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A 2nd time. Plus, im rob reynolds in los angeles with the story of a legal debate over whether to criminalize people who live on the streets. Its 10 g m t thats mid day and nose and gaza with these really ministry is target into residential building. In the jump valley, a refugee camp Emergency Services recovered the bodies of at least 7 civilians killed in that attack. The destroyed home is beside the school which houses displaced. Civilians is rarely forcible so intensified the result on rough in southern gaza. At least 15 palestinians were killed there in an ass striking a residential building of the night. 90 people have been killed in garza in the past 24 hours. Phoenix, you know our reports now and a warning that some of the images in phoenix is report understood when nighttime falls in gaza is really forces intensify bombings on the besieged. Strip of this full Story Building lies in ruins. In the ultimate, im neighborhood, east of drop off, its the aftermath of the residential buildings being bombarded overnight and like the strikes before it. The result is to begin blanchard, v. As you can see behind me, we saw that a residential building was struck, causing civilians into space people. Its a 4 Story Building. We managed to remove several bodies and rescue. Several injured people. Causes emergency crews say many people are still trapped under the rubble. But without any equipment they lift, trying to save lives with their bare hands, any of the info or how often we have limited scan resources and this war is entering it 6 months. There is no fuel to operate, search and rescue equipment. We need heavy equipment to help rescue women and children from under the rubble. But unfortunately, we do not have the ability to do that. We have to use their hands and some light old equipment to rescue victims from under the rubble of this residence to some, some of the wounded have been rushed to the elbow, yusef, all nyja hospital among the children, still struggling to comprehend the onslaught on each of them the, this boy says he was with this time of year when the building gave dan from above. This last refuge for more than 1500000 palestinians is coming under is really fire every day. Even us fee is loom of a ground invasion, a for alpha helix, new r o g 0. What else . Honey . My food is in rough. Uh, with more on the is really strikes the. And whats shocking about these thats talking over nice and here now is this morning, and this is the pattern within the past few days. Its more entire families are being targeted as a target of these, but thats what the talk just it was reviewing the names of the people who were killed in overnight attacked by the and the 14 people listed as from the jar hospital. The old happened to be from one family and this is not the 1st that would see this happens of oh, targeted killings of entire family. This happened before in hon units and to do bid, how long, and then it struck area. What looks like right now, this floor has been adjusted to cause a great deal of pain and damage to the way this, this diety is those, the structure of the social structure of it. Those of people who dont wear a very the very hours of this morning and get it from a food stamp. The death in july, the o 810 of them are from one family. We seem to have been happening every time an overnight at packs and drugs. Its called the great deal of damage and destruction to residential homes. This particular neighborhood. The eastern part of the city is over crowded with display family. Im not seeing them since the beginning of the genocide of were coming to this area as we were told by just really military in order to avoid being bombed into not as hard as dodd and so, and they should come here. And what reason that proton unit is really monitoring synthesize it . I did in the northern parts in particular. I mean, did i, there are more people is still under the realm of the, from the leads and i that tax on residential homes, particularly in giovanni refugee, have. And also in con units right now, there is another very see around how much residential compounds where people, residents of these rid of interest tyler is, are calling for the appeal for the national vit cross for the housing president society to provide them with the state court or just to leave that area the white house as a Framework Agreement on the table for a 6 week cease fire in gaza. Is ro, apparently it hasnt turned it down the way it is on now though for how much to respond to parties involved in negotiations, hoping to have a deal in place by ramadan. In about a weeks time, or mohammed of mass res, professor of media studies at the always dude for graduate studies, could i have you with us . Lets, lets try to unpack whats going on with this cx 5 apparently talk. So now moving to cairo, were not a 100 percent. So whether these rileys or joining because these writers are waiting to hear from us how much on the 100 percent certain, whether theyll sign up because they want a permanent c 5. Not just a temporary truce. Meanwhile, the americans ad dropping aid on desperate people in gaza. The pressure is on how much isnt it to accede to the sci fi to take what is on the table now and worry about permanent, too excited to think they will. So im not sure im not sure theyve been adamant that they want to permanent ceasefire as you, as you mentioned, i just dont know what the incentive is because what israel has been saying all along the incentive is to ease the suffering and cause right, but its somebody like into to a stay of execution. I mean, if israels or end game is to effectively destroy guys, which is what, what theyre doing. If youre just delaying that then, and if youre also in the process of giving up your chips, your bargaining chips, then im not sure that theres enough incentive on, on how much to, to, to make, to, to make this deal truly say again, the incentive is to ease the suffering for 6 weeks of most of the people who are doing the actions like can now to assignment, i think theyre probably going to, i mean, i dont, i cant get into the, the heads up to a model leadership. Right. And i think theyre going to be very tempted because the situated situation is so catastrophic on the ground people, people are begging the man in the Television Cameras for, for this respite. But as i said, just from the standpoint of, you know, uh, you know, rational choice theory, im not sure why a Political Group would agree to these demands when theyre essentially the israeli demands. I mean, this is, they would be agreeing to the, the is the, is rarely framework, which is were going to continue this war after the, the period ends. Lets also remember that in november there was a temporary pause. And israel did exactly what it said. It was going to do that, it was going to and that it was going to resume its Bombing Campaign on garza. And in some ways they actually intensified uh, the Bombing Campaign. And some analysts were saying that they were sort of making up for lost time. So come us is also reading that they have a history here. So what needs to be in place or what needs to fall into place . Should we say in order to shift it talks at that moment for a temporary trace on 2 talks for a permanent solution . What needs to change . Well, i think what you have really is, its quite simple. I mean, the overwhelming majority of, of entities in the International Community are calling for a cease fire. Really, you just have it. I want to oversimplify it, but you have the United States and israel on one side and the rest of the world on the other side. So whats needed is a permanent ceasefire. Most people, most experts certainly classify whats happening and guys are as a genocide. So the solution is not to come up with banded solutions. The solution is to end this and, and the genocide essentially bringing america on board essentially bringing the by the administration on board to coal for that to happen. Right. What do you make of this . An additional avenue of communications which is being tested apparently with any, against the opposition to the heading off to washington to meet on monday with the Vice President without nothing. You know, whose sanction . Right, ive, im, you know, even though im an analyst, i dont have all the answers and im really interested to see what comes out of that. Right. And to what extent is he, you know, veering away from from netanyahu. And to what extent is this going to cause a real division for inside inside the war cabinet, im going to nearly division another division. Exactly. And so im really interested to see what, what comes of that right now though, im not terribly optimistic that that visit or the talks going on right now are going to produce anything tangible for the reason that i mentioned that the beginning. And that is, that is real, remains adamant that it wants to continue what its doing in gaza. And i dont know that thats going to be acceptable to from us. And i dont think that the u. S. Is prepared at this point to put pressure, real pressure on israel. Right . Okay. Mom is almost re, thanks for your input that. And then the mocks joins us now live from occupied east jerusalem, and then, and we were just discussing that the elements of this possible si fi deal, question marks that hangover. Whether indeed these rileys even going to attend these talk supposedly happening in cairo to move things onto the next stage. What are you hearing and anything to add . Well, these raneys have not yet confirmed that they are indeed sending out a delegation to the souls. Jonah, they have said that that is contingent on receiving the names of hostages captives still alive and gauze. The mass have said that they are not prepared to release those names until a final deal has been reached. Now what they mean by final deal, that language is not entirely clear, but as mama it was a thing, a central Sticking Point between these 2 sides is these really desire to continue fighting and gauze that even if there is a, a temporary cease fire and our mass is designed to see an end to the overall goal. In terms of what im saying, they have confirmed that delegation is in cairo right now. Ive been trying to contact, tossed a 1000 different times. Officials, any one of them responding to me of the course of the morning in jerusalem, talking about the 5 that team is going to be on the ground in cairo, talking about the fact that demands have not changed in terms of what that means for the mediators the guitar exhibits since the us, the us has been the most optimistic about these tools over the full cost of the last week. Also, the addiction Foreign Ministry not responding to our requests for comment, the guitar, a Foreign Ministry, not responding to our request for comments. So theres a huge amount of unknowns as to whats going to happen in cairo, even the these rates are going to sign up. So. Meanwhile, an illustration of course on thursday of just how of pull and conditions off of civilians inside cause of the attack of people scrambling to get their hands on food aid. I believe theres a new statement that by these really ministry and not just a, an indication of how awful the cases office of millions also have challenging the conditions off for ordinary is ready. Soldiers have been put into a situation that having to face a civilian population and more than 2000000 in really desperate circumstances and based still in the report that has just come out as an initial reports. And these ready minute 3. They dont seem to the questions themselves a lot. Well, they all know confirming that that was a large number of individuals around some of the a truck convoys early on thursday morning that some of those individuals were wound off by is really troops firing what they called, warning shots that lead to seriously what sounds like a scene of find the medium with people running in different directions, pushing something from playing. We know that there were a lot of injuries early on, linked to that sensitive desks according to some of the doctors and gaza trucks, extensive driving off over the heads of civilians, perhaps even before the injuries and deaths. But at that point, this new report out this initial report is ready minutes regarding the says that a number of what dates on looters. These are tests for individuals looking for food and assign whether its not enough of the in gaza, approach them in what they call the threatening manner. And then they said they responded. Some of the soldiers responded to the approach of these individuals. What that really means is fight upon them, and of course weve heard from doctors in gauze of a large number of the injures i. So what are the kinds that would be appropriate . Well, i used to be dealing with phillip with me. Okay. But i believe in that thank you for the mocks for us in ok, bodies tourism, or the politicians, and focused on and elected shivers sharif as Prime Minister for a 2nd time. Sharif secured at 201. 00 vote. Speaking on that i called the candidate, backed by gail form a Prime Minister in wrong con collections last month for a month by violence and allegations of both drinking no single party one majority. But the 2 largest parties in parliament agreed to for the code of government, which enabled shareef to be elected to come on high to his mona from his mom about 4 elections, i never day. But when it comes to buckets done. Also, given the fact that these parties have come together because of jail, for their shouldnt dream drawn con idea logically, they have always been a boarding, a job, accusing a job, but they have now a common enemy and theyve been run con, which prompted progress on most of them leaving a wide range guard, the 2nd largest amount of work and the papers for the restore to the form that correlation a party as parties coming together just fall in the court list or into a leg siobhan show. Do you find the target dry in minnesota . Indeed it is going to be a huge challenge for m a of cause as experience and governance. Theyve been the chief minister of the one job providence bridge and the countrys most file for uh for the 11 years. The word of god, the Prime Minister, focused on renee, was elected by a 13 particularly lucian to out game. Ron con, back in april 2022 are still to come here on al jazeera, thousands of doctors in south korea refused to return to work defying a government deadline that ended on 1st and from code lead it to potential president s weeks. The latest from chad and the election prospect sivitz military mood, the landmark day, and the rates for the president s. March 5th, well see millions votes across the 15 states as super tuesday looks set to move joe biden. And donald trump, a step closer to a re match, stay without the zeros the continued coverage of the us elections. 2020, diverse in nature, color and meaning. With these really made it to your patient front and center. Nothing about this exemption is traditional or permanent or dis, work place next to younger artists. Its a reminder that there is one unders wavy bombardment. I think thats something they refuse to die and substantive a defense to die quickly. And openings edition only to be closed after the war. And as it drags on menu on these paintings, maybe a survivor of causes or tens of thousands of chinese Asylum Seekers are risking their lives in a dangerous route to the us. Were in america. So what happens once they make kids impart to have a special investigation . 1. 00 oh, 1. 00 east tasks chinese. My friends, the American Dream is, was their risk and the sacrifice on out to 0 the the, the welcome back. Youre watching elders here. Heres a reminder of our top stories. Israel has continued its bombardment across the gaza strip in the jump valley. A refugee camp in the north of the 7 civilians were killed in a strike on a residential building in rough in the south. So at least 15 palestinians were killed. The us says there is a Framework Agreement on the table for a 6 week cease fire and gas of israel as intended down the way to now on for how much to respond policies involved in negotiations. I hope to have a place by drama to these really Ministry Says most People Killed in search days. Food, a shooting attack died as a result of a stem p version contradicts the statement of the un team of mentioned people and said, many of them suffered gunshot wounds, prosecutors in between a fast so investigated people. Its been described as the executions of a 170 people last week. Others were injured in a tax on 3 villages a week ago. And the group affiliated to our kind of has claimed responsibility. The state department recently voiced its grave concern, increasing violence against civilians in the style region to the military ruler of chad is announced. Hes running for president as often with interest reports from the capital in german or the declaration follows the killing of an opposition lead in a raid by Security Forces. For most trojans, this was expected, but how much debbie says it was in his image was work on the job at the beginning of the transition. I didnt see myself as a candidate and the selection my focus was keeping the country safe and secure and united. But his candidacy is always shadowed by events of the past few days. At the end of february Security Forces rated officers of the countries, mino, position their way accused of attacking the offices of the National Intelligence agency and the Supreme Court. Now the leading opposition candidate is dead. The party and its headquarters. How important of the opposition is demanding an independent investigation into the rates by Security Forces and describes the beginning of a position need a deal as an assassination. But the government says the rates are legitimate, was posed to lice being pregnant as a threat to the future. Of charge so more than 220. 00 Political Parties and associations, including those opposed to mohammed and his father, got back to endorse the president for them a elections. There was no mention of the position socialist Party Without borders in the president speech. Whats that reference to the range and what the leader of the opposition, the rates of race to consent. At the funeral, there are social consequences for the coming, but politically at the opposition need, his death will not stop the election. Many wisdom poets consider chide, a dependable online, especially for my colonial rule of falls. We just moved a lot of troops here after they were ordered out of most of the sale. The may 6 election could be id be indicator whether chide had seemed to an equal stability or chaos. How many degrees i would just go to jamaica and hate to hundreds of inmates a bit of broken out of the main prison in the capital port. A prince of the gang members stormed it. Criminal groups control, much of the country. Security forces have struggled to maintain oldest since the assassination of president , juvenile, noisy, any 3 years ago. Russia says its the Defense Systems of destroyed all 38. 00 drones launched by ukraine targeting the crimea peninsula. The announcement follows social media reports of Early Morning explosions. Need an oil depot in the black seaport of field garcia to south korea now with thousands of doctors, a rallying and support of junior medics who walked out of the jobs nearly 2 weeks ago. Health services have been interrupted since then and some patients turned away from hospitals. The trainees are opposed to government plans to increase admissions in medical schools and just solving a shortage of doctors, a deadline to return to work expired at the start of this month. Units. Kim gives us the latest from the capital, so organizers say tens of thousands have come out to join this sunday afternoon, rally in what they the main dr as lobby group says is to mark a long journey toward opposing government policies. Now the Korean Medical Association are calling for this scrapping of a medical report plan announced by the government, which includes significantly the number of medical students here by 2000 to get 210000 doctors. Within a decade time, a boost the government says is needed to address a current doctor shortage and essential medicine and rural areas. And to keep up with the needs of an aging population for the doctors of the key and may say the governments plan is ill side out there warning the plan will lead to a lapse in the quality of south koreas world class medical care and slam. What they called unreasonable pressure of dr. Julio. This thing was due to come. The government is fully aware of the reason why all the just including resident doctors and medical students unanimously posted the increase in medical school. Quote, is yet they deceived the public to exploit policies and systems to make dont physically tunnel medical slaves. Tensions have been soaring as Police Search and sees the offices of the Academy Leadership on friday, who they suspect encourage the thousands of junior dr. Is to walk off the job in mass flow in operation general hospitals across the country. No signs of an off ramp in business weeks long stand off between the doctors and the government as it enters a 3rd week. You know skim, alda 0. So as to the United States style, where they have been efforts to criminalize people who live on the streets Supreme Court judges due to rule on whether a little that essentially makes being homeless. A crime is constitutional. As rob reynolds reports from los angeles, the ruling could affect the lives of more than half a 1000000 people. Sad, came a neighbor, she calls herself omen job own if she lives on a patch of broken sidewalk with a group of other homeless people. Next to a busy street, its a harsh existence or carnes too. We shuffled around like you dont get to dress like your cons to. We just trying to Pay Attention and be aware of when everything is going to get destroyed, stolen support, Service Providers for the whole. Lets say people like omen are suffering the consequences of decades of fail national policy. We have a broken Mental Health system. We have a broken foster care system. We have some folks who ended up homeless because of an addiction. We have some folks who stop substance misuse once they become homeless. Now possible changes to us law could make life more difficult for homeless people. In 2013 the town of grant pass, oregon passed an ordinance criminalizing any form of camping or staying overnight on public property and Appeals Court throughout the law. But the city took the case to the Supreme Court states and urban areas, including los angeles county, which as a Homeless Population of more than 75000. 00 support the camping ban one l. A. County supervisor, Katherine Barger said in a statement, if local governments are restricted from regulating and camping public property, we are left powerless to effectively address our worsening homelessness crisis. Advocates for the homeless se criminalizing people who live on the street simply will work, especially in a city like los angeles. You can criminalize people, we dont have space to put them in a jail. Its not going to happen. You can give every purse, i mean these tense as many tickets as you want. But where are you going to put them . If you pick them out of here, theyll go set up a block later. A colon who creates art from found object says she has no idea where she will be living in a week a year or beyond. I dont know if the answer is, but it is not persecuting the people that have already suffered. So last year, more than 650000. 00 people in the us were homeless at some point in time. The highest number recorded since data began being collected nearly 2 decades ago. Rob reynolds, l, g 0, los angeles. Former us President Donald Trump is 3 states, closer to clinching the republican partys nomination for novembers election. Trump one Party Contests in michigan, missouri, and idaho, easily defeating his rival. For me, you invested as nikki haley. Hes expected to sweep 16 similar votes to be held. This week and what is known as super tuesday. Well, thats it for me, joe. Now how more news . In half an hour with sammys, i done talked to al jazeera is up next. The the, a lot of things have changed across the korean peninsula. Hi everyone. Well start the story. There were now and double digits in sol, bright sunshine. Here are 10 degrees. The high for you on monday, still dealing with some snow for the mountains of honshu less so for her condo, were looking at about 25. 00 centimeters over a 12 to 24 hour time period. A breeze off the south china seas, russian in some way started. So thats going to mean showers for southern and Central China from the pro river valley right through to the inks, the river valley. Lets go to india where weve had some violent weather here. A tornado in punjab state here. So it down trees, flip cars over much calmer conditions though. On monday, if we do see any action, its going to be in the northwest in terms of showers and storms. So that twister in india came from a disturbance. It swept through f kinda sign and buckets done, but now whole, theyre out of siberia. Really punching in and dropping down temperatures. In fact, karachi, the other day in march for the 1st time in 40 years, you didnt get to 20 degrees. But i think well change that on monday. Weve got you in shooting for a height of 25 degrees. Wind is the story across the middle east, particularly saudi arabia, through the gulf states. This is a southerly when, so thats popping up temperatures, including for us here in doha of the, the latest news as it breaks for save only those deliveries of food. A typically needed because at that cute, let them of hunger and medical supplies need to r. Rawlings to with detailed coverage no sooner do repair works, present is really military rates, resume and there is more property destruction from the hearts of the story. This 10 has been a home and the only shelter for as someone who families the Living Conditions are for graphic the in a world with short food and governmental and International Responses to global challenges. A glaring non governmental organizations step in to bridge the gap. Providing Critical Services and support. These organizations which the most vulnerable often overlooks population, bring not just a, but has the full front of this. You bought a t, r, e and f, which is the International Rescue committee. Led by david

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