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Has had to say about that. Hong kongs Pro Democracy Movement delivered a landslide victory in local elections this weekend. Across hong kong, turnout was over 70 thats a record. Nearly three Million People voted, and they voted overwhelmingly for pro democracy candidates. Just have a look at this. This is the electoral map. The yellow shows us the electoral map. The yellow shows us the progress made by pro democracy politicians. They took 17 out of the 18 districts. Compare that to 2015, when all 18 were controlled by pro beijing groups. Weve also seen some of the territorys best known politicians defeated by young inexperienced pro democracy candidates. And of course, the context for all of this is that pro democracy anti beijing protests have been going on for over five months. And these results represent yet another blow to the authority of hong kongs chief executive carrie lam. Shes said. And while shes reflecting, the protests go on. Jonathon head is there. Today, Office Workers in the city centre used their lunch break to heckle a prominent pro government politician, who had to be hustled out by riot police. And then turned that into an impromptu protest, chanting the mantra of the movement which has thrown down an unprecedented challenge to chinese rule in this territory. Five demands, not one less. They still want full democracy and an independent enquiry into the violence of the past five months. The Hong Kong Government must have been hoping that after this election, perhaps the protests might die down. But the stunning opposition victory seems to have given the movement and its supporters new momentum. We know that beijing sees the restoration of law and order as the priority in hong kong. This is the view of one chinese official who was an interpreter for chinas former leader deng xiaoping. The task for hong kong is to promote greater democracy Going Forward by sticking with rule of law, not by damaging or destroying rule of law traditions in hong kong. Thats why its of paramount importance to put a stop to violence and chaos in hong kong, and lets Work Together to promote and create a democracy in hong kong. Thats the only right way for the future of hong kong promoting democracy by sticking to rule of law. To find out about the impact of these local elections in hong kong, ive been speaking to the bbcs laura westbrook. It is interesting to see local elections capture such worldwide attention, but i think when you look attention, but i think when you look at these elections, when you look at the record voter turnout, when you look at in all of these districts, these pro democracy candidates overwhelmingly defeating these various established pro beijing politicians. Youre seeing as they we re politicians. Youre seeing as they were still support behind the demands of the protesters and now there is a legitimate political mandate behind those demands. And thatis mandate behind those demands. And that is something that hong kongs leader can no longer ignore. Up until this point, the government had been saying there is this silent majority in hong kong and how it is very much more difficult to say that. And to what degree are the politicians have done very lacrosse that weekend connected to, say, the stu d e nts we that weekend connected to, say, the students we saw during that standoff campus last week . It will be interesting to see how these district councillors will work in the wider opposition camp in hong kong. Local district councillors, they dont really have a lot of political power. They deal with parking metres and bus routes and that kind of thing. But what they do is they make up a committee that lx hong kongs leader. They would have more of a say in that election, but i think looking at is more broadly, one of the key demands of the protesters is that they want direct election of leaders and that this 110w election of leaders and that this now gives weight to that key demand. And kerry lam says she is going to reflect. As she is reflecting combo will be in front of her . Up until now, the government has relied on the police to control these protests. Now i think the pressure is on her to come up with a different solution and change tactics. And the pressure is on for her to do that. She said she is going to listen to the protesters. We will have to wait and see because if she does not come up with a different tactic, she risks inflaming these protesters who now are kind of rejuvenated in their reinvigoration any protest movement. Hong kongs protesters say china is meddling with the freedoms they were promised when britain handed control of the territory to beijing in 1997, something china denies. To put hong kong in the context of mainland china, it is really very small. It has a population of roughly 7. 5 Million People. The nearest mainland city, shenzhen, just here on the border, has a population of roughly 12. 5 Million People. China as a whole has a population in excess of 1. 3 billion. And Chinese Media has been critical of hong kongs district elections. This is the front page of the global times, which says western interference in hong kong reaches a new low. This is a pro beijing newspaper in hong kong called wen wei po. It says there was chaos at polling stations and suggests that some people voting were underage or not allowed to vote. Lets bring in zhaoyin feng from pvc chinese, who is with us in washington. Good to speak to you. Pbc chinese. Explain more about how this is being a splinter chinese people. The Chinese Media did report on the elections but conveniently left out details they did not report on the pro democracy camp winning 60 of the vote, 90 of the seats, but the state media sagacity vote was rigged. They said voters were trying to disturb the order and voting stations, and they also point fingers at western forces at interfering in the elections. This includes a bbc interview with a former uk consulate staff and also australian medias part about the defective chinese spy. In the past month but we have seen Chinese Media report about the so called its how the majority in hong kong who would turn out on the election they devote down the protest. The Election Results show the absolute opposite and at the moment, it seems like state media still is coming with a new strategy to report on this. They have been quiet at the same time, brief and low key about it. Have been quiet at the same time, brief and lowkey about it. And we we re brief and lowkey about it. And we were talking to laura about options facing carrie lam. What are the options facing authorities in beijing about how they can play this crisis coachella so far, we have so so far, we have no official statement from beijing. Beijing is shook by the Election Results. Before the election, beijing has expressed absolute confidence in the hong kong leader carrie lam. Now, beijing might have new thoughts about it. And if the beijing and Hong Kong Government were to have meaningful responses to this very telling election result, for example to push forward reforms on the universal suffrage and also set up independent inquiries into the Police Actions during the protests, we might hopefully see a peaceful ending of the protests. But if beijing were to take the other way might you take the hardline approaches, and to ignore this election result, we might see a very dangerous trajectory. And if we see the same mindset within the radical protesters, violence might u nfortu nately return protesters, violence might unfortunately return to hong kong. Zhaoyin, thank you very much indeed. There is further coverage as well, if you have the relevant linguist get linguist skills, on pbc chinese. Michael bloomberg has officially launched his campaign to be president of the United States. He says hes a new choice for democrats. This was him about an hour ago. Iam running i am running for president to defeat donald trump, and to rebuild america. Michael bloomberg has political pedigree he was mayor of new york. But theres one reason beyond all others why people are taking him seriously its money. Forbes ranks him as the eighth richest person in the world. It estimates hes worth 54 billion. And hes spending a little of that on an advertising blitz over the next week. Hes already reserved 34 million worth of airtime for television commercials. Thats the most ever spent in a week by a president ial candidate. Heres a clip from one of the ads. Mike bloomberg started as a middle class kid who had to work his way through college and build a business from a single room to a global entity, creating tens of thousands of good paying jobs along the way. You can see already, that narrative ofa you can see already, that narrative of a self made man, already beginning to come through in those ads. Money buys ads but it also gives your rivals attack lines. I was going to show you a tweet there, from Bernie Sanders. It says, we dont believe billionaires have the right to buy elections. That is why multimillionaires like Michael Bloomberg are not going to be getting very far in this election. Though, of course, a billionaire lives in the white house at the moment. That can work for you in politics. Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren, another democratic frontrunner, has shared similar sentiments. The only way democrats can get a nominee is to go to the billionaires and Corporate Executives . But you could argue. Both Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are proposing wealth taxes. Michael bloomberg is exactly the type of person they would be targeting. Earlier this year, Mike Bloomberg expressed skepticism about a wealth tax though did promise tax rises on wealthier peoples income. Here he is defending his political spending. For years, ive been using my resources of the things that matter to me. I was lucky enough to build a successful company. It has been very successful company. It has been very successful and i have used all of it to impact to help america. I am committed to fight for gun safety, i am committed to fight for stopping Climate Change, which is a disaster for us. Michael bloomberg is positioning himself as a pragmatic centrist. And that means hell be competing for votes with another 77 year old would be president joe biden. Mr biden also has a centrist agenda and has consistently topped polls of the Democratic Candidates. Nada tawfik has been following Mike Bloombergs campaign launch. Its really interesting, because his Campaign Manager was basically sing at the moment, it looks like its in evitable that trump will win come 2020 if something is not changed right now. And they think that the current line up of Democratic Candidates are just not up to the job. Clearly what he is trained to pitch here is something that we heard from joe biden, the select ability argument that he is the one who could take on donald trump. And as we are there in his pitch, he things it is notjust his business resume and his time leading the nations largest city but also the fa ct nations largest city but also the fact that he has been such a philanthropist, using his wealth to give back to various causes, whether begun control, really trying to take on the nra by pouring a lot of money into a gun control initiative, even really upfront on Climate Change as one of the uns envoys on that issue and then again, you know, just really trying to court innate money into democratic races pour money into. Has helped in places like virginia, where he was speaking today. As you saw in one of the ads i was playing, Michael Bloomberg created his own business, bloomberg news. Its editor in chief has put out a memo, saying this there you have, a really significant journalistic player in the us opting out of investigating any of the candidates on one side of the political spectrum. The washington postjournalist Margaret Sullivan has criticised that move. They had lain in her latest column. Heres nada tawfik again. Its really interesting because these are many people putting out these are many people putting out the situation you get in when you have wealthy people owning news outlets like this. If you look back to when mayor Michael Bloomberg was leading new york, bloomberg had to have a similar kind of discussion about how they handled his mayor reality and covering it, and they had some of the assigned to city hall looking at his initiatives but really did not investigate him given he is the owner of the site. If we look forward, running a president ial campaign is very different. It affects much more thanjust campaign is very different. It affects much more than just the issues here in the city do, so many are kind of wondering how the paper is going to be effectively able to cover this campaign. And also be able to do stories on President Trump without looking like they are really going after trump and ignoring the democratic side of things. So really does put them in a tough situation. Just a quick question about the polling. Do we have any idea what voters make of the prospective Michael Bloomberg . At the moment, he is very low, around 1 nationally. Even though he does not have name or condition around the nation yet, and that is why youre seeing him commode videos introducing himself, he does have a long record people able to go back and look at. Seeing him introducing himself. Many people looking at his policies here as mayor, whether it be a stop and frisk policy many people saw as racist, stopping black and latino men, and basically a federal court board had been constitutional. Michael bloomberg, until he was about to announce, never really apologise for that policy. And people pointed out he was not in favour of paid sick leave, minimum wage, and all of us is going to come up. Thanks to nada tawfik. Thanks to nada tawfik. Stay with us on outside source. Still to come this is security footage of theives smashing their way in to a museum in germany. They made off with priceless jewels. Well have the latest. More than a Million Students are facing eight days of disruption after University Lecturers and support staff began strike over pay, pensions and working conditions. Unions say around 40,000 people walked out today. Universities say theyll do everything they can to minimise the impact. Lisa hampele was at one of the affected universities goldsmiths in south london. Thats one of 60 universities. About half of the universities are on strike. They are part of the union that has been in dispute for some time. Last year, there was a dispute over pensions. They have a Superannuation Pension and the employers wanted to change that, but they partially won that dispute and theyve maintained that pension. But theyve been asked to put in bigger contributions and are very unhappy about that. But the employers say theyre putting in an extra £250 million a year and that theyjust cant afford any more. This is 0utside source live from the bbc newsroom. 0ur lead story pro democracy candidates in hong kongs local elections have made unprecedented gain. Its being seen as a rebuke to the territorys pro beijing leadership. Lets ta ke lets take a look at some of the main stories from bbc world service. In argentina, two Roman Catholic priests have been sentenced to more than 40 years in prison for sexually abusing deaf children at a church school. The priests, along with a gardener, were found guilty of rape and abuse over 12 years up to 2013. The crimes shocked argentina, with many accusing the church of acting too slowly. Israel has deported an employee of human rights watch, accusing him of supporting a boycott of the country. 0mar shakir is the first human rights representative to be deported under a new israeli law. Human rights watch rejects the accusation and says israel is trying to suppress criticism of its policies towards the palestinians. Bbc arabic. Rescue teams have been working off the coast of romania to save more than 14,000 sheep trapped in a sinking cargo ship. All of the crew were rescued lets hope the same can soon be be said of the sheep. These pictures on bbc. Com. Lets learn about the biggest heist in modern german history. Its happened at the green vault which is one of the oldest museums in europe. This is what the museum looks. There were three unique collections of 18th century jewels not any more. Each collection contains about 40 pieces, including jewellery worn by european royalty. The museum is in dresden. This more detailed map highlights the votes in which the jewels were kept. We have also highlighted an electricity junction kept. We have also highlighted an electricityjunction box where firefighters were called at 5am in the morning. There is speculation that the fire disabled the museums alarm system and put out some of the street lights. This is the statement we have from the local police. Translation the culprits evidently got in through a window. They cut through the bars and then smashed the glass before they went straight to one glass cabinet, which they destroyed. They then left the building and disappeared. As youd imagine, the museum is closed while the investigation continues. In the last half an hour, weve received this cctv footage showing two suspects mnoving around inside the museum in the dark. Police say they are examining the footage closely and they say its likely more than two people were involved in the robbery. The collection at the green vault has been acquired over many centuries its of huge importance to saxonys history. Heres germanys interior minister. Translation its notjust about the material value but also the sentimental value, which is priceless for the state of saxony. As our state premier has sent him overnight, the whole saxony was stolen from this is an attack on the cultural identity of all saxons and the state of saxony. For more on how this robbery was carried out, heres Damien Mcguinness in berlin. They obviously knew what they were doing, they were very well prepared and inuit they were after as well. They did not look at any other objects. They went for these particular jewels and objects. They went for these particularjewels and they are very small, these jewels, but particularjewels and they are very small, thesejewels, but very valuable and very important culturally. They managed to get them quickly and then according to one or two eyewitnesses, there could have been a car waiting outside for them. They escaped quickly, another car was found burnt out not far away, so police are wondering or assuming that the suspects use multiple cars to make the getaway and, as we speak now, they are still on the run. Police are still looking for the thieves of that very valuable set of jewels. And why are those jewels so culturally important . Yeah, its interesting. On the one hand, they are very valuable in their own right, judge priceless. When asked about their price, experts said each individual jewel would about their price, experts said each individualjewel would potentially cost around about possibly up to 1 million. There are also three sets of jewels, which is million. There are also three sets ofjewels, which is apparently very real in the 18th century. It is jewellery worn by european monarchs in the 18th and 19th century. Historically very important because these are royal family that no longer exist. They are culturally very important because it shows the history of that region, of saxony, where dresden is. Time for outside source business. In a moment, well talk about the owner of Louis Vuitton buying tiffany. Authorities in australia have found a huge illegal waste dump in near adelaide. Its the fourth one near the city thats been discovered in the past 18 months. Katie silver reports. They found it in south australia, right by the countrys biggest river, which is why this is a dumb spot is particular problematic. And what they found there was 50,000 tonnes, a huge site of illegal waste being dumped there by 12 different ways transport companies. The way they found it was quite interesting. It was a full stump that they found in the the fourth illegal dump they found. They had heard rumours this existed. They found a truck, saw a truck where it should not have been, followed it, found the site and set up surveillance camera. And then, just in a few weeks, they found 120 trucks going to and coming from the site. What was dumped is not exec liquor but Authorities Say it could be something such as harmful chemicals or asbestos or glass, and their suggestions and has been happening for some time. While no charges have been laid as yet, people could face quite stiff penalties. Company could face fines up penalties. Company could face fines up to 70,000 us dollars. The shadow environment minister for the state, she says this potentially could cause, because we have seen two of which she says this could be making Illegal Dumping more common. Lvmh which owns brands including louis vitton is buying the us jeweller tiffany forjust over 16 billion. Samira hussain from new york. We talked about this a few weeks. It has now happened. Why are they calculating its worth all that money could yellow they believe this they believe they believe this could be a good entryway into the american market. There is no question tiffany is a very well known brand, that blue box that the gifts come in. Very well known. This would be a great way for lvmh to really get into, one, the jewellery market and, two, the american market. Tiffany for its part, it makes sense for them to wa nt to part, it makes sense for them to want to sell. They have been really having a tough time trying to attract younger shoppers. And then sort of making up for the fact that we are not seeing a lot of chinese buyers coming into their stores any more. And that has to do with the fa ct more. And that has to do with the fact that you see us dollar is strong, trade war, and of course just other sorts of issues that are really impacting these buyers. All at all, it sort of makes sense for both parties. With only got a minute, but im curious. I know tiffa ny minute, but im curious. I know tiffany is a big grin in the us public and we coloured a global brand . I would call it a fairly well known brand. It is sold in other places of the world and that is why lvmh wants to take it over. It wants to be able to bring it as pa rt it wants to be able to bring it as part of its umbrella of dozens of dozens part of its umbrella of dozens of d oze ns of part of its umbrella of dozens of dozens of luxury items. All right, samira. That is samira life for us in new york. After the break, well be live with chris mason to talk about the latest in the Election Campaign. The tory ma nifesto. In the Election Campaign. The tory manifesto. Labour has been talking about housing. Bring you up to date on all of it. Hello there. Here in the uk, we knowjust how wet the autumns been. Its been record breaking for some of us and weve seen severe flooding. But in that respect, were not alone. These are latest images coming out of parts of italy, with rivers bursting the banks in northern italy. Weve seen some significant Flooding Issues here and weve seen similar scenes to these, actually, in the south of france as well, with the latest batch of Severe Weather working in during the weekend with a nasty area of low pressure. That lows been spinning down towards the southeast of europe, bringing red weather warnings to greece during monday. Were not out of the woods just yet. There will be some severe thunderstorms working into the southeast of greece and more especially western and southern parts of turkey as we go to the next 24 hours, although, with time, those thunderstorms will become slightly less severe. There is still, i think, the risk of some localised Flooding Issues. Over towards the United States, weve got three areas of low pressure showing up on the satellite pictures at the moment. Each of these three has some fairly cold air on the northern flank. And if anything, over the next few days, that colder air will be sinking its way a little bit further southwards into the United States. So were talking about the risk of some heavy snow. Now, some of the heaviest snow over the last 24 hours has been across maine and new brunswick, into eastern canada. Looking at the forecast tuesday, snows going to get much heavier across the high ground in colorado, into nebraska and wyoming as well. All of these cities having some cold air and the risk of snowy weather over the next few days. And then what catches my eye more to the west of the United States is a very deep area of low pressure arriving late in the day. This bringing some mountain snow, yes, but also some very strong winds from Northern California and oregon as well. The satellite picture across east africa shows extensive shower clouds. Now, i know over recent days, weve had reports of flooding and landslides in kenya. I think we could see more of the same building in over the next few days for kenya and somalia, because rain is going to be extensive and, if anything, its going to get heavier later on in the week. And its partly driven by unusually warm waters in the western indian ocean. Now, this area of low pressure to the west of europe has the remnants of Tropical Storm sebastian tied in with it. Its going to be bringing some strong winds to ireland to the northwest of spain, where we could get gusts of around 100 120 kph, 60 70 miles an hour, and then into northern and western parts of france. Now, as that area of low pressure continues to make inroads in across europe, what happens behind that is we get a surge of colder air moving in notjust across the United Kingdom but moving into the heart of europe as well. So later on in the week, we will all feel a chill. Before we get there, though, weather wise for us on tuesday, its another day of cloud and rain. But this time, also with some stronger winds affecting wales and southwest england. Thats your weather. Hello, im ros atkins, this is outside source. Pro democracy candidates in hong kongs local elections have made significant gains its being seen as a rejection of the citys beijing backed government. This is the moment thieves smashed their way into one of europes largest and most important jewellery collections and stole them from a museum in dresden. The conservatives released their election manifesto over the weekend were going to look at some of their promises and look at what else happened on the campaign trail today. And uber is going to have to go to court to get a new operating licence in london. Well look a the safety issues raised by the authorities and the firms response. Weve had a day to digest the conservative partys election manifesto. bbclaurak a document to try to keep out of trouble. And this cartoon in the sun sums up the reaction. You can see the word caution written on the front of the manifesto. One of the reasons the conservatives are being cautious is the polls suggest its theirs to lose. Here is the bbc polltracker effectively a poll of polls the conservatives lead labour by more than 10 points. Came together around june. All very close, but as we gone through the autumn things have spread out. Conservatives opening up the gap, labour making gains in the last few weeks and the lib dems and the brexit party being squeeze. Heres the message from borisjohnson. It is going to be a close fight vote. Be in no doubt about it, we are fighting for every single vote and i think the chances, you know, obviously we have got a good chance, but we have to work very, very hard. The conservatives are trying to avoid a repeat of 2017, when a big poll lead disappeared by election day. Back then, their manifesto included a plan to make people pay for the full costs of care at home if they had assets of more than £100,000 it got labelled the dementia tax and had to be scrapped. This time the language is much more vague. We will build a Cross Party Consensus to bring forward an answer that solves the problem. Which frankly could mean almost anything. The tories are bolder on nurses theyve promised to add 50,000 more to the workforce. Although its not as simple as that as well explain. First, heres the Health Secretary matt hancock. 50,000 more nurses compared to the number of nurses today, there are just over 280,000 nurses in the nhs today, i want to see that figure go up today, i want to see that figure go up to 330,000. But that 50,000 figure involves retaining thousands of nursing assistants who already work for the nhs. Heres bbc Health Editor hugh pym. It does hang quite a lot on whether you can retain a certain number, i think 18,000 being retained or otherwise but have left. It is a big ask to recruit a certain number from overseas, at a time when that is not necessarily straightforward. Labour has been out selling its housing policy today. Its promising that private rents cant go up my more than inflation. Landlords will also be fined for letting out sub standard property. The Residential Landlords Association has expressed concerns. Its policy director says to place such burdens on the majority of good landlords would lead to a serious rental housing crisis. But this is the message from the labour leader. There are many landlords who are actually very good, they keep their places decent, due to their tenants well. They have nothing to fear whatsoever. It is only those that do not look after the properties properly, charge too much on rent and do not treat their tenants correctly. Weve also heard from tony blair he says hell vote labour that a former labour Prime Minister even needs to say so gives you an idea of how fractured uk politics is. But he doesnt want a labour majority government. The truth is that the public and not convinced either party. They both pose a risk it would be unwise for the country to take. Tonight, Nicola Sturgeon, the leader of the scottish nationalist party, has been telling the Bbcs Andrew Neil about who her party would side with in the event of a Hung Parliament. I dont want a Boris Johnson government, a Jeremy Corbyn led government wouldnt be my first preference, iwould rather scotland did not have to choose between the devil and the deep blue sea. But there is no other way, really, is there . Well, look, if there is a Hung Parliament and the snp hold the balance of power, absolutely right we have to choose and im telling you which way we would look. And i have made very clear and want to stop brexit, but i also want scotlands future to be in scotlands hands, which is why i would expect Jeremy Corbyn and minority Labour Government to respect the right of the people of scotland to choose their own future. Rates, let us get some help on this. Crisis live from westminster. Responding to that injury and renewal, what did you make of Nicola Sturgeon . You know an Election Campaign is really getting going when you get to the andrew neil interview is weak. This is the start of that, but the injury is out there with Nicola Sturgeon, neckJeremy Corbyn the labour leader to set opposite andrew tomorrow. Plenty of other leaders to follow after that. Lots of scrutiny around the short term and what Nicola Sturgeon and the snp, the third Biggest Party in the last parliament, quite likely to be the third Biggest Party again, what they would do if there is a balance, Hung Parliament, where they held the balance of power. Not of scrutiny as well about the practicalities of another Scottish Independence referendum and the practicalities of an independent scotland. Whether for and since practicalities of an independent scotland. Whetherfor and since it would retain the pound, the uks currency. So, plenty of scrutiny for Nicola Sturgeon, plenty of skirt new for the others to follow. Help me out on labour. They announce their ma nifesto out on labour. They announce their manifesto and almost everyday since they have announced some additional policies, too. Is this part of a strategy . It has certainly provoked some criticism from the conservatives. They are making the charge the conservatives, given that apology by referring to a little earlier. Labour were panicking, coming up with policy that was not on their manifesto. Certainly seems to be an essence of that and the announcement that they made yesterday about pensions and helping those women who were born in the 19505 those women who were born in the 1950s who missed out, some of them significantly so, by a revision to the pension age that kicked in a couple of years ago. What they had incited a that there is stuff about the Housing Market and in particular the Housing Market and in particular the private rented sector, stuff that has touched upon byJeremy Corbyn before and does feature in the manifesto. What we are in tune outside stage in the campaign which is in contrast with a week ago, were sometimes the parties did not have a great to say about themselves and wa nted great to say about themselves and wanted to knock their opponents, because they were waiting for their big manifesto once to set up their own style. Now you get so that the stretch out of nowhere or they start coming up with bits of their ma nifesto coming up with bits of their manifesto that may not have been widely read yet. Bits of repetitions are ticking in at the stage, is party start hammering home what they hope is that court message. Conscious that most of the electric missed most of what they do most of the title stopped lastly, the conservatives by Common Consent this is not a manifesto backed by details is not a manifesto backed by details is that because they want to emphasise brexit . It is exactly that. On the one hand people aside look, this is a safety first ma nifesto. Look, this is a safety first manifesto. Health and safety is their concern, because as you were reflecting a few minutes ago, they do not want to do anything that would be seen to be risky. Given that they are looking at pulleys and hoping it might transition overall majority. It is worth emphasising that their keeper position is big. That is taking the uk out of the European Union and organising a new economic relationship with our nearest neighbours and that is a big thing today. Yes, it might be something thats plenty which had been ago, but if they managed to deliver its that in itself would be a big step. , thank you very much indeed. Whatever you think of him, borisjohnson certainly indeed. Whatever you think of him, Boris Johnson certainly cannot indeed. Whatever you think of him, borisjohnson certainly cannot be accused of shying away of taking risks. Let us carry on talking about politics but through the eyes of this man. Tim berners lee, inventor of the world wide web, says the conservative party has have been spreading misinformation durign this uk Election Campaign. Thats a response referring to the conservative press Office Twitter account, which changed from this. To this during a debate between Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn last week it made itself look like a neutral Fact Checking organisation when its nothing of the sort. Heres Tim Berners Lee talking to the bbc. That was very blazen, i think they got called out for it. So, Something Like that, you know, that was impersonation. Do not do that. Sir tim made those comments today but the Prime Minister was asked about the controversy around twitter account yesterday, by rowena mason from the guardian. The twitter sphere is not really my, my province, but what i can say is that i am informed that labour have some sort of operation which is very similar to this. What, you know, i have not followed this twitter stuff with perhaps the attention that you would like. Nadia khomami is also from the guardian, things mentioned by Boris Johnson when rowenamason asks him about cchq rebranding no apology. And conservative party hasnt responded to sir tims criticism. Previously, its insisted that it was very clear the twitter account belonged to the party which is only true if you know what cchq stands. For those of you who dont, it mightve been difficult to work out. More broadly Tim Berners Lee has been issuing warnings about the internet. Heres more from him on that. A contract for the web in the way is a set of principles and it is a direction to move, it does not mean we expose people immediately to com pletely we expose people immediately to completely change. Lots of people will take along time, obviously bring in regulations will take along time and government will take a lot time and government will take a lot time in bringing in new policies. Sir tims contract sets out nine principles, which you can read online. They include making the internet freely available and affordable, and respecting consumers privacy and their data. A huge array of organisations have signed up, microsoft, twitter, facebook, the less goes on and on. They say they are committed to making the online world safe and empowering for everyone. An ambitious idea, lots of people would question if it is realistic. This is an idealistic call. The problem is that what he has really fleshed out over the 80 or so organisations he has been working with is a set of principles and guidelines. There was a great and they are guess for and they have outlawed supply, but they are not enforceable. So, law and regulation are what really enforcea ble. Stay with us on outside source still to come. Levels of Greenhouse Gases in the atmosphere reach another record high and theres no sign of a slowdown. A man charged in connection with the deaths of 39 vietnamese people found in a lorry container in essex last month has pleaded guilty to conspiracy to assist illegal immigration. Maurice robinson, whos twenty five and from Northern Ireland, is also facing manslaughter charges. Our home affairs correspondent, daniel sandford, has the details. It was on the 23rd of october that police were called to an Industrial Park in grays, in essex. After 39 people had been found dead in the back of a sealed lorry trailer. This morning, mo robinson, the 25 year old lorry driver from Northern Ireland arrested at the time, appeared by video link at the old bailey and pleaded guilty to conspiring with others to assist illegal immigration. He was not at this stage asked to enter pleas to the 39 charges of manslaughter he faces, nor to one of people trafficking or one of money laundering. Of the 39 people found dead in the lorry, eight were female, ten were teenagers, two of them a 15 year old boys. They all came from vietnam and leave behind grieving families. Sealed inside an unaccompanied lorry trailer, they had crossed the English Channel on this cargo ferry, the clementine. And arrived at a port on the river thames just east of london. The trailer has been dropped off 12 hours earlier by this lorry cab. Eamon harrison, also from Northern Ireland, is accused of being the driver on the belgium side and is fighting extradition from dublin. With the investigation into the lorry deaths still continuing, a third man from Northern Ireland, 23 year old christopher kennedy, appeared in court in chelmsford today, charged with people trafficking and assisting illegal immigration. This is outside source live from the bbc newsroom. Our lead story is . Pro democracy candidates in hong kongs local elections have made unprecedented gains its being seen as a rebuke to the territorys pro beijing leadership. The increasing level of Carbon Dioxide in our atmosphere is a major driver of Climate Change and its reached another record high. This is a new report from the World Meteorological organization. It says concentrations of Carbon Dioxide reached close to 408 parts per million in 2018. Thats up from 405 in 2017. Other gases that cause warming such as methane and nitrous oxide have also surged. Justin rowlatt, bbc chief environment correspondent. Concentrations of Carbon Dioxide have risen since the beginning of the industrial revolution, so it is no surprise to say they are still going up. What is surprising is the rate of increase and concentration is actually accelerating. Remember, all around the world people have expressed their concern about Climate Change was not nation sabitzer enable do something and figures are telling us up at every they are doing, it is not working. But surely the goal is to slow the speed of the increase . No, des accelerating. It is getting worse. In terms of what is driving that, kami pinpoints things . in terms of what is driving that, kami pinpoints things . I mean, we are increasing the activities that produce Carbon Dioxide. So, everything that we do has a carbon consequence. Driving, flying, you know, the baby heat and power our homes. The things we used to seal the cement that we build our homes, they all have a carbon consequence. We are doing more of that and it is having an effect on the environment in terms of these increasing concentrations that we are seeing. Perhaps people were not hoping for a decrease in the speed of increase by the stage, they were hoping for changes a little bit further down the track . We are. What is building isa the track . We are. What is building is a kind of slowdown and they begin to reverse the trend of emissions. The beginning of a reduction. It was not expected immediately. I think people would have hoped it would begin to see at least a slowdown in the rate of growth, as i said we are not so much. In that sense, it is disappointing. We have a big conference beginning next began to madrid, it is one of the opportunities for the world to get together. It was going to be in chile, now in madrid. World leaders from all across the world to be going to that and they coopers it will be an opportunity to people around this issue and drive up ambition in the sense of driving down, making deeper cuts in emissions. The bbc has a new series of reports called climate defenders. Its focusing on companies that are taking steps to reduce their carbon emissions. The report im about to play you looks at cement its production releases huge amounts of co2. And as the world urbanises, demand for cement is rapidly increasing. Rajini vaidyanathan has been to ariyalore in india to meet the boss of one cement Company Whose emissions are 40 below the global average. Here it is. As india grows, so too does its use of cement. Now only second to china. Concrete buildings are changing the landscape here, but emissions involved in cement production are also pushing up global temperatures. This small town in india south is nicknamed cement city, because it is home of some of the industrys big players. It is also here that one company is leading the world with a bold vision. To make cement carbon negative by 2040. But is that really credible . Yes, cement would be. The ceo of the cement company certainly think so. He is at the forefront of using Climate Friendly ways to make cement. The challenge which we took was is it possible to bring down c02 emissions from the cement and to create an example that cement can be green also . You know, you will be very happy to know that today we have the worst carbon footprints and global cement world. The lowest carbon footprints. It has not been easy. Emissions from the cement industry contribute to global warming, three orfour times more than aviation does. Becoming carbon negative requires a Huge Investment in cutting edge technology, to remove the remaining Carbon Dioxide. So, why is cement so dangerous to the planet . Well, it is all in the way it is produced. Limestone and other materials are heated to temperatures of 1400 celsius, that process in itself emits Carbon Dioxide. As does the burning of the field to heat the count. Burning of the field to heat the kiln. This company aims to be just as levels first by using Renewable Fuels to heat the furnaces. Here bamboo is being used as a placement for coal. Bamboo grows rapidly and wasteland that cannot be used for much else. Different types of waste are also being used as feel. Waste material from power stations is added to the mix of ingredients, reducing the need for limestone. But why notjust use less cement . The problem is it is very difficult to replace. Even environmentalists concede. In the years come india is going to rely more on cement, but then the notion has to change. I do not think it is practical, but in the longer run we can do it. We cannot eliminate cement completely. But we can find many alternative materials. Cement has now become one of the worlds most consumed materials. But many people are still unaware of the damage it is doing to the climate. It is still a big polluter, but this plant in a small corner of india may be showing the way to reduce that and one day eliminating its damage. Uber has lost its license to operate in london. The Authorities Say its not fit and proper to hold one. Bear in mind back in 2017, uber first lost its license, but was given a 15 month extension to address safety concerns. Evidently, its not done enough on that. So now, the 45,000 uber drivers in london. And the 3. 5 million londoners who use their service must wait. Uber has appealed and it continues to operate while that is heard. Heres londons mayor, sadiq khan. Ive been quite clear that i want innovation in london. I want us to be a hotbed for innovation, i want new technologies to come to our city, but youve got to abide by the rules. I dont care how big you are, i dont care how many people you employ in your pr team, how many lawyers you employ, abide by the rules whether youre a Small Business or a big business. Uber says it has audited every driver in london over the last two months and strengthened its regulations. Ubers boss has tweeted we understand were held to a high bar, as we should be. In london, the Authorities Say they identified a pattern of failures. Heres theo leggett. Tfl says it is mythological, but also there are some pretty serious failings here. For example, a system that allowed people who are not authorised to drive to upload their photos to bird drivers profiles and allow them to pose as licensed drivers. It says that in 14,000 cases, 14,000 trips, people were being carried by non licensed drivers. So, they were not insured, their safety was potentially at risk. Our transport correspondent tom burridge sat down with Jamie Heywood from uber. 43 drivers who had come on the app and had exploited a vulnerability that allowed them to swap their photo with a friend, and then for the friend to drive on uber. So, we notified tfl immediately, we then implemented a technical fix that closely vulnerability that existed in the first place, and then we did a complete audit of every single driver in london. I am comfortable that the issue that we had back then that the issue that we had back then that was exploited by these 42 drivers could not come up again. This decision could have ramifications elsewhere. Its already faced questions about driver conditions and passenger safety elsewhere. This map shows where uber has already been banned or partially banned across europe including in denmark, germany, france, portugal, italy, hungary, romania and bulgaria. And this decision may impact on licenses in the us, too. Heres theo again. They are a big player and other they are present outside the world, there are present outside the world, there are some markets that are not in any more, uber is a household name around the globe. London is one of five cities that together make up 2596 five cities that together make up 25 of its operations. So, this is extremely significant. You just have to look at what is happening in the United States earlier this year, what happened in india couple of months ago, where drivers are protesting because they say for example they are being exploited. It is something that oprah denies, but it has a new business model, different model, which it has in building up overthe different model, which it has in building up over the last few years, but regulators have not been able to keep up. Something that uber denies. It is banned in by gary and hungary for example. In turkey it had to pillar one of its services, because it was getting into trouble but various 305. Because it was getting into trouble but various 30s. Wright we will see you tomorrow at the usual time. Hello. It looks likely that well close out the month of november as we began with low pressure in control and rain around for many. It will be quite mild, on a positive side, but the indication is, as we start december, something a bit brighter, colder and perhaps a little more seasonal is expected. Before that, this area of low pressure will bring some wet and windy weather in from the southwest, with gusts of wind in excess of 40 to 50mph, a spell of wet weather driving its way northwards into Northern Ireland, parking itself across scottish borders, then behind, another spell of wet weather moving into the southeast by the end of the afternoon. Its a blustery day for all, but particularly windy on those exposed west facing coasts. Top temperatures still staying on the mild side, double digits quite widely across the country, 10 to 14 celsius the highs. That low pressure is going to drift its way steadily eastwards and we are still going to see plenty of tightly packed isoba rs on the southern flank of that low, which means Gale Force Gusts of wind for a time across channel facing coasts, and some persistent rain. At the same time, across Eastern England and the scottish borders, more wet weather to come on wednesday, so this could have an impact. Youll need to keep abreast of the forecast over the next few days. Highs of 9 to 12 degrees on wednesday. ,so as we move out of wednesday and that low pressure is going to drift its way off into the near continent, the isobars then start to swing round and the winds change direction to more of a northerly, so things are going to turn noticeably colder as we move through thursday. The rain will ease away. There will be a trail of cloud behind and a few scattered showers into the southwest. Here we see 10 to 12 degrees, but something colder up into the far northeast, aberdeen only seeing highs of 6 celsius. Its this colder air thats going to gradually push its way south right across the country as a northerly wind kicks in by the end of the working week, so as we move into friday, that northerly wind could trigger a few sharp showers running down north sea coasts, making it feel rather cool, but elsewhere, its a quieter story. Itll be dry, there should be some sunshine coming through, but those temperatures really quite subdued 5 to 7 degrees quite widely, maybe 10 celsius into the southwest. Then overnight on friday, with those clear skies, itll lead to a widespread hard frost first thing on saturday morning, temperatures below freezing in many places. There could also be some freezing fog around first thing on saturday morning. So a murky start to saturday, but a largely fine and dry one for many, with good sunshine coming through. Towards the end of the day, theres an area of low pressure pushing in. As that bumps into cold air, well need to keep abreast of that across parts of wales and maybe southern england as we go through the night. There could be a spell, dare i say it, of some snow for 1st december. That will ease away quite quickly off into the near continent, and High Pressure is set to build. We still keep that northerly flow, it still stays on the cold side, but the High Pressure will keep things quiet for the beginning of december. So as we move into the six to ten day period, hopefully that high will continue to keep things quiet, but at the same time, its also going to keep things relatively cold so early december at the moment looks mostly dry, cold days leading to some frosty nights ahead. Thats it. Take care. Tonight at ten, levels of Greenhouse Gases break new records, as experts express their fears for the future of the planet. Since 1990, theres been an increase of 43 in the warming effect on the climate of a range of Greenhouse Gases. Last years increase in emissions was bigger than the previous 12 months, and higher than the average of the past decade. The critical period is now. And the Climate Change well see and the decisions that we make will last notjust for decades, not even centuries, but potentially longer than that. Well look at the latest figures, amid criticism that the worlds nations are simply not delivering on the promises theyve made. Also tonight. After 39 migrants bodies were found in a lorry container in essex, a man pleads guilty to plotting to assist illegal immigration

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