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Outcome of the election now hinges on 4 battleground states where mainly postal votes are being tied to and in other news the u. N. Calls for i mean media deescalation intentions that ethiopias Prime Minister calls in troops into the tikrit region following at an auction on a military base the way. To. So democratic candidate joe biden is now just 6 Electoral College votes away from the u. S. Presidency after flipping michigan and wisconsin which donald trump narrowly won 4 years ago biden now has a total of 264 Electoral College votes ron donald trump has 214 hour remember the magic number to become president is to 70 here in yellow youll see the states still in play nevada in the west and georgia and North Carolina in the south and up here pennsylvania donald trump has launched legal action in several states to stop votes being counted. Lets look at georgia firsts an extremely close race ted Donald Trumps initial lead has been steadily falling most of the remaining votes are from atlanta and its suburbs which lean democratic. North carolina is one of several states where trams claim victory but the result is still too close to call theyre here mail in ballots postmarked by election day are accepted until november the 12th and were still waiting on pennsylvania the state where joe biden was born donald trump leads in pennsylvania but its shrinking and the remaining mail in ballots are mostly from the democratic leaning cities of philadelphia and pittsburgh and the suburbs getting biden a good chance to catch up trump has found a lawsuit here to calling for an end to the counting of mail in ballots now of the 4 remaining states biden would only need to cling on to nevada to claim victory nevada has 6 Electoral College votes which will take biden from 264 to the magic number of 270 is now early in the lead in nevada and so once again this is the state of the race joe biden with 264 Electoral College votes so far just a few away from the 270 needed for victory while past 214 joe biden is urging his supporters to be patient insisting is on track for victory shortly well get the latest from our team of correspondents on the ground but 1st hispanic ohayon wrapping up developments so far. Former Vice President joe biden projecting confidence he will be the next president and he may have taken a step closer you sosia to press declaring hes won the states of wisconsin and michigan giving him 10 more Electoral College votes and an easier path to the to somebody that will get him to the white house and now after a long night of county its clear that we win you know states to reach 270. 00 electoral votes needed to win the presidency and right here weve won. But i am here to report when the count is fetish we believe we will be the winners but us President Donald Trump is demanding a recount in wisconsin after falling short by around 20000 votes even his most ardent supporters doubt that will change anything former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker tweeting out a recount and 2016 trumps numbers went up by 131 and the counting continues in the states that will decide the election with state officials asking for patience give the Public Servants the opportunity to do their job and what i will tell you is that karen pennsylvania were going to follow the law and we will respect the will of the people and the crop her victory will be certified based on who got more votes the president is suing to stop the counting in some states his surrogates saying falsely that the election is being stolen to win for a republican to win here how many votes do we have to be at 400000 is not enough with 80 plus percent counted i think theres only 14 percent of the vote to go if you think were stupid you think were fools the president is complaining on twitter theyre finding biden votes all over the place in pennsylvania wisconsin and michigan so bad for country to be clear theyre not finding ballots but counting ones that come in on time according to state laws. And there is a question about whether the Postal Service run by a trump loyalist interfered in getting ballots delivered on time define a federal judges order tuesday to do a sweep for ballots they refused potentially leaving hundreds of thousands not counted the one thing this election has clearly shown america is a nation divided it really does seem like people live in 2 different realities given like the news they consume and with a surround themselves with so i am not that surprised that a lot of people decided to vote again for a president who has brought us to where we are with several cases winding their way through the courts as the votes are counted and america and the world waits to see who eked out a win in this fractured country. Aljazeera while we have correspondents in all the places that matter christensen to me standing by for us in philadelphia and gallagher is in miami looking at the race in georgia our White House Correspondent Kimberly Hauck it is in washington d. C. But 1st we go to mike hanna who is covering joe bidens home state of delaware so mike nothing of course is legally over a but biden right now has the mathematically better position. Indeed yes all the indications are that joe biden has a much easier path to that figure of 270 electoral votes than does his opponent donald trump as weve been pointing out there he just needs that 6 electoral votes which he could secure in a state like nevada and he will reach that to 70 figure and effectively win this election so certainly joe biden in a very Good Condition in the campaign at the stage quietly confident of joe biden himself quietly confident insisting that hes not claiming victory in a speech within the last few hours but saying that he is convinced that when the votes are counted he will be the victor but joe biden as well not leaving it just at the matter of the election he also made a very strong plea for unity on the end of this very bruising political process saying that theres more that unites americans than divides them and insistence that now is the time to see put it to heal to unite to move forward pleading for unity regardless of the result basically arguing that the matter should now just be allowed to play out in terms of the various parties counting the votes a stablish in exactly what the voters say mike hanna in wilmington delaware thank you lets go now to kimberly how kates in washington d. C. Kimberlys our White House Correspondent and can campaign kimberly not accepting these results. No and theyve just added another lawsuit to their list of states where they are contesting the vote counting that has been taking place we already knew that wisconsin and michigan were 2 places where lawsuits now we add the state of georgia to that list and the Truck Campaign has announced sending out an email that they are looking for donations now to fund this effort of recounting that theyre fighting in wisc. Concent so its very clear that this is a very uncertain feeling in the trunk campaign right now kelly mcenaney the White House Press secretary an adviser to the trunk campaign has been speaking publicly saying that there is also concern by the trumpet ministration that in fact in the u. S. State of pennsylvania where we should point out donald trump has claimed victory they believe that because of a history they say of corruption in that state in other ballot measures that in fact they dont have the confidence theres full transparency so thats what theyre fighting for but so far this is a battle that is being waged in the courts as the counting continues thank you for that can really help get in washington d. C. Now as weve been saying. And the battle for georgia is getting closer and closer and began again is keeping an eye on things in georgia from miami whats the latest on the vote counting georgia and. Well we are 95 percent of the way there a percentage point between biden and trump basically negligible negligible numbers at the moment and we just had the officials from that counting process come out and say look theres just over 100000 ballots left you have to be patient this is a long process we may get finished in the next couple of hours it may take about another 5 hours but when you look at where these ballots that have not yet been tabulated come from it could well go in joe bidens favor they are from the suburbs of atlanta the neighboring counties around where these votes have not yet been counted are overwhelmingly go for joe biden because large africanAmerican Populations around atlanta are in those suburbs so this is razor thin but remember georgia shouldnt even really been part of this democratic president ial nominee has not won this state since 992 that was bill clinton and biden monies a snatch georgia out of the hands of the Trump Campaign that is 16 Electoral College votes which puts him way past that magic number of 270 now as kimberly was saying Trump Lawyers are already taking legal action against that election in georgia they say that one of their observers saw 53. 00 mail in ballots handed in after the 7 pm deadline 53. 00 now that is the right of the chant campaign to do that but that is an indication of just how desperate they are getting i dont think they thought they were going to lose a state as red as georgia but here we are. Andy thank you for that update Andy Gallagher in Miami Florida christian salumi now in the battleground state of pennsylvania we heard Judy Giuliani the president s lawyer of course very combative in philadelphia earlier christine accusing the democrats of stealing the elections remind us of whats happened in pennsylvania and why theres a dispute it. Well as the vote count continues President Trumps lead is shrinking and obviously thats a concern for the president with about 86 percent of the vote in he is only ahead by about 240000 votes i should say only its still a lot of votes but with some 700000 votes still outstanding it is possible that joe biden could still win here but the president is attempting to stop that by taking legal action the vote will continue around the clock in the Convention Center behind me and protesters have already taken to the streets here in philadelphia demanding that every vote be counted but the president is alleging that state officials have been scheming to disenfranchise voters here and theyve filed suit asking that the vote stop the counting stop and that more republican monitors be allowed access to watch the vote count theyve also asked to be heard by the Supreme Court in a case that was decided in lower courts here in pennsylvania allowing the votes to continue to be counted 3 days after the election votes that are received by election day could still be counted up to 3 days after the election according to this decision by the pennsylvania Supreme Court but that is something that they are also fighting now the president and his team have been very critical we heard from Rudy Giuliani earlier about whats happening here of course state officials deny that they say they are doing their best to make every vote count in every vote heard they call these attacks partisan and they are promising to do their job and continue to do so accurately Going Forward its a complicated and slow process but in the county as in the officials here are saying it could still take a couple more days before they have the full results. Thank you Christine Christian salumi live for us say in philadelphia. The end. To. Watching aljazeera a reminder of the latest developments surrounding the u. S. President ial election pratik nominee joe biden is pulling ahead in the race for the white house is now won the state of michigan giving him 264 Electoral College votes just 6 shy of the 270 required biden said he was confident of securing enough states to win the presidency but the Trump Campaign has filed a lawsuit says song vote counting in michigan georgia and pennsylvania while calling for a recount in wisconsin and its also looking to intervene in the Supreme Court case to stop pennsylvania counting votes up to 3 days after the election the count of absentee ballots continues in battleground states like pennsylvania and georgia and arizona its a tight race in nevada where joe biden has an hour early. And this is how those results look on the leg with wisconsin and michigan now going blue the stage still in play are any yellow they include georgia North Carolina and nevada as well as pennsylvania joe biden just 6 Electoral College votes away from victory. There speak to Michael Fauntroy once again hes associate professor of Political Science at Howard University joining us by skype from washington professor lets talk about the fact of facts this is a very close race of course joe biden however getting closer to 270 hes almost there but trump is not conceding wanting to take this all the way to the Supreme Court if that happens which way could this go. Well the hand to do that depends on the nature of whatever charge case actually gets to the Supreme Court and i will tell you just because he says hes going to do it doesnt mean the Supreme Court is going to take it in the United States the electoral process is a state driven one so you take your disputes to the state courts 1st and if a state court or state Supreme Court decides that theres nothing to see it be very difficult to imagine a circumstance in which a but Supreme Court was about to file u. S. Supreme court but what about the fact that the supreme im sorry is what about the fact that the Supreme Court you have a Supreme Court thats very conservative leaning right now in including 2 judges appointed by president one just 10 days ago but 3 actually present a hornet 3 of them now yes i said yes and yes so so listen it is no question that the Supreme Court has a conservative bent but if the conservative judges stick to their principles of conservatism then that means they will allow the states to make decisions which is that which is the structure that we have in our federal system and how instance now im not sitting there trying to tell you that the Supreme Court would sort of support their own ideological beliefs to support the president they perhaps worth but i dont i do think that its not a particularly likely that the president would find success in the course how do you explain the fact that this is such a close race despite the fact that trump has been a very controversial president with a pretty bad record in the last year especially given his handling of the court of i respond demick why didnt we see the landslide that many predicted for joe biden what happened to that socalled blue wave that we kept hearing about. Yes so the there is the answer to the 1st part your question you know why did why did this so happen this way i think theres so much economic anxiety in the United States right now that there are a lot of people wholl give him our margin on economy which by the way i think is a look at his performance on that as a lower state but they are concerned about their Economic Future and for those voters President Trump was really the only alternative. Is washington doesnt owe it to economic anxiety what about the issue of race and racism oh well that that oh i was actually about to get out there so theres economic anxiety there is the fact that there are numerous americans who do even to this day do not believe that coronaviruses that series an issue and then we have to talk about the truth that. There is a large segment of the American Population at this point for a variety 4 of reasons that is it is for whom racism is not a deal breaker they will live with President Trumps racism because they know folks in his massage and if they can help eases the ease their own economic anxiety so theres no question that the majority of things and the response to the social unrest that weve seen in the United States certainly have scared some voters into his column that might not about the ones go in the 2016 race the africanamerican vote was a concern for democrats not a lot of them turned up to the polls is it different in 2020. Yes there is great or turned out and we received direct evidence of that in georgia in fact the georgia is as close as it is and could potentially be on by former Vice President joe biden would be a testament to the strength of the black vote. Now there is there is some sort of gender dynamics there i was disappointed to see that 80 percent of black men voted for donald trump thats then just as in a black women. Season how would you explain that the fact that a large majority of black men voted for donald trump well no large majority just 18 percent which is more than what we saw 44 years ago and i should also note that 55 percent are white men and 36 percent of latino men voted for donald trump so in the top and in terms of total context but men didnt support donald trump and anywhere near other groups of men and they have the states but i again i think some of it is about economic anxiety and i think when you when it comes down to it its a minuscule number but somewhat above what we saw 4 years ago thank you so much professor for talking to us Michael Fauntroy is a professor of Political Science at my alma mater how do you have a city joining us there from washington yes. Thank you lets turn our attention to other world news now and the United Nations is calling for a deescalation of tensions in ethiopia is no than a region after the federal government launch a military operation their Prime Minister declared a 6 month state of emergency in tikrit and accused the regions drooling party of attacking federal troops but local authorities dismissed static using the Nobel Peace Prize winning Prime Minister off property in conflict the conflict in tikrit has sponsored fears of a civil war and further instability in the horn of Africa Malcolm way base following developments for us from neighboring kenya. Ethiopia was due to hold nationwide elections in august that they were postponed the Central Government said because of covert 19 its a grain Regional Government said that meant Prime Minister ahmed and his government would no longer legitimate to grain Regional Government when they had no doubt organize its own Regional Elections in september the Central Government didnt accept the results of that election so we already had a situation where these 2 or thirtys werent recognizing each other the central federal government and threaten to cut funding to the to grow region is also significant that the majority of ethiopias armed forces are stationed in the to great region including most of its tanks and its heavy artillery its a growing Regional Government has said that part of the military known as the Northern Command has defected to its side to the Central Government refutes that certainly any split within ethiopias large military along with the grain aligned militias already on that side do pose a very high risk of a very dangerous civil war and now the reason for so much of the military being based in that part of the countries because of decades of conflict between ethiopia and neighboring eritrea another conflict was finally resolved. 2 years ago when Prime Minister came to power he was even given a Nobel Peace Prize for ending it and now we have a situation where eritrea is allied with the Central Government in addis ababa a conflict between addis ababa and to great could see eritrea being drawn in on this about as side risks spreading the conflict around the region and destabilizing the whole of the horn of africa. Aid agencies say it could take months to restore power to some areas of the philippines after typhoon goni destroyed houses and triggered floods across the country. And has our report. Would go in the heat the province of and by for over a few hours but the devastation it left behind is beyond comprehension. This is the Coastal Community of t. V. It was once a busy fishing village of more than a 1000 families this is all whats left of it now more than 90 percent of the homes here have been destroyed it took nursery and Romeo Benedicto 50 years to build their homes the only reminder of it now is this nurse he says the water was up to their necks and they had to wade through rough waves to climb onto a wall with their children than on my bank that me and mine i was so afraid so afraid for my children perhaps someone out there may care to help us we are in need of food and blankets we will be grateful for whatever we receive. A 6 year old grandson said baba please i am cold enough read this lets leave this place no he was clearly scared. Everywhere you turn there is destruction images that give a glimpse of the harding experience that people here when through. Even for region often battered by natural disasters the devastation here is clearly on president said this is a Community Deeply traumatized by typhoon go on me and people here tell us they are desperate now they are hungry and homeless. And he was the most powerful storm to hit this year it made landfall in the beagle region early on sunday morning leaving a trail of destruction more than a 1000000 people may need help maxime cow is preparing dinner this part of soup will have to feed 3 families tonight tomorrows meal she says may not come at all survivors salvage whatever they can during the day and that night they huddle to sleep on the same ground where their homes once stood keeping their children close they say they were poor but they always had what they needed but a typhoon gone me has taken everything away. Dog an al jazeera t. V. By in the Southern Luzon region of the philippines. Hurricane atta has weakened to a Tropical Storm after making landfall in nicaragua as a category 4 hurricane at least 3 people have died in landslides caused by the heavy rain manya rapinoe reports. Authorities in nicaragua are scrambling to evacuate thousands of people caught in the path of hurricane ada. With winds of 240 Kilometers Per Hour the powerful category 4 hurricane hammered the nicaraguan coast for hours as it slowly inched forward landfall when it already thats almost like im going to we are taking your things out looking for a safer place to take shelter because of fear to protect ourselves above all were looking for a safer place to weathered the hurricane. The National Hurricane center has code an extremely dangerous storm in the community of bill we in northeast nicaragua many families were moved to Higher Ground over concerns of potentially life threatening storm surge and deadly winds penya market ended up we had to come to this place because we are not safe in our houses because we live near the beach so we had to come here to take refuge the whole family ada is the 12th hurricane of the 2020 atlantic Hurricane Season its also the most powerful storm to hit this region in years. Environmental experts see there is a direct link between Climate Change and the intensity of hurricanes making it increasingly difficult for people to prepare effectively for stronger storms we cannot prepare we you know we have some very good people working in the sastre management and the International Community and into government but their resources d are very limited as you know. Are herrings or. Very easy Climate Change you know are coming very quickly and. Very quickly ive got. A storm dynamic. Well we can quickly as it tracks the slow moving storm is expected to dump heavy rains over nicaragua and honduras for several more days raising the potential for deadly floods and mudslides across a wide portion of Central America when aljazeera. One of the greatest football is in history has had Successful Surgery on a. Brain in argentina. Diego maradona drawing a crowd like only he can even while lying in a hospital bed friends gathered outside a private clinic and one assad is to cheer is named after hearing surgery term of a brain clot on his brain had been a success. It will be out over time and dont know if they did the surgery last approximately one hour and 20 minutes minutes to remove the chronic subdual hema thomas successfully diego coped very well with the surgery he was awake and very well. The doctor said the caught was likely caused by an accident but that marathoner does not remember what happened it initially been admitted to hospital in la plata on monday with anemia and dehydration but as things turned more serious he was transferred firm urgency surgery mera donna is considered one of the greatest footballers of all time and almost single handedly led argentina to the 986 world cup he may not have played for 23 years but its clear how much he still means to the country and who out of it boy is the peoples player the one that gave his life for the white and light blue shirt diego is the icon among argentine Football Players the best of all time was. Married donna is currently the coach of Argentinian Club yeah he looked frail at the game on friday his last public appearance on what was also his 60th birthday he also left before half time which raise questions about his health there have been messages of support from around the football world napoli the italian club where he spent 7 years tweeted this picture with the hash tag strength diego and a message to from the real madrid coach the nadines the dan a fellow world cup winner. We all know the kind of person he is and the player he was i wish things go well for him that is all we wish for him and his family. As the fans continue to chant his name outside hospital doctors say marathoner will remain inside resting in his room for at least 48 hours david stokes aljazeera. Her again im fully back to bill with the headlines on aljazeera democratic nominee joe biden is pulling ahead in the race for the white house has now won the state of michigan giving him 264 Electoral College votes just shy of the 270 required biden said he was confident of securing enough states to win the presidency im not here to clear that weve won but i am here to report to the count is finished we believe we will be the winners every vote must be counted no ones going to take our democracy away from us not now not ever america is come too far americas flawed too many battles americas endured too much to let that happen we the people will not be silenced weve the people will not be bullied weve the people will not surrender my friends im confident well emerge victorious but the campaign has filed a lawsuit to stop vote counting in michigan georgia and pennsylvania while calling for a recount in wisconsin and its also looking to intervene in a Supreme Court case to stop pennsylvania counting votes up to 3 days after the election. In other news the United Nations is calling for a deescalation of tensions in ethiopias northern tikrit region after the federal government launch a military operation their Prime Minister declared a 6 month state of emergency in degree and has accused the regions ruling party of attacking federal troops but local authorities accuse a Prime Minister of crossing a conflict and a sign of brazils president has been charged with corruption prosecutors accuse 5 year olds tomorrow of the illegally taking money out of his staff salaries when he was a state politician in Rio De Janeiro box narrow denied any wrongdoing. Those are the headlines coming up next fault line stay with us when the news breaks and the racism protests continue in a number of cities across the United States when people need to be heard in this council area alone nearly 500. 00 points were destroyed and about 80 percent of this land aljazeera has teams on the ground people are just talking about wind and solar as if thats going to solve the problem if want to bring in moon and documentaries and the nightly news on air and online. I cried every single day going home i cried before i even got to the house and my son wouldnt see me i dont want to see i have so much wood im pretty sure he felt in the early months of the pen demick Jessica Duran worked as a housekeeper at a nursing home in california it had one of the worst coded 1000 breaks in the area i had to go out in quarantine in my brothers garage. And hear her because i heard my son on the other side of the door. Say i just want to sleep with you are just you dont hug and i couldnt. I couldnt do that all i can just text im up here right here i love you ill be ok youll be ok and. Thats the thing that scared me the most is i was going to bring something into my family. When the pandemic hit the us Nursing Homes became ground 0 for the virus as of october more than 55000 nursing home residents have died we have a tradition of very poor Infection Control in these facilities and i think what it comes down to is we dont treat older folks the way we treat others and we dont value their lives as much thats thats been evidenced in the pandemic in california nearly 115 years in home workers have died jessica was afraid she would bring the virus home to a young son who suffers from asthma so she quit in may but still thinks about the elderly residents she left behind i was still dream about them and some of them just screaming and then there are some of them down walking down the hall saying how. And some of you like i just want water and until this day i even asked i wonder if theyre still there. California was one of the states hardest hit by the coronavirus and nearly a 3rd of its death toll came from Nursing Homes. Frontline. Investigates how an already troubled Nursing Home Industry imploded under the weight of the pandemic i think it says that in many instances we put profit of book patient care. But isnt that the american way. Bakersfield is a city in the heart of californias Central Valley when we went there in mid august it was one of the worst coronavirus hot spots in the country. According to the California Department of Public Health there have been multiple deaths due to cope and 19 at the Kingston Health care center here in bakersfield in early may nearly half of the cases here came from the nursing home where jessica worked Kingston Health care center 9 residents of the facility have died so far making up for 60 percent of the total qubit 19 deaths in the county. When kobe hit. You had been a resident at kingston for nearly 20 years he was very stubborn and he had roles for us all the time. He was a good man he was good to us he provided the farm labor on his life. And started having many strokes. And just got worse every. Lets say for a year and a half and then eventually i had to put a man on. Minerva and her daughter and jellicoe would visit gonzalo every day until the lockdown in march purana virus came around and i couldnt visit so we did face time but every single day that i was sam him he was either a mrs gallant laying in bed all day long sometimes i found him dirty. And i just broke my heart to see all that because they just fared well the daughters not coming down anymore you know shes not going to complain. I just wanted him to be clean. Thats all i asked for has to be cleaned and him being fed. Tested positive for cocaine 1000 in late april there you are going nowhere. Now. This was the last time angelica spoke to her grandfather. Once and. I said i dont know what im going to put on by his coming home. And then i saw. A bunch of bed. I say you get better and. He said ok. He died less than a month after he became sick. 18 other kingston residents also died of corona virus and more than 100. 00 residents and 60 workers were infected. I just want to know what happened where what went wrong. Why why did he go through all the based on what i know it strikes me as you know youve got a lot of people there in front close proximity to each other and you have inadequate staffing and at least in the initial stages you had stuff that would have been provided with p. P. D. That sounds like a recipe for an outbreak in some ways the outbreak at kingston and other Nursing Homes all over the us is a reflection of everything that went wrong with the countrys handling of the pandemic a lack of personal protective equipment Contact Tracing and widespread testing feel to the crisis the thing that really went wrong in the United States and actually most of the world was a lack of recognition of the fact that this virus is absolutely deadly. To older adults but more specifically to older adults who live in congregate Senior Housing but for Nursing Homes like kingston the problems go beyond the federal response it was spreading you know it was like a fire in there basically and it was not not contained at all they tried but a look a lot of failure and then you had the Health Department come in same Different Things but they failed their you know to give us the right information on how to use that little bit of p. P. That we did have sold thats what we were and then struggling to keep everything clean and sanitized thats what we were dealing with it was almost a nightmare you kind of wake up from we dont know what to do and we were scared for our families we were scared or scared of bringing something home though or given us mass that we will have to use 4 or 5 days saying its ok even though i will look it up and i would tell my manager on my supervisor this is not right were not supposed to thats fine just leave it in the sun its fine there was a lot of negligence on their part management supervision youre telling your staff you know youre nursing staff that this is how were going to do it no i didnt do that and was there supervision or management or anyone continuously on these people no do you think the facility was prepared for a covert 1000 now. Why do you think there were so many cases at euston i dont know i just. Think. It just didnt know that it would spread like it did. Kingston is on a government short list of the worst Nursing Homes in the country its been flagged for having a history of serious issues with patient care facilities with poor track records preparing demick have had worst. Outbreaks then the facilities that with a better track record so i mean nothing really that surprising facilities that are as equipped to do good Infection Control did worse with Infection Control with covert 19. So these are all the complaints filed against kingston in just one year this year 2020 state inspectors cited kingston 39 times for Health Violations more than 4 times the National Average there was a lot of mismanagement it goes down to when i would be cleaning my showers there would be fecal matter you know just left so when these people you know the nursing they would take the president there shower you know youre supposed to rinse it off you know it was just a lot of things like that and then you had residents that were digging you know scuse me i mean digging you know in their pamper its because its a natural instinct to try to clean yourself because theyre waiting for so long there and waves ive seen that you know so many times there. Kingston has lower than average near Staffing Levels according to federal records. Experts and advocates we spoke to said that understaffing is a chronic problem in the industry kingston is a for profit facility as use about 70 percent of the School Nursing facilities in the United States and so hows that facility able to generate a profit we have to cut back on stuff its the only way matt clark is an attorney in bakersfield whose firm has filed multiple lawsuits against kingston over the years i think that theres one answer to what amounts to really 2 questions right why have they had so many citations and why were the epicenter why would they the epicenter of the covert outbreak at least for a period of time in cook county inadequate stuff thats always the the answer that theres not enough staff to meet the needs of the residents they dont get fed as much staff that are in a hurry a lot of times make more errors so theres more medication errors they cut corners things dont get done and people die as a result. Minerva says conditions at kingston worsened after he changed ownership they took turns visiting gonzalo every day my biggest pick with them was my dad having faeces and his belt so i asked the nurses you can see his hands filthy oh the night shift got him up this morning and i said but you guys dont even wash their face or their hands she goes oh well make sure next time i said ok so maybe a day would go ok and then you werent feeling the same thing again. It was all the time. Despite these problems kingston gets millions of dollars from Government Health care programs like medicaid and medicare to take in residents including low Income Patients like on salo do i have a system i want to put my parents on no. No i mean if youre filthy rich others of working elder care System Private pay system that i think is probably sufficient but for everyone else you know. And we know theres only going to be more elderly people coming down the pipeline. In my opinion its a completely broken system if its broken who do you think is accountable i think that owners of Nursing Homes. At least in the for profit or. How the county right the ownership of these things the way its structured its like an onion and youve got to peel back the layer and youll be another layer in the new peel back a layer and theres another layer and to get to the center and almost never. We wanted to know whos in charge of kingston. Want to ari you have reached a number that is connected or no longer. And we werent having much luck in bakersfield to hear your recorded terror he tracked her and try your call again actually this is Pretty Amazing these are all the numbers weve called and we havent been able to reach anyone. So we travel to one of los angeless wealthiest neighborhoods Beverly Hills to the home of the man weve been trying to reach for several weeks and. Hes listed by the state as kingstons owner dr david silver. Doesnt look like theres anyone there but we did find out about silvers other job hes the c. E. O. Of the largest nursing Home Management company in california Rockport Health Care Services security told us we cant go in without an appoint me. Weve been calling the Office Number to try to get an appointment so its kind of like a catch 22. We found 2 outputs previous c. E. O. Dr Michael Wasserman alone dr wasserman how are you. Thank you so much for your time i was told that i would be running the company. Along the short was that wasnt true. Took me 15 months to figure it out. So its complicated it is comp and its done deliberately so i believe so. And the challenge is theres typically multiple ownership layers the lawyers do it that way so that the Real Estate Office will say we dont have anything to do with operation so things go wrong its not our fault i think what were really going to have to look at. Is what kind of influence do the real estate owners have on operations we took a closer look at kingstons records kingston rents the property from shlomo reckon its or to be precise from one of his Many Companies the l. A. Businessman employs Rockport Health Care Services to manage his nursing home empire hi francisco this is melissa thanks for taking my call we called a researcher at the National Union of Health Care Workers theyve been investigating reckon its 4 years in august offering up a pain or talking nursing home operators any of these 10 years its all about layers of basically themselves got into the 1st of the leaders of legal liability or Regulatory Oversight or a number to use so when kingston pays the monthly rent whose owner is david silver. Who is he paying to please the shop owner. Woke up short already thats what motivates you prompts you to give to some schlomo reckon its is a celebrated philanthropist and Community Leader but his Nursing Homes have a troubled track record. In 2014 then state attorney general kamel harris called him a serial violator of nursing home loss hes been sued at least 15 times for issues of negligence elder abuse and wrongful death in his Nursing Homes the issue with the Nursing Home Industry is the pressure that the owners of the nursing home real estate. Put on the facilities and when the pressure to make money and fill beds. Overrides. The the need the desire the mission to provide quality care and do the right thing thats when you get poor quality outcomes. That profit motive came into play during the pandemic last year a change in government reimbursement policy allowed to sing homes to get more money for new patients the cording to reports these facilities could get at least 600 dollars more per day for covert patient at that time you got to remember a lot of people werent going to hospitals for routine services recruiting surgeries so the Nursing Homes were depleted of a lot of their normal. Pathway to residence so they had to be creative if they wanted to continue to make a lot of money and taking coburn 1000 patients probably seem like a good idea advocates say this encourages newsy homes to engage in a profit making scheme known as dumping or discharging some residents in favor of more profitable once its been happening at Nursing Homes around the country and its really based on whos paying for the care and where can the nursing home make more money its not supposed to be. The facilities are not supposed to engage in that actually we have filed lawsuits over dumping successfully litigated lawsuits over dumping does that mean it doesnt happen i was all taught in the last few months its picked up again weve heard of residents being sent to motels residents being sent to homeless shelters lots of residents being sent to unlicensed facilities where theres no care being provided its really just room and board and use conical who will do an old. And just roll the wanderer thats what Daryl Kennedy says happened to his 89 year old uncle r. C. Kendrick r. C. Had been a resident at the Lakeview Terrace nursing home in los angeles for about a year in early april got a call from another facility saying that they had his uncle thats what i dont know about in chile so the next morning he walked. Out of a very nice person to learn to walk or he would be better. And. You can come back on the bus and therefore you know down. Then he got a call from the police. And contacted me through the pool filter on the fruit trees are all confused and big interest looking for food in order its a disgusting practice when it occurs were talking about the most volatile people in our society and theyre entitled to the same dignity and respect and certainly the same health care recuperative care as anyone in our community but its always worked out that way the city is suing make the terrorists over allegations that theyre dumping patients during the pandemic who do you hold accountable for all of this i will say leave you to your. Reason was you know. They negatives is super. Dumb in the middle of the night like you prove the truth so i threw it. We reached out to the primary owner of lakeview terrorist you who dish muckler hi i may actually speak to you who. He told us we were wasting his time and would not answer our questions. Lakefield has a history of dumping in 2019 the city settled a lawsuit with a facility for illegally evicting patients who were homeless or had Mental Health challenges and in the immediate aftermath of that settlement things appear to get better but then we allege the thing is to not get better in fact they got worse. We wondered why Nursing Homes with poor track records were allowed to keep operating so we went to talk to molly davies who investigates elder care complaints for Los Angeles County so what weve seen is that the regulatory in forstmann system favors the industry above consumers and that is precisely the opposite of what it is designed to do citations are a drop in the bucket to the amount of money the industry can make by. Cutting corners on staffing why do you think some Nursing Homes with bad track records continue to get me licensed i think because the regulatory enforcement system feels like theyre in iraq and a hard place there are only so many operators. They dont want to lose nursing home beds because. Nursing home beds are growing there you know people are building Nursing Homes the problem you have is if we start closing them down were we going to put the old people. Which is why Public Health looks the other way. Robert their grandmother delores was a resident a Country Villa westwick a nursing home in Los Angeles Robert alleges that in october 2018 the facility removed her bed rails despite knowing she was at risk of falling i never followed complaint but that welled up what i had to do. Now because this is life and death. No. I knew she was going to fall out of bed. 2 weeks later his mother fell and hit her head on the nightstand she was on life support for nearly a month. And. I was by her side i held her hand because i promised her i will hold her hand and to hear the list of. Stuff. In the. Bench you know i. Robert is suing the facility which is also owned by shlomo reckon its the nursing home magnate the lawsuit claims that the nursing home was understaffed and the people who did work there didnt have proper training they say this was an attempt to cut labor costs and increase profits its all about profit because labor is your biggest. Gift right just. Dollars and if you want a sure democrat it always shirkers better for them so you start spreading things around where you dont get things in place like that little building or just basic things could have catastrophic results in 20 years of practicing elder abuse law mike moran has worked on a number of fragments cases have serious o. B. Nuns concerns about ocean level approaches you know sure Business People who. Want to have a business particularly although we need to put them for. Our. After doloress death Country Villa westwood was fined at least 20000. 00 by the department of Public Health shellman reckon its continues to own and operate the facility he didnt respond to our repeated requests point interview or a comment. By never got a phone call from the Country Villa. Expressing were sorry for what happened. Its like. Another day for business. And anyone has a loved one a day you are thinking about putting it definitely find out who owns the business hows the business set up. Go to a lawyer work in reverse. The problem has always been and foresman so the the results of violating the regulations is often very minimal punishment or no punishment at all. We asked the California Department of Public Health operators with troubled track records continue getting we licensed they said each application is considered on its own basis and that their office conducts comprehensive investigations into complaints. As for kingston we eventually heard back from dr david silver he said theyve been working closely with the state Health Department and as of september they had no new covert cases for 3 months. I believe that years in years of. An industry that his functioned as a business and not as a deliverer of Quality Health care. Has led to a lot of bad habits so every dollar that is spent. On that real estate is not being spent on direct patient care theres just a level of acceptance for putting older people onto an island and casting them away from the rest of society that would not be tolerated with any other group and i think that thats just a mainly a result of ages on and really poor government monitoring. If this pandemic isnt enough to sort of change the culture of the way we do policy for older folks in this country then than probably nothing is ever going to do it the problem being without oversight all were going to see is the total number of deaths and the total number of deaths are going to be quite frightening once we finally know what they actually have been with Nursing Homes would be comed this countrys killing fields. The cove in 1000 pandemic has exposed deep cracks in the us elder care system. Raising questions of whether some Nursing Homes could profits over patient care. Will growing older the whole world growing older. And how we take care of the elderly. Tells us what kind of people we are. Adjoining a personal discovery. Which is the copy of a letter to germany addressed to my grandfather 0. Traces of family links back to the regime of Benito Mussolini and asks is fascism returning to a terribly important freshers in the family it makes me sick this letter. I found. On aljazeera. Goes hand in hand with growing all. Refusing to be defined by their age mexican women are bringing out their dancing machine. And rediscovering their you. Step at a time. By dancing hot part of the viewfinder and latin america seeing. Is there. The. Im not here to that weve won but i am here to report the count is finished we believe we will be the winners. Democratic contender joe biden flips to battleground states to take him a step closer to the white house. Hello im still raw but youre watching ill just there like one headquarters here in doha also coming up donald trump demands a recount and files lawsuits in key states as his path to victory narrows

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