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Month. Israel strikes of rafa for 1500000 displaced palestinians or shelter evans, 4th in new york. And next is progress then to the 2nd round of the n b. A playoffs has been put on hold for the philadelphia 76. 00 or something, not at Madison Square garden to force the series to go to a game to fix the were going to getting this news are in the United States for demonstrations against israels wall and gaza. Have been disrupting more University Campuses across the country. In los angeles, a violent mob attacked a peaceful palestine solidarity sitting at the university of california. Some wave pro is ready, flags is the assault and student demonstrators with sticks and fireworks thrown inside the account. The police are accused of standing by im failing to protect being competent in new york. Police have rated a building at Columbia University occupied by students protesting in solid hours with palestinians. Police forces entered Hamilton Hall when the number of students had bought a k to themselves in hours earlier, dozens of protest as have been arrested. Now weve got a team of correspondents covering the protests across the us, she hubbard time. So hes going to have the latest from George Washington university in the us capital for level is that the university of North Carolina where there were a number of arrests on tuesday. Im Gabriel Elizondo is at Columbia University in new york. But the protest Movement Began 2 weeks ago. First, this report from rob reynolds in los angeles. Violence broke out on the u. C. L. A campus. As a group of israel, supporters attacked the student protesters and camp, and they threw fireworks and hurled objects into the cam. Your tech went on for hours, but Campus Security in Los Angeles Police did not intervene. Its not the 1st time pro israel groups from outside the University Community of attacked the protest encampment. But it was by far the largest most violent and both sustained assault. As the mob tried to breach the makeshift wall surrounding the encampment, some individuals were beaten, but they stood their ground. Eventually the Los Angeles Police department arrived in the crowd withdrew, or it was a shocking into a day that often saw a police cracking down on palestinian solidarity demonstrators on campuses around the country. At the university of south florida, officers tear gassed a group of student demonstrators interested, several of them a palestinian flag was unfurled over the university of North Carolina, least the rest of the dozens of protesters there and took down the flag at yale university, police tore down tents and cleared protesters away. At the university of new mexico, riot police descended on protesters. Woman sought help after being pepper sprayed and at the university of texas were more than 100 students had been arrested some violently over the past week. Protesters continued together, seemingly unintimidated by the show of force. Despite the Violent Attacks at u. C, l, a and least suppression elsewhere. Students were mobilized in protests against israels war on guns, a show no signs of backing down. Rob reynolds, l g 0, los angeles. I saw him back in a mechanical is a videographer underwriter, who is joining his life on you see, any account is good to happy with us and ill just see what is it that you have seen during the protests. A thank you, rob. So late at night, the previous night, a group of about a 100. 00 protesters. The guys are so theyre already at university of california los angeles. I began to grow fireworks, began to grow a space. I saw you very large desk the round up and they began to yell things is work is real. That also i heard racial epithets towards black people. I heard a quite a bit. 1 of a language which implies extra violence as well as the rest of the bible. After that it went on for about 2 hours. There was no response from university of california Los Angeles Police, nor was there any response from Los Angeles Police department for the california highway patrol. After about 2 hours they did arrive, our protesters essentially well be pro is real uh side i saw directly. 3 used spray against members of the cabinets. I saw them ro. Ringback 2 pieces of 6 and in both locations, i saw the wheels large one objects i saw at least a few of the members, each cabinet didnt quite uh, uh what shit. And i also saw quite a bit of people just sort of beyond the barrier. Clearly getting a mix shift medical attention from people with 5 sort of small medical spots. And i want to ask you about the make up of pay that the crowds have come to protest. As you said, that there you had had a ration of use about black people. Youve had that youd heard language, which implied as some sort of Sexual Violence in amongst the crowd. All pro is really supporters. Where are you aware of anybody else being in that crowd, or is it your, your interpretation that everybody who was in the counter and the counsel movement was there under the pro, is rarely flag . Well, i can say i, i would imagine that they were all, all in support of gets really mixed amongst the uh, those counter demonstrators. I saw people that ive also seen at rallies. Ive seen them at uh and deals to process. Many of them belong to sort of the birds name the far right move into the lighted states. And in addition, this isnt the 1st day that ive seen. Weve also seen growth from flags and things like that or the last few days. The other counter professor gets here with, okay, i want to ask you about the response of the police, which you alluded to earlier on. Just very briefly talk to us about the your interpretation of the way that the Police Responded to this couple of, of the fact the people that were injured as well. What happened to them . And so the university of california, los angeles, every time i reporters ask them as far as i know why we didnt call them and their overall response to the counter demonstrators who have been throwing up every night as well as the camp itself has said that they do not call a bond for it because of a state policy in the university of california systems. The only find that they would call the police would be if there was an imminent threat. So safety or if i things had gone to the point where jason was being disruptive. I think its hard to say that education would not have been disrupted, and that is right for attack or whatever you wanna call it. I was, its a threat to a given a suit and safety i as far as those that were injured. I dont of the uh, any of its transported the hospital via any parent Medic Services or anything like that. I think most of them have gotten treatment sort of on site. I renewed cabinets for and the case of being a 1st grader there may side people with wire. I saw one gentleman i getting billed for a little more space motor to suit the day. So im back and i can make a we appreciate it, sir. Thank you very much. Indeed. Thank you. Good at it. And ill give it to others on those. Got more about whats happening, where he is. Hes outside Columbia University in new york, give us an update on whats been going on overnight. So a lot of people here in new york are waking up to the events that transpired overnight here at Columbia University. As you might be able to see behind me, the university is still closed. There Police Outside the main gate there. And no one is allowed to go on campus unless youre a student journalist as well, or not allowed on campus. And essentially, everything at this point is pretty calm, as you can see after the events from over night. I saw that violent repression by the police, as hundreds of police went on campus to violently arrest dozens of the pro palestine protesters, anti war protesters that we were there. Now we are expecting me here for the mayor, eric adams. We think hes going to be speaking in the next few minutes or so, and were also waiting to hear a more update from n y p, the new york police on exactly how many anti war protesters they arrested and what they will be charged with. Yeah, thats the, that is the next question, isnt because quite often as weve seen in the past that some people have been arrested at the scene and then subsequently let go. Do we have any indication yet of how many may actually be charged with anything . And if so, what they could be charged with the, we dont know how many will be charged. Just to give you an idea, we believe that there were dozens of anti war protesters arrested. We still need to get an exact number by the way they were arresting people, putting them in buses and taking them to police headquarters. We should be hearing later today about exact numbers, just because someone is detained or arrested by the police here in new york. Does not necessarily mean they committed a crime that will be up to the Manhattan District Attorney alvin. Brad to the police will give him reports of what they believe of the charge it should be. But then its ultimately up to the Manhattan District Attorney. Busy to decide if any charges will be brought forward the could be quite to mine or quite frankly, it could just be something as minor as trespassing. I dont know. We dont want to speculate. But listen again, just because you have to work protestors were detained, were arrested, does not necessarily mean that they will be charged with the price we expect to hear from the District Attorney album brack, perhaps as early as later today. Give it out is on the ive side Columbia University, new york. Good. Thank you very much. The going to head over to the us capital. She, how many times hes at George Washington university. Run us through whats been happening there. She have the things remain peaceful here. Well, the members of congress all threatening to seize control of, of washington dc as the account because dc isnt a states and then forced the police to come in and clear the encampments. But meanwhile, the students here, the piece come here, look, watching with. Yeah, well thats off. Thats what they think about the pictures we were saying like miriam, one of the lead protest organizers here for a daily, a daily discussion. Next, i guess about whats going on. I mean, we see we saw the official track down to the police before the counter protest is who apparently so no, i dont and, and tell me to blow peoples temps up with, with fireworks very much in keeping with the Israeli Defense forces. I guess you could say, but i mean, what were you thinking when you sort of john read, its absolutely shameful and discussing how our universities are not only failing to protect students and their right to free speech, but are actively endangering students in the name of, of zionism and, you know, this is all about the university is protecting their role that they play and zionism and these tactics that were seeing being used by the police. These are taxes that were developed to be used against palestinians. These are tactics that the Israeli Occupation forces have been using against palestinians for, for decades, for 76 years. Um and then when we say our cops are, is rarely trained so that we mean that, you know, our, our, our Police Forces are just learning tactics that have been used against palestinians. And its sort of a mirror of whats going on to the post and even people, right. I know weve done pieces about that. Yeah. But that will least give us some training sessions. Well, us Police Forces go to israel for training, specifically from i d. F. Meanwhile, the white house jerry barton, seemed to be like staring up even more hostility to the peace god. There was a statement on tuesday which said that you once again. But comments are of you symmetric and even the use of the word into father is anti semitic. What did you make of that . You know, our dom hands are clear. Were demanding the university protect pro palestinian speech on campus that they, you know, drop all charges against organizers and organizations that they disclose investments and endowments and divest from design is done to see our, our demands are very clear and tangible. And, you know, i think that the concern right now with speech is incredibly disgusting because why are people more concerned about our about speech and discourse than they are about genocide. Weve seen over to 100 days of genocide, 76 years of military occupation of subtler colonial violence. And that is being completely ignored by the government, by the media in favor of, of these discourses around speech room. Thank you. Thank you very much. And yeah, and as rob reynolds is mentioning, i mean there is a way through this, we saw a Brown University right on the account that was set up for the authorities at all. Right. We will have a debate for the votes on divesting from israel and from weapons companies. Im been coming with them, drifted away a bit of advanced as easy as that. But for some reason, at the university authorities, a sense of the authorities would rather be in a bed that tact purchased as a piece rather than even debates divesting from what the students equal to genocide she had. Thank you very much. Indeed, she have her time say, George Washington university. Were going to head to, to the university of North Carolina where police have arrested more than 13 protesters armed officers moved into dismantling the camp. Look at the rest of the demonstrators who refused to leave them on tuesday. Process was replaced and American Flag flying on campus with the palestinian. What would have been confrontation said becomes in recent days with police tapper spring, stevens. Philip, i was at the university of North Carolina. Hes joining us now live at talk us through whats been happening there from well, yeah, i mean, rob its, its been a very tile. Take 24 hours. It seems very call. Now we see this situation before id change is just like stop this morning. Its a little after 9 oclock in the morning. The flag is the editor surrounded by this mess of fence. And that is the very specific reason because this was the focal point yesterday. But let me just run you through what happened yesterday because it was so whats coming on. 6 am the police move into this area. This is where there were a number of protests hed spent several days company out here, the unit as a t. Its sort of being tolerating them, but ive been trying to get them to leave 6 oclock. The police tied up and said, youve got to go, youve got half an hour. They then to tide. Everybody here that was 36 people seat with slices of trespassing that police 6 were arrested for misdemeanors and they were taken to the court house to be part of that was by no means the end of the matter. Come 12 oclock. They went back on the way quite ugly seems their way. Protest is supporting published indians that cattle to protest is here. So the police were deployed. We understand that at one point the officers from 6 different Police Departments plus the sheriff that was type of surprised. That was a, a gas say what box homes being used at one point those pro palestinian protest is folks outside down. They replaced that the palestinian flag that led to the chancellor then said they go with police, taking down the polish stadium flag, reinstating the American Flag. The American Flag then came down for safe keeping and now it is backups. A complete detail succeeds and then later around 8 the there was another 800 strong protest at the university of North Carolina in raleigh, about 15 to 20 minutes away from here. As well as a 50 or so strong protests at the post office about half a mile from here, because that is paid to be federal prophecy. Raw that that university prophecy. So youve got Different Police involved and thats going to bring at abigail. Hes one of the protest of organizes because you were here yesterday just explained. So it gives you a back tips as what happens. Sure. Um, im actually from duke. Im a duke student who helps organize bringing duke students here is it was a triangle wide encampment with a number of schools represented here. And yesterday morning i was hoping to set up a separate action that was smaller. That was happening on duke property when we got word of what was happening here and it was just devastation. And i came here as soon as i could, which was just in time for the afternoon protests to really be fully underway and to see the police and just really well and truly brutalizing people. Well, only 36 people were detained in the morning by the afternoon. So many, many other protesters had turned out in support. And we were all being treated really her basically by the police. I mean, i saw a woman be thrown out of her wheelchair. I saw a protester, i ended up, i have some medical training and i ended up working with the medics and we had one student come in, who had been clobbered in the back of the head, who was just covered in dried blood and countless students tear gassed maced, and it was quite a, quite, as you say, a chaotic and, and truly brutal scene. Do you think . I mean, obviously the police side tried to close these down, but they just, by, but tell me about that. They mobilize the, the 1st test is even more would you say, yes, i absolutely think so. I do want to make it very clear and i want to speak directly to the people of palestine. The people of guys, if i may and say that just because this and cabinet was torn down yesterday doesnt mean this is over. You know, were just Getting Started and we are not going to give up. Were not going to stop fighting for you or fighting for an end to this genocide until its over and until you can live in peace and, and you can feel safe and feel free and be free. I think that by mobilizing the police against us in such a way, its just highlighting how horrific the injustice is. And its just making us all that more and all that more sure that this needs to continue to happen. Thanks very much for that. I mean, fish that the police have here really is that there are a number of universities in this area. And these protests is all going all over the place, which perhaps gives somebody advantage because the police can only be in one place at one time. I may have to the play of large numbers to show these process styled. Its very difficult for them to be more than one place, which as i say, it gives the testers misled concepts you might say from a Valid University of North Carolina feel thanks a lot. A well diplomatic efforts are under way to reach a ceasefire in gaza with us pressuring hom us to agree to israels terms. Secretary down to the blank seems to be meeting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. And israel to push for the deal. He says, is achievable. Lincolns also told nothing yahoo, the us still poses a grand defensive ins offer and that there needs to be an improvement in the distribution of humanitarian aid into guys. And were just trying to get the ceasefire appraisal hostages all together now. And the only reason that that wouldnt be changed is because of the laws. There is a policy and as we said, no delays, no excuses. The time is now and the time is now past due the same time even termination to get started, the Police Officers all we also have to be focused on people in gosh, for suffering in this cross bar from us making. Can i get more of that . Correspondent and occupied east jerusalem, stephanie, that kind of stuff and stuff. Weve been here so many times before with on to the lincoln turning off and visiting a senior figures in kind of a binding in jerusalem as well. What is the game this time . Does it . Does it make any difference to what we have seen before as well . The difference this time is that, that i saw the offensive seems to be imminent. If this deal doesnt go ahead and this is why it will, so you have the americans, most of the addictions putting incredible pressure on both sides. They dont want to see that off or offensive happen in the why skipped scale ground defensive as it is planned. So, so you have him really pushing for that, but interestingly, the rhetoric thats been coming from that these really Prime Minister for the last couple of days and today on the message to blinking is that basically there is no, its going to be an end to the war and we know that this is something that how mass is stuck to they say that there has to be an end to the war in any agreement before. It reduces and it captives. The current deal on the table talks about a sustained period of calm in the 2nd phase of to a for today cease fire, but with a message coming from the Prime Minister talking will. So the fact that the thought is going to happen with, or with out a deal certainly is sending a message and we are expecting to hear from us by the end of wednesday by the end of tonight, a response to the deals that is on the table its sending a message that a he has no intention of ending and be a what is going to happen, deal or no deal. So, you know, you start to question what incentive, how much we have to agree to anything. Very complicated negotiations. Were gonna have to wait and see certainly what theyre going to respond and then go from that. As we mentioned before, actually blinking, saying that this push for the deal is he says, achievable then. So hes told nothing yahoo that the us is still opposing a ground defensive and rough as youve been talking about just to talk us through briefly what the situation you alluded to it just a moment ago. Just talking to what the, the logistics, our, if you liked about the ceasefire deal thats going on at the moment. Yes. Whats on the table at the moment is uh, initially a for 2 days these fire at 33. 00 captives will be reduced. These are cop, does that 400. 00 each monetary an umbrella. So those over 50 years old women and those that are injured and sick in the response we understand up to 900. 00, almost a 1000 palestinian prisoners will be released. Also, these really army will remove itself somewhat from the card or that currently cops garza into from the north and the south. There should be the allowance to fly. This thing is to return north to their homes. Once that happens, you will then have a period, a 2nd phase of sustained calm. So on of that, it seems to be quite clear. But if you look at the positions of both sides, which is one to say, only a deal if there is an end to the war, how much they only Prime Minister saying absolutely no enter the war and alpha with or without a deal. It seems very difficult as to how this dual can be achieved the way on to the blink and still is describing it is as cautiously optimistic that something is tangible at this point. But again, whats different this time is that if there is no deals is really that made it very clear it off. Why is going to happen . And its going to happen very soon. Stephanie, back here and occupied is jerusalems. Definitely. Thank you. Well, on the ground in guys had these really ministries attacking residential areas across the strip and civilian casualties. On mounting by the day model, 34 and a half, 5, those palestinians are being killed in nearly 7 months of war. And one of the latest attacks scenario, stipends of off on the side of killed at least 2 children. Israel has intensified aerial attacks of the city affairs months of a major ground defensive, around 1500000. 00 forcibly displaced palestinians. Shelton and their group is rarely separate. It says blocked trunks transporting humanitarian. 8 to gaza. The vehicles were forced to stop at several border crossings. As far as also distorted some of the supplies, a trunks entering the strip of being attacked repeatedly, talked about, zooms, joining us now life involved in the southern guys. Ive tried to tell us more about the trucks that are being blocked from getting into guys. I guess theyve gotten, in fact, a rough is right. Lets have been looking even preventing humanitarian aid troops to get to come. I will send them across thing as they are trying to be on the age of the gall, this trip. Now that happens, multiply by the is very settlers who are completely looting the loads of these eh humanitarian trucks. Um they have been serving it to the flu holding the is where the government will not allowing for a deliveries to the i received in clay. If, unless there is ready to captives release done, thats absolutely a part of what the is very certain this have been doing up for multiple weeks as the is very police. Have a stewards bowie without a prevent to even do settlers from attacking such a humanitarian comb. Voicebox the fact on the ground that these humanitarian aid has been released even not being allowed to the cost as do it pulled up to being inspected by these very military hit. Things of car was found in person later to hop on access to the gaza strip. I do sit, lets have for an existing move pressure on and it to yeah, i was governments in order to stop search 8 supplies and like to the ongoing problem. And that is looming inside the gaza strip as the number of bits of humanitarian. So boys that even are getting from the east, very side to the goal. Is this trips to very restricted unlimited in terms of the m. S. Needs of cause population and is specifically liked of the predictable military encourage and for rough, which will definitely excess a page, a really aggravating humanitarian crisis topic. All those women are off on the southern jobs. Thats all. Thank you very much. Were going to bring in some a shake. Heres the finder of the shake group is a peace building organization. He was also a former advisor to the u. N. Middle east peace. And boy, you guys are from 2000, 2003. Thank you very much indeed for being with us. I want to ask you about the, the way that this deal is this offer rather overseas 5 is playing out in relation to the comments made by Benjamin Netanyahu. The us uh, the secretary state onto the blinking saying this is an achievable deal that the ball is and how much is court they have to take this at the same time. Within the hours Benjamin Netanyahu says i dont care what happens with the deal. Im going into rafa, give us your analysis of what is playing out here. Well, 1st of all, this is a fact do we have a sort of a set of steps which could lead to a more sustainable calm over a number of months, which of course is very badly needed, but its not from us initially. Its benjamin that yeah. Whos the biggest obstacle to the steel . I mean, saying that he will go into rough. Uh, hes just a pondering to the right wing to harness coalition that he has, which now controls it. And if he goes down the line, then we will head into chaos. And there will be no deal. On the other hand, if hes prepared to, to go further and into this deal, we may well be on that pos towards. Com. And the kind of piece was that needs to be done at this point in time. Benjamin does. Yeah, who knows that if he goes with this deal though, it means the end of his coalition, the end of his coalition is potentially the end of his political career. This is a man who was not invited to washington until or engaged by President Biden until after october the 7th. So the choice is actually not his, the choice is present in buttons. What is he going to do . We have a window of opportunity and i think its time that a button and blinking and of and those into whitehouse who are behind this now say no rough uh were moving forward with this thing. Do you think that were at the point now where the us is actually prepared to take that step because as so father has it has been regularly criticized for date for basically saying all the right things, but not actually following through with any of it. In fact, if anything, delivering more, a more weapon rain, more funding to israel as the conflict has gone on, is there a Tipping Point at which as you say, the by the ministration has to say, right . Thats enough. Were not doing this anymore. And for those of us watching from the outside, what would that look like . I regret to say that 7 months into this war, im not confident anymore that they abide in ministration will do the right thing. Its been a sort of a confuse, management of this whole conflicts and so far and that worries me that, that worries me deeply. They know that Benjamin Netanyahu is elia ive had that said to me, very point blank by senior officials. And yet, as youve just said, theyve not been able to move us to the next phase. So im deeply worried. What may well then force them to do it is more chaos and trying to catch up to the events on the ground, not just being gaza. The mass starvation and the killing that weve seen, and god knows how much was that would get if there was a rough or operation. But in the entire region, weve already seen a skirmish to that effect when it came to iran and israel directly. Im very worried about lebanon subject, we appreciate you being with us, and ill just do that. And thank you very much indeed for your time. Thank you. Sorry for the weather. Heres car a. Hi. Lo that lets get the full costs for south america over the next few days and a sold weather front. We think across southern parts of a continent is bought, terrain shall reign to something pops all, brazil and caused devastating flooding. Then we could see more of that because theres more rain to come. You can see the bus rain from the storms effecting southern areas of brazil, northern parts of origin, tina. And well see that rain start to slip into power g y. As we go into the state yellow peak showing that it is going to be very heavy indeed. Now behind that, it is much cooler ahead of that. We are seeing a lot of heat facilities like s and she on, in power quite as well as we a diginero in brazil. But as you go into thursday and that system slips its way further north, we all going to see things cool down ever so slightly. But it remains very hot across most of the content. And that he pulls into central parts of america for places like panama, but also into mexico. Well see temperature as a pick up in the north. So places like monterey and also in mexico, cities slot you that on thursday, weve got some what the weather moving in on wednesday to mexico city. But it lines up as we go into thursday. But well have some very heavy bus of rain for his spend your life on thursday. Lets go ahead and ill just say the survivors stranded by major floods in virginia or wait for help from the government. Was no sign the waters received it. And its been 13 years since the death of formula, one legend elton said, were going to look back in his life later. The now was the time to be direct. Israels project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. But this was not a jew, israels, of state, and they need to be treated as any other state. What. This is where the tough questions are, as can you see negotiations being even half. This is most important. Which of these are going to and bushy polls . Unapologetic, im just asking awesome. Upfront on out in depth analysis of the days headlines, those, the failure to free the captive still being held by him. I asked how difficult a moment to space for 5 minutes with nothing yahoo is trying to stay indefinitely as 5 minutes to the no doubt to stay forcibly out of j. Frank assessments, how to relations decline between the media and the United States of america. The crux of the matter is new Jersey Choice of Ministry Partners and specifically russia inside story. On al jazeera news, [000 00 00;00] the watching out a 0 reminder about how the stories this, our supporters of israels, of his act, a peaceful palestine solidarity sits in the university of california in los angeles, the way flags and support of israel, while beating student demonstrators with sticks as the latest escalation in 2 weeks of demonstrations or College Campuses across the country. Diplomatic efforts are under way to reach a ceasefire in gaza with the us refresher and how much to a reading to israels tasks, executive Search Engine we think and has met Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. And israel to push for the view he says is achievable on the ground and goes up. These really amenities, attacking residential areas across the strip. And one of the latest strikes at least 2 children were killed in the Southern City of ruffled from texas to new york. Or america, eric adams, a is a Briefing Media following the recent uh, conference protests in the city of us listening can out loud, which should be lost to protest, to turn into a violent spectacle. That saves it serves no purpose as, as i say, theres no place for acts of hate and ill city be made that clear from it. I semitism to islam a phobia or 2 that i seek isnt in other communities. As at 8 p, i community, we have been consistent. Theres no place here in this city. And i want to continue to commend the professionalism of the Police Department. I to think Columbia University is a tough decision. We understood that. But with the very clear evidence of their observation in a clear evidence from a Intelligence Division that they understood it was time to move and the action had to and, and we brought it to a peaceful conclusion. And were going to continue to coordinate with colombia as we have been from the start slot and all of our academic institutions to find a peaceful middle of allowance to our young people, to protest without violence. We support the right of free speech and open debate was protect the right to protest, but we must balance the right would keep the students the school and ill city safe. And it is a combined effort that were going to continue to move in the right direction to accomplish this. This is go. We know that this is only a comma in a full sentence, a Public Protection in a city of this, and that a celebratory. A moment we should never have had to have to do it in the 1st place. We can create environments while children could be in danger and we must push back one. Ready attempts to radicalize our young people in a city like we said across the entire globe commission. Thank you for job. Well done, turn it over to you at this time. Good morning, adams. Yesterday and why pbc written notification from both Columbia University. The city college in new york, the situation on their campuses as to a point where the safety of their students, faculty, staff, the public was at risk. So last night, at request the n y p g enter the campuses. I removed from justice who refused to leave the area approximately 300 or rest with a preliminary charges raised and trust passed to burglary. At this point, that the criminal Justice System play out. But as we said last night, universities were for weeks with the pro testers, to resolve a situate, shes a Jewelry Store on the campuses. But once it became clear, Public Safety wasnt real concern. Especially after the pro just escalate the situation by breaking and entering into University Building the at what people called in to do their job. I just want to say to the men and women of this department. Thank you. Says it serves the task of october 7. The n y p has responded to more than 2400. 00 protest demonstrations for specific about 1100. 00 related situation. Israel and palestine and every one weve worked with. You projects a safe protect the 1st amendment rights at the same time. We want to keep our residents and workforce safe to make sure im able to access to Emergency Services at the g, like the largest city, the nation. This is an easy work with no one does it better than in men and women of the n, y, p g last week or fish, as opposed to Columbia University and city college for their efforts to develop the situation. They can see all the communication. Everyone involved in the pro testers, to their students and staff to feel safe issues. Its in the Police Department was full about Public Safety. At the end of the day, thats what were focused on. Our job to keep people safe and the job anywhere at any time we hold upon the n y p and the people of the city of new york will never be locked out. Will always Work Together to keep varsity, say the commissioner or mister mayor. I wonder if you could tell us how many of the people who were arrested. Busy inside hamilton, hall and outside were not affiliated with the school, were not students were outside agitators, nor the inside and outside. And i have a 2nd question that got past that question on the drugs to control. So right now, as it breaks down, we have 280. 00 to arrest. So as of right now we have 200, a to arrest, a 170 z os came from city college 119 from columbia. How breaks down to your question, well have the answers. Sometimes we havent broken it down. It will have that answer. Give us any more details about the people who are not affiliated with any good morning. So there are a number of different individuals who we know from over the Years Associated with protests, not just in our city, but in other cities as well, who are linked to and who we see doing training around the change and tactics that we described yesterday. And that we all witnessed the black block a tire, the breaking windows radio codes, correct terminology. We have to be caught up on Public Safety. The way individuals on the campus should not have been there. There were people who are professionals and we saw evidence of training. We saw a shift in tactics that were being used. And when you start using the intelligence that intel was able to supply, we knew it was time to communicate quickly with them and say that more than a piece of protest when you get in a misdemeanor. If i could just add to that, just as that the letter size that we received from colombia to let this was left by outside agitators. And this was that also stated in the letter that we received when columbia access to move that video. Take some more questions. So video, the 1344 gmc that youre watching, ill just say to bringing you pictures that are being shown in a video at a press conference being held by eric adams, the mayor of new york, and also the commissioner of the new york police in which they were describing the actions which are taking place over the last 24 hours or so. Police had rated a building at Columbia University occupied by students protesting. Installed the data rotate with palestinians. Police forces had entered Hamilton Hall. A number of students had bought a k to themselves and i was out of dozens of protesters had been arrested. Alex adam said there was no place for hate in the city. He defended the rights to protest and free speech, but we can create an environment. He said, for the children are not safe from the Police Commissioner edward a cabin, the Police Commissioner for new york said 300 arrests had to be made. He was very supportive of the actions that have been taken by the police. The police themselves have come in for criticism about the way in which the arrests were, were made. And also how the way, the way that the the stations were handled. He also said since october, the 7th that are being 2 and a half fighters and protests that are being held in new york city, that they might be the head reply had responded to a 1000 of them. Ive been in relation to israel and palestine. He said, our job is to keep people in our 2nd safe route and demonstrations are being held around the world to mock International Workers. Day in the french capital sizes have gathered to take part in a march lights for the countries main unions. Theyre demanding best autopay and working conditions. There was also a large show of support for palestinians and gaza. Natasha buffers joining us live, not from power. So this is a traditional made a rally this year. Some protests are calling for an end to the watering gases or tell us of the yeah, thats right. So mean it is a traditional process that happens every year. We have a trade unit legion is more recalls far as so with workers pointing to better conditions. But to see we have seen a small number of people to come to support a Palestinian People to pool pool. And then to the 1000, i have to say the most of them are quite young. We see a lot of University Students because what weve seen as the last days when we do University Students really need these demonstrations of protests in solidarity with 5 people in some fits in some of our power says most prestigious universities. So a lot of young people with their authors with a policy need, flags in and out. Thoughts is a month. You have to people who come to attempted to make a reilly. In addition, obviously, over the last couple of years or so, weve been talking a lot about the, the, the way that Police Forces in the us have been responding to campus protests there. How is the french authorities been responding to these protests while in terms of some of those systems and those protesting is taking place in a few universities and foster care in parts. What we see is the police move in and then fluctuate the protestors, the students pray for us. And what the students have said is that the police have taken a very heavy how did approaches, in fact, on dragging the students out, they say, so thats a place again in the schools and pulled out so, so way of a rosie, what they say is that free speech and that freedom to be able to protest and demonstrate what was the called the french government to contain some of these parts as a new university, saying that there are fed preaching security. So say hall, i am a minority of what they pulled the french cover from the trouble makers who are staging these parts. As i see, i need to say to point out those we have seen what has happened to us. It is a far cry from what is happening in faults, whether it be much, much mobile numbers. When it comes to these photos, theyve been in a few slides or universities. We havent seen this process fred in the way they have in the us than those out there. Were certainly very, very strongly they want to raise awareness about policy pieces about how the 1000 should be sold and then dash the bottom and virus. Natasha. Thank you. The account payments have been protesting of the u. K. s department for business and trade in london, and calling on the government to hold on supplies to isnt some of the reactions, efficiencies in drysdale on site as well. Side, side, sideways manufacturing, the weapons trade, your use that accuse of u. K. O being simplicity in the genocide and gaza called brandons been on the protest in london may. The 1st is International Work is day on the demonstrations here. Outside the Government Department for business, for a blockading the entrances to this government developments are both protesting against those workers who wish to continue sending weapons. Israel, according to the government contracts, but also install the dougherty for those workers who dont want to continue sending weapons to israel. There are trade unionists working within the department to to express very extremes. What about the fact that they have to participate in this practice . Despite the uncertainty about the legal status for that of the British Government has refused to reveal the legal advice that is receiving from its lawyers about the legality of continuing to send weapons to israel. Friend, there is a risk that they may be used in gaza against women, children, and civilians. This roofing, here is a kaleidoscope of different groups. The union is there on black jewish alliance. The people against the onto the border. I can see how was that the p c. S union is with its actually mostly representing the Civil Service workers in size. And as you can see, thats done in front of the door here, just standing in front of another door at the far end, around the buttons of the data as well. They say theyre going to continue the process for as long as possible. For completeness, ive also reached out to the bottom its and they say it is acceptable to harass the civil 7th because they go about the jobs and they insist that we take out the senate exports as opposed to the serious like something. One of the actual like thats the sense people here disagree. Obrien and south africans of linked to International Workers day commemorations to a margins on dollars. A was toddler sentience. Hundreds of joined to trade unionists in cape to, to call for an end issue of genocide. Guys, they are also calling for solidarity were published in your work as president , sit on from a poser, joining the raleigh ahead of his may. They address to supporters in cape town and Family Member has more of thousands of gather jane said sounds instead of like was to say, but many here say its not just about that, but also standing in front of our team with the people on the side menu the various union says one is the governing African National congress. Now the congress of called African Trade Union says, says solid verity with palestine. Those 2 lots to the venue affording for the ceasefire and the choosing israel. Of committing genocide, a sort of screwed up the eyes of those in other parts of the world as being subjected to toward job 2 by the genocide. And that is why as a country and he is a lie and we are sitting in our support for the people on this side. And that is why we say we want colors time to be pretty, some political organizations and unions to costs or balance in favor of policies that support kind of started invested in south africas upcoming table the legs for the 1st time. The issue of a ton of science may influence the votes of some some of the 0 tape town. Police inter can obtain that these 200. 00 protesters induced on both dispersing the cries with pepper spray and tear gas as they mock International Workers day. 36. 00 and some fund bodies at the cities main square since demonstrations in the 2013 against presidency. Zip tie up are the ones is given a position mad at them. And my mom who says policy will keep fighting until the square is free. The size of the sport, and heres far, rob, thank you so much. The New York Knicks is progress to the 2nd round of the n b. A playoffs has been put on hold. They were beaten and a thrilling game. 55, sol, adelphia, 76. Theres the team is were level with just over one minute left and overtime with new york, knowing victory would see them advance by solely down key and manage to take the lead. And from there they were able to hold off the next time. Use massey starting with 46. 76. There was 112102. 00 takes. They held the trailer series, 2 games just ratings when he is a migraine to now its exactly 30 years to the day since the death and the 3 time formula, one champion air to sign a brazilian was killed in a crash at him a lot during the 1994 at san marino, a ground pre. He was 34 years old and leading the race. When his car came off the track at high speed and struck a wall. It happened just a day after fellow f. One driver, roland reps and burger died in a crash at the same track. Both he and son are being honored at the envelope circuit on wednesday. Weve been speaking with f one broadcast or mark gallagher, who told us why center was so special. C the already seen brazilian drivers come into for me the one to to the sport at that time is a european spore. Jeanette is currently quite calmer as having the south americans turn up, but then they, after they arrived was a sensational talent. He was informed me the long for a decade, 1984 to 1994. He brought an intensity to the job, but he was not just a fast driver, but it was the way he worked with his teams. It was the intensity with which he drove. And also he was quite an intense person out of the car, deeply religious, also a man who had a lot of passion. And im not a passion for the sport. Im not really created quite an interesting or around him. Every formula of the circuit is the constructed to a safety 10 plate which evolved in the wake of the episode of roland russell, burger double fatality. The entire sports technical, and indeed sporting regulations very much have safety now at the center of them. And it is remarkable to say that weve only have one further driver fatality in the last 30 years because of the 40 years before that we nearly have 40 driver fatality so that we can really did mark a Seismic Shift in for we the ones approach to safety and risk management, byron manic and visitors around 100, play that and exciting to all drawing their Champions League 1st like match up car launch. What excites for one know leading and so half times things to vanessa is junior byron him back shortly after the break. Really rose font and minutes later they rewarded a penalty which england captain harry came slot at home with ease. Ralph were able to escape with a draw. They won a penalty themselves, which Vinicius Junior tucked away for his 2nd goal after 922 time grand slam champion. Rockland adel got emotional after losing in the 4th round of the madrid open in whats likely to be his last parents at the tournament. The 37 year old spaniards went down to check player jerry, hedge cat. Then dow, who has a long term and a lot of times its like its just a 2nd competition since january as weve been struggling with century. While number one has said he expects to retire after the season, the dial plans to play in rome next as he continues his preparations for the fight chosen. 6 is uh his unforgettable day in terms of staying with, by the matter, its not this one of the places or even probably the place that they receive more law firms support a blink all these years with my carry i keep going and they have my personal goals and thats gone the next couple of weeks, and i want to explore if i have any time still to achieve that. And that is always for, for that rob, fine, thank you very much. Indeed. Im going to be back in a couple of minutes for more than all the stories on both of us and stay with us on august. The one of the biggest selections of 2024 in the general election. Will Prime Minister now render movies be taking increase its food across the country . How will Economic Uncertainty and use some employment suede boots as in key states . And will the media be able to cover the reading unfairly . Ongoing coverage of india as an action on out is there a white book . No collins and public confrontation . Young people across the u. K. A putting their bodies on the line to the fullest attention of the issues that my sister, that Climate Change is a symptom of a system thats breaking down. When every other week fails, die with oxygen was to be left open for democratic societies or one to allow for there to be no politician in this country has ever shut down. An honest people have generation changed on our to 0. Its a school day in taiwan. But its too dangerous for peoples of this school in on, in to return to class for parents needed share could cost more than 6000000. 00. And this is just one of those, and it says public buildings damaged by an earthquake. Some residential buildings are also beyond repair. This Apartment Building was one of the most severely damaged. It needs to be demolished before a completely collapse. Despite the 7. 2 magnitude string to pos quick, the damage is relatively contained. So lets say thats thanks to taiwan is designed to prepare this, including strict pod came in to be used as the i r c suffered casualties. We have not suffered the states. Pilots is thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house thought providing on to who that you say know double standard to all of us. Any anyone in particular . I said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy because theres some links to you very, very painfully, via the story on talk to how does era the bottom seems on us College Campuses. Israels supporters attack upon the screen, so the direct account at the university of california, unless on the students occupying a building inside new york, Columbia University are removed and the police raised the enrollment center. This is all just have

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