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As many as 50 refugees were under to dead in austria today. That truck was found on a main road close to the border with hungary. The grim discovery comes as the chancellor tells leaders the continent must fight human trafficking. They are meeting right now, with thousands of migrants try to make their way into the e. U. Barnabie phillips has more from the summit. We have heard from western leaders from countries like serbia, that they need more help. From wealthier countries in the e. U. , from germany, from austria, what we have heard from austrian and germman leaders is that the European Union as a whole has to step up to the challenge. That it has to share the responsibility fairly, equally, among the entire block. That if solidarity means anything, it will mean some form of quota system, relative to countries wealth, relative to their capacity to take in refugees. And this is something that we know has faced very stiff opposition. From Eastern European countries and from the United Kingdom in particular and danger as the foreign minister is putting it is that if europe doesnt act as one, well, then conventions like the dublin convention, stop to lose all meaning and what you get are a series of ad hoc responses. And the most graphic you may like, is that being imposed by the hungary government at the moment, building a razor wire finance along the southern border, to keep people out. Barnabie phillips reporting, now more than 4 million Syrian Refugees have now fled to neighboring countries. Turkey has the lions share, nearly 2 million syrians now reside there, more than 1 million have gone to lebanon. Jordan has more than 600,000. A quarter million are in iraq. The spokesperson in washington, d. C. Is here with us. The conflict execution have now caused around 16 Million People so flee their countries. Thats approximately the population of the year United Kingdom. This is the largest number of people fleeing war since world war ii, it is a Global Crisis and certainly it is driven by syria, syria is the major factor, with over 4 Million People. But also inside syria, we have over 7. 6 million displaced within the country itself. So it is you can fortunately, us as u. N. H. C. R. , we are First Responders but the ultimate solution, muck a political one. Be grateful for the commitment, the u. Is the largest humanitarian donor for the syrian conflict. Over 4 billion, from the u. S. , the European Union as well has been generous, as have other countries. Kuwait and germany, but in terms of resettling, theres only a small part of the operation. Because to hope for a solution with syrians would return to their homes but unfortunately, as you have mentioned the conflict now into the fifth year, there seems no amend in site. So we are very grateful for the u. S. Commitment, it has an open ended commitment to resettle syrians as part of its over 70,000 resettlement of refugees every year. The soft u. S. , in fact, is the. Laest settle resettled more than rein other country. So certainly, the u. S. Is extremely anyrouse, others are extremely generous, yes, we are seeing the numbers increasing. The u. S. Conducts such extensive background checks it the take anywhere from 12 to it a teen months for refugees to be resettled. Police in china have arrested people in an explosion. At least 145 people died when a warehouse full of chemicals exploded. Well, the official News Agency Says among those arrest redirect examination the chairman, a vice chairman, and three deputy managers of the Logistics Company where those explosions happened exactly two weeks ago. We dont know the identity of the rest. On wednesday, we learned that the man who headed the uncans safety regulator was sacked, now, he was a former. Ty mayor, a position that he held for some 12 years. The investigation is on going, we now know that 139 people are confirmed dead, but 34 are still missing. Most of the dead and miswilling firefighters. And of course, the one question that people still want answered is this, why would it that dangerous chemicals were stored in a warehouse, less than 800 meters from where people were living . And how it possible this Company Managed to pass its annual safety check. This is what the investigation is now addressing. We are learning more today about what drove a disgruntled former employee to commit an unspeakable crime on live television. Two Television Journalists in virginia were shot and killed during an interview on wednesday. Jon tarot has more. Some call it a suicide note, others a manifest toe, it was delivered by fax to the headquarters of abc news roughly two hours at the shootings here. In this document, 41yearold Vester Lee Finnegan talks about being a human powder keg, angry with a lot of issues including the racially motivated shooting in june. He safes he was inspired of the shootings and the Virginia Tech shootings there 2007. And he talked about being bullied and discriminating against racially and sexually. This is little comfort for the family and friends of adam ward and Alison Parker who dies yesterday. Alisons boyfriend he is the anchor of the local evening news has been speaking, he says their love together was white hot, and alisons father andy parker has also been doing the media rounds he says he will now devote his life to the issue of gun control. And the third victim, vickie gardner, representative of the chamber of commerce, being interviewed by Alison Parker, vickie was shot in the back, she is still in the hospital, her condition is reported to be good. There will be further updates. Alison parkers dad say he has spoken to the senator about starting the fight on gun rights. James holmes starts serving his more than 3,000 year sentence for killing 12 people in a colorado movie theater. We dont have all the answers but we do one thing, he is going to die in prison. And for us, thats good enough. More than 70 were also injured in h the shooting rampage, during a sentencing the judge told holmes he had a hatred for man kind, holmes attorney say the 27yearold will not appeal. Vice President Joe Biden may be joining the race for president. But in a Conference Call with dozens of Democratic National Committee Members he says he is not sure he has the emotional fuel to get through campaign season. He lost his son to brain cancer back in may. The republican president ial candidate donald trump and his g. O. P. Rival scott walk very proposed billing a huge wall between the United States and mexico. They claim it would keep undocumented migrants out, how effective would a wall be . Some Fact Checking along the boarder in arizona. This is the u. S. Side of the boarder fence. You can see here it is built of steal, and concrete, it is about 20 feet high, it looks like it would be impossible to get over or to get through. But people do, they manage to get across this one way or another last year when i was here filming another series we saw two young men climb over this fen and back and no time at all. We assume they were drug runners. Take a look at it. He just shot right over it. Donald trump says he will stop young minute like those and anyone else trying to cross the boarder by replacing this fence with a wall. He then said he would call it the great wall of trump, well, the name by a joke, but he is serious about building it so lets take him serious. Is building a wall the entire length of the u. S. Mexico boarder almost 2,000 miles from the Pacific Ocean all the way to the gulf of mexico even possible . Well, lets take a look at the facts and the sense. So we are driving along the boarder, the fence is just controlling by there, mile roof mile, during the 1990s, and especially since 9 11, the u. S. Spent billions to massively beef up border security, and as far as stopping illegal crossings or stopping terrorists it is really not even clear what it has gotten up. Allock border there about six unh miles of sex fence. According to the Government Accountability office, depending on the terrain and the type offense, it costs between 200,015,000,000 per mile, to bill the fence. So the total build for that 670 miles costs 2. 4 billion. It is safe to say it would cost many times what has already been spent. That 2. 4 billion that was just to bill the fence, it costs hundreds of millions of dollars more every year, to maintain it, then theres the 3. 7 billion we spend on 21,000 Border Patrol agents keeping them in the field like that guy. So the reason that Border Patrol agent is parked up on that hill, he is probably there 24 7, is because this is a river bed. It is monsoon season here, and this part of arizona and that means very heavy thunderstorms huge volumes of water coming through a place like this, so they built the fence with flood gates they keep open to let it through, and all they have are two little vans of barbed wire between the u. S. And mexico, so obviously very easy to come over but impossible to bill a wall in a spot like this. The Border Patrol says you dont need a solid wall, because this is where the ruggedness of the terrain does the job for you. But experts say maybe the strongest argument against a wall is that a wall would not address the biggest part of the illegal immigration problem. And thats because the majority of people who make it into the country illegally do it right through ports. They hide in vehicles or use forged immigration documents. So here it is. Could trump even build his wall, would it be possible, well, thats certainly isnt clear. Would it help solve the problem . Probably not. The one thing we know for sure is it would cost an extraordinary amount of taxpayer money. It is a Political Ad Campaign causing outrage in a detroit suburb. The fliers many are calling racist. Today marks 500 days since 226 nigerian girls were abducted from their school. They are still missing. Many are trying to keep the pressure own the government to find the girls. Well, in addition to thursday being 500 days since the girls were abduct, it is also the culmination of seven days of activities by the relatives of the girls and their supporters to try to draw the public attention to the fact that they are still missing and try to mobilize the public to put pressure on the government to do more to find them. On thursday relatives will hold a peaceful demonstration, in the capitol, in the evening there will be a candle lit vigil, now, in terms of what the government is doing, the government sayer this doing all they can to rescue them, but the military has mass live intensified intelligence gathers in the area where they believe the girls are being held captive. But there are Many Missions going on in these areas to locate the girls and that everything is being done, they do point out the fact that it is only in the last few weeks that the new preponderate took over, from president good luck jonathon, he is still trying to get to grips with what is going on, to find out the extent of the insurgency in general. And what they have used to keep these girls in captivity. They also point out that they dont think it is safe to give a running commentary on what operations are taking place to try to find them, what they do emphasize, is that everything, everything is being done. The relatives are sad, this trying to remain patient, but many are hopeful with this renewed effort by the military, maybe their girls will be found and returned home. The hunt is on for whoever is putting up racist fliers in a detroit suburb. One calls to vote black city leaders out of office, and vote in white candidates instead. Son id side that a outsider is behind this. Lets get the blacks out of sought field, with a message lets take back our city, printed at the bottom. On one, the imimagines of two white Deputy Police chiefs and three other white men running in the upcoming election. The fliers begin surfacing in this many et row detroit suburb over the weekend. On another flier is the word trayvon martin, with the words zimmermann was right. We will stop thugged like this. He was shot and killed in 2012. South field is predominately black, and some are outraged. I was born in the 50s, came up through the civil rights stuff, and all that, when i see stuff like that, it is sickening. I am ale pad eight, because clearly this is race baiting. Ken cyber co founded a Grass Roots Organization that communications the importance of celebrating the national holiday, he is also a candidate for south field mayor. His photo and name appear on the flier. He el foos that he is being tarted. What is your response to people that ask if you are behind this. My response is first to tell them i am not, and that i believe this is someone that is either trying to incite a racial tension, in our city, which we lack and or its dirty campaign trick. No matter where the motivation is, this is absolutely despicable and we will not tolerate it in our community. Pat hainey is president of the m. L. K. Jr. Task force, she questions the motive behind the fliers. It may very well be that this was not done by a right racist individual or organization. But in fact, done in order to incite people of color to come out to the polls and vote directly opposite of what the flier poor ports. Many who live here suspect that the person behind the fliers isnt a south field resident. And as police investigate, the Community Works to move beyond the hate. Al jazeera, south field michigan. A string of recent events has put College Fraternities in a negative light. Just this week, hanging this banners off its frat house, go ahead okay. Now some are asking if fraternities should exist at all. A closer look at the controversy. A College Fraternity house draped with bed sheet signs aimed at new students. The message was clear, this is the place to be if you want sex, and a good time. The pictures hit the internet, and the president of old dominion called it a outrage, the office suspended all chapter activities pending an investigation. And the Student Government released this video saying the signs were offensive. The actions taken by a few individual do not represent the position of the university for old dominion students. The swift reaction follows a string of negative headlines earl where this year, was suspended over members only facebook groups with photos of naked unconscious women. All this at a time when one in five women report being sexually assaulted. No man has a right ever to raise his hand to a woman. Period. End of story. The country about fraternities is not just about sexual assaults. In march the university of oklahoma sigma alpha was shut down after the video of a racist chants by some of its members went viral on the internet. These people acted in a way that is absolutely reprehensible, we cannot put up with it. They shouldnt even be allowed to call themselves students what is going on there. And theres the long history of college hazing. Some ending in death. Like the case of College Freshman carson starkky during pledge week at California Polytechnic University in 2008. He was pledging sigma alpha. He was given a fifth of rum to share with the boy next to him, there was also a bottle or two of ever clear, that was passed around. He later died of alcohol poisons. Pledge week has been eliminated at poly tech, but the whole College Greek system is under fire, not just the fraternities. The university of alabama alpha feasor requirety is being criticized for a recruitment video. The 72 members were seen running around in bikinis and dancing with the schools elephant mascot. Critics say the video object fews women and shows a lack of diversity. Roxanne that, al jazeera. As the president heads to new orleans today, we aring looing back on the ten years after Hurricane Katrina. Our conversation with one man who helped hundreds to safety. President obama has just arrived in new orleans, to mark. Years since Hurricane Katrina hit the coast. Later this afternoon, he will speak from a newly built community center, that neighborhood, was devastated when the levies broke, flooding 80 of new orleans. One of those stranded was a first gulf war veteran who lived at the american can apartments when he felt the government has failed him, and his vulnerable neighbors he decided to take charge to save lives. He told his story of survival a marine veteran he had seen war. Then katrina came. I saw 30 People Living in a tree. In a tree. Keller felt abandoned by his own government. During all that, and coming back in. A second class citizen. Top of the roof. He was living at the american kwan, a sprawling complex. Keller struck into action. Anthony jones turned into mr. Soldier. Yeah, this is where we evacuate everybody. Some of his stories would be unbelievable were it not for the tact that his cousin chris was taking pictures the whole time. It started with keller just keeping order. When there wasnt enough water i swam to the grocery store. He filled coolers full of supplies. I tied it around my wais, i breaststroked all the way back with those chests. This is in the back of his mind. The night katrina was hitting i was on the phone with my mom, and she said, i got to go, i got the go, the roof is being ripped off. And i am like and then the phone went dead, he said they will be all right. I was worried about my grandmother. Was that driving you, or keeping you the main thing was i said my prayer to god, i said look, if i take care of these elderly people, on the roof, you make sure that somebody takes care of my grandmother. Was keller calls his deal with god ended up helping a whole lot of people, including liz rodriguez. I think that he is a hero. I think that he stepped up to the plate, when we needed somebody there to take charge. One of the first things keller did was to signal to crews that residents needed food and water. But the helicopters didnt drop food, keller had his own idea why. I hope it is not the case. I know it is hot. If you dont it just doesnt work, they are going to die in their apartments. And it worked. It did, quickly. I was like wow. But it wasnt enough, the elderly were running out of medicine, keller thought some wouldnt make it much longer. He saw speedboats on the roof of a nearby building. I said i can go to that building and hot wire some boats and get us out of here. And that is all of our time, the news continues next, live from london. Announcer this is al jazeera. Hello there, this is a newshour live from london. In the next 60 minutes a cargo of dead 50 refugees found dead. Response trying to be found for those landing n europe shores. The beaches here, as you can see, covered in life jackets and the remains of rubber boats 12 people arrested in chi

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