Hurricane irma has left a trail of devastation and claimed at least a0 lives. Its destroyed thousands of homes and has left millions without power and clean water. Now, britain, france, and the netherlands, which oversee territories in the caribbean, have been criticised for being slow to respond to the crisis. A state of emergency has been declared on the British Virgin islands where an aid operation is under way. The bbcs laura bicker has the latest from tortola, the largest of the islands. There is now a sense of desperation and fear in tortola. People are hungry, tired and in need of basic supplies. This was the line of traffic trying to get into the main town on the island. Most are heading to the supermarket for the First Time Since the hurricane, now that more roads have been cleared. Have you got enough food, water . No, cause everybodys fighting, and stealing and a lots going on right now. People are breaking into peoples homes, going with what they have. Its a state of emergency. Outside the store, some have been waiting for the doors to open for eight hours. Yelling. As only a few people are allowed in, chaos ensues. Were going in, were going in. They are worried that supplies are limited. We need water, we need food. We need electricity. Do you think youve had enough help . I dont think so. We need more help. We need outside help right now. Please get in line for me police and security guards appealfor calm. But after six days of devastation and enduring the worst storm in living memory, these angry scenes proved too much for some to deal with. Were under control, but we didnt expect this mess today. We onlyjust got out of our house today. As we were filming, a local government minister approached. We have lots of food arriving tonight, for my supermarket and for this supermarket, and lots of food arriving every day this week. There are also serious concerns about the safety of residents living amongst the rubble. Local police have been working alongside the British Military day and night to try to round up a number of criminals who escaped from a prison damaged by the hurricane. Its added to a sense of panic, especially as people cannot communicate from one side of the island to the other. Rationed Water Supplies are now being handed out with the help of more british troops. They have been a reassuring presence, a welcome sight. We have seen real spirit and strength on this island in the last few days. But residents are realising that it could take years to rebuild and that theyll have to summon a great deal of determination to help raise tortola from this rubble. Laura bicker, bbc news, tortola. Hurricane irma may have been downgraded to a tropical storm, but shes certainly left a trail of destruction in her wake. Some caribbean islands have been left with hardly any supplies. And florida is still feeling the impact, with storm surges that pose a serious danger. The bbcs allem maqbool reports from miami. After a day of darkness and fury, miami opened its eyes to the aftermath. This city is now littered with the debris of the hurricane. Boats were even lifted clean out of the bay and dumped on the shore. People here are emerging from their shelters and barricaded homes to try to start clearing up. So you got out this morning and what did you find . Sheer devastation, everywhere you look. I mean, the parking lots are flooded, cars, trees fallen down. In spite of all the preparation, millions are now without power. The financial district of the city has been badly affected. It was underwater during the hurricane, inundated with massive coastal waves as irma passed. And across the city and the state, transformers were blown up by the rains, plunging people into darkness. But of course the impact of this storm has been felt far beyond miami. The big concern has been about the florida keys. Because of damage to roads and some of the more remote parts, they can still only be surveyed by air and we still cannot land but this is where Hurricane Irma hit first in florida and its where some of the worst damage could be. Although People Living in the keys have become used to hurricanes, when irma was reported as the most powerful ever recorded in the atlantic, most got to safer land. Many are still unable to return to their damaged homes. From some places in the keys there has been access to, it appears the hurricane utterly ravaged houses and belongings. And that goes for the mainland too, in the city of naples in the west of the state, petrol stations and mobile homes were torn apart. Fort lauderdale saw tornadoes as irma came through, parts of the beach were whipped into the city. Even as the storm was still affecting this area, looters took advantage. With millions told to evacuate and so many in shelters, there was little to stop them. And new places are still being affected. In recent hours jacksonville in northern florida was hit by a massive storm surge, flooding the city. They said the impact of irma would be widespread, and it has been. In cuba, the clean up is under way but three quarters of the population has been left without power. On the line is dave oakley, whos on holiday in the coastal resort varadero in cuba. Thank you forjoining us again. We spoke 48 hours ago. At that point you were preparing for Hurricane Irma to strike. What happened when she did . It was absolutely devastating. The wind. I was in a hurricane before in mexico, but trees were literally ripped out by the roots this time. I have never experienced anything like this in my life before. You gave some images to the bbc of the hotel you are currently in. You were moved, werent you . We were taken to a small island. We were evacuated in the afternoon to a place of safety, we we re the afternoon to a place of safety, we were told, out of the eye of the storm. It followed us straight through varadero and on to miami where i can see it has done absolutely devastating damage. As we can see, those shots of the hotel show it has been seriously damaged. What are you being told now as to your prospects of getting home . We we re your prospects of getting home . We were informed this afternoon we are going to be flown out from varadero airport tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully we are picked up local time, just after 12 oclock. We will leave varadero airport at 530 and hopefully get to manchester at half past seven in the morning. Tell us, in the meantime, is there food and clea n in the meantime, is there food and clean water, do you feel safe and secure . Yeah, yeah, yeah, the hotel where we are, they are providing food and water. We have everything we need. Everyone is feeling safe in the hotel. But, obviously, we would have felt a lot safer if thomas cook could have moved us out of the country. We were asking at the beginning of the week and they have done absolutely nothing about that. All right, well, we have got a statement from thomas cook but for the moment, thank you very much, dave. From yorkshire in the uk. Thomas cook said they send a special assistance team, 21 people, flown from cuba to how about. And they did also say that basically they had moved some of their holidaymakers from one hotel to another in line with what the cuban authorities had suggested and the standard of the hotels some people moved into were not up to the standard of the original rooms they were booked to. There is more on Hurricane Irma on the website. You can get updates and hear from people affected. Thats all at bbc. Com news. The un has imposed new sanctions on north korea as punishment for its recent nuclear test. Before the vote, the us removed some of the tougher proposals it had announced last week, including a complete oil embargo and efforts to freeze the assets of the leader, kim jong un. This is a director of the Korea Working Group at Harvard Kennedy school joining working group at Harvard Kennedy schooljoining a working group at Harvard Kennedy school joining a strong working group at Harvard Kennedy schooljoining a strong cambridge, massachusetts. Thank you for your time. America might be slightly disappointed some of the sanctions it wanted were not included, but realistically this was always going to bea realistically this was always going to be a compromise. It is part of the process. Usually there is a harshly worded draft resolution circulated with negotiation going on primarily with the chinese and the russians. Then you get a watered down resolution in the end. But the attempt to get the russians and chinese on board was to bring unity. In terms of what the Material Impact for the North Koreans will be remains a question. Indeed, that is a big question mark, isnt it . Vladimir putin has said he believes the population would rather eat grass than get rid of their nuclear arsenal. That is correct. The russian assessment, and the chinese share this view, is that they are so advanced with this missile development, this triggers further escalation of north koreas to parliament in these areas. There is also the Chinese Concern of inadvertently triggering the colla pse inadvertently triggering the collapse of the north korean regime, signing on to a complete oil embargo would trigger that. In china is also worried about the potential for North Koreans to suddenly flood into china and all sorts of other measures. So, where do they go next, do you think . Well, we saw in ambassador nikki haleys comments that if the sanctions dont work the us will take stronger measures. She alludes to the military option. This is something we have all looked at and all heard the cost of. Liley it outweighs the benefits here. Clearly. But if sanctions dont work, what is left . That is what we are concerned about. When you say that, everyone is concerned about the nuclear threat. Let me ask you this, how confident are you that we have Accurate Information about our knowledge of how north koreas development is going with nuclear . One of the things we have noted closely and consistently is after a successful missile test from north korea, they posed a video and photos on the internet. With that there is a lot of scrutiny of the data and the footage. We the consensus that north korea has passed another threshold in terms of development. But in terms of actually combining it, we are looking at that. We are expecting more testing on Ballistic Missiles and the nucleoside Going Forward as well. Thank you very much. Nuclear side. Forward as well. Thank you very much. Nuclearside. Stay with forward as well. Thank you very much. Nuclear side. Stay with us on bbc news. Still to come. The hottest seat in hawaii. We report from the ring of the worlds most active volcano. Freedom itself was attacked this morning, and freedom will be defended. The United States will hunt down and punish those responsible. Bishop tutu now becomes spiritual leader of 100,000 anglicans here of the blacks in soweto township, as well as the whites, in their rich suburbs. We say to you today, in a loud and a clear voice, enough of blood and tears enough translation the difficult decision we reached together was one that required great and exceptional courage. Its an exodus of up to 60,000 people, caused by the uneven pace of political change in eastern europe. Iam free this is bbc news. The latest headlines parts of the caribbean are struggling to cope in the wake of Hurricane Irma. Thousands of people in the British Virgin islands have yet to receive any support. The Un Security Council has unanimously backed another round of sanctions against north korea, ramping up pressure over its nuclear programme. Myanmars treatment of rohinja muslims is a text book example of ethnic cleansing, so says the un, which is calling for an end to what a senior official described as a cruel military operation. More than 300,000 rohinja have fled to neighbouring bangladesh, where many are now desperate. The bbcs Reeta Chakrabarti is in the port city of coxs bazar, close to the border and filed this report. What is happening in myanmar . Looking across from bangladesh, huge clouds of smoke fill the sky. Military boats patrol the river border. The army is accused of setting fire to Muslim Rohingya villages and of planting landmines in the paths of fleeing people. It denies that it is targeting civilians. But we have found evidence to suggest otherwise. This small hospital in coxs bazar has been coping with large numbers of rohingya casualties. In the last week, its had an influx of critically injured people blown up by landmines as they escaped. Azizou hak is one of them. Hes 15 years old and unlikely to make it to 16. He arrived at the hospital a week ago with his legs destroyed. He suffered a terrible loss of blood but doctors have no more to give him. His brother, in another hospital, suffered the same fate. Translation i cant go back to myanmar, we are not safe. I will beg here in bangladesh and that will be better. I used to pray to allah to give me a son but now my sons are gone. Their injuries are so bad, its as if they are dead. Its better that allah takes them. Theyre suffering so much. Sabikur nahar will pull through, although she too has lost both her legs. She fled myanmar because she says the military had been targeting her community. She was crossing the border with her three sons when she trod ona landmine. Translation they had already gone ahead and i was behind them, and thats when the explosion happened. We had been fired on, shot at, and they planted mines. We have escaped to bangladesh because we have nowhere else to go. Five year old jahura plays with her little brother. She was shot while being carried by her father as the family escaped. The same bullet that hit her killed him. She still cries out for him. She has five other siblings, but in the confusion they were separated. Her desperate mother now cant find them. Translation im in a terrible situation right now. Im really worried. I havent got all my Children Together and ive lost my husband. Ive lost my house. Where do i go . Theres only unhappiness for us. Down the road at the larger central hospital, there are more casualties crammed into a ward. People on the floor, people in corridors, every space taken. Half of these patients are Rohingya Muslims. This hospital has been inundated since the crisis started just over two weeks ago, and it is struggling to cope. We need medicines, we need surgical equipment, we need manpower, we need everything. And do you not have these . No, no, our government supply is limited. The innocent cant comprehend whats happening to them, but the rohingya people are suffering miserably in this conflict, whatever the myanmar government says. Reeta chakra barti, bbc news, bangladesh. Lets take a look at some of the other stories making the news. The iraqi authorities are holding more than 1,300 foreign family members of suspected Islamic State militants at a displaced peoples camp south of mosul, thats according to officials and aid workers. The women and children from at least 13 countries mostly fled the city of tal afar when Government Troops recaptured the city last month. Erna solberg, the conservative Prime Minister of norway, has claimed victory for her centre right coalition in the countrys parliamentary election. Ms solberg is set to become the first norwegian conservative leader in three decades to be re elected Prime Minister. India has registered an official complaint with australia over an advertisement that features the hindu god ganesha and other religious icons endorsing lamb. The tv advert was made by a Meat Industry lobby group in australia. The India High Commission in canberra say they want the advert removed. At least 96 people have died in thursdays earthquake in mexico, which has affected more than 2. 5 million people. The authorities have been trying to provide food, water and shelter for the survivors but has acknowledged problems in accessing the remote mountainous areas in oaxaca and chiapas states. From mexico, heres our correspondentjuan paullier. Four days after the earthquake which struck mexico, juchitan, the hardest hit area, is recovering at a slow pace. Many say the official response was not quick enough, and that it has been insufficient. Thousands of people who lost their homes are staying and sleeping on the streets. Too afraid of the after shocks and too afraid of losing the few possessions they have left. And this is a place where the relief efforts have been concentrated since friday. Ive been also visiting smaller towns on the outskirts of juchitan, where the aid hasnt yet reached, and where the despair, the complaints and the discontent are mounting. Translation the government hasnt come, neither the mayor nor the governor. There isnt hel, no food. They have not even come to ask how we are, or to give us water. We are completely forgotten. It is sad to realise that. What hurts more is that the house that my parents spent 30 years building is no longer there. At least we have some furniture some people have nothing. Translation we cant put up with much more. We feel forgotten. We dont know why the aid has not arrived. There are many people who need it, notjust me. All the neighbours. There is no food, theres nothing. We dont have clean water. Just a little, because a man gave us a little. And when it rains, i put buckets out to collect water to bathe and wash dishes. Now lets take a look at some dramatic footage from the worlds most active volcano in hawaii. New aerial pictures shows streams of lava rolling down a 30ft cone on mount kilauea. Located on hawaiis largest and southeastern most island, kilauea has erupted continuously from its vent since 1983. Sarah corker reports. An Early Morning flight over hawaiis lava fields and mount kilauea is putting on a show. Streams of liquid lover whos down the mountain at temperatures of up to 1200 degrees celsius. Its path notoriously hard to predict. This prolific volcano produces another lover to cover a 20 mile long road every single day. Kilauea is located on the southern shore of hawaiis big island in the pacific ocean. Its part of the Hawaii Volcanoes National park, a unesco World Heritage site. This particular eruption began in 2016 and this is where its dramatic journey eruption began in 2016 and this is where its dramaticjourney ends, flowing through a sea cliff and into the ocean. And three years ago, authorities declared a state of emergency as lava from kilauea edged towards homes and roads. The Hawaiian Islands are at the end ofa chain the Hawaiian Islands are at the end of a chain of volcanoes that formed more than 70 million years ago, and since 1952, kilauea has erupted 34 times. At its summit is this spectacular lava lake and this image ofa spectacular lava lake and this image of a huge lava fountain is from 1983. The volcanos been erupting ever since. Scientists are unsure if the volcano will continue to erupting for another 100 years or stop tomorrow and millions of people visit every year, drawn to its unpredictable and ever changing landscape. Sarah corker, bbc news. Donald trump has observed a moment of silence at a white house ceremony marking the 16th anniversary of the september 11 attacks. The silence was held at 12 46 gmt, the moment the World Trade Center in new york was struck by the first of two hijacked aeroplanes. This is bbc news. Good morning. As we go through this week, there will be a distinct autumnal flavour to our weather. And in actualfact, it will be rather cool and windy at times. Some showers will be heavy, possibly with rumbles thunder. We start not on a bad note. Ten or 11 degrees, so a fresh start. Five or six in rural spots. A predominantly dry start to the day, maybe even some glimpses of sunshine. A scattering of showers on the west facing coast, but into the afternoon, cloud, wind, and rain will move into Northern Ireland and western scotland, in particular. Well see the first signs of it through the isles of scilly and perhaps the far south of cornwall, but for the bulk of england and wales, in the afternoon, it is dry, sunny, with top temperatures around 15 to 18 degrees. As few isolated showers into north west england, but the heaviest of the rain will be through Northern Ireland and western scotland. Here, it will feel disappointingly cool for the time of year, at about 12 or 13 degrees. Some of that rain will start to be quite heavy. Northern isles in eastern scotland, you will see some sunshine to end the day. But its not set to last. For the Champions League football taking place in the evening, most of the matches will be dry. The rain will pep up towards the end of the match for man united. So, that area of low pressure moves in. It will take some wet and windy weather. Some rain will be heavy, through the early half of the night, and winds will start to strengthen, gusting to gales or severe gales in places. If youre out on the roads, that is worth keeping in mind, and best to stay tuned to a local bbc Radio Station for updates. Gusts of wind along the south coast and across the high ground of scotland. 50 55mph. We really could see an intense spell of gales or severe gales in north wales and north england for a time. That pushes the rain rapidly through and leaves squally showers for wednesday. Some heavy, possibly thundery. The showers, cool and disappointing. In the south east, well escape most of the showers, and there could be some sunshine. 18 degrees the high. Not much anywhere change into thursday. These bands of showery rain will slip south. The winds still coming from the north west, providing a cool source, with some frequent showers, as well. Disappointing showers, 13 to 18 degrees across the country on thursday afternoon. As we move out of thursday onto friday, it is mostly repeat performance. Again, we have a north westerly wind and plenty of showers, with highs disappointing. Take care. This is bbc news. The headlines parts of the caribbean are struggling to cope in the wake of Hurricane Irma. An aid operation is under way in the British Virgin islands, but many communities have yet to receive any support. In florida, the clean up has started, but millions face weeks without power. The Un Security Council has voted unanimously to impose new sanctions on north korea as punishment for carrying out a nuclear test. The sanctions target pyongyangs ability to fund and fuel its nuclear programme. Its the ninth unanimously adopted resolution on north korea since 2006. The bbc has uncovered evidence suggesting the Myanmar Military is targeting Rohingya Muslims as they flee violence. 300,000 have crossed the border into bangladesh. Many say they were attacked by Security Forces with guns and landmines. British Prime Minister theresa may has welcomed a vote in Parliament Backing legislation to sever ties with the european union

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