 15 or more people will be banned in companies are being encouraged to let employees work from home switch them reported more than 3000 cases in the past day and that takes his tally to run about 74000. As Senior Member of the u. K. Government says still hope for a trade deal with the European Union but michael gove also warned that its up to the e. U. To make a compromise this past week Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that britain was prepared to leave without a deal e. U. Leaders say that they will keep trying. Theres been violence in haiti as people commemorate the death of the revolutionary leader more than 200 years ago and to government protesters blocked roads and set fire to tires in the capital Port Au Prince Police Responded with tear gas so high it has this report. They marked the 240th anniversary of the assassination of haitis spurs to independent rule to celine by protesting once again against a government. Who started off with a carnival like atmosphere. Turned violent. Police used rubber bullets and tear gas against demonstrators calling for president to step down. Protesters blocked roads and set fire to toys in the capital Port Au Prince they started protesting last year against corruption mismanagement of aid money and a rise in inflation majority of haitians live in poverty. The president has been criticized for his handling of the current virus pandemic and denies allegations of corruption i know that you know im in the street to demand justice for the underprivileged masses that is my demand we are from the poorer suburbs we are saying that we can no longer live like this were out on the streets to demand justice. In response to the un rest moyes called for unity as he marks the anniversary. Today or battles for peace we ask for union i tell everyone in the opposition or in the government today the future generation expects something from us they expect a change those changes can come in reform. Has been in political crisis as well he has been in power since 2017 but because nations nativity lections not held not to be last year theres been no parliament. Announced the formation of a new provisional Electoral Council opposition refused to participate and rejected its legitimacy so with no Parliament Sitting why is has been governing by president ial decree since january giving him in homes powers. Were functioning for the respect of the law respects constitution february 7th 2021 and you of the constitutional mandate of memories were removed from power before then today is the day for the National Mobilization we ask the International Community to help us in this battle for the last transition. The International Community has called for an end to the political impulse and for a parliamentary election to be held as soon as possible the governments blames violence and the pandemic for delays to the election that was meant to be held near the un is accused of failing to protect people against Human Rights Violations with gangs controlling around a 3rd of the country in june the president announced a legislative election in december but the opposition has called for a Transitional Government instead here to hold elections before mases term officially ends could leave hate scene without a leader or parliament. Argentina is celebrating the birth of pern isnt it marks the 75th anniversary of protests calling for the release of the imprisoned politician one domingo put on who went on to the presidency from what is or is his daniels one. Truck and bus Drivers Health workers teachers and social activists took to the streets to mark 75 years since the founding of the Peronist Movement they mostly stayed in their vehicles Wearing Masks to respect measures to fight the carpet 19 pandemic it was also a demonstration of support for the governments handling of the crisis which will. I believe that the strength being shown by disco men by the president and his team will be enough to solve the street which has been a complicated. Thousands more people participated in the specially created online site it was the 1st major show support for president fernando since he took office last december and he was a meeting we face with the debt crisis then followed the coronavirus and. Weve got to support the president to defend our rights thats what his government is doing and defending health and education and work. Today is important because be all patternist does because be loyal to paid on and if we turn to people if it is the one who will free us from the oppression of the previous government the president for now on this is also apparently missed governing on the populist those sometimes divisive principle was inspired by the former president s a military officer one better on his flamboyant 2nd wife that is a veto more than 60 years ago. Todays protest was an illustration of that division countering the frequently growing opposition rallies against the governments handling of both the economy and the pandemic not just in street rallies or of fundamental parts of arkansas and political life this one has been adapted to take into account the measures to fight covered 19 but its no less passionate and noisy than in previous years. The president rounded off the day with a speech at the trade Union Headquarters calling on argentines to Work Together to overcome the countrys problems now see what theyve been right there are more of a better in europe we are born from the love of her own innovator we feel the love of the people here there is no hate or business here what we have is the desire to raise argentina once and for a lot of. The pandemic continues to wreak havoc in argentina 25000 people dead more than 900000 infected with businesses closing in on employment and homelessness right. Using the code with 19 viruses also highlighting stop historic divisions. And 01 of cyrus. Still ahead here announced they are trying to grab it becomes the oldest professional footballer in the world peter will have the details coming up in sport. Is the government to take the necessary action to really address some of the structural issues we listen i still think that travel is the safest mode of travel and to spend that we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter to 0. Decades ago called the pearl of the orient the manila metropolitan theatre was once a testament to the citys grandeur but decades later the theater has become a symbol of moneyless decay now the Philippine Government is changing their government buildings the universities and monasteries were just some of the many structures that were destroyed in manila during world war 2. But rebuilding a life and a city from scratch has proven difficult and some experts say manila has never truly recover it. The on. Going to sport is pretty big thank you so much Manchester City striker Sergio Aguero will face no punishment for touching a female assistant referee in saturdays win over awful the argentine confronted shaun massey ellis after she signalled the throwing touching around the neck and shoulder before the official swatted him away under rules introduced in 2016 players can be cautioned all same talk for touching match officials but when i went unpunished the referees governing body in england says it was not deemed aggressive or threatening. Manchester city manager has defended a greater saying come on guys surgery is the nicest person i have ever met in my life look for problems in other situations not in this one but the incident has caused a storm on social media with many criticizing the players actions tatyana hanny is the director of womens football of us were safe a informally at fi firm she says it sends the wrong message to women looking to enter the game. To me its a clearly at least a 100 percent the yellow card a red card you can discuss and thats then going to be a bit i think and difficult because it was a grizzly if i had probably not it was more like a gesture of oh come on little girl you know what are you doing here wires and not giving another decision and i think that is the problem this is a message she puts across that is attitude and i think the discussion right now shows it you know its mostly men telling. Mostly women who feel different about that situation its exactly why women sometimes dont feel comfortable in football maybe thats why we dont have so many women in for all because a year be constantly told what to do and how does words and how disease and we have to adapt to that environment i think we need 2 things we need that definitely more women involved and again if its just one then it becomes such a big issue here you know so we need more it has to be normal that women are involved in the game is it a referee at a center for you or a coach or more women in leadership positions in the sports organizations you know the piece was the way for us to face also this was a fake we dont have enough women its just not normal to see women in moved in the elite level of the game we need to change that and in this case and seemed a really strong message would be nice if it was such a nice guy as a mrs what you are said he just to say this no im sorry that was stupid i didnt mean it and i will try to make it better and i respect women in football as well and i hope there will be more women and again that would be really great message from him. Tennis number 7 alexander very has put the pain of losing the u. S. Open final behind him very of was beaten by a dominant team in the majors but returned to victory on sunday at the cologne indoors tournaments the german ended he 17 month wait for a title with a 6363 win over felix allen yes it. Goes on to moto g. P. With quite a thought out or lost the championship lead after a disappointing 18th place finish at the aragon grand prix in spain it started from pole but was quickly overtaken with alex grabbing the lead and holding off a spirited challenge from rookie alex marquez to win teammate one minute finished food to go top of the Overall Standings its the Tampa Bay Rays are on their way to the world series for the 1st time since 2008 of the beating the Houston Rockets or astros a bigger party in game 7 of their American League championship series the rays were 3 nothing up in the series but after 3 straight losses found a series tied home runs from randy errors a raina and mike zunino saw tampa bay return to form in game 7 though the rays winning 42 to win the American League championship for just the 2nd time they now move on to the world series pretty special feeling on youve had many many better rather than get married in having 3 kids. This is right there right there below that you cant get much better than that this is a special group to be a part of you cover more than anybody you think you recognize it. Its fun to see them win games in just to be a part of it. In the world series the rays will face either a Los Angeles Dodgers or Atlanta Braves the national League Championship series will go to a deciding game after the dodgers won game 6 cory sego and Justin Turner hit home runs for l. A. As they beat atlanta 31 on saturday the braves were 31 up in the series but it all comes down to a deciding game now atlanta last won the world series in 9095 where the dodgers have not won the overall title since 1988. Thats all its about is helping your team when doing what you can to help your team win and i mean whether its moving around or whether its in a home run whether its making a defensive play whether its been the spark in the dugout you know anything can help this team get going youre more than welcome to do in rugby new zealand have beaten australia 277 in the 2nd bledisloe cup test match in oakland it was a 46000 sellout at eden park in oakland the city had seen a covert 19 resurgence and return to a state of lockdown but those restrictions were lifted in time for the plate a slow capped test match and egyptian grandad has been named the oldest professional footballer in the world at the age of 74 is. Played hes 2nd a full match on saturday for egyptian Food Division team 6 october. Missed a penalty kick any team lost 32 but it didnt spoil his day some of the 6 grandchildren cheered him on from the touchline before he was handed hes certificate by the Guinness World record. The messages do not limit your ambitions if this is something you couldnt achieve as a young man and you youth with a strong will you can achieve it any times regardless of age and the time thats passed. Ages but a member. Told pays a personal thank you very much and that is its it for this news ill be back in just a couple of minutes with another full half hour of these parts for naught. A face can tell a story without uttering a single word. And knowing god can guide us. A simple tough. Inform us. Young can bend to manatee of life witnessed through the lens of the human eye. Is what inspires us. Witness documentaries on aljazeera. What was described as the worlds longest long downpour the largest exodus and the creation of an independent india and monk 47. 00. Experts believe india is still at an early stage of infection but the long down has already created a humanitarian crisis and driven the Unemployment Rate up for 6 to 23 percent and its also highlighted an equality religious tensions and a Health Care System that isnt equipped to deal with a pandemic the following weeks when told of the recent Mass Movement of people will accelerate the spread to the corner wires from india cities to its rule hot. Rewind return. Would update us on the best of our geezers documentaries. There. Renditions inside libyas prison when the rebels came to tripoli their eyes had all sorts of buildings associated with about it was and the office of spy chief of i found a stash of documents which revealed the collaboration between british and libyan Intelligence Services on al jazeera. Gideon president alpha conde bids for a controversial 3rd time amid simmering tensions. A lot mcleod this is out there in life and also coming up a cry for peace in the middle of the room says another cease fire falters fears of an escalation in fighting between us by john and on media. Not backing down Protesters Defy Police threats to shut down days of antigovernment demonstrations

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