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Donald trumps falsely claimed election victory and is disputing the results. And in other news a minute she escalation in northern ethiopia tensions between the government and local groups threaten to spill across the border. Is 2100. 00 g. M. T. 4 pm u. S. Eastern time and 15 hours after the last polls closed in the president ial election the result is still on a knife edge but it seems it could be tilting the way of former Vice President joe biden and his Democratic Party is due to speak at any minute and these are live pictures from wilmington delaware well take you there a soon as he starts but dont trump is definitely not about to concede hes not showing a string of legal attacks or disputing ballots and challenging results biden has moved closer in the past hour to the magic total of 270. 00 votes for the white house adding the 10 Electoral College seats in the state of wisconsin. But the trunk campaign is already demanding a recount in that state and has fallen lawsuit to try to stop the counting of votes in another key swing state michigan where the results are also unclear in georgia and pennsylvania both could be key steps on the path to the white house but hasnt stopped donald trump from falsely declaring herself the winner despite votes still being counted is threatening to go to the Supreme Court something bidens team said theyre ready to challenge this is a fraud on the American Public this isnt an iris meant to our country. We were getting ready to win this election frankly we did win this whole. The it was true our goal now is to ensure the integrity. For the good of this nation this is a very big moment this is a major fraud or a nation we want the law to be used in a proper manner so well be going to the u. S. Supreme court we want all voting to stop we dont want them to find any ballot said 4 oclock in the morning and then put the list. Thats going on in washington d. C. Alan at the Time Campaign has declared victory in pennsylvania but they still have some way to go before its official. Exactly right 1 and theres going to be a few days before all the ballots are counted but because of that there are no saying that theyre going to go to the Supreme Court and go to court on a number of issues 1st of all they want to hold the voting because it says there hasnt been enough transparency in pennsylvania so they want to challenge that theyre moving to intervene in the Supreme Court case that is extended the deadline for absentee ballots to be counted to 3 days and theyre also moving to make sure that theres no extension for people to provide id for those that did mail in ballots according to the Trump Campaign there 93509 votes ahead they say that there are 605000 ballots standing and they claim that the president needs only 57. 73 of those ballots to declare victory in pennsylvania the Biden Campaign is going to try and oppose that obviously because they still want to win pennsylvania for political reasons but also for visceral reasons because joe biden was born in pennsylvania and feels he wants to win this state but that doesnt national but even if pennsylvania is bookstore it doesnt rule out to joe biden get to 274 votes because he was just declared by a number of media organizations the winner in wisconsin thats being charged in thats being challenged by a recount there but also they think that hes going to win michigan and given that hes won out as soon as they think he will also when nevada when the position there becomes clear that gets him to 270 that is enough for him to when the Electoral College but its clear that when donald trump said for the last 3 or 4 weeks that he would take court action to try and ensure his victory when he said that if we lose well only lose because people are stealing it. Almost when he said that he wanted 9 justices on the Supreme Court which is why just a week ago just over a week ago believe it or not that he got equally ballot installed as the new justice on the Supreme Court to essentially give the conservative majority there a 63. 00 telt when he said all of this that was an indication of what were seeing know that a lot of this battle is going to be fought in the courts in the United States so possibly more to come on the long lines of wisconsin and michigan that you mentioned and what about overall there are people surprised that in some ways relatively how well trump is done given given what the polls were predicting in mentioning. Exactly and if you take wisconsin just as one a weekend poll from the Washington Post and a. B. C. That was regarded as a bit of a known liar that it wasnt fairly accurate it suggested the joe biden was going to win the states by state by 17 points well that was never going to happen but its been research then were talking about 10000 votes there or thereabouts i think the democrats are surprised that their message has had more of an impact because were talking about a president who in the time of covert has overseen the death of 230000 americans whose watched his economy which was doing reasonably well essentially over the last 6 months they have seen a man who they have branded as a racist a sexist is someone who tried to further his own businesses during his time in the white house and of course he was impeached for trying to get foreign actors to get involved in the u. S. Election they believe that that was illegal with all of these things have still seen an increase in his vote that people have come out to vote for donald trump that they thought and looked at the case that has been made by the democrats and thought he will have 4 more years of that so the democrats are really surprised there will be some inquest into exactly how the democrats may have misjudged things quite so badly but at the moment all the democrats attention is really on getting joe biden over the line over 270 Electoral College votes and into the white house come january the 20th next year but theres still a long way to go before that but we knew this 24 hours ago we were saying this isnt going to be decided on the night people need to come down and they need to become this is going to take some time to play out and thats exactly whats happening allan thank you very much for the time being and as we mentioned. We are expecting to hear from shortly and he had patience to see what his message is as they counting continues and that still undecided and action. Well Biden Campaign advisor bob bauer has defended the voting process and says americans should have face that although it will be tallied at some point here rising for the Supreme Court with a novel proposition that ballots that were lawfully cast by eligible voters but not get counted by the time donald trump wanted them counted that somehow they dont count anymore he will be in for one of the most embarrassing defeats a president ever suffered for the highest court in the land. Joins us live from that wilmington delaware before we hear from biden what is the pathway now for him to reach the threshold of 270 Electoral College votes. Well known off to wisconsin being projected by then victory it seems a lot shorter of a pathway to the white house for the democratic candidate because there are several. States where he can pick up were talking about michigan where it looks likely that he would win its considering the votes cost there on whats being nuff to 2 counts georgia is very much in play there was talk of or is own up possibly being a Biden Victory as well so with him only needing just over 2022 votes to get to that 270 does seem that it is very clear you could very well win its without necessarily having to win pennsylvania biden speaking right now lets listen in. That. You have to. Come alive. Here and make a brief statement and im sure will have more to say later. Tonight or tomorrow. Well let me begin by thanking the press for being here and thank you everyone else my fellow americans yesterday once again proved that democracy is the heartbeat of this nation jesse has been has been the heartbeat of this nation for 2 centuries and even in the face of a pandemic more americans voted this election than ever before in American History over 150000000 people cast their vote i think thats just extraordinary and if we had any doubts we should have any longer but a government of by and for the people is very much alive very much alive in america here the people rule power cant be taken or certain it flows from the people and is their will that terminus who will be the president of the United States and there were alone and now after a long night of county its clear that where one knew enough states to reach 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency im not here to clear that weve won but i am here to report on the count is finished we believe we will be the winners of all those counted. We have won wisconsin by 20000 virk votes virtually the same margin of President Trump won that state 4 years ago in michigan we need by over 35000 votes and its growing a substantially bigger margin and President Trump won michigan in 2016 michigan will complete its vote soon maybe as early as the day and i feel very good about pennsylvania. Virtually all the remaining ballots to be counted are cast by mail and weve been winning 78 percent of the votes by mail in pennsylvania we flipped arizona and the 2nd district of nebraska of special significance to me is that weve won with the majority of the American People and every indication is that that majority will grow of the popular vote lead of nearly 3000000 votes and every indication is that will grow as well indeed senator harris and i are on track to win more votes than any ticket in the history of this country that ever won the presidency and vice presidency over 70000000 votes im very proud of our campaign only 3 president ial campaigns in the past have defeated an incumbent president when its finished god willing will be the 4th this is a major achievement this is a major achievement and its been a long and Difficult Campaign but its been a more difficult time for our country a hard time weve had a hard campaigns before weve faced hard times before so once this election is finalized and behind us it will be time for us to do what weve always done as americans to put the harsh rhetoric of the campaign behind us to lower the temperature to see each other again to listen to one another tweet to hear each other again and respecting care for one another to unite to heal to come together as a nation i know this wont be easy im not naive neither of us are. I know how deep and hard the opposing views are in our country on so many things but i also know this is well to make progress we have to stop treating our opponents as enemies we are not enemies what brings us together as americans is so much stronger than anything they can tears apart so let me be clear i we are campaigning as a democrat but i will govern as an american president or the president the presidency itself is not a partisan institution its the one office in this nation that represents everyone and it demands a duty of care for all americans and that is precisely what i will do our i will work as hard for those who didnt vote for me as i will for those who did vote for me now every vote must be counted no ones going to take our democracy away from us not now not ever america has come too far americas far too many battles americas endured too much to ever let that happen we the people will not be silenced we the people will not be bullied we the people will not surrender my friends im confident well emerge victorious but this will not be my victory alone or our victory alone would be a victory for the American People for our democracy for america and there will be no blue states and red states when we win just the United States of america god bless you all and may god protect our troops. Isnt that a joe biden giving the announcement saying that hes not here to declare that we won but that we think when all the votes are being counted we will have won so confident that he has the path to get to those 270 Electoral College votes but not declaring victory at this stage as a weight into counting is done and paying tribute to the one more than 150000000 americans who cast their votes in this election either by mail or early or in person and talking about the need to for the country to unite to heal and come together as a nation after the election thats bring back in a drama so careful joe biden that to sound confident but not prejudge the results here while the counting is still going on. Essentially he just stopped short of declaring himself the victor he said obviously that he will only do that once all the votes are counted however as far as they are concerned he believes they have the numbers in particular pointing to 2 very important things when it comes to numbers one thats the margin of victory in wisconsin that has already been projected is the same as what trump wanted him back in 2016 essentially saying well trump should have nothing to complain about because its the same margin of victory they are and in terms of michigan how its going right now that margin of victory as far as the democrats are concerned is even greater than the one that trump won back in 2016 when were talking about pennsylvania he pointed to the fact that most of the votes that still havent been counted are postal ones and up until now the democrats have been winning roughly 78. 00 almost 80 percent just under 80 percent of postal votes that have been cost there but aside from kind of crunching the numbers so to speak and showing how they work in his favor it was a very. He was very strong when he was talking about american democracy and this has been really the core of his message throughout the past few days prior to the elections and especially now since the messages have been coming out from the white house from donald trump saying that you know votes shouldnt be counted that there needs to be some sort of a suspension of the process of processing all those millions of votes that have been coming through he said this is something that he will not stand for instant fact spoke on behalf of the people he said we the people will not allow anybody to take away americas democracy will not allow anybody to bully us so thats a very strong message from that front as well but there was also lower and we would have heard from there he was just speaking at the building right behind me more conciliatory tone maybe towards not necessarily trying but at least towards Trump Supporters saying. That he was going to be a president for all americans he admitted that currently there is a lot of division and there is it was a very polarized Election Campaign trump has been according to most analysts probably one of the most polarizing president s in modern history so he acknowledges that but saying that he and his Vice President should be a friend kate if indeed they are announced victors as they expect common interest would work hard to ensure that they would represent everybody that there wouldnt be blue states and receipts as were seeing on our screens when were breaking down those Election Results that this were he would be a president for the United States of america now whether those words of calm whether those kind of strong words in terms of protecting the democratic process will resonate with Trump Supporters and with others on the other end of the spectrum obviously well wait and see but the democrats wont just be depending on bidens statements they have been raising millions of dollars in the case that they will need to defend what they believe to be their victory in the courts and thats something that they are also preparing for as well diminish thank you very much indeed and now lets talk about pennsylvania now which is the state which is an important one for both sides of the Trail Campaign is saying its suing to hold the vote counting in pennsylvania we just heard from biden there he was saying he feels very good about pennsylvania lets go live to it to christensen nummi in philadelphia so it seems that all to play for and theyre still theyre still counting on they. Absolutely the counting is going on at the Convention Center behind me another locations throughout the state about 83 percent of the vote has been counted in right now it shows donald trump in the lead by about 5 percent but to put it in perspective that is only about a difference of 350000 votes and there is still a 1000000 or so ballots left to count but present. Chomps campaign is taking legal action now attempting to declare victory already and stop the counting from Going Forward basically the campaign is accusing state officials of scheming to disenfranchise voters theyre saying that they arent getting enough access for their monitors inside as the votes are being counted and so theyre taking the legal action to address that saying that the counting should stop until the observers get quote meaningful access to them. Hes also asking the Supreme Court to overturn a Lower Court Decision a state Supreme Court of pennsylvania decision that would allow ballots that are received after election day but postmarked by election day to be counted. Again the lower court here in pennsylvania did uphold that but he wants the Supreme Court to get involved and overturn that the governor of pennsylvania for his part governor tom wolfe has called this a partisan attack he is a defended the work of his poor workers here he said theyre working to process votes as quickly and accurately as possible so the vote counting is continuing but with this threat of legal action over the heads here and. Declare declaration basically a victory already by president. Christensen to me thank you very much indeed. Wisconsin that was called in bidens favor and cost 2 hours lets go live to natasha her name who is in madison for us thats also a contentious a tell us why. Well for starters this is the story of the comeback Democratic Party in the state of wisconsin it appears that biden has flipped the state by about 20000 votes it was a very tight race and in 2016 when trump won by less than 23000. 00 votes which was the equivalent of less than one percent it was the 1st time that a republican president ial candidate had taken wisconsin 10 Electoral College votes and mordor more than 30 years so this was a this at that time this was a bruising loss for the democrats and since then the democrats have poured a lot of resources and efforts into ensuring that biden flipped wisconsin and what we do know is that both of the candidates were here aggressively campaigning and that it appears again that even right down to the wire there was always a pretty narrow gap this was never expected to be a wide margin for either candidate the wisconsin Democratic Party chairman tweeted this morning even before wisconsin official went into officially went into the biden column that quote trying to leaned into this personally and voters who dont like being suppressed throws up organizers worked magic a Trump Campaign manager is calling for a recount without citing any evidence hes saying that there are reports of voter irregularities in several wisconsin counties he also said that public polling was quote a type of Voter Suppression tactic with regard to that recount in the state of wisconsin candidates can call for a recount if the margin between the 2 top candidates is less than one percent in this case the trunk campaign would have to pay for that recount unless of course the margin ended up being less. A quarter of one percent recount in the state of wisconsin during a president ial election actually arent something new in 2016 the Green Party Candidate paid 2 and a half 1000000. 00 for a recount like many states wisconsin has had some legal challenges that have to be mentioned going into election day the Supreme Court said that wisconsin could not as planned continue to count absentee ballots through november 6th even if they were postmarked by election day and the reason for that is that were in the midst of a pandemic and the u. S. Postal service has been quite delayed but this was ruled as a victory for the republicans will have to see what happens with that case as well as any talk of a recount so clearly although the biden camp is claiming victory in wisconsin its a slim margin and the story is not quite over here just yet its official name thank you very much indeed were joined by consent to commit commentator she joins us live from reston virginia by skype what do you make of these moves asking for a recount in a halt to the counting in pennsylvania and a recount in wisconsin do you think this. Desperate man part of trump. Without a doubt the president is trying to figure out what will serve him best at this point and i think he has had this in his pocket for quite some time he and his team know that all they can really do at a point like this where hes behind in places like arizona in that that. They can really all they have is the court thats really all thats left and thats something where a number of us had known about this for weeks and we had encourage folks to really be patient with this vote count its not unusual for officials to be counting ballots after the night of the election and this is very typical in american elections state by state wherever you look there is nothing bragiel and about that this is happened for years in your is and its completely legal but would the president if he went to do you want to call into question certain tactics such as that one the delayed ballots in pennsylvania for example which again are illegal have and will by a court to be legal if they are all smart and even arrive as late as friday they will be counted this is an act again like you said of a desperate man who knows that hes slim out of time. How likely is it that whoever wins is able to resolve the differences between the the huge differences there are between in the country highlighted by the fact that this is such a narrow race or that the margins are so small what what does a whoever wins need to do to try and heal the country. You know i must say lets 1st look to those 3 states that are really in contention these are states where Hillary Clinton just didnt perform well last go around and they are pennsylvania michigan and wisconsin and so what we see this time is somebody in joe biden who is from right next door delaware pennsylvania very much a tossup that there is still very much a path to victory for joe biden there been multiple paths to victory for a while and all ah theres been a narrow path to victory for President Trump and it had to include florida amistad there were really high tensions among those who wanted to see biden really deliver a blowout victory last night there were even experts calling for that saying that this will happen what we know though is that this race was going to be close there were polls that were far up and wrong but my sense in really touching the american electorate and however i could during this pandemic during these many months i really felt that there were republicans who were not ready to cross over this party has been remade in the president s image and thats perhaps the most dangerous thing because what the president has done is so doubt in the minds of fellow americans about how our institutions function the belatedly of those institutions the people who serve in these institutions the agencies that are again our government that we entrust to do the functions of our government hes brought all that in depression and look is a lifelong conservative i agree with questioning authority questioning Big Government but what weve seen now is a number of americans subscribing to a an ideology thats often illogical and nonsensical doesnt subscribe to any kind of science in fact doesnt and does not allow any of their ideology be supported by science or fact they routinely deny dad at thats going to be the hardest part about the unification that biden talks about in the event that he wins the presidency i think. Bringing together a fractured nation has to be a combination of things are going to be have there are going to have to be a lot of initiatives a lot of civic renewal that we will have to do not just when your but literacy as well as literacy is so low my fellow americans dont really know whats happening around them so therefore when somebody like this comes to town a Snake Oil Salesman and says he wants to disrupt and really change things and sell you something that just has no factor basis of truth its easy to accept that and so that is what we are up against very very uphill battle no doubt thank you very much indeed. I mean demonstrations near the white house as the election hangs in the balance just as march through washington calling on officials to ensure every vote is counted some activists carried signs reading the world is watching despite polls that suggested an easy victory for a democratic president ial candidate joe biden many voters in the capital say theyre not surprised the result is so close here and there are more protests planned across the country on wednesday came in new york and i want you seeing that. Little after 4 pm here local time in new york city and this is one of multiple protests that are going to be happening this afternoon and evening here in new york city people are taking to the streets as these Election Results are still coming in and theyre still certainly a lot of uncertainty nevertheless a lot of people are taking to the streets here in new york calling primarily among other things that every vote is counted thats a message that were hearing over and over again here i want to bring in someone to talk to us sherry wolf your local new York Resident tell me your sign says im ready to start protesting why because no matter who wins in this election we are in deep crisis in this country the fact that 67000000 people or so voted for an open White Supremacists the fact that the Democratic Party continues to put people up to run for office on a procapitalist anti worker racist sexist platform i dont care i mean this is why were in this crisis how could you not even try outs somebody like trump and the reason is they are clueless the Democratic Party they are running people who want to do more of the same to go back to an intolerable status quo so so you are not happy with either of the 2 major parties it sounds like. Can i ask you you dont have to answer this but can i ask you who you voted for. Youre not you dont have to answer im not a democrat i have never voted for a democrat my entire life on the socialist and because my wife is black and i live in a neighborhood where shes terrified to walk down the street for the 1st time in my life to go to for a man who liked nothing about his politics i agree with biden but i will tell you i do not agree with them and many of the people in this city in his country are loath to fight and you can point to that man what do are your worries in the coming days given that the vote count is not complete yet. My worry is that trump will create the kind of fear and chaos that he is so good at and the democrats will stand their useless and bankrupt as they are. As they did in 2000 they lost to brush in 2000 because they refused to fight and theyre doing it again they hope i mean arent there millions of people in the streets tonight being pulled out by the democrats to secure the vote why arent they say it is outrageous that the president could even begin to conceive of the declaring victory people into the streets full strikes actually shut this place down we need basic democracy if were ever going to get Health Care Housing jobs its the most basic fundamental thing we dont even have that its. One of the problem no matter who wins sure thank you very much for your comments i appreciate it thank you for talking go to syria so you could sense the passion there of people in the streets as you just heard from the jury wolf shes not happy with either of the 2 major candidates or 2 of the major parties but as you heard her say she for the 1st time in her life voted for a democrat and you could really sense their the frustration that you hear with a lot of people st elizabeth thank you very much. For that rocco is an assistant professor of Political Science at Marquette University hes also one of the authors of obama care was and credited the book American Political Development and the Trump Presidency he joins us from milwaukee in wisconsin by skype thanks very much indeed for being with us so whats your d take so far on whats happened in the last few hours what do you think this is heading. Well i mean i think that if you look at wisconsin anyway the outcome is not necessary or really so surprising i think the polls in wisconsin a variety of other states are vastly over projected by then support in part because much from support is concentrated among people who are predisposed to not answer phone calls or response to polls and so i think that there was always going to be some overshooting there i think what you see here is that trump has really done something pretty important politically which is consolidate a lot of Rural America that was even 1214 years ago up for grabs a between the 2 parties he has however lost paper in the suburbs the suburbs at least around milwaukee trump really underperforms on the other hand and democrats have a real issue in some places out in wisconsin turn out in game county which is where the capital of wisconsin madison is was far out pacing past years but in milwaukee to go was essentially flat. Relative to 2016 and so i mean i think that speaks to some of the issues democrats have had commute into voters who are typically. Voting so i mean i think what weve seen here is in certain ways not a lot of surprises i guess from the perspective of thinking about voters ability to respond on to. Failure to manage the economy or that it might look really surprising actually from the way we might have thought about elections 20 or 30 years ago because what really seems to matter now more than anything is your Party Identification and the case of this election the way that a voter feels about one. Particular pursed. Listen were going to leave it there im afraid. To having a bit of trouble hearing you so hope youll come back to italy later on but thank you very much indeed for joining us with that philip thank you and michigan is one of the states still to be cold john hendren is in lansing and john tell us what the situation is that. Well im right in front of a count every vote rally thats what michigan is doing they are still counting the votes wayne county where detroit is still has about 15 percent of the vote to be counted but so far joe biden is ahead by about 68000 votes that is 6 times the slim margin that john will trump one michigan by in 2016 that was 10000 votes and these votes are being counted are mostly mail in both of those is broken about 3. 00 to 1. 00 for joe biden there seems to be virtually no path for donald trump to win michigan at this point unless there is some stash of votes that has yet to be counted from rural areas and we dont believe that to be the case so right now michigan is leaning toward biden and that would bring him ever close to that 270. 00 mark turnout in detroit is really Jubilee Heights 50 to 55 percent and its those areas where biden has been winning in detroit in flint and in areas like this where in lansing in the capital right now and its by pumping out the votes in those urban areas that biden has been able to defeat trump elsewhere in places like wisconsin hes hoping to do it here we have not called it but it looks very difficult for donald trump to be able to come through here they are still counting votes but again those votes have so far been breaking for joe biden so its looking good for biden here in michigan john hendren thank you very much indeed. Well this election is decided decides its going to have an impact on International Relations that michael the Global Affairs analyst joins us now by skype from miami in florida. Whats your impression when you do think that Foreign Policy is going to be something that is changed dramatically if it does become a biden presidency. Good to be with you and thank you for having me well i will say on the one hand you know having recently toured idaho and Washington State and here in florida a lot of americans i spoke to on either side of the political divide have voiced more concern about. Traditional role as the interventionist as the police spend a lot of people say we have to take care of problems for us here at home having said that i think President Trump will go down in history for an interesting thing he did and that is he basically broke up the Old International order he broke up a lot of the gridlock that he inherited from previous president s and from the Obama Administration things like that you. Gridlock within nato our approach to china to russia so i think biden will have a very interesting opportunity now to come in and restore that kind of order but in a more kind of a sufficient proactive way and lets see how that works for example with. In russia who always seems to be one or 2 steps ahead of any american president that often gets his way so it would be interesting to see what happens in the next few weeks and months whether biden presidency. Assuming it is a biden presidency what would you say that if if we if it doesnt up being just a for his only for trying what would you say his biggest legacy is in terms of the americas position in the world. Sure well look im canadian and we share the longest border in the world with United States we really feel everything that happens with them so we have felt for example much less leadership and things like Climate Change a big big one of course is the coronavirus you know when any of these global pandemics happen it takes very very strong leadership by im sorry to say we havent really seen that from the World Health Organization at the u. N. This time but had the United States been much more aggressive with china much more proactive in terms of putting up these travel controls i think we would be in a much better place right now trump in the next whether hes elected or not in the next few months he still has a little bit of slack left in his term but if he does get reelected i think he will continue on this path of kind of breaking apart the International Order may spend a bit of time also neutralizing more opponents but i think one thing we have to give him credit for is really putting president xi of china. On their toes how damaging do you think is it to see the kind of the delays or perhaps the kind of suggestion that things might be resolved in the courts rather than through vote counting in terms of americas standing as a leading democracy. Sure well thats a very good question and i think a lot of allies canada included have calculated for this we understand that in these large countries these large difficult democracies that things take time to do it properly i think if i can say this last night i think it was a mistake on President Trumps part to kind of throw much on top of all of this those were very incendiary remarks saying that there is fraud. Actually when i was listening to it i thought that this is something president putin would have said about the United States that theres chaos theres fog that things cant be trusted so it does affect americas standing and if i could say one more thing if i can i just spoke with the former deputy secretary general of nato in the former ambassador to russia and to seoul and he said one of the things that. I dont president see what trying to do is perhaps get some payback for russia meddling in the 2016 election on the other hand washington will look towards russia for example cooperation in the Iran Nuclear Accord and also on things like Climate Change and battling the crown a virus michael. Thank you very much indeed for 2 who just was. My pleasure. Well one of the states still up for grabs on the gallup has following the count from neighboring florida to tell us why georgia is so important and whats happening there what the latest. Well in any normal Election Year lower in georgia wouldnt even be in play for a democratic president ial nominee but this year it is the last time a democratic president ial nominee won there was bill clinton in 1992 now what at the moment youve got is about 93 percent of all votes having being counted was ahead by tens of thousands of votes but there were 200000 absentee ballots yet to be counted that is significant for 2 reasons absentee ballots tend to go for joe biden but more importantly its where those absentee ballots are being counted and its in atlanta the biggest city in the state of georgia a Large Population of africanamerican voters who again will go for joe boyd another religion troubling because so much up here were just going to go straight to sin in to Rudy Giuliani in the situation is in nevada and a similar situation where am i missing john where are you. In michigan and detroit michigan again let me be specific what is. This whole new thing that never happened before and not 23 these mailing ballots which has been a cause of real concern for everyone because they can easily be fraudulent one of the things that the law attaches for that is the rights of both parties to observe the ballot the way we do with absentee ballots you make certain its properly signed. On the outside as a signature you make sure that its probably postmarked. You make sure you make sure that its a properly addressed and then you pass on it and number these are often challenged by the democrat representative or the republican representative. We havent got a chance to look at a single one of them. The gentleman here who was who did this for us its about 100000. 00 ballots went through that process in the 20 plus hours in which they wasted his time but not allowing him to see a single ballot. But thats 120000 ballots that should be she has just been taken out of the town so you want to look at that number 120000 should come out and this is an area in which biden is getting 6070 percent of the vote. I dont know if i dont know this is going to be the place. But it is going on in enough with a frequency in wisconsin that we brought suit and now well have to look into 3 other places what it says to me is this is a concerted effort of the courts to run the Democrat Party and you know these big city machines a crook you know that 20 years 30 years 40 years 50 is 100 years of one party rule leads to corruption of all kinds of voter fraud is one of the biggest because thats how you keep your power but were not going to let him get away with it theyre not going to steal this election this election to the side of i the people these people the elite they dont care about the people the people of the deplorable zz the chumps that you know theyre not important to President Trump hes the whole reason. That he ran for office and hes the whole reason for which hes carrying on this campaign so that your vote can mean something so if he really giuliani there in a philadelphia with a legal team hes there to challenge the Election Results in what is a key battleground state pennsylvania which is a 20 Electoral College vote so giuliani theyre following through on President Trumps a decision to ask for a hoax the county in pennsylvania to challenge whats going on that. Well the world has been watching the u. S. Elections but not everyone has been impressed officials from some countries usually criticized by the u. S. And noted the uncertainty surrounding the vote and on the senior is a senior fellow in the Global Economy and Development Program and the Africa Growth initiative at the Brookings Institution hes also a professor and senior director at the Thunderbird School of Global Management he joins us now from washington d. C. By skype tell me whats your impression of the election handling so far and the and the image that gives of the of the u. S. Hello on think you are very much for having me i think that elections have being lifted she met vote counting is continuing and its extremely shocking to have the nccam been the president on his lawyer as we are just heard try to discredit this extremely Important Institution which is. Elections and voting so its quite disappointing coming from our new well established democracy such. The one here in the United States and this really. Should be connected to the m. Potence of accountability act relievers so. Gripping in at been seeing Democratic Development in term of the quality of democracy in terms of quality of institution what is your prediction and those who are i for one to pursue not want that bt the. Point that bt virtue got that point that bt or isnt that a point that bt and darwin that want that we get our explaining in terms of Personnel Accountability it is obvious that person idea president doesnt appear to respect the spirit of democracy and democratic roars by whipping that. Votes are counted before declaring that he wants a person appointed hes extremely important but when a person up on that but its a fair. Pia on that Important Mission get quite akes of the president a team of the president are so the un caijing and trying to resign at the present but as you have just heard from his lawyer and. Gone to every country in the same. But you also have i believe in a vertical accountability deterred labor which is the electoral process elections have to be regular. Meaning for free not answering to other aspects are so far this has been in some ways its mostly been talk and at the moment the vote counting is continuing its not as though the votes theyve stopped counting and it is a question to a little town just challenges and during elections its nothing new so in some ways it is everyone getting a bit too excited and in fact we may just have a result in a in a few hours time and it will all seem to be water under the bridge so i think this is extremely m. Porton symbolically extremely important not to try to discredit each electorate institution this is an affront to democracy to the spirit of democracy and it is sending it but signal to the emerging. Democracies around the warring especially in africa as the leader of the frewer the United States is supporting saw. Leadership in in the advents in principle such as democracy human rights orders but the fact that the president and his team are attacking this quickly beauty of the Democratic Institution is extremely problematic because also our implications on the how citizens mirror react after the election but to put it this way with you up when i think that. One thing we sure be that the United States fortunately about is the quality of institutions which is a record to add up when the 4th one that i was making the or is on that account that we did checks and balances with the congress. Professor and i see thank you very much indeed for your thoughts. Thank you very much. On some other news now and ethiopia has begun military operations in the north of the country because of an escalation in tension there but michael government in the t. V. Region has been accused of attacking federal troops but liberal thirtys have dismissed that accusing the Prime Minister of plotting conflict a 6 month state of emergency has been declared by the federal government malcolm webb is in nairobi in neighboring kenya he explains whats led to the tension. Ethiopia was due to hold nationwide elections in august but they were postponed the Central Government said because of covert 19 grain Regional Government said that meant Prime Minister. And his government were no longer a legitimate. Regional government when they had organize their own region elections in september the Central Government didnt accept the results of that election so we already had a situation where these 2 or thirtys werent recognizing each other the central federal government and threatened to cut funding to the region its also significant that the majority of ethiopias armed forces are stationed in the to great region including most of its tanks and its heavy artillery the Regional Government has said that part of the military known as the Northern Command has defected to its side to the Central Government refutes that certainly any split within ethiopias large military along with a line militias already on that side do pose a very high risk of a very dangerous civil war and now the reason for so much of the military being based in that part of the country is because of decades of conflict between ethiopia and neighboring eritrea and now that conflict was finally resolved 2 years ago when Prime Minister came to power he was even given a Nobel Peace Prize for ending it so now we have a situation where eritrea is allied with the Central Government in addis ababa a conflict between. And to great could see eritrea being drawn in on this about as side risks spreading the conflict around the region and destabilizing the whole of the horn of africa. People in england have been enjoying their final hours of freedom before the country goes back into lockdown for 4 weeks its a move the Prime Minister had promised to avoid but as you know how reports the country is better prepared and theres fresh hope about a vaccine. Not long ago you could get a haircut and a cocktail at blade clubbing in london so a concept that proved so popular the owners were about to open a branch in new york heres the new york wasnt in there wish we had a ticket to actually see going 90000 irish and it wasnt 20 years everything just went up in the air and the 1st lockdown destroyed a dream despite government help the 2nd may prove lethal full livelihoods im still shocked and still. It was its a show because its been so quiet. We were just trying to reach everybody and now for the last few days is just so many people used to see us and we hoping its only 4 weeks were going to be close and loving is no more than that so were going to try. Everything we can to really is it something the government said wouldnt happen and repeat National Lockdown just last week the Prime Minister said it would be disastrous for the economy. But new modeling predicted soaring hospital admissions and many thousands more deaths he was persuaded otherwise we have to face the reality that in common with many other countries in this part of the world we are now facing a surge in that virus which this house must now tackle with the measures weve outlined they will expire as all of the members know on december the 2nd soho by night the optimism of summer long long the gloom of a winter lockdown setting in the mood one Business Owner told me is one of panic many people dont believe these restrictions will be lifted as promised in a months time raising the prospect. Lost revenue all the way up to christmas the hope is that lock down will bring the virus reproduction rate down and lift pressure on the National Health Service Buying time to build better coping strategies in the Northern City of liverpool for instance a Pilot Program from friday will offer every person regular testing with new rapid turnaround tests a possible pathway back to normal life. And there is a glimmer of hope for the arrival of a new vaccine the n. H. S. Is putting local doctors on notice to prepare for Vaccine Distribution by christmas in the new year. Aljazeera london kenyas president has extended the countrys not a curfew to contain a surge in coronavirus cases who are kenyatta announced the measures last until the 1st week of january the rate of infections shot up to 16 percent in october 4 times what it was a month earlier the Health Ministry had raised concerns that a revival of political meetings could have been among the causes of our suspect. Denmark will cull its entire herd of mink after a coronavirus new taishan found in the animals spread to humans from as to mete frederickson announced that up to 17000000. 00 make will be killed she said the cull is necessary to rule out the virus mutation posing any risk to the effectiveness of a future vaccine and just recapping news of the past hour and democratic president ial candidate joe biden has addressed the United States saying he believes its clear his campaign has won enough states to clinch the race to the white house odan stopped short of claiming victory and insisted every vote had to be counted. Campaign meantime has filed suit to halt the counting in the states of michigan and pennsylvania biden leads michigan by less than one percent but is trading in pennsylvania by more than 6 percent 5 states are still to be decided. And you can always catch up any time with all the news and of course in the election checking out the website as soon. As it for me for news out of the back in a moment. In an election thats seen as a test of its fossum across a key elected government mimo will vote for a new parliament faced with International Pressure over a military crackdown ever engine this lens will im saying suchi is National League for democracy hold on to its majority. May mar lection on aljazeera in an election thats seen as a test of its 1st in a crowd to elect a government memo will vote for a new parliament faced with International Pressure over a military crackdown of range and this lands will im saying suchi is National League for democracy hold on to its majority. Like shown on aljazeera in part 2 of a special investigation one o one ace visits western australias only Youth Detention Center and travels to the remote outback towns when many of the indigenous inmates come from. 0. A story of loss of family and fredo go into my living years old you were at school we heard the sound of large explosions. And the hardships faced in captivity they came for me a midnight they told me to leave my son i said how can i complain that my saw so much pain in the eyes of the other female prisoners. On the our pricing. On al jazeera. We understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world. So no matter where you can hand out to syria who bring you the news and Current Affairs that matter t. V. Aljazeera. To. Be the hero world needs right now no. Washington. Counting continues in the u. S. Election joe biden says hes won enough electoral votes to win the white house but stops short of declaring victory when the count is finished we believe we will be the winners. In our tale of this is al jazeera live from london also coming up biden adds wisconsin to his haul of states once held by donald trump the president s Campaign Says it will challenge results there and in other crucial battleground states

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