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A safe route to south cancer and even palestinians and the occupied with bank protesting the compartment of kansas. It kills by is riley forces and diplomatic if its intensify as the primitive cells cuts out, meets the us secretary of states. And uh, we begin with breaking news from Southern Living on with a group of journalists, including an old just arrow team has been hit by and this riley strike cameraman is some of the law from the voices. News agency has been killed and it will just arrow to unless common jessica and eli mikaya has been injured and had been taken to hospital. They were in a car when they were hits to unless from a pay what also hits in our shop near the is riley folder. Shredfly. Ill just say it was living on your i chief miles and abraham was they had just stopped or what happened . Well, i dont know how, so who knows that he done as a model, so hopefully you wont get me. This is what happened. All the journalists will hit together. Its a type of safety measure. This is to make sure that both the resistance and is right on the we have journalists and in one location. I can clearly say that we the gentlest but targeted on purpose. We will fall from the confrontations, the confrontations up this hill over the horizon, whether fi is off. This spot is whether janice was. One of the journalists were wearing the safety kit. They all have the press slogan on the chest and cause this car behind me, the one that is totally damaged is the, ill just either call the, ill just there a crew was inside this car. My colleagues were transferred to hospitals report to come and do conduct an camera man, l e bracket. One other camera mom was killed at gentlest, with killed and injured while doing that work the la hush and that joins us live from all my. Ill shop and live and on with that attack happens in ali. Can you just give us the latest on how things on photos they are all over the last few hours. Like like i said, i told a guy called me about a situation out of the situation. Unfortunately, we lost the guy from the law along with the Police Ranger than this by to target. The invite is ready for face. The crews was in the solve this morning, we were all together and then we said that this the crew contact then went to an open space. It was the hand that was over to the whole board this. So the tech that on so forth and they will be ready to check. It sits on top platform them so they were clearly identified as journeyman is a given the fact that theres many minutes we is monitoring the more the 247. They knew that that on germany here, a news generally generally moving from one location to another depending on how things are left. And then today, one that they tend to, when, please, because i told you that i went into the town to the village and all that you went to the handle election the committee to walk in today. I found the key blade data because we want to ration off it was from there. And then this happened. They went ahead to violated the actually or just kind of documented that it says that again, that is a clip. And it was clear and got the no warning shop to the woman shows. There was nothing despite the fact that youre in this every one of the things that weve been that weve been Walking Around this area for the fast full part princess connection sauces. Under the need more did alley. I know youve been there for the last few days and we were talking to you before all of this unfolded in the last few hours and you were talking about the the, the rising tension in the area. Can you just explain why it is has been so tense since saturday morning the tension itself is on this side of the face said sunday when i had my good i talked to the lady, pulled and shut off on the and that does it yourself let them in se, nope, they, after they, the situation was detention of mountain the capital tax. And to nail to that, were going to talk to the city in the last time since the morning. And then the company is just shutting down. All the sudden the publishers may hit the liberties, all these uh, photos on the board that they hit 7 to 4 versions there. And at the end, this was, this was actually one of the last it and it was the journalist who ive covering the its a, its a, it was, im on the license and actually what, who are standing on the other side. And we were seeing the black smoke going out the vehicles i wanted to know, but this is the vehicle, our company. We thought because the minute you did call it maybe an Army Position as a position. Well, we didnt know that this was our colleagues who we went to get them just few minutes ago. Okay, thank you so much, ellie, im really reiterated. So what important work you and all the journalists and teams out there doing for us, it is only hush them for us in our shop and living on with jonathan. Doug joins us from newman, the fonts he is head of the middle east. Escape route pauses without borders and joins us now. A 1st of all like, is your reaction to what is happens in Southern Living on over the last hour or so that yes, uh, good evening. The 1st of all uh, unfortunately we have confirmed the desk of during the summer below who was working for reuters. Uh he was going to buy this radio stripe. Ringback and 1st of all, i would like to offer my sincere it comes with components and the best part is up to his family and his colleagues of toys. And that are drastically and you have to have it on. So we also have news that separate other journalists were injured some severely, some that sold, including 2 of us called its up to like those said us with any and my and as a, and of course the members of the 0 through the, during this time and you saw that and at the higher end we are the devastated by all of this news and we wish them speed you recovery. I dont know what theyre doing, but you says inflammation of other journalists were also injured. Were on the grounds and were still following up in order to get more information. So i get all are simply not Strong Enough to denounce. Ringback this crime that occurred that that some of the left should be killed in that way by his radio strikes is and it must have been, it does outrages. He was a brave during his doing his work. He was identify of it and he was wearing his having it on his best. And he was lives from the border to cover the Development Situation at the front of the border. And he was headed by this air strikes of we are warning him, but we also outraged by what amounts, according to all the information that we have. So for this amongst the award crime, this is the intention entity that we are discovering we are, were still looking into that, but it is apparent that they were around the card. There was no one else around them. And there was no fight thing that was normally, there were no military points, the journalists were hit. And we, we have so far with information that we have the only point to, i mean, functionality that this specific of to the cheats. And in that case, we are talking about the what crime and of course, that theres not, its we, we would wait for more information on this and a developer investigation to find this out of but, but unfortunately this is for the moment and it must have been an outrages and Justice Needs to so for the starting, understand all the germans. Jonathan, just to reiterate, you believe that at this stage you think it is a deliberate targeted attack on jen . Lets just trying to do their job. That was the looking for information in order to confirm that, but based on the information we currently have, it appears that the journalists were identified, but they were not that they were not surrounded by anyone else. They were in their car around the car. We still have the elizabeth of missing information. Everything that we have, and we know so far as pointing out the deliberate back. Of course we cannot confirm this of the stage. Its been very early, were still going to look at the all the information. But if it does turn out that its delivered, then we are talking about a word con. There should be very strong measures taken against the repetitive target. The end of june of a surprise is ready to state. This reminds us unfortunately, so were giving up shooting of oakland park to 22 was also wearing a precipice who was also can buy and is really bullet by their own admission to this day. Theres that and community for this crime with it also reminds us of the 7 other journalists work and does us and saturday, october 7 and the retaliation by his rated states to how much is a back. Ringback ringback on israel and the baby 7 journalists are going and the other during this war and goes to austin, working existing in 30 fine circumstances. Frankly, it is on imagine it, but what they are having to deal with to be engaged is thank you so much. We really do appreciate you coming on l 20. That is jonathan doug. The head of the middle east is good report is without buddhist. Thank you so much. I or lets turn now to the deteriorating situation and gaza with 70 civilians have been killed by his ready strikes while trying to flee on what was supposed to be a safe route to relative century. His route has issued whats being described as an impossible ultimatum. The evacuation of 1100000 people from north kanza to the south. Often nearly a week of strikes as well as bombardments of cancer has killed more than 1800 people. This is wont. Kansas city looks like now. Its buildings flattened. Its streets blocked with rubble. Gowns that has been on the end is ready, sage for 16 years. And now fuel and Water Supplies are entirely cons off. Traveling even a short distance is extremely difficult. Hospitals overwhelmed with more than 6000 wounded people needing treatment, medical stuff say, attempting to relocate them is im think about the time the families had been killed in the last 7 days. The people have gone to a morning the dates the combined populations of north guns in kansas city have been told the only safety is south of the why the cancer. But those regions are just as heavily populated and also subject to as well as bombing campaign. In rough of the southern border to egypt as close juice of those attacks, even if it was open, it would remain closed palestinians from cancer. And across the board of israel has been amassing autonomy since a most find has launched an attack on south israel. On saturday, by the 1500 is rileys, were killed, a mouse took over 120 captives back to gaza as part of what a cold operation august the floods. Now as well as defense minister has issued a clear threats to the civilians have guns a move to the south of the own place. If you want to save your lives. This message was on leaflets that were dropped over the ruins of guns of reading. Gaza is now a battlefield. People have to have back to right now and move south to gallons of valley. A lot of correspondence to me now. So it has made that journey from kansas city to con eunice in south casa, and she sent us this report for headache. Now the 3 cars, vickery, the, the character of assume is live for us inside guys are in, is restore from that report. There it is. Clearly extremely difficult to try and get out of the north of gaza. How many people have tried to make that journey . Of the well since the early adoption of this round of fighting between palestinian fighters and use ready Occupation Forces. He is ready, Occupation Forces adopted a very close to constructive a strategy related to the destruction of civil infrastructure. Unclosing comp, time is for civilians as well. Like um the is ready uh, air force is also through today. Different kinds of papers uh right. Written on it like a warning to evacuate. The northern and even central areas of the gaza strip of like only the nose and the central areas of the gaza strip around like the number of citizens around one point. 1000000 citizen seems that there was a massive number of displacement. Waves will be carried out. Now thousands and thousands of palestinians were really a complete with the is really a recommendations to leave the their areas in the house as well. Others prefer to stay at the homes without having to remove the the a c filters. The believe that there is no any safe place inside the goals district. They dont have any money. They dont have any basic needs, especially without having sufficient electricity, water, and even enough medical supplies in order to survive. Now, according to the Palestinian Ministry of interior inside the goals of stress, they have announced that the is where the Occupation Forces have targeted uh 70 palestinians while they were evacuating the houses. It seems that even within the process of speculation, the is very occupation crimes continues against promising and so for out adopting this approach is really is collectively punishing the goals and depriving them from basic needs. And wed like to talk now about the humanitarian condition, the site, the goal is to strip, as you probably know, now we are making the coverage. We are now on a, in a very densely medical hospital. This medical compound is really containing. 1 thousands of people who s leads from the houses to the is very ongoing go button. And so the gaza strip, even during the list and medical stuff spine is really great. Difficulty in moving and even in doing their job perfectly due to the is really ongoing strikes. So it seems that the goal is to strip situation is getting whats as israel continues to closer for this and even putting any international intervention. He saw the gaza strip to provide humanitarian aids, to gauze and talk a well this is going on in the is rarely it strikes continue. We understand that there were a large series of explosions there in gaza over the last cold the pre award. Can you tell us about the continuing bombardments will. Uh, since the 1st moment with the escalation, theres real intensified and adopted and following a very extensive random apartment to different residential areas. We can clearly see throughout the city 6 released by the promised to be administered hills that the majority of places where hits, where residential areas with hundreds and thousands of victims were really. 1 found under the ruffles of the destroyed houses, sometimes that these houses received kind of freewill owning some other times they did not know the deal with the immediately hit to the house closing, see the losses in life and even in prefer, its a as long as because when it strikes continues inside, the goal is to strip the palestinian speed, and the postilion becomes more desperate to move frustration specifically with new police hope for reaching so useful you down the road. Okay, thank you so much for that. That is target as in for us in gaza. The us secretary of state has arrived in casa to discuss the gals of war, and to the blinking visit comes out was up to he made tell us to be in prison. Mike moved to boston, children abbas compared is rose, order to evacuate north garza to a 2nd knock by the 10th knock. By all the catastrophe refers to the fullest exodus of palestinians from their homes in 1948. When the state of israel was created, a boss is cooling for humanitarian car doors and gowns. The last hour, blinking held a joint press conference alongside guitar, a Prime Minister in the home. Its been of the rom, and else on a bozeman, a firms, a commitment to finding a diplomatic solution to this crisis. Now, i want to keep you focus for us. And i believe the United States chatting with us. The subjective is holly with that and how this could it would be a good perspective. United states and cutter share, the goal of preventing this conflict spreading. We discussed in detail our efforts prevent any state or non state creating a new front in this topic. Were also working intensively together to secure the release of costs, putting american citizen being held by a mouse and gas and im grateful for the urgency the cutter is bringing this after as well. Just as diplomatic. It is a james base. Joys joins me now. In terms we had to tell they both want to find a diplomatic solution to this cross as to the either of them come up with a plan, a way to do this. Well, they say they want a diplomatic solution to the crisis, but best thing, slightly different things. What they mean by that. First thing i think was saying is you just have not click from sex. You thinking the 2 things they really all working together on one is to avoid a spillover, an escalation for the frontal sample further fronts and in the complex and the other is the issue of the captives inside garza because cats a has contacts with a mouse and theyve had a role in the past in brokering cease fires. They are the ones that are talking to him us, we believe, to try and find a way of the americans want to get those captives out. Remember the leave to be americans among those that are being held. We dont know the number of americans, we dont know the total number of captives. So thats where they are working together. But in terms of a diplomatic solution, i think they mean very different things. The country side have to have cold for an immediate cease fire, stop tool hostilities, security blanket. No, hes not talking about the tool. He has said that israel has a right and and obligation to defend itself. He said, yes, you wanted him to avoid a any, a civilian casualties. But he said that was all. Im asked his fault things. He said, a mass is holding the civilians and gaza as human shields. And he didnt really address the questions of what is rileys doing on the ground, the details of what theyre doing, this evacuation order. People just hours to leave the homes. What it, how is that going to work for people who are 6 people who are elderly children, how, how are they going to travel at that distance on . Im very pool, quite a few roads. He didnt address the fact that life has been cut. The electricity has been cut. Now these are things that you speak to human rights activists, but also to n g a is to 8 agencies. Im is now to the United Nations and the International Committee of the red cross. They say a totally unacceptable and some of them are going as far as saying already is around. This can be single crimes here. But we know that cut out has been a significant play a and diplomatic if its a recent to you is what role do you think that culture has to plan or what i think has as role is that unique role in having a way to speak to homeless, having a mass office in doha, a way that they can be Communications Contact between the us and on time us in, directly through a through, through the capture is they going to play that intermediary role that they played so many times in the past. In this region and beyond using that diplomatic role to, to try and, and, and deal with the situation was telling you, this is part of a very long trip by the us extra step. Its the 1st time hes been, i think it was since hes been an office. Hes been to 7 Different Countries in the region. In fact, i havent checked yet, but i think he may not still being cattle. I think hes on his way and very shortly involved writing and i understand hes the nice thing tonight in saudi arabia, an indication i think of the breadth of this. I think the most important meeting bill and beyond where we all now catch all was i think one of the key ones, the other key one is going to come up at the end of his trip when he goes to egypt. Egypt is very, very key because of course we talk about the gaza strip, being surrounded by his route. It is, but of course it has one voted with egypt and that rapid comp crossings the egypt absolutely crucial in this as well. Okay, thank you so much for breaking that down for us. That is out there for medicaid is a james by his thank you. This is riley false. Us have killed at least a live in palestinians and they occupied westbank on friday. Have us to indians have gathered in several places including near the illegal assessment of bait l to protest and suppose have gone so that since saturday at least 47. 00 palestinians have been killed in the occupied with bank either by is ready forces or, and similar attacks and run con is outside the hospital in ramallah and sent us this report all throughout the day, weve seen a lam ambulances arrive here from various demonstrations in the occupied westbank. This ambulance is actually arriving with a critically injured us. And you can see everybody ultimate x get around. And now what the empties are telling us is the types of injuries that they thing off from life fire. And they say that there is an excessive use of force against the palestinians. So normally these ladies would use rubber coated still bullets that would use take us. But now it seems that they all using lifes against the protesters. Now right now, uh the hospital says its not overwhelmed, but it is worried that if things escalate, it could simply become overwhelmed and wrong calling out. Is there a model of what they retentions at the ill ask them most today with the hi is riley military presence in multiple check points. So hot out to isnt occupied East Jerusalem as you can. Hey, right now is the beginning of the friday phrase here in the old city of jerusalem. Now this just behind me is the entrance known as the lions gate. This is where our last to be uh, was supposed to listen. Why supposed a coming in, as you can see, a Security Forces wants to move us out of the way. I just want to explain to you how the process works. The worshippers will come through this. They will enter this entrance in the distance that you can just see in front of me. And thats one of the interesting to all that most hometown. Now weve been speaking to some of the worshippers that had been coming in. They said that those, the, on the a certain age are prevented from entering. This is what can usually happen where attentions, a high boss, some of the most saying that because they are scared of the situation that staying home. Everyone is afraid. We the muslims are afraid, the jews are afraid, people clash, therefore everyone is staying at home. But we pray to god for all the best i can for the rest. And i would love to watch the rest of our check on the, on the, on the chip points here. That is when we see everyone, well, what shows thing. Heres the impressive damascus gate that allows you access into the old city. And of course, oh ok. So most compound, many of the worshippers came through here and it was relatively quiet in this area because only 5000 washer because attended those pray is not because hes ready for says did dont a lot of youngsters from entering which led to several clashes that happens in the old city, just minutes off the trial was held today with palestinians that was of firing. It seems fireworks on the if these ready for us is it stops looking for them then that will also cautious nearby and neighborhoods the cold. Why the jewels and knots . Because they said speak to some of the palestinians that they want allows through some of the check points that was taught lead to, oh ok. So most of course on friday, many people here in the old city, especially occupied east through some headsets to perform this pros. Tensions a very high, its still very quiet in this parts of jerusalem at the moment. But of course, with the way things are heading, people are really concerned about a height of algebra. Occupied is the rest of them. Hundreds of demonstrations have gathered at cairos l as almost golf to friday. Prison support of cancer protest is at the capitals major as well. Im excited res palestinian flags, enchanted with soul and blonde. We sacrifice for alexa. Thousands turned out on the streets of so now and given to friday prayers to show the support the capital is held by a rainy impact. Whos the rebels . Whos still it will with the saudi lead coalition and demonstrate is the way to get many and palestinian flags on. Well, thats it. And they tell him a cry for now were there is next. Then inside story has more coverage on the guns that is right on the the hello, theres lots of fine and dry weather to be found across the middle east and live. And at the moment, just a bit of cloud looking its way for the spring and showers here in the northern parts of iran. But logically fine and dry will see the heat build in across from the southern areas. The gulf states like katasha though, has seen 40 degrees celsius that on sunday. So above average its going to get slightly cooler course eastern parts of to a key and east to the areas of the mediterranean risk of winds blowing and pushing a shower to israel and the occupied palestinian territories. That was, you move across the to the north of africa. We have got some showers pulling into the north west risk of wins as well, but a story of heat still for the canary islands, less promising. The temperature well above the average for this time of year, but of a dusty situation as well would hazy sunshine thanks to those winds blowing across central parts of africa, kicking up. Thats a hard task. But the thunderstorms of the story for nigeria as well as been in camera room as well as seeing those fields thunder storms. And well see the wave of wet weather pull across the democratic republic of congo sack today into sunday morning. The way of wet to weather pulling into eastern areas of south africa on sunday. Thats your weather update. As the to the unflinching questions is war with one, the imminent rigorous to be more dying because of black lives. Dont really matter, and the police will join me markham on hill upfront. What out to 0 the United States has been israel, the strongest by kind of in the war on god. New york and union and United Kingdom have also voice political support. Has more palestinians are killed on the humanitarian situation lessons. What of russia, china and india stuff. This is inside store the

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