The nations in latin america are also seeing is such including brazil mexico. U. S. President donald trump has cost in a ballot name his private resorts in florida he once again called into question the legitimacy of mail in ballots without providing any evidence it was a very secure vote much more secure than when you send in a ballot i could tell you that everything was perfect very strict right by the rules when you send in your ballots could never be like that you could never be secure like that they did a fantastic you have a great people its so but its an honor to be voting its an honor to be in this great area which i knew so well. Joe biden is in the swing states of pennsylvania where he told voters the election could come down to them guards are hurt unemployment is way out folks are worried about making their next run or mortgage very. Whether their health care will be ripped away in the middle of a pandemic worried about sending their kids to school worried about not sending their kids to school they see folks at the top doing much better on their roster wondered who were going to have for me as Donald Trumps presidency. They say 1000 people have been killed in an explosion in afghans capital kabul the bomb detonated outside a young Adult Education center in a neighborhood in the west of the city. Some songs groups chairman lekan he has died at the age of 70 eights hed been in hospital since 2014 off to suffering a major heart attack he was one of south koreas most influential business because those are your headlines listening posts next. On counting the cost for the Biden Victory means for china as the democrats line up a multibillion dollar plan to confront beijing and president shes project to rival Silicon Valley plus how african businesses are coping with the and that makes counting the cost on the dizzy era. The big limiting. Range i think the. Only. Thing youre. Going to. Jump across. Hello im Richard Burton youre watching the listening post working from home here are some of the media stories were covering this week. A brutal murder on the streets of france and Charlie Hebdo is back in the news as freedom of expression gets put to the test once again the Nigerian Army says it did not shoot at protesters theres a problem with that story though the evidence is all over the internet malta and the journalistic legacy of the late daphne catto want to believe that her story is far from complete plus a sweaty topless man posing for the most powerful man in the land the. Egyptian police put on a show for the president close protesters tens of thousands of them are back on the streets of france defending freedom of expression its been almost 6 years since gunmen attacked journalists at the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo killing 8 of them its taken that long for the case to go to trial and that has coincided with the shocking killing of a schoolteacher beheaded last week after showing caricature of the Prophet Muhammad to his students when these kinds of stories make news in france one term keeps coming up. In a strict form of secularism thats in trying in french law ensuring the separation of church and state that law was drawn up back in 1905 with the Catholic Church in mind over the decades though lacy tape has been transformed into a tool thats been used to justify bigotry and paint people of all faiths but especially muslims as threats to the republic and the coverage of this topic in the french news media has left plenty to be desired our starting point this week is paris. Which is the blue book because it will it. Will be released reaching its discounted tickets. As gruesome as the details of the murder were the decapitation of a french teacher on a street just by this high school the context isnt into. Aspect of this story the killing took place a month into the Charlie Hebdo trial 14 suspects in the dog. Alleged accomplices in the murders of 8 journalists at the magazine in 2050. An atrocity that brought millions of protesters onto the streets. The teacher samuel l. Patti was beheaded by an 18 year old chechen refugee for showing his students pop tunes from Charlie Hebdo including caricature is of the Prophet Muhammad in a lesson about free speech. Suddenly on the streets of paris its 2015 all over again. Its a horrible. Horrible crime there is no word i can use to explain how. It is but it falls into account flag which is being an absolute necessity to protect free speech which is a constitutional principle as well as the respect of french citizens of different backgrounds and thats something that has been and result from the cave and unfortunately we are seeing the results of it no one will condone such such crimes you cant find anyone. One has changes that has been of course the laws of debate around those count to this is it acceptable to mock religions and beyond the prophet and religion what it means is it fair now to to ostracize and mark sometimes very cruel and crude times the worshipers them selves lucky young you know much its a mistake to say france is islamophobia the muslim culture is respected especially because of our colonial past however what could be mistaken for islamophobia is the fact that we can critique religions we. The same way that we do catholicism of course isnt is that we can discuss every religion and ideology rationally pretty often in. This debate over religion and its place in French Society goes back to the early 19 months when the role of the Catholic Church was the issue to short the post revolutionary republic mindful of the influence the church wielded over its young democracy took legal steps to keep it in 1005 past the e. C. 10 which imposed religious neutrality on all state institutions and the Civil Service decades past demographic shift france now has the largest Muslim Population in europe a legacy of its colonial past and after. The lights attained on the secular approach francis taking has led to the passage of other laws including one passed in 2000 food that banned students from wearing any religious symbols in school written in the post 911 era that law was widely perceived to be aimed at Muslim Students and the headscarf the head japs they will and i did it back to the express through it when they wanted to take. It out of it. These days when the french media cover news stories where secularism and free speech intersect and i see today is a constant contextual fact. Lacey used a long time since he learned almost on the french where he or she. Is not seen lawless and published in between the state and we just have a new nation its a whole culture. Ranch people accept and if you remain in the home. Which isnt very street its implementation of the old it doesnt exist in your ex. Where it lives. Its become a kind of buzzword people try to use it to. Push forward political agenda so of course it has come forward again following this nation last week for some it is yet another sign with. Some people who. Dont want to integrate. A curse. Is how another way. Seems in my teens the notion has been weaponized to target muslims and to remove them from the public visibility and studied with the famous headscarf affairs which led to the adoption of the law of 24 and the prohibit in a religious sense in Public Schools targeting the job its not only normalized but its also mainstream especially those 247 a news channel basically we do have now a fringe fox news which display this kind of narrative. That would be seen news a news channel that seems to be tilting further to the right by the day its most outspoken contributor is eriksson more bundling the immigration debate with flagrant islamophobia he recently said this of unaccompanied minors migrating to france. Sure. For you. Frances television watchdog the c. S. A. Launched an investigation which is unlikely to troubles him hes already been convicted of hate speech 3 times and every week night see news provides him with a platform elsewhere in the french media anti muslim sentiment cloaked under a veil of secularism is common its visible in the kind of interviewees and analysts they favor sometimes in the journalists they hire such as. As wayne try a print reporter at le figaro who showed her true colors recently when she saw a young muslim female blogger online the blogger wasnt even talking about politics she was sharing budget friendly recipes with university students. So shes wearing a headscarf and a french journalist rich 911 as sophie ending her job with this horrific terrorist attack. Like. This joins was invited in every single news network to discuss the case. Today so muslim women had to shut down her twitter account because of the threats she received if you want to spin paul into a typical french culture war you just concentrate on what he did and he slammed the false boma. Youve got on the one hand those who are now using nice say against a community in a religion are you slime i really dont give much easy. Whereas all those clearly are do not accept this and dictation of those you to do so when i. Saw me. Again in a minority day to express some song the my criticism of ostracizing you know category of the population is very very hard because you have a lot of people in the social media i would be arousing you. That is the ultimate contradiction in the discourse surrounding the murder of the schoolteacher and the Charlie Hebdo story. Critics of the magazine who argue that free speech has its limits find themselves accused of sympathizing with murderous as charlie have those lawyer put it in court those critics are intellectuals with blood on. In their hands. And the magazine has always described itself as an equal opportunity offender. Best demos and. It would be wrong to say that Charlie Hebdo is against islam i can show you a series of cartoons that demonstrate that catholicism protestantism and judaism are all equally critique its a satirical newspaper i cant say its cartoons always make me laugh but its become a symbol for freedom of speech so i have to defend it somebodys got to express it were issued your Gasoline Model if you could even argue that it would be fine to make fun of your religion and you can say your honesty that they do too but im seriously that neediness theres an. Econo a very central heartbeat in not the discourse of the general not only of the region but also. Also or in terms of freedom of speech and and freedom of expression. It has become virtually impossible to criticize shall you do and thats the problem because i think you for sure you can mock everything why cant we be free in a name of freedom of speech that we dont actually do. As for the Charlie Hebdo legal case the trial continues as does the National Debate over what can or cannot be said what images should or should not be shown and whether a law are written in the year 1905 is still fit for purpose in the france of 2020. Nigerians have been protesting against Police Brutality and this past week demonstrators were shot at live rounds this time by the Nigerian Army i mean actually rob has been following the story for us man up with video of the shootings all over social media how has the military defended its tactics in this case outright denial which it its quite stunning actually given that the Video Evidence online is overwhelming and now. This past tuesday and i didnt soldiers moved into a suburb of lagos where protesters were defying the curfew witnesses the c. C. T. V. Was disabled the street lamps were cut out and the n. T. Was bad catered before the fighting began as a result so many of the videos you see online are pitch black or you can hear is the fighting now the day after this incident the Nigerian Army tweeted screenshots of articles from a number of news outlets including the New York Times and reuters with the words feak news in fact right across them they said that they wouldnt even in the area so didnt help therefore when the state governor of lagos son will only went on social media to see that he had visited those who were injured and that soldiers had indeed been in the area so much of the documentation of this story the reporting of it has been on social media as opposed to the mainstream news media why is that. Well these protests actually got their start online about p. Weeks ago all of you have been circulating on twitter and facebook showing him nigerian man being shot dead by the specially antibody squad size now just like the video of the Police Killing of george floyd in the United States earlier this year this is the video that triggered all those black flies not to protest this nigerian video had a similar galvanizing effect and size has been adopted at the hash tag even though this movement has gone way beyond that now besides unit was disbanded on october 11th and its been replaced by a new squad called swat now the Nigerian Government should have probably worked out that simply changing the acronym from sars to swat was not going to stop the protestors now didnt have been pressing right on there demanding widespread reform across no enforcement and theyve actually even changed their hash tag its now in swat so this looks like a story that will continue for the lyall ok thanks mina last week marked the 3rd anniversary of the death of death from a cut i want to see a multi use journalist described as a one woman wiki leaks for decades her reporting exposed organized crime and corruption on the small island state until october of 2017 when she was killed by a bomb planted in her car late last year we learned that powerful figures may have been involved in the killing those revelations led to the resignation of the Prime Minister among others not much else though has changed 2 men have been convicted for committing the murder whats missing are the convictions of the people who ordered it and the investigation into that has been marred by a lack of transparency and political interference the listening posts flow phillips now on a reporter killed for the work she did and how the late death mikado want to see as journalism continues to make news. October 16th 2017 there are crooks everywhere you look at the situation that. These were the last words ever written by daphne. She was under no illusion she knew journalism had made some serious enemies for decades shed been a thorn in the side of the rich and powerful here in. Calling out corruption and organized crime at the highest level. She paid the ultimate price. That day my mother and i wear sitting sitting on the big dining table. It was just before 3 pm my mother needed to go to the bank. For a meeting about how Bank Accounts are chopped been frozen by the economy minister. It was the last time i saw. The sound of the blast in fact again very soon i remember because i was a sing to music on my laptop and when my mother left the house when i heard the sound of the explosion the same song was that. I knew with was up almost straight away i dont know its just the song its called to be anything goes but definitely i want to believe she was no stranger to play came big stories by 27 team news reporting on financial corruption and amounted to something extraordinary embezzle moment on a massive scale involving some of motives most senior political figures its including then Prime Minister joseph mackoff to understand the story he was some of the names you need to know keiths cambridge miss gotz chief of staff conrad met seat his Energy Minister in your confession as a businessman one of malta is richest men more just Prime Minister chief of staff. And minister more those Energy Minister the true st that they came to power in march those and 13 got their accountants to set up for them 6 companies of bonobo in photos with this these 2 people teach cumbria. Close to deal with it and Energy Company to provide a new gus power station and the energy coming from the get go a little was piecing together a picture where. The owners and the promoters of this project took enormous brooch 5000. 00 of it corrupted the wish to shake to cover got. Revealing whats become known as the electric gas deal wasnt the work of a National Newspaper or a t. V. Station it all came from a single journalist reporting on an island of less than half a 1000000 people carolina gets his blog regularly attracted upwards of 400000 readers a day. And since its inception in 2008 the story she broke really shaped the Political Landscape take pill artists a Secretive Bank she discovered was laundering the money of senior officials for the passport the cash scheme lining the pockets of politicians but when carolina glitziest started to uncover the level of corruption behind the electric gas deal some multis found it hard to believe this was netflix material. And because of because it was like that we didnt even think it was possible for it to be real because it was so surreal bindings we thought this may have been all too big to be through me but thats where some of us were wrong when we didnt read to really believe everything she fair. Market learns to meet postage share a bank at the time multi is most popular t. V. Show on the public broadcaster as he says the Mainstream Media found carolina galit says expose is almost impossible to believe and largely ignored her work. Some outlets were actively hostile since much of the media in malta is dominated by the same Political Parties who want an experienced we all conducted an investigation for 6 months go to the online page machine and i was drunk i did have a party in government we managed to gain access to secret and closed. Groups Online Members of these groups include the president of malta the Prime Minister of malta and most of the members of Parliament People were encouraged to follow her and put photos of her online she was depicted as a witch. Burnt at the stake daphni. Most a victim of a Dehumanization Campaign at last. When i was 9 years old the front door of the house was searched on fire when i was maybe all 7 years old i remember coming home and finding go up a dog on the doorstep with its throat slit. And i just thought that this kind of stuff was normal because my mother was the only journalist i knew obviously i was a kid like 200 meters after years of threats intimidation and attacks on her and her family daphne cow want to see her was killed by a bomb planted in her car. Doing the same drugs she did that day i can just hear sort of like wow it really is so close. This is where her killers tried to bury her. To stop the revelator e stories of corruption she was uncovering and it might have worked if not progress of journalists from around the world have set up something they call the daphne project and theyve made it their mission to finish what she started the biggest scoop of the project was. The company or that was going to be the bottom of. It and that was working for a very simple. But it started the story that would eventually. And then the put it up she revealed the existence of a Company Called 17 black and we now know through investigations of continued after her source a nation that 17 black was owned by european fenech who has now been arrested as the mastermind and in her assassination the 3rd the revelations have also links youre going fenech to. The prime ministry for staff and other members of government. Remember those names youre going fanning arrested conrad mitzi resigned. And then more than 2 years after carolina. The Prime Minister himself was forced out now revelations or will anyone in the maltese media come to planned. The chief of staff the british minister of foreign but she cannot say all right you dont know how much Jennifer Delgado we had. But it wasnt nearly as that way but there were times when she wasnt right. And there were times when her stories would not through and maybe that is what led many people to believe that that the big scandals that he wants to have been not completely on entirely through but im. Starting to come kind of i swear now learning that it was all through me definitely has generated this wave of new. Over new over new interest which we didnt have before in politics and so we have people coming together and saying ok lets stand up to this because this is not who we are and thats nice thats good you say its worth it and its nice and all this is true but she lost her life in the process of course should have never happened. She did lose her life and as a more people who. We realized a little too late but i believe is but only then there. Will be a. But for her supporters its not enough every night since caroline until it seems that campaigners and supporters have come here to lay out the candle lit memorial its come to symbolize the growing confrontation between the government trying to hide its guilt and the society calling for the truth to come to light. There will eventually come a time when there will be an opportunity for accountability and went up by cops. And we will have to rely on the sort of work was done by journalists like mine although. I think all of this work that she did. The has really sort of proved her eye. Finally weve long found that some of the most absurd television output comes from state owned broadcasters take egypt about a week ago the graduating class of the Police Academy put on a show for president sisi they showed off their skills and some of their wares about 1500. 00 male cadets many of them bare chested buff sweating it out for the president all broadcast on state t. V. In a country where this year alone 9 women have been arrested for posting videos on the tech talk social media app the charges against them range from the moral to the religious perhaps those women could have trained to become Police Officers instead of being arrested for alleged indecency they too might have been allowed on state run t. V. Or probably not will leave you with the video in question and well see you next time here at the listening post. In the. Name of the duo the pumpkin and the egg. Thats. What the guni one would think. The agony that he had what he got he had. To miss moment. Then me and he was. Building a wall was the promise made in the bid for the white house 0 tolerance approach the southern border became government policy detaining children and separating families the stark reality. Of picture too much to bear for Many Americans in a country that was built on immigration. Follow the key issues of the us elections on aljazeera. Government attack a Primary School in southwest cameroon 8 students killed and more than a dozen injured. This is al jazeera live from doha also coming up. Columbia crosses 1000000 coronavirus cases as governments in latin america and europe struggle to deal with a surge in infections. Were 10 days to go for the u. S. President ial elections by Joe Biden Campaign to

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