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Issues that are before him to to the base and really i think most importantly is expanding the map and when we look at this map the fact that we are having a conversation about georgia a state that has not gone through since 99 and 2 means that the lesson here is that all of the states matter and that we had to have a ground that is looking at states that have otherwise been just written off and that entire map is our map in this country and i think that that is going to be one of the most important lessons is that when you organize and that we focus on a strategy that lead to 5 that that we actually. To take found and see if the full cycle strategies many thanks for speaking to us not just their. Youre watching out as a reminder of where we stand with the u. S. Election and the race for the white house remains too close to call with the outcome resting on just a few battleground states the democratic candidate joe biden has taken the lead in pennsylvania georgia and nevada donald trump has made some gains in arizona but so far not enough. And supporters have been celebrating in philadelphia anticipating and eventually victory winning the state of pennsylvania with 20 Electoral College votes would push biden beyond the required 270 required to take him to the white house. Trumps define Campaign Team is trying to raise 60000000. 00 to fund lawsuits challenging the results president is continuing to make on substantiated claims about what boat affords costing doubts over the integrity of the election. Another race were keeping a close eye on is the senate the upper house of Congress Control of this chamber a lot hangs in the balance now right now the republicans on the democrats are deadlocked with 48 seats each 51. 00 a needed for majority the race for a seat in georgia is already set for a runoff in january and 3 others in georgia North Carolina and alaska remain undecided President Trump has prematurely declared victory multiple times since election day while also alleging votes of fraud his latest comments on thursday night have driven a number of republicans to distance themselves from their partys candidate a start with jeff flake former republican senator for arizona he called on republicans to defend the us elections and Democratic Institutions saying no republican should be ok with the president s statements. Weve also heard from marylands republican governor laurie hogan he joined the condemnation of the president s comments saying in a tweet there was no defense for the president s comments tonight undermining our democratic process america is counting the votes and we must respect the results as always we as we always have the full no election a person is more important than our democracy. Finally leading republican Lindsey Graham has been standing by the president democracy depends upon parallel actions President Trumps teen is going to have a chance to make a case regarding. Voting irregularities they deserve a chance to make their case and will stand with pros to trump your democrat were doing this it be cheered on. Lets check again with our correspondents covering the 2 candidates we got mike hanna in joe bidens home state shortly for us lets go to Kelly Holcomb in washington so while some republicans have been distancing themselves from still has the support of a lot of his party. Yeah theres no question that there are a number of prominent d advocates of the president to have been vocal in his support including representative jim jordan for example that weve seen in a number for rational hearings still saying that the president has right to pursue his legal avenues this is something that hes also had backed out by the republicans in the top u. S. Senate position Mitch Mcconnell who is saying that the president has a right to have every vote counted at but he stopped short of sort of condemning outright some of the president s statements what were seeing here are republicans trying to have calculate their own political futures in contrast to what the president s lead that we have reported on the bow paraded and when it comes to republicans they actually did some better than expected that the house of representatives the socalled blue wave of democrats that were supposed to take over the house of representatives never materialized in fact just the opposite republicans picked up a few seats and also in the senate out of now although this could change republicans have control still out the u. S. Senate but some runoff elections in the u. S. State of georgia could change that so this is why we see republicans choosing their words very carefully when it comes to Donald Trumps battle and legal efforts to continue to try and win a 2nd term theyre calculating their own political future as well at times theyve been very keen to ride the coattails of the president theyre also now in some cases distancing themselves knowing that they need to have a political future beyond Donald Trumps time in the White House Committee for now many thanks kimberly speaking to us that from washington we counted to mike hanna who is in bidens home state of delaware so mike to talk about took us through the mood from the biden camp today. Well one can sum it up quietly confident as it has been for the past 24 Hours Campaign workers making very clear the belief that joe biden is on the path to victory theyve been crunching the numbers and they are absolutely certain that he will win the selection but nobody is saying that publicly at this particular point to joe biden himself saying that hes confident of victory once all the votes have been counted but does not want to get ahead of himself or indeed ahead of the voter hes waiting for those votes to be counted no premature claiming of victory at this particular stage we understand too that he was due to be speaking here in the course of the evening this may be wait until the result is called until all the projections are made that boards ensure that he gets a presidency so well have more details about that as the evening wears on but very much a sense of confidence but biden setting that tone hes been calling for patience hes been calling for calm and hes been calling very importantly for unity this is a key issue for biden you know were focused on the throughout his campaign and do during these past 48 tumultuous ours has been reiterate the fact that its time for the country to get together that 4 years of division have driven so many people apart and as he said in his comments just 24 hours ago theres more that brings americans together then tears them apart so this is what we are likely to hear from him but as i said nobody in the campaign and certainly not biden himself is going to play in a premature victory and tool the votes are counted my count there for us in wellington many thanks. Well lets take a closer look at trumps legal efforts his campaign has so far filed suits in georgia michigan pennsylvania and nevada states where hes either lost or faces an extremely close race various suits in those states include allegations of late and invalid votes being tabulated and campaign observers being denied adequate access to the counting trump has failed to score any significant legal victory so far 2 cases in michigan and georgia have already been dismissed for lack of evidence none of the complaints provided examples of trumps massive voter ford claims but as weve reported hes promised to take his case all the way to the Supreme Court lets get more on this we can talk to jeff hauser hes a lawyer and executive director of the revolving door project at the center for economic and policy research joining us from washington d. C. Many thanks for speaking to us and aljazeera jeff so as as ive been outlining there the president still very much pushing these legal challenges in various states but the problem seems to be he doesnt have any any concrete evidence none that hes been able to provide. No i mean its you know thats evidence that the rule of law it may not be the sturdiest its ever been in American History but its definitely not down to nothing donald trump it can not create a legal arguments out of thin air even with republican judges around the country and you know i think some of us in our more cynical moments would have feared that any argument made by this republican president would be upheld by judges but actually right now the role of watt is standing pretty strong and donald trump is losing every which way its very reassuring dont do any if the cases have any legs. That he is challenging no and i think its a testament to the hard work of a lot of lawyers working in Civil Society groups and its the with the Democratic Party to address as many issues as possible or need dance of the election and get the situation and squared away in advance of the election such that there wouldnt be a lot of uncertainty after the fact we would create a known system in place everyone would understand the walls they would go by them and that to in order to prevent the possibility of significant with a geisha occurring after the fact i mean the favorite and alice ive seen lawsuits are that the only thing that separates a donald trump election lawsuit and a tweet is that you have to pay a filing fee to get into court with a lawsuit and otherwise its just a tweet with a filing date and i think thats right i mean these cases are risible so what do you think the strategy is then here. This strategy is to promote perpetually play the victim donald trump is the strongest it here and grievance in victim politics ive ever served in my lifetime at all points this man who you know grew up rich men has had every advantage in life has always been complaining about the things he doesnt have me complaining that he doesnt have them because hes a big he want to be able to claim hes a victim of something he wants to just stay in the white house so that people will give him Something Like a part in the short run to avoid criminal liability and in the long run he wants this sort of shared grievance with his followers to give him power even as he is out of office. In terms of the Bigger Picture what effect do you think these claims have face to ford and so on which many of his supporters but name what effect will it have on the democratic process do you think it will have an impact on future lections i you know the glass house whole case is that whats going on now shows that the system can hold and judges can do the right thing and ignore fabricated partisan arguments the glass half empty is that you have a universe credulous voters who are want to believe conspiracy theories are being further radicalize by the president and social media and which is more predictive of how our democracy is going to work Going Forward i dont have a strong opinion im worried enough that its i think glass half empty as possible but i am mildly courage by courts doing the right thing thats the far. But were hearing today that the trump team is raising money to push forward many more legal challenges the question is how long kenny this process out because at the end of the day we want to see a result in terms of the stability of the country and so on i mean how long can he go on doing this i mean i think he can go on quite a while in the sense of he himself were using to concede i mean i think its quite likely the man could whip the 90 and not concede that he has ever been defeated in this election i think he can pay warriors or boyers who are seeking attention could be going to court for the next couple months for sure i think the patience of the Republican Party which is overall id rather satisfied unfortunate from my perspective with the election result i think their patience is going to diminish and i think the media is eagerness to call this thing what what it is which is over is going to you know the change in the next 24 to 48 hours or so i think its going to end war with a whimper or then a bang i dont think were going to see if it is. In session i think were just going to see people take him less and less seriously many thanks for your thoughts jeff a lawyer and executive director of the revolving door project at the center for economic and policy with such. Thats bringing us some other well new short of. An all time high of daily Coronavirus Infections and deaths in france. And israel was criticized for carrying out the biggest demolition of palestinian homes in yes. Man. Going to. November on aljazeera. Following huge protests and the introduction of the beijing back National Security law carry lamb sets out have vision for hong kong. All hail the lockdown explores the complexities about Global Response to the coronavirus pandemic. In a series of special reports we examine the Global Gaming boom as other entertainment businesses struggle to survive up front returns with Emmy Award Winning journalist Richelle Carey shell cut through the headlines and be rigorous to bait and form a french president Nicolas Sarkozy will face trial on corruption charges well bring you the latest november on all jersey. Play an Important Role in protecting him and. Dont change face. Welcome back the United States to see another record jump in corona virus infections 3 days after the president ial election widespread testing has confirmed more than 120000 cases were announced on thursday breaking the record set just the day before the country has also reported 1200 deaths linked to the virus taking the overall death toll 2235000 the number of new daily cases in the u. S. Has risen by 50000 in less than a week another new record 2 in france for the 2nd straight day there were almost 60500 new coronavirus cases on friday and 828 deaths nearly 400 of those fatalities when hospitals the rest were recorded by Retirement Homes over the last few days have been arrests in london a protest by people who oppose the new lockdown thats come into force across england over all the u. K. Recorded 23000 new cases on friday and 355 deaths the daily death toll is up more than 35 percent compared with the week before. Denmark is culling millions of mink after a new strain of corona virus was discovered on hundreds of the countrys farms the governors confirmed the mutated virus has infected more than 200 people in. As europe scrambles to control coded 19 warnings from denmark of a new strain of the virus. Supported by the military have begun culling the countrys entire population of up to 17000000 mink after a mutation of corona virus found in the animals spread to humans. And. Do it fast this weekend and i hope we can do. More than 200 people in denmark are now infected and the numbers are rising and has chosen to take extensive and comprehensive measures in the current situation. Calling off 17000000. Effectively shutting down the entire industry for now in denmark extensive local restrictions in the affected areas. To sting off the population in the affected areas. This is not a decision that has been taking lightly but is and this is very precaution whats worrying scientists is that the new strain showing decreased sensitivity against antibodies meaning vaccines currently under development to treat covert 19 might not be able to stop it the World Health Organizations praised the decision saying denmark show determination and courage despite the huge Economic Impact on mink farmers the move is likely to devastate the countrys pelt industry the w. H. O. Urged other countries to be vigilant especially where large numbers of animals are packed together but stress that coronavirus mutations occur often and dont always pose an increased risk to humans mutations are normal these types of changes in the virus are something that we have been tracking since the beginning and youve heard me say many times that has a Global Laboratory network and we have a specific working group that is looking at the virus evolution and looking at these changes minke of also being culled in the netherlands u. S. And spain after infections were discovered the dutch government said it was speeding up its timeline for shutting down all of the countrys main farms china is also one of the Worlds Largest producers of pelts beijings made no announcements about changes to its industry the virus mutation aiming has confirmed scientists fears that multiple strains of corona virus could emerge similar taney asli winning the war against war doesnt mean destroying the more. Aljazeera. If he if he is Prime Minister says the military has carried out air strikes on the Northern Tier gray region. Who won the Nobel Peace Prize for ending ethiopias long war with eritrea mobilize troops are accusing the regions leaders of a deadly attack on a military base this week he says the Ethiopian Air force has now bombed depots and destroyed military hardware in northern tikrit. But now you have put out during the process of Law Enforcement there could be airstrikes destruction im not talking civilians rather they were talking to capacity to be dangerous to seize nonetheless in order to avoid unexpected peril i advise that you limit group movements in cities so a lot of the country to your father is built into your forefathers paid their lives for weve been disgraced by this evil force these 4 should be brought to justice and therefore are calling you to grave to stand against him support us so that we can finish this task and move one of our endeavors to develop our nation in a short period of time opposition candidates in ivory coast president ial poll could face charges of terrorism and life imprisonment for denouncing the results of the vote thats according to the Public Prosecutor there the Constitutional Court has extended a deadline for objections to last weekends election result president other sunday with has been declared the winner but opposition parties say that will set up a transitional government. Ahmet interest is in abidjan with more on how people are reacting to the political uncertainty. The streets of the economic capital are much calmer than they used to be in the early days of the election now there is less security presence in the streets however there is significant presence of the Security Forces around the homes of a position leaders in abidjan here and apart from that there is because of the calm situation you cannot make activities are picking up here is one of the markets in the city and here traders are opening their shops and ill go there are many traders and businessmen who are still skeptical of the situation they would prefer to wait until after the pronouncement of the Constitutional Court and see how things go from there apart from the economic sector the Education Sector is also be closely watched schools are due to resume next monday and there are concerns from families and people in the capital here about whether or not to send their children back to school there are people with spoken to whove moved their families out of the country ahead of the election fearing that violence will break out what calling it was whether its safe to bring the children back to school now people are watching closely to see on monday whether these schools were open all some schools who preferred to see how things go after the pronouncements of the Constitutional Court and see whether or not there would be reaction from opposition supporters. European diplomats have criticized the Israeli Government while on a visit to an occupied west bank village demolished by the israeli army earlier this week Rights Groups say israeli troops flattened tents and other structures that house to 74 people including 41. 00 children and teenagers israels army says the structures were put up without permission your opinion repair representatives say the action is a violation of international law. 2 mosques in australia been closed after a man who attended them killed 4 people and injured 22 others in vienna earlier this week the countrys integration minister insists the move is not an attack on islamic faith 20 year old gunman was shot dead on monday during his attacks in the capital. Austria has admitted to intolerable mistakes in its handling of intelligence on the attack. Of a man was holding at 2nd general elections since it ended military rule the Governments Council voting in some areas ahead of sundays poll amid fighting between the military and ethnic armed groups this means more than a 1000000 people wont be able to vote and its raising a lot of concern lawrence reports. Weeks before polling opens in. Migrant workers in neighboring thailand cast their votes in advance one of them is home from the shan ethnic minority who works with a Nongovernmental Organization that helps Migrant Workers in thailand shes also been visiting communities to encourage others from myanmar to vote the Information Age of the year i want to explain to people that we cant ignore politics or the election this is about our future if the political situation improves in our country then our lives will be improved and we wouldnt need to leave the country to find work. But back you know not everyone will have the chance to vent polling will not take place in dozens of townships in conflict zones or those deemed under the control of ethnic groups. Silence is a shawn refugee living in a camp for displaced people in time and he says hes not surprised that its mostly ethnic minorities who are affected by the election commissions decision. Government always finds an excuse to cancel it in ethnic areas they claim its because of conflict and its not safe for people to travel to guard this helps the government parties win the election and it doesnt help the shah an ethnic party get all in Rakhine State fighting between the myanma military and the arakan army has displaced more than 200000 people in less than 2 years voting will now not take place in more than half of that 17 townships. Rakhine state is also home to most of the countrys ethnic grouping and the majority wont be able to vote even though theyve been in the country for generations the government considers them stateless and has over decades used a series of laws to deprive them of citizenship in 2017 a violent to military crackdown on the rangar caused nearly 3 quarters of a 1000000 people to flee to bangladesh we were french fries. So. We cannot. We without the result is nothing for us this is myanmar 2nd freely contested general election since the end of full military rule in 2011 many Analysts Expect the ruling party the National League for democracy led by Aung San Suu Kyi to win. But whoever wins will have to share power with the military thats guaranteed 25 percent of parliamentary seats and control of 3 important ministries. And many here say that shows the still a long road ahead on pasta to democracy florence al jazeera. Ok youre up to date so a lot more news at the top of the hour stay with us here and there. Is there a school realistically how can you do with institutionalized corruption and this country we listen if this breaks up a deal conflict between august on and india this has implications for the rest of the world we meet with global newsmakers and talk about the stories the back to 0000 you pot 2 of especially best to geisha one o one ace visits western australias only Youth Detention Center and travels to the remote outback towns where many of the indigenous inmates come from. 0 ferguson has been in turmoil at least 2 of my Police Officer shot but im still not like time after. That. To make a political hole in my city are you from the state representative back in 9091 to me i was out are you wanted a god without a gun my brother was killed my hood dont look no dear friend any other good out here in my whole world was keel me i saw my son in 15 years and i felt like you know at this my time to stand up. This is the most and bill for us im just not willing to accept what substantial legislation can i get through thats going to speak to a major need for my community this bill identifies used violence as a Public Health epidemic last year we had 200. 00 murders the ripple effect. When it comes to the youth it stretches for a while. Confidence is building among joe biden supporters as he inches closer to the white house expounding his narrow lead over donald trump. My money and this is al jazeera with ongoing coverage of the u. S. Election and were waiting for a result. Ga one of the states still too close to call is set for recounts and legal battles lou. Continues to make baseless

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