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Whats clear is that theyre becoming worse and worse. More violent, more protesters on the streets, and more response from the police as well, who tonight are trying to protect the National Police headquarters, which are just down here. Go, go go more than 700 people arrested in a week, as police crack down on drug gangs operating across the uk. And warming up for a big weekend at the Rugby World Cup injapan with england, wales and ireland in the quarterfinals. And coming up on sportsday on bbc news, andy murray marches on. The former world number one is tested, but makes the final four in antwerp at the european open. Good evening. Borisjohnsons brexit deal is on a knife edge tonight, with the numbers too close to call ahead of tomorrows crucial vote in the commons. He needs 320 votes to get it passed but has only 287 conservative mps. It means he must persuade some labour rebels, ex tories, and sceptics in his own party to support him. The brexit deal would see the uk pay around £33 billion pounds in a so called divorce bill when leaving. Eu and uk citizens would retain their residency and Social Security rights, and thered be a transition period until at least the end of 2020, during which the uk would abide by the eus laws. The whole of the uk would leave the eu customs union, but with customs checks on some goods sent from Great Britain to Northern Ireland. 0ur Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg reports. Thats not the real borisjohnson. Its a fancy dress version, a climate protester who had scaled the scaffolding around big ben. The actual Prime Minister is teetering on an even narrower edge. He has to take a leap, not knowing if hell meet victory or defeat. Weve got a deal that allows us to get out of the backstop, thats abolished, and we can do free trade agreements as one whole United Kingdom around the world. Clearly, what matters is mps coming together across the house tomorrow to get this thing done. And ijust kind of invite everybody to imagine what it could be like tomorrow evening, if we have settled this. But in order to get this deal, though, you have given some concessions, youve accepted quite a significant Customs Border between Northern Ireland and the rest of the United Kingdom. That is something you said you would never do, you said no british Prime Minister could do that. No, on the contrary, nobody wants to have checks at the Northern Irish border. So, what weve agreed with the eu is that temporarily temporarily and by consent of the people of Northern Ireland, if theres stuff that is coming from gb into ireland, or from anywhere else in the world via Northern Ireland into ireland, then, yes, there can be checks. But that, of course. And those checks can be levied by uk authorities. But that is very far from having a tariff border. By your admission, and its there in black and white in the deal, there will be extra customs checks, and for some people, including your allies, thats just not acceptable, that puts the union at risk. No, there are no tariffs going from gb to ni. But there are extra checks. They already are, as you know. But of course it is also going to be superseded, as we come out, as i hope we do at the end of this month, as we get on to negotiate the uk eu free trade agreement. So, all these arrangements are in fact going to be obsolete once we do that big eu uk free trade deal. You hope they will be. You have made a compromise to get a bigger prize of the deal, but do you accept thats whats happened here . That you have broken a promise you made to the dup for the bigger prize of the deal . No, i dont accept that at all. Thats what they feel. Well, i think what you have is a fantastic deal for all of the uk. The deal brokered by brains in whitehall and in brussels contains concessions from the eu and the uk. It leaves the future more open between the two sides, compared to the previous agreement, and in theory gives the uk more ability to trade round the rest of the world. But it does contain what could be significant changes to how Northern Ireland fits into the jigsaw of the rest of the uk, and thats not the only reason why the Prime Minister faces an uphill struggle to get this through mps. Hello, can i give you a leaflet about schools funding . In wakefield, around 70 of people voted to leave the eu, butjust like the vast majority of labour mps, mary creagh here has no intention at all of backing mrjohnsons brexit. 0bviously off to london tomorrow. 0n the deal, what do you think we should be doing . About the brexit deal . Yeah. Renegotiate. She is one of many whod rather have another referendum instead. Ill be voting against the deal tomorrow. This is not what people voted for. People have told me they want their vote back, they want to vote on this deal, its too important to be left to the politicians. Even though party bosses are trying to talk them out of it. On behalf ofJohn Mcdonnell. There is a clutch of labour mps whose votes might help the deal sneak through. Ive been lobbied this morning by John Mcdonnell and Jeremy Corbyn through ian lavery, the chairman, to abstain. I am 100 leaver, and they expect me, with a flick of the fingers, to turn around. No, im not going to do it. Even if there is a sprinkling of labour help, number ten still tonight needs to work to make sure all of their own side are lined up. Will you be backing the Prime Minister . Some of the most resolute brexiteers may yet hold out. I am very glad that we had such constructive discussions, nothing is concluded yet. There is a good chance this will not pass. If it does not pass, do you still say we will leave the European Union at the end of this month . I think thats much the. I do. I think we should leave the European Union. Saying i think we should is very different to saying we will. We are, let me say, we will leave the European Union on october the 31st. Not all of his colleagues are privately so sure. Leaving in two weeks might seem barely plausible this time tomorrow. But for now, every single minister has onejob and onejob only to get this deal over the line. Laura kuenssberg, bbc news, westminster. So tomorrow will be all about the numbers. Can the Prime Minister get enough support from across the commons to see a deal finally approved . 0ur deputy Political Editor john pienaar has been doing the maths and hes with me now. For all todays sweet talking and arm twisting, this deal still leaves the uks future relationship with the eu up for negotiation. Brexiteers want to strike new trade deals and break clear of eu rules and regulations. Critics fear well be worse off. But first, borisjohnson has to get mps behind his deal that allows the uk to leave. The numbers look painfully tight and he has to either win round the dup, which looks close to impossible, or look elsewhere for votes. Why . In the commons, the pm needs 320 votes to guarantee a win. The dups ten mp dont want to be blamed for a no deal brexit. But they fear customs and regulatory checks on goods arriving from the british mainland could weaken the union. They wont back the deal. Most of the pms 287 tories will back him, some reluctantly. A number of rebels have been won over. Some keen tory unionists may stick with the dup. Mrjohnson badly wants some labour mps to vote with him for a deal and a number likely will. They fear losing support if brexits not delivered. Tonight, downing streets trying to secure their votes with promises workers rights and green safeguards will be protected and strengthened by law. Jeremy corbyn doesnt believe it and labour will vote strongly against the brexit plan. What about the independents who were thrown out of the conservative party . Well, theyll split too. Some will back the pm, including a few who want back into the tory fold, to keep their seats. Others want to stay close to the eu, but they might swallow this deal in the meantime. A few whore worried about britains future after brexit may refuse. Mrjohnson can forget jo swinsons lib dems and the snp and some others. Theyre against brexit. Other big struggles are coming too a push for another referendum, for example. And tomorrow, some mps will try to block a no deal brexit, and make sure the deal is approved and becomes law, even if it means another delay. Trust at westminster is that low. Meanwhile, borisjohnsons got a lot of persuading to do before he can be truly confident of hitting that magic number. So, on the eve of this crunch vote, how are voters feeling about it all . 0ur Political Correspondent alex forsyth has been to the constituency of high peak in the Peak District an area which was split right down the middle in the eu referendum. The calm of the Peak District feels a far cry from the frenzied wrangling in westminster. But here, people know tomorrow could dictate where the countrys heading. This established cheese business in buxton sends bespoke products around the world, relying on imports from continental europe. Its owner, frustrated at brexit delays, knows exactly what he wants from parliament. I just want them to put the deal over the line. Do it. Parliamentarians have done themselves no favours. Im an old, established democrat. If the people have voted for it, whichever way they vote, your obligation is to do it. Thats what youre paid to do. Thats the view the Prime Ministers counting on. Mps feeling pressure from the public, whojust want this wrapped up. At a nearby fruit and veg wholesalers, which buys bradburys cheese, thats the overwhelming desire. These come in from spain for us. Managing director sarah had voted remain, but nowjust wants an exit deal agreed, without further delay. If Parliament Says no to this deal, what will you think . Illjust think its ridiculous. Weve been doing it for three years, so what guarantees in another six months, another year, were still going to get that deal we want . Its like having another referendum because we didnt like the vote. Its not going to achieve anything. Weve made the decision. Across the country there is real brexit fatigue and Boris Johnson hopes that might convince mps to back his deal get it done, rather than risk the wrath of the frustrated public. And if they dont, you can bet hell blame parliament. But chris, who runs his own kitchen fitting business, doesnt buy it. 0riginallya remainer, he, too, is craving certainty. But not at any cost. Is it the right deal . Because this could impact for the next 50, 100 years. So to do it right now and to take that little bit of extra time, in my opinion, is probably worthwhile doing. Not far away, joanne, who helps run herfamily farm, could also just stomach a short delay. She fully backs brexit, but wants a deal even if that means another public vote. Yeah, id go for it. I mean, it shouldnt come to that. But if they feel thats really going to solve everything, go for it. Weve put up with it for three and a half years whats another six months . Thats one point of consensus. Frustration that theres still no resolution and scepticism even now that mps will find one. Alex forsyth, bbc news, buxton. Lets get a final word from john. It really is on a knife edge, isnt it . Trying to call what happens tomorrow with any kind of confidence is a mugs game. It could be very close. Borisjohnson mugs game. It could be very close. Boris johnson can say mugs game. It could be very close. Borisjohnson can say he is optimistic if he likes, thats his style, but to me, that looks like show. At downing street there is a nervousness below the surface, nervousness below the surface, nervousness in particular that they could be forced, borisjohnson could be forced, to seek another brexit extension for as long as it takes to get brexit finally approved. Thats written into law and agreed notjust by westminster but the European Parliament too. That could take bra kes parliament too. That could take brakes beyond 0ctober parliament too. That could take brakes beyond october the 31st and fourth Boris Johnson brakes beyond october the 31st and fourth borisjohnson to break his word it could take brexit beyond 0ctober word it could take brexit beyond october the 31st. There is a Cross Party Group of mps who want to make sure theres no no deal brexit, even by accident, and downing street are trying hard to persuade 0liver letwi n trying hard to persuade 0liver letwin to back off. Now, there is a weariness with brexit around the country and we saw it in alexs report, weve seen it before. At westminster its more like battle fatigue, its more like wall ruinous, but im afraid this cliffhanger of a political story, this brexit, looks like having some way still to run, whatever happens tomorrow. John, thank you. The governor of the bank of england, mark carney, has welcomed the progress made by the government on brexit. But he said that borisjohnsons current deal would hit the size of the uk economy more than the closest version negotiated by theresa may. 0ur economics editor faisal islam reports from the International Monetary fund meeting in washington. In washington, meeting the financial leaders at the imf, the bank of England Governor Mark carney says that the deal back home has a big economic positive, taking a disorderly brexit off the table. I can be absolutely clear, relative to no deal, this is materially better. Its very welcome news. Its welcome in the uk, its welcome globally. Literally globally, i heard that last night, bilaterally, in the bigger room at the g20. But thats compared to no deal. This new deal could itself lead to the return of certain customs checks, not currently required between the uk and mainland europe. Many independent economists and former chancellor Philip Hammond calculate the more distant relationship signalled by borisjohnsons deal would lead to a smaller economy. If there are extra frictions in the uk, or gb eu trade, that will mean the economy being smaller, or growing by less . We dont know exactly what would have been negotiated under Prime Minister mays deal in the end. We dont know if this deal is adopted, exactly what would be negotiated under this deal in the end. I can tell you that myjudgment would be that there is some overlap between the two. Now, if it were the deepest possible partnership under Prime Minister mays deal, there wouldnt be overlap between the two. And that last bit was diplomacy. Thats understandable. Diplomacy at a delicate moment. At the basic message from the governor here in washington is, yes, the chances of a disorderly brexit are lifting, and thatis disorderly brexit are lifting, and that is a boost, but a fundamentally more distant relationship between the uk and the eu will also have consequences for the british economy. All this comes at a time when central bankers like him are running out of firepower and there is more scope for governments to boost a precarious World Economy by borrowing more. We are in a world that has challenges, it is likely to have very low Interest Rates for a while longer yet. That creates greater opportunity for fiscal policy. It also creates opportunities for private businesses who want to take advantage, if they see where the world is going, if they see an opportunity, to borrow and invest, and growjobs. Economic turbulence in the world stretches well beyond brexit. The boost from lifting the no deal cloud is real. But its tempered by a new uncertainty about where exactly brexit is heading. Faisal islam, bbc news, in washington. Thereve been violent clashes with police on the streets of barcelona, as hundreds of thousands of people brought the city to a halt with mass demonstrations and a general strike. Trains were stopped and roads blocked by protesters angry about jail sentences imposed this week on catalan separatist leaders. 0ur europe correspondent Damian Grammaticas is there for us this evening. Damian. Tonight, there are running confrontations going on between police and protesters, all around the centre of barcelona. The protesters have been scattering through the streets. The police, chasing them. Theyve been setting these fires as they have been going. This day began with a general strike that brought the whole city to a halt. Its ended with the worst clashes that weve seen here in five days. Central barcelona. Parts of it are a Battle Ground tonight. A full scale confrontation under way. Between police and protesters. Round after round, fired by the riot officers. In return, stones, bottles and fireworks, hurled back at them. This is now the fifth night in a row of these clashes in barcelona, and what is clear is that they are becoming worse and worse. More violent, more protesters on the streets and more response from the police as well, who tonight have used tear gas for the first time and rubber bullets as they are trying to protect the National Police headquarters which arejust down here. The National Police headquarters which are just down here. The day began with huge columns of people, converging on barcelona from across catalonia. Some had been walking for three days to get here. A general strike had shut down the city. Now, they took over the streets. These are Pro Independence supporters, putting on a huge show of force after spain jailed putting on a huge show of force after spainjailed on putting on a huge show of force after spain jailed on monday putting on a huge show of force after spainjailed on monday nine cata la n after spainjailed on monday nine catalan leaders who tried to declare independence for the region two yea rs independence for the region two years ago. It is only going to stop once we get what we want, our changes, real changes. Not all cata la ns changes, real changes. Not all catalans warned the region to split away. There have been counter protests by those who want to stay pa rt protests by those who want to stay part of spain. They have been tiny by comparison. They dont speak for the majority, because the support for independence is not the majority. This was the spark for the violence today, protesters hurling eggs and cans at Spanish Police officers. Eventually, police patience snapped. Every day this week, there have been scenes like this. Police action, fuelling tempers on the street. The severity of the jail sentences for the cata la n of the jail sentences for the catalan leaders has caused real angen catalan leaders has caused real anger. But so too have police tactics, which the protesters see as heavy handed. Spains Prime Minister has warned those involved in any violence will face the full force of the law. There has now been a week of u nrest the law. There has now been a week of unrest with no sign of it ending. And catalan leaders say their hopes of independence are undimmed. And violence between police and drug gangs in mexico has left at least eight people dead. It began when authorities in the city of culiacan tried to capture the son of the jailed drug baronjoaquin el chapo guzman. Members of the Sinaloa Cartel fought gun battles with police, who eventually released el chapos son to stop the violence. The countrys defence minister admitted the entire operation had been badly planned. Thereve been a Record Number of arrests across the uk this week after a crackdown on so called county lines gangs thats organised criminals who supply drugs. More than 700 people have been arrested and police have seized more than £a00,000 worth of drugs, and over 150 weapons, including guns. The gangs sell drugs from cities to towns often miles away, and often use children to deliver them. Our Home Affairs Correspondent tom symondsjoined police in birmingham and worcester. Aston, birmingham. Police have flooded the area looking for the signs of county lines dealing drugs, money. Looking for cars previously identified as involved. There is intelligence on the vehicle linking to drug dealing in the local area. Suddenly, up ahead, a pursuit begins. When they find the suspects car, it has crashed into a gas main. Turn around, go the other way. We can hear it. The gas is escaping. They have to clear the street, but what about the suspect . Hes run out of the vehicle into that premises and slammed the door. Cue a helpful firefighter. But the suspect has disappeared. By his actions, weve had to evacuate the entire street, in the rain, small babies, mothers, the elderly. But the harm goes further. The dealers have created supply networks on rail and road and theyve recruited vulnerable young people to carry the drugs. Its called a county line not because of trains but because urban dealers set up mobile phone lines to sell drugs in rural areas like worcestershire. Its the county bit of county lines, its where the drugs are being taken and the police have told us that one drug dealer is making £4,000 a day selling cocaine down there. West Mercia Police make a move against suspected dealers being tracked by Neighbouring West Midlands Police from birmingham. Rural and urban forces working together. For the drugs gangs, county lines gives them a bigger market across the country. For the police, it means they have to coordinate their efforts, forces talking to forces, different types of units, uniformed and plain clothes, using technology, all has to work together. It means a big operation like this. We know more than we have ever known about the gangs and those people that get exploited, as part of county lines activity, because we have real close coordination now between different forces up and down the country. But there will be more of these coordinated operations. Because they get results. 169 weapons were found in this one week, including these. The county lines gangs deal in drugs and violence. And they seem to be here to stay. Tom symonds, bbc news. Theres a big weekend of rugby ahead at the world cup quarterfinals in japan. England take on australia, wales play france and ireland face new zealand. 0ur Sports Editor dan roan has been looking at their chances. Here in the south ofjapan the pressure is rising. The volcanic town of beppu, famous for its numerous hot springs, is where england have been preparing for a defining moment. Earlier they let off steam themselves here in nearby 0ita, where tomorrow they will play their first world cup knockout game for eight years. Straight through the middle. England go into the match on a six game winning streak against australia, but there are painful memories too, having been eliminated by them four years ago on home soil, and nothing is being taken for granted. We have the best eight teams now in the world playing four games, so we have worked four years to get here, we have done a lot of hard work, the players have been absolutely brilliant in terms of their preparation on and off the field, and we feel like we have prepared well for this game. But england arent the only home nation in action here in 0ita this weekend. Six nations champions wales are also in town and ahead of their quarterfinal against france on sunday. Plenty of time then for the welsh fans to make more friends in 0ita, having already tasted victory here earlier in the tournament. It is a huge game for us, there is no underestimating that. But we are confident. The welsh boys, what they have done in the past, they are not going to take france lightly, but it is a massive game and we cant wait for it. You are grand slam champions, you must be very confident of victory against the french. You never know how the french are going to turn up, do you . Weve got faith in the team. But its ireland who face the toughest challenge this weekend, taking on reigning champions new zealand in tokyo. But having beaten the all blacks twice in their last three encounters, the underdogs will believe they can reach the semifinals for the first time. The all blacks are always raising the bar and everyone else is chasing the bar and trying to get to the same height. I guess it is genuinely something we will find out on saturday. But the action starts here, 600 miles away where two world cup quarterfinals will provide a new attraction this weekend and with the losers going home the heat is on. Dan roan, bbc news, 0ita. Thats it. Now on bbc one, time for the news where you are. Have a very good night. Hello, im asad ahmad. Two weeks of demonstrations by Climate Change activists hello, and welcome to sportsday im gavin ramjaun. Crunch time at the Rugby World Cup, with england up first tomorrow morning in their quarter final against australia. Andy murray continues his impressive comeback to singles action with a win to make the semis of the european 0pen. And bulgarias football coach resigns Krasimir Balakov departs days after the racism storm, in their euro qualifier against england. Hello and welcome to sportsday, im gavin ramjaun. 0ne place to begin, thats with the build up to the Rugby World Cup quarterfinals. England havent played for two weeks, but now have a crunch encounter against australia. England have won the last six meetings between the teams. That match that gets the big weekend under way our Sports Editor dan roan reports. Welcome to this dome, a 40,000 seater capacity where england will ta ke seater capacity where england will take on australia in the world cup tomorrow. Earlier on we heard from ben youngs. Hes one of four members of this england squad who experienced the pain of crashing out in 2011 world cup against france in the quarterfinals. England of course also failed in the last world cup in 2015, and he made clearjust how much he wants to make up for those failings when he spoke to us earlier. Everyone involved in the quarterfinal its all this preparation. You wont go out there and accept whatever is being thrown your way. Youre going to fight right till the end, and weve got some bullies in this team who dont know when they are beat. And im sure that it goes without saying for any team thats participating this weekend, we will fight till the very end. Australia knocked england out of the 2015 world cup at twickenham. But since then, eddiejoness site has had a fine run of results against one of their arch rivals was up against one of their arch rivals was up six wins out of six, in fact, and they should be full of confidence going into this huge occasion. If england win it, it will be their first semifinal in 20 something yea rs. First semifinal in 20 something years. Earlier we spoke tojohn mitchell, englands assistant coach. This is how he sees the crucial factors in this big game against australia. A lot of these guys are extraordinary test players because they make good decisions. But ultimately in any test match, theres almost always additional pressure. And in the context of this fixture, there will be lots of pressure and good Decision Making under pressure. It will definitely be critical. But ultimately at the end of the day, its about us initiating pressure. So we will get a chance to create pressure as well. So really it all comes down to who has those big moments in those situations. And glenn have had an extended period of rest because their last match against the group stages in france were cooled off because of the typhoon here injapan england against france. Its been two

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