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Counting continues in a handful of states with more results to to be announced in the coming hours. In other news the u. N. Calls for an immediate deescalation intentions as ethiopias Prime Minister sends troops into the to gray region. Its over 600 g. M. T. Which is 1 oclock in the morning in the United States and in georgia one of several battleground states where the results of tuesdays president ial election remains in the balance now these are the latest pictures from atlanta georgias capital city where a vote counting still ongoing is the extremely close race in the traditionally republican states and all troops initial lead has been steadily falling now hes about 28000 votes ahead with thousands of absentee ballots still to be counted now we are expecting more data in the coming hours what might help joe biden though most of all is that the remaining votes from atlanta are from the suburbs which lean more towards the democrats what winning georgia could be crucial for biden this extended his lead in the race for the white house so lets have a look at the map as it stands and hes already flipped michigan and wisconsin which double tracked now really want 4 years ago biden now has a projected total of 264. 00 Electoral College vote. Well donald trump has 249 remember the magic number to become president is 270 here in the yellow youll see the states that are still in play nevada to the west and then of course georgia as well as North Carolina and in the south and further north of course pennsylvania donald trump has launched legal action in several of those states over the votes that are still being counted were still waiting on pennsylvania the state where joe biden was born Donald Trumps lead is shrinking and the remaining mail in ballots are mostly from the democratic leaning cities of philadelphia and pittsburgh and the suburbs giving biden a good chance to catch up trumps filed a lawsuit here too calling for an end to the counting of mail in ballots North Carolina is one of the states where trumps claimed victory but the result is still too close to call here mail in ballots postmarked by election day are still excepted until november the 12th and heres nevada is now really in the lead the Western State has 6 electoral votes more numbers are expected to be released on thursday well joe biden is urging his supporters to be patient insisting hes on track for victory shortly well get the latest from our correspondent rob brunells whos monitoring the latest results but 1st his particle hane former Vice President joe biden projecting confidence he will be the next president and he may have taken a step closer he sociate a press declaring hes won the state of wisconsin and michigan given him more Electoral College votes and an easier path to the to 70 that will get him to the white house and now after a long night of county its clear that were when you know states to reach 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency im not here to that weve won but i am here to report the count is finished we believe we will be the winners. But u. S. President donald trump is demanding a recount in wisconsin after falling short by around 20000 votes even his most ardent supporters doubt that will change anything former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker tweeting out a recount in 2016 trumps numbers went up by 131 and the counting continues in the states that will decide the election with state officials asking for patience give the Public Servants the opportunity to do their job and what i will tell you is that karen pennsylvania were going to follow the law and we will respect the will of the people and the crop her victory will be certified based on who got more votes the president is suing to stop the counting in some states his surrogates saying falsely that the election is being stolen to win for a republican to win here how many votes we have to be at 400000 is not enough with 80 plus percent counted i think theres only 14 percent of the vote to go if you think were stupid you think were fools the president is complaining on twitter theyre finding biden votes all over the place in pennsylvania wisconsin and michigan so bad for country to be clear theyre not finding ballots but counting ones that come in on time according to state laws. And there is a question about whether the Postal Service run by a trump loyalist interfered in getting ballots delivered on time define a federal judges order tuesday to do a sweep for ballots they refused potentially leaving hundreds of thousands not counted the one thing this election has clearly shown america is a nation divided it really does seem like people live in 2 different realities given like the news they consume and who they surround themselves with so i i am not bad surprise that a lot of people decided to vote again for a president who has brought us to where we are with several cases winding their way through the courts as the votes are counted and america and the world waits to see who eked out a win in this fractured country. Aljazeera. Im joined now by rob runnels who joins us from los angeles in california of course the state of california when to buy but were keeping a very close. Robin to all the states lets begin with our resume and the developing situation. Yes well for several hours now a growing crowd of Trump Supporters has gathered outside the miscible building in phoenix where votes are being counted for America County thats the the largest Population Center in arizona its some of the people reportedly carrying weapons thats legal in arizona its socalled open carry state and in the past 30 or 40 minutes or so there have been reports that the building was being evacuated by the sheriffs departments that is however not what the Election Officials themselves are saying they are they have tweeted out that they are continuing to do their job which is to count all the votes and they plan to report some additional numbers later on tonight so some news organizations said that they were being evacuated from the area because of this crowd which is apparently becoming a bit more boisterous there are a lot of Maricopa County sheriffs offices officers sheriffs deputies in the vicinity there theyre guarding the doors and escorting people who need to leave the building to and from their vehicles so its a situation that were keeping an eye on so far as we know there havent been any arrests any attempt to disperse the crowd with pepper spray or tear gas or any other type of forcible maneuvers and. There have been no no injuries reported so were definitely keeping an eye on that trying to get a little more clarity on whats going on in phoenix arizona and indeed while the vote count continues in georgia in pennsylvania and the truck kind of talking about suits it seems that all eyes really around the volatile because nevada could really hold the keys to the white house thats right joe biden is ahead in nevada the state is still considered too close to call but could turn out to be joe bidens ace in the hole if the numbers continue to hold up hes leading by less than 8000. 00 votes at the moment about 0. 6 percent of the total vote but there are a lot tens of thousands in fact of mail in an absentee ballots that need to be counted most of them are coming from clark county thats the county where las vegas is located the famous gambling capital of the world and that is a democratic stronghold so it is considered by analysts that the combination of a vegas being a democratic city and b. These being mail in or absentee ballots which are favored by democrats rather than republicans who often choose to vote in person in the voting booth that these new ballots that are being counted will in fact benefit overall to joe biden but we wont know until thursday morning because the clark county Elections Officials say theyre not going to make any announcement until then so till then well just going to have to be patient and wait and see how nevada turns out along with all of the other states that are still up there in limbo so i will indeed for them i will leave it that thanks so much rob runnels are in los angeles for us. Well new state is staring down a longer counting period than the battleground state of pennsylvania as kristen salumi explains. The vote count continues around the clock at the Philadelphia Convention center behind me even as president tran attempts to shut it down and protesters take to the street demanding that all votes are counted as more votes are counted his lead is getting narrower and narrower the republicans would like more monitors inside to be watching these ballot counts thats what they are suing for theyve also asked to be heard by the Supreme Court which could weigh in on a state Supreme Court decision that allowed pennsylvania to continue to accept and the amount of mail in ballots up to 3 days after the election as long as they are postmarked by the election here in pennsylvania the governor of the state wolf a democrat has accused the president and team of partisan attacks he says that the count will continue slowly and accurately so that everyone is heard but it could take a couple more days badens not a victory in the swing state of wisconsin has given him 10 electoral votes Trumps Campaign is demanding a recount and residents have taken to the streets going to reporters not followed regional capital but just. Despite the comeback story of the Democratic Party here in the state of wisconsin grad a rally at the capitol and people here are saying theyre here because this isnt over theyre standing for democracy and they say they will not leave until every vote is counted in the United States it was a good day for democrats in the state of wisconsin bitin flipped the state by 20000 votes edge to head of trauma as absentee ballots were counted in the cities of milwaukee green bay and had no shot in 2016 tromp one wisconsins 10 Electoral College votes by less than 23000 votes earning him the distinction of being the 1st republican president ial candidate to win in the state in more than 30 years that was clearly something the democrats did not want to have a repeat of it was a bruising loss for them so in the intervening years they dumped a lot of money into the state biden campaigned heavily here so did trump now the Trump Campaign manager has said they will ask for a recount here in wisconsin the manager said that without any evidence without citing any specific examples that there have been reports of voter irregularities in several counties in wisconsin he also said that quote public polling was a kind of Voter Suppression tactic wisconsin like many other states had legal challenges coming into election day with regard to absentee ballots the Supreme Court ruled that wisconsin could not continue to count absentee ballots through november 6th even if they were postmarked on election day and the reason the state had planned to do that was because of the pandemic because there have been real mail shortage are real mail delays in the state of wisconsin. And any of but as the state braces for a possible recount its worth noting that trump when he won the state in 2016 he won it by less than one percent. Well still ahead here on al jazeera england follows other european nations and going back to a 2nd coronavirus a small testing its promised story after the break. When coronavirus struck america care homes for the elderly became ground 0 they cut corners things dont get done and people die as a result folks lines reveals how a troubled industry imploded under the weight to the pandemic we put the book patient care. But isnt that the american way. Tells us what kind of people we are. When covert hit americas nursing home. And. Its children. Pakistans k. S. C. 100. 00 assads molten foti 6 percent we bring you the stories and developments that are rapidly changing the world we live in the water is going dispensable to Economic Activity but industrial use is worsening contest of fresh water counting the cost on aljazeera i care about how the u. S. Engages with the rest of the world were willing to fit in take new into a place you might not visit otherwise and feel that you were there. Youre watching others are with me the whole drama remind of our top news stories democratic nominee joe biden is pulling ahead in the race for the white house hes now won the state of michigan giving him 264 electoral votes just 6 shy of the 270 that are required. And said that he was confident of securing enough states to win the presidency but the top campaign has filed lawsuits to stop vote counting in michigan georgia and pennsylvania while calling for a recount in wisconsin and its also looking to intervene in a Supreme Court case to stop pennsylvania counting votes up to 3 days after the election and the count of absentee ballots continues in battleground seats like pennsylvania georgia and arizona its a tight race in nevada to where joe biden has a very narrow lead. Is a board member for republican women for progress joins me now from washington d. C. Good to have you with us again on the program miss pratt lets just begin for our audience who might not of course. Program before i mean the president s strategy for certainly the last 12 months in part has been to psychologically invalidate the postal vote by basically saying to his base look i thought i would win in person vote and the postal vote doesnt really matter and Everything Else is wrong has that strategy worked or has it really backfired. I think it backfired i mean as of last night there were a lot of friends of mine who were democrats were texting me and saying oh my gosh is it over and i said no no its not over we expected that this would happen that there would be this red mirage of sorts on Election Night because we knew more republicans would turn out in person because trump had spun the narrative that mail in ballots in some way would be fraudulent or would do legitimize the election and thats exactly the playbook that were seeing now because hes recognizing that he is losing that mail in ballot and absentee ballot vote and those votes are coming in from very very democratic areas democrat heavy areas and independent areas so that overall spells a lot of trouble for the trap here which is exactly why were seeing some of these ridiculous lawsuits that i think have no merit in court you need some sort of you know legal violation in order to go to court and hes going to be hard pressed to find a court that i think will take any of these cases seeing as these ballots are illegal they were cast for election day and there is 0 illegality with mail and ballots there is obviously the demographics of the election and it will always be analyzed in the years to come but one thing that is quite evident is that the time come pain sort of lost vital votes from been female votes has. From all walks of life and is like you know sort of quote a new york times. Report that says that the trend has been a long time in coming days but to the 1980 s. I mean what do you know to this years election about the way the female vote has walked away from President Trump when it was actually quite attracted to trust President Trump in 2016. Yeah in 2016 i think a lot of people women included want to see change they want to see a shake up from normal they want to see you know government work for the people again and they believe that trump would bring next change now obviously for years later a lot of them thought that maybe he would stop some of the degrading rhetoric some of the unpleasant rhetoric thats been coming from the white house and it never stops and i think that really put women in a tough position because they then die you know he might be good on the economy and their head but on these other issues i just cant vote for him again and thats exactly where biden was able to come in and win over those independent suburban females and that specifically why joe biden was the best candidate to go up against donald trump because he could really toed out moderate independent line and really get some of those either you know prior republican or just independent voters who really needed to turn out and vote for donald trump in order to propel him to victory again like they did 2016 but women resoundingly said no to donald trump in this 2020 alexion how difficult has it been for you and other republican women in the part of your group or you represent to actually of a republican president like donald trump or somebody who i presume youll not but kino. Yeah i didnt vote for him in 2016 and i certainly didnt vote for him in 2020 ive actually been a big supporter of her some time believing that he would be able to be an american president not just democrat not just republican and i think that the rhetoric weve obviously seen from joe biden we even saw in his speech last night he said you know i want to bring this country together i will be an american president we have not seen any decorum more stability in the white house these last 4 years and thats what i think really was so off putting to many you know former republicans like myself or female voters like myself who had to really think about what the direction of this country was going to look like moving forward and we just couldnt stand for another 4 years of this any longer so a lot of former republicans even some current republicans banded together to say enough is enough trouble cant have another 4 years in the white house and were going to do all that we can to ensure that doesnt happen and you can even claim to know people like cindy in coming out doris and joe biden which was crucial in the state of arizona thats the reason why arizona is still in play right now because of her indorsement of joe biden and because of her late husband senator john mccain who really was a bipartisan champion even though he was a republican and he was a friend of the bride and family so i really do think that its going to have a Significant Impact again as were already seeing her exit polling among that suburban female vote who definitely turned the tide this year and made sure that donald trump didnt get another 4 years but will have to wait a little while longer for that final result but for the moment actually print thanks so much for joining us from washington d. C. Thank you. Now the u. S. Says its deeply concerned over the arrest of a prominent journalist in hong kong and its accused beijing of crushing press freedom in the city show you cling was taken into custody for traffic violations but activists fear that shes really been detained over a documentary that she produced the film looked into Police Misconduct related to last years mass and to government protests i think it is very ridiculous and if orrible that it happened in hong kong i think journalists never expect that such a pace such ridiculous. And. That sort. Well the u. N. Is also calling for a deescalation of tensions in ethiopia north into grey region after the Central Government launched a military operation the Prime Minister meant accuses the regions ruling party of attacking federal troops and says they must be destroyed and we see reports. It was business as usual in the ethiopian capital but many here are on alert as an Armed Conflict simmers in the north of the country but to conduct and i say even yes i love me but were not people who fight and kill each other therefore i personally feel that the 2 great and federal governments should solve their differences through dialogue and negotiations and prioritize the interests of our nation. Though at the moment im a good cause creates a perfect opportunity for robbery our country needs peace im now sick of this in a very disgusting time im telling you the truth the Prime Minister met launched a military offensive in the northern Tigray Regional accusing the opposition led local government of attacking federal troops and looting their assets in the regions ruled by the to grey Peoples Liberation front or t p l f yes the ghats today the apostate ethiopian has stabbed ethiopia what makes this attack one of the most shocking attacks is that it is viewing the Ethiopian National Defense Forces as a foreign army i declare that we will do all we can to shame and destroy this force. Be declared a 6 month state of emergency integrate and shut down electricity phone and Internet Services there in a statement aired on to great t. V. A Regional Government spokesman accuses the Nobel Prize Winning Prime Minister of cowering the people of to grey into submission by force tensions between the 2 sides escalated in september when 2 gray went ahead with Regional Elections despite a ban from the federal government. Postpone the polls citing the coronavirus pandemic but the t. P. O. Of says he delayed them to stay in power. The t. P. L. F. Dominated ethiopian politics for more than 3 decades and says abby squeezed them out of the federal government when he came to power in 2018. Analysts warn the conflict into gray could turn into a civil war. The stabilization and the fracturing of egypt is military is too great an office is actually based integrate they may not have government. Leadership so this could lead to a. Crisis. And it could also is freighted of all of that beechen. The un has called on both sides to escalate tensions and find a peaceful solution to the dispute the secretary general underlined the importance of stability for it and the horn of africa a region with a long history of border conflicts and political unrest and they sue out to 0. The son of brazils president has been charged with corruption prosecutors accuse flavio balsam are of illegally taking money out of his staff salaries when he was a state politician in Rio De Janeiro also laura denied any wrongdoing. And england has gone back and a lot done to curb a 2nd wave of Coronavirus Infections but he tried to enjoy the last day of freedom on thursday before shops and restaurants shut from month its a move the Prime Minister had promised to avoid bullets journal reports the country is better prepared this time round. Not long ago you could get a haircut and a cocktail at blade clubbing in london so a concept that proved so popular the owners were about to open a branch in new york heres your it wasnt their wish we had a ticket to actually see going 90000 irish and it wasnt for everything just went up in the air and the 1st lockdown destroyed a dream despite government help the 2nd may prove lethal for livelihoods im still shocked and still. It was its a show. Its been so quiet since we were just trying to reach everybody and now for the last few days is just so many people used to see us and we hoping its only 4 weeks were going to be close and loving is no more than that so we can try. Everything we can to really is it something the government said wouldnt happen and repeat National Lockdown just last week the Prime Minister said it would be disastrous for the economy. But new modeling predicted soaring hospital admissions and many thousands more deaths he was persuaded otherwise we have to face the reality that in common with many other countries in this part of the world we are now facing a surge in that virus which this house must now tackle with the measures weve outlined they will expire as all of the members know on december the 2nd so ho by night the optimism of summer long wrong the gloom of a winter lockdown setting in the mood one Business Owner told me is one of panic many people dont believe these restrictions will be lifted as promised in a months time raising the prospect of lost revenue all the way up to christmas the hope is that lock down will bring the virus reproduction rate down and lift pressure on the National Health Service Buying time to build better coping strategies in the Northern City of liverpool for instance a Pilot Program from friday will offer every person regular testing with new rapid turnaround tests a possible pathway back to normal life. And there is a glimmer of hope for the arrival of a new vaccine the n. H. S. Is putting local doctors on notice to prepare for Vaccine Distribution by christmas or early in the new year jonah how aljazeera london. Is there with me so robin a reminder of our top stories democratic nominee joe biden is pulling ahead in the race for the white house hes not well in the state of michigan giving him 264 projected electoral votes just 6 shy of the 270 required to be president earlier biden said that he was confident of securing enough states to win the presidency. Im not here to clear that weve won but i am here to report the count is finished we believe we will be the winners every vote must be counted no ones going to take our democracy away from us not now not ever americans come too far america is far too many battles americas endured too much to ever let that happen we the people will not be silenced we the people will not be bullied we the people will not surrender my friends im confident well emerge victorious but the Term Campaign has filed lawsuits to stop vote counting in michigan georgia and pennsylvania while calling for a recount in wisconsin and its also looking to intervene in a Supreme Court case to stop pennsylvania counting votes up to 3 days after the election. In other news the u. S. Says its deeply concerned over the arrest of a prominent journalist in hong kong its accused beijing of crushing press freedom in the city show you cling was taken into custody for traffic violations but activists fear that shes really been detained over a documentary she produced investigating Police Misconduct. The u. N. Is calling for a deescalation of tensions in ethiopias Northern Tier gray region to the federal government launched a military operation Prime Minister declared a 6 month state of emergency and accuse the regions ruling party of attacking federal troops but local authorities accuse him of plotting a conflict. The son of brazils president has been charged with corruption prosecutors accuse flavio balsa nara of illegal taking money out of his staff salaries when he was a state politician in Rio De Janeiro bosn arias denied any wrongdoing. Kenyas president has extended the countrys nighttime curfew to contain a surge of the coronavirus to announce the measures will last until the 1st week of january curfew hours have been pushed up from 11 to 10 pm and will last till 4 am rates of infections in kenya shot up 16 percent in october 4 times that than the earlier month those were the headlines more news in half an hour with nic planned to stay with us here on aljazeera. Think of some of the Biggest Companies in the world today theres google Amazon Microsoft facebook we chat all of them. With algorithms at that. One more than just uses or customers will these businesses would generate is a data they need us to like them for them to be indispensable because the more that we use them the more data we produce in the midst of a great race for dot and Big Tech Companies around the chips. For the past 3 years academics nichol dri analysts have been investigating a phenomenon they call data colonialism. While the modes scales and context may have changed they say colonialism same underlying functions of empire building extraction and appropriation remain the new lang grab going on theres not land thats being grabbed its us its human life the acquisition of the construction of data valuable data for corporate use out of the floor of our lives thats the lag right going on and thats why the workload is its the only world that does justice to that lets think for instance of all the and use her license agreements or the terms of use that we read whenever we sign up for a new social media platform and if we think about the process of being asked to agree to something that we cannot even understand when signing away certain rights signing away our property in this act i think its a very interesting were not for one moment saying. Colonialism today with data involved the same horrific level of violence that was involved in the beginnings of columbia this. Way saying that the core of historic colonus and was the force to involve people in a massive new system a new order a new organization of the World Economy in the history of kuoni listen weve had different empires terms of course we can think of this kranish empire the British Empire i think we would say at this point in history in terms of data colonialism we have 2 centers of power and we have the United States on one side and china in the other and of course we know the american corporations very well in terms of Google Facebook amazon maybe we dont know the trainees corporations very well because their reach is just beginning to expand. Beyond china so far trying that has been kind of like an internal colony but we are starting to see how these corporations how the infrastructure developed in trying out is starting to expand into different parts of the world including asia and africa. The chinas biggest private company well way technologys africa has been a goldmine of so its countries like south Africa Nigeria kenya which is where now have delivered some of the biggest most rapidly growing telecom its. Has studied the way effect here in kenya theyre Building Products for example that are suited to the African Market the cheapest mobile phone that you can get in various African Markets its a chinese phone so you will not for a moment but if you looked on one to both of the store and theyre building relationships with governments they are providing infrastructure so while we has provided a lot of infrastructure for. Surveillance in kenya and i see team kenya to work in every country whether its developed by the people somewhere in the middle and thats really useful for governments here so we advise you know on that Government Data centers on the economy and services or anything else we can share those expenses from around the world the nice thing is of course of life benefits of people connected to our business so that generating revenue as well but the other piece of the chinese influence is that the surreptitious war theres a lot of questions about Data Collection with technology thats coming in from china and in some ways its the other side of the coin right there is a whole lot of data thats being taken out from african countries and from African Citizens to be kept handled used by people who are not this is certainly responsible for answerable to African People so while it is not. Access peoples data or cell data so i dont think that we are the kind of company. That are benefitting off peoples data of the only data that we are using it just to improve our product themselves such as using Artificial Intelligence our smartphones in our Network Equipment so that it can then improve be faster there are skeptics who would question adams assertion after all most Big Tech Companies do exploit use a darter in some way however even if while way doesnt do it there are other chinese operations in africa that collect and make extensive use of peoples data. Here in nairobi the dominance of chinese tech is undeniable from telecommunication lines to Satellite Networks right down to the planes in peoples hands and the apps on those fights Chinese Companies have this market and much of the data it produces in its cross trends in holdings for instance sells to over 40 percent of the mobile market in Subsaharan Africa its fun someone to the brand names techno i tell and in phoenix but its strategy doesnt end with the hardware data driven apps like the Music Streaming Service being play and Digital Payment platform pompei add to a growing repository of data on african uses and can help boost money making opportunities for transition when you think about Digital Partners and i think there was any i think the thing that gets lost is that the primary objective it was about money was fundamentally about using power using culture using all these kinds of tools to impose one society in another societies throughout the 1st society could make money off of that where you define corner as a map that then you really start to see the resonances in china has been investing in africa many parts of asia for 2030 years very systematically is never pretended that the thing is doing anything other than expanding its economic interests it does not use. Civilizing rhetoric because it doesnt need to lets contrast that for the moment with a company like microsoft which talks about democratizing ai. Or facebook to those concerned to give as it were connection cometary can just be a privilege for some of the rich and powerful and needs to be something that everyone shares. Facebook has made a big push to present itself as a benevolent force to get people online since 2013 the company has been leading a giant project called internet dot all sort of gateway to the World Wide Web for those with poor connectivity. d the app that serves as the portal to facebooks version of the internet is called free basics and its been launched in at least 60 countries more than half of them in africa the idea is to provide access to select sites without data charges in effect its a stripped down version of the internet that has one very important component guaranteed connection with facebook and guaranteed possibilities of data extraction which is why despite the companys slick marketing not everyone is convinced that this is an entirely selfless exercise nonjury cimbali is a leading to do rights advocate i think whats most interesting in the it what ill call technical quality x. Is the rush to connect the unconnected and the rush to retain the connected in very specific platforms a lot of these actors will do anything and everything to make sure at some point or other these users go through their platforms because its all about the data its all about how much data can i get about peoples of arkansas ads so that you know concrete predictive things to keep them hooked into what im able to offer and therefore the world will keep churning theres no way that a lot of these Tech Companies will be able to behave in their home countries the way they behave in the developing world there is no way that you would be able to roll out a project as big as free basic. Without some kind of check or balance would some without some kind of ethical. There was no effort to even say this is what this means this is how this will work for you and that is really telling right of what they think that African People want and or need from the internet projects that are largely in this case emerging from a Silicon Valley or western america centric approach to connecting the unconnected i really theyre deeply steeped in the same condescending ways of doing development so this notion that give them something that is better than nothing i mean why would anyone not want that vehicle when you assume its framed in terms of a civilized nation or mission when people are connected we can accomplish some Pretty Amazing things just like historical colonialism was framed as well in terms of bringing progress bringing something that is good and beneficial for humanity we can get closer to the people that we care about we can get access to jobs and opportunities and i do our participation is expected and our petition pretty soon we are told its for our own good meanwhile all of this extraction and capturing of the you know is kind of happening in the background we dont do consequence d the Facebook Free basics model which is basically about expanding for facebook the demain of data extraction across the world at a time when demand for facebook is beginning to fall amongst younger people in particular in the socalled west. Is very interesting just as in historic colonialism the apparent weakness of the colonized populations that lack of weapons their lack of certain resources the lack of an economic structure suggested to the colonizers that they needed to be colonized they needed to have whatever the colonial system would offer them to bind them in. Free basics is just one of facebooks many initiatives across africa. Facebooks latest push here in kenya is called express why 5 companies teamed up with local Snack Service providers to instore why 5 hotspots like here in the mass i town of eagle on the outskirts of nairobi. Jerry in basia is a hairdresser who signed up as of into facebooks express why. He gets a commission on every dot a bundle he sells his customers say they love it they do his 1st book because even myself i use it im a friend of their brand of keep the cheaper. Compared to other networks you get the 1st round of 1100 in business for free yeah. You run. Yes they do they find it cheaper to fund it when the book and then the doctors dont express why fi has been an undeniable success here it is made web access cheaper for the People Living in underserved locations then there are so many People Living our own water connected to. However for those studying the activities of facebook and other Big Tech Companies in kenya its impossible to ignore the huge potential for data mining last year facebook was pushed to admit that it had added its own software to the wife i Access Points that enabled non facebook data such as customer names and phone numbers to directly flow to the corporation while Facebook Says the purpose of the software Eastern Shore that hotspots of functioning well theres no clarity on just how much additional daughter is being collected and how thats being used a lot of these companies arent african theyre not even based in kenya in africa forget kenya longa so what is a kenyan citizens of birth to do one American Company uses their day to sell their day to markets it you know as a product and without their consent without their ability to intervene to appeal to a court system thats kind of the gray area that were falling into the lot of these big you know that. Tech company. Facebook isnt the only Big Tech Company playing the connectivity card here in cannes last year alphabet the Parent Company whose most famous brand is google signed a deal with Telecom Kenya to quote connect the unconnected using billings. Loon is a path breaking project thats been 8 years in the making and the idea is deceptively simple use High Altitude balloons to provide Internet Connectivity in remote and hard to reach parts of the world kenya is where luna is making its commercial debut i spoke with Charles Merida d he doesnt represent loon but its more well known Sister Company Google Googles mission from the get go was to really get a lot of the africans who are Offline Online and to make sure they get online in a more affordable and have better conduct content as well as relevance and the mission around noon is to ensure that we are able to deliver connectivity to the most remote part of the continent and around the world so im proud to say that here in kenya is the 1st commercial agreement between noon our Sister Company and telco to kenya were amazed to be seen is what standards of. Accountability there will be will that mean that people are restricted to only using google esque sites for instance that remains to be question what data will become acted in the process of connecting people i put some of these questions to charles he made it clear he couldnt say much more about luke after all he doesnt work for that company he did tell me this though about googles approach to Data Collection. So what we do at google is we ensure that we have employed a user trust that is something thats really important and that users understand exactly what were doing with the data but we have on them we also ensure that theyre able to manage and control so transparency ability to. Manage and control the data that we have on our users is really critical and when its so transparent people get joy the magic of google. Uses a lot of positive p. R. Speak especially when it comes to discussing matters relating to data that doesnt come as a big surprise because data ownership access privacy is an incredibly sensitive legal and political issue across the World Governments and regulators have been looking at their data laws more and more seriously but perhaps the most widely publicized is the European Unions general Data Protection regulation otherwise known as g. D. P. Which set a Global Benchmark for strengthening individual rights are the personal data thats really the discrepancy that were seeing here is that western governments western societies have more space to keep these companies in check and to force them to abide by their local social standards and countries in other parts of the world and thats where the corner is a label really starts to become evident there is not enough space for ordinary African Citizens to push their governments on these issues there is not enough space for us to actually demand a different standard of treatment in july has a point just take a look at the state of data regulation around the world and youll see how stock the imbalances according to a study by the law firm deal a piper north america or australia much of europe and china have what they would classify as heavy all robust regulation for many countries across africa regulation ranges from moderate to 0 the kenyan government says theyre working on it but the speed at which they are developing policies is being outstripped by the speed at which private plays are revolutionizing telecoms and Internet Connectivity i dont think theres anything particularly wrong with private sector actors taking the lead role if especially again they have the resources. And the wherewithal to be able to do this the question is where are states in this game to keep them in check because of the narrative around how any and all Digital Development is a positive or a net positive asking critical questions is almost seen as being an enemy of progress and therefore the risk is your people in the community. So because of that nuanced and problematic notion being created very few politicians and by extension government actors want to step up to the plate to play this game proactively. Which come to think about as being with us ready to be extracted like oil can be extracted from the earth i certainly used to think of my daughter that way before i began doing research and interviews for this episode. But ive since come to realize that our lives locations family members our preferences our dislikes all of this isnt really done until you create algorithms that can convert every single human being into a collection of bits that money can be made off so this myth that somehow the oil or they call it the day to exhaust naturally within a switch is naturally there to be used by corporations it happens for their profit is that incredibly important myth to say theres nothing we can do about this this is the way things are but go back 203040 years this was not the way things were we need to hold on to that past to remembering to pass on the memory of that past in order to show that this remains the myth the digital core the colonial project so were not just talking about the big players Facebook Google amazon in china baidu ali baba pants and cetera the social quantification sector is a larger industry sector composed of the big players thats well alternative hard word Manufacturers Software developers all of this platform and to produce more as well as Data Analytics firms and data brokers. So all together. Constitute the. Sector that provides the infrastructure for making this extraction possible traction of data from our human social lives we are the bodies producing the data but were not necessarily the ones who benefit from that so at stake here is peoples ideas peoples dreams peoples hopes peoples frustrations being used to sell things back to them where do we actually get our money back were not saying no tac in africa were not saying you know just jump over africa as youre thinking about and i internet the interest on a lot of really good things in africa its made a lot of connections possible that were not possible even 510 years ago the question is how do you mitigate the harm how do you make sure that you protect the good and you corral the bad the model that we have now isnt doing that i think we should be bored enough and brave enough to go back to the drawing board and challenge ourselves to think differently about this model is there a better way of doing this thing is there a more humane way of doing this connectivity thing that were trying to do through all of these corporations. Technology is neither positive and negative or neutral it will always the intrinsic motivation that exists in a community where its being deployed one practical tip that ive found very useful is to keep myself informed and bring in as much critical forward and questioning of when we are told you know technology x. Is the solution and is the disrupt. You know to question how we were arrived at that conclusion supporting actors what make it that day to day lives to ask these things is one way to also keep making sure your views your concerns are represented and its you know not to give in to their fear we can still figure out how to heal the Society Technology could help with that but its dead teaching us that we need to go back to the basics of how we form societies how we find consensus and how we quite exist in this world children who are now 5 years or younger growing up with toys which are infractions robots algorithmically programmed which operate by tracking everything they do and playing back to them in forms that help the child grow everything they say we dont know what happens to that data but it will be probably impossible in about 10 years time to say to the child who is now by that stage that grown up adult you can live in a World Without being tracked algorithmically at every moment of your life its therefore very important we start in a sense speaking the truth to a very new type of power that is walking the place india i think its easy to forget you know a time even before all of our lives were ruled in a certain sense might all of these for equality and yet when i talk to young people are encouraged by the sense that they really dont think all of this habitable and they are actually less deterministic that i am when i think about technology. And when i hear them. Talk about their changing perceptions towards facebook toward social media how theyre becoming critical and how theyre becoming more. Literate consumers in terms of reading the terms of service in terms of trying to make sense technically the mystic language i think that gives me hope. That people can become more active consumers and participants think that its really important for us as were thinking about the issues that theyre pushing eightys and the challenges the television presents to remember about human beings this and human nature is very its very true and its very repetitive weve actually been here before with other forms of Communications Technology we think about radio and the role that radio played for example in the 2nd world war when you think about the launch of television and you know the fears around advertising in the fields around how television would change society but these are all conversations that have actually happened in the past and so for me the big lesson is lets learn from what has already happened in the past lets not be afraid to look back theres nothing in radical so radically different about Internet Technology that human beings havent really grappled with before. My name is Matthew Johnson jewish in america and i support the palestinian struggle against occupation when politics came past when my mom saw me at a protest in chicago during a palestinian flag she told me i was no longer her son is it possible to be jewish and critical of zionism. I do palestinian solidarity work think its the most jewish thing i can do what about the treatment towards the palestinians and the occupation what about an aljazeera correspondent. Shes saying shes mental disease because 50 percent of the deaths of children. Its. Sad but. Lacking to save and childhood education. She. Used. To. Try. To. Seize. It. Hallow for most is still quite in the Arabian Peninsula its not so much in the levant rain has been falling steadily for at least 2 days now and that rain is spreading inland turning into showers the significant rain like to be in turkey quite a breeze behind it dropping tension example jerusalem data 60 but all that coast will be affected gaza says about 22 without resist wrongest the breeze dies i say the temperature rises but you got a couple of days of showers its already wet on the ground is worse in the bekaa valley as well so rain a special event be followed by a few showers a strong wind then focusing on egypt and down towards looks or maybe but its still quite warm here and its about 30 in the way it was expected to be there is rain forecast for a little depression in the arabian sea that comes on the coast of more modern effects a lower actually but rain proper the seasonal rain for the southeast sitting where it should be across the southern half of somalia still throwing a few showers up into ethiopia almost ignoring south sudan one of the major beneficiaries in some areas like free market issue the forecast here is a pretty showery one at a fairly windy one i think on thursday the showers die down by friday is mostly a day and temperatures then stopped to rise again. November on aljazeera. Following huge protests and the introduction of the beijing back National Security will carry lamb sets out had a vision for hong kong. All hail the lockdown explores the complexities about Global Response to the coronavirus pandemic. In a series of special reports we can summon the Global Gaming boom as other entertainment businesses struggle to survive up front returns with Emmy Award Winning journalist Richelle Carey shell cut through the headlines and lead breakups to pay and former french president Nicolas Sarkozy will face trial on corruption charges well bring you the latest november on all jersey. Im not here declare that weve won but i am here to report when the count is finished we believe we will be the winners democratic president ial contender joe biden flips to battleground states to take him a step closer to the white house. A lot of clout this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up counting continues in a handful of states with more projected results to you in the coming hours. Donald trump

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