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Of women in poland push back against tough new restrictions on abortion. To get on with the games the limping bosses insist its not irresponsible to hold the event in tokyo in the middle of a global pandemic. We began and will hand china where a team from the World Health Organization is getting to work to investigate the origins of the corona virus pandemic. They have left the hotel after a 2 week quarantine and will soon begin interviewing people for Research Institutes hospitals and that Seafood Market linked to the initial outbreak a long delayed inquiry comes off to months of negotiations between beijing and the w. H. O. Her senior year has a very latest from. Well the debate has said that plan for the next few weeks is yet to be finalized but since they arrived in china 2 weeks ago theyve already been gauged in frank discussions with their chinese counterparts and others involved in the management of the outbreak here in han theyve got a mammoth task ahead of them theyre investigating a lot of theories and among them is one that covered 19 1st originated in a wild animal potentially a bat secondly theyre also going to go into the 100. 00 black market where the 1st cluster of the current virus was 1st identified and see how the virus might have spread from there and also they going to check out the institute. Which is the lab where former us u. S. President donald trump alleged that 19 allegedly leaked from all those months ago or now of course the team is going to face a lot of challenges 1st of all its been more than a year since this outbreak 1st started and many people believe that much of the key evidence may no longer exist and also we do know are that beijing has been tartly controlling any information any doctor around the outbreak and there is a lot of skepticism as to whether they will be able to fully cooperate with the World Health Organization but the team members that we have spoken to say that its early days but they are quite positive about Going Forward but they do mention that the public should be warned that this is a long process its going to take a while and they need to be patient for us to have any conclusive findings on the court of ours. Their normal is reporting a new outbreak of corona virus after nearly 2 Months Health officials fear that a wide outbreak after recording 82. 00 new cases in the north on thursday is a 1st Community Transmission of the virus and weeks and the largest since the pandemic began d. Armed forces in peru have tightened Border Security to vent mostly venezuelan migrants from crossing over they say theyre trying to stop the spread of coronavirus tourism reports from when is theres. Peruvian armed forces on their way to the border with a while or its the latest move by peoples government to prevent mostly vinous when my grans from entering the country and potentially bringing coronavirus with them is there for us is that several of our borders are closed for sanitary reasons and what we have to do is to make sure that any passage that takes place is lawful. But its been a challenge to close the border completely since early january the 2 countries have detected and destroyed 11 routes used to cross illegally. We are deploying our military Police Across the border to assist our people so that the virus is not carried the virus goes with those who migrate all illegal border crossings are to be shut down. We do has a reason to be concerned the number of covert infections has increased dramatically in recent weeks. This is a daily seen in this and then nation which has already reached more than a 1000000 cases it is one of the worst affected countries in the region and that money even though we are going through a period of terror we are unsafe we go out in public with great insecurity we come to the hospital and theres a line we wait for hours and hours i think the government needs to take note for the Health Minister to come to hospitals look at the people there are children and elderly inside hospitals are struggling to cope with the increasing infections and thats why president francisco so got these week announced a told her lockdown of the capitol and 9 other regions were given is over there is a medical i think weve got 2 or 3 very difficult weeks ahead because we dont have any more physical space to treat patients we dont have beds in intensive care so we wont have places for all those who are sick in the coming days its certain that the number of deaths will go for a lot which is difficult because were seeing more young people during the in the 1st wave to has lagged behind other countries in efforts to ensure vaccines for its citizens the ouster of one president and the rest of nation of another one in 2020 has had a huge impact on how this country has handled covert 19 access to the vaccine is a major challenge in latin america right now even though governments from argentina chile and others say they have secured doses of the vaccine massive vaccination maybe months away there is simply not enough vaccines in the region right now and thats a problem for governments in the region who are trying to prepare for whats coming next. Argentinas president Alberto Fernandez says the pandemic has revealed divisions in the continent speaking in chile on this 1st foreign trip since taking office fernandez called for unity. We have to make latin america an integrated region because we are now seeing what the disintegration of the region means we are seeing it and whats happening in public in whats happening with the purchasing of black scenes where each one of us runs in a hurry to solve a problem if we had all been united everything would have been easier more than 200. 00 people have been injured in a night of violence in the lebanese city of tripoli these pictures appear to show Security Forces using live ammunition to disperse dozens of Protesters Police say the responding to hand grenades thrown by demonstrators as anger over a lockdown which many say has made lebanons economic crisis even worse. Yep and protests in poland as tough new restrictions on abortions come into effect womens groups estimate hundreds of thousands of women already go abroad to terminate pregnancies and that that number could now rise they holding up. During a winter night in warsaw hundreds of protesters came out to the streets to tell the government that they think its stance on abortion is wrong as usual governments are the sane enough is enough we demands on the dairy from you we demand solidarity. On wednesday night polands new abortion law went into immediate effect banning terminations of pregnancies with fetal abnormalities abortions will now only be allowed in cases of rape and incest or if the mothers life is at risk doctors performing illegal abortions will face jail time over there i want us to have our basic rights the right to decide to buy our bodies the right to decide what we want to do and if we want to bear children and in what circumstances to have children i do not want to get pregnant one day and see my child die off to this thought horrifies me. The ruling led to weeks of much larger nationwide protests in october because of this the conservative law and Justice Party delayed its implementation of the law the abortion law is in line with other policies from the right wing party since taking office in 2015 it has also ended state funding for n. V. Trophyless ation was this predominantly catholic country now has one of the most conservative laws on abortion in europe there are fewer than 2000 legal abortions every year but womens groups estimate that an additional 200000. 00 women either abort illegally or abroad leah harding aljazeera. Get you some breaking news coming into us from pakistan. The Supreme Court there has ordered the release of a man who was accused of murdering the wall street journal journalist daniel pearl the judges have dismissed the appeals against the acquittal of the british born Omar Saeed Shaykh he was convicted of pells murder back in 2002 so as soon as we get any more on this we are hoping to speak to correspond in pakistan we will bring it to you he was convicted but he has been acquitted of course in moscow is expected to hear russian Opposition Leader alexina vollies appeal to be released from prison on wednesday police raided his offices the homes of his relatives and associates of all these brother oh leg was among those detained the Opposition Leader was arrested last week when he returned from germany where he was being treated for poisoning hes been accused of violating previous parole restrictions the man in charge of americas Foreign Policy says one of the Top Priorities of the new Biden Administration will be how to handle iran and his 1st press Briefing Since taking office u. S. Secretary of state Anthony Blinken said washington wants to return to the 2050 nuclear deal which trump pulled out of the blinking called on iran to act 1st if. Iran comes back into full compliance with its obligations under the j c v. O. A. The United States would do the same thing and then we would use that as a platform to build with our allies and partners what we called a longer and stronger agreement and to deal with a number of other issues that are deeply problematic in the relationship with iran but we are a long ways from that point around it is out of compliance on a number of fronts and it would take some time should it make the decision to do so for it to come back into compliance in time for us then to assess whether it was meeting its obligations so were not were not there yet to say the least is Shihab Rattansi at the state department with the latest. Its really unclear what the biden position is on the one hand lincoln always begins with a statement that the u. S. And iran will return to full compliance this will then be used as a platform to address other issues but then he always goes into a great deal of detail about how it will take such a long time to assess irans compliance but what is the assumption there with a timetable that so that means only iran has to come into compliance and then the u. S. Will decide whether it will come into compliance meaning it will lift the sanctions what is that really what was supposed to be on the table it was the u. S. That broke International Laws and walked out of the Iran Nuclear Deal unilaterally it was the e. U. For that matter who then began breaking all the rules of the way as well iran kept to it and then only in the last year or so then you know began enriching uranium a little further is the u. S. Really saying that iran has to remove its only bargaining chip of enriching to 20 percent enriched uranium and then the u. S. Will decide whether it will lift the punishing economic sanctions is that realistic is that what blinken and the other biden Foreign Policy team members really think given this is their own baby that the people who negotiated this in the 1st place this was the deal that they sold to the world as the best deal possible do they not believe its possible anymore which is really unclear we do know that the biden assertions under a lot of pressure from the gulf nations and israel israels a great ally as blinken said today and biden keeps on saying well get unconditional aid whatever but its still a little bit opaque even though blinken kept saying today that he was all about transparency and clarity. And the United States has temporarily fors an arms sales to saudi arabia and the United Arab Emirates sexier say to me blinken says its not unusual for new administrations to review pending arms sales in the final hours of doldrums presidency is that ministration had agreed to sell 50 f. 35 fighter jets to the u. A. E. The iraqi ambassador to washington says theyre working closely with the new administration to have peace and stability in the. Lawrence is a professor of International Relations at the American University he thinks the sale to the u. A. E. Will likely go through. Well theres sort of 2 stories here one is that it is entirely normal as the administration is saying to review such weapons sales when a new administration comes in with its own usual is all of these public statements and all of this turmoil including tweets by senators you know and all and all the brouhaha around it that thats quite a typical its very likely that these symbols will go through but its the way in which the children ministration hastily went through a whole bunch of quid pro quos relating to the Abraham Accords and other hasty actions at the end of the ministration created a circumstance by which he even if the democrats and the vitamins trishna agree with the arms sales theres a kind of bitter taste in their mouth about the way in which trump went about it and thats really whats under review and so what happened last year in the year before is the murder of. The war in yemen sort of into one issue at the level of the senate and there was a lot of comments by senators about you cant trust saudi arabia cant trust yemen and much as much that was as much directed at the trunk administration and their relationship with those countries as any human countries were doing and then what happened after that is they got 55. 00 votes in the senate 55. 00 votes against the arm sales but they needed 60 votes to break the filibuster and thats still about the same ratio in the senate so if it came up for another congressional review the sales would go through again but the opposition to the conduct of the war and you met and worlds greatest humanitarian catastrophe is something the senates going to continue to raise the alarm bells about. Still ahead on aljazeera the greek government wants to put Police Offices in saudi investing campuses the students think otherwise. On the 1000000. 00 me now and image of the u. S. It is a benny sound is being used to preach baby farmings in his home state. Its time for the perfect jenny. Sponsored point at ways hello the weather is looking a little more my boss across europe over the next couple of days weve got bands of cloud of the writer rolling in from the atlantic it will turn decidedly malda as this happens at stan as that moderate bumps into some very cold air into central and eastern parts of europe we can expect to see if the snow over the next day or so into central areas could see another meter of fresh snow coming in across the office that rain tumbles in across the British Isles through france germany 6 a very heavy rainfall as well it does stay dry for a good part of spite and portugal less that mahler a coming in 16 celsius in madrid could get around 19 in japan further east its the all the cold side temperatures hovering around freezing for warsaw and for moscow with some snow there across a good possible Eastern Europe down towards the black sea we push on and see friday and well see that snow continues and not its way a little further east with our rain also following in behind snow with a leading edge will make its way into a good parts of poland by the state now to some snow to coming down into the bowl wins close to the american alps some wet weather and some rather windy weather pushing in across the eastern side of the mediterranean that a lot polish shows on northern libya saying some of that rain also affecting northern parts of egypt. Qatar airways gate calm and make sure youre not hyping the situation be part of the debate my main characters are women when no topic is off the table the law is in the last allow Child Marriage to happen legally these are basically archaic walls they are often legitimize them legal wise pedophiles. On line jumping to the Comment Section and the team to be part of the discussion this stream on out is the era. Of the. You watching aljazeera mind of our top stories this hour a team from the World Health Organization has ended its 2 week Hotel Quarantine in china will begin investigating the origins of the coronavirus pandemic after months of delay. Pakistans Supreme Court has ordered the release of a man convicted in the murder of the real street journal journalist daniel pearl just dismissed the appeals against the courts or the british born Ahmed Omar Saeed shaikh it had received the Death Penalty for the 2002 murder. Lets go live to come out in islamabad and try and get a bit more on this talk us through exactly what the Supreme Court said and presumably this is a big blow for the pole family who have been launching these appeals. Indeed it is a huge blow as far as the petition of cause Daniel Family is concerned we have not yet studied did in detail of that word of the Supreme Court that should be remembered that. Omar shakoor song to be complicit and a conspiracy and you know ordering down near to. Do it ted it but dead in karachi of course when seen as a huge disappointment across pakistan and obviously also in the United States but the family was hoping that they would get justice from Pakistans Apex Court which had the Supreme Court i thought at this particular trial was concerned and of course they will be a huge disappointment we dont have the exact details of the word big but we should be we should be having died soon. But give us a bit more background because i believe that the just particular appeal was launched after i left him. From a comment Omar Saeed Shaykh saying that he had been involved in the killing in in some way. Well good reports of cause have been coming out that he had it made however if you remember. College mamadou was being and better gate. And one tandem all by the americans had admitted that he would then was there still a lot of mystery shrouding that we dont know exactly what it was but he would indeed implicated he was and was it was then sentenced to death by and that it is them caught out later on it would equate to just a year ago by they send a High Court Judge the force send shock waves but there was hope that once the case come through the Supreme Court rejects Pakistans Apex Court that the family would see some justice however that of course that there had not happened many thanks for that come out in islamabad President Joe Biden has signed executive orders to address Global Warming and cleats cussing fossil fuel subsidies and posing oil and gas leases on federal land he says Climate Change is at the center of his Administrations National security and Foreign Policy just like we need a unified National Response to cope with 19 we desperately need a unified National Response to the Climate Crisis because there is a Climate Crisis we must keep we must lead Global Response because neither challenge can be met as secretary kerry has pointed out many times by the United States alone we know what to do we just got to do it when we think of Climate Change we think of it this is a case where conscience and convenience crossed paths where dealing with the sex a sense of threat to the planet and increasing our Economic Growth and prosperity are one in the same is alan fischer with reaction from washington. Well Climate Change was always going to be close to the top of the agenda for joe biden he said throughout the Election Campaign and know here he is one week in the oval office outlining plans that he believes are essential for the United States to take among the executive orders that he signed hes cutting fuel subsidies to those in the carbon industry hes trying to overturn a decision by i dont trump to over ton a measure that barack obama introduced he knows that there is a political tightrope to walk here because he emphasizes very much so the idea that green jobs will be created but its still not enough to convince many republicans theyve been critical of what theyve had from the white house on wednesday they say as far as theyre concerned this is simply Big Government getting involved in the lives of ordinary American People again and making sure that they could possibly lose their jobs and also challenging joe biden suggesting that he is giving up the Energy Independence that the United States has enjoyed over the last several years and making them dependent on foreign sources because they wont be able to produce enough energy that a growing economy is making as for joe biden he believes that this is important and incidentally i spoke to john kerry who is the new climate czar essentially he is going to organize the Global Climate conference for april hes going to get many countries involved its a sign that the United States again wants to take the lead on the climate question after what many here in the white house say was 4 years of neglect by donald trump. Students in greece and protesting against a bill that would create a new branch of police for University Campuses the government says the force is needed to fight Violent Crime in universities. And. If the government has its way student protests like this could become a thing of the post a new bill would ban Noise Pollution and political banners in universities it would also introduce a Campus Police empowered to arrest and charge those considered troublemakers and disciplinary boards with power to suspend or expel students the government says too much crime goes unpunished on campuses where faculty members have been attacked or bricks into their offices and students have been raped but these students disagree with the right guy and this whole discussion about insecurity and how you teach is not based in reality if you look at Police Statistics the crimes committed on campuses are negligible what where really afraid of is whats in the bill the sanctity of University Campuses goes back to 973 when the military dictatorship then ruling greece used the army and police to crush a student protest here at the athens polytechnic although no one was hurt on the campus an estimated 3 dozen people were killed on the night of the operation and the following days in 1902 police were forbidden to enter campuses but and the kist groups often took advantage of this to escape the rest after confrontations with Police Police community was abused in other ways police recovered this expensive equipment stolen by intruders from the athens polytechnic to be sold on the black market. When it came to power in 2019 the conservative new democracy government allowed police on to campuses at will keep those just gotta. Even the lab is the only thing the government is achieving is to irritate an already vexed society and a student body that is anxious about its future and is giving the kiss of life to extremists specifically the left wing syrias opposition so to start a cat and mouse game on University Campuses we dont need this tension the government decided to tighten Campus Security last october after 8 assailants held a University Rector hostage in his office and called for a return to immunity from policing the main problem is created by from people who come from outside we have more University Students so i strongly believe that 90 percent of the problem is going to be sold we think to the doctrine of the checking of the people who enter the converse the building students are protesting against the the government has the votes it needs in parliament but the students claiming the streets jumps out ople us aljazeera athens at least 53 people have been killed when a bus collided with a truck in western cameroon a truck was carrying flammable liquid 29 others are injured camerons transport minister has ordered an investigation israel has exercised a former Australian School principal whos facing Sexual Assault charges. Has been fought a against her exhibition an Israeli Court since 2014 before losing an appeal at the Supreme Court she faces 74. 00 charges including rape involving girls as an Ultra Orthodox Jewish school she ran in melbourne may for who holds citizenship fled australia in 2008 when the accusations emerged. U. S. Senator Bernie Sanders is raising millions of dollars for charity using a popular name of him and his britons it comes at a time when millions of americans struggling to put on the table and to pass the story. The senator from vermont became the unlikeliest of fashion icons at the inauguration by wearing woolly mittens made from repurpose sweaters and recycled plastic bottles made by School Teacher i was just trying to keep warm trying to Pay Attention to what was going on within hours the image of Bernie Sanders was everywhere repurposed into days of hilarious content on social media with the senator appearing in major films historical moments and even the aljazeera newsroom chairman sanders merchandise quickly sold out his Political Action committee has raised 1800000. 00 for Area Charities including meals on wheels an organization that delivers food to Senior Citizens who live alone to be king was inspired to make a doll of the senator it fetched 40000. 00 on e bay its very inspiring like how it would no matter your political views one of his main goals is to help people how can you not like somebody who wants to donate you meals on wheels you know. So he inspired me to do the same thing 50000000 americans including one in 4 children are food insecure demand on food pantries has spiked during the pandemic so any effort to feed the hungry is certainly welcome at a time where help is needed more than ever and aljazeera and then big boss is adamant that holding the tokyo games in july would not be irresponsible much of japan is in a state of emergency because of code 19. 00 and 1. 00 poll suggests 80 percent of the public is in favor of postponing again counseling but the International Olympic Committee Says its a case of how not if the games will go ahead and plan to release a playbook soon explaining how theyll get thousands of athletes to compete safely in japan. If we would think it would be irresponsible and if we would just think there could be games could not be safe we would not go over it again principle number one save our going he said. A city in southern finland says its launched the worlds 1st urban ski sharing system residents of lottie a used to staying to get around during the winter now they can borrow a pair from one of 3 stations around the city Officials Say they want to encourage people to reduce transport related Carbon Emissions lotties also this years European Green to. This is out as there are these on the top stories the team from the World Health Organization of ended the 2 week Hotel Quarantine in will hand china will now begin investigating the origins of the corona

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